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toyybox · 1 year
Spiderwebs #11: Dollhouse
content: lab whump, captivity
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The bed was bought from a garage sale, a cheap but sturdy thing from somewhere downtown. It came with a matching nightstand, so Heather had that taken care of. She considered buying a lamp, but giving Jackie anything close to a weapon was a bad idea. 
“What do you mean, a brush that isn’t sharp?”
Heather tried her best to sound polite. “I mean, if someone tries to stab me with that toothbrush, they won’t get very far. Something like that.”
The general store employee gave her an odd look, so Heather gave up and bought the least dangerous looking one. The mattress was ordered online. Heather was able to buy a few sets of clothes, alongside gloves and a new pair of black boots that would fit better than the old shoes Heather had let him borrow. She acquired a stronger light bulb, a nicer blanket, a pillow, and a shell-white bedsheet. A writing desk would be necessary for certain experiments, so she blew a few bucks on that. And a better chair, of course. Heather knew she was getting carried away when she almost bought a rug.
Three days passed before she could acquire everything. She didn’t visit Jackie in that time. She had left him food and water, obviously, and assumed he would figure the rest out by himself. She had enough on her hands with all the boxes in her living room, and the incessant calls. There were so many calls.
Heather lifted the phone for what must have been the sixth time that hour. “What is it now?”
“Heather, please!”
She heard that word a lot lately. Heather hung up without a moment’s hesitation. The phone rang again, however. It would keep ringing unless she answered. Her old boss was a determined man, even if he was a tad oblivious. 
She lifted the phone again. “Listen, I’ll let you talk once. But this is the last time you call me, or I’m placing a restraining order.”
“Yes, of course.” There was a deep exhale on the other side of the line. “Heather, the organization needs you. Nobody else can work on that project. You were our best asset, face it. Half these idiots don’t even know how to operate a Bunsen burner. We need you.”
“Nice speech, but don’t kid yourself. You need my money.”
“So what? Maybe we need your money. The coffee machine ran out of coffee three weeks ago! Come back, and we’ll give you the highest position possible. All the benefits. Come on, you’re a reasonable person, you gotta come back.”
Heather brought the box cutter out of a drawer. “Yeah, thanks, but I’m legally not allowed back there. Go find someone else to leech off.”
“You tried to drug one intern, who cares?”
“The police!” she snapped. “If the higher-ups hear of this, the authorities will get involved, and I know you can't afford a lawyer. Don’t call me again.” 
“Fine, fine. But it doesn’t have to be official, you know, just come with the money and we’ll collaborate in private. No more drugging the interns, but we’ll get some monkeys, whatever. What else are you planning? You aren’t working with someone new already, are you?”
“It’s been a month. What did you expect?” Heather ran the boxcutter along the taped edge of the bedframe’s box. “I’ve got another project. I’m not coming back. Goodbye.”
With that, she hung up and cut the last of the tape off. Damned bureaucrats. Sticking their nose where the money was like a pack of bloodhounds. Had all the politeness of a stray dog, too. Heather was done with them.
The research facility she used to work at had been dreadfully boring. Her colleagues shared different interests, to say the least. Benevolent, but horribly tedious interests. It was challenging, working on curing glioblastoma cancer, but she didn’t really care about curing diseases. She wanted to break the boundaries of what was considered science. She wanted to tear the universe apart and mesh it back together by her own design. Curing cancer was fine, but it was nothing compared to immortality. Those mice pumped full of steroids and painkillers were nothing in the shadow of Jackie Rockwell. 
Speaking of, Heather was ready to check up on him. A thick, black scarf had been tossed aside on a sofa. She grabbed it, made her way across the hallway, then knocked on the basement door.
“Who’s there?”
She rolled her eyes, though he couldn’t see it. “Very funny.”
“Very funny who?”
Good to know he was awake, at least. She turned the lock and swung the door open. Jackie lay sprawled on the floor, still tangled in the blanket, surrounded by empty granola bar wrappers. 
Heather waved her box cutter at him. “What are you doing?”
