#Chocolate Flavors Market Opportunities
manjiroscum · 2 years
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Character/s: Ran Haitani, Manjiro Sano, Kakucho, Seishu Inui, & Ken Ryuguji.
Warnings: gn!reader, Valentine's Day shenanigans, suggestive themes, just hearts day headcanons for these men, too much chocolate, and fluff. Minors do not interact.
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Gives you the best chocolate in the market. Of course, he would.
Would make them himself if he had the time. Or if he isn’t so lazy.
Takes pride in his tastes.
He doesn’t care if he goes overboard or if the chocolate is expensive. Ran would rather shoot himself than give you cheap chocolate, even if you don’t mind.
One time, he gave you a box of chocolates from Belgium because Rindou told him they make delicious chocolates.
Although he gave them to you, Ran eats them more than you do. Expect him to use them during sexy time, because he can.
Watched Emma make them on Valentine’s Day. Would rather eat than help.
He isn’t a big fan of chocolate, though.
Mikey is banned from the kitchen for a reason. Storebought chocolates are what he gives you most of the time.
He tried to make you homemade chocolates which ended up melting before he could give them to you.
May not be a fan of chocolate, but likes them with almonds or nuts. He likes the crunchy texture.
Also, he likes to kiss you while you eat chocolates because you taste much sweeter than usual. He can also use that opportunity to dirty your face and outfit so that he’ll have the excuse to undress you.
Kakucho makes the best chocolates, better than those sold at stores.
He will readily make them before Valentine’s Day. He’s stealthy enough that you wouldn’t notice he bought ingredients the day before.
Unbeknownst to you, he keeps practicing weeks before Valentine’s.
He distracts you with other things and makes you sleep early so he can prepare.
Kakucho knows your tastes and doesn’t want to fail. He loves the compliments you throw at him whenever he cooks or bakes.
Izana sometimes asks Kakucho for tips or watches his friend. Kakucho would often blush at Izana’s teasing.
Inupi is not bad at romance, but he isn’t the romantic type. He is blunt and doesn’t lie to you if he failed to give you chocolates because Valentine’s Day wasn’t something he celebrated until you came into his life.
Koko would merely shake his head at his friend for failing to surprise you at times.
Don’t worry, though. He makes it up to you after Valentine’s Day or later in the evening.
Leave it up to Kokonoi to suggest something as bizarre as chocolate-flavored condoms.
Inupi, who is still guilty of not preparing himself, buys you flowers the next day.
Your boyfriend swears he will try harder next time, adorably presenting you with the bouquet he got.
Draken may act oblivious or uncaring towards Valentine’s Day, but don’t be fooled.
Inside, he is panicking over what he should give you in celebration of hearts day.
Poor Draken gets laughed at by Mikey. Yet, he is too engrossed in reading a girl’s magazine in hopes he will find the perfect answer to his problems.
After hours of deliberating, he buys you strawberry-flavored chocolates and a stuffed bear.
You try to get him to take some of the chocolate, hoping to share them with Draken. But he isn’t too keen on sweets.
After dinner, he calls for you to sit beside him on the couch. Just this once, he will subject himself to watching some sappy romance film with you. You couldn’t be happier.
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🎐taglist: @riszu @ranilingus @wakaslut @festive @marism @wakasa-wifey @zuuki @stffychn @keijisprettygirl @cryptred @tobidabio @leavemealonebutinpink @dottores @kamisoria @tokyometronetwork @chloee0x0 @bunnyjiros @emissaire @chronic-claire-universe @saecore
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steak-n-popotoes · 17 days
FFxivWrite '24 - 8 (Free Prompt)
"How is the sound of... eight pel in the thousands column?"
L'kozu worked out the price to gil in their head - roughly eight hundred thousand. At first blush, it seemed a steep price to pay for mere beverages and light fare. However... "Mablu, we both know quite well that the premium mezcal alone is valued at ten thousand pel minimum - I understand if you wish to offer us a friends' discount, but as a merchant myself, I can't in good conscience let you cater us at a loss..."
But the young merchant instead gave Kozu a smile that they knew meant they were exactly where Mablu wanted them. After all, the expression had been plastered on their own face enough times by now.
"Why, L'kozu my friend, your concern for my coffers is deeply appreciated - but fortunately unfounded!"
At this point, L'kozu knew Mablu had been wanting to get to this point of her pitch since the beginning. Far be it from them to deprive her of the satisfaction.
"As a merchant yourself," Mablu continued, using Kozu's own words against them, "You no doubt realize that the value of a trusted connection in the markets can't be measured in gil, nor can the good it does for one's reputation." Her sly smile persisted. "I'm sure you agree that a few recommendations from your good self would see returns in spades!"
Before Kozu could offer a retort, Mablu continued, "And before I hear you expound on the nature of exposure versus cold, hard coin, I've secured a deal with Miplu, Ciblu, and the rest for bulk prices in exchange for directing travelers their way. I'm actually reaping a tidy sum from all this, myself!"
From a round table across the way, Wuk Lamat, Eryna, Caranar, and Beef all watched the two merchants work it out.
"I don't think I've seen him fight this hard to pay more before." Caranar muttered.
"Mablu has come a long way in a short time, hasn't she Bifu?"
Beef would have nodded were he not leaning onto the table with his chin in his hands. "Lamaty'i too."
"Pfff." Wuk Lamat waved the flattery away.
Eryna leaned into the table, toward Beef. "Are you as excited as I am, Beef?"
This made Beef crack a smile. "Mmhm."
"I'm just glad you were able to find the time to relax and enjoy all that Tural has to offer!" said Wuk Lamat. "Based on the stories Bifu has told me, you two deserve a good vacation."
"I was thinking just the same of you, Vow Wuk Lamat." Eryna stated in a friendly, proper tone.
This prompted Wuk Lamat to groan miserably and all but flop forward onto the table. "No more titles, I'm begging you. It's okay to use 'Lamaty'i' - if you're family to Bifu, you're family to me."
The party was awaiting a full selection of the most popular beverages the Wachunpelo had on offer.
The following is a list of each drink sampled and the reactions of those who were yet unfamiliar with them.
First was mate, courtesy of Miplu's Garden:
Caranar "thought it was good".
Eryna politely commented that the flavor was rather reminiscent of fresh grass.
L'kozu greatly enjoyed the drink, describing the flavor as bitter, yet fresh and green, almost akin to the essence of raw leafy vegetables, and deeply invigorating.
Beef crinkled his nose after the first sip, but drained the rest of the cup without any further issue.
Following the mate (and accompanied by a tray of baked goods) was fresh, locally sourced coffee:
Caranar "really liked it".
Eryna was not terribly fond of the coffee, and opted not to comment out of consideration for her hosts' feelings.
L'kozu found the aroma quite pleasing, but felt that the flavor was bitter to the point of astringency. However, they came round once they had the opportunity to add cream and sugar, claiming that they had begun to appreciate the depth and complexity of the coffee's flavor.
Beef's face was scrunched tight the entire time he drank from his cup, but he still drained it. When asked, he said it was "good". He also slept very little the following night.
Afterward came a round of hot chocolate, with sweet kukuru beans sourced from Yak T'el.
Caranar took one sip, shook his head, and slid the drink back across the table.
Eryna called the flavor sweet and nostalgic, and was glad to have something more to her tastes.
L'kozu also enjoyed the drink, and spent some time trying to decipher what spices had been mixed into the kukuru powder to compliment its flavor. Eventually, he got them all.
Beef smiled while drinking, and finished the whole cup rather quickly.
Finally, the group all enjoyed a nip from a bottle of the same premium mezcal they had acquired during the Feat of Gold - which is to say, everyone sipped their drinks while Caranar and Wuk Lamat had pour after pour until the bottle was dry.
Caranar thoroughly enjoyed the spirit, to say the least.
Eryna finished the very modest taste she poured for herself, but had no interest in further sampling the drink, as the alcoholic content was far stronger than she would have preferred.
L'kozu agreed with Eryna's evaluation, and suggested that if a beverage more akin to wine were to be had, it may be more to their tastes.
Beef didn't try the mezcal, but he did drink Eryna's coffee and Caranar's hot chocolate while the others debated whether he might have finally grown old enough to actually partake.
By the time they had finished everyone had found a new local favorite, and Wuk Lamat was all but carried back home by Caranar. The next morning, the two could be seen sampling hangover and dry scale remedies down at Xeerol Ja Juicecraft with an exhausted Beef in tow.
