calypsoff · 3 years
Eighty Eight.
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It’s been a weird feeling to be having Robyn’ family in the home but not Robyn, she is being extremely stubborn. To say the least, she picked up Rylee from the home and then didn’t stay either. To say that she wanted her family here she isn’t coming here, and on top of that. The very night she left early she went to the club even though she said she is thinking, how can you think when you’re in the club, it makes no sense. She left Rylee behind and went to the club with Mel, she has been very off now. I think she is angry with me; I feel she is anyways. I think she is angry with me that I told Monica, because Monica did mention that she wasn’t happy at all that she knew and was saying that she will speak to me, but she hasn’t really, besides sending me a picture of Rylee with a wig on, that is it but today is the day, taking Robyn to the Getty museum. I have spent so much money on making it up to Robyn that I will not be doing this again, never again. Shit is expensive as hell, but I am going to push through, and I am going to continue to try and get Robyn to break down but it’s so hard, she is being very hard. I didn’t think Rihanna would be so different to Robyn, I know Monica says she is just her daughter, but Rihanna is very much out there, I have fucked up big time. Even though I exposed Drake for what he is, niggas were clowning me about it and TJ said why didn’t I listen to Robyn when she said, I feel like a dickhead, but I will get my wife back, I will, and I know I will. I think I just need to keep getting at Robyn, see if I didn’t have my leg in this cast I would be at the club harassing her, she knows I would be too.
Majesty is watching TV but goes out of her way to sit on my cast, I don’t know why but she does “you annoying uncle again, since she can walk she be doing the most” Noella sat down, I laughed shaking my head “she reminds me of what my daughter will be like, she keeps touching it. I think she is intrigued by it, you know” Majesty does not care and continued to remain on my cast “big day today for you” I breathed out, rolling my eyes as I did “I don’t know, Robyn is being hard headed. Please tell me it’s not just me?” looking over at Noella “she is” she admitted “I think she is acting out; Robyn went through that when things were going wrong with her father. She was so upset, and she went very within herself, very dark, angry. Auntie said that she spoke to her on why she isn’t coming, she is busy but then Monica said she is angry that her mother told her off about things, that her mother is taking sides, but my cousin needs to relax. I hope you can get that out of her” I knew it, I knew she would be upset about her mother “I hope” I mumbled “I have hurt her a lot Noella, she trusted me so much, she said that Rylee is lucky to have me as a father and I let her down with that, I haven’t been around for her, I know that has hurt her. I think she is seeing me as a bad person, it’s me” I am to blame in this.
If I could, I would be pacing around in this room because I am nervous about today, this cast is annoying my life too because I can’t wear what I want, I have to wear something nice because I know my wife will look bomb as hell “Christopher, are you in there” hearing the light knocks on the door, Monica is knocking on the bedroom door “erm yeah, come in!” I spat, I mean I am just sat on the bed waiting for the moment I see Robyn, I am trying to gather myself right now “sorry, I didn’t want to interrupt but you weren’t coming down, are you ok?” she asked “also have you ate? My daughter is stubborn, but she said can I make sure you are fed” I chuckled “erm yeah I have thank you” smiling at my mother in law being so sweet “I wanted to ask when was the last time this home was cleaned?” that reminds me “erm, like about three months? I never changed the sheets since, I don’t want you to do it for me but yeah, since Robyn left” Monica nodded her head “I can tell, you need to get a cleaner to come but I didn’t come for that reason, I wanted to say my daughter is being hard right now but don’t stop” she said “I am not going too, I made the mistake. This is my fault, if I didn’t see a glimmer of hope I would stop but I know she wants me, she is being hard headed but I know she just wants me to be sorry, I will get her back” I am optimistic with her hard ass “good, I just want some peace. I prayed for you both, but if you need help then let me know” Monica turned away, I need to get a cleaner to come actually.
