#Character: Arzan Ancunin
tadbitfooled · 8 months
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@championsofthegate sent: "Secret romances are impossible to keep hidden." (Ayla @ Arzan cause I think it would be funny lol) from Relationship Advice Sentences
He felt himself stumble slightly as he had gone to lean against the wall as she spoke. He and Klio were stopping off in Waterdeep, as she mentioned some of her father's tomes would be helpful. He hadn't been sure, as he always felt like the elder Dekarios liked to glare daggers at him when he wasn't looking.
Mrs. Dekarios's remark really drove that point home, though.
"Secret? Who said..who said anything about anything being secret?" He managed out with a nervous chuckle, trying to recover. He winced, realizing he sounded a bit like his father. "It just...Was never something that came up at an agreeable moment to discuss."
Oh, yeah, that sounded like how his father would word it.
He cleared his throat, standing up straight and fixing his coat a bit.
"Can you blame me? I'm certain your husband would fireball me if he knew."
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tadbitfooled · 6 months
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@championsofthegate sent:( SIT ) sitting on their lap. (Klio @ Arzan) Seduction Starters
Arzan settled back in the chair he was seated in, raising his brows as she made her way over to him. Blue eyes traced over her form as she neared, not even put off as she made herself comfortable on his lap.
A smirk came to his lips and he wrapped an arm around her waist, looking up at her. The look on his face was cocky, no doubt, and he was sure she might want to do something about that.
"Can I help you with something?" The question was heavy with suggestion, especially as his hand moved from her waist, trailing down to her hip ever so slightly.
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tadbitfooled · 7 months
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@championsofthegate sent: what do you mean? of course i'm coming with you. (Klio @ Arzan) from "I NEED YOU CLOSE AT ALL TIMES" PROMPTS
"No, you can't," Arzan told her, placing his hands on her shoulders to keep her from following him further. This was a matter he needed to handle—Alone. And it seemed no matter how many times he told her that, she wouldn't listen. He was immune to a vampire's bite, but she wasn't. She was vulnerable.
"I can't—I don't want anything to happen to you, it's too dangerous," he told her firmly. He was going to go into an infested land to contend with the long lost vampire lord and try to reason with the spawn. He already had a target on his back due to his mission to find a cure for vampirism. If any of them found out about her...
He didn't want to think about it.
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tadbitfooled · 9 months
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using my powers that be to give him little fangies
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tadbitfooled · 5 months
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Arzan Ancunin | Fighter, Dhampir, Rabble Rouser
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tadbitfooled · 9 months
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I think...I'm finally satisfied with Arzan's in game look.
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tadbitfooled · 7 months
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tadbitfooled · 2 months
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@championsofthegate sent: i didn't fall for you, you fucking tripped me. (Klio @ Arzan) from FEELING KINDA ROMANTIC.
He flashed a winning smile, but there was a glint of mischief in his eye. In a quick move, he took her in his arms and dipped her, a cocky look on his face.
"And I gracefully caught you," he teased her lightly. "My diabolical plan the entire time, I assure you."
Honestly, he hadn't planned anything. He was just being an ass. The fact they'd gotten where they were was a surprise to him, to sayt the least.
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tadbitfooled · 2 months
hc + 🥣 for a food-themed headcanon for Arzan
Thematic Headcanons. A series of subject-specific headcanons you can ask your favorite blog and muse.
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When Arzan is severely injured, anything that isn't blood tastes like ash.
He can't stomach regular food when he's in that state. Even healing potions taste revolting to him. His biology demands he has blood, and it can be dangerous for anyone around him when that occurs.
Usually the bad taste is his first warning sign before it gets worse. The adrenaline from his half-vampire physique can make him not realize exactly how injured he is. So if something tastes wrong, he'll quickly try to get healed or find proper targets, instead of those he's traveling with.
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tadbitfooled · 7 months
For Arzan
[ horny ] ― how high is their sex drive? do they have a lot of sex or is it a more occasional thing? is sex, in general, important to them?
[ intimacy ] ― how are they during sex? do they prefer a more intimate / romantic approach or a more casual one?
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Oh man, this is a bit to unpack with him I think for both of these. I feel like a sex, in general, may be a bit complicated for him. I can see him utilizing it when he needs to get information. He knows he's attractive and he's not against using it for his benefit. I feel like he does, at times, view sex more like a tool than anything else. But I also feel like he has a decent sex drive.
As for how he is during sex?? It would really depend on who he's with. Is he just trying to get information to find a vampire den to stop the vampire lord? Is it actually with someone he has an emotional connection with? If it's the former, far more casual. The latter, though...Probably incredibly intimate.
