#Choi Han is so done with Cales shit
deeplyconfusedbear · 2 years
I’m reading chapter 610 of the Trash of the Counts family and jesus f u c k
So many emotions you guys
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slackerlifewhere · 4 months
random thought #1
You know...I had a sudden realization as I'm starting to re-read the novel so I can catch up to the second part (I'm getting really impatient and I just want to read more of their chaos).
Despite how easy he makes it seems, Cale's natural charisma is one of the reasons why a lot of people are quick to trust him.
Like imagine meeting all these distrustful characters (Molan father and son, Choi Han, the kids, Alberu, the dragons) and have them trust, follow, and care for you for the whole story? And he also handles them like it's a piece of cake? He's "scared" but he sometimes lets them get away with doing stuff like a tired old man. Like I know it's a thing that his friends and family are so done with him being a chaotic little shit who faints every few minutes but imagine being in his shoes and dealing with all these dangerous and equally chaotic little shits.
That's basically impossible. It's extremely hard to do the same thing he did. If it were another person, they won't even last a minute with them. They'll probably experience different kinds of trauma or death or worse.
And this guy is completely oblivious to it.
I mean, if you know his past as Kim Rok Soo, it makes a lot of sense but even then, I don't think he was in the right headspace to notice his charisma in his previous world. He's so in denial about himself even in this new world though and I honestly understand why some nobles were so scared of him. Sand Ailan was right. He's like a king.
At this point, I don't know who's babysitting who, especially if you remember the mess Choi Han and Mary did when he was away. Or when Rosalyn did something explosive. Or the kids. Or Ron. I guess it's because he's so extra in the way he does things that it kind of hides how crazy the rest of the characters are.
At best, Alberu, Beacrox, Bud, and Lock are the "normal" ones in the group if you can even call anyone "normal" in this story. You can't change my mind. Even Eruhaben doesn't count. He's also a little shit from time to time and he's proud of it.
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weirdsht · 2 months
Another yapping session lol, I haven't done this in a while. Omfg tho, I didn't mean for this thing to be as long as I made it. I'm sorry shfgsidfhsfjgsdlg
By clicking read more you will be subjected to novel spoilers and my messy long rant about LoTCF. This is your warning.
I've thought about this for a long time but LoTCF is a fix-it novel. Not sure if someone thought about the same thing or if they have talked about it yet. But I've felt this way ever since I read about Kim Rok Soo's life.
After realising what he went through and just how hard his life is made me realise why he does the things he does. Why he has such a mindset. Why he values the little things other people would not even think about.
It made even more sense after hearing how he was collateral damage from the White Star's curse. How he can't hold the things he deemed dear close to him as he will always be bound to lose it. To lose them.
Lastly, it made me realise why the novel seems all sunshine and rainbows in the long run. Sure, there are angsty moments. Some moments and arcs made me bawl for weeks on end. Made me feel as though my heart was being ripped out of my chest (Looking at you earth lore). However, at the end of it all everyone on Cale's side is okay. It's like watching one of those old-school shonen animes where you know everyone will save the day with the power of friendship.
And I know I'm not the only one who noticed that. I saw a lot of discourse about how the series would be more interesting if someone actually died. If a lot was on the line. Something like ORV.
And omg does it piss me off so much.
Because once again LoTCF is a fix-it novel.
It's a novel about starting again. About Cale finally being able to hold and protect the things dear to him.
That's why it wouldn't make sense for him to lose more.
Plus, I genuinely think that if he loses one more thing important to him (non-material ofc) that would be his last straw. He has already been through so much. And it was because of something he didn't even have a clue about. Something he essentially had no business with if White Star just wasn't a greedy mfer.
I think some people also forget or doesn't realise the fact that this is also Cale's last chance. Like Ron and Choi Han who has lost their families several times and deemed their new group as their last chance. Their last family.
It's the same for Cale.
He already lost his biological parents. He already lost his brothers.
He can't lose his new family too.
That's why no one can die.
Despite that, as a reader, I am scared though. Scared at the lengths he's willing to go to protect his family.
Because this man has no self-preservation skills despite him always saying he has no plans of getting hurt or dying. I mean, I can't blame him for not knowing his worth. His life has been shit. He always had to go above and beyond to try and grasp the things he wanted only for them to still slip away from his fingertips. Like he's trying to collect running water with open palms.
And until now, even without the curse, he does the same thing. Because it's what he's used to. Maybe he subconsciously thinks that if his efforts dwindle a little he'll lose everything again. Not fully comprehending that it's fine now. That it's okay for him to breath a little.
Anyway, my point is I'm scared that at some point Cale will try to protect everyone and everything at his own cost. Will try to convince himself that he will be fine when he won't be. I mean I've already heard spoilers from book 2 and heard that's what seems to be happening right now.
I'm just scared that a point will come where Cale won't be able to come back from the decisions he makes in the name of protecting his family.
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zorlovinghue · 2 months
What if Jour was a step too late. What if White Star acted sooner.
She did still go to Harris Village, she stayed there for monthly visit perhaps, so when she went back home it was too late. Turned out that White Star act a year faster than he should.
White Star's ambush was therefore unforseen, inescapable. The entire Henituse Territory faced an ultimate demise that Jour could do nothing to prevent. White Star angrily demolished everything because he could not find her–thus he failed to obtain her ancient power–leaving the territory a disjoint mess of rubbles.
How devastated would it be if Cale had died in the end, pummeled beneath the rubbles. Deruth was found disheveled amidst the expanse of corpses that had previously protected him (prevented him from reaching his son, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰𝘯!), prostated before the very rubble that claimed his son's life, for he was unable to move fast enough to save him. And the child's despaired shout abruptly cut off just when he was at arm length. The knights accompanying Jour? Ron and Vicross who assisted her? They're useless, so useless because even with their efforts to save his son, his son's body, the fact that such huge and heavy piece of rubble had left Cale mashed beyond recognition had stripped him from a proper burial.
