#Choi Jung Soo is just watching cale talk to nothing
deeplyconfusedbear · 2 years
I’m reading chapter 610 of the Trash of the Counts family and jesus f u c k
So many emotions you guys
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teriri-sayes · 1 year
Reactions to Miracle Creator's Chapter 140
TLDR; Spar is over. Others impressed at the two Chois. Cale and HD's experiment begins.
Soos? LSH = ❌ CJS = ✅
Spar Conclusion Well, this was a disappointment. The spar was over, so we no longer had any conversations between CH and CJS. Cale was satisfied with the match, and left the place because it was now dinner time.
Murim Characters's Impression of the Two Chois When it came to Cale, he was often misunderstood by the inhabitants of Central Plains. But their impressions towards CH and CJS were correct.
Half of the chapter was dedicated to this part, so rather than talking about how they were in awe of the dragons, let's do an attendance check!
Cale's group: Wi - impressed at CH's skills; excited about writing about this in his reports to the emperor and empress dowager Fist King and Mok Hee - present at the spar but not mentioned this chapter Toonka - fighting with the Evil Faction people LSH - no mention of him this chapter; probably giggling like always Molans, Raon, and Durst - with Cale, but not mentioned this chapter Number 7 - probably still in the sack
Good Faction: Elder Ho & Splitter Saint - only visited the training courtyard after Cale's group left; impressed by CH and CJS's sword skills Other members - not invited to watch; unaware of the spar
Evil Faction: Sima Dan & Sima Gong - visited the training courtyard after Elder Ho and Splitter Saint; went sober and stopped betting as they had a hunch that something big was going to happen; had a feeling that what happened in the Demon Cult would also happen to the Evil Alliance Sima Jung and Ha Mun - still fighting with Toonka 😂 Other members - not invited to watch; unaware of the spar
Demon Cult: HD - watched the spar from a high place; found CJS cunning and hiding something; thinks CH is similar to him and wants to have a spar with CH
Purification Experiment Finally, Cale and HD's collab project is about to begin. HD was totally fine if he died because he thought that it would serve as a good justification for the Demon Cult to annihilate the Blood Cult.
As usual, Cale and HD's conversation was casual. Cale even called HD a crazy bastard for laughing even though he was at risk of death, and HD just laughed it off, replying he was used to being called that.
And author is biased towards HD again. HD was described as wearing light black clothes... Why? What about the other characters? What is Cale wearing today? Come on, author-nim! Describe the appearances of the others! 😒
Ending Remarks Nothing much happened today. I guess this is something like an interlude or rest chapter between two major events - the spar between the Chois, and the purification of HD.
I won't deny that I was disappointed that CH and CJS no longer talked to each other afterwards. At least the two had reached an understanding and were no longer awkward with each other.
Anyway, that is all for today. Look forward to next Friday to find out if Cale would cough blood again from purifying HD~!
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