#Chaghan voice: do not talk to me about this ever again
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thekendallkathryn · 3 years
Some quotes that consume my current existence:
-    “Chaghan would have commanded like a demon. He would have achieved utter obedience from his underlings, but only because he would have taken away their free will. Chaghan would have shattered minds.”
-    “The white-haired Seer tilted his head to the sky, exposing long, jagged scars running down the sides of his pale neck. He uttered a harsh, cackling laugh.”
-   “The Seer took his hand. Brought it to his lips and kissed it.”
-   “Altan cursed under his breath. ‘Is he hurt? Where is he?’”
-   “Chaghan leaned forward. ‘If you ever speak about Altan like that again,’ he said pleasantly, ‘I will have you killed.’”
-   “‘Altan is more fragile than you think,’ said Chaghan.”
-   “She stood up and slammed her hands on the table. ‘Look, asshole, I don’t need you to tell me what to do.’
‘And yet, as your lieutenant, that is precisely my job.’ Chaghan glanced lazily up at her, and his expression was so smug that Rin trembled from the effort of not smashing his face into the table. ‘Your duty is to obey. My duty is to see that you stop fucking up. So I would suggest you get your shit together, learn to call the damn fire, and give Altan one less thing to worry about. Am I clear?’”
-   “‘They say he can do things that Speerlies can’t,’ Nezha said as they pressed on. ‘They say he can read the future. Shatter minds.’”
-   “‘But Altan was never allowed to be human,’ Chaghan said, and his voice was uncharacteristically gentle.”
-   “‘There are no shamans more powerful than me,’ said Chaghan.”
-   “‘Fine,’ he said to his lieutenant. ‘You were right.’
Chaghan hadn’t moved during the entire interrogation.
‘I’m rarely wrong,’ said Chaghan.”
-   “Chaghan and Qara may have been linked as anchor twins, but it was Altan whom Chaghan seemed bonded to.”
-   “Chaghan navigated the spirit world like he belonged there, as if he were a god himself. The Cike didn’t hesitate to talk back to Altan, but she had never seen any of them dare to so much as contradict Chaghan. Altan commanded their loyalty, but Chaghan enjoyed their fear.”
-   “Chaghan grasped Altan by the collar with both hands, pulling him down so that they were face-to-face. Altan was half a foot taller than Chaghan, could have snapped him in half with ease, and yet he did not lift a hand in defense.
Rin stared at them in disbelief. Nobody touched Altan like that.”
-   “‘I’m your Seer,’ Chaghan said. ‘I give you counsel, whether you want to hear it or not.’”
-   “‘You asked me why I wouldn’t stop him. Now you understand. You can’t stop an avenger. You can’t reason with a madman. You think I am running, and I admit to you that I am afraid. I am afraid of what he might do in his quest for vengeance. And I am afraid he is right.’”
-   “‘Fuck,’ Ramsa said quietly. ‘Chaghan’s… someone’s going to have to tell Chaghan.’”
-   “Chaghan looked sideways at her. His expression was grim. ‘You are going to paint the world in Altan’s blood, aren’t you?’
‘I’m going to find and kill everyone responsible,’ said Rin. ‘You cannot stop me.’
Chaghan laughed a dry, cutting laugh. ‘Oh, I’m not going to stop you.’”
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