He froze. His neutral expression shifted into slight alarm. It reminded her of the incident, as she’d taken to thinking of it, after she had cut him open. That made her guilt weigh a little heavier. And that made her anger burn a little brighter. She had no idea what past Heather was thinking. Hugging her test subject was one of the most unprofessional situations she could think of. The worst part was that it had actually felt nice—but that didn't make any sense! Heather was not lonely. She was alone, but not lonely. 
All she wanted was to forget about that mistake and move on with the experiments. That was nothing but a misstep, a fumble in the first half of the game. Nothing more.
“It’s not for you.” She pushed the blade closed and pocketed it. “Unless you decide to do something stupid.”
He relaxed, sighed, and sat up. “I’m not doing anything. There’s nothing to do here.”
“You’ll be happy with the change of scenery, then.” She stepped down the stairs. “Close your eyes.”
“I'm getting deja vu.” He closed them anyway. 
Heather stepped behind him and wrapped the scarf around his eyes, twice. “Can you see anything?”
He shook his head. 
“Excellent.” She pulled him up by the arms, and he staggered to his feet. “Follow my lead. Don’t take the blindfold off.”
“Whatever you say.”
With her hands firmly on his shoulders, she steered him up the stairs and out of the basement, then up another flight of stairs and down the hallway to her bedroom. There, she led him into a closet.
He felt for the walls, pushing his hands upon the sides. "Is this another experiment?"
"No. I have business to attend to. I don't want you running off in the meantime."
"The blindfold's a bit unnecessary."
"Is it?” She shut the closet door, then locked it. “I’ll be back soon. Don’t make too much of a mess.”
First of all, his room was filthy. The basement was splattered with blood and ash, filled with junk, and smelled like a slaughterhouse. The empty mirror was easy enough to move. The old dresser was pushed out without much effort, as were the remains of the table. The freezer was harder. She rolled it upstairs on an appliance dolly, as slowly as possible. 
Bloodstains weren’t hard to clean. Piles of peroxide powder scattered over the floor broke down the copper-red splotches, while she cleared out the garbage and rotting food. Dusting and sweeping took a good ten or fifteen minutes. Clumps of dust and flakes of charcoal soon lay in the bottom of a black garbage bag. 
The smell was harder to get rid of, now that it had time to seep in and settle, but she managed to cover it up with a few sprays of air freshener. Twenty minutes were spent on setting up the furniture, building the bed frame and putting the mattress on, then moving everything else into place.
By the end, Heather had to admit she was proud of her work. She never knew interior design could be so entertaining. That stillness, that empty perfection—it was all so fascinating. It reminded her of a diorama. After all, the room was primarily a safe environment for her subject. A contained space to observe him. An insect in a glass jar. A doll in a dollhouse.
Jackie was leaning against the closet wall when she came back. “Took you long enough.”
“Did I say you could take the blindfold off?”
“It’s a closet, what’s the big deal?”
She ripped the scarf from his grasp and placed it back over his head, despite his irritated expression. “Stop complaining. Come on.”
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Once they reached the basement, she lifted the scarf away. 
He rubbed his eyes. He walked around the room in sprawling circles. He sat down on the bed, at last. His arms fell gently into his lap. Then, he looked back at her over his shoulder, eyes full of an apathetic uneasiness, and did not move. There was something very candid about it.
“Well?” she asked. “What do you think?”
“I think it’s stupid,” he replied at once. “Do you wanna know why I think it’s stupid?”
“You’re putting so much effort into this,” he continued. “You think this is going to be a permanent thing. It’s ridiculous. It’s a waste of your time. It’s a waste of my time. You can’t keep me here forever.”
“I can’t?” She smiled, faintly amused. “You’re right. Forever is a long time. It’s only until one of us dies.”
“I will kill you.” That candid air snapped as he rose to his feet. 
“Oh, you can try. If you need me to teach you another lesson—“ She pulled out the box cutter from her pocket, pushing the blade open—“I’d be happy to help.”
He sat back down, simmering with rage. “I can’t wait to see you rotting in prison, you fucking creep.”