With Henituse territory destroyed, they're practically had nowhere to go but the palace (Zed's providing shelter for them). Rebuilding a territory? Who cares about that when no civilians survived, leaving only the Count, the Countess and a few subordinates to hold its glory.
Jour and Deruth were consumed in immeasurable grief and sorrow. They make a soul oath to the God of Death, promising to get rid of White Star in exchange of power, they swore to defeat the shit piece of fuck with their own hands.
"We will do it for you. Victory, we will give you just that. Hold our lives in your hands, once the time comes, rid ourselves from this world of living."
Canon characters like Choi Han might still exist, but it might be different with the children since they haven't born yet. So the war will have the 'adult' figures at it centre. Assuming there's no Hunters, so the only goal is to defeat the White Star.
Jour having absolute mental breakdown once she fight with White Star. Deruth is strong here, so he fight on the front lines with Jour. Them running down the path of self-destruction that in other worldline had been the one Cale Henituse died from...
Then died holding each other, victory achieved, but in their hold no longer the small, precious child they adored with everything they have. Only themselves.
"Jour, My Jour...," a soft kiss on her forehead, a single tear greeted her cheek, "If we're granted another chance to live a second time... In a world vastly different than ours."
A wishful dream, coming from shredded throat of a man in his last moment, "Please, please be my wife one more time. Then I'll protect you, I'll make you happier. I'll make sure no one can take our child from us."
Perhaps, they'll be reincarnated on Earth. There, in a peaceful world, maybe they'll meet again.
I'm crying. Certainly makes no sense. White Star's ancient powers were never completed, even if he did managed to do so, Jour basically his worst enemy that could put an end to his reincarnation. The oath with GoD gave Jour all ancient powers Cale!krs have in canon, so the whole kebab agenda was done by her. I only see problem, I do not see solution, so all of this is just a ramble...
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skylerskyhigh · 4 months
Ah screw it. Imma rant about my fic
When I started this fic, I didn't plan to have such an extensive theme. But as time passed and I fleshed out some ideas, I started thinking about the themes and character arcs that I wanted to explore.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to write all of the arcs or finish the story, or maybe even continue with the second book, but I wanted to put these ideas out here just in case. It'll be fun to go back to.
Cale and the cycle of self harm
I'll start with the main character for this story. OG Cale Henituse. Throughout the story, he is going through a rough time. Aside from the trauma of going through a war, the crux of his issues is the fact that he had been abused.
Cale had been hurt by a lot of people. Either through neglect, abandonment, or self hatred, Cale had been through a lot. It cut his self esteem into a simple concept of "If I am alive, then I should be useful to others."
He doesn't care about himself. He constantly puts himself after so many people. His wellbeing is always second to someone else.
After the death of his family, Cale gained his Ancient power. A power that turned his pain into power. It is because of this that he put himself through a lot of shit.
With physical proof that his pain means something, Cale will begin a spiral of self harm that expands bigger and bigger as he loses the people he loves. Not only is he grappling with a lot of issues of survivors guilt, abandonment trauma, self hatred, and PTSD, the driving force behind his actions isn't to live. It's revenge. He wanted to kill the person responsible for his family's deaths. It's not about him. It's about avenging his family.
Not only that, near the end of the war, Cale stopped wanting to live. Life stopped having meaning because he didn't have anyone to life for. Cale never lives for himself. Always for others.
He put himself in an abusive relationship, for the sole purpose of turning himself into a weapon. To make his powers strong enough to cause significant harm to White Star. All of it with the intention of dying right after he was done. He didn't want to live. But he didn't want to make his life worth nothing. People died while he lived, so he should do something to make his life worthwhile. Either he dies in battle, or he dies after hurting White Star.
Cale went through a lot. While most of it isn't his fault, some is the direct result of his actions. His lack of care for himself lead him to seek self harm as some form of redemption or punishment. Time and time again he is hurt. He denies help. He seeks out misery like a drug. Self harm comes in many different forms and Cale explored a lot of it.
For Cale to begin to heal, he needed to stop this behavior. He needed to stop seeking out ways to harm himself. He needed to stop his own cycle of abuse. But its not easy to do that.
His theme is exploring that cycle of self harm. The thoughts while grappling with so many complex emotions. The effects of grief, loss, and low self esteem. The spiral that people go through while being trapped in a perpetual loop of abuse. It's not easy to escape such a cycle. For Cale, it's hard to break free from it when he believed that he needed to redeem himself in some way. Or that his life is worth less than the lives of others. Cale cannot justify living if he doesn't use his life for something useful. Breaking free from that spiral isn't easy. But he won't be alone to do it. Not this time.
Choi Han and the sins of the father
Admittedly, I didn't have plans for him at first. But as the story expanded, so did his character arc.
In the original timeline, Choi Han was a bastard. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. He was an asshole to Cale.
(I don't hate Choi Han but narratively, he was a terrible person in this story in the original timeline.)
As the main abuser in Cale's life, Choi Han played a significant role in harming Cale. Even when he was deceived by Cale, his actions are not justifiable. He was abusive, cruel, and irredeemable. A far cry from the canon of TCF. Blinded by his black and white mentality, Choi Han often physically hurts Cale to the point of death. He treats Cale like a villain, but he doesn't give Cale the freedom of a quick death.
All of this is to preface what the current Choi Han has to face against. The current Choi Han did not abuse Cale. However, he has to face 2 issues.
1) Face the consequences of someone else's actions.
2) Grapple with the reality that he could have- and had- become a terrible person.
Let's start with the first one. The concept of the "sins of the father" is a common trope. Think of Pink Diamond from Steven Universe. Even when Steven wasn't the person who had harmed a lot of people, he still had to grapple with the pain that his mother had left behind. The lies, hurt, and trauma that she had inflicted on others. Steven had to answer for the actions of someone else. That's what Choi Han has to do.
