#Cheap Flights to Costa Rica
tourhawker · 5 months
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 Dreaming of Thailand? Now's the perfect time to make it a reality! Thailand is offering FREE visas for Indian travelers! ✈️ Dive into the vibrant culture, stunning beaches, and delicious cuisine. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity!
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 9 months
Why are the Sussex twats suddenly obsessed with Central America and the Caribbean, they’ve been to Costa Rica twice now? And they were yachting in the Bahamas?
That’s a good question. I’ve given it some thought and here’s what I think.
1. Compared to many other places around the world, Central America is pretty inexpensive. We know the Sussexes don’t have the money they pretend they do so someplace cheap is their only option. And we know they can only afford cheap (or freebie) vacations because they aren’t going to the usual celeb hotspots like Cannes, the Med, Italy, or even Hawaii, like they were back in 2019 when they were still in the BRF.
2. They go where the money is. If they can be paid for appearing somewhere or have their vacations comped, they’re on the first flight. Remember, the December Costa Rica trip with the kids was totally comped by the resort they stayed at, which suggests it was a sponsorship in kind. The Sussexes stay there for free, Meghan calls the paps or the hotel calls the local press, and the hotel gets the publicity. And given their reputations, it’s going to be unknown entities (like the random Costa Rica resort) who’ll give Meghan everything she wants for a freebie vacation.
3. The Caribbean is probably because of the royal family. It’s two-pronged. First, any time they’re in the Caribbean having fun, the press reminds us of the disastrous Cambridge tour and the uncomfortable Wessex tour in 2022 for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Second, because any time the royal family goes to the Caribbean, Meghan can put out her “we did it first, they’re copying us” stories.
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Living Dangerously - Chapter 24
Jurassic Park’s animal handlers: none of them ever mentioned by name in Michael Crichton’s original novel. Who were they? What were their lives like on Isla Nublar? Did any of them survive the disaster?
A year in the life of those responsible for the care of the dinosaurs. Many people would kill to have their jobs.
But would they die for it?
Jurassic Park novel/Jurassic Park film (1993)
Viewpoint: 3rd person female oc
Wordcount: I’m not keeping track anymore, its a novel at this point and I’m only 1/3 of the way there
Warnings: the usual swears and men being misogynistic aholes
Tagging: @heresthefanfiction @ocappreciation @arrthurpendragon @howlingmadlady @wordspin-shares @starryeyes2000 @themaradaniels (lmk if you would enjoy my sporadic updates, any and all welcome)
Read on Ao3 (ha. Hahaha. Good luck)
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Chapter 23 | Chapter 25
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Dennis Nedry was getting pretty goddamn desperate.
The habitually ignored stack of envelopes by his apartment door, no doubt overdue bills, was mounting higher by the day. He could just barely cover his rent, and was working nearly every waking second, taking on extra contracts at Integrated to scrape by.
He wouldn’t make the mistake of bidding low ever again, that was for damn sure.
Nedry cursed John Hammond and InGen as he tapped away at his keyboard in the darkness. Lamenting how only a year ago, his clothes had fitted him much better. He’d enjoyed getting some fresh air, a welcome break from his computer screens. He’d go jogging around Harvard Square on Sundays and play tennis with his friends. He'd had a life. He’d had a girlfriend.
Had. She was long gone.
Sure, maybe he'd been a bit frivolous with his spending, placed a couple of hefty bets on ball games he probably shouldn't have. These days, he was paranoid about leaving his apartment at all, just in case the debt collectors would show up and start liberating his furniture. He was worried they’d even take Unix away from him, an orange goldfish that was now his constant and only companion.
Nedry glanced up and noticed with shame that the glass of Unix’s tank was starting to get a little too green.
“Sorry, buddy. Clean you tomorrow. I promise.” He muttered.
His recent anxiety was made worse by the looming threat he’d actually have to venture out to Costa Rica to take a look at InGen’s system in person. The Arnold guy he'd been talking to was getting more and more pissed-off and sarcastic with each long-distance phone call. Hell, he'd probably have to pay out for his own flights. Hammond was cheap.
Humidity. Heat. Socialising. Urgh.
Things were bad. Real bad. He was in need of a miracle.
Nedry was considering calling it a night to step away from his console and microwave some leftover noodles when there was a quiet tap-tap on his door.
Strange. He hadn’t heard anyone ring the buzzer. How had they gotten in the building? A chill ran through him.
Please not the landlord.
As a rule, Nedry didn’t answer his door unless he was expecting someone, which was almost never. He didn't have guests over anymore. The apartment was too messy.
A creak of the floorboards outside, then he watched, holding his breath, as a single sheet of paper was pushed under his door. He waited for a long time as footsteps retreated down the hall, and he fought the urge to peer through the permanently drawn curtains to the street outside.
Nedry eventually heaved himself up from his desk chair with an effort, sending a stack of floppy discs tumbling like a Jenga tower. Grunting, he bent to pick up the slip.
Scrawled on it was the address of an all-night diner on the corner of his apartment block, and a single question:
Are you ready to get what you’re owed, Dennis?
“Uh, hi?” Armstrong’s smiling face swam into view, trying to make Muldoon acknowledge the cup of coffee she had pushed in his direction. “Welcome back. You were miles away.”
Baker glanced over, buttered toast halfway to her mouth.
Muldoon hesitated for a long moment, struggling for something, anything to reply with, before she had the chance to pry further.
