#Find The Vibe
little-peril-stories · 2 months
Find the Vibe: "I told you so."
I miss this game and found a draft of a(n apparent) tag on the old sideblog. Thus, I am bringing back Find the Vibe. (Not that it's gone. I'm sure it's floating around somewhere lol.)
Unfortunately, at the time, I didn't say who tagged me or where the post was. I tried to do detective work on blogs that I thought were likely to have tagged me around April 2023, and uh, idk. Curse you, past Kate. And my sincerest apologies to whomever tagged me. MY SINCEREST APOLOGIES TO ELLI @i-can-even-burn-salad, who was the tagger...apparently I am a terrible detective and should NOT quit my day job.
So we're just jumping in.
Rules: Find an excerpt from a work of your choice that fits the assigned vibe.
My vibe: "I told you so."
Your vibe: "I failed you."
From The Queen of Lies, far in the future:
“I’ve listened to you quite enough,” he said. “I can already tell you’re concocting another scheme, and now you want my help. I tell you, I want no part of it. Didn’t your last grand plan send you straight to the hospital? I warned you all it wouldn’t go as you expected. I warned you it would end in disaster.”
Gently tagging (no pressure): @kaylinalexanderbooks, @i-can-even-burn-salad, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams,
@clairelsonao3, @pleasestaywithmedarling
@oh-no-another-idea, @actress4him + open tag ✨
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Yep. It literally sat in my drafts, on my old blog, for a year. 😅
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Find the Vibe
Thanks @little-peril-stories for the tag!
Rules: Find an excerpt from a work of your choice that fits the assigned vibe.
My vibe: "I failed you."
Your vibe: "I've been thinking."
Was torn about what scene to use but remembered it's based on vibes alone so here's Lexi and Ash after an argument --
From The Secret Portal Part One (Lexi POV)
“She reached out to me,” Ash continued. “I dunno how she figured out something was going on at home, but she did. And… because she kept talking to me and made me forget about all the drama at home…” she shrugged. “You didn’t know what was going on, and I didn’t feel like talking about it then. Shelby just… coaxed it outta me somehow. And then you got mad, and because I’d become so open with Shelby, she made me madder at you—” “About that,” I said, “I was a jerk. Even if that creepy thing did happen to me, I don’t remember it. I shouldn’t’ve been so against it.” “But you were right.” “The problem is that I was right! I acted like a selfish jerk… and I was right. I should feel better, right? I won, but it doesn’t feel like a win.” I sighed roughly. “Maybe we were both wrong.”
I'm tagging, softly, @elsie-writes @songsofsomnia @sleepywriter00 @mk-writes-stuff @winterandwords @dyrewrites @tabswrites + anyone who wants to hop on!
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites @nebula--nix + giving y'all an extra tag if you want :)
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dyrewrites · 11 days
Find the Vibe
From @kaylinalexanderbooks over here
Rules: Find an excerpt from a work of your choice that fits the assigned vibe.
I am tagging EVERYONE -- you specifically. Do eet.
Your vibe is: "I need you"
My vibe is: "I've been thinking"
And we're going a bit literal here, because I actually have those words in Before Deluca...so...
“Mm,” he gave me, tilting his head to present more skin for my attention, “we have an anniversaire we never properly celebrated what with all that cowering we were forced into.” Walking us to the desk, I asked through kisses along his collar, “Are you speaking of the night we met, or when you claimed me as yours alone?” “Both, naturally,” hopping onto the desk, he yanked me between his legs, slipping cold, firm hands down my back to grab and keep me close. Gasping for the sudden, sharp grip through my breeches, I bit my lip not to bite him, “Hm, and how are we to celebrate?” “I was thinking,” he whispered through lips along my collar, releasing my backside to take my waistcoat, “coffee and a coach.” “To London then, sogno mio?” Gasped again, my question. “Already underway, mon tresor,” he confessed, teasing my lips with sharp fangs, “but it will be hours till we dock, my warm thing.”
