#Chico CA
varcbrandartsnmore · 2 months
Latest - a mashup of my OC, Helena Gorton, and Ellen Joe from Zenless Zone Zero. Been seeing a lot of Ellen Joe lately, including on Insta reels, and had an idea, as Helena is a bit sharky herself. Stay tuned for more, as I have other projects coming down the pike, including designing my latest OC, Jim Dimbeaux’s, boyfriend, as well as more art with Helena, Aja, and others. Until next time, peace, love, mermaids, and big robots! ✌️❤️🧜‍♀️🤖
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annaleeed · 2 years
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pandastrueno · 8 months
sent this to a discord server but y'all NEED to see the fagbug
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meansitcpu · 4 days
Welcome to MeansIT computer repair, Chico's new #1 local computer repair shop. I provide everything you need for home desktop, laptop, and mobile phone repair including networking and entertainment center setup. Best of all, I use an adjustable pricing structure that affords substantial discounts to students, veterans, and the elderly.
Do you need computer service in Chico California? Just give me a call at 530-433-9420 and set up an appointment today. Prices begin at $120 with $20 discounts for students, veterans, and the elderly! YES, THEY STACK. Minimum $60 service gets you pickup and drop-off INCLUDED FOR FREE!
Looking for computer literacy classes? Guess what I do that too! If you're concerned that your child or self or even your dog needs help with how to operate a computer, stay safe on the internet, or use particular software, I can help with that too. Affordable hourly rates are fair and adjusted to the situation; please get in touch for more information by calling 530-433-9420.
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This website will also include numerous pro-tips on how to keep your computer secure and stable. You will find everything from tutorials on how to do updates correctly, how to disable updates if you're tired of them, how to do your own hardware installs, how to install ad blockers to protect your computer, and more how to's than you can shake a stick at.
MeansIT will soon become your number one stop for tech service and tech advice in Chico California, maybe anywhere online.
See you soon!
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greenbagjosh · 11 months
Days 2 to 4 - The Chico Halloween 2003 and drive up to Medford, Oregon with Grants Pass and Ashland
Hi everyone
I wanted to let you know about fifteen years ago today, when it was the last time I visited Chico, CA and Oregon. It was the weekend of 31st October to 2nd November 2003. During that time I visited
- Chico
- Orland
- Redding
- drive on I-5 past Mt. Shasta
- Hilt CA and Oregon state line
- descent into Ashland and Medford
- drive to Grants Pass before returning and having supper
- fuelling up at Medford Safeway
- long drive back to Foster City CA via Willows, lunch at Black Bear diner
- arrive home in Foster City by 9:30 PM
On 31st October 2003 I arrived at Chico about 7 PM at the Super 8 motel, after having left work about 3 PM by prior permission - it was a 4 hour journey from Redwood City via San Mateo-Hayward bridge and I-880 to I-80 then I-505 and on to I-5 to Orland, and then on local roads thereafter. The Super 8 is near Cohasset and CA-99, and at the time it was next door to a Denny's that I remember previously eating at on Sunday 7th January 2001. I dropped off the luggage and found a place to park in the downtown 4th Street parking structure before traffic got worse. I went to a couple of places I remember from my university days, particularly Duffy's, watch some live concert, but I don't know if I went into the Madison Bear Garden, there is always a line outside on Halloween night. Since my university days at CSU Chico, nothing much seemed to have changed. After eating a "Sleepy Dan Special" meal at Jack's Diner, I went back to the hotel.
I think I woke up the next morning about 7:30 AM. Super 8 was serving breakfast. Some guests had slept in their costumes when they came down to the breakfast room. I had to check out by 8:30 AM so I could get a good start to driving to Medford. Why Medford? I had been wanting to go to Medford for probably since 1998, just to have a leisurely tour around it, and also Ashland. Leaving Chico, I drove north and west on CA-32 to Orland, so I could get a good photo of the big catfish. I have no idea how long the catfish has been standing or why it was even placed there. After Orland I went north on I-5. I-5 is not particularly hilly between Arbuckle and Red Bluff, and then from Anderson to just north of Redding it is fairly flat. Somewhere around Mountain Gate up to Weed, I-5 has many curves and speed limits are down to 55 mph or 90 km/h. The scenery is interesting, especially if you get close enough to see Mt. Shasta.