”You’ve no idea.”
Oh, the usual. Just re-living Hell.
”Hey Lizzy, don’t let Ed see you bringing people drinks or you’ll never hear the end of it.” Kathy warned loudly.
Across the canteen, the red-haired Regis ducked his head, hiding his face under his baseball cap.
Lizzy shot Muldoon a worried look while everyone else turned to stare at the PR manager.
Are you okay?
He shrugged in return.
Been much worse.
The worst had nearly happened, for the second time in his life.
Before Armstrong had brought him back to the present day, he'd been dredging up old memories of the first time. He'd done his best to forget, drown it out, but it still got the better of him. Kenya, eight years ago, nearly to the day. The day he'd found a lioness crouched, snarling, over the motionless body of his wife.
The unthinkable had almost repeated again more recently when the ethologist had found herself at the business end of Triceratops horns, that day in the paddock. That had been his fault too, for dragging her into something so dangerous.
Muldoon was struggling to stop over-thinking the last few moments before the crash, when time had stood still. It hadn’t been the impact of the dinosaur smashing into the side of the Jeep that had propelled Armstrong into the drivers seat, practically on top of him.
No, that had happened before the collision.
In the milliseconds before the trike swung her head, Muldoon had wrenched the wheel away with one hand and virtually scruffed Armstrong by her shirt collar with the other, pulling her across the vehicle, likely saving her legs from being crushed in a jagged mess of metal and dinosaur horn.
She obviously didn’t remember any of that. Which was fine, he didn't want her gratitude. It had been a reflex, he’d have done it for any one of his staff. At least, the animal handlers. Even Kennedy, contrary to what Richardson seemed to believe. Who, by the way, was becoming unbearable in his accusations that Armstrong was spending a lot of time down on her knees, doing her utmost to get a promotion.
Not long ago, Muldoon had been taken aside by him for a “chat” that began with a warning.
“Always careful.” Muldoon grumbled.
”Not what I meant. You and her…you two are up to something, and I don’t like it, not one bit. You’re far too involved. You know what’ll happen if you get caught messing around with someone…” Richardson sniffed in disdain. “-beneath you.”
“I’m fully aware. Are you?”
It was incredibly obvious Richardson had a thing for Hammond’s Haitian girl, which wasn’t mutual no matter how imaginative you were. Not to mention ironic, given the way he spoke about Baker. Or, in fact, any of the young women on the island.
Richardson bristled, refusing to let him have the last word. ”I hope I’m the one to catch you at it. She doesn’t belong here. Neither does the black one. Mucking around in the dirt is no place for a woman. Not even one as feral as Elizabeth.”
Muldoon had only shook his head and walked away before he did something he regretted. There was just no getting through to some people. He’d like to see how Richardson would cope if he were suddenly air-dropped into the middle of the Kenyan wilderness after darkness had fallen, ghostly eyes reflecting back at him in the torchlight and ungodly noises echoing from all around.
He’d even bet money on indoor-dwelling Arnold lasting far longer than the so-called Animal Supervisor, who seemed to be doing less and less of his job now the new recruits were trained up to standard. He barely went out in the park anymore.
Sooner or later, something important was bound to be missed.
Which would no doubt be my fault too.
Lizzy and Rico were on their way to the next task of the morning, Rico trying to teach her a few more words of Spanish en route when the voice she dreaded hearing the most on the island rang out from behind her. And, horror of horrors, it was trying to get her attention.
“Ah, Elizabeth!”
She already had been practicing mierda, idiota and carajo, all of which would have served her well at that moment.
“Adios amiga!” Rico nodded at her and zipped off, leaving her all alone.
”Shit, Rico! Get back here!” Lizzy hissed and picked up her pace, no intention of being left alone with the man she couldn't stand at the best of times.
She snuck a quick look behind and shit, he was following her. Fasterfasterfaster.
Richardson, puffing hard, gave up the chase and reached for his radio.
”Elizabeth, I can see you. Turn around.”
Lizzy. It’s Lizzy. LIZZY.
She stopped but refused to walk back to him, no, he could come to her. “What do you want?”
”A helper. For a special task.”
His choice of words made her skin crawl.
“Go on.” She was highly suspicious.
“Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat, and well-“ he stopped to make room for a booming laugh. “-we can’t leave the island entirely unstaffed, now can we?”
”Can’t we? I thought that was the whole idea? Hammond’s vision? Full automation? Minimal workers?”
Richardson continued brazenly, still out of breath from catching up to her. “Not really possible, in case of any emergencies with the livestock. Welfare issue, or some jargon like that. And I thought you would be an ideal candidate, in spite of your, eh, unfortunate luck. Recently single, no children, no commitments at all. No problem agreeing to it.”
The matter wasn’t up for discussion. He was just framing it so it would seem like a privilege. An honour to be alone. Not at all a punishment.
And it stung like a bitch.
He wasn’t done. “If you can agree to anything Robert says, you can do as I ask just this once. Don’t be difficult.”
Double ouch.
Lizzy swallowed her instinctive colourful answer and tried to keep her blood pressure down, though she was brimming with rage. “Any reason you can’t stay here?”
”Of course not, I have a life.”
“I’m sure.”
“You needn’t worry. The park can function by itself for a full two days. But I have to ensure at least one animal handler will be around. To push a few buttons to keep things ticking over. Feeding routines and suchlike. Pull the meat out of the freezer. You have a doctorate, I’m sure you can figure it out. Do it for the dinosaurs."
