#Ch 228
sunflowercider · 4 months
GASP. Agent 3 appeared....... -fans self-
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 7 months
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every-chopper · 9 months
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chowpan · 1 year
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shizukais · 2 years
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
so... what do y’all think? was Hakari calling Megumi sea-urchin-head foreshadowing?
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“Sukuna is lame for using 10s” 
“No he isn’t, Gojo sucks!” 
“noooo but Sukuna stans real quiet this week” 
“we’re just waiting for Gojo to die” 
“it’s obvious that Gojo dying would be plot convenience” 
“yeah like every shonen battle ever isn’t about plot convenience.”
The only thing that matters is how much fun Sukuna is having!
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Naruto - CH 228
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Guys look no matter what happens Gojō will be perfectly fine and okay and safe and healthy and doing all the fun things he wants no matter what :)
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Naruto and Sasuke often uses 'Nazedaka' and 'Nandeka' in their monologue. Nazedaka= for some reason,without knowing why, somehow. nandeka = nazedaka have similar meanings.
We know that Naruto never wanted to give up. If we ask him 'why', there is always an answer for it.
He stabbed himself to open the wound, why? Because he doesn't want to run away and being afraid again.
He sympathize with Haku even though he killed his teammate Sasuke, why? Because he knows what loneliness is. He is also the one who taught him how far you will go to protect your precious person. He also understands him.
He never want to give up taking the tenth question in chunin exam, why? Because he doesn't want to run away.
He never want to give up fighting against Gaara, why? Because Sasuke acknowledged him and he wanted to protect Sasuke & Sakura.
He understand why gaara becomes a maniac, why? Because of loneliness, the hatred from others... And he is a Jinchūriki.
He never want to give up fighting against kabuto, why? Because he wanted to prove to Tsunade that he was worthy to hold the title of Hokage. By this, he can bring her back to Konoha and cure Sasuke and others.
He never wanted to give up fighting against pein, why? Because he wanted to protect the village. He wanted to end the cycle of hatred.
He never want to give up fighting against Obito, why? Because he wanted to end the fucking war.
But when it comes to Sasuke he doesn't know, why does he feel like that…? Why he didn't want to see him hurt...? why he doesn't want to give up on Sasuke? Why would he go to such lengths for him? He is unable to give a definite answer to all these. Because it's not that easy to say.
1. Naruto's inner monologue (In ch. 228) vote 1
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Raw: 何でか分かんねーけど...
Romaji: nande ka wakannē kedo...
Literal: I don't know why.... but...
Raw: オレは お前を... 大蛇丸なんかに 取られたくねーん だってばよ・・・
Romaji: ore wa omae o... Orochimaru nanka ni toraretakunē n datte-ba yo...
Literal: I don't want you... to be taken away by someone like Orochimaru!
[His words contain sooo much emotion.]
2. Vote2
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Raw: 「それ説明しろって言われてもオレも正直よく分かんねェーよそんなの... ただお前のそーゆー背負ってゴチャゴチャしてるとこ見てっと・・なんでか・・ ・・・オレが・・・痛てーんだ」
Romaji: sore setsumei shiro tte iwarete mo ore mo shōjiki yoku wakanne yo sonna no...tada omae no so you seotte gochagocha shiteru toko mite tto... nande ka ... ore ga... Itate nda
Literal: Even if you ask me to explain it.... I honestly don't properly understand... that kind of thing...It's just that.... When I see you carrying burden on your back... getting all messed up.... for some reason... ...I'm.... hurting...
(Sasuke's dialogue is much more poetic in Japanese. He sounds so incredibly vulnerable)
1. Sasuke's inner monologue (ch.698)
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Raw: 「...なぜだか気になるようになった」
Romaji: ...nazedaka ki ni naru yō ni natta
Literal: For some reason/without knowing why, somehow.... I became as anxious/worried and bothered about you (when you were in my mind).
means -> { I became (in such way [that] when you were in my mind) }
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Raw: それからのお前を見る度にど んどん気になるようになっていった
Romaji: sore kara no omae o miru tabi ni dondon ki ni naru yō ni natteitta
Literal: And then, steadily, every time I saw you, I became uneasy (when you were on my mind)....