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Mel is shouting me to come out, I am here trying to find something to wear for this thing. I don’t know what it is, Chris hasn’t really said what it is, but it’s something. I am guessing a meal, I am sure it will be a meal or something, but I don’t know what to wear “I am here” lifting my sweatpants up a little as I made my way out “take your time, you have people here for you” I haven’t asked for anyone to come so who the hell is this “who?” I said as I got to the living room “oh hi?” why is Mel and Mylah here “we have been summoned to come” furrowing my eyebrows “by who?” I know it’s not me “your husband” letting out an oh “no way? Did he really? How is this man here just booking my people” staring at Mel, she just shrugged “when there is a way Robyn” she has a point “How?” I asked either of them “well what happened was he messaged me on Instagram, I think he also messaged Mel on there too, he said that Robyn has somewhere to go, and I need you to do her makeup” this saves me from doing it actually “he said it’s a little date, there will be things there. He really didn’t give much away but here we are” my smile grew “I am glad actually; I didn’t know what to wear so this saves me so much time, if you want to come to my bedroom I guess” I am just annoyed actually, more at my mom then anything, she just wants me to make an effort and that I shouldn’t have left the home, it is wrong, so I haven’t been home. She said the home is a mess, that isn’t my problem because I am not there either.
Mel got me in a little cute Dior denim dress, I mean I haven no idea if it will fit the event but to me this looks nice as hell. Imagine if he is matching again, I am going to fall out laughing because he does this a lot “am I date ready?” I twirled in the living room “you are, you look hard faced though. Good luck to him” I gasped “don’t be rude, do I?” Mylah nodded her head “you seem like you are in deep thought most of the time, like you want to smile and be happy and speak to people but your mind is elsewhere, your mind is whatever is upsetting you right now. So it’s making you look hard faced” she has a point “I have a lot on my mind that is all, I don’t know what it will bring today. I don’t know what will be said, I don’t know what will happen so I am just having a hard time concentrating you see, but Rylee” I pointed at Mel “are you ok with her, or shall I say to my mom you will drop her off with her?” Mel might have other things going on “I think Ry Ry knows me more then auntie, she may get more upset being with her so I will keep her, I will love spending time with her” that is good, so I don’t need worry about Rylee “take a breather, enjoy yourself and just speak on everything” Mel said, nodding my head taking in a deep breath.
Chris called me an SUV too, he is making sure I really come to this. I love that he is doing the most too, he is making sure I am dressed too with inviting my stylist. I do wonder what the fuck he got going on at a damn museum, like I am wondering what he got going on right now. The driver opened the door for me, I smiled lightly at him as I got out of the SUV. Chris and his damn leg, trying to not smile too much “wearing a shirt now” I pointed out, Chris smiled putting his head down “well I had to look good, you look beautiful” he looked up at me “you really do, I am just glad you came actually” he laughed “I was doubting that you was because there has been a lot going on with us so I was just doubting it so I am glad you’re here” leaning in and wrapping my arm around his neck “well I wouldn’t not come, I like surprises and you know that. I am sad for you though, your leg” I stood back from him “yeah, it’s been a real pain for me but we good. We can still do what we need to do can’t we?” nodding my head agreeing “of course” I breathed out “shall we go in?” he said “yeah, I will go in first. Hold the door for you” stepping ahead of him so I can hold the door open for him, I have to take care of him now “thanks” pushing the door open and holding it open for him “don’t be, if you weren’t like this then I would have made you done it all” which is true.
The double doors opened on their own actually, Chris and I just stood here, and they just opened “oh my god” placing my hands over my mouth, hearing the violin started playing Diamonds just like on our wedding day. The room is filled with flowers upon flowers “happy anniversary, I know it’s late, but I had to do it” I am emotional, I can’t even. The room is beautifully filled with flowers and roses “shall we go in” this looks just beautiful and the song, walking inside slowly. It’s like we are entering an enchanted place, it’s just beautiful “two doves, oh my god” I pointed staring at the two doves just on a branch “they so beautiful” turning myself around looking around every inch of the room, how did he even do this “the erm, the number of red roses here in this room is the same amount we have been married, every rose represents every day we have been married” Chris said, and I am even more of a wreck. I am trying not to cry but I think I will be failing at this soon, slowly walking further in. It’s just the music and the whole set up “butterflies!?” I spat, he is has really gone out of way “I wanted it to be authentic, you know” one just flew by me “this is so fairytale Chris, oh my god” looking up at the ceiling, it’s just pure beauty “I think you need to be my creative director” Chris laughed out, I wasn’t even joking “oh wow, Dennis is here” I laughed, of course he is here “so we can have the memories” he is right, we do need it.