→Before Deluca Taglist<-
// feel free to ask to be added or removed ^.- //
@watermeezer @starbuds-and-rosedust @thespacelizard
@your-absent-father @mr-orion @cowboybrunch @olliexwrites
@rowanmgrey-author @the-golden-comet @wyked-ao3
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the-golden-comet · 11 days
✨Find the vibe tag✨
Thank you for this tag, @dyrewrites !
My vibe: “I need you”
From Peter Hart
“Should we change the course a bit, Captain?” Davey inquired.
“Nah, we’re still good on supplies….” The Captain’s eyes wandered to Benjamin, who was scrubbing on his hands and knees, facing away from the helm.
Davey scratched his beard. “…..we can get a better angle if we turn her about….20 degrees port….”
“Aye….” Peter became distracted as he stared at the prince’s booty, feeling a familiar heat percolate in his stomach. “….We’ll adjust sails….a-about 20 east…”
“East? ” Davey raised his eyebrows at the calculation. “Shouldn’t we be pointin’ her a bit west?”
“A-aye, sorry….twenty west….” He swallowed hard as Benjamin glanced up towards him and smiled coyly, tucking a loose hair behind his ear in shy flirtatiousness before resuming his cleaning. “….about….ten knots…”
“….Are you okay, lad?” Davey noticed the Captain was distracted from his steering. “Ya’ feelin’ well?”
“Aye, uh….actually….” Peter snapped out of his horny daze as he rubbed the back of his clammy neck. “….I’m feeling a bit dizzy….”
“I’ll say. Your face is flushed, m’boy.” Davey hummed low.
Peter smiled weakly as Georgie approached the helm, filling both his commanders in. “I’m gonna lie down for a bit….try to clear my head.”
“Alright.” Davey shrugged. “Get some rest, laddie.”
Captain Hart patted his first mate on the shoulder. Then, he waited until the two at the helm were in conversation before walking up to Benjamin and placing his hands on his own hips: “ Benji: ”
The prince flinched at the sudden startlement, not expecting his captain to be so close. Pausing what he was doing, Benji turned around and stood tall to face his commanding officer. “A-aye, Captain?”
“I’m gonna need you to join me in the captain’s quarters….” The Golden’s face dropped to a gentle frown. “ ….Now. ”
“U-uh….” The noble tried to read Peter’s expression. He looked a bit stern….angry, maybe?…..or…..perhaps it was concern? Lowering his voice to a whisper, Benji stammered up: “….A-am I in trouble?”
Peter shrugged. “Depends on how you look at it, really.”
”Um….!!” Benjamin fidgeted with his hands. “…..A-are you angry at me?”
“No, not angry.” Peter raised an eyebrow. “Though, my mind’s mad with a bit of something else….”
Benji glanced down at the tent forming in Peter’s tight trousers, looking back up with a nervous gulp. “R-right now? ”
“Aye. Right now.” Captain Hart’s voice lowered in warning.
As Benjamin’s own blush formed on his face and shoulders, he made micro-nods and responded sheepishly: “Y-yessir…!”
The two hurried off to Peter’s bed chambers to help the captain “refocus.” Meanwhile, Davey took the helm as he chatted idly with the second mate.
Your vibe: “I miss you”
+open tag! ✨
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Find the Vibe
Thank you for the tag(s), @clairelsonao3 <3 pls pardon my delinquency, these are from june XD
I was tagged for: Having to say "no" when you want to say "yes," or disappointing someone and having regrets about it and I didn't know
Gently tagging: back at you @clairelsonao3, @winterandwords, @sarandipitywrites, and open tag
Your vibe: that numb feeling when you've all but given up but have no other choice except to press on
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Having to say "no" when you want to say "yes"
from Shattered Dreams
Another step closer. She whispered, “We could be free, Serin. All we need to do is work together.” So many emotions emanated from him that she was having trouble reading them all. -Hope, fear, bitterness, grief, guilt- “No!” He leapt to his feet. Startled, Alaia jerked back, wincing as she pulled abused muscles. “We can’t be free,” Serin snarled, advancing toward her.
