#Booker Reed
author-a-holmes · 26 days
Heads Up, Seven Up Tag Game
Thank you for the tag @coarsely <3
Rules: Share seven recent lines you've written. Tag up to seven people (Or more, or less, Whatever you're comfortable with ^_^)
Gonna share some from Darkling today, so I'll pop it under a cut so that people can avoid spoilers.
And if this doesn't FEEL that close to the end of the story, that's because it's not. I've been working on adding an extra chapter between the current chapters 12 and 13 ;-)
Tagging forward to; @authoralexharvey @sleepyowlwrites @amewinterswriting @talesofsorrowandofruin @isabellebissonrouthier @cwritesfiction @theunboundwriter
And anyone else who wants to play, consider this an open tag ^_^ <3
“Then you must learn to fight as a vampire would.” “I’m about as good at that as [Redacted] is!” Booker snapped, and Lizzy flinched, surprised at the bitterness to his voice and although Olwen didn’t recoil the way Lizzy had, she went very still. One eyebrow arched slowly, and Booker backed down almost immediately, running both hands through his messy hair. “You want to place a blade in my hand and teach me to kill,” Booker muttered, and Lizzy’s breath caught as the pieces began falling into place. “And I… I can’t even lie and say I want you to. I don’t.” “Booker?” Lizzy asked softly, waiting until he looked at her, before reaching out unsteadily to touch his mind.
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duckydusky · 8 months
Ya ever love a character so much. Like I just love handsome jack. Both borderlands 2 and presequel jack. He's so well written. I love him in an unhealthy way. I love him in a way that's concerning to feminism. I love him so much it's painful.
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It’s become a real challenge to keep up with every Palestine protest and action happening in this country, but I am going to round-up some of that have occurred in recent days in case you missed them. Over 75 activists shut down and blocked all entrances to Boeing Building 598 in Saint Charles, Missouri. The facility manufactures the Small Diameter Bombs (SDBs) and Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) bombs that Israel is using Gaza. “We are joining millions of people across the United States and around the world in demanding an end to Israeli’s brutal assault on Gaza and its decades-long occupation of Palestine,” said Ellie Tang, a member of the anti-war organization Dissenters, in a statement. “We urge Congress and Biden to hear the calls of millions of us living in this country, and push for a ceasefire. Until Congress blocks the bombs, we will.” After shutting operations down for 2 hours, the facility canceled its deliveries for the day. 500 protesters with Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) took over the Statue of Liberty’s platform, dropped banners, held a sit-in, and chanted for a ceasefire. “HAPPENING NOW AT THE STATUE OF LIBERTY: Hundreds of Jews and allies are holding an emergency sit-in, taking over the island to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. We refuse to allow a genocide to be carried out in our names. Ceasefire now to save lives! Never again for anyone!,” tweeted the organization. Oakland protesters blocked a ship from leaving its port for hours. The boat was headed to the Port of Tacoma to pick up arms destined for Israel. Hundreds of protesters are currently occupying that port and at least one worker is refusing to take the cargo after learning about its use. At a Get Out the Vote rally, Democratic candidate Senator John Fetterman (D-PA) was confronted by a protester calling for a ceasefire. “4,000 plus dead children in Palestine. 9,000 plus dead civilians, get off the stage. … Get off the stage. I don’t care … get off the stage,” he yelled before being escorted out of the building by police. Tens of thousands gathered in San Francisco to demand a ceasefire. “I can feel the momentum of it and that’s why we had to get out today,” one told the local CBS station. “My son’s in Trafalgar Square right now or he was earlier today. Same deal. People who just feel the injustice of the world.” A speech by Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) in New Jersey was interrupted by activists calling on him to back a ceasefire. He quickly exited the stage. Rhode Island Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse were disrupted at event by protesters calling for a ceasefire. Rep. Grace Meng was confronted by protesters asking when she will back a ceasefire. She remained silent and her staff told them, “There’s a time and place for this.”
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prismatic-bell · 1 year
If you don't know what I'm talking about, here's a news article.
This is a shitty, shitty situation, and unfortunately we're in a position where all we can do is make it less shitty. BUT. WE HAVE THE POWER TO DO THAT.
Grab that phone and your unlimited data plan, because we're about to flood some phone lines, babes. Start by texting "Sign PZPAKG" to 50409 to sign the action letter written by Resistbot. Once you've done that, reblog this post (if I see more likes than reblogs on this post I'm gonna shit lead) because there are links in here and Tumblr search will eat it, and this will only work if we get a ton of eyeballs on it.
First, you'll want this link, which lists all 100 State Senators. (If you live in Massachussetts or Rhode Island, skip down to "Ready to do more?" Don't call your Senators yet.) Yes, I'm aware this webpage looks like it was made in 2006, I'm extremely sorry (your tax dollars at work), but you do what you gotta. You're going to start by looking up the Senators from your state. This site will direct you to their official webpages. Look for "locations," not "contact," because most of them use email contact forms as a first line of contact these days. You want phone numbers. You should find at least two--one in Washington, DC and one in your state's capitol. (Some may have more than one in-state. I know here in AZ Kelly and Sinema have both a Phoenix and Tucscon office, and Kelly also has one on the Navajo Nation.)
Pick one, it doesn't matter which. Call it. You may get either a staffer or a voicemail. (If it's voicemail, listen carefully to the prompts. If it says voicemail is full, go back and try the other phone number.) Staffers are pretty friendly, but can occasionally seem a little disconnected or brusque. If that's the case, it is not you--your call's probably been routed through a switchboard and they're experiencing lag. Don't worry about it, just say your bit.
HERE IS THE SCRIPT I USED THIS MORNING: "My name is [legal name] and I'm a constituent of Senator [name]'s from [my town]. I'm calling in support of the railway unions in light of this frankly extremely bad deal they're being asked to accept. If railway workers are so important to our economy that Congress can get involved, then they're important enough to deserve paid sick time. I'd like to encourage the Senator to vote NO on any bill that doesn't provide railway union workers with at least seven days of paid sick time."