The violinist did amazing “just bought me flashbacks to the best day” smiling at her as she shyed away “thank you” I said to the waiter “now wait a minute” I pointed, Chris laughed “my life wouldn’t be worth living if I didn’t” Chris laughed, this is so sad of me, but I know my waiters “Giorgio Baldi, I swear I could cry right now, wow. Am I predictable or something, like you are just hitting it every time, I am over the moon” the waiter laughed and finished pouring the wine “thank you” I smiled saying “my pleasure” he walked off “so have I done good?” pressing my lips into a hard thin line and then nodding my head “I am over the moon” I have to admit, it’s just so beautiful “good, I am happy you said that because not going to lie but when I was thinking on what to do, I kind of got stuck thinking on what to do so yeah, I am happy you are feeling that way. I know we have a lot to speak on and I want to be the one to start first, but we shall eat first and then I can speak on things, but I didn’t think you would come. Just because you have been off with me, and you have been going out more too” I chuckled “yeah, I uhm. I just didn’t want my mother to know in a way, not in a bad way but she clouds my mind, parents” I laughed “yeah, my dad is the same to be honest so I understand but I wanted to be truthful to her, because she would have come to the home and then be like where is my daughter” I get where he is coming from.
This whole setting is beautiful, with the violin and the whole things. It’s beautiful “look at that” turning my phone to Chris, a butterfly flew onto my plate. It was so random, it’s just there at the side “that is dope” bringing my phone back, I am going to post it on my story. It’s so pretty and it’s not moving “how is your album coming along? I mean since I haven’t been around you have been working hard on it?” locking my phone and placing it at the side of me “great, I must say this whole situation gave me so much fuel and inspiration. The music is based off your shit” Chris groaned out “my god” he said “yeah, it’s funny because the producers are like what the fuck happened but the album is kind of done, I just need to do a few more songs but thank you for the inspiration” Chris rolled his eyes “I am not sure if that is a good things but I am glad that you have had that inspiration to sing about what happened, I am kind of scared now to hear it. Just because I know the meaning behind it, my fault” he doesn’t even understand how much inspiration I got from this “I can’t wait for you to hear it, I think you are going to hate it or love it.
I can tell Chris has a lot on his mind, I know my husband. He is preparing in his mind, he shouldn’t feel like that he should just flow with it and say it “thank you” I broke the silence between us “thank you for this, the whole meal and the whole set up. This is what I wanted for my anniversary” Chris grinned “so you coming home now? I am joking” he sat back in his chair “I am finding it really hard right now, like not in a bad way but just to explain how much I fucked up. I am so dumb, imagine doing that to anyone let alone Rihanna but I am sorry, I will forever be sorry for this because I let you down in a big way, something I said I wouldn’t do but I did, I am so sorry Robyn. I was so lost in the glamour of Drake and his lifestyle, I was so lost in the fame, the fun that I put that as a priority and left you behind, when he called I was gone, I did think he was a friend and when you told me that, I saw that as you just breaking that up for me, like a threat. I know niggas see you as a lot, meaning sexy and whatever, I know there is a lot of men that would take my place, I know they will and I know I could lose you, there is always someone there and that is because they find you sexy. I know it, I see it constantly and you’re with me so it’s like what the fuck, but you are. And when you mentioned about Drake, it triggered it. I just got uptight, I always know you are better than me no matter what you say, so you saying that I just thought she wants to break something good for me, a friend. I didn’t think he was like that. And it looks so bad because I did choose him over my own wife, I look like a clown, I am a clown. And my mouth, it just runs. When I am in the moment I can never stop, and I don’t ever think either. It’s never ok to disrespect you the way I have, I wouldn’t let a nigga do that to my own daughter but here I was doing it to my wife, missing out on things. I am stupid but then the whole shit with Rocky, I was already like that. But now I think, it was all planned. Everything, he did it all on purpose but then it exposed that you are still messaging him, and I didn’t know, I looked stupid” his voice broke “I am sorry Robyn, I am really sorry. I just miss you so much, I miss you in the home, it doesn’t feel right at all. I just want you to know how much I feel bad about everything, I treated you like shit really badly and you still were there for me in a way, but I don’t deserve you” Chris wiped his eyes.