He didn't abuse Cale. But another version of him did and he had to face that problem. There are clear signs of abuse on Cale. The fear in his eyes. The vitriol in Hans' tone. The wariness, pain, and terror he has to deal with. Choi Han did not abuse anyone but the pain is still there. There are invisible yet clear scars on Cale and he has to answer for them. He has to fix them. He has to answer for the crimes that someone else had committed. Choi Han has to redeem himself even when he wasn't the one who had abused Cale.
Sins of the father is such a complex concept. There are a lot of factors in play. Not only are the victims of the person suffering from the actions of the perpetrator, but the blame did not fall on the perpetrator but another person. A completely blameless person at that. Yet due to their connection to the perpetrator, that person has to answer for it all.
For Choi Han, the responsibility of the OG falls on him. He needs to redeem himself even when he didn't do anything. Yet he cannot just ignore it when the victim is affected by the actions of the OG. He has to go through a redemption arc but skipped the reason for his redemption. He's not redeeming himself but fixing someone else's mess.
As for the second point, grappling with the reality that Choi Han was a villain.
Anyone would be messed up if they knew that they could become a terrible person. Choi Han was Cale's villain. His abuser. The reason he flinches every time Choi Han shows signs of anger. That would mess anyone up. Imagine knowing that you could become a terrible person who willingly physically harm another person.
While Choi Han has some murderous tendencies, he isn't a bad person. He clearly wants to be good. He saves people. He help others. He has a strong moral code and a sense of justice.
But he also kills people he deems as villains. His view of the world is different. Due to his isolation in the Forest of Darkness, and the constant struggle in a "kill or be killed" environment, he adopts a very "black and white" mentality. Good people deserve to live. Bad people do not. Subconsciously, he treats bad people with less respect and consideration. He can be very vicious, cold, and sometimes cruel to the people he sees as "bad". There is no grey in the world for him.
So when he was faced with Cale, someone who actively portrays himself as a "bad person", his dark side shows. And as the war progressed, that dark side of him grew.
Now the current Choi Han has to look at himself and do a lot of self reflection. He doesn't want to be the person who had hurt others so cruelly. How could he look at himself when he sees the damage "he" had done? He doesn't want to be the person he hates. He doesn't want to become like the cruel people who willingly harms others.
With hindsight and a glimpse into a possible dark path in front of him, Choi Han needs to reevaluate himself and think about his actions more critically. If he doesn't, he might just follow the same dark path. He is a good person. He doesn't want that to happen. To prevent it, he needs to do a lot of self reflection and improve upon himself.
It's not to say that Choi Han is a bad person. But just like everyone else, he has the potential to become one. He also has the potential to become a good person. It's about consideration of others and a lot of self awareness.
There are others but it's getting late for me so I'll cut it here for now. I might make a part 2 with Hans and Paseton, since their character arcs are more recent.
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svenituse · 4 months
are you happy?
something i jotted down earlier on twitter because i had sudden thoughts about cale thinking choi han was a compelling and relatable character when reading tboah, and then cale fell a little bit in love before they even met
Roksu doesn't know why he borrowed so many books.  Maybe he wanted something to occupy his mind, and the many volumes of The Birth of a Hero would suffice as a distraction.  So he starts to read. 
He reads slowly, even though he could read much faster if he tried.  But it's nice to take things slowly when it's not related to work.  And so Roksu slowly reads about Choi Han, the hero of this multi-volume series—a young teenager suddenly thrown into a terrifying world. 
Roksu thinks of how his own world suddenly fell into chaos years ago when the monsters first appeared in Korea.  He feels sorry for Choi Han who had to struggle to survive.  Admires him too, for not giving up even though he was alone for so, so long in the Dark Forest.
Roksu feels happiness when Choi Han finds family in Harris Village; then Roksu feels despair when Choi Han loses that family all too soon.  Roksu deeply understands this type of unfair loneliness, this grief that never really goes away, and finds himself beginning to wonder:
How does Choi Han live after this? 
It's something Roksu wants to know after years of living alone.  He wants to know if someone else could find happiness after losing everything.  
So Roksu keeps reading slowly.  He reads about Choi Han's anger and sadness and growing darkness.  The future hero is no longer cheerful or gentle—not after everything he has gone through, not after everything he has done himself.  But he still treats others well and finds more companions as the story goes on.  
Roksu thinks Choi Han is a good person.  Good, and achingly kind.
Despite the author's propensity for excessive detail and plot deviations, Roksu can't stop reading book after book of The Birth of a Hero.  He wants (needs) to know how Choi Han's story ends.
When Roksu drifts to sleep, he thinks: I hope Choi Han finds happiness again.
When Roksu wakes up, he becomes someone else: Cale Henituse, a drunken lout that said some very cruel things to Choi Han in Volume 1, and deservedly got hit for talking shit. 
This is bad. Roksu (er, Cale) would prefer not to get beaten up by a novel character that he likes.
Clearly, Cale must become reasonably inoffensive so he can have a slacker life, and also not traumatize poor Choi Han.  Cale appears too late to save Choi Han's family in Harris Village, but he is determined to help the hero have an easier life in this version of the story.  He introduces Choi Han to allies sooner and is pleased to see the hero make friends.  
Cale isn't sure why there's much less… brooding… than initially expected, but he has no complaints about the positive change.  If he keeps helping Choi Han, maybe things will turn out better.
(One thing leads to another… and another… and another…) 
Years later, Cale is shocked to remember that his initial plan was to chase Choi Han away from him and then slack off without being injured.  Cale wonders how the fuck he got here.  His slacker life…!  Where has it gone…?