• Kininaru
気 - ki exists in us. Spirit. It is the spirit principle that follows it within a person. Kininaru - that person is occupying our feeling, sensation, thoughts etc... Whatever it is that turning into our spirit.
-> Kininaru means to think about something unconsciously/subconsciously.
Kininaru means shinpaininaru 気になる -> 心配になる。 心配になる (shinpaininaru) means- someone is worried about something. It depends on the context how it use, it could be 1. I'm concerned about something/someone 2. I'm worried about something/someone 3. I'm interested in~ 4. I'm bothered about~ 5. I wonder~ 6. I'm curious about~ etc...
1 . Kininaru uses when you are curious about something or you want to know because you are curious about something/someone. It's like, that someone/something catching your attention and you becomes curious because you want to know so badly! 'You want to know more & more'! And using 気になっていた (kini natteitta) means "I've been curious about something/someone." It's not about 'you are curious about it now' but about 'you've been curious about it for a while.' Kininaru express about the feeling of yourself about what you feel about something.
2. I'm worried about -> "I can't help but worry about that X"- Worried about X (because X has an injury/illness or some other problems). If you say you're worried, it doesn't mean you're worried, it's that you're worried about 'that person'. Kininaru has more of a feeling of something that effects you. As like Naruto's worries become Sasuke's worries
3. Kininaru uses when you've romantic interest in someone or someone attracted you or someone catches your attention. "Oh, that person drew my attention" Or "something was interesting about this person". It often use なって- form to say 'you're interested in someone'. If you say that you're interested in someone (気になってるんだ - ki ni natteru nda), it means that you like him/her a little bit. And you want to know more about that person.
Note: Potential verb + "you ni naru" - to become/to become able to. kininaru - anxious/worried/bothered or to be on one's mind. Adding 'you ni naru' means "I couldn't do it before but I can now". So the potential verb + youninaru express or to shows the change.
So, 気になる has the meaning of 「心配になる-shinpaininaru」 (worrying/ bothering/anxious/curious/concerned...) and also the meaning of 「ちょっと好き- chotto suki」 a little liking ( in a romantic way) . It's a bit special. There are two meanings to this verb, so if you use this you need to pay attention to this.
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Raw: その時思った... お前の弱さがだんだんオレに染まってきたんだと
Romaji: sono toki omotta... omae no yowasa ga dandan ore ni somatte kitanda to
Literal: At that time I thought.... your weakness gradually came to taint me.
[[The other panel 'literal' is above, you can check]]
Note: The image of どんどん (dondon) means 'something is going very fast' or 'changing speed of the progress is very fast'. Dondon means rapidly/steadily/more & more/significantly. And whereas だんだん (dandan) means little by little/gradually. So both dondon & dandan are opposite because どんどん is faster than だんだん.
And in both cases Sasuke saying something like; "Seeing Naruto being scolded by the others and him suffering... made Sasuke worry more and more about Naruto. The thought of Naruto made him worry/anxious. He's feeling uneasy or being overly concerned about him".
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Raw: 「そしてなぜだか安心したんだ」
Romaji: soshite nazeda ka anshin shita nda
Literal: And then... without knowing why, somehow.... I felt relieved (because of you).
Note: Anshinshita + Nda, んだ (nda) is used at the end of sentences. んだ is a casual and preferred in speaking. んだ- One way in which it often does this is by emphasizing the feelings of the speaker. 安 (AN) which means "peace" Or "ease", 心 (shin, Kokoro) which means "heart" or "mind". 安心 as "relief" or "peace of mind". 安心 has the kanji for 'safe' and 'heart'. So it means "peace of mind your heart is at ease". 安心する means " I feel relieved." 安心 is a noun, and 安心する is a verb. If you want to say ``I felt relieved'' in the past tense, you should change the verb to be in the past tense 「安心した」. It more emotionally relieved.