I didn't know
from Shattered Soul
[Darian] broke out in a cold sweat. "Gods. Six weeks. The way you looked when you turned up, he'd been doing that to you for six weeks?" Black spots swam in his vision when she nodded. A low rumble from the other males filled the room, filled his own chest, but he dropped to his knees in front of her, bowing his head. "I should've searched for you sooner. I'm so sorry." He felt the tears come, blinked them back. He didn't even deserve to cry.
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Find the Vibe Tag 💚💚💚
tagged by: @oh-no-another-idea thank you!!!
tagging: soft tagging @hollyannewrites @flowerprose @inkingfireplace @the-void-writes @writersandpoetsunited @obviousknife @space-writes and open tag as well! Your vibe to find is "If you say shit about this person I love I'll kill you :)))"
my vibe to find: "Don't die or I'll kill you."
This is from The City is Ours, with Asher and his boyfriend Damian after Asher's secret superhero identity is accidentally revealed.
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Damian whispered furiously, "You're very lucky you're a damn good kisser, Asher Bruno Romero-Cruz."
Asher smirked, "Glad it worked."
"You're little distraction won't work for long, I'm still pissed at you."
Asher's expression fell a little as he held his boyfriend in the shadow of the alleyway. "If I don't do this-" He gestured to his suit and the city around him. "-who will? I'm not the only one, there are others and we help each other but... I have these powers, Dam'. I have the ability to help people, and I want to use them to help people." 
He caressed Damian's back and said softly, "I'm going to keep doing this Batman thing, with your approval or not, but... I would like to have your approval and support."
Damian glared at him for a minute, then sighed, letting his head fall back against the wall. "Fine, but you can't die, ok? You can't die on me, Asher, understand? If you die on me, I'll kill you."
Asher bit his lip in an attempt to hold in a laugh. "But... I would already be dead... so how could you-"
"I know it doesn't make sense, just shut up, you get my point!"
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ahordeofwasps · 8 months
Find the Vibe Tag
I've been tagged by the stellar @winterandwords! Thanks for the tag! My vibe is I didn't mean to. I'll be sharing an excerpt from To Not Falling Off Cliffs that fits this vibe!
But first, the no pressure tags! I'll be tagging @loopyhoopywrites, @mary-is-writing, @spuddlespud, @emelkae, @amewinterswriting, and open tag! Your vibe is No, no, no, no...
Now, onto To Not Falling Off Cliffs!
And then a bunch of little puzzle pieces that didn’t mean much on their own fell together into a horrifying picture. From Steve’s odd behavior to the societal taboo of handling another reaper’s instrument. Steve wasn’t just being Steve. And handling another reaper’s instrument wasn’t just frowned upon for the same reason why wearing hats indoors was. There were consequences. And she was the one to force them upon Steve. Tiffany hated Steve. But hating someone is not the same as wishing harm upon them. She hated Steve because of how he rejected what he was, what they all were. She hated him because he was the reason why all of reaperkind was being punished. She wanted Steve to learn how to be a reaper or at the very least not get anyone else hurt in his suicidal antics. But she didn’t want to hurt him.  She accepted suffering as a part of life, but she refused to be its cause. That would be worse than being Fate itself. At least Fate was a cold and distant calculation, an objective determination of what should be. It just was. But Tiffany was a living being, who cared and felt and made choices. She was not immutable. She could be anything she wanted. And she did not want to be the cause of anyone’s pain. But she was. She didn’t know what Steve had experienced when she struck him with her hook. Just that it hurt. Just that his fear of her was sensical, a reasonable reaction to the pain she caused. The realization was like hundreds of icy needles stabbing at her ribs.