Total time elapsed for me doing this: about five minutes.
OKAY. READY TO DO MORE? Some Senators have already signed an open letter saying they're in support of providing sick time to railway union members. Those Senators are Bernie Sanders from Vermont, Kirsten Gillibrand from New York, Tammy Baldwin from Wisconsin, Cory Booker from New Jersey, Sherrod Brown from Ohio, Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts, Jeff Merkley from Oregon, Alex Padilla from Callifornia, and Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse from Rhode Island. Give them a call next. HERE'S THE SCRIPT I'VE BEEN USING: "My name is [legal name]. I'm actually an Arizona resident, but I wanted to thank Senator [name] for supporting sick time for railway union members. I was really disappointed to hear President Biden basically decided to get involved in union-busting and I'm glad to hear the Senator is on labor's side. Please encourage them to stay the course and get that sick leave pushed through." If you're from Massachusetts or Rhode Island, feel free to say something about how you're glad your state is standing up for labor when you're calling your own Senators on that list. You can say that to any Senator on this list if they happen to be yours, obviously, it's just definitely got even more of an impact if you're already a constituent.
I've got one more assignment for you. This is the list of committee members for the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. There are ten of them and some of them overlap with phone calls you've already made, so you're almost done. If you look at the script below and then look at the committee members and go "you think Republicans give a shit about this?," I am begging you to at least call Lisa Murkowski and Mitt Romney. Yes, the majority of the Republican Party is a nuclear trashfire. Yes, they're Republicans. But if you said "Nina, you have to go to dinner with six Senate members and three of them have to be Republicans," my picks would be Murkowski, Romney, and Liz Cheney. We might actually be able to make a dent in Murkowski and Romney if we try hard enough, and yes, "try" is important here. Fuck Yoda and his do-or-do-not bullshit, if activists in this country only went for sure things we'd still have chattel slavery and no votes for women. YOU GOTTA GET UP AND TRY.
"My name is [name]. I'm calling because Senator [name] is a member of the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions. I'd like to encourage him/her as a Committee member to lead by example in this current situation with the railway unions, and vote NO on any bill that does not provide railway workers with at least seven days of paid sick leave. I'm sure Senator [name]'s position on this committee has given them plenty of examples to know a healthy and organized labor force is far better for our economy than a sick and demoralized one."
GO BLOW UP THE PHONE LINES LIKE YOU'RE GUY FAWKES UNDER PARLIAMENT. The railway workers have had our backs all through Covid. It's high time we had theirs.
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disasterhimbo · 1 month
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[ID: a quote tweet by Stephen Semler (@stephensemler) dated March 23, 2024. It is responding to a tweet by the Associated Press (@AP) that says, “BREAKING: Senate passes $1.2 trillion funding package in early morning vote, ending threat of partial shutdown.”
It says, “All but two Democratic senators just voted to:
-give Israel $3.8B in weapons, violating US law
-defund a UN inquiry into Israel's violations of international law
-defund UNRWA, worsening famine in Gaza
-sanction the UN Human Rights Council if it highlights Israeli abuses.”
It contains an image of only text showing who voted yea, who voted nay, and who abstained. 74 senators voted yea, including 47 democrats, 25 republicans, and 2 independents. 24 senators voted nay: all republicans except Senator Bennet (Democrat, Colorado), and Senator Sanders (Independent, Vermont). 2 Republican senators abstained. Full transcription of this image under the cut.]
Transcript of the image contained in the tweet:
“YEAS --- 74
Baldwin (D-WI)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Booker (D-NJ)
Boozman (R-AR)
Britt (R-AL)
Brown (D-OH)
Butler (D-CA)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Capito (R-WV)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Cassidy (R-LA)
Collins (R-ME)
Coons (D-DE)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Cortez Masto (D-NV)
Cotton (R-AR)
Cramer (R-ND)
Duckworth (D-IL)
Durbin (D-IL)
Ernst (R-IA)
Fetterman (D-PA)
Fischer (R-NE)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Hassan (D-NH)
Heinrich (D-NM)
Hickenlooper (D-CO)
Hirono (D-HI)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Hyde-Smith (R-MS)
Kaine (D-VA)
Kelly (D-AZ)
King (1-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Lujan (D-NM)
Manchin (D-WV)
Markey (D-MA)
McConnell (R-KY)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Moran (R-KS)
Mullin (R-OK)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Ossoff (D-GA)
Padilla (D-CA)
Peters (D-MI)
Reed (D-RI)
Romney (R-UT)
Rosen (D-NV)
Rounds (R-SD)
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Sinema (I-AZ)
Smith (D-MN)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Sullivan (R-AK)
Tester (D-MT)
Thune (R-SD)
Tillis (R-NC)
Van Hollen (D-MD)
Warner (D-VA)
Warnock (D-GA)
Warren (D-MA)
Welch (D-VT)
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wicker (R-MS)
Wyden (D-OR)
Young (R-IN)
(This is the end of the yeas.)
NAYS --- 24
Barrasso (R-WY)
Bennet (D-CO)
Blackburn (R-TN)
Budd (R-NC)
Crapo (R-ID)
Cruz (R-TX)
Daines (R-MT)
Hagerty (R-TN)
Hawley (R-MO)
Johnson (R-WI)
Kennedy (R-LA)
Lankford (R-OK)
Lee (R-UT)
Lummis (R-WY)
Marshall (R-KS)
Paul (R-KY)
Ricketts (R-NE)
Risch (R-ID)
Rubio (R-FL)
Sanders (I-VT)
Schmitt (R-MO)
Scott (R-SC)
Tuberville (R-AL)
Vance (R-OH)
(This is the end of the nays.)