Well, at least one of Cale's wishes came true.  "Choi Han," he says, feeling foolish but wanting to confirm something, "are you… happy?" 
Choi Han blinks before smiling brightly.  "Of course, Cale-nim!" 
"That's good."  Cale looks away, embarrassed.  "I am too."
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youngyoo-apologist · 6 months
OG Choi Han they could never make me hate you cause if some random rich boy was yelling at me and telling me my family deserved to die like a day after it happened and all I wanted was to know how I could get help I’d beat him up too
This plus the added fact that the Harris Village people were the first people to take Choi Han in and take care of him after years and years in the dark forest. Like he’s obviously not going to be mentally stable after all that, and he was so young when everything happened to him like I cannot blame him at all. I don’t think I can ever hate OG Choi Han like ever, he’s flawed, he has problems, but I love him dearly. He deserves the world. This kid who had to fight for his life, was taken away from his family, and in the process had to give up parts of his own humanity to survive, and like went to war two years later, they could never make me hate u OG Choi Han…
Like yeah violence is bad I guess but OG Cale had it coming(saying this as an OG Cale fan, I love him, but he was mean as hell when he was younger!)
If I’m honest, I think they were both in the wrong to an extent. Like OG Cale shouldn’t have said all that no matter the circumstances, and OG Choi Han shouldn’t have beaten him up so much. But u say mean shit and you get hit, that is how it will work when you’re talking to the guy who just saw his entire village get murdered like idkkkk man
I understand where OG Cale was coming from, but he had many issues and while he wasn’t an awful person, he was capable of doing bad things because of his own internalized pain and emotions that he never got to properly process because of his emotionally distant childhood and relationship with his father who should have been there for him more when he was younger.
Okay speaking of his childhood, Deruth isn’t the WORST father in the world but there are a lot of things he could have done better. I think a lot of Deruth’s flaws come from his fear of failure and messing up. He’s scared of doing the wrong thing, and so he sticks to doing what he knows and using what he knows best. That’s why he uses his money, that’s why gift giving is his way of showing affection, he knows that it is one thing he cannot mess up.
The problem is that money and gifts is NOT what OG Cale needed. I think what that guy needed the most was a parent who wasn’t afraid to talk to him, to ask him questions. Not to say that Deruth gave up on OG Cale, but I think in a way he gave up on OG Cale by giving up on himself. Deruth didn’t trust himself to have the capabilities to talk to OG Cale, which is why he never did. It’s because that Deruth was scared, and didn’t trust himself, that he could never face OG Cale
If Deruth was able to trust himself a little more, and pull himself together, I don’t think OG Cale would have turned out the way he did. As a kid, he probably thought the only way he could help his family without relying on anyone(no doubt this whole ‘I have to do it myself’ thing came from the fact that he couldn’t rely on his father when his mom died, and instead was acting as a pillar of support for his father when it should have been the other way around) was to sabotage himself, the only heir. If he was shown to be unfit to be heir, then everyone else would have no choice but to direct their hatred towards him instead of his family.
If Deruth had talked to his son at least ONCE when he was a kid, asking him why he was upset or why he did the things he did, I think OG Cale would have told him. Why? Because he’s a kid!! A kid will obviously want to rely on his father, if he just had one sign telling him that he didn’t have to do it alone I’m 90% sure OG Cale would have said something.
Basically, while Deruth isn’t the worst father, he’s not really a great father either. I think he does do his best, but he has issues with communication lol
OG Cale and OG Choi Han are both complex characters and had their own reasons to behave the way they did. The thing is with people is that they’re complicated and have layers, so the situation with them would have layers behind it as well with multiple co-existing truths and stuff
#guys I’m a big fan of Choi Han#and I get sad when people bring up this scene and all the blame is on him#like okay he was wrong but if YOU saw your entire family dead and some random rich boy started yelling abt how their lives were worthless#you’d be mad too no?#like his feelinsg were totally justified cause OG Cale was REALLY mean in that scene#‘their lives are worth less than the bottle in my hand’ OHHHHH OKAY OG CALE THATS ENOUGH THATS ENOUGHHHH#I love OG Cale but u have to admit he wasn’t very nice when he was younger#like the statements ‘he had his reasons’ ‘being trash was an act’ ‘he wasn’t a bad person’ ‘but he did say bad things’ can co exist#yes being trash was an act but he is ALSO capable of saying mean things and things that are wrong#LIKE TELLING THE GUY WHO JUST GOT HIS FAMILY MURDERED THAT THEIR LIVES WERE WORTHLESS#HE WAS NOT INNOCENT FOR THAT#Younger OG Cale is not a black and white character#and neither is older OG Cale but this post isn’t abt him#okay I’m gonna bring up someone who isn’t from TCF#but take Eunyung Baek from no home as an example okay#eunyung did bad things and was a bad person because of his childhood right#the reasons to being a bad person do not take away the bad things he did#but just cause he did bad things and was capable of them did not mean he could not change#I love OG Cale a LOT and I just think that his character has a lot behind it#Older OG Cale is obviously very different from his younger self#years and years of war and tragedy have matured him and like he’s not the same person he was anymore#okay back to Choi Han I love that guy I will defend him with my life#beating up people is wrong yeah but with the circumstances I’d say OG Cale had it coming#like okay it would be different if it was unprovoked but it was very much provoked#I swear I love OG Cale I just think he was very wrong for that#not to say he can’t change or isn’t capable of change he definitely is#idk I guess my point is that OG Cale was wrong but he changed as a person#and OG Choi Han was wrong for beating him up so much but it wasn’t unjustifiable#tcf#lcf
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big19boss-blog · 1 year
Observation 4
Cale you can't just drop bombs like these and not expect to fall in love with you.
Cale, no Kim Rok Soo, knew what it was like to wait for something that was never going to come back. He knew that his parents were dead, but, at one point, he had hoped that they would come back if he waited long enough. Cale looked directly into the old man’s eyes. (CH 78)
After all Ten is just a big kitty with murder wepon.