Hilt is the last town in California on I-5, before the Oregon state line. From Yreka to Hilt, I-5 has a gradual incline, and after crossing into Oregon, there is a gradual decline towards Ashland. Downtown Ashland has a Shakespeare program, and I would find out later that evening that I arrived on the last day of the season. In Medford, one town away, I had booked a night at the Red Carpet Inn, basically a typical motel with outside access, and they served complimentary breakfast. I drove around downtown, parked my car around Main Street, and walked around, trying to find the Russian restaurant that I remember going to in a previous visit in June 1996, but never found it. Back then, smartphones were nonexistent and to google anything you would need a computer with 56k or broadband. I did find a Hawaiian restaurant, called the Hawaiian Hut, which would give me 10 miles credit on United Airlines for every dollar I spent. I had some nice spare ribs and white rice and it also had macaroni salad. I could not eat it all so they gave me a takeout box. I drove also to Grants Pass, because I wanted to see how far north away from home (at the time, Foster City, CA) I could drive, but in August 2013 I beat that, but that's a story for another time.
After Grants Pass, I drove past Medford on to Ashland. It was the last day of the season for Shakespeare. I did not know of any performances I wanted to see, so I just strolled around downtown for an hour or so. Then I drove back to Medford to sleep.
The next morning, Sunday 2nd November, I slept in a bit more than I thought but not too long before they stopped serving breakfast, I was lucky to have some toast and coffee. I also had the leftover Hawaiian food from the previous night that I would eat later. I think I started back home at 10 AM. Before that, I had to fill up the tank, it was getting close to the 1/4 mark. Oregon diesel prices in 2003 were close to those in California, maybe a few cents cheaper. But you could not fill the tank yourself due to the Oregon state law forbidding self-service. I filled up, bought some soda for later, and then headed south on I-5, up that long incline past Ashland to Hilt at 55 mph, and then after Hilt downhill. Somewhere after Hilt there is supposed to be an agricultural checkpoint. That does not include leftover prepared food, just fresh fruits and such. I think it was about 11:30 AM when I arrived at the first rest stop in California from Oregon, so I ate up the leftovers. From Yreka to Weed the drive was fairly flat, then there came the curvy road down to Redding, and then flat from Red Bluff to Willows. At Willows I was getting hungry and I think it would have been around 4 PM when I arrived. I knew at the time, the Black Bear was also offering the 10 miles per dollar deal with United Airlines. I think I had just a sandwich and Coke. I stayed enough to rest up before the 200 mile journey back to Foster City. The car's fuel gauge had yet to break the 5/8 mark as it was getting around 51.0 mpg.
The drive home went fairly uneventful, other than a short stop close to Nut Tree in Vacaville. I think the rest of the way I went on I-80, I-880 to the San Mateo-Hayward bridge and my exit was at Mariner's Island Blvd in Foster City, which lead to my street. It would have been a little after 9 PM when I arrived at home. Luckily I did not have to be at work until 8 AM on Monday the 3rd November. I would have one week until my next international adventure to somewhere new. On my longest nonstop flight on United that I can remember.
So that was the last time I drove on I-5 to Oregon. Hope you enjoyed this Halloween story from so long ago.
Next week, I should have the story of my fifteen year anniversary of my visit to Hong Kong, Macau and Tokyo Narita, but not Zhuhai in the PRC (though I was a quarter mile away from it, on the Macau side).
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What Causes An AC To Be Replaced?
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jeffdeckerchico · 1 year
Jeff Decker Chico - A Seasoned Educator | Audiomack
Jeff Decker Chico, a seasoned educator and CIA-certified professional, strives to overcome current setbacks and find renewed purpose in his career.
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westonmickey · 1 year
Extensive Report: Curtilage Protections in California By Weston Mickey Chico Ca
**Extensive Report: Curtilage Protections in California**
**I. Introduction**
- Curtilage, the immediate area surrounding a home, holds paramount significance in Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, ensuring that individuals are shielded from unreasonable searches and seizures. This extensive report offers an in-depth exploration of curtilage protections in California, tracing their historical evolution, analyzing notable case law, considering their contemporary implications, and drawing on insights from legal scholars.