Not Voting - 2
Braun (R-IN)
Scott (R-FL)”
(This is the end of the transcribed image.)
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vroomian · 3 months
Hmm all the sinners have new names assumedly. I need one for Yrz. Something related to his love of learning maybe like booker? Reed (instead of read lol)? Penn?
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The year is winding down, so it's time to look back at the last 12 month's crop of live tapes. Crowd noise, tape hiss, distortion, murk ... and plenty of magic, people! As I do this year after year, I ask myself: "Why do I do this year after year?" I guess it's a habit I can't break. But I do love something about these cloudy recordings — the immediacy, the imperfections, the possibilities. Each bootleg, no matter how lo-fi, contains a glimmer of hope, a potential for beauty and transcendence. The fact that not all of them (few of them, in fact!) really deliver on that promise is part of the deal. The search continues!
Anyhoo, here's a sampling of the Doom & Gloom goods from 2023 to get you caught up ... thank you to the tapers, the archivists, the fans, the innocents.
Sonic Youth - #SonicSummer (Live 1981-2011)
Mazzy Star - The Mint, Los Angeles, California, July 15, 1993
Television - Max’s Kansas City, New York City, August 28, 1974
The Flying Burrito Brothers - Altamont Speedway, Tracy, California, December 6, 1969
Damon & Naomi - Best Video Film & Cultural Center, Hamden, Connecticut, May 12, 2023
Sandy Denny + John Martyn - Sundown Theatre, London, England, October 26, 1972
John Fahey - Carnegie Hall, New York City, Sept. 21, 1973
Neil Young with Booker T. & The MG’s - Los Angeles Sports Arena, Los Angeles, California, September 11, 1993
Prairiewolf - Paradise Found Records, Boulder, Colorado, July 1, 2023
The Band - Wollman Skating Rink, Central Park, New York City, June 30, 1971
PJ Harvey - McCabe’s Guitar Shop, Santa Monica, California, September 25, 1993
Van Morrison - Harvard Square Theatre, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 14, 1974
The Velvet Underground - The Playhouse, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 1, 1993 (Soundcheck)
Loose Fur - The Double Door, Chicago, Illinois, May 14, 2000
Stephen Malkmus - Mr. T’s Bowl, Highland Park, California, August 13, 1998
Yo La Tengo - The Grotto, New Haven, Connecticut, October 23, 1987
Jonathan Richman & The Modern Lovers - Town Hall, New York City, October 9, 1976
The Cramps - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, February 20, 1992
The Dream Syndicate - Crystal Ballroom, Somerville, Massachusetts, September 18, 2022
Gram Parsons - Max’s Kansas City, New York City, March 9, 1973
Tom Verlaine - The Roxy, West Hollywood, California, October 17, 1981
Lou Reed & The Tots - Humpin’ Hannah’s, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, January 20, 1973
Elizabeth Cotten - Euphoria Tavern, Portland, Oregon, February 19, 1975
Sonny Rollins and his Jazz Ensemble - East River Park Amphitheatre, New York City, August 7, 1962
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saydams · 1 month
the usa senate passed the budget that banned all aid to UNRWA and Biden signed it.
the senators who voted for this budget (preventing usa from funding UNRWA) are under the readmore. if your senator is on this list, call (202) 224-3121 and demand they find another way of funding relief to palestine.
Tammy Baldwin Wis.
Richard Blumenthal Conn.
Cory Booker N.J.
John Boozman Ark.
Katie Britt Ala.
Sherrod Brown Ohio
Laphonza Butler Calif.
Maria Cantwell Wash.
S. Capito W.Va.
Benjamin L. Cardin Md.
Tom Carper Del.
Bob Casey Pa.
Bill Cassidy La.
Susan Collins Maine
Chris Coons Del.
John Cornyn Tex.
C. Cortez Masto Nev.
Tom Cotton Ark.
Kevin Cramer N.D.
Tammy Duckworth Ill.
Dick Durbin Ill.
Joni Ernst Iowa
John Fetterman Pa.
Deb Fischer Neb.
Kirsten Gillibrand N.Y.
Lindsey Graham S.C.
Chuck Grassley Iowa
M. Hassan N.H.
Martin Heinrich N.M.
John Hickenlooper Colo.
Mazie Hirono Hawaii
John Hoeven N.D.
Cindy Hyde-Smith Miss.
Tim Kaine Va.
Mark Kelly Ariz.
Angus King Maine
Amy Klobuchar Minn.
Ben Ray Luján N.M.
Joe Manchin III W.Va.
Edward J. Markey Mass.
Mitch McConnell Ky.
Robert Menendez N.J.
Jeff Merkley Ore.
Jerry Moran Kan.
Markwayne Mullin Okla.
Lisa Murkowski Alaska
Chris Murphy Conn.
Patty Murray Wash.
Jon Ossoff Ga.
Alex Padilla Calif.
Gary Peters Mich.
Jack Reed R.I.
Mitt Romney Utah
Jacky Rosen Nev.
Mike Rounds S.D.
Brian Schatz Hawaii
Charles E. Schumer N.Y.
Jeanne Shaheen N.H.
Kyrsten Sinema Ariz.
Tina Smith Minn.
Debbie Stabenow Mich.
Dan Sullivan Alaska
Jon Tester Mont.
John Thune S.D.
Thom Tillis N.C.
Chris Van Hollen Md.
Mark R. Warner Va.
Raphael G. Warnock Ga
Elizabeth Warren Mass.
Peter Welch Vt.
Sheldon Whitehouse R.I.
Roger Wicker Miss.
Ron Wyden Ore.
Todd Young Ind.