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sarandipitywrites · 7 months
find the vibe
thank you @oh-no-another-idea for the tag! check out her post here. i've been tagged to look for the vibe "Oh HELL no." i'll pull from The Art of Empty Space for this one, but first, tags!
i'll send gentle tags to @starscribes, @lordfenric-writes, and @squarebracket-trick, plus an open tag for anyone else who wants to play. your vibe will be "I'm going to regret this."
now, on to the vibes:
The beast's footprints stood out like scars in the new snow. Sis followed them without Lienzo's instruction, her head bobbing as she tracked each motion and deviation. Long, quadrupedal strides. Huge, digitigrade tracks for the back feet; spread-toed, raccoonlike tracks for the front. Other tracks, too. Older, sunken and misshapen by the continuous snowfall. Smaller than the beast's, though not by much. They grew more numurous, more chaotically placed as they traveled deeper into the forest. Lienzo kept his eyes on the beast's tracks. Even when the other tracks crossed over, even when they seemed at a glance to overtake the fresh tracks entirely. Lienzo wasn't going to lose it. "Kuuuuh, kuh-kuh-kuh..." Lienzo's head snapped up from the tracks at Sis's warning call. Bright eyes shone through the trees. He turned in his saddle. One, three, ten, more. More of the creatures than they'd seen earlier, more than Lienzo could hope to fend off. The eyes closed in around them, a circle of flickering, blinking light. They were surrounded. Lienzo's heart dropped out, landed somewhere on the forest floor. He'd known this was a bad idea. He'd known that they shouldn't have gone after the beast, and they wouldn't have had to, if only Lienzo had killed the beast when he'd had the chance, had done the smart thing, the right thing. Instead he'd had to hold onto his stupid, bleeding heart and run away from the one task he'd been given. And now they were going to pay for his mistake.
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littleperilstories · 1 year
Find the Vibe: I'd like to see you try
I was tagged on April 19 (so, uh, over a month ago) by @starlit-hopes-and-dreams to find this vibe in my WIP: “I’d like to see you try.” I had to wait a while to find something that fit, but here ya go. It’s…close enough. :)
“You said you’d kill whoever touched you,” he says, laughing. “Yet here I am, still standing. I think you’re full of empty threats, sweetheart.”
“You think I won’t?”
He smirks. Stands up straight. Slowly approaches.
Fucking fuck.
“Let’s see what you got, then,” he says, whispering into my ear. “You know no one actually cares about you, right? Not Regent, not Sloane. Not anyone. You’re just a means to an end.”
The ring bites into my ankle, the chain once again stretched as far as it will go.
Munk tugs out his knife. Lazily twirls it between his fingers. “Go on, then. Take it. Kill me.”
I know you're writing new stuff again :))) so I'm tagging you back, Anna @starlit-hopes-and-dreams plus @i-can-even-burn-salad & @clairelsonao3
Your vibe (moment/feeling) is: that deep, anticipatory, nervous breath before the leap. Interpret how you will :)
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writernopal · 9 months
Find The Vibe Tag
Tagged by @duckingwriting here, thank you so much!
Tagging (gently): @mysticstarlightduck @outpost51 @void-botanist @sparatus @pheita to find the vibe "Who is you favorite person and why is it me?"
My vibe to find was: "That's on me, I should have been more specific."
From AASOAF 2:
“H-How much d-do you have h-hidden?” I asked nervously, unsure if I was prepared to hear his response. He did the sums in his head for a moment. “Reckon it be ‘bout three-fifty of free flowin’ gold.” “Th-Three hundred and fifty?” He barked a laugh as if I’d asked a stupid question. “Nay, three hundred and fifty thousand.” I steadied myself on the navigation table and did my best to catch my breath.  “Oi, steady on.” He cautioned as he held me up. No wonder he had no issue with me being his burden! He would hardly notice the meager upkeep that I required! Of course, he must be in possession of fantastic quantities of gold since he was a nobleman, but the amount he had was unfathomable to me! And now that I thought about it, it might make him the wealthiest man I’d ever met aside from the Third Prince. “Nay knew ye to be so faint at the mention of gold.” He teased as he allowed me to lean on him, “‘Haps, I would have said somethin’ ‘bout it sooner if’n I knew ye be after that.” “I-It’s quite the sum s-so it caught me by surprise, that’s all.” I admitted, suddenly feeling embarrassed by my reaction.