I don’t like him crying “don’t cry” shifting in the seat “I tested you and I pushed you, taunting you about not being Rihanna, I don’t like it. I bought that out of you, you didn’t want too but you did it because I pushed you to it” nodding my head “I honestly can admit that I don’t treat you any less, what you are feeling and thinking is your own insecurity and you need to let it go, I married you Chris and you need to remember that. I didn’t want anyone else because I love you, you’re my first love but I cannot take the attitude and I won’t stay at a place where I am being treated like shit. I will take fault in the way I said it to you and the way it came out, I didn’t see Drake as a threat, but he was entering my family, he started to cause issues in my home. I kept it away because it meant nothing to me Chris, it didn’t but then he was entering my home and causing those issues, so I had to say it but not in the right manner. I was angry with you because Rakim is just harmless and you started that mess, it was not needed. Yes I have his number still because it’s nothing sexual, it’s just a friend. I have a lot of male industry friends and my mother doesn’t agree but it’s there, it happens, and I don’t know where we go from here if you can’t accept that” I want it to be out in the open “you have your female assistants, I don’t care. You don’t hear me piping up unless it’s Seiko but that is life, females will be around, and males will be too but that is down to you” he can’t always be like this either “but you didn’t say anything about texting him Robyn, it’s stupid for me to not know this. He mentioned it to me and laughed, made me look like a joke” Chris said “you was both making jibes at each other, we could go back and forth on this forever. The industry I am in there will be men and you, you can’t be like this. I am married to you, I love you. How much else you want me to do Chris? If we are being real then let’s be real on this, can you take it? I can’t just stop talking to every man, my mother expects me to just what, text you straight away that a man is there? Then you just don’t trust me, like this can’t go on right?” I can’t continue this when he feels that I am above him and that every man is out to fuck me.
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38. Part 2
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My mom gasped “Robbie, why are you crying?” I sniffled wiping the tear that left, I am so stupid, but I feel highly emotional about that, he really called me mom like oh my god “what happened? Was it Chris?” My mom rubbed my back “not that, just” Mel walked over all concerned that I am being this way, I am so emotional about this “Aeko didn’t want to go with Chris, I have told Chris off about his behaviour but I have told Chris and Aeko didn’t understand that he was the one going, he was hiding behind my legs. He called me moqrm!” I spat, Mel gasped “no way!?” she spat “yeah, he called me Bobyn mom, like I am just feeling all sorts of things right now, he called me mom. What did I do to deserve such a title” placing my hand over my chest “oh god” noticing Dennis is recording, of course he is “that is because you have took the place of his mother, you have showered him with love and care, this is all he wants. All he wanted was someone that believed in him and you did, he feels it. Awww my baby, you are such a good woman” my mom hugged me, I just don’t know what I deserved to have such a title, mom “that is beautiful” Mel rubbed my back “I just don’t think I deserved it, like I was just doing what I thought was right. You know, god. It’s really hit my heart. I don’t want to ever take someone’s child away, that is not the case but I am pretty shocked about it. Chris was like you what? He really wanted to stay with me” I breathed out moving back from my mom “that has to be the highlight of my life at this moment, like people don’t know the full story. I don’t know the full story but to have a child call you mom, it’s just a highlight” god, I am so much in shock that he did, bless his heart.
I am not even sure how to react to it “what would you do mom? Like should I allow him to call me that? Should I tell him no, please help me mom?” I asked, I am not sure of it at all “do you feel uncomfortable with it? I mean if he sees you as Bobyn mom then who are you to correct him, you got to be a good person to get such a title Robyn. You are so good, a little too good and I think you should let him. If his mother wants to battle you then so be it, but I don’t think she has much of a case. She has done a number on that child; he shouldn’t feel that way. Not even with Chris, where is Jah?” my mom asked “he has gone with them, Aeko wouldn’t go without him. I have spoken to Chris about being more kind to him, he needs it. I am so overjoyed, like it’s weird. I am used to him looking at me with those big brown eyes, he’s there more then he is Chris at times. He is so loving, and I hate them two idiots, she uses him as a pawn, and he thinks of him as a waste of time because that’s her son. It’s not that, I don’t even care for that. They both need to grow up, I am not even playing anymore. I want them both to fucking grow up, but I don’t see it, but anyways. I need to prepare for my meetings” I breathed out “I hope Chris listens to you, Jah will tell us anyways” Mel is right, Jah will tell us.
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I can’t believe this little nigga really called Robyn mom, is he feeling ok. I am unsure on even how to feel about that because he shouldn’t say that, who the hell even put that idea in his mind in the first place “infamous Chris Brown home, I seen this shit in picture. Seeing it in person, shit is crazy” Shem said as I unlocked the door “welcome, come in. Make yourself comfortable, don’t ask for anything. You do what you need to do” walking into my home “shit is wild Chris, I love your home!” this is why I don’t want to sell it, this home is like a masterpiece, it doesn’t deserve anyone to have it besides me, I get to have my own shit here and decorate the outside when I want, I don’t think I will be ever selling it, I will keep it whether Robyn likes it or not “you can use the studio, whatever you want. Make yourself home” Stephan dapped me “thank you, it’s like staying at an entertainment park bro, amazing” they are looking around in shock, my home is a masterpiece “you want to go and play?” I asked Aeko, he is holding onto Jah’ hand firmly “yes I do daddy” Jah said on his behalf “nigga, shut up!” I laughed “come, you know this home now. Don’t be sad” he knows this home so he don’t need the acting this way at all, I picked him up whether he likes it or not, he didn’t react badly at all, he let me pick him up.