”Great.” Lizzy replied flatly. “I guess.”
Just downright insulting at this point.
“Wonderful. Then consider yourself marooned.” Richardson laughed again, swanning off, while Lizzy was left stony-faced and trying to figure out which deity she may have caused offence to recently.
She heard a faint mechanical buzzing and looked up to locate the surveillance camera mounted in the palm trees, slowly zooming in on her.
Well, at least one other person saw what happened.
”Can you believe this shit?” She spoke to the lens.
The faint red light on the camera blinked sympathetically in response.
Dr. Ruso's infamous infant raptor was finally making the journey to Isla Nublar after a small paddock had been hastily built. It was only temporary, as soon as more raptors were hatched and grown, the whole cohort could move into a bigger enclosure, which was still currently under construction.
Word had gotten around by the time the raptor was due to arrive on the transport, and the entire animal handler team had turned up to watch her being offloaded, curious to catch a glimpse of the fearsome beast who had relieved an embryologist of her digits.
Most were underwhelmed when they saw the size of the kennel she had travelled in.
"That's it?" Tom was incredulous. "That's the aggressive animal they can't handle on Sorna? It's not much bigger than a damn chicken!"
”Pretty cute.” Ed Regis muttered, not put off at all by the high-pitched snarling coming from the infant as she feinted charges towards the fence, tapping her curved claws on the soil between attacks. “Especially if it stays this small. Kids’ll love it.”
“The genomics programme estimates an adult height of ten feet tall.” Kathy deadpanned, quickly bringing him back to down from his PR buzz.
“Ten…feet…” Regis faltered.
”Roughly Ostrich size." Muldoon nodded. "I’ll be interested to see how fast it is full-grown. If it makes it that far.”
”I'm always blown away by your positive outlook.” Lizzy muttered.
“What do you mean by ‘makes it that far’?” Regis was naïve as ever.
"It's on thin ice. Any trouble and I wouldn't hesitate to retire it."
"You mean...?" Regis was horrified.
”Steady, Robert. We already talked about this. You can’t be so graphic when we’re open to the public-“ Richardson warned. "Someone will hear."
"I'm clearly joking. Isn't it obvious?" Muldoon's tone was so dry Lizzy had to turn away to hide her smirk.
The group turned to stroll back to the Jeeps, though Regis lingered behind, wishing he had brought his camera.
"Don't put your hand through, Ed." Kathy called over her shoulder as an afterthought. "I need to get some Danger, I bite signs made up to hang on the fence."
"Make extra. To stick on Elizabeth.” Richardson suggested.
"Oh no. My sides. They have split." Lizzy answered in monotone. Her superior had been strangely benevolent the past few days, trying his utmost to be her best friend since he'd asked her to stay on the island over Christmas, and she didn't like it at all. She found it far creepier than when he was trying to undermine and put her down constantly. "Please. Send help."
Lizzy reached one hand out to Muldoon dramatically, the other closing around her neck as she made an admirable act of pretending to choke. ”Get…Gerry…tell him…I love him…”
He just muttered something like I’ll get you a boot up the arse which turned Lizzy's appeasing smile into a genuine one.
She was about to answer back with a rude remark when there was a sharp yell from the fence behind them and she spun around to see Regis trying to wrestle something out of the raptor’s jaws.
"Seriously?!” Kathy was the first to start racing back to help him.
Regis gave a final tug and fell backwards into the dirt, scrambling away from the fence. He was white as a sheet, but seemingly unhurt.
“Jesus, Ed!” Kathy exploded, tucking the sawn-off wooden shovel handle she had taken to carrying around with her as an improvised breakstick back into her belt loop. “What are you playing at? I literally just told you! Don’t put your goddamn hand through!”
”I d-didn’t!” He denied, stammering.
”Then have some common sense and don't turn your back either!” Kathy added angrily. “The budget didn’t stretch to double fencing! Are you hurt?”
“No, no, sorry, I guess-aw, man!” Regis had looked down to assess the damage. A chunk was missing from his Trenton Thunder polo, now inside the pen and being toyed with by the baby raptor, who was stalking and pouncing on the scrap of grey fabric. “My lucky shirt!”
“Lucky?” Tom asked in disbelief. "Man, Trenton suck."
Regis went very red. "Take that back."
"Guys, please." Kathy tried, then put her head in her hands as the two men continued flinging sports-related jabs at each other. All Hell erupted when Regis brought Tom’s mother into the argument, and the other handlers had to pile on to hold him back, even diminutive Lizzy was hanging off his arm, digging her heels into the ground.
Muldoon found himself wishing that cleaning cupboards occurred naturally in the Costa Rican rainforest, to give him the means to knock all their heads together. This was ridiculous. He noticed with disgust Richardson was just standing there watching with amusement at the group turning on each other, like he was enjoying it.
"Help me." Baker turned to him. "Please. You gotta."
"You're more than capable."
"I can't, they won't listen."
"Then make them listen. You've got to make a noise."
"I..." She pointed then let her hand fall limply to her side.
"Prove him wrong about you, at the very least." Muldoon nodded towards Richardson.
That did the trick. Her face hardened and she nodded, planting her feet wide apart.
"Just...just s-shut up, all of you, or you'll be cleaning the toilets for the next month!" She nearly screamed the last part. Baker looked the most shocked of all of them at the volume she'd just produced.
Silence instantly fell.