And, Sasuke using anshin shita which means something like - 'only when you are there, I was always at peace/safe/relieved '. It has a meaning of 'That's a load off my mind ' or 'you found your safety or security when your burden was lifted ' Or 'being pleased/happy and satisfied (feeling content)'. So, it has more deeper meaning than just 'relief'. (It is a vague concept in Japanese with a wide range of meaning).
We can also see the same word used by Naruto himself in his monologue (VOTE 1)
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Raw: オレは... 最初自分と同じような 奴がいるって 分かって 安心したんだ!
Romaji: ore wa ... saisho jibun to onaji yōna yatsu ga iru tte wakatte anshin shita nda !
Literal: In the beginning... when I found out.... There was someone similar to me.... I felt relieved!
Also the same expression was shown in ch. 499 when Naruto heard his mother's word 'I love you'
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なんだろ = nandaro = (I wonder) what is this?
すっげー 安心する... = sugge anshin suru... = I feel so calm/ I feel so relieved...
すっげー うれしいっ!!! = sugge ureshi !!! = I feel so happy!!!
Naruto's reaction to kushina saying i love you was so precious. He was unaware of any of these types of emotions. He have never known what a mother's love is. He doesn't even know what his mother looks like or what her voice sounds like. He doesn't know how mother's scolding and mother's love feel. When Kushina says "I love you" to Naruto, it means that she has deep affection and care for her son and wants to express those feelings. It is a way of showing him that he is valued and appreciated. His mother's love... it gave Naruto a peace of mind that he had never felt before. It makes him soooo happy. Tender and unbreakable, gentle and strong, soft and loud bond between a mother and a son. And he felt all these for the first time.
A boy who is alone in life gets comfort from another boy without even have a conversation with him. Sasuke and Kushina were the two people who soothed his heart, made him happy, and comforted him.
Kid Naruto:
それに 嬉しかった。 ホントは すぐに話しかけ たかったんだ・・・
soreni ureshikatta. honto wa sugu ni hanashikaketakatta nda...
And besides, I felt happy. To tell the truth, I really wanted to talk to you right away.
Teen Naruto:
オレだって いつもお前が 一人なのは 知ってた
ore datte itsumo omae ga hitori nano wa shitteta
I always knew you were... alone
onaji yōna yatsu ga iru tte anshinshita ・・・
There was someone similar to me.... I was relieved/I felt relieved...
すぐに話しかけたかった・・・ なんだか嬉しくてよ!
sugu ni hanashikaketakatta... nandaka ureshikuteyo!
I immediately wanted to talk to you... Somehow/somewhat I felt happy!!
When characters are nervous or shy about talking to someone, they often put their hands behind their heads as if rubbing their head or neck. Here, Naruto making the same gesture. But he never made this kind of shy gesture to anyone else. Why is he shy? Because Naruto was confessing that he always wanted to be like Sasuke and he found him strong and cool. He complimenting sasuke's look in person.
If Sasuke and Naruto felt like they were just friends or brothers... this 'I don't know why, For someone reason,without knowing why' would never exist. Sasuke is someone who actually had a brother, and he knows what it's like to have a brother. Naruto literally acted like a big brother to Konohamaru and He was someone who found many friends because of his hardwork and he knew what it feels like. And yet they can't say it out loud "why they feel a certain way for each other"
Sasuke begins to worry about Naruto way before they become friends, before having a proper conversation with Naruto. Also, they are not even connected by blood. The way they feel each other's pain and the conversation they have in KSA, Vote2 and Sasuke's monologue is not the way you would talk to your friend or brother. It's because they clearly love each other.