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verdantcrimson · 7 months
Gourmand Fragrance / Wagashi Revolution - 3
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Nazuna: We made it. Oi~ Keito-chin, hurry up and come here!
Keito: Don’t be in such a hurry, Nito. We’ve got plenty of time.
Keito: Or are you perhaps going to tell me that you have some work to attend to at the last minute as well?
Nazuna: No, no, it’s all good, so don’t get riled up!
Nazuna: … Jeez, are you still mad about Rei-chin being a no-show? 
Keito: I’m not mad about that. It makes sense to prioritize your work, after all.
Keito: However, if he had other obligations, he should’ve made it clear. Since Sakuma proposed the idea, I ended up mistakenly assuming that he would accompany us.
Nazuna: Ahaha, but Keito-chin, you put on airs and said that we should “begin researching right away.”
Nazuna: It’d be embarrassing for you if he replied with “Oh, but I’m going to work later though.”
Keito: Don’t bother trying to re-explain it to me. Seriously, how incorrigible…
Nazuna: Sorry, my bad. Anyways, that being said, why’d you pick downtown as the research spot, Keito-chin?
Nazuna: Don’t you think it’d be better to pick a spot closer to ES…?
Keito: If we’re near ES, then Kanzaki might find us out. I’d rather that not happen.
Nazuna: Hm? Were you planning on doing this without telling Souma-chin?
Keito: Yes. I felt like surprising Kanzaki in any case.
Keito: I discussed it with Kiryu earlier, and we were thinking of making Valentines wagashi to give to him to express our gratitude towards him.
Nazuna: I get it. It’s a good idea. Well, now I’m thinking about making some for everyone else in Ra*bits in secret too.
Nazuna: Alright! Then let’s get fired up and start our research!
Nazuna: Though it’s pretty crowded here in spite of it being the middle of the day on a weekday. Is it because of Valentines?
Keito: Most likely. Though, the congestion at this time of day is preferable. The main target of Valentines is young women, after all.
Keito: Around this time, most students are still attending school. After school lets out, it’ll likely become crowded with girls again.
Nazuna: Now that you mention it, most of the people milling around the stores look like college-age women.
Nazuna: Ah, Keito-chin, that store over there has a huge line!
Keito: Yes. Apparently, that’s a famous Western confectionery. They’re selling limited seasonal Valentines chocolate cake.
Nazuna: I want to try one for our research, but judging by the length of that line, it might take a few hours to even get inside the store…
Keito: Good point. Then, we might have better luck with the wait time at the coffee shop across the street.
Keito: Hmm, it looks like they have some limited chocolate flavored drinks and parfaits for sale.
Nazuna: Ooh, this cake is super cute. The strawberry chocolate drink looks yummy too! ♪
Nazuna: I love strawberries, you know~ ♪ They’re pink and cute, so I kind of feel drawn to them…
Nazuna: Ah, there’s a crowd over there too!
Nazuna: It looks like that store sells white chocolate. They sell white chocolate ganache you can give out as gifts as well!
Nazuna: Uu~... All of these shops look so good, I don’t know which one we should go into~
Nazuna: Or maybe it’d be better if we went to all of them? I mean, we’re researching here, so it might be good to visit every single—
Keito: Oi, Nito. You’re getting carried away. You haven’t forgotten why we’re here, right? 
Keito: Our goal is to research ideas for Valentines wagashi. Don’t forget that.
Nazuna: I- I know. I just got a little excited looking at everything..
Nazuna: Though it really is incredible. Every store has attractive goods that pull you in.
Keito: For the confectionery industry, Valentine's day is a business opportunity they can’t ignore.
Keito: All of these stores must have worked desperately on their marketing tactics in order to make the most of this lucrative sales period.
Nazuna: O-Oh. Well, I guess that’s true. Somehow, I feel like all the magic was just killed…?
Keito: Originally, Valentine's day was a part of a confectionery company’s commercial strategy. It’s common to hear people call Valentine’s a conspiracy created by chocolate companies.
Keito: And they would be right, because Valentine’s day in Japan finds its origins in the founder of a certain western confectionery company. ¹
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Nazuna: H-Haha.. Is that so?
Keito: The founder of this company brought the Valentine's day tradition here from abroad. However, there's something peculiar about it all.
Keito: During Valentine’s day overseas, gifts given aren’t limited to chocolate.
Keito: Japan is the only country that restricts Valentine’s gifts to chocolate. Do you know why that is, Nito?
Nazuna: Eh? Ummm, because of the founder?
Keito: Correct answer. Seems like you were properly listening to me.
Keito: When the tradition was imported here from overseas, it was changed to make it so that only chocolate would be given of all the possible gifts.
Keito: All of this was part of the founder’s business strategy to deal with sales drop in February.
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Nazuna: I- I see. Keito-chin, you sure know a lot~
Keito: Well, there are other theories. By the way, while it is customary in Japan for women to give chocolates to men, this too—
Nazuna: You’re still going!? Keito-chin, did you maybe forget what we came here for?
Nazuna: We’re supposed to research the Valentines marketplace, Keito-chin!
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Keito: Hm… True. Time is money, after all. We ought to make good use of it.
Nazuna: Okay, for now, let's just go to the coffee shop you spotted earlier, Keito-chin.
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Translation Notes
This is actually true! Keito is referring to Morozoff Ltd. You can read more about it here + here (this page is in japanese)
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thommi-tomate · 4 months
Special Müller Mail: RDY edition
Hello everyone
and welcome to the Müller Mail Special.
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FC Bayern's season is now officially over. Now the home European Championship is just around the corner and I can hardly wait to experience a great football festival in our country - as a player on the pitch, but also as a football fan.
We will be talking in detail about this major event in the coming weeks. In this special edition of Müller Mail, I would like to tell you about a project that I have put my heart and soul into.
After months of development work, RDY Protein Meal, the new protein drink meal that I launched together with ESN, is finally on the market. I was hooked from the very first idea, back in early 2023.
But first things first.
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What is RDY?
We've all been there - a hectic everyday life, little time for a balanced meal, we're on the go and still want to eat smart.
This is exactly where the RDY drinkable meal comes into play for me.
RDY stands for "ready" and is a protein drinkable meal. Together with the experts at ESN, we have worked on a recipe that delivers the best possible performance and, in my opinion, is now the tastiest drinkable meal on the market.
RDY now contains 38g of high-quality protein, fiber, important vitamins and minerals. The energy/carbohydrates come from valuable MCT oil, among other things. And what makes me particularly happy is that all four flavors taste really nice.
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Why RDY?
My basic idea is to pass on my experience and knowledge of nutrition and performance.
And now I even have the opportunity to launch products on the market with my partner ESN that help me personally to nourish my body better.
ESN is one of the leading German supplement manufacturers and the collaboration has been extremely positive so far.
Our first product is RDY Protein Meal.
During the development of the RDY protein drinkable meal, I was also in the laboratory several times to fine-tune the recipe and test the taste.
Protein was an important factor here.
Science currently agrees that a sufficient protein intake is not only filling, but also essential for a healthy and efficient body. As an athlete, I try to consume around 150g of protein (1.5-2g per kilo of body weight) a day. Of course, this may vary for you, so it's best to find out.
150 grams of protein a day is not so easy to achieve, even with three freshly prepared and balanced meals. An RDY Protein Meal often comes at just the right time.
One thing is important to me: drinking meals should not replace a balanced and freshly prepared meal. Rather, they are a much better alternative to snacks with empty calories such as chocolate bars, jelly babies, potato chips and the like. To be honest, we often snack our way through the day.
This is where RDY comes in and offers an excellent solution when you need something quick and easy, but still want to provide your body with high-quality nutrients. And of course it's really tasty too 😋
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My RDY favorite.
I love all the varieties, but if I had to choose a favorite, it would currently be the Milk Chocolate. The creamy chocolate flavor immediately reminds me of the delicious cocoa of my childhood.
A little Müller tip: In recent weeks, I've been drinking RDY Protein Meal in the evening with a handful of nuts and a few berries. This gives me something tasty to drink and something to bite into.
During the day, the banana flavor has currently taken the lead.
So I'm all the more excited to find out which variety you love.
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Exclusively at REWE & online.
Now it's your turn.
The RDY Protein Drinking Meals are available exclusively in your REWE store. I'd be delighted if you'd pick up a drink and give it a try. For those who prefer to order online, you can do so directly from ESN using this link: To the ESN website
Your opinion on RDY counts.
Now I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say. The initial feedback has been great and the drink is already sold out in some REWE stores. But whether it's positive or constructive - I really want to hear your honest opinion. Let me know how you like my protein drink and whether it helps you in your everyday life.