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crybabytecrs · 1 year
FEMALES / without fandom
・❥・VALERIE | [19-25] | madelyn cline ・❥・HAILEE | [19-26] | emily alyn lind ・❥・BROOKLYN | [19-25] | maia reficco ・❥・EMORY | [21-26] | sydney sweeney ・❥・DELILAH | [20-25] | kathryn newton ・❥・VICTORIA | [20-25] | abigail cowen ・❥・VIOLET | [18-25] | lily rose depp ・❥・OPHELIA | [20-26] | kristine froseth ・❥・AURORA | [19-26] | dove cameron ・❥・AYLEEN | [19-26] | jenna ortega ・❥・CASSIDY | [19-24] | hailee steinfeld ・❥・NOVA | [19-24] | grace van dien ・❥・JORDYN | [19-25] | natalia dyer ・❥・BLAIR | [20-27] | alexa demie ・❥・MADDIE | [18-24] | katie douglas
MALES / without fandom
・❥・LOGAN | [20-26] | benjamin wadsworth ・❥・MILES | [21-29] | drew starkey ・❥・AIDEN | [20-26] | jacob elordi ・❥・ELIJAH | [21-26] | rudy pankow ・❥・NOLAN | [20-25] | ross lynch ・❥・VINCE | [20-25] | gavin casalegno ・❥・FYNN | [21-27] | timothée chalamet ・❥・NIC | [20-26] | chase stokes ・❥・JUSTIN | [21-28] | thomas doherty ・❥・TONY | [34-42] | chris evans ・❥・MILO | [19-24] | joe kerry ・❥・JESSE | [21-30] | dylan o'brien ・❥・AARON | [22-29] | tyler posey ・❥・CHASE | [20-27] | cody christian ・❥・BENJI | [19-26] | christopher briney
FEMALES / with fandom
・❥・IVORY | [19-25] | ¡final girl | tatum's &' dewey’s sister | madelyn cline | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・MAE | [19-26] | could be a ¡final girl | stu macher’s sister | willa fitzgerald | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・ALYSSA | [19-25] | randy’s sister | natalia dyer | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・ELLIE | [18-25] | maia reficco | — scream muse! — ・❥・CASSIDY | [18-24] | john b's sister | hailee steinfeld | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・BAILEE | [19-25] | topper's sister | ester exposito | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・EVERLY | [20-26] | ¡hunter | crystal reed | — supernatural muse! — ・❥・SOFIA | [19-26] | ¡demon | young¡ megan fox | — supernatural muse! —
MALES / with fandom
・❥・MICAH | [21-26] | stu machers brother | ¡ghostface | amadeus serafini | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・JORDAN | [19-28] | ¡helps ghostface | jacob elordi | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・CAZ | [19-26] | sidney’s brother | ¡ghostface | alex fitzalan | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・CARDAN | [21-26] | tatum’s &' dewey's brother | rudy pankow | — scream (1996) muse! — ・❥・KIERAN | [19-25] | sarah's, rafe’s and wheezie’s brother | ¡blonde andrew garfield | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・ATLAS | [20-25] | jj's brother | gavin casalegno | — outer banks muse! — ・❥・ATTICUS | [21-27] | ¡hunter | charles melton | — supernatural muse! —
— my fandom muses are usually just for rp’s on discord, means i probably wont use them in threads on tumblr. but still, if you’re feeling like doing a canon x oc just ask!!
FEMALES / canon
・❥・SARAH CAMERON | outer banks ・❥・KIARA CARRERA | outer banks ・❥・TATUM RILEY | scream (1996) ・❥・SIDNEY PRESCOTT | scream (1996) ・❥・CLAIRE REDFIELD | resident evil ・❥・ADA WONG | resident evil
・❥・CASSIE HOWARD | euphoria ・❥・LYDIA MARTIN | teen wolf ・❥・ALLISON ARGENT | teen wolf ・❥・MAX MAYFIELD | stranger things ・❥・NANCY WHEELER | stranger things ・❥・VIOLET HARMON | ahs ・❥・ALLIE PRESSMAN | the society ・❥・ELLE TOMKINS | the society ・❥・HANNA MARIN | pretty little liars ・❥・AVA JALALI | pretty little liars: the perfectionists ・❥・NOA OLIVAR | pretty little liars: original sin ・❥・CAROLINE FORBES | the vampire diaries ・❥・KATHERINE PIERCE | the vampire diaries
MALES / canon
・❥・STU MACHER | scream (1996) ・❥・RANDY MEEKS | scream (1996) ・❥・JJ MAYBANK | outer banks ・❥・JOHN BOOKER ROUTLEDGE | outer banks ・❥・TOPPER THORNTON | outer banks ・❥・MIKE WHEELER | stranger things ・❥・STEVE HARRINGTON | stranger things ・❥・LUCAS SINCLAIR | stranger things ・❥・EDDIE MUNSON | stranger things ・❥・STILES STILINSKI | teen wolf ・❥・SCOTT MCCALL | teen wolf ・❥・LIAM DUNBAR | teen wolf ・❥・PETER PARKER | mcu / tom or andrew ・❥・STEFAN SALVATORE | the vampire diaries ・❥・EIJAH MIKAELSON | the vampire diaries ・❥・HARRY BINGHAM | the society
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author-a-holmes · 14 days
Heads Up, Seven Up
Thank you for the tag @oh-no-another-idea! <3
Tagging forward with no pressure to; @kittensartswriting @vesper-roux @shellyscribbles @charlesjospehwrites @moonscribbler @dyrewrites and @Winglesswriter. Anyone else who see's this and wants to play can consider this an open tag <3
Rules; Share 7 recent sentences/lines. Tag forward to seven people (or more)
Darkling Spoilers beneath the cut! And I'll also tag the darkling taglist; @jezifster @ettawritesnstudies @faelanvance @noirepersonal @queen-kass-the-writer @minamoroz @athenswrites @thelaughingstag @bardic-tales @outpost51 @talesfromaurea
My most recent chapter is in the POV of a new character in Darkling that I've been trying very hard to keep concealed. But for the sake of flow, since this piece is in their POV I'm going to switch out [Redacted] for an intial instead...