"Woah." Tom whispered. "Go Kathy."
Well done, Baker.
She hesitated, amazed, then continued, voice trembling. “Nobody goes near this enclosure except myself and Muldoon. Us two alone will deal with the damn thing. No exceptions." She sounded braver now, looking each of them dead in the eye in turn. "Understood?"
A chorus of yes Kathy resounded from the handlers gathered nearby.
She was exhausted, but pleased. She'd done it.
Lizzy slyly peered into the enclosure, trying to see how the raptor had reacted to Kathy's yelling, before Muldoon caught her eye and gave a sharp look.
That includes you. Be patient.
She rolled her eyes in answer.
"I did it!" Baker murmured to him happily. "It was good, right?"
"Much better."
"Okay, coming from you, that's high praise. I'll take it!" She flashed her Hollywood smile and started back to the Jeeps with a definite spring in her step, most of the handlers following her lead.
Except for Armstrong. She remained near him, just the two of them lingering by the fence, still watching the raptor savaging the “lucky” shirt.
It was certainly a bit of a leap, but Muldoon liked to think the raptor had picked up on his instant dislike of city-slicker Regis, and given him a good scare on his behalf. It clearly didn’t like the way the PR manager smelled overpoweringly of cologne, judging from how it was growling and snapping at the shirt scrap. Armstrong’s legs were avenged, until the next time.
At least that was one small point in the animal’s favour. Maybe it wasn't entirely a waste of time, keeping it alive.
“Oh my God.” Armstrong muttered, in the middle of an epiphany.
She glanced side to side, looking out for over-curious eavesdroppers before leaning in towards him, whispering knowledgeably. “You like her.”
”I don’t like it. It’s a damn animal.”
“Of course you do! She’s smart, fiesty, and she has a bite history! What’s not to like?” The ethologist was smirking up at him.
Well, she wasn’t exactly wrong.
“Hm. Don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Oh, I think you do.” Lizzy guessed it would pain Muldoon more than anyone to have to put the raptor down if she was involved in any more gory accidents. Vicious or not, it was still a waste of life. The dinosaur had no purpose except entertainment. “She’s dangerous.”
“You’re talking rubbish, woman.”
“Mm-hm. Careful, kid. He has good aim.” Lizzy turned back to the fence and spoke directly to the raptor, who cocked her head at the sound of her voice. “Better run.”
Her smile quickly faded when the young dinosaur chirped and turned tail, scuttling off into the undergrowth.
The game warden and the ethologist stared at the empty space where the raptor had been seconds before, then exchanged glances, having exactly the same thought.
How dangerous?
Lizzy spoke first, slowly shaking her head. “I’m very much hoping that was a coincidence.”
Kathy quietly took Lizzy to one side as everyone filed out of the canteen after dinner that night.
"Can we talk?"
Oh no.
That sentence never means good things.
"Sure." Lizzy replied hoarsely as she hopped up to sit on one of the tables, Kathy pulling up a vacant chair to sit in front of her. She tried to keep her expression calmly neutral, when all she could think was oh my God, she knows about the raptor behavioural plan, she’s mad I kept it from her for this long, shit-
"Nothing's decided yet, so don't panic, but I wanted you to be the first to know..." Kathy shifted nervously, then sighed deeply and dropped the bombshell. "I'm thinking about leaving InGen.”
Lizzy gawped back at her dumbly before her system rebooted and she could speak again. "Don't you dare! Why? What happened? Tell me, who did it? I'll make them wish they were never born!”
Kathy chuckled and took her hand. "It's not just one person, or even one thing, hun. It's kinda…all of it. It's too difficult, not being taken seriously, like, ever. You can deal with it. But me, I can't. And besides, I don't want to anymore."
"You did it today!"
"Yeah, and now I'm exhausted!"
"It'll get easier-"
"I miss my mama." Kathy rubbed Lizzy's fingers as she spoke. "My buddy at the Smithsonian called. The Mammal Curator is retiring next year and I'm thinking about applying.”
A position like that came up about once a decade if you were incredibly lucky.
“The Thanksgiving announcement kind of sealed the deal.” Kathy shrugged. "I mean, we don't exactly work nine to five, but they’re taking advantage of us.”
Because of rising pressure to meet deadlines, time off requests for Thanksgiving had been denied. A management decision which was met with all five stages of grief from the American animal handlers. Kathy in particular had been very upset that she wasn't allowed to go home to see her folks, and morale was dropping lower by the day.
"Kathy, I don't think I can hold the fort without you. The gender ratio is downright appalling as it is!"
"Get real, Lizzy! How many times have we, well...you in particular, for some reason, gotten seriously hurt since we arrived here? Zoological institutions are supposed to take accidents involving the animals pretty damn seriously! We don’t even have any guests yet and it already feels like Gennaro gets paid commission!"
"I see your point, but this is the first time anyone's ever tried containing a dinosaur-"
”Lizzy, I’m scared.” Kathy's eyes were huge and pleading. “We’re just numbers. We're replaceable. It’s only a matter of time before something really bad happens.”
The Team Leader’s gaze dropped down to one side. She couldn’t shake the ominous feelings, and her bad dreams continued to plague her. She ran through contingency plans and emergency procedures over and over in her head, still worrying they weren't good enough. Her worst fear was the next time there was an accident, help would arrive too late.
Lizzy tried to lift the mood. "You can't leave me here with Marìa, she doesn’t ever bloody speak! Shit, imagine if they brought in Sarah Harding to replace you?"