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azulcrescent · 4 months
HI i'm like super inarticulate so this is going to sound like a mess but i read the entire "i want to be a cute anime girl" series that is up so far and i REALLY REALLY ENJOYED IT and had a lot of visceral positive emotional reactions to many of the panels that have renewed the confidence that has been briefly stolen from me by parental transphobia but IT WAS A REALLY FUN READ and i read all 349 pages + the extras in like 3 hours lmao because i am an insane little transfem.
ch. 228 i like that [i want to be a cute anime girl] is the metaphor for transfemininity for her. not just bc it's silly but because like, this is genuinely the way it happens for some people. she's not ready to call herself trans yet so she's just using what she knows, it's cool
ch. 262 transmasc vine boom
sorry for the egregiously long post but this comic made me very very happy and i am very happy it exists LMAO
Henlo, your ask was a joy to read with all the reactions to the different pages, so plz don't worry about being inarticulate! I'm really glad you like the comic, and thanks for sharing it in such an expressive and fun way to read! I wanted to portray the joy that comes with the trans experience so it makes me glad that i have been successful in that regard, thank you! Good luck with your journey!
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kusakabesimp · 3 months
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Source: kusakabesimp (from Ch 228) - did I mention they’re most definitely f**king?
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bunnyburials · 4 months
Sukuna and Kenjaku's Relationship
Diving into Sukuken's relationship - there’s plenty of mystery that surrounds the relationship between Sukuna and Kenjaku and I wanted to explore their interactions + some points of interest. 
First starting with some of the early moments between Sukuna and Kenjaku.
The first sort of interaction we get between both is Ch. 136, with Kenjaku calling out to Sukuna:
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The second interaction (which is also the first time we see Kenjaku and Sukuna talking face to face) happens a bit later when Sukuna takes over Megumi's body, in Ch. 216. There’s a lovely panel of Kenjaku inquiring about Sukuna’s interest in Yoruzu:   
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(Perhaps a bit like a jealous girlfriend, jk jk but I do love Kenjaku’s expression there haha.)
Next up, we have some of my absolute favorite interactions! From chapter 221 & 222:
1) Gojo's mommy comment and Gojo himself thinking that Sukuna and Kenjaku look to have a close relationship or at least a binding vow and 2) Ch. 222 reveals that Kenjaku stayed by Sukuna's side for a month, (since Gojo would have come after Kenjaku if he left Sukuna’s side for even an instant).
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And with that I want to segue into why their relationship is so intriguing to me.
First off - why does Sukuna /the/ king of curses, who does whatever he wants when he wants, tolerate so many of Kenjaku’s whims?
It doesn’t just stop with spending a month together, starting with the obvious:
Yuji  - a vessel that can keep Sukuna sealed and is said by Gojo to be a "once in a thousand years occurrence". Sukuna himself refers to Yuji as a cage. And yet despite Yuji being a prison and general nuisance to Sukuna, there’s not really any animosity directed at Kenjaku from Sukuna for creating Yuji.
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At most Sukuna comments that Kenjaku is always doing gross things [2] , but again, no negative feelings on Sukuna's part. (For Yuji on the other hand…)
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And that seems to be a recurring theme for them: Kenjaku involving Sukuna in his whims and Sukuna going along with it. This continues even after Kenjaku’s death, with him leaving the merger in the hands of Sukuna. Which, in my opinion, is also noteworthy because this is the culmination of at least several centuries of work from Kenjaku. His life’s work, if you will, that Kenjaku is entrusting to Sukuna.
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What does Sukuna gain from it? Or, what has Kenjaku done to earn a favor from Sukuna? You could say that there’s some sort of binding vow in place between them, like Gojo (and also what Yuji & Megumi theorize), however…
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Unlike other reincarnated sorcerers who needed to make a vow with Kenjaku in order to acquire a vessel/because they did not know how to turn themselves into cursed objects (like Uro), Angel states that Sukuna had already known how to split his soul into a cursed object, and then follows up in Ch. 228 by stating that Kenjaku was the one who taught Sukuna this and Sukuna only needed to see it once to replicate it.