“Oh, boo hoo. I’m a monster because I gave you a home. You have to live here, so what? I’m the one doing all the work. I’m the one taking care of you.” She pointed at him with the blade. “All you have to do is sit there and be quiet.”
“I have a home!” he snarled. “I already have a home! I don’t want you to take care of me. I didn’t ask for you to fucking kidnap me and keep me in your fucking basement. I don’t want to be your fucking test subject. I want to go back home, back to my home. I want to leave.”
“We don’t always get what we want, do we? If whining about it makes you happy, then you can keep whining. You can kick and scream the entire way. You’re still not leaving.” His glare only dug into her harder, and she sighed. “Try thinking of this in a positive way. It’s not all bad.”
“Yes, I’m sure a positive attitude will fix everything,” he replied tartly.
“A positive attitude will make you less insufferable. Just a suggestion. Maybe there’s a reason you used to live alone.”
“All because I didn’t say thank you to the psycho who kidnapped me.” He crossed his arms. “Gee, why didn’t I think of that? That’s a great way to make friends, isn’t it? Hey, maybe people would like you more if you didn’t rip their intestines out. Just a suggestion, you know. Maybe people wouldn’t think you were such a freak if—“
“Do you want to eat dinner or not?”
“I want to break your neck. Go to hell.”
Oh, how dare he. How dare he. Heather wanted to make him suffer for that. She wanted to hurt him. She wanted to—but she needed to take her own advice and think logically for a moment. Of course he was angry. Who wouldn't be? He was scared, she knew that, and anger was how he tried to protect himself. Anger was his tooth and claw when he lost all his other weapons. It was only natural, even if it was idiotic. He'd see her point eventually. He'd get used to it. She didn't need to starve him. 
"It's alright," she said. "You're upset. I'll get you something to eat."
"You want to drug me again, don't you?” He scoffed. “I'll pass."
"You'll change your mind."
His expression said otherwise, but he would cave in eventually. Like rusted metal, all things could be worn down with time. Like frayed fabric, like rocky shores, like entire mountains. Who was Jackie in the face of all these things? Only a man, only an animal without any claws. Even an immortal couldn't win against the nature of things. The second hand would wear him down, sooner or later.
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sarasa-cat · 1 month
Feeling behind on EVERYTHING thanks to probably-almost-definitely COVID recovery.
If left to my own devices, I sleep for 13.5 hours all in one go, just dead to the world oh so dead, not waking up for anything. That makes fitting everything else in a little bit difficult.
All that is really left is:
a. Managing the inflammation from low-grade viral-induced asthma which is definitely a thing I have experience with and do not enjoy.
b. Giving my body whatever time it needs to recover which means if sleep is what is on the menu during the best weather of the year (where I am) well, fml, but that is how it is gonna be.
In short, I'm going to be a bit flaky with being online for the rest of this month. Sometimes I will be VERY online as in EXCEEDINGLY online, and then other days I'll be making the best of what time I have to keep Life/Work/Shit moving forward and will probably seem like a ghost.
Low-grade viral induced asthma talk will commence here:
So, it is really simple: many different kinds of viruses can set off viral-induced asthmatic swelling of the airways. After the virus is long dead, the swelling persists. Fun times. 🙃
Normally, these days, if I am in a micro-climate that is dry enough** (I'm not talking desert bone dry, although I do like it, but just Not Perpetually Damp And Moldy), I just let all of my asthma medications expire at the bottom of an overstuffed medical-junk drawer in the bathroom. The only thing I take daily is a cocktail of OTC allergies meds.
When viruses attack --- as in the common cold, flu, etc. --- I dust those bad boys off and get on top of things as fast as possible while also making a point of AVOIDING ANY kind of irritating particulate air pollution that will set it off or make it worse. Cheap wet wood smoke? Neighbor's stank-ass BBQ? Get that shit outta my life.
The better course of action is the slow and boring kind: cancel the next 3 weeks of activities and just let it calm down with inhaled corticosteroids. But, if things get really bad or I am desperate need of immediate relief because my schedule cannot accommodate 3 weeks of doing very little followed by 2 more weeks of regaining my prior-to-attack aerobic stamina, I just break the glass and pop open the steroid step-down pack. Fast and effective, but annoying side effects can also occur.