"Then come with me?" Kathy offered. "For the low, low price of a flight to Washington DC, you too could be taken seriously by your peers!"
"Washington's a bit cold for my liking..." Lizzy fooled.
"They have elephants at the Smithsonian?" Kathy dangled motivation in front of her. "Pretty sure they'd leap at the chance to score you, Dr Armstrong."
"Hm. Same shit. Different day. Different part of the world."
"Yeah, but at least the piles of shit would be smaller!" Kathy scoffed. "You have a PhD, what the Hell are you even doing here, working as a glorified cleaner?"
Lizzy played the last card in her hand, changing the subject. "You realise if you walk, then Ray isn't hanging around either? You’re pretty much responsible for the last ounce of his sanity.”
Hell, she'd could probably wave goodbye to Isaac too. He adored Kathy nearly as much as the engineer did.
Her friend smiled sadly. "Good for him. It’s just a job.”
"Huh.” Lizzy didn’t agree. It was more than a job. She ate, slept and breathed the island. It was her life, and she’d already given up a career in Africa and a long-term relationship to get this far. But she didn’t like the sound of sacrificing her friends either, or getting attached to people if they weren’t going to be sticking around.
"Relax, the old curator hasn’t officially announced his retirement yet.” Kathy reassured her. “I’m just super prepared. I wouldn't be leaving until next summer, June or July at the earliest, if I got the job.”
"Of course you'll get the job. You're bloody brilliant." Lizzy moped.
”I can stick it out for the full year.”
”Work for InGen for a year, and you can work anywhere you want.” Both women said at the same time.
“I’d make history, I’d be the first female Mammal Curator at the Smithsonian, ever. Think Muldoon will give me a glowing reference?” Kathy quirked an eyebrow.
“Eh…I wouldn’t ask until after you’ve got an interview secured.” Lizzy replied warily. “And more like a mildly positive reference, if you catch him on a good day.”
“When does that man ever have a good day? Maybe I should ask Richardson instead?” Kathy asked solemnly.
Lizzy must have looked doubtful, because Kathy burst out laughing. “I’m kidding, jeez! But at least I wouldn’t have to sleep with Muldoon.”
Kathy rolled her eyes and Lizzy could almost see the animated lightbulb appear over her head when she realised the deep freezers were left unattended. “C’mon, let’s get some ice cream while nobody’s around.”
Thanks for reading!
One of the rare glimpses into Muldoon’s past provided by Michael Crichton in the novel, forgive me (or not) for h/c-ing one of the animal attack scenes he witnessed was the demise of someone close to him. I will be writing this in more detail later on, even though it physically pains me to hurt him this way. This fictional character who my life revolves around.
Also: Oh God. Now I’m consumed with guilt at the thought that Nedry never came back for Unix :( (spoiler alert?)
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icarusthelunarguard · 4 months
This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter. Better yet! Check out “Heart of the Game, Fredonia” and see if they can sell you those D12’s with the symbols on them. Tell them “Shujin Tribble” sentcha. And “Hail, Hail, Fredonia!” Home of the Blue Devil!
Summer is right around the corner, so it’s time to start making your vacation plans. And we’re JUST the place to help you decide what to do and where to go. So get out your debit cards and get ready to plan your hotel stays. Remember, there’s a 30% Restocking Fee for any cancelled bookings. The Horrible-Scopes will not be responsible for any accidents, either mid-air or on the ground, to anyone using Ryan Air.
We’re suggesting you plan your vacation to Costa Rica. It’s relatively easy to get to from the USA and Canada, has reasonable prices, ridiculously clean beaches, and the locals are friendly. What’s not to love about this choice? So This Week… Make sure you book a visit to the Cloud Forest in Monteverde. It’s totally a magical experience! 
Where Aries went with a reasonable price tag, we’re sending you off an expensive one. Even booking through Costco you’ll be paying about $8,000 for 5 nights - but that puts you in an overwater bungalow, all meals, all flights and taxi to/from the airport - and the destination? Bora Bora! So This Week…  Your high school-level French won’t be needed for this trip, but we suggest a hard hat. You’ve heard of Australian Drop Bears? How about Bora Boran Drop Coconuts? That can be a thing.
Speaking of the Australian area of the globe, we’re sending you Fiji. No, they do not make Fiji-Brand Water there. But speaking of, bring a good camera with you because you’ll want to remember the water there to swim in. Just amazingly blue and warm water and you’ll enjoy every minute of it. So This Week… When you plan your vacation, just avoid Denarau Island. That’s where you’ll find the largest concentration of Australian Bogans visiting. If you don’t know what that term means, just ask an Ozzie - they’ll explain. 
Cancer Moon-Child 
We’ll make this one super straight-forward: Iceland! Try to imagine visiting a country that’s incredibly safe, welcoming, chilly, but built like it’s just one giant national park. It’ll be a great visit with a better-than-average chance to see the Northern Lights at night. So This Week… There is an incredible and authentic Ethiopian restaurant in Fludir, run by an Icelandic man and his Ethiopian wife. Some of the best food and coffee. You HAVE to get there and check it out!
Fancy taking a trip to the European mainland? Don’t care - we’re sending you to Spain. It doesn't get much hype but it promises sun, sand, cheap beer, cheap food, and it delivers 100% of the time… on the experience, not delivering food to you. If you want to stay away from the British and German tourists, plan on visiting the Basque region. It's a little more akin to the Pacific Northwest in the US, with a nice cool climate, still with stellar food. So This Week… You likely didn’t learn Castilian Spanish, so you might be treated with kid gloves if you try to speak Spanish to the natives. At least they’ll respect the effort.