The Black Panther approached Cale like it was happy. Cale dodged to the side. (CH 81)
Aww Raon-nim on his tippy toes.
Raon removed his invisibility and landed next to Cale He then tippy-toed to look inside the box. (CH 81)
Right here I thought that Raon started sounding like Cale.
“Don’t say something so obvious.” (CH 84)
Reminds me of the fact that the first thing Cale noted about Raon-nim in the cave was his gaze.
“However, just as Raon had done, Venion glared up at the Black Dragon on top of the table. It was a glare that showed that he would not give in. (CH 86)
As a oldest daughter from both side of the family what On said makes me so emotional. Like On considers Raon her own brother, thinking that he went through so much brutality would fill her with so much grief.
“…. I need to watch, that’s what I need to do.” That was what the silver kitten On was saying as she lowered her head. (Ch 86)
This was where Cale-nim started healing a part of us we never knew existed. To every kid who lost there childhood and was forced to grow up way too early. Cale is just so much comfort. (CH 86)
Raon put his face on Cale’s shoulder after hearing that. Cale’s arm was shaking but Raon pretended not to know. And Cale let Roan do that. He was only four years old. It was fine for him to act this way.
On and Hong and Kim Rook So really are very similar, smart kids who had to grow up to early because the world was cruel to them.
“No. Not Bored!” “I enjoy rolling around doing nothing the most.” Choi Han laughed and responded back. “You guys really are similar to Cale-nim.” ‘….. Is he talking shit about me?’ (CH 88)
Cale might say it often but he cared about Ron a lot and from the begining too. Ron cares about him a lot too. The way he always calls him with a level of respect not just out of fear but for admiration of his skill.
Cale stiffened up for the first time since coming over to this world. “….Ron” The assassin Ron, that sly old man, was laying on the bed. (CH 89)
Beacrox, Ron and even Choi Han could not say anything after seeing this angry expression on Cale’s face. They had never seen such a look on Cale’s face before. Cale put the blanket back onto Ron’s body. (CH 90)
Took a more quote-oriented approach, hope you might enjoy it better.
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godza · 2 years
eughwugh i wanna write my new blog post but i cant i need to go beddybye...
anyway here are some of my fave tcf moments/things.
-they put bombs in him (clopeh)
-raon shoving tear stained pie into cales bloody mouth
-cale protecting raon like a little baby during that battle
-badass women forever. every main girl can fight for herself and i love it
-when mary and choi han team up. they will beat the shit out of anything if cale tells them to
-choi han knocking cale out and carrying him like a sack of potatoes after
-calebab. self explanatory. everybody likes that
-roksoo why the fuck are you calling that giant space tiger hyung
-teatime with space tiger (entire arc was so funny. cintamani forever)
-when cale cosplays as a priest to trick people. it happens so often
-the plate surgery. its funny when hes in pain. see calebab
-when raon swears and eruhaben blames cale as if he isnt saying fuck daily too
-TAERANG. worlds first glock. alberu went out there guns blazing in his pjs and no shoes
-alberu being always done with cales shit. dongsaeng moment
-cale sewed up shitty cloaks and makes everybody wear them for secret missions despite everyone hating them
-whats her name. sh. raons mom. i like her
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hajidumps · 2 years
og!Bud: who proposed?
og!Choi Han: Cale
og!Cale: what do you mean me? You were the one who knelt down!
og!Choi Han: you proposes to me when you were drunk
og!Cale: and you accepted?!?
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murasaki-cha · 2 years
Actor AU
Cale and Kim(WS) are almost identical twins. Cale plays Cale Henituse and OG!Cale Henituse. Kim plays White Star and Kim Rok Soo but he puts a black wig and heels and films all his Kim Rok Soo in the very beginning of shooting because he needed to be more toned up. Every time there’s a scene between Cale and White Star the two improvise most of the dialogue and just taunt each other for shits and giggles but the scenes turn out pretty good so the directors let them do what they want.
Choi Han and Choi Jung Soo are cousins. They often get confused as siblings tho. Surprisingly Choi Han is the most hyperactive and meme lord of the two. Choi Jung Soo is the chill but he’s also hyperactive and a meme lord but not as much as Choi Han. It’s like their characters switched personalities. They have really good chemistry with both of the twins. These dumb quarter often pulls pranks on other cast members and are all pretty active on social media where they demonstrate the complete chaos they create.
Alberu is the mom of the group along with Lee Soo Hyuk. They’re not that different from their characters. Alberu is not dark skinned but he’s a natural brunette so he just has to wear a blond wig. When he has to play his dark elf form he has to spend over an hour in the make up booth getting his skin tone done while everyone annoys him. Lee Soo Hyuk is the ultimate Mom Friend TM of the group. He’s also one of the script writers of the story. He almost has an aneurysm every time Cale and Kim mess up their script. And he has the most fun acting with everyone every time he has a scene
Rosalyn is the older sister of both On and Hong. She’s just goofing around with her little siblings every time they aren’t shooting. Rosalyn may or may not have stolen some of those magic stone props to keep them as souvenirs but no one will never know. She loves playing her character especially during the times she acts unhinged and releases her full powers. On and Hong spend most of the time on the voice recording booth but they do enjoy the occasional times they get to act. They really love the little kittens and play with them all the time on and off set.
Sherrit is the mom of both Raon and Lock. She wasn’t the original actress for the role, but seeing the way Raon and Lock acted around her off set and how much Raon insisted that his mom got to play the role because that’s his only mom, the directors proposed the idea yo her and she nailed the role. She loves acting with her boys. Lock is very shy off screen too. Actually most of his shy behavior on screen is just his real personality slipping out but the fans love it. Raon is the joy bringer on set. He spends most of his time on the voice recording booth but goes on set to play with his mom and hyungs. He has a great relationship with both Cale and Kim but sometimes has a hard time distinguishing the two. He also loves On and Hong and considers them his real siblings.