Right now I have decided that things aren't bad enough for the BIG GUNS and that I can (grumbling grumbling grumbling) sorta afford to be on my ass for 3 weeks. But hooboy, I am not having a good time of it. (Oh, and that, that upcoming 10k fundraiser I had originally planned on staggering through? my participation is entirely, completely, no questions asked cancelled).
What I really want to do is just sit outside in a hot and dry place and let my whole body dry out. You might laugh but I am not joking about the power of that speeding things up. Unfortunately, despite it being august and living in a place that is definitely feeling the effects of global warming, it doesn't get hot enough here to be bathing suit weather under the baking hot sun. But, taking a picnic blanket+basket and a sketchbook to spread out under a tree in a park does sound like a good idea for tomorrow and Saturday (while dressed in long pants, t-shirt, and light cotton sweater).
Anyhow, for now I am taking the SLOW recovery route because I don't have anything forcing me to wage hardcore steroidal warfare on my body, which is precisely what the prednisone does.
But that means I will be flaky because my time is constrained. Some days I'll just say "fuck it" and have a sick day in bed with my laptop or phone and I'll be exceedingly online. Other days I'll make the best of the time I have to do all the adulting that still needs to be done by me, to get actual work done, or to make careful use of energy to (at this pace) inch-worm my way through the epic KonMari of various shit in my house & home-office/studio that needs to be organized.
This is really annoying and not how I planned on spending my august --- which is actually my favorite month of the year! But, oh well. OH WELL.
oh well.
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jwittekchatter · 8 months
Bruh! Tijuana Mexico is literally the easiest place to buy drugs, most substances and prescription drugs are cheap over there. As soon as you drive across the boarder from California there are stores that advertise that they sell pills and steroids. Body builders go for steorids, some people go to get cheap botox and filler and obviously people go to get prescription & harder drugs that they buy and take back to California. Drugs are readily available and cheaper so of course its cut and laced with other things like Fentanyl.
To me this new video was just for himself trying to chase excitment and a cheap thrill - like his good old days in his 20s living in NY & Miami. Remember he said back in Staten Island he started selling weed then moved on to selling pills. He Takes prescription pills himself iirc (Klonopin and Ambien) so he probably doesn't see anything wrong with what hes showcasing online. I disagree with other anons… I don't think hes short of money and has gone back to dealing on the side. Influencers make $$$ so easily, Jeff is able to live in a LA penthouse, pays for the essentials, a car + insurance, pays 3 employees, has merch/hair product company, takes flights every month and more.
I agree with you, I don't think he's dealing again, at least not yet...
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fairycosmos · 2 years
hey chlo! i was wondering if you have a skincare routine? i wanna try some new products, do u have any recommendations? c:
i just wash my face w warm water, put suncream on daily and use duac skin cream which is prescribed by my doctor, but i think you can get it in some drugstores over the counter or online. i have relatively bad skin and it's the only thing that's helped! i just put a tiny bit on per day and it helps a ton with flare ups. i definitely recommend asking ur health care provider about it or any equivalents for where you are! it's basically just a steroid cream. i also do face masks somewhat regularly but idk if they really help long term bc theyre just cheap ones from the supermarket. they do make me glowy afterwards for a bit though which i luv lol <3 anyway sorry i dont have more of a routine to recommend. i think it's about experimenting and finding what works for you in a cost-effective way tbh. much love x
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steroidsonlineusaa · 1 month
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my-steroid-raw-powder · 6 months
Trenbolone acetate vs enanthate (for discussion purpose only)
Trenbolone Enanthate powder is an extremely powerful anabolic steroid, which is an ester version and a unique long-acting prodrug of trenbolone, work same function to trenbolone acetate powder.
Trenbolone Acetate powder is an exceptionally fast acting form of Trenbolone with a rapid half life, gets the compound taken up into the bloodstream quickly, works by mimicking natural anabolic hormones in the body, and require injection frequently to maintain stable blood levels,  the active half life is approximately two days.