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winterandwords · 1 year
Find the vibe (I'd like to see you try)
@starlit-hopes-and-dreams tagged me to search my WIP for "I'd like to see you try." Thank you!
I have nothing at all with a phrase like that, but I do have a similarly fuck-you-ish challenging vibe in Project Aria...
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I let the chip soak up the last of the data, tuck the reader into my pocket and get ready for the shit to hit the fan. When I stand up, there’s a security guard on the other side of where the window was a couple of minutes before. “You, don’t move!” he yells. “Or what?” He levels his gauntlet at me.  Here goes. I vault through the window frame and my feet hit him square in the chest, knocking him onto his back. He fires at the ceiling as he falls and I run.
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Tagging @aohendo, @arigalefantasynovels, @artbyeloquent and @ashen-crest. If you'd like to do it, the phrase/vibe to search your WIP for is "I'm lost" 💜
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Find the Vibe
I was tagged by @i-can-even-burn-salad to find this vibe: that moment when they realize the worst that could have happened has happened.
Sooo remember this lil teaser?
Wanna see what happened right before?
Because it is the moment where she realizes the worst possible thing has happened. 😳 Or, rather, the worst possible person has appeared.
Curt, more furious than she’d ever seen him, kicked the thief back down, wrenching his arms behind him and locking them into the shackles. “You son of a bitch. How dare you put your hands on h—” “What the devil is going on here?” No. Panic spread through her, so white-hot, so paralyzing, so bone-deep that Breanna could barely remember how to breathe. She could not answer. She could not  move. “He attacked her,” Curt said, and Breanna saw through dazed eyes that he had forced the thief to his feet, and though the boy tried valiantly to escape his grasp, Curt yanked his head back. Yanked his head back so that his hazel eyes stared directly into her husband’s.
Tagging: @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @clairelsonao3 + OPEN TAG
Here's your vibe: the character is deceiving/lying to someone to get what they want
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starscribes · 7 months
Find the Vibe Tag Game
Thanks so much for the tag @sarandipitywrites! I've never played this particular tag game and it seems like a lot of fun! My job is to find a snippet that fits a certain vibe, I was assigned "I'm going to regret this" Before I forget though, I'm tagging @card-queen and @sugarlesswriting to play as well, your vibe is avoiding eye contact
My snippet is from Otherworld but still features Sebastian! Under the cut!
Sebastian pulled her to her feet, but he knew that as close as the bear man was, and as fast as he had gained on them, they were never going to be fast enough. The bear was going to kill them. Even so, there was still one way to get that fur back to Esras. “Don’t stop,” Sebastian said to Maxine in a heavy whisper.  “What?” Sebastian stopped running.  “What are you doing?” Maxine demanded, slowing to a stop herself.  Didn't he just tell her not to do that? “I’m going to fight the bear! Take the fur to Esras! Find my dad!” Maxine looked worried but didn’t argue, she just said. “Are you sure?” Sebastian swallowed his real answer and just nodded instead.  “Meet me at the edge of the forest,” she said, then ran off.  Sebastian didn’t bother to promise and turned to see how long he might have before the bear man would be on top of him. Too soon, he realized. He barely had enough time to pull the hunting knife from his boot and get into a stance before the bear man tackled him.
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ashen-crest · 1 year
find the vibe tag
Thanks for tagging me, @winterandwords! The vibe I’m supposed to find is “I’m lost.”