E stopped breathing. He turned his head slowly, unwilling to draw attention, as he waited for Andric's control to crack.
"I don't have a good defence, Andric. I can't even say you're entirely wrong," Booker admitted bitterly, shaking his head, and when Andric's fist connected with the stone mantle, E couldn't supress his violent flinch, knee knocking the underside of the dining table as his breath began to speed up and he pressed back into the corner, praying neither of them noticed his barely concealed panic. "I'm waiting for an explanation, not a bloody excuse!" Andric was yelling, and E forced his fingers to curl around the edge of the table. Adding pressure to one finger at a time. 'One, two, three, four. Breathe In. One, two, three, four. Out.'
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fey-touched-trilogy · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes - Changeling Edition; Part 2
Thank you to @talesofsorrowandofruin for the tag! I actually did an Incorrect quotes for Changeling last night because I was bored, but I've done another run through for the tag!
Tagging forward to; @authorminamoroz @queen-kass-the-writer @ashen-crest @afoolandathief and anyone else who wants to play...
Quote Generator; HERE
Cara Evelyn: Booker... Booker Reed: Oh no, 'Booker' in b-flat. Booker Reed: You're disappointed.
Andric Roche: Is something burning? Mia Harris: Just my love for you. Nameer Khatri: Miss Harris, the toaster is on fire.
Lizzy Hail, pointing: May I sit there? Andric Roche: That's my lap Lizzy Hail: That doesn't answer my question, Andric.
Nameer Khatri: What the fuck is wrong with you?! Andric Roche: You could start with a 'good morning'. Nameer Khatri: Good morning. What the fuck is wrong with you?!
Lizzy Hail: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Andric does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff? Cara Evelyn: If Master Roche were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Master Roche jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff. Lizzy Hail: You jump off a cliff! Cara Evelyn: Gladly. Provided Andric Roche did first.
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fan-mans · 2 years
Top 10 bioshock guys who are within prime tumblr sexyman range if a movie or show comes out (Or the games blow up again):
1. Atlas. His thirst-fandom within the bioshock community is well and healthy. The people thirsting after him aren't going away anytime soon and are more likely to expand as the fandom grows again.
2. Robert Lutece. This dude was a sexyman back in the day, therefore he's likely to be one again if the games blow up again, especially if he’s in a movie.
3. Cohen/J.S. Steinman. Putting these two together because they have equal potential for Edgelord Villain™ thirsting. Cohen would probably get more Tim Burton Willy Wonka/Mad Hatter treatment while Steinman would get Medic tf2 treatment.
4. Reed Wahl. Now this may seem like a bit of a curveball, but think about it. Not many people paid attention to bioshock 2, let alone its dlc, so more attention to it would probably mean that Wahl would get some stans. By virtue of being a skinny white guy (bonus points since he's a villain and a nerd) he’s going to get a lot of people turning him into a sexyman, especially if he’s got a hot actor. (I knew from one look at Silco from Arcane that he was a sexyman despite knowing nothing abt it and I was right- these two are in a similar wheelhouse)
5. Jack. Ah, our beloved boy. He's only so low because he has a lot of potential for people to not be thirsty for him depending on how he’s presented. If jack is too mean then he won’t be liked and if he’s too sweet he won’t be tasty enough for sexyman standards. If people do turn him into a sexyman, he'll be exclusively drawn as a blonde-haired blue-eyed twink. (something that's already a thing in the fandom, but will only be more popular due to sexyman gaze)
6. Silas Cobb/Kyle Fitzpatrick/Hector Rodriguez. These three depend on how they’re cast and how much time they get, but looking at their history on here and Deviantart, there WILL be a a solid base turning them into sexymen.
7. Booker/Martin Finnegan. Putting these two together because they feel very close to sexyman potential but their personalities and looks being so gruff sets them back a little. In all likelihood, people will either ignore their personalities or make them more twinkish to compensate. People who sexyman characters like edge, but too much edge isn’t appealing.
8. Mark Meltzer. Liked by fans, has a good personality, and will likely be good looking, easy sexyman potential- but only if he's included in a movie or show. It’s likely he will be included because he has some love, but there is potential for him to be dropped. Only drawbacks may be not being skinny or edgy enough.
9. Louie McGraff. Not likely from games alone since the multiplayer is very neglected. If given time to shine on screen, he does have a good standing as a sexyman for being an edgy white guy.
10. Stanley Poole. I doubt he will be turned into a sexyman from the games alone, but with movie casting there is potential for him to be 'woobified' so to speak. Main things keeping him back are his ugly past and wimpy personality, but thirst for a hot actor may prevail over any canon as it has many times before.
For those least likely to be a sexyman:
1. The Wales brothers. They’re pretty unlikable and on the plain side in terms of villainy. Especially with the religious aspect behind them, I do not see them getting sexyman status even if they are super hot in a film/show adaptation (An unlikely casting choice).
2. Peach Wilkins/Cornelius Slate. I see that they're kind of annoying to most and pretty plain characters overall. Interesting backstory but the current characterization isn’t weird enough to be likeable on Steinman/Cohen levels. Not on the level of villains we love to hate but not super hateable either- just eh.
3. Jeremiah Fink/Zachary H. Comstock. Grouping them together because they're hateable but not in any kind of fun way. They’re boring capitalists and religious nuts who are racist as all hell- which I don’t think would go down as well with a younger fanbase. Any likers will be cancelled immediately.
4. Suchong. Highly ignored as an antagonist because he’s hateable, but not very loveable. As far as I’ve seen, he’s pretty widely loathed in fact so his sexyman status dips into the negative on that count. Casting him as hot and being an edgy evil scientists can bring him back up, but he won’t get as much of a fanbase as some of the other guys here without more nuanced characterization. He’s more likely to be turned into a racist caricature by new fans than any other character of color in this series.  