Eruhaben is an old friend of the director and a very famous actor. He’s as much of a grandpa off screen as he is on screen even tho he’s only a few years older than Sherrit. You will occasionally find a part of the cast following him around or napping with him on set. Especially the twins. Meanwhile Sherrit is just there taking pictures and sending it to the director. He loves the kids tho and shows it. Constantly giving them sweets or advising them on their acting.
GoD or Ezekiel(as some have headcanoned his name) is the director of the show. He’s a close friend of the author of the original novel Yoo Ryeo Han and works closely with them on the production the show. And when he was suggested by Yoo Ryeo Han to play his character he didn’t even have a chance to disagree before the twins agreed for him. And so he was left with no choice but to comply and what do you know the fans loved him as GoD much to his surprise. He was also surprised at the amount of praise and fangirling over his looks.
Damn I really want to draw this!!First thing I’ll do after I finish that last exam!!!
This is all I have for now. TCF has way too many characters and my brain can’t handle all that or it will fry.
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Cale Henituse | Kim Rok Soo x Reader
You and Cale need to start being direct for the sake of Choi Han's heart.
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"Oh, my God..."
You raised an eyebrow as you work your hands on him, never thinking you'd hear such a satisfied moan leave Cale's mouth. "Is it that good?"
"Your hands are a gift from Gods," Cale murmured, closing his eyes as he enjoy the way you were pressing your hands on his back. You pressed down both of your thumbs onto his stiff back and hear him let out a sigh of relief.
"Thank you," you replied, smiling in satisfaction.
Cale was currently laying on his stomach, a pillow and his arms supporting his chin as you gave him a back massage. You had seen the way he was moving after days of just sleeping around so you offered to give him a back massage, promising him that you can knock him back to sleep after.
Cale was a bit hesitant to let you give him a massage when he found out he has to take off his shirt and let you sit on his back, but after some persuading and smelling the fragrant essential oil you were planning to use on him, he relented.
"It took a lot of experience to be good at this," you added, pressing a stiff point on his back and Cale's whole body visibly went limp. You nearly let out a laugh of disbelief, "Holy shit."
"Sorry, but--" Cale covered his face. "--that was really good."
"You just... went limp," you said in-between laughs. "Was I that good? Shall we have these sessions every now and then?"
Cale thought about it for a moment. He doesn't want to trouble you but as he relished in the state his body was in, he thought that maybe it wouldn't be too bad. It's not wrong to indulge every now and then, right?
"Yeah, we should," Cale answered for you, thinking about how grateful he would have been for you if you had done this to him back if he was Kim Rok Soo.
"I'll fetch your shirt for you," you said, standing up from the bed and taking Cale's white shirt from his chair as the man himself sat up, not feeling the need to stretch for the first time in a while after laying down. He turned to look at you as you neared him, giving him his shirt.
You then picked up your bottle of essential oil. "I'll have to put this back in my room. You can go back to sleep."
"It'll be one of my best ones. Thank you for this," replied Cale with a grin, opening his shirt properly while you walk out, fixing your pants since you've been sitting on top of Cale for quite a while.
Just as you open the door to the hallway, you were suddenly met with Choi Han.
"Oh, Choi Han!" you greeted him with a smile. "I was just leaving."
You had greeted Choi Han with your clothes all ruffled up and all while pulling up your pants, not knowing that there were several wet stains on the inner thighs of your pants from the essential oil you were using since you were sitting on Cale while lathering his back with it.
The swordmaster tried looking into your eyes but then gave up the moment he sees your simple smile. His eyes then dart to Cale but when he saw Cale was putting on his clothes, his face reddens even more.
"Have a pleasant talk," you told Choi Han before walking past him, walking back to your own room.
After finishing buttoning up his shirt, Cale looked at Choi Han's red face with a raised eyebrow. "What's the matter?"
"Ah..." Choi Han scratched the back of his neck. "I hope I didn't bother the two of you..."
"We were just finished," Cale answered.
Cale glanced at the bed for a moment and he was surprised to see how messy the bed was. He sees several drops of essential oil has dropped onto the bed and wet the sheets. He scratches the side of his head, murmuring, "How did it get this messy? We have to lay down a towel or something before we have these sessions."
Choi Han nearly chokes on his own spit and he forced himself to speak, "Cale-nim. I'll. Talk. To. You. Later."
Cale raised an eyebrow at Choi Han's words. "Are you sure?"
"Yes." Choi Han nodded, turning around before walking out of the room with stiff, shaky steps.
Cale frowned.
'What's wrong with him?'
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weirdsht · 1 month
Disillusioned 7 . Truth (2)
a/n: double update this week (I'll upload another chapter tom) to lament over my fever getting higher lol (I'm actually procrastinating my school works)
tags: frustrated rosalyn, again abuse as the norm, cursing, detrimental thoughts and ways of living, unhealthy coping mechanisms and trauma responses
English isn’t my first language so there will be grammatical errors
Pls don't repost my work anywhere without my permission
Constructive criticisms and any kind of interaction are more than welcome
Requests are currently closed but my ask are still open (read pinned)
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Rosalyn is someone who threw away her royal position to pursue her dreams of being a mage.
A decision that removed her from her family.
The mage thinks that she would be sad by this if it wasn’t for the fact that she immediately found a new family to be with.
It's amazing if you ask her. It was as if the gods saw that she needed someone to trust after almost being killed and gave it to her in the form of a socially awkward swordsman.
And then almost right after she put her trust in Choi Han, she gained a little brother named Lock.
From there it spiralled. She met Cale and all the other people under him. She got the support she needed to make her dreams come true. On top of that, her relationship with her blood relatives is still good.
