#Chiyuki Ueda
meebochii · 1 year
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Lover Pretend Wallpaper
❥ Harumi Makino
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ladies-of-fiction · 1 year
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Chiyuki Ueda
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otomedetective · 6 months
I just started playing Lover Pretend because I needed to play something lighter as a break from Piofiore and oh my god this game is so CUTE. There's a very nostalgic feeling I keep getting while playing it, though I'm not completely sure where that comes from yet. Maybe the UI? It's super adorable and some elements of it kind of remind me of the DS games I used to play as a kid.
I'm currently on Chapter 2 of the common route, but I'm already looking forward to all 4 of the main routes. And Chiyuki is a really nice protagonist so far! I love that she has such clear-cut goals that she's focused on, and her relationship with romance is interesting too. I wouldn't necessarily call her aro like me, especially since one point of the game is that she wants to get over her "fear" of men and romance, but I always think it's nice to see an otome heroine who has more complex feelings about romance that make the plot more interesting. I doubt she'll be making it to the top of my favorite heroines list (Lynette and Teuta are hard opponents to beat), but she's definitely a contender so far.
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hydralune · 2 months
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I've been getting back into the groove of otome gaming lately! I am so thankful for Love and Deepspace's protagonist being a gremlin. I love her "you are so annoying but I love you anyway" vibe.
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firis-chan · 9 months
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otome-mondays · 4 months
Lover Pretend Review 💖
Another game I was very excited for! I don’t believe there are many trigger warnings asides from technical incest, but please look up a list in case there are!
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Lover Pretend is focused on Chiyuki Ueda, a college student going to school to be a screenwriter. She is an orphan and is trying to search for her dad, as he wasn’t in her life. She works under her professor and mentor on a new movie, makes some friends, and then the story depends on the plot. One thing the main four routes have in common is that there is always a fake dating plot. As always, review order is how I played through the game!
Spoilers Ahead
Sena Yukito 📸
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Since there didn’t seem to be much important on whether I started with Yukito, Harumi, or Kazuma, I gladly started with Yukito. Yukito here is a model with a rough reputation. He’s trying to transition over to being an actor, but to get a gig in the movie Chiyuki’s helping with he has to avoid scandals. Unfortunately, another model is kinda obsessed with him and wants to date him. This is where Chiyuki steps in and they have a fake relationship. It’s a cute route and I enjoyed it a lot! 8.5/10.
Makino Harumi 🖥️
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Besides Yukito, I was interested in Harumi’s route as well. Because of that, I decided to go with him next. Harumi is the son and assistant of the director Chiyuki is helping with. Harumi is a secret anime and manga lover, and his dad disapproves of this. He’s also worried about being bullied, so he hides this fact from most people. When people from his college start catching on, he blames it on his girlfriend liking that stuff. What girlfriend? Well that’s going to be Chiyuki. This is where the fake dating plot kicks in. This route was another cute one, 8.5/10!
Kamikubo Kazuma 💇‍♂️
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Being the last of the recommended ones before Riku, I moved on to Kazuma’s route next. Kazuma is Chiyuki’s best friend and is currently trying to get into Hair and Makeup for movies and shows. He’s an assistant to the hair and makeup crew for the movie Chiyuki is working on. Kazuma’s fake dating comes from Chiyuki going exploring on a set when she shouldn’t and him saving her from getting in trouble. Kazuma’s route was going smoothly until chapter 6, then it was unfortunately ruined for me. Wasted potential, Kazuma deserved so much better. 6/10.
Nishijima Riku 🎟️
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Honestly I wasn’t really excited for his route and stalled a bit. I also got fixated on other things and left this game alone for longer than intended. Riku’s an actor who is trying to quit the industry. His fake dating comes from him trying to convince Chiyuki to pretend to be his fiancée to convince his dad to let him quit. He opens up to Chiyuki as the route progresses, and it’s a nice route after the disappointment of Kazuma’s route. 7.5/10.
Asagi Eiichirou 🖊️
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The not so secret “secret” route. Asagi’s route is less focused on romance and more so on solving who Chiyuki’s dad is. Spoilers, but unfortunately this route is technically an incest route with a questionable age gap. The one good thing is it’s extremely short. 0/10.
Final Thoughts 💖
This is genuinely a very cute and lighthearted otome! This one was a lot shorter of a game too. Usually I easily put over 50 hours into a title listening to all the voices lines, but I didn’t make it past 35 with this one. I did skip most of Asagi’s route lines, but even then it’s not enough to where it would have that much of an effect I think. I liked the pretend time feature, but it could get a bit stressful at times. As for a route order, I recommend Kazuma/Harumi/Yukito -> Riku -> Asagi. Start with whoever of the first three you like the most, then move on to the other two, then Riku, and finish with Asagi’s route. If they didn’t fumble Kazuma’s route or have Asagi’s route, I’d rank it higher. 7.5/10.