I don’t have anyone get literally lost in the books, but I do have Ambrose in A Rival Most Vial get figuratively lost when trying to help a friend:
Ambrose bit his lip and approached his next question with caution. “How are you…liking the shop?”
He expected some sort of shrug or false smile. Instead, Eli’s hand paused, and he remained silent for a moment.
“I’m not like you,” he said quietly.
Ambrose deflated, his thoughts drifting back to Dawn. He had seen what this type of work could do to someone, even someone who loved it. The exhaustion, the stress…
Months ago, he would have rejoiced at this. Now, he only found another friend suffering.
“Are you going to stay there?” he asked gently. More silence from the cauldron as sparkles slowly winked out around Eli.
“I don’t know.” Eli didn’t look at him—just the blank metal in front of him. Ambrose’s shoulders dropped. Potion advice, he could give for days. Career advice? He didn’t even know where to start.
“You should…you should talk to someone about it,” he said. “It doesn’t have to be me—I mean, it could, if you’d like—but someone. It’s just…” He let out a breath. “I’d prefer not to see you miserable.”
“I’d prefer not to see me miserable, too,” Eli mumbled, then held up a hand. “I’ll talk to someone after this commission. Now, help me out of here before the potion wears off?”
Tagging in turn, with zero pressure: @winglesswriter, @moonluringfrost, @bloodlessheirbyjacques, and @shaded-radon. Your vibe to find is: fuck around and find out. (can be any flavor of that statement)
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Find the Vibe tag
I was tagged by @starlit-hopes-and-dreams to find Don't give up now.
This isn't even a question, I had to pick an excerpt form Thorns and Jasmine.
“Am I… dying?” Caldyn’s words were slurred, hard to make out. “I… don’t. I can’t… feel.” “No!” Breannan had to put the cup down. His hands were shaking so much, he was worried he’d spill all the water. “No, you’ll be fine. You need to rest. Tomorrow morning, the healer will come. She will help. She will—” ‘Fix this’ he had wanted to say, but he knew that wasn’t true. There was no way all of this could be healed anytime soon, if at all. But she would at least be able to start, now that Caldyn was aware. “You’ve held on for so long, don’t give up now.”
Now what vibe to pick... how about... you did what?!
And I am gonna tag @verkja @starlit-hopes-and-dreams (does this count as ping pong already) @clairelsonao3 if you want to.
also everyone else who might wanna do it, because I keep tagging the same 5 people, because I am a coward (:
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Find the Vibe
I was tagged ages ago by @little-peril-stories for the character is deceiving/lying to someone to get what they want and @i-can-even-burn-salad for you did what?!
Thank you!! 💜
Gently tagging: @oh-no-another-idea, @crowandmoonwriting, and open tag
Your vibe: wtf is wrong with you
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the character is deceiving/lying to someone to get what they want
from Hidden Depths
A thrill went through Carr as her bandit assisted her to her feet, but she kept her eyes wide and expression fearful.  “C’mon,” he said gently, settling his arm around her shoulder.  Ugh. But she leaned into him, allowing him to lead her back to the camp. Her eyes snagged on her dagger, shoved without care through the man’s belt, and her fingers twitched, itching to thieve it back.  Not yet. She had to pretend a bit longer. For Resh.
you did what?!
from Hidden Depths AU (pretty close, right? 😅)
tw for setting a dislocated shoulder
Nykim stood and took a few steps toward the door before he pivoted, changing course. He crouched at Resh’s side, his eyes taking on a stormy gray hue. “You do anything to hurt her, and I’ll strip the flesh from your bones. Then I’ll mount them in my office.”  His hand shot forward, and a bolt of fear shot through her, stopping her heart, but he only grabbed Resh’s right arm and yanked. All color fled from Resh’s face. The pop of his shoulder sliding back into the socket was audible even over his scream. “What the fuck, Nykim!” Carr shouted, struggling to push herself up.  “Couldn’t have him tensing up, now could I?” Mischief danced in his eyes.
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