Watching him throw the basketball “you got it, go on. Here” holding the ball out as he threw it at the hoop “oh wow, you nearly had it there” picking the ball “Look” throwing it and it fell into the hoop “now Aeko does it” grabbing another ball for him “I do it” he said as he took it from me, grabbing him up and aiming up at the hoop so he can easily put it in “there we go! Yay! Aeko did it” putting him down on the floor “I did it!” he yelped out, I chuckled nodding my head “you did” he clapped his hands “I play car, I go here” he ran to the Mario Kart machine “yeah we can play on that, sit on the seat. You want to play with him” I asked Jah “no, you can. He wants his dad too” Aeko sat back on the seat “your little legs won’t reach, so how about you sit on my lap and we play with Jah?” I just realised his legs won’t reach the pedals; he nodded his head. Picking him up from the seat, sitting down and placing him on my lap “you hold the steering wheel, and I will do the pedals ok?” Aeko nodded his head already grabbing the steering wheel ready to play “you better let me win Chris” Jah said, he probably will win because Aeko is steering. Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, grabbing my phone from my pocket and seeing that my mom facetiming me “one minute” I said to him, answering the facetime call. Aeko looked at my phone, his face just got in the way “I want my son back Chris!” Ammikka snatched the phone from my mom “what son?” I said laughing, is she crazy “you blocked my number, you blocked me on Instagram. You stole my son and I want him back!” she barked, it made me laugh “right” she is really crying wolf right now “Aeko you want to speak to momma?” I asked, he turned away from the steering wheel “mommy” he looked at the phone “no” he legit refused, I gasped “wow, you don’t want her?” putting the camera down “Bobyn momma, she shouts. Mean” he pointed at my phone “does she? What she say?” I asked “daddy not want me, she cry and she make me cry. She hit me” my eyes widened, Ammikka is screaming on this phone “hit you? Really, why baby” this is some shit “she not want me, she want erm” he turned in my lap “let’s play!” he totally just ignored that “you hit my son you dumb bitch” bringing the phone up “he acts like you, a whole fool” disconnecting the facetime “wow, she is a bad mother” Jah said, I didn’t know she like hits him.
Let me try something “we can play, lets try something” tapping on Robyn’ name to connect the facetime “that is fucked up Chris if he is saying that, hey Aeko. Did mommy hurt you?” Jah asked him, waiting for this facetime to connect “Bobyn?” my son said, he is something else “no, not Bobyn. Mommy that was on the facetime, the mean one” Aeko held his arm up “there, she pull cause I not walk fast” it connected finally “what is it? I am in a meeting, I hope it’s nothing bad” Robyn looks all flustered “send nudes” I said laughing “nigga, I will come there and kick you. Don’t be stupid” she is not in the mood “Aeko, look. Who is this” turning the screen so he can see, he turned in my lap “Bobyn, hi!” he clapped smiling “hey baby, are you having fun or is daddy being annoying like this” I was trying to test this out, seeing the drop down notification from my mom “oh god” I said as I read it “the bitch called the police on me, Robyn I got to go” least my mom warned me “huh, Chris what!?” Robyn spat “the bitch is playing up, she has phoned the police on me, she is claiming I kidnapped Aeko when I really didn’t, the bitch gave up the right. I need to call Mark; I will keep in touch” Robyn was going to speak but I disconnected the call “she phoning the police on you!? You have all that proof she didn’t want him” nodding my head, I know damn well she ain’t trying it. There is one thing my mom has done and has warned me about this, now I can prepare myself for the storm that will come and they will search my home because she will say I am on drugs, I know her and that is the only thing she got on me.