You can also send me photos or videos of you enjoying your new favorite drink. Or simply link to your Instagram or TikTok post about RDY Protein Meal.
With your permission (please be sure to add a comment) I will share some of them on my Instagram channel.
I will be giving away 3 RDY surprise packages from me among all entries.
Thank you so much for your continued support. Without you, my fans, it wouldn't be half as nice. You only win together. And that's exactly what we'll be doing at the upcoming European Championships.
Here's to an unforgettable football festival, keep your chin up and stay healthy,
Your Thomas
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yukikorogashi · 6 months
“Oh, Itsuki—! There you are. I was hoping I might borrow you for a couple hours this morning . . . ?” Ryunosuke's fussing over a plethora of ingredients he's set out on the counter, mentally going through a checklist for the umpteenth time: a guarantee that he has everything he needs and won't be forced to make a quick run to the market for an outstanding item. He tests the weight of a bag of flour again, then eventually swivels to meet the girl's eyes. “You, ah . . . might already have plans”—it is her birthday, after all—“and if so, please go attend them, but if not . . . I thought it might be fun to endeavor baking a shortcake together.”
And, no, this has absolutely nothing to do with his own lacking experience in that area—! (Or the worry that an attempt by his lonesome would not go . . . nearly as swimmingly.)
. . . Perhaps a little to do with that, but the main point is to spend time together, so there's no use holding it against him.
“We can decorate it however you like,” he bolsters, a smile spreading easily across his lips. “And if it doesn't turn out perfect, then . . . I suppose we'll have no choice but to eat it before anyone else has to see.”
// happy birthday to the sweet gorl!! ;w;/ <3
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❤️ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ITSUKI!!! (15th March) ❤️
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THE SIGHT THAT WOULD GREET HER this early morning was just what was needed to rouse her out of her drowsy daze. And while a teensy bit caught off guard, it was nonetheless a PLEASANT SURPRISE that they would already be off to such an early start on this rather SPECIAL DAY! And so, with her curiosity piqued (And with one last gentle rub to her sleep encrusted eyes), Itsuki would look between the young lawyer, and the numerous items placed upon the countertop itself with a slight tilt of her head.
With a smile already lighting up her face, it would be through her BUDDING POWERS OF DEDUCTION-- that she would already figure out just what @tenacquity had planned this morning for the two of them. Just SECONDS before he himself would affirm it, of course~
And so, even before he was done speaking, the young one was already bouncing on over, as she took her place by his side. Taking a better gander at the ingredients spread across the tabletop itself, before grinning brightly up at him when he had ended it off with the two best things!
Getting to decorate it, and of course-- getting to eat it together right after!
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"Ahhhh ah'd love to, bro! Ehehe, looks like we'll be bakin' an' gettin' BREAKFAST ready, huh?"
A SUGAR-FILLED BREAKFAST that would ruin a normal person's appetite for rest of the day-- BUT HEEEEEY, it's her birthday! So just let her have this!
And, oh gosh, he had even gotten so, SO MANY CAKE DECORATIONS to choose from. So many fruits, candies, chocolates-- and in so many flavors and colors! It really was going to be a blast when the time came for them pretty up their shortcake together! She just knows that it was gonna turn out A-MA-ZING!
Though, as she would cast a brief glance over to the rather large pack of flour to the side, she couldn't help but wonder for a moment over how the poor bro had brought ALL OF THIS over by himself! After all, even if he had carried them all over here in bags, it would still be a struggle for one person alone to do so! And all of this was just for lil' ol her, too!
And while she did have a few things to do today, they could most certainly wait until later. The bro had already pretty much called FIRST DIBS, with his polite lil' invitation in baking this shortcake together. And NO WAY, NO HOW would she be so foolish enough to reject this fun opportunity to spend some time together with him! Why, she almost already wanted to kick her ALTERNATE SELF'S BUTT for even DARING to do such a thing! ... Wherever she may be.
"Ah didn' know ya could bake, bro! Yer jus' the full package, ain't cha~?"
As they would begin to set up the bowls and utensils, Itsuki couldn't help but point this out (Not yet knowing the simple truth of it being otherwise). Simply full of GROWING ADMIRATION for the smart young lawyer, as she believed then that he had other talents that she has yet to learn about.
It really was just so sweet that he didn't just remember her birthday, but was taking time out of his clearly busy schedule to spend it with her. And so, after at least pouring out the flour and sugar into separate bowls, Itsuki would gesture to Ryuu to lean down for a moment so that he was closer to her eye level. Going on her tippy toes, as she leaned up then to peck his cheek in gratitude.
"Thank you fer this, bro~"
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providencepeakrp · 6 months
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Frederick’s Farm - Frederick has always been a household name in Bighorn Hills and his farm? Even more so. Ever so generous and kind, Frederick will have a petting zoo set up all week long and while he always accepts charitable donations, meeting and greeting with the animals is free of charge! Feel free to stop by, say hello, and meet some cute farm animals! Lucky Joe's - From subpar coffee to the best dang bagels you'll likely ever have the pleasure of putting in your mouth, Lucky Joe's will be offering free tastes and bagels and coffee for purchase each day of the spring market. Stop by and check them out and, if you're lucky, you might even score a meet and greet with Lucky Joe's son himself! Humming Bee - Join Thalia Clark for sunrise yoga each morning in the park at the center of the market. Regulars or first timers are always welcome with Humming Bee! Remember to catch the puppy yoga session at Barks and Recreation's adoption event this week as well! Fine Arts Club - Taking the art from their gallery to the streets of Providence Peak, take a walk through the park and find yourself in the middle of the Fine Arts Club's latest outdoor art installment. Allow yourself to become immersed in the local artists of Providence Peak and the amazing work they can do! Good Pets - The extravaganza isn’t just for humans! Good Pets has the chance for your furry friends to enjoy the season as well. From bandanas, to treats, to catnip blankets, they have it available all week long at their downtown vendor space. They’ll also be partnering with Barks and Recreation and showcasing some of the rescues adoptable dogs and cats each day of the festival! The Vinyl Countdown - Recently, the store has found itself overflowing with used and gently pre-owned vintage records. To make some space in their backroom, they’ll be set up during the festival with boxes of records for the city to choose from for just $5 a piece. 96.8 The Peak - The Keola & Mya in the Morning will have their coverage van strolling around downtown and at each of the daily events, reporting the ongoings to their viewers who are listening to the station. They will also be offering an opportunity to spin their wheel for a chance to win some free merch like t-shirts, drink tumblers, pens, and even a few $50 gift cards from local businesses such as Blooming Dale’s, The Burger Joint, and Room Service. Seek them out and test your luck to win something fun! The Grape Escape - Who doesn’t love free wine? The Grape Escape will have a tent set up during the extravaganza downtown with free wine tastings (with ID of course) with the goal to sell their new spring flavor of housemade wine. The tastings allow one sample per flavor per day. Below Zero - Whether your favorite flavor is chocolate, vanilla, or rhubarb, Below Zero has your back. The ice cream shop will have a stand set up in the midst of the festival so they can offer the event-goers a free scoop of ice cream as a cool way to welcome in the spring season. Providence Peak Memorial - Be sure to stop by the first aid tent the local nurses and EMTs have set up downtown during the festival for a free first aid kit and a quick lesson on emergency bandaging technics - just in case! Claret Public Library - The library, who’s main hub is in the neighborhood of Claret Park, will have a lending library set up downtown. Come and pick out some books to take home, bring some books to donate, or do both! While you’re at it, feel free to sign up for a library card with the local librarians hosting the booth. Wonderwell - The science museum will have a booth set up with interactive science experiments and one big presentation per hour to display the many topics citizens of Providence Peak can learn about in their exhibits. They encourage both kids and adults alike to mess around their their hands-on experiments and learn to have fun with science!
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twilighttunes · 1 year
Inexpensive yet adorable cute date ideas for couples on a budget
Cute date ideas are not only charming and enjoyable but also wallet-friendly. They allow couples to have memorable experiences without breaking the bank. By focusing on simple yet heartfelt activities, couples can nurture their relationship while staying within their financial means.
Picnic in the park
Looking for a cute and romantic date idea? Why not plan a picnic in the park? It's a simple yet delightful way to spend quality time together while enjoying the beauty of nature.
Picnics in the park have long been a classic date idea, and for good reason. They offer a chance to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and create a cozy, intimate setting for you and your partner to connect.