Route: Yukito > Harumi > Riku > Kazuma > Asagi
LI: Yukito > Harumi > Kazuma > Riku > Asagi
Resources 📝
I used Otome Kitten’s walkthroughs and looked at the reviews from Otome Kitten and Blerdy Otome.
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Cell Phone Wallpaper
Summary: Yukito’s phone has been ringing off the wall that evening. His girlfriend goes to check and is surprised by what she finds.
Rating: K+ - Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.
Words: 1100
Notes: Yukito’s hot and a little mean. I love it.
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It was a school night and Chiyuki was laying across the large mattress Yukito keeps as his, naturally, excessive sleeping area as she slowly and tiredly worked on an essay on her History of Cinema class. While she is a fairly dedicated student and has some intellectual interest in the theoretical subjects of her course, she does think her time is better spent developing the mountain of scripts on her email folders rather than a six-page analysis of Last Year in Marienbad, which has hardly any lines at all.
It is a romance movie, but also black and white, and a French art movie. It sometimes feels like the consubstantiation of every Achilles heel she has as a screenwriter and she hates it. Why could it not be White Zombie? She is a great Horror author!
Her boyfriend took pity on her and tried to help. He was kind enough to procure her a DVD copy of it, as no streaming service carried it, and probably never will carry it. Also, he has let her watch it on his larger TV, for the details, and even saw it with her, regaling her with some of the comments his father had made when they watched it together many years prior.
She ate it up and thanked him profusely for the kindly given help, but she still struggled. Because she hates it with a passion. It felt like she had been working for ages, especially since her boyfriend had been in the shower for God knows how long.
Should Chiyuki be worried? Well, she could knock on the door, but considering how rowdy he had been halfway through the movie, he might ask her to join him, and she does not know whether she has the fortitude to say no. She really should focus on what she was doing, in any case, so she is going to trust that he did not slip on the shower and cracked his skull, at least for five more minutes.
Well, maybe she should call for Yukito, after all. His phone was sitting beside her on his nightstand, and it has not stopped ringing for a while now. She was going to just leave it alone, to preserve his privacy, but what if it is an emergency? What if it is his mother, or maybe Irene, needing to talk to him immediately? They do not call very often, so it would be advisable to at least check who it was.
Steeling herself into her decision, the screenwriter peeked over to see incoming messages from his manager. It seems that he has some news.
Call me
Those vultures at the TV station are hounding me
I worked too hard on your schedule. Don’t accept any work without talking to me first!
Where are you?
You better be following your diet to the letter
I don’t care how tasty the fries of Ms. Ueda’s are. You can have three, not one more!
God, do I have to do everything myself?
The poor man seems to be running haggard, as his colleague had a “stomach-ache” and is on leave again. This time, however, Professor Asagi could not prescind of her services, regardless of the insistent pleads of the man and her boyfriend’s. There are too many scripts to proof-read for her to concentrate herself on his schedule and his career the way she would like.
Something on his phone caught her attention. Behind all the text messages, peeking through the fury of the man’s, there was an image of Chiyuki, one she did not know existed. Considering the long and dark dress, the expensive and tasteful jewellery borrowed from Irene’s and the makeup on point, courtesy of Kazuma’s, she wagers the picture was taken at the premiere of Mr. Makino’s movie.
This, however, she does not recognize the photo from anything that the journalists had taken that evening. It was a completely candid shot, with terrible composition and a little shaken, as if it was taken on a whim. In fact, she looked rather tired, it was likely taken much later, at their personal after-party. She was laughing, and she can see a sleeve that probably belongs to Kazuma and a shadow of Haruki’s.
The woman never saw the wallpaper of her boyfriend’s cell phone. Not that Yukito is a very secretive man, and, for reasons of the job she did for him, she had all his social media passwords, but she preferred to respect his privacy and let him tell her whatever he wanted her to know. Exactly because she has this level of access to his life and intimacy is that she should honour the trust given to her and not abuse it out of sheer curiosity.
Chiyuki has explained her point of view to him many times, to assure him and herself that she is conscientious of the weird position their relationship is in and that she would take every step in her power to account for that. He has slightly mocked her earnestness, which he is wont to do, but she knows that he appreciates it.
At that exact moment, as she has his phone on hand, Yukito opened his ensuite bathroom door, startling her. She dropped his phone and quickly backed away.
He chuckled. “I saw that, baby. Are you snooping around?”
The woman froze with an embarrassed smile, trying to come up with an excuse.
“I’m sorry, it’s just that it was ringing and I...” She innocently mumbled, trailing off as her nerve disappears.