I totally forgot that Royalty is coming but she is here with Nia “so what is happening?” Stephan asked “this is why you don’t impregnant bitches, I was so out of it and I didn’t even know. She didn’t want my son and now she does, she is doing it to cause problems because they hate me anyways, the police will come and search my home now, watch. Just relax, you good” Royalty ran inside “hey big girl, look at you” hugging her as I placed my phone against my ear “and you got your hair braided!? I love it, you are so pretty” Mark answered my call “are you coming? Like are you close, I know they going to be here soon so I need you here” I am panicking a little “I am coming son” he said, disconnecting the call “Nia, this is Stephan. A friend, uhm did you see any police out there!?” I asked her, Nia shook her head “no why? Don’t tell me there is trouble coming” I sighed out heavily, tapping on my photos and going to the messages she has sent me “look at this shit, she threw Aeko to me and is now claiming I stole him” Nia took my phone, picking up Royalty “you getting too tall for this baby, I missed you so much. My twin, don’t you think?” turning to Stephan “she is, hi princess” Royalty waved “daddy, are you in trouble?” I chuckled “mhmm I am not sure yet” I chuckled “seriously!? Keep these messages Chris, I cannot believe she is doing this to you, that is mean to him” Nia said “she literally let him travel with a random woman with no clothes or anything, I am just fed up. My lawyer is coming anyways” putting Royalty down, my daughter is getting too big for me now, she is tall as hell.
Robyn is wanting to come here but I told her not too, I can handle it. Mark is here now too, Nia and Jah so kindly taken the kids to another room so Aeko and Royalty don’t need to see this shit “she is fucked bro, not going to lie. What made you think to impregnant her?” Shem asked “she wasn’t like this, she was quiet. She jumped when I said jump, she was a puppet to me but she is heartbroken, she wanted me to play happy families with her and I wasn’t happy” she is now just being drama but she will learn “Chris” Mark said walking over to me “I have spoke to the police, they still want to sweep over the house but they have no rights to remove Aeko. I have shown the messages, there is no foul play so if the gentleman calmly can look around and they can be on their way, I will file a restraining order on Ammikka and we will need to go to court, full custody of him. She is screaming murder out there alone; she has no money to even have a lawyer, but we will get her removed. And I will file the paperwork and get this rolling quickly” nodding my head, the officers walked in “please” Mark gestured “I thought you wasn’t going to go for full custody?” Mark asked “yeah when I called you I uhm didn’t, but I need to do right by my son. He is unhappy with her so; I am going to do it. I have a good home Mark, I am married. I have a family, stability. I can do it” Mark smiled at me “I believe you can son, but the restraining order needs to be done as soon as possible. I don’t want her jumping to do something else and blaming you” Mark is right, she is unhappy with herself, so I do not want her to be doing something to get me in trouble.
The officers found nothing; I mean I knew that anyways “you American police move differently brother” Stephan said pointing at the officer “you think I would let some officer without any papers come in my home, brother I would knock your block off bro” this is why I like him “thank you Chris” the officer said walking off “will you be escorting the lady from the premises please, I will come with you” Mark walked off with them, I am so glad that bitch did not get the chance to see me at all, the best thing I did was have Mark here, she couldn’t even get to me at all, not only has she lost her son but she ain’t about to get no money from me, this is a good day “welcome to my life” I sighed out walking off, let me get them to come out now. Nia is good peoples, she stayed behind which she didn’t need too “I still think you should knock his block off” Stephan said, I laughed at him because I wish I could “y’all can come out now, coast is clear. That was fun wasn’t it?” I chuckled “dad are you being naughty again? Rihanna won’t like it” Royalty said, she is being deadass too “you better relax, I ain’t do anything. This is grown folk business now, thank you Nia for waiting behind. I will drop this girl off before Monday, so Sunday night” Royalty pulled a face “where is Riri? Why isn’t she here?” Nia snorted laughing “she has been counting the days down to see Rihanna, good luck to you. Be good for your dad now, seriously” Nia pointed at Royalty.
