mefiman · 1 year
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One of Chase's "surprise" Visits to the Temple. Takes place in the future of my take on the sequel of XS. Not everyone is pleased XD
Close up:
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I hope I drew Dojo well enough 😅
Omi is a young adult around early 20s. My version of grown up Omi is that's he a short man.
If you don't like my OTP, don't comment, just ignore and move on. No hate here.
All characters here belong to Christy Hui.
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I love this shipp. Flirt! Adult-Omi x Tsundere-Chase
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kittyomi · 6 years
Some of my favorite ChaseOmi quotes.
Chase: It appears you win.
Omi: Yes it does!
Chase: What makes you think things didn’t go as I planned?
Omi: Because you...lost?
Chase: No Omi, you won. You were the one I was testing and you passed as I expected.
Chase: I didn’t realize it was visiting hours.
Omi: I... had not come for a visit.
Chase: So why are you here?
Omi: To rescue you!
Omi: That was most amazing!
Chase: You are most amazing, young monk.
Chase: Remember Omi, there is always a place for you at my side.
Omi: I... could never join the dark forces.
Chase: Never say never.
Heck I love all their interactions with each other!
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yinyang-xiaolin · 8 years
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"Wonder what difference does it make......Either way"
Based on the AMV made by jewishjackspicer :)
Time to drown into the corner of feels of my main platonic OTP
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batisadumbass · 9 years
Sorry, I missed the 29th of December deadline. But there will be an update today. Possibly in a couple minutes. But most likely in half an hour since that’s when FF.Net says updates will show up.
I’m sorry to have kept you all waiting for so long.
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faxing-the-fact · 9 years
Favourite episode?
Least favourite episode?
First episode you ever watched?
Favourite character?
Least favourite character?
Favourite ship?
Least favourite ship?
Favourite Omi moment?
Favourite Raimundo moment?
Favourite Kimiko moment?
Favourite Clay moment?
Favourite Xiaolin moment?
Favourite Jack Spicer moment?
Favourite Wuya moment?
Favourite Chase Young moment?
Favourite Hannibal moment?
Favourite Heylin moment?
Favourite moment overall?
Favourite screen shot?
Favourite fan art?
Favourite Fan fiction?
Scene that made you happy?
Scene that mad you sad/angry/upset?
Favourite fan video?
Favourite Showdown?
Least favourite showdown?
Favourite Wu?
Least favourite Wu?
What do you own Xiaolin Showdown related?
Something you wished happened?
Something you wish didn’t happen?
How did you get into the show?
Write a letter to Christy Hui.
What do you wish happens in season four, if there is one?
Write a letter to your favourite character.
(What I've written below the 'keep reading' are mostly are my thoughts, views and opinions of what I've see through Xiaolin Showdown)
I've only watched up to Xiaolin Showdown, and the challenges throughout are only consist of view from the Showdown and not Chronicles. If there's anything of my view you disagree on in the challenges, I would like you to come off of 'anon' and discuss it with you so that I would like to know your other thoughts or headcanon of the characters, pairings, etc. :)
This Day challenge will divide into two parts.
Warning: Heavy-filled gifs and long post
Part 1|Part 2
Pairing: Platonic ChaseOmi
Fifth, Something Jermaine
I have my issue and still wondering on how did Chase know Jermaine since neither have interacted before until this episode ಠ_ಠ
But it seems that Omi is still being tested from the previous episode, and Chase decided to use Omi’s best friend (Sorry, I see Clay is like the oldest brother that protects the three, Kimiko being the older sister figure to Omi, Raimundo the closest older-and-very-protective brother, and Jermaine being the best friend of Omi’s surrogate family. Dojo is definitely the grandpa while Master Fung should be his adoptive father since he found Omi as an infant) by provoking Omi’s big ego and his friendship with Jermaine.
A newbie who knew nothing of the Xiaolin way only to be unexpectedly thrown with a truth he’s a “Wudai” warrior, a level higher than the “all-mighty” Omi
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Omi’s friendship with Jermaine was nearly destroyed by Omi’s own big flawed ego and jealousy, that nearly drived Jermaine away from him.
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But immediately redeemed, since Chase made use of Jack who was getting stuff for Tubbimura as a messenger to tell Omi that Jermaine was under Chase Young’s wing.
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Knowing that Omi cares very much for his friend, Chase had manipulated that part of him to come down to the Showdown and fight against Jermaine; in order to further assess his skills.
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Even going as far as preventing Dojo to get close to the Shen Gong Wu
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And the other three Xiaolin Monks to join in the showdown.
