#Changeline Extract
author-a-holmes · 2 years
Find the Vibe Tag
Rules: find an excerpt from your WIP that fits a vibe.
My vibe is "I think I will cause problems on purpose"
Thank you for the tag @talesofsorrowandofruin <3
As soon as I saw this 'vibe' I knw exactly the scene I needed to share. I planned to do something from Darkling, but there's just this one moment in Changeling that's absolutly perfect.
"It's Mimi right?" Booker asked, turning around fully in his seat, and Lizzy felt her heart raise to settle in her throat anxiously.
She recognised his tone. The one that said he was irritated, but was refusing to show it. The overly friendly voice Booker liked to use when he wanted someone to let their guard down long enough for him to get revenge.
"Booker..." she warned quietly, but he ignored her.
"It's Mia."
"Ah, of course. My apologies. That privilege was only bestowed on Hunter Roche. I remember now."
"Booker," Lizzy hissed, trying to split her attention between Andric, who was shifting uncomfortably, and Mia, whose eyes were flashing with anger, her lips pressed tight, but Booker still didn't stop.
"So far this morning, Blake Allbrook and Kelsey Garrick have both approached us about sitting with you. May I suggest if you are that desperate for more friends, that you be a little more approachable?" he taunted. "Perhaps be a touch more open to people using your adorable little nickname?"
Tagging forward to; @minamoroz @faelanvance @ashen-crest @ettawritesnstudies @sleepyowlwrites and anyone else who see's this and wants to play (tag me so I see it!)
Your vibes are "I should not have said that".
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