When planning a picnic in the park, there are a few key elements to consider. First, choose a picturesque location with plenty of greenery and maybe a scenic view. This will set the mood and create a romantic ambiance for your date. Look for a park with a charming picnic spot or a quiet, secluded area where you can have some privacy.
Next, think about the menu. Pack a selection of delicious finger foods, such as sandwiches, fresh fruits, cheese, and crackers. Don't forget to bring a bottle of chilled sparkling water or your favorite beverage to toast to your special day. Consider including some sweet treats like chocolate-covered strawberries or cupcakes to add a touch of indulgence to the picnic.
Remember to bring a comfortable blanket or picnic mat to sit on and a cozy throw or pillows for added comfort. You can also pack some games or activities to enjoy together, like a deck of cards or a frisbee. These little touches can help create a fun and memorable experience for both of you.
As you enjoy your picnic, take the time to appreciate the beauty of nature around you. Listen to the birds singing, feel the gentle breeze, and soak up the warm sunlight. Engage in meaningful conversations, share laughter, and create lasting memories together.
A picnic in the park is a versatile date idea that can be tailored to your preferences. It's suitable for couples at any stage of their relationship, whether you're just starting out or have been together for years. It offers a chance to relax, reconnect, and enjoy each other's company in a serene and peaceful setting.
So, if you're looking for a cute and romantic date idea, consider planning a picnic in the park. It's a simple yet charming way to spend quality time together and create beautiful memories that will last a lifetime.
Explore a local farmers market
When it comes to planning a cute and unique date, exploring a local farmers market can be a wonderful idea. Not only does it provide a charming and laid-back atmosphere, but it also offers a range of activities that you and your partner can enjoy together.
Visiting a farmers market allows you to immerse yourself in the local community and support local businesses. You can stroll through the market hand in hand, admiring the vibrant array of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and homemade products. The sights, sounds, and smells of the market create a sensory experience that can be incredibly romantic.
One of the highlights of a farmers market date is the opportunity to sample an assortment of delicious and fresh foods. Many markets have food vendors offering mouthwatering treats, such as artisanal bread, freshly squeezed juices, or gourmet cheese. You can share these delectable bites and discover new flavors together, creating a shared culinary adventure.
Besides indulging in tasty treats, you can also explore the local crafts and artwork on display at the market. Many artisans and craftsmen showcase their unique creations, ranging from handmade jewelry to pottery and paintings. This gives you a chance to support local artists and perhaps even find a special memento to commemorate your date.
Another fun activity to engage in at a farmers market is to participate in a cooking class or attend a live demonstration. Many markets offer interactive cooking workshops where you and your partner can learn new recipes and cooking techniques using the fresh ingredients available at the market. This hands-on experience can be both educational and entertaining.
Additionally, farmers markets often feature live music performances, creating a lively and festive ambiance. You can sway to the rhythm of the music, creating memories of a shared dance or simply enjoying the melodies as you explore the market. The live entertainment adds an extra touch of magic to your date.
Overall, exploring a local farmers market provides a unique and charming date experience. It allows you to support local businesses, engage with the community, and indulge in delicious food and beautiful artwork. So why not plan your next cute date at a farmers market and enjoy a day filled with love, laughter, and local delights?
Visit a Museum or Art Gallery
Looking for a cute and unique date idea? Why not visit a museum or art gallery together? It's a perfect way to spend quality time with your partner while immersing yourselves in culture and creativity.
Visiting a museum or art gallery offers a multitude of benefits. It allows you to appreciate and learn about various art forms, historical artifacts, and exhibitions. You can explore different eras, styles, and perspectives, sparking insightful conversations and deepening your connection with your significant other.
As you walk through the halls filled with masterpieces, you can take the opportunity to discuss your thoughts and interpretations. Share your favorite pieces and explain why they resonate with you. This exchange of opinions and emotions can provide valuable insight into each other's preferences and personalities.
A museum or art gallery date also offers a chance to discover new interests and expand your knowledge. You might find yourself drawn to a particular art movement or historical period that you were not previously familiar with. This newfound interest can serve as a basis for future exploration and shared experiences.
Additionally, museums and art galleries often host special exhibitions or events that can add a touch of excitement to your date. From interactive displays to guided tours, these activities provide an opportunity to engage with the art in a more immersive and memorable way.
When planning your museum or art gallery date, consider researching the venue in advance. Look for any current or upcoming exhibitions that align with your interests or spark your curiosity. This will ensure that you have a meaningful and enjoyable experience together.
Remember, a museum or art gallery date doesn't have to be limited to traditional art forms. You can also explore science museums, historical sites, or cultural centers. The key is to choose an activity that both you and your partner will find fascinating and engaging.
So, the next time you're looking for a cute date idea, consider visiting a museum or art gallery. Immerse yourselves in beauty, culture, and creativity while deepening your bond and creating lasting memories.
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yellobb · 2 years
Okay, genuinely irritated by companies marketing a product that’s the same size and cost as the old product, but you get so much less.
My mom’s gotten my siblings and I a Russell Stovers chocolate box for Valentine’s Day every year since I can remember. Now, the past three years I didn’t get one since it was too hard to get to me at school, so I don’t know when the change occurred, but this is what I opened:
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(Sorry for the photo quality, I didn’t get a picture before I ate one lol)
Now, I thought I was going insane. I don’t know if y’all have ever gotten these things pre-2020, but I could have sworn that the boxes this size had way more chocolate in them. Plus, I know for a fact that this doesn’t have all the old flavors.
So I looked up pictures of Russell Stovers chocolate boxes and found this:
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I know it might not look it, but that box is the same size and cost as the one they sell now, but look how much different the amount of chocolate is!
Now, this isn’t me complaining about the gift, this is very much a complaint against companies that do this shit. It’s becoming more and more common for companies to just reduce the amount of product and sell it at the same price (known as shrinkflation), and it’s so frustrating because they fully get away with it. I looked this specific case up and found one article about it, nothing else.
This is relatively minor in isolation, but it is something endemic of capitalism that I think a lot of people are just complacent in. What’s keeping companies like this one (who might I add, is a well-known company, not just some bargain brand) from filling their packaging with empty space? It’s more profitable that way, after all, and you can’t tell how much is in there until you actually buy the thing since it’s wrapped.
Our current system motivates companies to quite literally rip people off, and it’s not stopping at little things like this. They’ll continue to price gouge and shrink the actual product because those are the only ways to continue growing, and capitalism demands growth.
Anyway, I know this specific instance is just a minor convenience and definitely not the end of the world, but it is a good opportunity for a PSA: fuck capitalism
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ninjafoodtours · 2 years
5 Famous Foods to Try in Kyoto
Traditional culinary culture has flourished in Kyoto, and you may get a taste of history with Japanese course meals prepared as part of a traditional tea ceremony and vegetarian cuisine influenced by Chinese Buddhism.
The town's local cuisine (Kyo-ryori) is colorful and visually appealing, thanks to the expertise of Japanese chefs. Everyone should have the opportunity to sample traditional Japanese cuisine in the stately setting of Kyoto at least once in their lives. Of course, fantastic food at reasonable costs is available.
We've compiled a list of some of the top local cuisines and budget-friendly treats that Kyoto residents enjoy daily.
Yudof (Boiled tofu): 
Perhaps no food represents Kyoto more than you. It contains only tofu, water, kelp, and a dipping sauce. The kelp is put in the bottom of a stewpot, filled with tofu and water, and simmered. Tofu is scooped up and served with a dipping sauce, typically a ponzu soy sauce-based vinaigrette.
Hamo (Conger eel) 
The spikey-toothed hamo (conger eel) is a difficult adversary to deal with. Small bones span the length of its slim body. Chefs make half-cuts into the filleted meat to make it tasty - 24 cuts within each three-centimeter span. Hamo can be boiled, grilled, deeply fried, and even used in shabu-shabu or nabe stew. Cold, boiled ham served with a tart ume (plum) sauce is especially popular in the summer.
Tsukemono (Japanese pickles) 
Before the refrigerator, Japan kept its vegetables by pickling them in salt. When Kyoto was chosen as the nation's capital in 794, a slew of items from Japan began to arrive in Kyoto and at the imperial court. Local artisans attempted to refine these products, resulting in a varied range of Kyoto crafts, including tsukemono.
Kyoto's top tsukemono are three types of pickles: shibazuke, senmaizuke, and sugizuke. Shibazuke is a sour and crunchy pickled mixture of sliced cucumber and eggplant with scarlet shiso (perilla or beefsteak plant). Shiso turns the ingredients pink.