The difference between trenbolone acetate and enanthate is that, Trenbolone acetate does not convert into an estrogenic metabolite, and this results in a lack of estrogenic side effects. Trenbolone enanthate is also a very commonly used AAS and lasts much longer than trenbolone acetate with intramuscular injection.
Individual seeking the benefits of trenbolone will try to buy trenbolone online, due to the cheap price, convenient and fast shipping. Scientists with extensive experience, they prefer to buy trenbolone powder to make it into injection form. It needs to be emphasized that if you have no experience about how to make trenbolone powder into injection, do not try it, because you may get unexpected disadvantages.
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buyanabolic · 11 months
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You can legitimately aid your body by using the best performance-enhancing substances such as steroids. Find genuine online platforms and not the rigged ones that are selling cheap steroids, cheap is good especially when you need to save money. However, genuine steroids are like value for money meaning you will receive desirable results. Buy best steroids online and take advantage of these substances for bodybuilding.    
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steroidsonlineusaa · 1 month
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sarmsamericasblog · 1 year
Best Place to Buy SARMs in 2023: A Comprehensive Guide
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If you’re reading this, you’re probably on the hunt for the best place to buy SARMs in 2023. You’re not alone. The demand for Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) has skyrocketed in recent years, thanks to their reputation for offering steroid-like benefits without the nasty side effects.
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In this comprehensive guide, we’re not just throwing out random suggestions; we’re talking about tried-and-tested options backed by research, expertise, and real-life experience. We’ll focus on SARMs USA vendors, ensuring that you’re getting products that adhere to American quality standards.
So, buckle up and get ready for a deep dive into the world of SARMs, and by the end of this read, you’ll know exactly where to buy SARMs that are safe, effective, and worth every penny, click here for our #1 pick.
The Importance of Quality: Why You Shouldn’t Skimp
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When it comes to buying SARMs, quality is not an area where you want to cut corners. These compounds interact with your hormonal system, influencing muscle growth, fat loss, and even bone density.
A low-quality product could mean not just a waste of money but also potential health risks. Imagine spending your hard-earned cash on a product that either doesn’t work or, worse, harms you. That’s a double whammy you want to avoid.
So, how do you ensure quality? First, look for vendors that provide third-party lab testing results. This is a clear indicator that the company is confident in the quality of their products. Second, consider the reputation of the vendor. Read reviews, ask for recommendations, and do your due diligence.
Websites like SarmsAmerica have built a reputation for offering some of the best SARMs for sale. They provide comprehensive information, third-party lab results, and a wide range of products, making them a reliable choice for anyone looking to buy SARMs online.
The Price Factor: Balancing Cost and Quality
Let’s face it, SARMs for sale aren’t exactly cheap, especially if you’re looking for high-quality products. But that doesn’t mean you should empty your bank account in the quest for gains. The key is to find a balance between cost and quality. While it’s tempting to go for the cheapest option available, remember that you often get what you pay for. On the flip side, the most expensive product isn’t necessarily the best either.
So, what’s the sweet spot? Look for vendors that offer competitive pricing without compromising on quality. Discounts, bulk purchase options, and loyalty programs are also things to consider. Websites like SarmsAmerica offer a variety of pricing options, allowing you to find a product that fits your budget without sacrificing quality. Remember, when you buy SARMs, you’re investing in yourself. Make sure it’s a wise investment.
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When looking to buy SARMs online, opt for vendors that offer multiple channels of communication, be it email, chat, or phone support. A responsive and helpful customer service team can save you a lot of headaches down the line. SarmsAmerica, for instance, offers excellent customer service, ensuring that your journey from browsing to buying is as smooth as possible.
Shipping and Delivery: The Final Frontier in Your SARMs Journey
So you’ve done your research, you’ve found a reputable vendor, and you’re ready to hit that “Buy Now” button. But wait, there’s one more crucial aspect to consider before you finalize your purchase: shipping and delivery. It might seem like a minor detail, but let’s face it, nobody likes to wait weeks for a package to arrive, especially when you’re eager to kickstart your fitness regimen. Moreover, how a company handles shipping can be a strong indicator of their overall service quality.