Some have suggested this location and it’s stirred up a nasty hornet’s nest of opinions. We’re suggesting you go to… OHIO! Now, yes. Ohio’s birthed a number of people who have gone on to intentionally leave the planet for space, but that’s not exactly a bad point. It could be said that they were simply looking for somewhere more exciting than Ohio, and not finding it on the planet, looked elsewhere. So This Week… Order a bottle of Loganberry Syrup to get your taste buds ready for a week at Cedar Point. You’re Welcome. 
Plan on getting SCUBA Certified because you’ll need it as you head off to Belize! We’re going to remind you to research “the Blue Hole” so you can stay away from it, but this will be an awesome underwater experience! Imagine what it’ll be like to swim with stingray, small sharks, lots and lots of fish, and even eels that you can touch! Nothing will come close to that first dive with your instructor. So This Week… Always fall backwards out of the boat when you’re going SCUBA Diving. Because if you go the other way your facemask will hit the floor of the boat.
Here’s a sleeper hit for you - and you best not go bragging about it to anyone: Northern Michigan. Giant sand dunes, beautiful bays, the Great Lakes, Mackinac Island… It’s like a different country compared to the rest of Michigan. The woodsy lake vibes with all the waterfalls are truly amazing. So This Week… Just remember that you are right next door to Ontario, Canada up there. Do NOT annoy the local bird life.
You’ll likely need a translator to help you out at times, but you’re slated to head out to Edinburgh, Scotland. Do your research and look up all the touristy places and stay way the hell away from them. You may love bagpipe music, but by the third day of hearing it incessantly, you WILL want to lance someone through the chest with a Claymore. So This Week… buy new socks and cushioned insoles for your shoes. Since EVERYTHING is uphill from there you WILL need them.
We’re sending you WAY up north to Juneau, Alaska. The wilderness is amazing to walk or trudge through, depending on what time of year it is and the weather. But even beyond the daylight hours, you’ll have an amazing view of the night skies - and again, a better-than-average chance of seeing the Northern Lights. So This Week… Make sure your passport is valid because if you want to head to Anchorage, that’s a 925Km (574Mile) straight-line distance, but that’s a 19 HOUR DRIVE! Do NOT run out of fuel on the drive!
We’ll suggest you consider Maui. Both the location and the animated character as voiced by Dwayne Johnson. We’re pretty sure most of you would LOVE to visit either one for various reasons. So This Week… Don’t even THINK about getting Maori tattoos on your body. They are painful and you WILL regret even trying.
You will be getting the best vacation location. No, seriously.. This is the vacation everyone else on this list is going to be asking to trade with you for. (*Grand Pause*) Grandma's house. Just Picture It - Cartoons & Silver dollar pancakes any time you want them, homemade spaghetti & meatballs, and fresh baked cookies before bed. So This Week… We’re not crying! You’re Crying! Shut up!
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know - or check out the Ko-Fi page ( https://ko-fi.com/icarusthelunarguard )! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, Discord, and BLUESKY.
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zealousnightmusic · 2 months
How to Book Flights for a Wildlife Tour
Book cheap flight tickets and hotels- https://trailtravelz.com/
Planning a wildlife tour can be exhilarating, but booking flights that align with your adventure can often be challenging. Whether you're heading to the savannas of Africa or the rainforests of South America, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to book flights for a wildlife tour that ensures a seamless journey from takeoff to touchdown.
Research Your Destination
Begin by researching your destination’s peak wildlife viewing seasons. Understanding the best times to visit can help you snag affordable flights and witness nature at its most vibrant. For instance, safaris in Africa might be best during the dry season, while bird-watching in Costa Rica peaks during specific migration months.
Flexible Travel Dates
Flexibility is key when booking flights for a wildlife tour. Use flight comparison websites that allow you to view fares across an entire month or even a year. Often, adjusting your travel dates by a few days can lead to significant savings, which you can then allocate towards enhancing your wildlife experience.
Direct vs. Connecting Flights
Consider the trade-offs between direct and connecting flights. Direct flights minimize travel time and reduce the risk of missing connections, ideal for wildlife tours where timing is crucial. On the other hand, connecting flights might offer cost savings or provide opportunities to explore additional destinations en route to your wildlife adventure.
Airline Partnerships and Rewards Programs
Explore airline partnerships and frequent flyer programs that could earn you miles or points for future travel. Some airlines offer specific wildlife tour packages or partnerships with conservation organizations, providing unique travel experiences while supporting wildlife preservation efforts.
Packing Essentials for Wildlife Tours
When booking flights, consider the baggage policies and pack accordingly. Wildlife tours often require specialized gear such as binoculars, camera equipment, and lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for outdoor excursions. Check the airline’s restrictions and allowances for carrying wildlife observation equipment.
Booking Tips and Resources
Utilize online travel agencies, which often offer competitive prices and comprehensive search filters tailored to wildlife enthusiasts. Additionally, consider booking directly with airlines to take advantage of exclusive deals or promotional offers specifically tailored to wildlife tour destinations.
Booking flights for a wildlife tour involves careful planning and consideration of factors such as destination seasons, travel flexibility, flight routes, and packing essentials. By leveraging these tips, you can ensure a smooth journey that maximizes your wildlife viewing opportunities and enhances your overall travel experience.