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tadbitfooled · 8 months
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tadbitfooled · 8 months
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@championsofthegate sent: [ trace ] sender traces one of receiver’s scars (Klio and Arzan) from nonverbal meme prompts
The feeling of her fingers lightly tracing the light scarring on his forearm sent a tingling sensation through him. They were defensive wounds he recently had acquired, having already begun to heal. He might not heal quite as fast as his father, but faster than normal, with few scars to be had.
A reminder of how he walked between realms.
"They'll be gone shortly," he explained, wanting to push aside the feeling her featherlight touch had created. "One of the fine bonuses of being the son of a vampire." It was a jest, a deflection. He didn't want to discuss the struggle of juggling that duality of nature.
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tadbitfooled · 8 months
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@championsofthegate sent: how can you resist this face? (Klio @ Arzan, weaponizing the Dekarios puppy dog eyes lmao) from PROMPTS FOR LOTS AND LOTS OF FLIRTING ♡
"No, no you are not pulling that," Arzan said, making a point to not look at the face she was pulling. He folded his arms and glared off in any direction but hers. He'd given his answer; she couldn't come with him.
He glanced over to see if she'd stopped it yet. No, no she hadn't. He quickly looked away, his scowl deepening as he tried to resist the signature look.
"Gods, why do you do that?!"
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tadbitfooled · 9 months
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honestly feel like Arzan goes by whatever family name suits him at the moment. Ancunin when dealing with other vampires/dhampirs? sure. Bluethorn when he wants to be a little less fancy and more non-descript? yeah. Saliriador when he's dealing with elf nobles so they shut up? yeah ofc.
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tadbitfooled · 9 months
Blog Update:
Made some changes on the Adventurers' page.
Removed Listing who they romanced in game
Made a Tier 1 and 2 of Primaries as well as interaction requirements for some of the background/side characters. Will copy and paste that below cut.
Tavs And Durge (Primaries) Tier 1
The most fleshed out and easiest for me to write. Will default to one of them if a muse is not specified or requested.
Gwenifar van Hol
Talilah Bluethorn
Tier 2
Preferred, just below tier 1 in developed as well as ease for interactions.
Briza Jaelre
Durante Faust
Frits Farehill
Background/Side Muses
These muses are REQUEST ONLY. Some of them also require prior interaction with one of the primary muses. Not available for romantic shipping at this time.
Aella Dekarios - plotting discussion first
Arakhivaen Saliriador - Must interact with Talilah Bluethorn first
Arzan Ancunin - either interact with Talilah Bluethorn first or be a second generation muse
Chiela Ancunin - plotting discussion first
Klaudius Sarrick - Must Gwenifar van Hol unless your muse works with Gortash, plotting discussion first
Kyrirthlila Bluethorn - Must Interact with Talilah Bluethorn first
Perun Dekarios - plotting discussion first
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tadbitfooled · 11 months
PSA: Currently working on a google site for ease. Will be redoing pinned post this week.
tadbitfooled: Independent Multimuse RP blog for the video game, Baldur's Gate 3, featuring various custom Tavs, a Durge, and side/background characters for said characters(on request), currently under construction. Also main blog for Wyll RP blog, @frontiersblade and for Astarion RP blog @sanguistimor
Mun goes by JB (She/they) and is well over the age of 18
This blog runs the risk of possibly having mature and triggering content, due to the nature of the game. I will tag triggers as I can but if you find I have missed something, let me know and I will rectify it.
This blog works better on desktop, with a rules and character page available. If there is interest, I will find an alternative, but for now I'll leave it set up with pages.
Current muse list undercut
Tavs/Durge (Mains)
Briza Jaelre - Custom Tav, Seladrine Drow, Ranger, Outlander | Interest Tracker | Shipping Interest | Available
Durante Faust - Custom Tav, Mephistopheles Tiefling, Archfey Warlock, Guild Artisan | Interest Tracker | Shipping Interest | Unavailable for new
Frits Farehill - Custom Tav, Lightfoot halfling, Wizard, Sage | Interest Tracker | Shipping Interest | Available
Gwenifar van Hol - Custom Tav, Human, Cleric of Ilmater, Sage | Interest Tracker | Shipping Interest | Availability low
Talilah Bluethorn - Custom Tav, High Moon/Sun elf, Bard, Entertainer | Interest Tracker | Shipping Interest |Available
Tavinkas - Dark Urge, Half Wood elf, Draconic blood Sorcerer, Haunted One | Interest Tracker | Shipping Interest | Availability low
Side/Background Characters (Request only)
Aella Dekarios - Little sister to Gale, human bard
Arakhivaen Saliriador - Nobleman sun elf, Paladin
Arzan Ancunin - son of Talilah and Astarion, dhampir fighter
Chiela Ancunin - Little Sister of Astarion, cleric of Sehanine Moonbow
Klaudius Sarrick - Truescar/Cleric of Loviatar, human
Kyrirthlila Bluethorn - high moon elf, thief/entertainer
Perun Dekarios - older/twin brother to Gale, human storm sorcerer
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