Kyoto is a beautiful place to explore matcha because it is the birthplace of the tea ceremony. You may get frothy green tea at many tea shops on temple grounds or in popular tourist places, with or without the ceremony. In Japan, matcha is the most acceptable type of green tea. To improve its color, flavor, fragrance, and nutritional value, it is made from tea leaves cultivated under certain circumstances, dried, and ground in a similar environment. Everything here adds to the sensory experience of drinking matcha.
Matcha is also delightful in its various modern guises, like soft-serve ice cream, cake, biscuits, and crackers, which can be found around Kyoto.
Yatsuhashi is the most famous Kyoto souvenir sweet. It's created of rice flour, sugar, and Nikki, a type of Japanese cinnamon. Warming the dough before shaping it into a thin, half-pipe form and baking it results in crisp, slightly challenging cookies that resemble little brown roof tiles. Since 1689, this type of yatsuhashi has been around.
Matcha and sesame tastes, as well as more recent additions like chocolate and banana, are available in addition to the traditional cinnamon flavor.
Do you want to find the best fish market in Tokyo? If so, Ninja Food Tours are for you. Our team members are natives who are motivated by the thriving culinary scene. Let us take you on a delectable journey filled with cuisine, laughter, and history. On Osaka food tours, you'll uncover Kyoto's hidden gems and sample authentic Japanese dishes you've probably never eaten. The tour price includes full-size meal samples as well as the guiding charge. The night trips also include two glasses of alcoholic beverages of your choosing.
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strangemusictriumph · 2 years
Organic Coffee Market - Forecast (2022-2027)
Organic Coffee Market size is estimated to reach $13.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% during the forecast period 2022-2027. Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and the coffee bean is the second most traded commodity after petrol on the worldwide market. In more than 50 nations, more than 25 million farmers are involved in the production of coffee. Organic coffee is a popular beverage made without synthetic chemicals, pesticides, organic fertilizers, antibiotics, or growth hormones. Chlorogenic acid, fatty acids, flavanols, and catechins are amidst the numerous antioxidants discovered in them. The coffee beans utilized in the manufacturing of organic coffee are non-genetically modified organisms. Sustainability, renewable resources, and safeguarding the quality of the land, groundwater, and air are all priorities for the producers. Organic coffee has exploded in popularity in recent years, thanks to a shift in consumer preferences toward natural foods and sustainable lifestyles. One of the primary reasons driving market expansion is growing awareness of the advantages of organic foods and drinks throughout the world. Organic coffee has been shown to lessen cancer risk, lower cholesterol levels, increase immunity, aid weight reduction, and protect against neurological illnesses. It is also known to prevent large-scale cellular death by stabilizing damaging free radicals discovered in the human body. 
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The health benefits of organic coffee including antioxidants and the growing trend of on-the-go coffee drinking are set to drive the Organic Coffee Market. The surging promotional operations on social media platforms and other platforms, like the internet, television, and newspapers, distributing knowledge about the benefits of organic food are set to propel the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027. This represents the Organic Coffee Industry Outlook.
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Report Coverage
The report: “Organic Coffee Market Forecast (2022-2027)", by Industry ARC covers an in-depth analysis of the following segments of the Organic Coffee Market.By Origin – Coffea Arabica and Coffea Canephora.
By Product Type – Fair Trade Coffee, Gourmet Coffee, Espresso Coffee, Coffee Pods and Others.By Roast – Light, Medium and Dark.
By Flavors - Chocolate And Caramel, Citrus And Floral, Almond, Amaretto, French Vanilla, Cinnamon and Others.By Packaging Type - Stand-Up Pouches, Jars & Bottles, and Others.
By Application - Food And Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic And Personal Care and Others.By Distribution Channel - Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Departmental And Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Sales Channels and Others.
By Geography - North America (U.S, Canada and Mexico), Europe (Germany, France, UK, Italy, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe), Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, South Korea, India, Australia & New Zealand, and Rest of Asia-Pacific), South America (Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Rest of South America), and Rest Of The World (Middle East, Africa).
Key Takeaways
Geographically, North America (Organic Coffee Market) accounted for the highest revenue share in 2021 and it is poised to dominate the market over the period 2022-2027 owing to the heightening processing and packaging in building the market for any brand and the soaring demand of specific coffee brands like Kona Coffee from the large island of Hawaii in the North American region.
Organic Coffee Market growth is being driven by the surging inclination of consumers towards organic beverages and the proliferating application of organic coffee in vegan baking, confectionery items, and personal care products. However, the heightening prices of organic food and beverages, soaring cost of production and operations, and shorter shelf life are some of the major factors hampering the growth of the Organic Coffee Market.
Organic Coffee Market Detailed Analysis on the Strength, Weakness, and Opportunities of the prominent players operating in the market will be provided in the Organic Coffee Market report.
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Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Application
The Organic Coffee Market based on the application can be further segmented into Food And Beverages, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetic and Personal Care, and Others. The Food And Beverages Segment held the largest market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the extensive application of organic coffee including antioxidants for confectionery and bakery products, direct intake, dairy products, smoothies, and shakes. With the quick adoption of western culture and expanding awareness of personal health, specifically among the younger generation in emerging countries, consumers are inclining more towards organic coffee including antioxidants. The kickoff of new organic coffee and coffee-associated assortments like cold coffee, cafe latte, and cappuccino appealing to an extensive audience is further propelling the growth of the Food And Beverages segment.
Furthermore, the Cosmetic And Personal Care segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to the proliferating demand for organic flavored coffee in developed economies, the soaring development of cosmetic products including organic coffee with antioxidants and the surging awareness of the advantages of using coffee topically, like how it may help soothe, revitalize, cleanse, and smooth the skin.
Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Distribution Channel
The Organic Coffee Market based on distribution channels can be further segmented into Hypermarkets/Supermarkets, Departmental And Convenience Stores, Specialty Stores, Online Sales Channels, and Others. The Hypermarkets/Supermarkets Segment held the largest market share in 2021. This growth is owing to the supermarkets and hypermarkets being big retail shops that typically provide an assortment of retail product categories under one roof. In order to be accessible to clients, supermarkets are frequently placed near a residential neighborhoods. However, owing to a shortage of property near residential areas, the majority of supermarkets and hypermarket companies are expanding outside of the city. Walmart, Tesco, Aldi, Kroger, Carrefour, Whole Foods Market, and other major retailers have a substantial presence in the distribution of organic coffee. The shifting consumer tastes for low-calorie and sugar-free products have prompted many businesses to keep a surplus of organic coffee including antioxidants on hand which is further propelling the growth of this segment. 
Furthermore, the Departmental And Convenience Stores segment is estimated to grow with the fastest CAGR of 10.5% during the forecast period 2022-2027 owing to their low-volume purchase from manufacturers or suppliers, and smaller discounts typically offered by convenience stores when compared to hypermarkets, supermarkets, and internet businesses. 
Organic Coffee Market Segment Analysis - By Geography
The Organic Coffee Market based on geography can be further segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, South America, and the Rest of the World. North America (Organic Coffee Market) held the largest share with 36% of the overall market in 2021. The growth of this region is owing to the rising demand for organic products, alterations in the dietary patterns, and growth of organic farming methods to cater to the demand for organic food attributed to the alarming rate of diseases in the North American region. The rising consumer awareness of the health benefits associated with the consumption of organic coffee including antioxidants over conventional coffee and Mexico, being one of the largest coffee-producing countries in the world, according to the National Coffee Association, U.S., are further propelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market in the North American region.
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Organic Coffee Market Drivers
Rise In The Consumption Of Healthy And Organic Foods Is Driving The Market Growth
The expansion of the organic coffee market is anticipated to be driven by an increase in the consumption of healthy and organic foods involving organic coffee including antioxidants, owing to the many advantages associated with these products. Synthetic and dangerous fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, genetic engineering, artificial preservatives, flavors, and colors are not used in organic coffee manufacturing. The utilization of the USDA Organic seal signifies a product is at least 95 percent organic unless 100% organic is particularized. Coffee is a single-constituent product. Therefore, a bag of organic coffee is 100 percent organic beans. Organic drinks, according to Café Altura, an organic coffee business in the U.S., lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and heart failure, lower cholesterol, cut the risk of Type 2 diabetes, and boost the body's immunity. The rise in the consumption of healthy and organic foods is therefore fuelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027.