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easypeasyflytravel · 1 year
Easy Peasy Fly- Cheap Flights From Denver
Finding cheap flights can be an art, and when it comes to Denver, the Mile High City, the same applies. As a Colorado-based traveler, I consider myself an expert in finding the best flight deals from Denver International Airport (DEN). Whether you’re planning a domestic getaway or an international adventure, I’ve got you covered with all the tips, tricks, and tools you need to snag those budget-friendly flights. Let’s dive in and discover the ultimate guide to finding cheap flights from Denver!
Denver International Airport (DEN) — A Hub for Adventure: Denver International Airport (DEN) is one of the largest and busiest airports in the United States, making it a hub for travelers from all over the country. It serves as a major gateway to the Rocky Mountains and beyond, with airlines offering flights to destinations across the United States and around the world. As a result, there are plenty of opportunities to find great flight deals from this bustling airport.
The Best Domestic Destinations from DEN: Airfare prices are ever-changing, but after years of tracking the trends, I’ve identified some consistently cheap domestic destinations from Denver. Keep in mind that prices may fluctuate due to the time of year, events, and other factors, but these destinations have historically offered budget-friendly options:
Las Vegas (LAS): Sin City is a popular destination for Denver travelers, and with competition from multiple airlines, you can often find roundtrip fares for under $150.
Phoenix (PHX): Airlines like Southwest, United, and Frontier compete fiercely on this route, frequently offering flights for less than $200 roundtrip.
Chicago (ORD): The Windy City is a popular destination with multiple carriers flying the route, leading to competitive fares often under $200 roundtrip.
Dallas (DFW): Frequent competition on this route from Southwest and American Airlines results in occasional fares under $200 roundtrip.
Seattle (SEA): With multiple carriers offering nonstop flights, Seattle is a great destination for outdoor enthusiasts, and fares can drop below $250 roundtrip.
The Cheapest International Destinations from DEN: For those seeking international adventures, Denver offers some attractive options for budget-conscious travelers. These destinations have often provided affordable flights from Denver:
Cancún, Mexico (CUN): With frequent nonstop flights from Denver on carriers like Southwest and Frontier, you can find roundtrip fares to this popular beach destination for under $300.
Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (PVR): Another Mexican gem, Puerto Vallarta offers nonstop flights from Denver on airlines like Southwest and United, with fares often below $300 roundtrip.
Vancouver, Canada (YVR): Head north to beautiful Vancouver with nonstop flights on Air Canada or United for fares around $300 roundtrip.
Mexico City, Mexico (MEX): Explore the vibrant capital of Mexico with nonstop flights on carriers like Aeromexico and United, with fares sometimes under $350 roundtrip.
San Jose, Costa Rica (SJO): Experience the natural beauty of Costa Rica with nonstop flights from Denver on Southwest, United, and other carriers, with fares occasionally under $400 roundtrip.
Top Tips to Find Cheap Flights from Denver:
Be Flexible with Dates: Allow for some flexibility in your travel dates, as adjusting your departure or return by a day or two can lead to significant savings.
Use Fare Comparison Tools: Take advantage of powerful fare comparison tools like Google Flights to explore various airlines, routes, and dates to find the best deals.
Consider Nearby Airports: If your destination is within driving distance, check fares from nearby airports like Colorado Springs (COS) or Fort Collins (FNL) to potentially find better deals.
Sign Up for Fare Alerts: Stay updated on the latest flight deals by subscribing to fare alert services or following travel deal websites and social media accounts.
Book at the Right Time: There is no magic day or time to book cheap flights. Prices fluctuate constantly, so when you find a great deal that fits your schedule, don’t hesitate to book.
Join Frequent Flyer Programs: Join airline loyalty programs to earn miles and enjoy perks like free checked bags, priority boarding, and access to airport lounges.
Conclusion: Denver is a gateway to adventure, and finding cheap flights from this vibrant city is absolutely possible with the right strategies. By staying flexible, using fare comparison tools, and keeping an eye out for deals, you can uncover budget-friendly flights to both domestic and international destinations. So, whether you’re planning a weekend getaway or an epic overseas trip, use this ultimate guide to find cheap flights from Denver and start your next journey without breaking the bank! Happy travels!
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orlandopackages · 1 year
Adventure travels
Adventure travel has become increasingly popular in recent years. More and more people are looking for opportunities to explore the great outdoors and push their limits. Take cheap flights to Baltimore and explore the adventure trips around.
Hiking, camping, and extreme sports are amongst the most popular forms of adventure travel.
Hiking is an excellent way to connect with nature. Explore trails together in groups. Enjoy trails that may vary in difficulty or scenery.
Go camping to spend time in the great outdoors. Disconnect from technology and connect with nature. Take flights to Atlanta from UK; then camp somewhere.
Extreme sports include bungee jumping, skydiving, white-water rafting, etc. They offer an adrenaline rush that’s hard to replicate. Enjoy them after taking flights to Austin from UK.
It's important to take certain precautions to ensure your safety. Research the activity you're planning to do. Be prepared. Wear appropriate clothing/gear. Seek out a guide/instructor. Have adequate travel insurance to cover any unexpected emergencies.
Here are ten adventure activities to consider on your next trip:
Hiking in national parks, such as Yosemite or Yellowstone.