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At the end of the Showdown, Chase is not even fazed that Jermaine had lost since his main focus from the start was to test Omi. Naturally, Omi had exceeded and past his expectations; showing that Chase shows really high regard and respect for Omi, naturally for evil reasons.
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Sixth, Dangerous Minds
I like this fatherly-son moment when Chase was chiding Omi to not get distracted by the knowledge he learned, and focused on finding ways to destroy the spiders :3
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But before that, Chase definitely knows on manipulating Omi’s honourable side of keeping his words to not seek on how to destroy evil.
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And the very scene where Omi and Chase both completely synched in again to fend off the spider? That’s definitely great teamwork and how much they are alike together in terms of combat and harmony.
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While both were complimenting at each other skills...
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Dojo, however, definitely isn’t happy that the youngest monk is getting too chummy with the bad guy; not knowing the growing alliance like the rest of the monks.
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Seventh, Judging/Saving/Finding Omi
Ooh, big time on this one~ :D
In Judging Omi, Chase reveals partially why he had set his eyes on Omi. Omi whom so far had been fighting off with him and capable in somewhat handling him through martial arts alone compared to the other monks, was like a powerful double-edge sword for him.
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A sword that bring him power he could harvest and rule the world in the Heylin from a young child that have growing potential inside him of his skills. Or it could be a deadly threat against him that as Omi grow stronger, it would be something that bite him back of the day where Omi would be able to defeat him. 
So it’s an either choice of harvesting a potential talent that could bring him and Heylin more power (Something in which Chase had noted to respect Omi for strength), or, a threat must be eliminated while he can before he surpass him. But of the latter I said, it seems Chase sees someone as young as Omi to be a threat to him; probably to the degree as dangerous as Hannibal?
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Through the entire Judging Omi, Chase has been scheming from stealing the Ying Yo-yo stealthily from Jack and the Xiaolins
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To, trapping Master Fung into the world Yin-Yang world and made believed that it was Jack’s crew that attacked them.
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To, having Omi to make an alliance with him to stop Jack while once again offer him the chance to join him in the Heylin side after that big argument he had with his friends.
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Let’s not forget this mini badass teamwork scene between Chase & Omi against the hordes of Jack-bots.
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And finally to, tricking Omi to removing his good chi and fall into Heylin side and cause the-end-of-the-world-as-we-knew-it?
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Well.... He knows how to play his card till the very end. *whistles*
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In Saving Omi, Chase views Omi’s heylin self to be raw with power and desire in craving for more power; something that can be controlled and trained he sees. But yet, he views Omi still remain nothing as a comrade worthy to bring the darkness to a whole new level.
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And in that state, Omi had seen Chase probably someone who can fulfill his satisfaction to fight; someone strong and worthy to feed down his desire to be stronger for more power. Naturally, Chase would be willing to give him that in exchange to be able to train him further by making Omi swore his loyalty to him; something that was used and bites against Omi at the very end.
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Though it was short, I could see Chase being the very mentor that taught Omi of using Shen Gong Wu was a crutch for the weak, telling him to rely on his Martial arts move when the Orb of Tornami’s power reflect back to him.
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Lastly of Finding Omi, Chase tries to convince Omi in getting used to the Heylin to be something he naturally belongs to; in which Omi denies the idea of being on the Heylin side.
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(Is it just me that noticed the position where Omi walks is his right...? And my headcanon just nag me that Chase also sees him someone worthy as being a right-hand man if he were to join Heylin?)
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And in the Showdown, Chase pointed out how well he had taught Omi,
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Something Omi in which agreed he taught him too well and wins the Showdown together with his friends.
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Most importantly in this episode, both Omi and Chase exchange the very same words that their Heylin/Xiaolin (respectively of Omi & Chase) is stronger than they think. Chase believing that Omi’s raw potential as a Heylin should be polished and grow so as he believes that Omi truly belongs on the dark side.
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While for Omi after seeing Chase had told him the truth that he had used Reversing Mirror to twist the knowledge that Omi sees in Fountain Hui + Eagle scope of destroying good instead of evil, and believes that his good side of aiding him and telling him this was that the Xiaolin side within him was not dead.
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Bonus of Kitty Omi being petted by Master Chase:
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Eighth, The Omi Town
It’s weird that I would choose this. But it’s small scene of Chase helping Omi to go back to his friends, showing him that his friends are in danger and needs help against Wuya, Jack Spicer & Hannibal Roy Bean. Well, it’s still nice of Chase to do so despite they are enemies
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But this episode is the nagging one that made me wonder why would Chase still helped Omi now they are back to enemies? 
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Showing to him that Wuya, Hannibal & Jack were behind this
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And, eventually helped him to realize that his real family is a lie and made up of Jack bots?