“How naughty! And after you promised you wouldn’t do it, too…” The actor laments, placing a hand on his bare chest.
She huffs and changes the subject. “Yeah, by the way, am I your lock screen?”
Soon enough, Yukito was the one wearing the embarrassed smile.
“You weren’t supposed to see that.” He mumbled, pouting.
The black-haired man scratched the back of his head and gingerly reached for his phone. Chiyuki handed it to him with a flare, while she contently looked at her adorable boyfriend.
“Well, I did and I think it’s sweet.” She smiled at him “But what other pictures have you taken in secret? Are they any good?”
He smirked, deviant. “Oh, yeah, there’s one of you poking your nose that cracks me up every time.”
“What?! I don’t poke my nose!” The woman shrieked.
“You sure do.”
Chiyuki frowned deeply. “Let me see this thing!”
“You’ll see it, alright. After I post it to all my social media.” Yukito responds, easy-going.
“You wouldn’t dare.” She threatens, cute as an angry puppy. “Yukito! Delete it right now! Yukito!”
Lover Pretend Masterlist
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otomatechan · 1 year
Preferred ships
Please note that these are what I favor but with discussions I can consider others.
Cupid / Lynette Mirror: Shelby S. Raul Aconite Peter Flage / Jupiter
Ichika Hoshino: Aiji Yanagi Kei Okazaki Kageyuki Shiraishi
Hana Kang / Mystic Messenger Main Character: Jumin Han
Lilianna Adornato: Nicola Francesca Henri Lambert
Sumire Kurusu / Amnesia Memories Main Character: Ikki Kento Ukyo / Ura Ukyo
Yui Komori: Reiji Sakamaki
Chiyuki Ueda: Riku Nishijima
Anastasia Lynzel: Tyril I Lister
Zara / the Arcana Main Character: Julian Devorak Lucio
Cyrus: Eltcreed Valentine
Cardia Beckford: Abraham Van Helsing
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cleaetpauline60 · 3 years
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♡ Heroine Otome Game ♡
❥ Ueda Chiyuki [ Lover Pretend ]
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ikemenfangirl · 3 years
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LoverPretend (#ラバープリテンド)
By: Otomate Platform: Nintendo Switch Language: Japanese Website: https://www.otomate.jp/lp/ Plan Release: 2021
[Story] Chiyuki Ueda (MC), lives alone. She busy studying at university and working a part-time
She has a dreams, The first dream is to become a screenwriter. It was also the dream of her mother. And another dream is to find a father that she never met.
"Maybe anyone involved in the drama knows ..."
She was trying to find information while struggling for a new job, Before she knew it, she ended up playing the role of their lover regardless of work!?
This is just a fake lover, not a real love, A scenario for becoming a false lover
That she who wants to be a romance screenwriter when she doesn't know love..
[Cast] Kazuma Kamikubo CV: Furukawa Makoto #古川慎 Yukito Sena CV: Suzuki Tatsuhisa #鈴木達央 Harumi Makino CV: Kawanishi Kengo #河西健吾 Riku Nishijima CV: Maeno Tomoaki  #前野智昭 Eiichirou Asagi CV: Morikawa Toshiyuki #森川智之
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meebochii · 2 years
Harumi: Chiyuki-san and I are no longer friends.
Chiyuki: Harumi, that is the worst way to tell people we’re dating.
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saulo-izumi · 4 years
Epic Seven VA jp
Since the launch of tha Japanesse server, I’ve been colleting the names of VA of all heroes until now, if somebody know another VA than I miss, please let me know.