Overall it was nice. Especially when Cale seems to keep making friends everywhere and expanding this family-esc circle they have.
That was why when Cale brought another person home Rosalyn thought it would be the same thing. Thought that in a few days' time, that person would be part of their group, their family.
Well in a way they were.
Rosalyn has come to see _____ as her younger sibling, the same way she views Lock. She has taken it upon herself to help the healer acclimatize to their new group and environment in general.
However, every time Rosalyn thinks she’s making progress, _____ seems to go back into their shell.
At first, the woman thought they were just socially awkward. Perhaps shaken because their family literally just threw them to their death.
Her first mistake was assuming it was as trivial as that.
Her second mistake was not getting the full story.
If she had done that then maybe she wouldn’t be this shocked so early in the morning.
Well in her defence she was expecting Cale to talk about some sort of plan for when they meet the dragon. Why else would he gather the group this early right before they are set to travel to the dragon’s lair?
Apparently not.
As soon as everyone has settled Cale brought to everyone’s attention that they didn’t know how _____’s powers work.
This made Rosalyn confused. Because quite frankly what does this have to do with… well anything?
But oh god, the more _____ explains their abilities the more she understood why this has to be said now.
This should have been explained way earlier. Because what do they mean that _____ essentially absorbs their patients' wounds?
It made the mage look back at all the people the Medicus had healed. All the sickness and wounds they had to absorb.
And shit.
She remembered that _____ has been doing this since they were 9 years old. Maybe even earlier as she discovered that the famous story of their adoption is fabricated.
Rosalyn may have only known _____ for a short while, but that’s her little sibling goddammit.
A sibling she admires because of how helpful and selfless they are. Traits they possess that Rosalyn is now starting to resent.
The redhead shot a pointed look at the other redhead in the room. A look that says Rosalyn wants her questions answered. Cale responded with another eye contact that seemed to say “Later”.
“Just what-”
Cale put his hand up to stop Rosalyn from speaking. Everyone was still in the room minus _____. The redhead had sent them out as they hadn’t finished packing their things yet.
“To put it shortly, I need you all to keep an eye on _____.”
The man goes on to explain how the healer kind of lacks… common sense, for lack of a better term. It has something to do with how they were brought up. 
“We don’t need to look after them like a child. Just make sure they won’t go overboard using their abilities. No guarding them like a hound either.”
It's a no-brainer that the last part was for the visibly enraged Choi Han. He was still visibly enraged but nodded as he understood why Cale didn't want the healer to have guards as of now.
Rosalyn is sure that Choi Han is going to be overprotective of _____ in some way. Not that she blames him.
Cale went to stand up, signifying that the meeting was over. The rest followed and started filing out of the room. 
Everyone except Rosalyn.
She has questions and she’s going to get answers.
“Young master, how long have you known?”
“Since last night.”
“Were they deliberately hiding it?”
“No, they just didn’t think they could bring it up when no one was asking.”
“How are we supposed to- haaa”
“Blame their shitty family.”
On their way to the dragon’s lair, Rosalyn had a lot on her mind. Lots of puzzle pieces to put together.
Now that Rosalyn knows the full story everything started to make sense.
Made her realize just how hurt her sibling had been.
Just how much they suffered before Cale met them.
It made Rosalyn look back to some of the habits she noticed _____ has. Like how they almost seem apprehensive to talk to people in authority. How their hands and voice tremble when they thought they made a mistake. How they are so intent on healing everyone and low-key seem scared if a person’s condition is out of their jurisdiction.
How they take everything with apprehension. Like they can’t believe that they are being given things. Even when those things are basic necessities like a good plate of food. How they teared up when Raon gave them that red teddy bear from the night market. How apparently that was the first toy– no, the first thing, that they have ever received in their entire life for free. The first gift they get to indulge in.
How they are too independent for Rosalyn’s liking. How they always insist that the servants have better things to do than assist them. How they refuse to get treated when sick or injured despite them treating everyone else.
How they never speak unless spoken to first. How they will literally just stand there, bleeding and not saying a word unless they are given some sort of permission. This one frustrates Rosalyn so much. Not only does she want to hear more from the healer, but she also thinks they have so many good ideas. Before she let it go she thought they were shy, but that’s slowly going to change from now on.
How even when they were suffering from nightmares they were silent. How on one of those nights they looked more scared that Rosalyn saw them being vulnerable, as if it's a sin to have nightmares. To be vulnerable and lean on others. How on that night Rosalyn had to explain that there’s nothing wrong with asking for help after such things. How _____ nodded but seemed apprehensive. How Rosalyn knew that after that night they still suffered silently. Merely holding the mage’s hand as solace and comfort on the rare nights the healer allows themself to embrace the help presented to them.
How Rosalyn found out now that it was because _____ have been taught that since they don’t scar then they must not have pain. Since they only get a percentage of their patient’s pain then it would be arrogant and privileged of them to complain.
How they–
Rosalyn is going to get revenge for _____. 
She’s going to make sure she gets it done one way or another.
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a/n at the end: i wasn't quite sure how to get the point across that rosalyn was angry and frustrated beyond belief so I made her curse as she isn't really someone who's portrayed to curse a lot
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anastacius · 2 years
What do you think Ron's reaction will be when he gets to know that Its KRS and not Cale inside Cale's Body?
I don't know much but I do want him to be angry. I mean we have seen how people respect KRS, or how they mock him, or how people get jealous of him ( The nobles) Or also how they want to be close to him.
But we have never seen anyone be angry at him for doing something wrong ( in this case he is not to blame since transmigration was not in his hands).