Soaring Recognition Of Cafes Across The World Is Fuelling The Market Growth
Café culture and the habit of socializing at cafés has grown in popularity among urban youngsters. The rise in the number of food service outlets is being fuelled by an increase in the number of people moving to cities and a significant white-collar demographic. Various coffee shops, specialty coffee shops, and quick-service restaurants (QSRs) have sprung up to cater to various tastes and preferences for various varieties of fresh coffee. Coffee makers will have various branding options as the number of coffee-themed eateries grows. Consumers seek out premium coffee foods including antioxidants at coffee-themed eateries, prompting them to seek them out at retail outlets. Leading coffeehouse chains like Starbucks, Costa, and Barista are expanding into new markets. As per Coffee Shop Industry Statistics And Trends on brandongaille.com, the international business for these chains provide growth opportunities like Starbucks owning 5,500 international coffee shop locations. The increased recognition of malls and shopping centers has prompted players to make significant investments in coffee distribution through these venues. The soaring recognition of cafes across the world is therefore fuelling the growth of the Organic Coffee Market during the forecast period 2022-2027.
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Organic Coffee Market Challenges
Prices Of The Raw Materials Are High Enough To Limit The Market Growth
The high cost of organic coffee is predicted to stifle the growth of the Organic Coffee Market in the forthcoming future. Organic coffee is typically 20% more expensive than ordinary coffee. Organic coffee is grown using natural fertilizers and pesticides, which raises the overall cost of production. Furthermore, the procedure of acquiring organic certification and inspection is expensive, resulting in an additional cost of roughly 10-15% higher than regular coffee. The expenses of certification and inspection are difficult to estimate since they are dependent on the kind and intensity of conventional farming techniques prior to conversion to organic agriculture. As a result, the high cost of manufacturing and certification raises the cost of organic coffee. These issues are hampering the growth of the Organic Coffee Market.
Organic Coffee Industry Outlook:
Product launches, mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures, and geographical expansions are key strategies adopted by players in the Organic Coffee Market. The Organic Coffee top 10 companies are:
Complete Coffee Limited
Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. (Keurig Dr Pepper)
F S Gourmet Private Limited
Java Trading Co. LLC
Jim's Organic Coffee
Keurig Green Mountain, Inc.
Luigi Lavazza S.p.A.
Nestle S.A.
Rogers Family Company
Starbucks Corporation 
For more Food and Beverage Market reports, please click here
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privatelabeling · 4 days
Buy Private Label Gourmet Chocolates from Top Private Label Food Manufacturers
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Private label gourmet chocolates offer a unique opportunity for businesses to create a personalized product that reflects their brand. These chocolates are made from high-quality ingredients, often featuring unique flavors and sophisticated packaging. Choosing private label gourmet chocolates allows businesses to stand out in the competitive confectionery market. By customizing flavors, packaging, and branding, companies can offer a distinctive product that appeals to discerning customers looking for luxury. Private labeling also provides flexibility and control over the product’s pricing, allowing businesses to maximize profit margins. Whether for retail, corporate gifts, or special events, private label gourmet chocolates can be tailored to meet specific needs, enhancing brand identity and customer loyalty.
Find the Top Private Label Food Manufacturers
Whether you are looking for private label gourmet chocolates, looking for any other product or want the fresh sauces, Sutter Butter Natural and Artisan Food Company has been providing you the fresh range of gourmet foods. The leading manufacturer of private label foods has earned a reputation for its innovative line of handcrafted gourmet products. Behind the refined harvest of dozens of tapenades, jams along with infused extra virgin olive oils, and balsamic vinegars along with other gourmet accompaniments.
Providing artisan products means always having access to the freshest ingredients. It is all about the continued commitment to handcrafting each and every batch.
You will get the best range of fresh private label gourmet chocolates and other products with a complete labeling. Placing your order will be easy. So, what are you waiting for, place an order for the best range of private label gourmet chocolates and get delivery on time.
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cakermonsblog · 5 days
Cake Shop Franchise in Kolkata: A Sweet New Business Opportunity with CakeRMon by Ganguram
Are you searching for the perfect cake shop franchise in Kolkata? Look no further than CakeRMon by Ganguram, a trusted name in the world of sweets since 1892. Ganguram has been a symbol of heritage and quality for over a century, offering more than 250 varieties of sweets every day. With CakeRMon, we bring this legacy into the realm of cakes and pastries, offering a unique new business opportunity in Kolkata for aspiring entrepreneurs.
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At CakeRMon, we know that each special occasion requires a delicious celebration. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or any other event or any occasion; our cakes assure to touch your moments with sweetness. As one of the best cake shop in Kolkata, we take pride in our work concerning quality, hygiene, and above all, tongue-tickling taste.
Why Choose CakeRMon for Your Franchise?
Owning a bakery franchise in Kolkata has never been easier, especially when you tie up with a brand such as CakeRMon. We combine the rich legacy of Ganguram with modern bakery techniques to offer a wide range of mouth-watering cakes and pastries. From decadent chocolate cakes to fruity delights, we have it all. By investing in our franchise you are not just starting up a venture but associating with a brand synonymous with trust and excellence.
The growing demand for high-quality cakes and pastry ultimately make CakeRMon the perfect venture for investors in a birthday cake shop in Kolkata or an anniversary cake shop in Kolkata. Our cakes are apt for every celebration, and with the customized option, every order is tailored to customer's needs, thereby making us the favourite among the cake lovers in the city.
Competing with the Best
If you've been thinking about getting into the Monginis franchise in Kolkata, take some time to see what CakeRMon has to offer. Monginis might be a name synonymous with this trade, but CakeRMon brings a new perspective, amalgamating old values with newer and unique cake designs and flavors. The customer satisfaction and quality focus ensures uniqueness in this highly competitive bakery market.
Join the CakeRMon Family
With cakes being a part of every celebration, and this is a good time to make investments in a cake shop franchise in Kolkata. We at CakeRMon ensure all your needs are met, from training and support to a brand name trusted in Kolkata. Together, let's create sweet memories for our customers while building a successful business for you. Join the CakeRMon family today and be a part of the best cake shop in Kolkata!
For more details
Phone: +91-8100480282
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nsfwhiphop · 8 days
Here’s a dialogue capturing Charlize Theron’s negotiation with the founders of El Mordjene, highlighting the key details and making it entertaining yet realistic:
Scene: A sleek boardroom with large windows overlooking Algiers. Charlize Theron, confidently dressed in business attire, sits across from the founders of El Mordjene, simply known as Founder 1 and Founder 2. The atmosphere is friendly but serious, as this is a high-stakes negotiation.
Charlize: (smiling) Thank you both for meeting with me today. I’ve been hearing about El Mordjene everywhere—on TikTok, Instagram, even in the streets of Paris. It’s quite the phenomenon, and I have to say, after trying it myself, I get the hype. It’s better than Nutella, hands down.
Founder 1: (laughing) We’re flattered, Charlize. It’s been a labor of love for our family. We never imagined it would take off like this, especially in Europe.
Founder 2: Exactly. We always knew we had a superior product, but seeing it explode in France was a dream come true.
Charlize: That’s why I’m here. I see a huge opportunity to bring El Mordjene to the American market. It’s got all the qualities people love—rich flavor, high-quality ingredients—but I think with the right branding, it could completely disrupt the spread market in the U.S. Nutella has dominated for too long, and I believe Americans are ready for something new.
Founder 1: (intrigued) We’ve thought about expanding to the U.S., but we weren’t sure how to approach it. It’s a very different market.
Charlize: Exactly, and that’s where I come in. I’d like to enter into negotiations with you to license the recipe. I’m confident we can work out a deal where I handle the branding, production, and distribution in America, while keeping the integrity of the product intact. You’ll still have full control over the formula, but I’ll take care of making sure it’s a success stateside.
Founder 2: (nodding) Interesting. We’ve had offers, but none from someone with your reach and experience. What makes you think this will take off in the U.S.?
Charlize: Look at the numbers. Nutella sells 88 million units a year. Americans love hazelnut and chocolate, but they’ve never tasted something like El Mordjene. It’s creamier, richer—people will fall in love with it. Plus, there’s a growing demand for unique, international products. With my backing, we can position it as the next big thing, a premium alternative to Nutella.
Founder 1: And what about the name? Do you think El Mordjene would resonate with American consumers?
Charlize: That’s actually something I wanted to discuss. While the name El Mordjene has cultural significance and works well in Europe, we might need to rebrand it for the American market. Something shorter, catchier—easy to remember. You know how Coca-Cola and Fanta are different products under the same company? We can do something similar. Keep the heart of the product, but give it a fresh identity for the U.S.
Founder 2: (raising an eyebrow) A new name? Do you have any ideas?
