#Cellbit killed Bagi in cold blood
myminecraftstyff · 11 months
I love listening to Bad, Tina, and Tubbo's rant about the purgatory event because I feel like it parallels what Charlie said day one. I don't remember word for word but he said something along the lines of, one day you'll see what this place is really taking from you maybe not today maybe not tomorrow but one day you'll see and then come and find us. Because he was right the whole time. On day one red learned what this event was it was getting your teeth kicked in no holds bar, friendships abandoned at the blink of an eye and a chance for blood shed. No one wanted to talk or negotiate day one for red so they changed. Anyone approaching is a threat to be eliminated they don't travel alone they are in constant communication because they learned the hard way how bad it can be. Red team has been willing to be whatever they had to be for the event from unhinged barking gas mask wearing murders to homeless drifters begging to spared because they have nothing. They have adapted to survive purgatory in their own way and it's working. Even if they don't really think it will.
Now I feel like blue and green are learning that in a different way by having their hard work and grinding mean absolutely nothing. They are working hard playing by the rules of purgatory, and they're losing! That's the point! This place sucks it hates you it isn't fair because it's not supposed to be. Red team is leaning on each other because it's the thing keeping them somewhat sane and alive. I personally can't wait to see Blue become more vicious and cruel because they've had two wins stolen or Green pull together to have a come back after being third twice now. They have to adapt to purgatory and when they likely will soon and when they do it will drive red to do worse and worse things to stay sane and the cycle will continue. Purgatory is about breaking you. Breaking your morals and friendships and hopes.
The rules are unfair because they want you to be unfair. Purgatory is hell and to survive it, to win it you have to be willing to be cruel or callouse or even cowardly. I entire point of the purgatory event is that everyone is supposed to come out having done something terrible, or they come out feeling like they didn't do all they could to save their children so there is no win. You either cross that line or accept that you are forfeiting your kids life. From a narrative stand point it is a great idea because it's shaking up the hornets nest and severing relationships once thought to be rock solid. *cough* Eitole, Fit, and Phil *cough* I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore I just think Purgatory was such a neat idea and makes for such an interesting rp senerio where role-playing is nearly impossible due to nature of the event.
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becauseplot · 5 months
The Oldest Story
woe, ordem paranormal au enigma twins angst be upon ye. this is a drabble that came to me as i was falling asleep last night and i've cleaned it up. might still make edits to this throughout the day but who knows. spoilers for my fic Relative, and tw for angst and character death.
qsmp x ordem au created by me and @factorialsotherfandoms. yknow. just for the funnies.
Bagi was born just three minutes before Cellbit. There were three minutes in her life where she existed without him in the world. Even when their parents died and they were separated, she held onto the notion that he was still out there, living, like a good luck charm tucked in her pocket. As she got older and her life smoothed out, she… No, never started to believe him dead, but in the few efforts she made to reach out, to track him down, the paper trails always ran cold. She had waited too long. She had lost her chance. She was forced to accept the fact that she would live the rest of her life with nothing of her twin brother but that good luck charm tucked in her pocket and that quiet sense of reaching in her chest. Besides—she learned that there were plenty of other horrible things in this world that were worth her worry.
The fact that they did find their way back to each other probably should have meant something. She at first thought it cruel (she had already dedicated her life to the Order at this point, she didn’t expect to reach the age of thirty, and now she finds him?) but also kind, in a way: they could try to make something, with the time she had left. 
In the end, though, it was just cruel. He got dragged into this deadly game despite her best efforts. (It was going to happen either way, she knew, but God. God.) They weren’t perfect, and she abandoned him and he abandoned her when they most need each other but they always found their way back, no matter the rift. They always fell back into each other’s orbit, stretching themselves across the caverns, reaching, reaching, fingertips brushing, I’m here, I’m here, twin star, twin stem, twin blood, my twin, I’m here.
…The creature, though killed, has left them both a bloody mess on the floor. Ten feet between them. They crawl. Red trails behind them, sand slipping through the hourglass. Cellbit’s body gives out when he’s just inches from her but Bagi manages to close the distance anyway, grabbing his outstretched arm (reaching... reaching…) and dragging the two of them together. She pulls him into her bloody arms, matching death-rattles in their lungs, and cradles his face. He looks especially thin with how pale he is. He hasn’t been eating enough. Neither of them have. She holds him and looks into his eyes until they’re nothing but balls of glass sitting in his head. His chest has fallen still.
Six minutes. There is a total of six terrible minutes in Bagi’s life where she is without her twin brother. The only mercy granted her is that it is six minutes and not a second more. 
“Someone has to leave first. This is a very old story. There is no other version of this story.”
– Richard Siken, War of the Foxes
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