Aeko and Royalty really be going at it, like I think Royalty doesn’t have the patience and Aeko continues to touch her stuff “hold the mic while I put this on” Royalty and this karaoke shit “can I be next?” Jah said “me and Chris, it’s Jahleel featuring Chris Brown” I chuckled at him “I don’t mind that, we can be after. Come on you two” my son doesn’t look happy to be there “I am Royalty Brown, and this is? Say it!” she shouted “Aeko” she groaned out “and I am going to sing what’s my name, and Aeko you can be Drake” Jah screamed out laughing, like I don’t know whether to laugh or cry “what?” I said half laughing as Jah screamed out, like these niggas are laughing at me “listen dad, I am Rihanna obviously and he is Drake so let’s go!” I can’t even be angry “can’t you just do something else? My god” pulling a face “oh my god, this has really made me cry. Oh god, Aeko you make a beautiful Drake, you go boo” Jah waved her off, Royalty chooses the worst things on earth. Watching the video play in the back, Aeko looked behind him and he dropped the mic “Bobyn!” he pointed, I just remembered he doesn’t actually know the singer she is supposed to be “Bobyn!” he shouted jumping up and down “it’s Rihanna Aeko” Royalty said “no it Bobyn, dad. It Bobyn” he ran to me “it is” he sat next to me “you’re supposed to be singing with me?” Royalty said but it’s too late, Aeko is entranced by Robyn being on TV “I have never seen such a genuine excitement on someone’s face, he has heart eyes. I can’t believe he doesn’t know Rihanna, like this is so new to him” Jah said “why doesn’t he know Rihanna?” Royalty asked, “because he doesn’t know her like that, and he calls her Bobyn, so let him” Royalty is not pleased.
Skipping the Kiss it Better video for him and then it went to Diamonds, we are going back to the home to eat and then we have to go back but I found a new way to keep him entertained, by playing Rihanna on YouTube and putting headphones on him, he is so intrigued by it, I think he is in disbelieve that she is singing and she is on Youtube, he is so whipped, like me “thank you for earlier” I said to Jah “for coming, breaking that barrier down. Like I know I am not the best person, I fucked up. I want to make it right; I think we are going to be good. It’s kind of pains me to know he felt that way, she was really bad to him” Jah smiled at me “it’s not a problem, I think we can gather why she only wanted him and treated him good for. She wanted you, she didn’t get you so why be nice to the seed. I think she is unstable. She got played at her own game, she only got herself to blame now. Even if the courts don’t give you full custody. Least you will get the right type of custody of him, it needed to happen. He has so much to learn, I enjoy him” that is nice of him “I need to let that guard down, I need to enjoy him” I can see why they love him.
Helping Aeko out of the car, Royalty ran like her life depended on it and I felt for Aeko because she will not let him get peace now. Aeko also ran off, my kids don’t want me anymore “this home is so damn busy” I kind of hate it, not going to lie. She also has Rich and Frank living here, I hate it. like clockwork, of course I hear the cries of Aeko. It was going to happen “I have been counting down the days Rihanna! Oh my god” Royalty is hugging Robyn of course, Aeko is on the floor crying “do you want to cry too?” Robyn said laughing, side eyeing Robyn as I leaned down to pick him up “what is wrong huh?” he pointed at Robyn “I hug Bobyn” he is out of breath “you can hug her Aeko, calm down. You got to share now” putting him down “what is wrong with you, there is enough hugs to go around. Come here” Robyn hugged Aeko “it’s ok, calm down” she rubbed his back “did you have a good time with daddy huh” I really prefer London right now, this home is just getting on top of me, it’s like everyone is here and watching “I see you dance” he pointed at Robyn laughing “me?” Robyn laughed “he has found out about the singer Rihanna” Jah said “oh that old thang, I joke. You like it?” he nodded his head.
Sneaking off to the kitchen, Mel is showing Royalty Fenty so I can sneak off for a little while. Seeing Robyn with her mom cooking, running around the counter “what I say about you coming in this kitchen” Monica caught me before I even got to Robyn “I know but, please. Just two minutes, it’s just time. Robyn is always busy, please” Monica shook her head “go on then” grabbing Robyn’ hand, the dining room will be a good place to hide right now. I am running hoping no child clocks Robyn, now Majesty is here, this is hell for me. Closing the door and turning to Robyn “I miss you so much, and I just can’t wait to have sex with you. I am sick of not having time with you, it’s not fair. It’s just kids, on kids. I miss you so much” Robyn looked taken a back “I thought you was enjoying this Cali freedom” hugging Robyn close, she wrapped her arms around my neck “I miss us” Robyn said, it’s been a while where I can just hold Robyn without anyone interrupting. Her attention is all mine, she is busy and I don’t like it now “I knew I would be busy here Chris, doesn’t stop me thinking about you” Robyn moved back from the hug, pressing a kiss against my lips “I just miss us being alone now, it’s wack. You know, I miss your face. I miss your body the most, I have not had the chance to really just have you to myself like that” Robyn smiled at me lightly staring at my face “I am wanting sex so badly now, I know my pussy is crying. We will make time for each other, but you didn’t get in trouble right? You called Mark” nodding my head “let’s not think of anything or anybody, just us” I miss it, I just miss us “maybe we can think of getting a nanny, so we can have more us time? Don’t you think?” Robyn pulled a face, doesn’t like the idea at all “in London we’re ok, we don’t need it” I guess that is a no.