**II. Historical Origins of Curtilage Protections**
- The concept of curtilage protections has deep historical roots, originating in English common law. Legal scholars such as William Blackstone underscored the sanctity of the home, influencing early American jurisprudence.
- Akhil Reed Amar's scholarship delves into the historical evolution of the Fourth Amendment, highlighting its critical role in safeguarding individual privacy and property rights.
**III. California's Legal Framework**
- California boasts a unique legal landscape that significantly influences curtilage protections. Legal scholar Erwin Chemerinsky's comprehensive analysis emphasizes the state's robust constitutional provisions and statutes, reinforcing the importance of curtilage protections in California.
- Chemerinsky's research underscores the distinctiveness of California's legal framework, particularly in the context of privacy rights. His analysis sheds light on how the state's legal heritage shapes the interpretation and application of curtilage protections.
- Furthermore, California's legal uniqueness stems from its historical role as a trendsetter in legal matters, serving as a source of precedent and influence for other states.
**IV. Evolution of Curtilage Interpretation**
- The evolution of curtilage protections has been shaped by key U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The writings of former Justice Antonin Scalia, particularly in cases like *Florida v. Jardines* (2013), emphasize the significance of property rights and the delineation of curtilage boundaries.
- Further insights from legal scholars like Tracey Maclin contribute to vigorous debates about curtilage, analyzing nuances such as exigent circumstances and the reasonable expectation of privacy.
- Scholarly works by David Sklansky explore the societal implications of curtilage protections, emphasizing their role in maintaining a balance between law enforcement's needs and individual privacy.
**V. Modern Technological Challenges**
- In the digital age, the challenges to curtilage protections have expanded. Orin Kerr's scholarship addresses the intricacies of emerging technologies and their impact on Fourth Amendment jurisprudence, providing valuable perspectives on the evolving concept of curtilage.
- Legal scholar Ryan Calo, affiliated with organizations like the Center for Internet and Society, explores the intersection of technology and curtilage, examining how digital advancements raise new questions about privacy rights.
- Paul Ohm's research delves into the concept of "digital curtilage" in the age of smart homes, discussing how the Internet of Things affects the boundaries of privacy within a residence.
**VI. Privacy Advocacy and Public Awareness**
- Privacy advocacy groups, including the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), collaborate with legal scholars to raise public awareness. Their research informs critical public discourse about technology's implications for curtilage and privacy rights.
**VII. Ongoing Legal Debates**
- Contemporary legal debates regarding curtilage protections are informed by scholarly research. Scholars like Laura Donohue, engaged in comparative law, examine how different jurisdictions approach curtilage protections, offering valuable insights into their application beyond California's borders.
- Legal scholar Tracey Meares contributes to discussions about community-based policing and the impact of curtilage protections on police-community relations, shedding light on the social dimensions of the law.
**VIII. Relevant California Case Law (Additional)**
- *People v. Kokes* (1998) 61 Cal. App. 4th 664:
- This case clarified the distinction between curtilage and open fields, offering guidance on the application of Fourth Amendment protections.
- *People v. Macabeo* (2017) 2 Cal. 5th 840:
- The California Supreme Court's decision reinforced the need for law enforcement to obtain warrants when entering curtilage, even under exigent circumstances.
- *People v. Blair* (2003) 31 Cal. 4th 125:
- This case examined curtilage boundaries, including areas like driveways, contributing nuance to the definition of curtilage.
- *People v. Bailey* (1985) 176 Cal. App. 3d 402:
- A landmark decision that affirmed the necessity of curtilage protection and the requirement of warrants for searches in California.
- *People v. Thompson* (2006) 38 Cal. 4th 811:
- Clarifying curtilage boundaries beyond immediate proximity to the home, this case emphasized the importance of a reasonable expectation of privacy.
- *People v. Rinehart* (2009) 176 Cal. App. 4th 508:
- Introducing factors to consider in determining curtilage extent, such as proximity, usage, and enclosure.
**IX. Technological Challenges in the Digital Age**
- The landmark case of *Carpenter v. United States* (2018)
585 U.S. ___ significantly extended curtilage concepts to the digital realm. This case addressed the privacy implications of cell phone location data, setting a precedent for digital curtilage.