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There’s nagging headcanon of the two being really father-and-son or something along the lines....
Or weird headcanon I have of how Omi was the extracted Xiaolin Chi of Chase Young after he drink the Lao Mang Long Soup, and Dashi knew that if Chase have this other half of his chi back, he would become strong, so he used the sands of time to send Omi to the future to prevent them from reuniting and in which Omi, the good Chi, fell and corrupted to the Heylin side.....
Don’t ask, the headcanon are weird with no logical evidence from the canon series....
Ninth and Final, Time after time part I & II
The last two episode especially the last part, get a glimpse of what was Chase like on the side of good, and the possible close friendship Omi would have with him if he didn’t fall to the dark side.
The idea conceived from the first part with everyone’s words of how it would be if Chase were not here, good would be a lot easier. 
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This is then Omi turned himself to the popsicle and get the Sands of Time so that he would saved Chase from falling to the dark side, with some nasty tear-jerking scene of watching his friends killed by Future Jack... TT^TT
In the Part II, it was there Omi interacted with the good Chase Young and switched the soup so to prevent him from falling to the dark side. 
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Since the good chase young to me he sees, is something should’ve been there from the start and not the evil Chase Young he sees in the current timeline.
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But at that result, Omi unwillingly made Master Monk Guan evil and the entire future to be in the state of Chaos. Papa!Chase had saved him from Wuya, Hannibal Roy Bean & Guan, since the past was able to change that Chase is now good.
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Yet, that didn’t last long... The Good!Chase had to sacrifice himself to fall back to the dark side once more, so that the Xiaolin Monks could find the frozen Omi and turned the timeline to back to what it was. And small Father-son moment in which Chase advised Omi that if the past can be changed, so is the future... Maybe somehow hinting that Chase knew Omi would try to save him in the future if he’s unable to do it in the past?
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But the last small scene is at the end, Chase was showing a small smile at them and probably hinted that he had purposely give way to making the Heylin lose so that the world can go back to the way it was. Hey, maybe Omi was right on how Chase is still good despite he himself have fallen :)
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In summary or somewhat, this is probably how much I shipped Platonic Chaseomi ever since when I was young. It really intrigue me in their relationship, so I really hope to see more of their dynamics in the future series :3
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mefiman · 8 months
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Omi ships. Two which I'm okay with and one which is my OTP. I drew these based on my feelings about them.
Omi in this art is a young adult in his twenties.
No ship hate bashing and comments allowed. Don't like, don't look, don't comment and move on.
All characters belong to Xiaolin Showdown. I own nothing.
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mefiman · 11 months
My Accidental Parents AU family tree!
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I redesigned Shadow from my previous XS post. Was itching to draw her brothers, Boris and Orchid so here they are!
If you guys can guess, they are redesigned characters from Chronicles! I hated the show ngl but in my AU, I get to redo their appearances and personalities yay!
Shadow: Born from a pearl inside an oyster made from a broken ribcage of Chase and Omi's healing magic. Feral lizard instincts, creepy manners that aren't too bad and a passionate female warrior. Has a soft spot for women (Had a crush on Kimiko before growing out of it and found someone else.). Aspires to be a skilled Heylin warrior like her dad, Chase. She's tsundere with a soft side for Papa Omi even if she tries to deny it when she's older.
Boris: Born from a peach shared by Chase and Omi when they took a bite of the fruit. The fruit came from Barkley Le Bois, an ancient French Xiaolin warrior turned into an enchanted peach tree by Gigi before the Heylin Seed was sealed. A good boi, clumsy, reluctant martial artist, doesn't want to fight, prefers to study botany and cooking. Still has the element of wood, only difference he ACTUALLY USES IT unlike canon XC. Taught by his grandpa Barkley whom he's very close with. Papa Omi's baby boy.
Orchid: Hatched from an egg laid by Chase in his beast form when he unknowingly ingested a certain potion dropped into his Lao Meng Long soup by Shadow and Boris when they were kind of tricked by Jack Spicer to search something in their dad's lair. Named after the serum responsible for his conception. Orchid is Chase in appearance and Jack in personality minus the cowardice. Has certain parts of XC Chase's personality with none of the creepy incest. Flamboyant and has a knack of inventing like his revered mentor, Jack much to his father, Chase's displeasure.
1.) Chase and Omi had their firstborn, Shadow when Omi got into his 20's.
2.) All three kids were born accidentally through either both Xiaolin and/or Heylin magic, not MPreg.
Xiaolin Showdown, Chronicles and the characters belong to Christy Hui and Warner Kids.