5. Gil Alexander. Another antagonist character that's pretty ignored. Very fun villain but not many fans are willing to give him proper love or see him as sexy. If he’s cast hot enough and given some attention he might get a few fans but likelihood is low.
6. Charles Milton Porter. Not edgy enough really, but very very lovable and has much angst potential. Porter has some upsides by not having anything hateable about him in canon and having a sweet personality to the core, but fandom racism is a powerful foe and so a thirsty fanbase is not a high possibility compared to the white or non-black characters. If he’s given a lot of love and a super super hot actor then a small bit might grow for him, but he might also get the Finn from Rouge One treatment.
7. Augustus Sinclair. Lovable like Porter but might be too sweet, even with his ugly backstory. Also, he's not only fat in canon, but also a person of color. Casting will have to either whitewash or skinny wash (Or both) him to give him a chance at being a thirst trap for the fandom on the level of Meltzer at least.
8. Bill McDonagh/Sullivan. Really overlooked by the fandom despite being very likeable and some grit to their lives so I don't see a thirst lineup anytime soon unless they get sufficiently hot actors and some strong characterization and screentime in a movie/show.
9. Andrew Ryan/Frank Fontaine. Fun characters, absolutely villains you love to hate (Esp Fontaine) but not many in the fandom actively thirst for them. Most people I've seen actually find them funny if anything. Will get hot actors undoubtedly so the thirsting will increase, but sexyman status is still low.
10. Delta. Hes a pretty fluffy character in the fandom, but not many overt thirsters, however being cast hot enough in a movie can absolutely rocket him to sexyman status.
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #254 - AA.VV., The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration, 1993
Celebrare la grandezza di Bob Dylan è operazione periodica, vista la statura del personaggio. Anche perchè Dylan, nonostante la fama di eccentrico (esempio noto le ritrosie e le controversie sull’assegnazione fisica del premio Nobel, che fecero sghignazzare i più) ha avuto un rapporto favoloso con altri musicisti, non solo artistico. È chiaro quindi che alle chiamate per festeggiarlo si presentino in molti. Nell’oceano musicale vastissimo di tributi a Dylan, questo ha un posto particolare per la qualità dell’omaggio, e per i suoi partecipanti. L’occasione che ho scelto è un concerto organizzato dalla sua casa discografica, la Columbia, al Madison Square Garden di New York, nel 1992, per celebrare i 30 anni dall’esordio di Dylan come cantante. Il 16 Ottobre del 1992 una squadra formidabile di artisti si presenta al Garden e in una serata magica esplora il catalogo del Maestro sia nei suoi più luminosi episodi, sia in qualche perla meno conosciuta. Si scelse come resident band della serata i superstiti della formidabile band di Booker T. & the M.G.'s: Booker T. Jones, Donald "Duck" Dunn e Steve Cropper, rispettivamente organo, basso e chitarra, poi alla batteria Anton Fig che si alterna con Jim Keltner, G. E. Smith, che visionerà tutti gli aspetti musicali dell’evento, è stato il chitarrista della band del Saturday Night Live e sarà al fianco dello stesso Dylan all’inizio del suo Never Ending Tour, il suo tour finale che è iniziato nel il 7 Luglio del 1988 e che ad oggi, con nuove date previste per il 2023, è arrivato a quasi 3000 concerti. Coriste di lusso Sheryl Crow e Sue Medley tra le altre, e un cast stellare: John Cougar Mellencamp,  Kris Kristofferson,  Stevie Wonder, Lou Reed, Eddie Vedder e Mike McCready dei Pearl Jam, Tracy Chapman, June Carter Cash e Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Johnny Winter,  Ronnie Wood, Eric Clapton, Neil Young, Chrissie  Hynde dei Pretenders, The O’Jays, George Harrison, Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers e l’immancabile The Band. Voglio subito specificare una cosa: il disco dell’evento The 30th Anniversary Concert Celebration uscì nel 1993 ed ebbe anche ottimo successo, sia di critica che di pubblico, divenendo disco d’oro negli USA, nel 2014 uscì una rimasterizzata Deluxe Edition con due brani aggiunti e uno spettacolare libretto fotografico, questa edizione è quella che posseggo io e che mi fà da indice artistico. Questa volta non manca nessuna canzone mito: Like A Rolling Stone e Leopard Skin-Box Hat nell’esecuzione sentita di John Cougar Mellencamp, Stevie Wonder che dà la spinta soul, interessantissima, a Blowin’ In The Wind, la delicatezza con cui Tracy Chapman canta The Times They Are A-Changin’, le riprese bellissime di Just Like a Woman di Ritchie Havens. La voce di Vedder, accompagnato da McCready con la chitarra acustica per Masters Of War è emozionante. Johnny Winter dà una scarica rock blues alla sua Highway 61 Revisited. Neil Young sceglie due classici, che spessissimo compaiono anche durante i suoi concerti: Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues e All Along The Watchtower. Ci sono poi delle piccole perle tra le scelte di brani minori: è un Lou Reed quasi recitativo in Foot Of Pride, una outtake dal leggendario The Bootleg Series Vol.1-3, che aprì per la prima volta gli archivi dylaniani. Il brano ispirato al Salmo 36 termina così: Non rimane più niente qui, socio, solo la polvere di una pestilenza \che ha lasciato tutta la città nella paura\D'ora in poi questo sarà il posto da cui tu provieni\Che i morti seppelliscano i morti. Verrà il tuo momento.\Lascia che l'acciaio rovente soffi mentre si solleva la sua ombra\Già, non c'e' modo di tornare indietro quando si abbatte il piede del superbo\Non c'e' modo di tornare indietro. Willie Nelson canta What Was It You Wanted, canzone dal suo capolavoro del 1989 Oh Mercy!, dal significato misterioso: è una riflessione profondissima sul concetto di curiosità che ruota intorno alla celebrità, emozione che ha sempre un po’ interrogato Dylan. The Clancy Brothers, Robbie O'Connell e Tommy Makem spruzzano di ritmi folk irlandesi le meravigliose  When the Ship Comes In e una canzone, You Ain't Going Nowhere, scritta durante la convalescenza post incidente, cantata per la prima volta nel 1971 in un disco antologia, Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits Vol. II.  È emozionante la versione da ”superstiti” di My Back Pages (da Another Side Of Bob Dylan, 1964) cantano Roger McGuinn, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Eric Clapton e George Harrison a cui si aggiunge anche Dylan, che canta da solo It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding), Girl From the North Country e insieme a tutti una corale Knockin’ On the Heaven’s Door. Quello che più di altre volte si sente è l’impegno e la sentita emozione nel cantare dei brani che, chi più chi meno, ha sentito, usato e pensato per la propria arte, facendo in questo l’influenza musicale di Dylan sconfinata, sia storicamente che materialmente. 