We have seen how he is good at handling every situation. But I am tired of that , I want him to not know what to do. Like a new emotion. A feeling so familiar and yet not at the same time. Also this way we could see how Beacrox reacts too. I am sure he isn't attached to Og Cale. But he has served the previous Countess and Cale's baby phase. So he might be angry from his father's behalf. Although, I think that Ron will first break down for like a week or something where he will not talk to anyone close to KRS and then after that he will show his angry side.
I want Ron to ask questions like a normal person. I get that we are showing how KRS has helped Ron in getting revenge and also when he had his arm cut off. But there is a different way to treat a stranger who has helped you and between a child who has helped you and have raised since he was born. Of course he should be grateful that KRS has helped him but that feeling of gratitude will be different when Cale has done and different when KRS has done it.
Imagine how will Choi Han will react to this. He will probably feel guilty for not telling him the truth. Because in the earlier chaps ( Ch 1 to 50) we could see how Choi Han and Ron's relationship develop due to Cale )
I know the author will try to show how unaffected Ron is because
He is old. That means he is rational And can control his emotions. He will be sad but not mad. ( But being sad and forgiving is not something I want. I WANT ANGSTTT)
2. Cuz KRS is MC and if he goes against MC then bad things happen.( Calling out cuz of experience in reading various manhwas and novels)
Seriously if the author pulls some shit like "oh..., anyways" for Ron and Beacrox then I will be so mad.
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 9
During the final clash with the White Star, Cale noticed the bastard had his mothers ancient power. And in a flash, he was killed. Shortly after, even the mighty hero of Roan, Choi Han fell. The GoD had failed. Perhaps...he thinks as he starts to regress two of his favorite children, its not Roan where The White Star and Despair can be defeated. Perhaps, it can be where his third one is, yes, he nods to himself, Earth 3.
AU, where OG!Cale and Choi Han regress and transmigrate to Korea of Earth 3. Somehow saving the Soo's from a terrible fate and bringing hope for the future.
- OG!Cale and Choi Han came to an understanding in the end, and are a bit in denial about becoming close friends. Alas, Cale was also the last friend to fight alongside Choi Han in the final battle.
- Because of this, Choi Han may or may not be overprotective of his red head. Cale's totally oblivious to it all, much to the amusement of everyone around him.
- While coming back is more bittersweet to Choi Han than he wanted, he's happy to know he has some family left. Cale, however, somehow gains three protective Hyung's he did not ask for(and perhaps a family he has always needed*and deserved* along the way)
- The Soo's team have their time to shine.
- Cale and Rok Soo are a chaotic duo and little shits and may or may not be too much alike for everyone around them. But hey, they get shit done.
- Cale gains 'abilities' from earth 3 as well. The same ancient powers KRS!Cale gains in TCF. GoD may or may not have given them to Cale as an apology. Though, Cale would disagree, as he coughs up blood after using them. Not to mention, they will not shut up. ugh. He needs a drink.
- GoD also gifted Cale the ability to understand and speak Korean and other languages from this world as well.
- Characters from Roan are reincarnated/show up(though they do not have their memories and most have different names.) For instance, Cale's family is alive, but do not know him. As is his mother, who is actually the younger sister of Lily. While he cant really interact with them, he's happy knowing they are all alive and well.
- Raon, On and Hong are saved by Cale and Rok Soo. And adopted by everyone of course.
- The Gang(Rosalyn, Lock, Alberu, Bud, etc) eventually join, but it will be a while.
- Eruhaben and Ron are the grandpas/dads no one knows they needed or wanted.
- The monsters of Earth 3 are creatures of despair, so dealing with White Star and the Sealed God will also make the monsters disappear. So, it'll be a win/win for everyone.
- Ah, Cale has his 18 year old body.
- Cale and Kim Rok Soo have a cookie obsession. And have great debates on what kind/who makes the best cookies.
- Cale may or may not use his AP's to make a garden/mini farm for the Soo's as a thank you. The Soo's find it adorable and are happy....until Ron grows Lemon Trees. D:
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Cale sighed and quietly looked at Choi Han.
Cale did not know about anything that happened after volume 5 of The Birth of a Hero. What would Choi Han have done after volume 5?
‘Unlucky bastard.’
Cale was thinking that Choi Han was unluckier than himself. He had lived happily for seventeen years before he was dropped into the Forest of Darkness and lived a terrible life that made you wonder if there was anything worse that could happen to a person.
Then his second hometown of Harris Village was destroyed and its people massacred. After that, he did many good things for the greater good to grow stronger. Blood always followed behind that path of growth as if it was an obvious part of growth.
“…Cale-nim?” “Unlucky bastard.”
Choi Han, who was looking at Cale with concern, closed his mouth after hearing Cale’s comment.
– Human! Choi Han is baffled while looking at you right now! I feel the same way! Who is calling who unlucky?
Cale just ignored the six-year-old’s comment. He chose to focus on the voice of the Super Rock in his mind instead.
– You unlucky bastard.
‘…It feels oddly uncomfortable hearing this from the Super Rock as well.’
“What’s so unlucky about me?”
Cale started to grumble. He had a scowl on his face.
“I’m the eldest son of a Count, I’m rich, I am strong enough to not get beaten to death anywhere, well, I am a bit busy, but… And that business is making me famous- shit.”
Cale decided not to grumble anymore. Just talking about it was making him angry.
– Huuu, how cute.
He ignored the Super Rock’s comment. He also ignored the pitiful gazes of the group who were shaking their heads at him. That led him to look toward the Mercenary King.
“You really are my friend. I feel like I found my soul’s friend!”
‘What’s wrong with this bastard?’
Cale could see Bud Illis grabbing his hand.
“I’m the same! I’m the Mercenary King! I’m the head of the Mercenaries Guild! I’m also rich. And strong. But there’s a lot of work. And my life is on the line with that work. Shit!” “…Haaaa.”
Cale slapped Bud Illis’s hand away before choosing to just look out at the foggy ocean. That was the most relaxing thing to do.
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