First things first, check the shipping policies. Does the vendor offer international shipping if you’re outside the U.S.? What are the shipping costs, and are there options for expedited delivery? These are essential questions to ask before you buy SARMs online. Also, consider the packaging. SARMs are sensitive compounds, and poor packaging can compromise their quality. Look for vendors that take extra care in packaging to ensure that the product reaches you in optimal condition.
SarmsAmerica shines in this department as well. They offer fast and reliable shipping, both within the SARMs USA market and internationally. Their products are securely packaged to ensure they arrive in perfect condition, ready for you to use. Plus, they provide tracking information so you can follow your package every step of the way. It’s these little details that make a big difference in your overall shopping experience.
Conclusion: Your One-Stop Shop for SARMs in 2023
CLICK HERE to Buy the Best SARMs for Sale
So, where’s the best place to buy SARMs in 2023? Based on our research and experience, SarmsAmerica stands out as a reliable, quality-focused, and customer-friendly option. With a wide range of products, third-party lab testing, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service, it ticks all the boxes for a trustworthy SARMs online vendor.
Remember, the world of SARMs is complex, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Armed with the right information and a reliable source, you can make informed decisions that contribute to your fitness journey. So go ahead, take the plunge, and may your gains be ever in your favor.
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healthlineonline · 1 month
There is a difference between purchasing a cheap steroid offline and a legal steroid online. Cheap steroids are known for their inadequate qualities and side effects, whereas legal steroids are premium products with fewer side effects. Legal steroids are suitable for both males and females regardless of their age, whereas cheap roids are selective and only meant for experienced users. Buy roids online only the best in the market, which are meant for fitness and bodybuilding.
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tgenesis34 · 1 year
T3+T4 is a synthetic thyroid hormone called tetraiodothyronine. Thyroid hormones regulate the body's metabolism and play an important role in the utilization of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
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anabolicmenu · 1 year
ANABOLICMENU: Your Trusted Destination for Premium Steroids and Performance-Enhancing Products
In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, finding a reputable and trustworthy source for steroids and performance-enhancing products is crucial. ANABOLICMENU has established itself as a reputable online shop that caters to the needs of athletes and bodybuilders seeking top-quality products and exceptional service. With a commitment to authenticity, safety, and customer satisfaction, ANABOLICMENU has earned a solid reputation as a go-to destination for those looking to achieve their fitness goals.
A Wide Range of High-Quality Products: ANABOLICMENU takes pride in offering a vast selection of top-quality steroids and performance-enhancing products. From popular brands to niche offerings, they curate their inventory to cater to the diverse needs of athletes and bodybuilders at all levels. Each product undergoes stringent quality checks to ensure that customers receive authentic and reliable items that meet the highest industry standards.
Stringent Quality Control Measures: ANABOLICMENU understands the importance of providing customers with safe and effective products. They source their products from reputable manufacturers and suppliers known for their commitment to quality and compliance with industry regulations. Additionally, ANABOLICMENU may conduct independent laboratory testing to verify the purity, potency, and authenticity of their products. This dedication to quality control ensures that customers can trust the integrity of the products they purchase.
Discreet Packaging and Confidential Shipping: ANABOLICMENU recognizes the need for discreetness when it comes to the delivery of their products. They take great care in packaging each order in plain and unmarked packaging, ensuring complete confidentiality. The shipping labels are discreetly labeled, with no indication of the contents inside. This level of attention to privacy allows customers to receive their orders discreetly and with peace of mind.
Customer-Centric Guarantees and Refund Policies: ANABOLICMENU is committed to providing a positive and satisfactory customer experience. They stand behind the quality and authenticity of their products and may offer guarantees to ensure customer satisfaction. In the rare event that a customer is unsatisfied with their purchase, ANABOLICMENU has clear guidelines for requesting refunds or exchanges. Their dedicated customer support team is readily available to assist customers with any concerns or queries, providing prompt and reliable assistance.