Camping in the wilderness, such as in the Rocky Mountains or the Amazon Rainforest.
Mountain biking on challenging trails, such as the ones in Moab, Utah.
White-water rafting on the Colorado River or the Zambezi River in Africa.
Zip lining through the forest canopy in Costa Rica or Belize.
Rock climbing in Yosemite or Joshua Tree National Park.
Scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef or the Galapagos Islands.
Snowboarding or skiing in the Rocky Mountains or the Swiss Alps.
Surfing in Hawaii or Bali.
Paragliding in the Swiss Alps or the Himalayas.
Adventure travel offers a unique and unforgettable experience for those willing to step out of their comfort zone. Discover new things about yourself.
Else, just relax after taking flights to Las Vegas from UK from White Magic Travels.
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flycodeskweb · 2 years
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Cheap Flights to Costa Rica +1 (877) 658-1183
Grab exciting discount offers for cheap flights to Costa Rica with Flycodesk and enjoy your vacation to the fullest. Costa Rica is hub of naturally wonderful places to visit. It has national parks, rain and cloud forests, coral reefs, mountains, volanoes and much more to explore. Call +1 (877) 658-1183 or visit www.flycodesk.com to enjoy your trip to such beautiful places.
Click here to read more about Costa Rica: http://bit.ly/3EvWzeL
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adanrui · 2 years
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shruti-08 · 2 years
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lowestflightfares · 2 years
Ultimate Bucket List: Things To Do In Costa Rica
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Costa Rica is a country, famous for its tropical beaches, marvelous volcanos, rich biodiversity and the no army policy. Yes, you read it correctly. After the bloody civil war of 1948, the country decided to not have an army but they do have police for protection. And according to the 2012 Happy Planet Index, it is the happiest country in the world. It is a perfect vacation destination specially for beach lovers, so below is a list of things to do in Costa Rica to help you prepare the vacation itinerary so that you don't miss anything. If you ever visit Costa Rica, you will hear the phrase “pura vida” a lot, which basically means pure life in English.
(1) Visit the beaches
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Located between the shores of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean, Costa Rica is home to many beautiful beaches making it a dream vacation destination for a beach lover and you can save some money by booking cheap flights to Costa Rica. You can enjoy your time the way you like, if you want to have a peaceful time then you can watch the sunset by the sea or you can also do adventurous water sports like surfing, snorkeling, horse riding, scuba diving, rafting etc. Some of the must visit beaches are Playa Tamarindo, Whale Tail Beach, Playa Conchal, Playa Flamingo etc.
(2) Take a day trip to the National Parks & Reserves
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The citizens of Costa Rica have protected their national parks and reserves to save flora and fauna of the country. Thanks to this great initiative, they have a rich marine life and wildlife. It is considered to be one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world with the most interesting and beautiful places to visit like Manuel Antonio National Park, Corcovado National Park, Arenal National Park, Cordillera de Talamanca, Isla del Cocos Island National Park and many more.
(3) Thrill tour to the volcanos
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Costa Rica is home to around 60 volcanoes, which are considered to be extinct and safe to visit. They also have national parks plus there are six volcanoes that are still active which means that they have erupted within the past 10,000 years. There is an array of adventurous activities which can be done with great heights which are one of the most fun things to do in Costa Rica. Some of the must visit volcanoes are Arenal Volcano, Irazu Volcano, Poas Volcano, Rincón de la Vieja Volcano and Tenorio Volcano.
(4) Chase the waterfall
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Living up to its name “Costa Rica” which translates to “Rich coast” in English as it has drop-dead majestic waterfalls. Located between the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean, you will really miss out on the fun if you don't visit at least one of the many gorgeous waterfalls.  It might be a little difficult to find them, so it is suggested to hire a guide. There are some waterfalls that are ideal for swimming and other activities while some are not, so it is best to have the knowledge beforehand. Some of the waterfalls that are worth a visit are The Diamante Falls, Nauyaca Falls, Montezuma Falls, Rio Celeste Falls and La Fortuna.
(5) Explore the country while hiking
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Costa Rica has endless opportunities for adventure lovers, from diving and surfing to hiking and biking. And the beauty of Costa Rica can not be enjoyed by sitting in our cars, your trip will be incomplete if you don't take a walk while observing the heavenly beauty of nature. You can do skydiving, cliff diving, hiking etc. Some of the best trails for hiking in Costa Rica are Tenorio National Park, Cerro Chirripo, Santa Rosa National Park, Estación Biológica Pocosol and Rincón de la Vieja.
(6) Relax at the Spa
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There is nothing better than relaxing at a luxurious Spa after a tiring day of hiking through the trails. There are so many Spa retreats and you can choose according to your budget. The prices of spa and retreats are relatively low in Costa Rica, in comparison to Canada and The United States.
(7) Try the local cuisine
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The list of things to do in Costa Rica will be incomplete without trying authentic food. The easiest and the fastest way to learn about the culture of a country is through its food and it also helps you connect to the local people. Some of the many delicious dishes that you should try here are gallo pinto, Black Bean Soup, Palmito Cheese, Picadillo and Tres Leches.
Costa Rica is the choice of millions of people to spend their vacations as it has so many things to offer to its visitors. From beautiful beaches and picturesque scenery to thrilling adventure and rich culture, here you will find tons of things to explore. The best part is with such high scale tourism, the country has still managed to not harm nature. The country is everything one can ask for in an ideal vacation or holiday destination.
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