Arky - Katsuyuki Konishi & Yuri Yoshida Ras - Yuya Hirose Mercedes - Arisa Sakuraba
Guilty Gear Baiken - Mayumi Asano Dizzy - Kazue Fujita Elphelt - Aya Suzaki Sol - Joji Nakata
5* Ravi - Aoi Yuuki Violet - Nobuhiko Okamoto Sigret - Yuuko Kaida Cermia - Kana Ueda Tamarine - Nana Mizuki Yuna - Rina Satou Tenebria - Manami Numakura Ludwig - Junko Minagawa Ruele & Destina - Ami Koshimizu Baal - Katsuyuki Konishi Kise - Rie Tanaka Yufine - Yumiri Hanamori Luna - Marina Inoue Basar - Tomokazu Sugita Aramintha - Takako Honda Lidica - Emiri Katou Sez - Tomoaki Maeno Haste - Ayumu Murase Chloe - Kana Asumi Diene - Chiwa Saitou Iseria - Yukana Krau - Yuuichi Nakamura Bellona - Ayako Kawasumi Vildred - Hikaru Midorikawa Cecilia - Yui Horie Charlotte - Rie Kugimiya Luluca - Rie Takashi Tywin - Kayron - Ken - Alencia - Charles - Elena - Kawerik - Lilias - Lilibet - Pavel - Roana - Melissa - Vivian - Zeno -
4* Lots - Daiki Yamashita Angelica - Yukari Tamura Karin - Rina Hinaka Rin - Chika Anzai Rose - Shizuka Ishigami Dingo - Masakazu Morita Achates - Misaki Kuno Clarissa - Ayaka Suwa Purrgis - Rikiya Koyama Maya - Saki Fujita Cidd - Shin'nosuke Tachibana Serila - Kana Yuki Silk - Ai Kakuma Armin - Satomi Akesaka Cartuja - Kenta Miyake Leo - Mariya Ise Coli - Dominiel - Zerato - Roman - Corvus - Furious - Khawana - Khawazu - Schuri - Crozet - Surin -
3* Carrot - Asami Setou Aither - Natsumi Takamori Rikoris - Taishi Murata Inquisitor - Satoshi Tsuruoka Nemunas - Sawako Hata Montmorancy - Yuuko Ono Enott - Ryouta Suzuki Jena - Chiyuki Miura****new Roozid - Daisuke Hirakawa Chaos Sect Axe - Tooru Sakurai Doris - Ueda Hikaru****new Arowell - Ruriko Aoki Hazel - Satomi Arai Pyllis - Mitsuki Nakae Kluri - Juri Kimura Gunther - Satoshi Tsuruoka Bask - Atsushi Abe Lorina - Yu Serizawa Rima - Ruriko Aoki Judith - Anzu Haruno Hurado - Tomokazu Sugita Kiris - Juri Nagatsuma Alexa - Mitsuki Nakae Elson - Shun Horie Wanda - Airi Othsu Adly - Ains - Azalea - Batise - Carminerose - Celeste - Eaton - Gloomyrain - Hataan - Helga - Jecht - Kikirat V2 - Lena - Mirsa - Mistychain - Mucacha - Otillie - Pearlhorizon - Requiemroar - Sven - Tieria - Taranor Guard - Taranor Royal Guard -
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zukadiary · 5 years
Takarazuka week-end roundup 11.30.19
Hanagumi actresses Chiyuki Aki and Natsuha Kotori will be retiring at the end of January after their respective small theater shows
The Grand Theater version of Haikarasan ga Tooru will have two separate finale patterns: a Taisho version and a Romance version (a tactic presumably to get the same butts in the seats twice as many times). 4 of the roles have also been announced: in addition to the two leads, Seto Kazuya will be playing Aoe Tosei and Minami Maito will be playing Onijima Shingo.
5 of the shinko roles for Once Upon a Time in America were announced. Suwa Saki got the lead right under the wire before 99ths graduate shinkos in April, alongside Jun Hana. Agata Sen and Ayami Sera got Ayakaze Sakina and Ayanagi Shou’s roles respectively, and Irodori Michiru will be playing Asami Jun’s role. 
Yukigumi’s summer 2020 Grand Theater show was also announced: “fff -Fortississimo- ~Sing with Delight!~,” an original musical about the life of Beethoven by Ueda Kumiko; and “Silk Road ~Thieves and Jewels~,” the first ever revue directed by Ikuta-sensei. Bold of Uekumi to call what I’m betting will be Daimon’s taidan essentially ffffffffffff. And reading the blurb, “a life colored with every imaginable misfortune” does not fill me with hope that Daimon’s Takarazuka career will ultimately amount to anything other than 6 Grand Theater tragedies. Sigh.  
I AM FROM AUSTRIA opened in Tokyo, the Dessert Guy went with “Macchoko Macchoko” which I assume is a pun I don’t get because I haven’t seen the show yet.
And finally some DRAMA AROUND HERE: Hoshigumi 101st musumeyaku Seira Hitomi will be moving to Senka to focus on video work for the foreseeable future, her next stage performance as of yet undecided. Weird as it sounds, this was quite commonplace way back in the day, and more recently—or at least in the post-top star era—Haruka Kurara, Junna Risa, and Ayu Yuuki did similar work. Interesting to see them bring it back!
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hydralune · 4 months
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I zoned out incredibly hard in 2023 and do not have access to most of my files from then at the moment, so for now, here's some otome games I recently enjoyed (except for Mistonia no Kibou, which I am cautiously looking forward to the release to)! Lover Pretend kicked me back into a drawing groove, so I hope I can keep that up. It's fun to make things!
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firis-chan · 7 months
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otomatechan · 1 year
Cupid / Lynette Mirror Ichika Hoshino Hana Kang / Mystic Messenger Main Character Lilianna Adornato Sumire Kurusu / Amnesia Memories Main Character
Yui Komori Chiyuki Ueda Anastasia Lynzel Zara / the Arcana Main Character Cyrus Cardia Beckford
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