Seamless Ordering Process and Secure Payments: ANABOLICMENU offers a user-friendly website that makes the ordering process seamless and convenient. Customers can easily create an account, navigate the comprehensive product catalog, and add desired items to their cart. The website is designed with a focus on user experience, ensuring a hassle-free ordering process. ANABOLICMENU also prioritizes the security of customer transactions by offering secure online payment options, including major credit cards and trusted payment gateways.
Educational Resources and Support: ANABOLICMENU believes in empowering its customers with knowledge and support. Their website may feature informative articles, guidelines on dosage and usage, and general information about the safe and responsible use of steroids. However, they strongly encourage customers to consult with healthcare professionals or experts for personalized advice and guidance. ANABOLICMENU's commitment to customer well-being extends beyond just selling products; they strive to foster informed decision-making and responsible usage practices.
Promotions and Loyalty Programs: ANABOLICMENU values its loyal customers and may offer promotions and loyalty programs to show appreciation for their continued support. Repeat customers may enjoy rewards points, exclusive discounts, or special promotions on future purchases. These incentives not only save customers money but also foster long-term relationships built on trust and satisfaction.
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iroids · 2 years
HGH - how long to wait for bodybuilding results!
All professional athletes take various injectable steroids that help them create a beautiful body relief, increase their endurance during training, and boost their energy and vigor. These preparations are in great demand in the world of sports, both among beginners and experienced athletes. But at the same time, anabolic steroids for sale cause side effects in the form of rashes, itching, aggression, insomnia, and disorders of various organs. After a course of potent anabolic steroids it is obligatory to take a course of hgh therapy.
The need for post-course therapy after long-term steroid use
When choosing the best anabolic steroids at Iroids.nl, it is worth bearing in mind that they can cause side effects. Most side effects go away on their own. But if athletes do not comply with the specified dosages by the doctor and if the course of steroids is too long, you should additionally use drugs that reduce their negative effects. Hgh to buy is necessary in order to start a competent post-course therapy immediately after the end of the steroid course. Some athletes start the SCT together with taking potent anabolic steroids. This way all the side effects of anabolic steroids can be avoided.
Hgh injections give athletes the opportunity to:
restore the natural production of hormones;
normalize the hormonal balance;
prevent gynecomastia;
to slow catabolic processes.
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Also, hgh for sale for athletes helps in the production of testosterone, which acts as an anabolic for gaining muscle mass, and as an aid for weight loss (because it burns excess fat in the body). When choosing the best place to buy real hgh online, read reviews from professional athletes and bodybuilders.
How Long to Wait for the Results in Bodybuilding from HCG?
In order to get a good effect from taking hCG medication, you need to take it in high doses. But you can do it only after agreeing the dosage with the doctor, and under his strict supervision. If the course of taking steroids was not too long, and before it the level of testosterone of the athlete was normal, you can do without additional hCG preparations. In other cases, it is still recommended to undergo post-course therapy in order to fully restore the body's performance. Buy anabolic steroids uk online worth to achieve high results in bodybuilding. Usually this result does not make itself long to wait.
And already after one passed course athletes observe a sufficient increase in muscle mass, beautiful venous prominence, increased endurance during workouts, and an increase in physical performance. Taking hCG after a course of anabolics helps to maintain the gained muscle mass. The course of taking hCG drugs should not exceed 6 weeks. If the drug was purchased in order to reduce the side effects of anabolic drugs, its effect comes almost immediately. If you choose strong anabolic steroids Canada, the course of SCT should be started simultaneously with the intake of steroids.
Where to buy the original sports pharmaceuticals
We offer you online anabolic steroids pharmacy Iroids.nl. You will find a wide range of well-known brands of sportswear preparations at a good ratio of high quality and moderate price. All products are original and have a quality certificate. It offers athletes cheap anabolic steroids for sale, which have high efficiency. With their help one can make a beautiful body relief, get rid of subcutaneous fat, add strength and stamina. There are discount anabolic steroids for sale on almost all drugs. This will allow you to buy effective and original products at the most affordable price.
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