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slackville-records · 8 months
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September 1, 1961 - John Coltrane: Africa/Brass is released.
# Allmusic 4.5/5
# Down Beat 2/5
Africa/Brass is the eighth studio album by John Coltrane, released on September 1, 1961.
May 23, 1961 and June 7, 1961, at RVG's Englewood Cliffs studio
John Coltrane – soprano and tenor saxophone
Booker Little – trumpet
Julius Watkins, Bob Northern, Donald Corrado, Robert Swisshelm – french horn
Bill Barber – tuba
Pat Patrick – baritone saxophone
McCoy Tyner – piano
Reggie Workman – bass
Elvin Jones – drums
John Coltrane is a quiet, powerfully-built young man who plays tenor saxophone quite unlike anyone in all of jazz. His style has been described as "sheets of sound" or as "flurries of melody." But, despite the accuracy, or lack of accuracy, of such descriptions, it is a fact that Coltrane's style is wholly original and of growing influence among new tenor players.
Perhaps he himself best described his dazzling style in a recent Down Beat article with writer Don DeMichael. "I started experimenting because I was trying for more individual development. I even tried the long, rapid lines that Ira Gitler termed 'sheets of sound' at the time. But actually, I was beginning to apply the three-to-one chord approach and at this time the tendency was to play the entire scale of each chord. Therefore, they were usually played fast and sometimes sounded like glisses."
Although Coltrane has absorbed this experiment into his present style and moved on, its effect was shocking, and intriguing, in the jazz world.
Most recently, as this album will attest, Coltrane has become absorbed by the rhythms of Africa. During the editing sessions for this album he noted, "There has been an influence of African rhythms in American jazz. It seems there are some things jazz can borrow harmonically, but I've been knocking myself out seeking something rhythmic. But nothing swings like 4/4. These implied rhythms give variety."
For this record, Coltrane composed two of the three selections, then discussed the orchestration thoroughly with Eric Dolphy, a reed player of enormous talent. Pianist McCoy Tyner of Coltrane's group was the third member of the discussion group.
"Actually," Dolphy recalled, "All I did was orchestrate. Basically John and McCoy worked out the whole thing. And it all came from John; he knew exactly what he wanted. And that was, essentially, the feeling of his group."
AFRICA has an unusual form. Its melody had to be stated in the background because Coltrane is not tied down by chords. "I had a sound that I wanted to hear," Coltrane remarked of this composition. "And what resulted was about it. I wanted the band to have a drone. We used two basses. The main line carries all the way through the tune. One bass plays almost all the way through. The other has rhythmic lines around it. Reggie and Art have worked together, and they know how to give and take." This work began with Coltrane's quartet. He listened to many African records for rhythmic inspiration. One had a bass line like a chant, and the group used it, working it into different tunes. In Los Angeles, John hit on using African rhythms instead of 4/4, and the work began to take shape. Tyner began to work chords into the structure, and, in John's own words, "it's been growing ever since."
The instrumentation--trumpet, four French horns, alto sax, baritone sax, two euphoniums, two basses, piano, drums, and tuba--is among the most unusual in jazz. But, Dolphy explained, "John thought of this sound. He wanted brass, he wanted baritone horns, he wanted that mellow sound and power."
Coltrane heard the playbacks and nodded. "It's the first time I've done any tune with that kind of rhythmic background. I've done things in 3/4 and 4/4. On the whole, I'm quite pleased with Africa."
GREEN SLEEVES is an updating of the old, revered folk song. It's included in this set because Coltrane, in recent months, has been studying folk music. "It's one of the most beautiful folk melodies I've heard," he said. "It's written in 6/8, and we do it just about as written. There's a section for improvisation with a vamp to blow on."
The quartet has been playing this theme recently, and the arrangement is based on Tyner's chords. Dolphy notated it. "For me," Coltrane said, "Greensleeves is the most enjoyable to play. Most of the time we get a nice pulse and groove. It was a challenge to add the band to it. I wanted to keep the feeling of the quartet. That's why we took the same voicings and the same rhythm McCoy comps in."
BLUES MINOR is a piece the quartet has been playing of late. It was assembled at the recording session. "It's a head," Dolphy said. "McCoy gave me the notes. I wrote out the parts, and the band did it on one take." It swings loosely with the ease and drive of a head arrangement.
All in all, this album is representative of the state of musical mind of John Coltrane, 34, on his way to something new and exciting, but pausing along the way to sum up the fresh and provocative work he has accomplished this far.
~ Dom Cerulli
Side one
1. Africa (Coltrane) – 16:28
Side two
1. Greensleeves (traditional, arranged by McCoy Tyner) – 10:00
2. Blues Minor (Coltrane) – 7:22
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Match-Up Scenario Game - Star Trek Universe (Tv Shows)
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This includes male and female characters from the following Star Trek TV Shows: Discovery, Strange New Worlds, Voyager, and Enterprise
Rules/What you do: Just match the month/day/letter to yourself and you got yourself a cute little scenario to imagine lol. And you can also leave in the tags or comments, what your scenario is :) Tag others/mutuals as well!