Charlize: (smiling) I’ve been brainstorming. Something that highlights the luxurious, indulgent nature of the product. Maybe HazelDream or VelvetCrunch. We want people to associate it with something premium and unforgettable. The taste will sell itself, but the name needs to draw them in.
Founder 1: (thinking) I see your point. Americans like simple, evocative names. It could work.
Founder 2: (leaning forward) So, Charlize, you want to license the recipe, rebrand it for the U.S., and market it as a premium alternative to Nutella. What kind of terms are you thinking?
Charlize: (calm and confident) I propose a royalty-based deal. You’ll receive a percentage of the profits from every unit sold in America. You keep the rights to the product itself, and I take care of production, branding, and distribution. It’s a win-win. Your product reaches a massive new market without you having to invest heavily, and I get to introduce the next big thing in America.
Founder 1: (sharing a look with Founder 2) That sounds fair. And the recipe—what about keeping it secret?
Charlize: (nodding) Absolutely. The recipe stays with you. I’ll respect that fully. I just need access to produce it locally so we can meet demand in the U.S.
Founder 2: (smiling) We like your vision, Charlize. You clearly understand what makes El Mordjene special, and you’ve got the experience to make it work in the U.S.
Founder 1: (smiling as well) We’re on board. Let’s finalize the details, and we’ll move forward with licensing the recipe to you for the American market.
Charlize: (beaming) Fantastic. I can’t wait to get started. Trust me, Americans are going to love this product, and I’ll make sure it becomes a household name. This is just the beginning.
Scene shifts to months later.
Charlize’s new rebranded El Mordjene—now called VelvetDream—hits the American shelves. The product launch is accompanied by a massive marketing campaign featuring Charlize herself, and soon, stores can’t keep it in stock. Within the first year, VelvetDream becomes one of the top-selling hazelnut and chocolate products in the U.S., with millions of units sold. Charlize’s vision has become reality, and the founders of El Mordjene are thrilled with their expanding global success.
This version keeps the founders anonymous, while maintaining the essence of the negotiation and excitement!
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newsmarketreports · 8 days
UK Confectionery Market: Comprehensive Analysis and Key Trends
Introduction to the UK Confectionery Market
The UK confectionery market is a diverse and robust sector that encompasses a wide array of sweet products such as chocolates, candies, gum, and mints. With the UK having a long-standing tradition of confectionery consumption, this market is characterized by both legacy brands and new entrants looking to capitalize on changing consumer trends. The confectionery industry in the UK faces unique challenges and opportunities, driven by consumer preferences for indulgence, health-conscious options, and sustainability.
For more insights on the UK confectionary market forecast, download a free report sample 
Market Overview and Dynamics
1. Indulgence vs. Health Consciousness: Indulgence remains one of the main drivers of the UK confectionery market, with consumers turning to chocolates and sweets as a form of self-reward or comfort. However, there is a growing demand for healthier alternatives, as more consumers become concerned about sugar intake, obesity, and overall well-being. This shift has resulted in the introduction of low-sugar, sugar-free, and natural sweetener-based products, as well as the rise of organic and plant-based confectionery options.
2. Premiumization and Innovation: The premiumization trend continues to grow in the UK confectionery market, with consumers willing to pay more for high-quality ingredients, unique flavors, and gourmet experiences. Artisanal chocolates, single-origin cocoa, and exotic flavors are gaining popularity as people seek out more luxurious and personalized confectionery experiences. Innovations in packaging, sustainability, and ethical sourcing are also becoming key differentiators for brands competing in this segment.
3. Impact of Sustainability and Ethical Consumption: Consumers are increasingly prioritizing sustainability and ethical practices in their purchasing decisions. This is particularly evident in the confectionery market, where brands are responding with fair trade-certified chocolates, responsibly sourced ingredients, and eco-friendly packaging. The focus on reducing plastic waste and improving the environmental impact of production processes is also influencing the strategies of major players in the market.
4. Seasonal Demand and Gifting: Seasonal events, such as Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day, continue to drive significant spikes in confectionery sales. During these periods, limited edition products, themed packaging, and gift sets are essential to capturing consumer attention. Gifting remains a strong tradition in the UK, with confectionery items often purchased as presents or to share during special occasions, further supporting the market's growth.
Market Segmentation
1. By Product Type:
Chocolate Confectionery: Chocolate remains the largest segment of the UK confectionery market, with a variety of products ranging from milk chocolate bars to dark chocolate, truffles, and pralines. The demand for premium and artisanal chocolates is on the rise, as consumers seek out higher cocoa content and more sophisticated flavor profiles. Ethical sourcing and sustainable production methods are particularly important in this segment.
Sugar Confectionery: The sugar confectionery segment includes candies, boiled sweets, gummies, marshmallows, and toffees. While traditional favorites continue to perform well, there is growing interest in healthier alternatives, such as sugar-free and reduced-sugar candies. Natural flavorings and colorings are becoming more common as consumers look for products that are free from artificial ingredients.
Gum and Mints: Gum and mints are popular categories within the confectionery market, particularly for their convenience and perceived oral health benefits. Sugar-free gum is a key growth area, driven by consumers seeking healthier options. Innovative packaging, such as resealable pouches and pocket-sized packs, is also enhancing the appeal of these products.
2. By Distribution Channel:
Supermarkets and Hypermarkets: Supermarkets and hypermarkets remain the primary distribution channels for confectionery products in the UK, offering a wide variety of brands and products. These retailers provide a platform for both mainstream and premium products, with special promotions and in-store displays playing a crucial role in driving impulse purchases.
Convenience Stores: Convenience stores are vital for on-the-go confectionery purchases, catering to consumers looking for quick and easy access to snacks. These stores often stock smaller pack sizes and offer a selection of popular brands, making them a key channel for impulse buys.
Online Retail: The online retail sector is growing rapidly, particularly as consumers become more accustomed to e-commerce. Online platforms offer access to a broader range of products, including specialty and international confectionery that may not be available in traditional retail stores. The convenience of home delivery is also driving growth in this channel.
Specialty Stores: Specialty stores, including chocolatiers and sweet shops, cater to consumers seeking premium, artisanal, or niche confectionery products. These stores often focus on personalized experiences, such as customized chocolates or rare candy imports, and attract consumers looking for unique or high-end offerings.
Regional Market Analysis
1. London and the South East: London and the South East represent key markets for premium confectionery, with a diverse consumer base that is open to trying new products and flavors. The presence of specialty chocolatiers and a higher demand for luxury goods make this region a prime target for brands looking to promote artisanal and gourmet products.
2. The North and Midlands: The North and Midlands have a strong tradition of confectionery consumption, with a particular focus on value-for-money products. While traditional sweets and chocolates are popular in these regions, there is also a growing interest in healthier alternatives and locally sourced products.
3. Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland: These regions exhibit strong demand for traditional confectionery, with a focus on local specialties and classic favorites. However, like the rest of the UK, there is an increasing awareness of health and wellness trends, leading to rising interest in sugar-free and low-sugar options.
Challenges and Opportunities
1. Health Concerns and Regulatory Pressure: Health concerns surrounding sugar consumption and obesity are significant challenges for the UK confectionery market. Government initiatives such as the Sugar Tax and campaigns to reduce sugar content in food and beverages are putting pressure on manufacturers to reformulate their products. However, this also presents opportunities for brands to innovate and introduce healthier options that meet regulatory requirements while satisfying consumer cravings.
2. Rising Ingredient Costs and Supply Chain Issues: The cost of key ingredients, such as cocoa, sugar, and dairy, is rising due to global supply chain disruptions and environmental challenges. These rising costs are putting pressure on profit margins, particularly for premium products. Brands that can manage their supply chains effectively, secure ethical sourcing, and maintain price competitiveness will be better positioned for long-term success.
3. Opportunities in Plant-Based and Free-From Products: The growing demand for plant-based, vegan, and free-from products offers significant growth potential in the UK confectionery market. Consumers with dietary restrictions, such as lactose intolerance or gluten sensitivity, are increasingly seeking indulgent treats that cater to their needs. Plant-based chocolates and sweets, as well as allergen-free options, are becoming more widely available, providing new avenues for market expansion.
4. Expansion of Private Label Products: Private label products are gaining traction in the UK confectionery market, particularly in supermarkets. These products often offer a more affordable alternative to branded products, appealing to price-conscious consumers. As private labels invest in quality and innovation, they are becoming a serious competitor to established brands, particularly in the mid-market segment.