Boris/Ping Pong and Orchid's designs along with this AU are mine.
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mefiman · 11 months
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I finally drew what I'd been wanting to draw so long while I was still having XS in mind: My Accidental Parents AU where Chase and Omi create Shadow and Ping Pong accidentally (obvious from the AU name and no, there's no MPreg here: the kids were spawned through mystic means) and raise them together.
Here we have a grown-up Omi and Chase having a sweet moment with Shadow when they are used to parenthood.
Omi here is over 20 years old. You can interpret this AU's relationship as platonic if you're into Chase and Omi's relationship like that (Personally for me in my AU, they're slow and steady developing lovers.)
Please don't attack me for my choice of ship. No hate remarks/comments here. Don't like this, ignore and move on, alright?
Omi, Chase Young and Shadow Young belong to Xiaolin Showdown, Chronicles, Christy Hui and Warner Kids. This AU is mine.
P.S. I may have messed up Chase's skin color so I apologize since coloring is NOT my forte. 🙏
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mefiman · 2 years
Chomi to me:
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I have no idea what possessed me to make this cursed meme.
Do I have any regrets making this?
NOPE XDDD 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂
This meme made possible using imgflip.com
Anyways, enjoy. That is all.
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mefiman · 2 years
Sweet Intoxication
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Yes, Phantom of the Opera inspiration idea for this. ^^ I really enjoyed drawing this out. Chomi really got my drawing gears movin'.
Omi here is a teen/young adolescent so please don't attack and bash me for my choice of ship. And no, I do not accept Chronicles' canon of my boys being biologically related. I do not count canon Chronicles as part of Xiaolin canon.
Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and KidsWB.
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mefiman · 2 years
The royal pair together at long last!
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Xiaolin Showdown, Chase Young and Omi belong to Christy Hui and KidsWB.
XS Deities AU is mine.
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mefiman · 2 years
"Sing, my Dragon of Water~"
"He's there, the Heylin Prince of Darkness..."
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POTO inspired AU Chomi. One of my favorite AUs.
Once more I clarify, Omi here is a teen/young adolescent so please don't attack and bash me for my choice of ship. And no, I do not accept Chronicles' canon of my boys being biologically related. I do not count canon Chronicles as part of Xiaolin canon.
Xiaolin Showdown belongs to Christy Hui and KidsWB.
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mefiman · 2 years
After sharing this AU with a few Tumblr mutuals, adding and editing, I finally decided to post my Deities AU on AO3!
The main pairing/ship is Chase Young/Adult! Omi so please don't hit me with accusations of me shipping a minor with an adult/pedophilic ship. Omi in this AU is grown up, ok?
I do not want to be given hate for the shipping the pairing of my choice. I hope everyone on the Xiaolin fandom can respect my OTP as I choose to respect all shippers regardless of how we all view the show, the characters and the pairings of our choices whether it be platonic or romantic.
I dedicate this AU to any romantic Chomi shippers like myself.
Here's the link:
Do drop a nice comment and constructive criticism is most welcome! PLEASE DO NOT GIVE HATE COMMENTS ON MY WORK, OK?
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mefiman · 2 years
Love's Embrace
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Drew my OTP again. Do I regret it? Nope. :)
Yes, I drew Omi wearing a mix of his XS robes and Chronicles's (tights?) uniform. Chase's lashes are noticibly Chronicles (since I admit they were pretty) but I kept faithful to his XS design.
And once again I state, Omi here is a teen/young adolescent so please don't attack and bash me for my choice of ship. And no, I do not accept Chronicles' canon of my boys being biologically related. I do not count canon Chronicles as part of Xiaolin canon.
Xiaolin Showdown belong to Christy Hui and KidsWB.
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mefiman · 2 years
After being immersed onto Xiaolin Showdown, getting my heart stolen by Chase Young, Omi, their dynamic, chemistry, relationship and reading fanfics about them and the pairing in that order, I finally drew fanart of my XS OTP!
Here, Omi is a teen/young adolescent so please don't attack and bash me for my choice of ship. And no, I do not accept Chronicles' canon of my boys being biologically related. I do not count canon Chronicles as part of Xiaolin canon.
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And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Heylin Prince of Darkness is there
Inside your mind~
Yup, the lyrics are adapted from "The Phantom of the Opera" song, I can't resist ^^
2.) Recent art of Chomi
3.) and 4.) Sketches of babies for my pairing
5.) My take on Omi's growing years + Deities AU leaning towards Hades and Persephone (Main pairing: Chomi)
6.) Heylin Rulers share a kiss~ <3
Xiaolin Showdown belong to Christy Hui and KidsWB. I owe my OCs.
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