**X. Ongoing Legal Implications**
- As technology and legal standards continue to evolve, the future of curtilage protections in California remains dynamic. Emerging technologies, ongoing cases, and legislative developments will significantly shape the trajectory of these protections.
**XI. Conclusion**
- This extensive report has provided an intricate historical backdrop, strong legal foundations, a comprehensive examination of the contemporary challenges surrounding curtilage protections in California, and additional analysis from legal scholars. Incorporating insights from legal scholars, additional case law, and an analysis of the law's evolution, it offers a holistic understanding of how curtilage safeguards individual privacy rights within the state. The multifaceted landscape of curtilage remains a critical component of Fourth Amendment protections in California, preserving the sanctity of the home and its surroundings.
--- Weston Mickey
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105. # WestonMickey Paradise California
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108. # Weston Mickey Denver Co
109. # Weston Mickey Denver Colorado
110. # Weston Mickey Aurora Co
111. # Weston Mickey Aurora Colorado
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Norcal Electric & Pump Work | Electrician Service | Electrical Contractor in Chico CA
We are your dependable and trustworthy go-to Electrical Contractor in Chico CA. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing top-quality electrical services. From installations and repairs to upgrades and maintenance, we handle it all with precision and expertise. With a focus on safety and efficiency, we ensure that your electrical systems are up to code and running smoothly. Moreover, we are also renowned for delivering top-notch Electrician Service in Los Molinos CA. Whether it’s troubleshooting or fixing any issue with your electrical system, we have you covered. Ensuring superior customer satisfaction is what we prioritize the most, with quality ever-present in our services. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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alfonsocherry · 1 year
5 Factors That Can Affect The Cost Of Solar Panels
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varcbrandartsnmore · 2 months
This is Jim Dimbeaux, who technically made their debut in part 9 of “The History of Helena Gorton, DDS” (read on Wattpad if ya haven’t). So glad I finally designed them, as it’s been a long time coming (they are nonbinary btw). Boyfriend reveal soon. Until next time, peace, love, mermaids, and big robots! ✌️❤️🧜‍♀️🤖
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annaleeed · 2 years
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What is Microblading
Microblading Chico CA is a semi-permanent tattoo that uses a tool to make tiny incisions in your skin. The tool is made up of multiple needles that are a lot smaller than the needles used on tattoo machines.
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The artist will use the tool to create thin, hair-like strokes that mimic your natural brow color and shape. These strokes are deposited into the skin using an ink formula that’s similar to permanent makeup pigment.
Because the strokes are made closer to the surface of your skin, they look crisper and more natural than traditional tattoos. The ink is also waterproof, so it won’t smear or fade as traditional tattoos can.
Microblading is a technique that creates beautiful, natural-looking eyebrows with an individual hair stroke tattoo. It is also known as permanent makeup and it can last up to a year!
Before your microblading session, your beauty professional will talk to you about what you want to achieve with the procedure. This includes what shape you prefer, what your natural brow color is, and how much filling you want in your brows.
The technician will then map out your brows and determine how many incisions to make during the treatment. This step is essential to ensure that your brows are properly shaped and that the results are as natural as possible.
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Atlas Plumbing & Mechanical provides the best Faucet Repair in Yuba City, CA, and nearby. Visit us now and get a free estimate!
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wemoveanything · 2 years
We Move Anything | Moving Company in Chico CA
Ours is the most reliable Moving Company in Chico CA; with over 40 years of experience in the industry, we move households, offices, oversized items, and more. Our team is up for any moving job, managing projects with the skill and experience our clients have come to expect. Our movers in Chico CA, make the residential or commercial move easy and let customers enjoy the excitement of the new place. We solve your major moving challenge with perfection. We pack and unpack your critical items with attention. If you need our expert assistance, contact us today.
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greenbagjosh · 11 months
Day 1 - 30 October 2003 - Chico CA and Medford Oregon weekend
Hi everyone, and Happy Halloween! I am working on a story from Halloween 2003, one of my fond memories of a road trip including Chico CA and Medford Oregon. I hope it will be interesting. Next week I should also have another story but somewhere I don't usually go on vacation, but was recently in the news. I guess you will have to wait a little longer to find out......
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