Future Trends and Market Outlook
The UK confectionery market is expected to continue evolving, shaped by a combination of health-conscious consumer behaviors, premiumization, and sustainability initiatives. Key trends that will define the future of the market include:
1. Growth of Healthy Confectionery Options: The demand for healthier confectionery options, including low-sugar, sugar-free, and natural ingredient-based products, will continue to rise. Brands that can effectively balance indulgence with health benefits are likely to capture a growing share of the market.
2. Innovation in Flavors and Textures: Ongoing innovation in flavors and textures will remain a key factor in attracting consumers. Exotic, bold, and experimental flavors, as well as unique textures like filled chocolates or layered candies, will drive consumer interest and differentiate brands in a crowded market.
3. Increased Focus on Sustainability: Sustainability will become a core focus for both manufacturers and consumers, with eco-friendly packaging, ethical sourcing, and reduced environmental impact playing an increasingly important role in purchasing decisions. Brands that lead the way in sustainability will build consumer loyalty and strengthen their market position.
4. Digital Transformation and E-Commerce Growth: As e-commerce continues to grow, the digital transformation of the confectionery market will offer new opportunities for personalized marketing, direct-to-consumer sales, and subscription models. Brands that invest in digital strategies and optimize their online presence will be well-positioned for future success.
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ankitab · 10 days
3D Food Printing Market to Be Worth $11.3 Billion by 2030
According to a recent report by Meticulous Research®, the 3D food printing market is expected to grow to $11.3 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 50.2% from 2023 to 2030. This rapid expansion is driven by the growing demand for gourmet foods, the adoption of 3D printing technology for producing plant-based meat alternatives, and efforts to minimize food waste.
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However, the market faces challenges such as extended processing times required to 3D print food and the limitations in flavor and texture compared to traditional food production methods. Nonetheless, the increasing adoption of 3D food printing technology in the food and hospitality sectors, alongside ongoing research to develop innovative printing models, presents promising growth opportunities. Key challenges in the market include ingredient processing limitations and consumers' preference for traditionally manufactured foods.
The 3D food printing market is categorized by offering, printing method, technology, ingredient form, and end user. The analysis also covers competitive dynamics and provides regional and country-level market insights.
Market Segmentation:
By Offering: The market is segmented into machines & accessories, software, and services. In 2023, the machines & accessories segment is anticipated to hold the largest market share due to its broad application in personalized nutrition, automated cooking, and food waste reduction. This segment is also expected to experience the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Click here for top trending blog: https://meticulousblog.org/top-10-companies-in-3d-food-printing-market/?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=16-09-2024
By Printing Method: The market is divided into layer-by-layer and mold-based printing methods. The layer-by-layer segment is expected to dominate in 2023, owing to its versatility in creating complex shapes and accommodating specific ingredient preferences. It is also projected to witness the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
Browse in depth: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/3d-food-printing-market-4995?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=16-09-2024
By Printing Technology: The technologies include extrusion, powder binding deposition, inkjet printing, and bio-printing. The extrusion technology is further categorized into soft-materials, melting, and hydrogel-forming extrusions, while powder binding deposition is sub-divided into selective laser sintering, liquid binding, and selective hot air sintering and melting. The extrusion segment is expected to lead the market share in 2023, due to its capability to replicate conventional food extrusion processes while allowing for digital customization. However, powder binding deposition is forecasted to grow at the fastest rate over the coming years.
By Ingredient Form: The market is segmented into pastes & purees, powdered ingredients, and cells. Pastes & purees are further broken down into categories such as dough, puree, jelly & frosting, mashed fruits & vegetables, and cheese. Powdered ingredients are divided into sugar, chocolate powder, protein powder, flour, and others. The pastes & purees segment is set to account for the largest market share in 2023, driven by their structural properties and ease of use in 3D food printing. Meanwhile, powdered ingredients are anticipated to grow at the highest CAGR
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By End User: End users include restaurants, large-scale catering, bakeries & confectioneries, and others. The restaurants category is further split into QSR/fast food, casual dining, cafes, and fine dining/gourmet restaurants. In 2023, bakeries & confectioneries are expected to hold the largest market share due to increasing demand for customized meals and luxury dining experiences, alongside rising consumption of plant-based meat. The restaurants segment is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.
By Geography: The market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. North America is expected to lead in market share in 2023, driven by technological advancements, rising awareness of 3D-printed foods, and growing demand for plant-based meat alternatives.
Quick buy: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/49174855?utm_source=article&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=product&utm_content=16-09-2024
Key Players
Notable companies in the 3D food printing market include 3D Systems Corporation (U.S.), TNO (Netherlands), Natural Machines (Spain), Wiiboox (China), byFlow B.V. (Netherlands), Dovetailed (U.K.), PancakeBot (U.S.), BeeHex, LLC (U.S.), Print4Taste GmbH (Germany), and Changxing Shiyin Technology Co., Ltd. (China).
Contact Us: Meticulous Research® Email- [email protected] Contact Sales- +1-646-781-8004 Connect with us on LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/company/meticulous-research
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tamanna31 · 15 days
Bubble Tea 2023 Industry – Challenges, Drivers, Outlook, Segmentation - Analysis to 2030
Bubble Tea Industry Overview
The global bubble tea market size was valued at USD 2.75 billion in 2022 and is expected to register a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.9% from 2023 to 2030.
Increasing the intake of tea and coffee as nootropic drinks among working individuals and students is a major factor in the market growth. Moreover, the low-calorie contents and zero fat of such beverages are propelling thedemand further. The growing popularity of varioustypes of hot beverages is also likely to drive the demand for bubble tea. In addition, health experts suggest that balanced consumption of such beverages improves concentration and brain function. Bubble tea is gaining popularity owing to its different tastes and availability of various flavors, such as fruits, coffee, chocolate, and simple classic.
Gather more insights about the market drivers, restrains and growth of the Bubble Tea Market
The bubble tea beverages are prepared along with ice, flavored syrups, and sugar. Growing preference for tea, coffee, and other flavored beverages more than carbonated drinks is expected to boost product demand during the forecast period. The market experienced slow growth on account of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused continuous lockdowns in major cities across the globe. There was a shortage in raw material supply. The production of jelly-like pearls made of tapioca was stopped during the pandemic, which had a negative impacton the market growth. However, the popularity of bubble tea has increased over the decades and the industry is expected to expand rapidly post-pandemic.
However, the raw ingredients used for preparing bubble tea are made with sugars, which can be dangerous if consumed in excessive amounts. This is the major factor limiting market growth. In addition, the amount of sugar consumed along with bubble tea can pose varioushealth risks. The consumption of high levels of sugar can lead to serious health complications like obesity, heart disease, cognitive decline, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), and also some forms of cancer. These factors are restraining the market growth. The rising popularity of bubble tea trends among the young generation is creating new opportunities for the key players to offer variations of the beverage. Key players can offer different flavors of boba tea, which can help them capture a higher market share as colorful bubbles and flavored beverages are widely popular.
Browse through Grand View Research's Consumer F&B Industry Research Reports.
• The global frozen bakery market size was estimated at USD 67.27 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2024 to 2030.
• The global organic rice protein market size was valued at USD 69.5 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 12.9% from 2024 to 2030.
Global Bubble Tea Market Report Segmentation
This report forecasts revenue growth at global, regional, and country levels and provides an analysis of the latest industry trends in each of the sub-segment from 2017 to 2030. For the purpose of this study, Grand View Research has segmented the global bubble tea market report on the basis of type, flavor, and region:
Type Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Black Tea
Green Tea
Oolong Tea
White Tea
Flavor Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
Regional Outlook (Revenue, USD Million, 2017 - 2030)
North America
Asia Pacific
Central & South America
Middle East & Africa
South Africa
Key Companies & Market Share Insights
Major companies are focusing on expanding their global presence. In addition, key players are launching new varieties of flavors and tea options to gain a competitive advantage. For instance,
In June 2019, Malaysia-based ‘Secret Recipe’, a famous restaurant chain, launched new bubble tea flavors including boba signature fruit tea, boba brown sugar milk tea, and boba kopi-C
In April 2022, BUBLUV, Inc., a New York-based start-up, announced the release of its much-awaited BUBLUV Bubble Tea, the first Ready-To-Drink (RTD) healthier boba substitute with less than 50 calories per bottle and no added sugar or chemical components.
Some of the prominent players in the global bubble tea market include:
Bobabox Ltd.
Bubble Tea House Company
Fokus, Inc.
Gong Cha
Lollicup USA, Inc.
Bubble Tea Supply, Inc.
T Bun International
Ten Ren’s Tea Time
Troika JC
Order a free sample PDF of the Bubble Tea Market Intelligence Study, published by Grand View Research.
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