Requests: You can use these scenarios as requests for fics/headcanons as well (only when requests are open obviously)
(Scenario Game Masterlist)
Your Birth Month:
January: Cleveland Booker // Nhan
February: Trip Tucker // Kathryn Janeway
March: Spock // Hoshi Sato
April: Gabriel Lorca // T'Pol
May: Jonathan Archer // Michael Burnham
June: Christopher Pike // Erica Ortegas
July: Dr. M'Benga // Seven of Nine
August: Tom Paris // Una Chin-Riley
September: Sarek // Nyota Uhura
October: Malcolm Reed // Sylvia Tilly
November: Harry Kim // La'an Noonien-Singh
December: Chakotay // Christina Chapel
Your Birth Date:
1: Brings you your favorite dessert/candy... 2: Surprises you after being apart... 3: Gives you a token of their affection... 4: Makes you dinner... 5: Surprises you with flowers... 6: Surprises you with shore leave... 7: Proposes to you... 8: Takes you on a picnic... 9: Asks you to move in with them... 10: Surprises you with a trip... 11: Writes you a love-letter... 12: Gives you random gifts throughout the day... 13: Asks you on a date... 14: Suddenly kisses you... 15: Brings you breakfast in bed... 16: Makes you a hand-made gift... 17: Takes you dancing... 18: Hugs you so hard they almost knock you off your feet... 19: Surprises you with random kisses throughout the day... 20: Tells you how much they love you... 21: Surprises you with your favorite food... 22: Gives you a piece of jewelry... 23: Surprises you with a rare alien plant... 24: Throws you a party... 25: Builds you a pillow fort... 26: Surprises you with a fancy dinner... 27: Leaves you an anonymous letter... 28: Takes you star-gazing... 29: Gives you a heart-felt gift... 30: Leaves you secret gifts... 31: Takes you to a new planet..
First Letter of You Name (Or Username):
A-E: For your birthday.
F-J: Because it's your anniversary.
K-O: To cheer you up.
P-T: Just to make you smile.
U-W: Because they are in love with you.
X-Z: Because you are they're favorite person.
I apologize if your combo/matchup does not make sense, it is hard to make sure that every single combination does. 
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Doom & Gloom 2022: The Year In Bootlegs
So many bootlegs! If you need to get caught up, here's a handy list of these Doom & Gloom exclusives. Some of the old standbys, some new faces. Thanks to all the tapers out there, you are the real heroes.
What will 2023 bring?! I don't know, but I'll still be here. Oh and hey, have you signed up for the Doom & Gloom Substack yet? It's a good time.
John Fahey - Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, California, July 14, 1976
Through Hills and Valleys, Over Creeks and Rivers: Crazy Horse’s Deep Cut Epics, 1984-2013
Public Image Limited - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, April 4, 1983
Low - Johnny Brenda’s, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 1, 2016
The Velvet Underground - Music Hall, Cleveland, December 1, 1968
Sonic Youth - Cat’s Cradle, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 14, 1982
Lou Reed - Mile End Sundown, London, United Kingdom, November 1, 1972
Richard Thompson - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, October 16, 1994
John Cale - Lady Mitchell Hall, Cambridge, England, May 13, 1975
Elkhorn - Volume 2 at Never Ending Books, New Haven, Connecticut, September 12, 2022
Lou Reed - Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan, October 26, 2000
Lou Reed - Palace Theater, New Haven, Connecticut, March 7, 1996
Lou Reed - The Bottom Line, New York City, February 25, 1983
Neil Young & The Transband - Westfalenhalle, Dortmund, West Germany, October 11, 1982
The Necks - Bimhuis, Amsterdam, Netherlands, September 26, 1998
R.E.M. - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, April 14, 1982 / October 6, 1982 / July 17, 1983
jaimie branch’s FLY or DIE - Boot and Saddle, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 18, 2016
John Cale - Oxford Ale House, New Haven, Connecticut, June 20, 1979
Silver Jews - 40 Watt Club, Athens, Georgia, March 10, 2006
Air with Amiri Baraka - WDR Studio, Köln, Germany, March 20, 1982
King Sunny Adé - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, February 7, 1983
Patti Smith w/ Lou Reed - Central Park, New York City, June 27, 1977
John Fahey - Unknown Venue, Santa Barbara, California, January 1968
Neil Young - Acoustic H.O.R.D.E.
The Willies - The Peanut Gallery, Haledon, New Jersey, April 24, 1983
The Slits - Dingwalls, London, United Kingdom, May 13, 1977
Neil Young with Poncho and the MG’s - Rock Am Ring Festival, Nürburgring, Germany, May 18, 2002
Neil Young with Booker T. & the MGs - Warfield Theater, San Francisco, California, June 9, 1993
Lou Reed - Glastonbury Festival, Worthy Farm, Pilton, England, June 27, 1992
The Feelies - World Cafe Live, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 19, 2022
Robyn Hitchcock - Robyn Sings Again
Wilco - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, September 16, 2000
The Feelies - The Grotto, New Haven, Connecticut, August 30, 1986 / Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, May 11, 1991
Sonic Youth - This Ain’t No Picnic Festival, Oak Canyon Ranch, Irvine, California, July 4, 1999
Lou Reed - ZigZag Magazine, Conversation with John Tobler, December 1971
Television - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, December 1, 1992
Tom Verlaine - Toad’s Place, New Haven, Connecticut, October 10, 1981 / May 26, 1982
Jerry Jeff Walker & David Bromberg - WBAI-FM, New York City, 1969
The Replacements - 7th Street Entry, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 5, 1981
Lou Reed - The Robinson Apartment, New York City, March 1971
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