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This method is what Sukuna has used to exist throughout the ages, so unlike other reincarnated sorcerers that needed Kenjaku’s help, Sukuna didn't need it and I highly doubt that Kenjaku teaching Sukuna one thing would be enough for him to put up with as much of Kenjaku’s plans as he does.
So what keeps Sukuna and Kenjaku working together in the current timeline and what has their past been like? (Even Kusukabe is wondering…) Can’t answer that, but what I can say is that it is again so intriguing to me to see just how much Sukuna takes in stride, when it comes to Kenjaku, who he has to have known at least for 1000 years. [3]
Before I close this out - I do want to add a couple of little tidbits that aren’t necessarily direct interactions between Sukuna and Kenjaku but that some might find to be of note:
Ch. 209 - Kenjaku accompanying Uruame to scout out the place for Sukuna's bath.
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Ch. 220 - Kenjaku bringing Tengen's mummified remains to Sukuna as a souvenir.
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Ch. 239 - Kenjaku talks about his requirements for friendship: 1) Never bore him. 2) Must be his equal. While the manga doesn't explicitly confirm if Sukuna fits in this category... I do want to ask, who can stand by the side of the  "evilest sorcerer in history" if not the "strongest sorcerer in history"?
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Ch. 206 - Kenjaku uses his domain by opening it and activating a technique without closing the barrier and in the following chapter Tengen states that it is an amazing feat and that Sukuna also used the same type of domain in Shibuya. (Battle Couple vibes anyone? lol... i wish... ;; w ;; )
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Alright and that’s a wrap! If anyone feels like there’s moments I might have missed or other connections they noticed between Sukuna and Kenjaku feel free to say!
[1] Very big thank you to @xluna-reclipse for looking over this and helping me make sure it made sense! <3
[2] I originally wrote this before Jin’s reveal so the specifics of what Sukuna is referring to aren’t added in the main text but I will add a note about it here: Kenjaku tracking down Sukuna’s twin soul and making a baby with said twin? Just what is going on with all that!
[3] Yuki theorizes Sukuna and Kenjaku have known each other for at least 1000 years and we know that Sukuna, Kenjaku and Tengen all know each other.
[4] This has been cross posted to my JJK twitter as well: https://x.com/sphenoidfeast/status/1797463887635448244?s=46&t=FKi8j4rxOlIqGltirgeySQ
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[5] Full list of chapters referenced:
Ch. 2 Ch. 119 Ch. 134 Ch.136 Ch. 145 Ch. 158 Ch. 176 Ch. 187 Ch. 206 Ch. 207 Ch. 213 Ch. 214 Ch. 215 Ch. 216 Ch. 220 Ch. 221 Ch. 222 Ch. 228 Ch. 239 Ch. 243 Ch. 248
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every-monkey-d-luffy · 7 months
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every-chopper · 9 months
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shizukais · 2 years
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Sneaky trick? Girl, you're talking with the great master of sneaky tricks!
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psychewritesbs · 1 year
This is the literal face I make every time I read posts on twitter about how the fact that Sukuna can’t win without 10 Shadows means he sucks or something like that because he hasn’t “earned” idk what.
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Like... that’s the whole point. That’s why he steals cursed techniques... so that he can use them and add them to his arsenal. He literally tells us as early as ch. 9 that he’s specifically interested in Megumi’s ct. 
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While he used 10 Shadows to kill Yorozu because it would traumatize Megumi to know his ct was used to kill Tsumiki’s body, to me, the fact he hadn’t used it against Gojo shows he takes him seriously.
This is not to mention that it pains me to say that Sukuna has done with 10 Shadows what Megumi still had yet to accomplish. 
Anyways, I totally do not understand half of what is going on in recent chapters, I just know it’s about domains and cursed techniques and breaking rules and amazing stuff. Fortunately people like @littleholmes​ are writing about it. 
Not sure if @linkspooky has written about it?
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