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polygamyff · 5 years
30. Part 6
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I feel so out of place, it’s not because his family are making me feel like that but because of this lifestyle I am not used too. I met the Saudi Prince and he called me beautiful, who in the right mind would ever dream of such a thing. I am making sure I don’t leave Maurice’ side at all, I am stuck to him like glue. I won’t even front right now but my arm is hurting, my daughter ain’t heavy but with holding her this long, she is also becoming irritated and I’m stuck here, the baby bag is with my mom, it’s just not realistic “Maurice, hey” I said to him, we are inside in the hotel now and I really have to take her “what’s up?” He turned to me “I need to put Reign down for sleep, she is irritated and she’s not been fed, I need to go. And no I can’t let my mom do it because she needs to have fun too so I need to go to the room and also, I need the baby bag” Maurice doesn’t look happy “I will come with you, show you your suite” shaking my head “no, it’s your day! Please. Don’t do this, just please. This is your day, just Reign and I need to retire to the room” my daughter needs her sleep and I refuse to dump her on anyone, also my mom looks so happy having fun “mhmm, but I want you with me” I smiled at him “and I understand, just Reign needs to sleep. She is not resting or feeding like this” Maurice sighed out rubbing his head “ok, Jay. Yo” he waved at him, looking down at Reign. Look at what she done, she got her dad not happy with it “Maurice is-” Maurice put his hand up at Ally “Jay, find Robyn’ mother. Get the baby bag. Reign needs to sleep” Jay nodded his head walking off, I feel so bad. I feel like I am ruining his moment “sorry, just please wait” Maurice walked by me “follow me” he said to me, I wish Maurice was not upset with me. I can’t just leave my daughter, she is so upset and I know it. I am the one that is keeping her so calm like this, everyone is wanting to speak to him but he is busy making his way to the desk “hi, please. I need the keycard for the R R suite, these are the rightful owners of that room” Maurice pointed at me and Reign “oh this is Robyn and Reign, welcome. They are so beautiful Mr Davenport” the receptionist gushed.
Maurice is such a drama queen at times “you look so stressed and upset, why?” I asked him “because you’re going upstairs, I wanted to bring in the New Year in with you” fixing Reign in my arms “and what makes you think I won’t be back down? I will be back, stop it” Maurice walked over to me slowly “she is so miserable, why?” Maurice lightly stroked Reign’ cheek with the back of his hand, Reign is staring at Maurice with her flushed cheeks. She is stressed out with all of this “she is just not happy Maurice, a lot has happened today. Look at her, she is staring at you, she is probably thinking is this trouble all because of you. I just want her to feed too Maurice. So I rather go, I will be back” Maurice leaned down and kissed Reign’ forehead “my bad Mi Hermoso, you had a long day. I been rude to you, like I totally haven’t slept all night either. Like I should be the diva you know that, look at you. Fatty” Maurice started attacking her with kisses “Mr Davenport, your keycard” Maurice moved back, to see Reign smiling, she isn’t so sad anymore “thank you” Maurice turned around “the bag!” Jay shouted “ok good, would you like me to come with you?” he asked again “no, I am ok” walking over to the elevators, there is like eight of them, this place is too damn big “well Jay will go up with you, this is your butler ok” I got another butler “oh ok, another one..” I drifted off while seeing Naomi just stood right there, stood there staring. She looked at Reign and I felt protective as I turned away a little “call me if you need anything though” Maurice said, didn’t he see her “didn’t you see your wife?” I said as I got in the elevator “why you say that for?” I shouldn’t say that “sorry, ignore that. I will” Maurice put the keycard in, this will take you to your room. Exclusive customers get this, you don’t even need to press any button. I love you” smiling lightly at him “I love you too” pressing a kiss to his lips before he got off the elevator “so we seeing the suites before anyone huh” Jay said.
The elevator doors opened and it’s like I am in an apartment “oh my god” I breathed out, stepping off of the elevator “this is an apartment, a whole asa staircase too, this is crazy” seeing the marble flooring that had both letters decorated into it, the R R red lettering can be noticed as soon as you enter “I feel at home, this just feels at home” making my way through the suite living area, the rows of window panelling. Staring out of the window, we are so high up but you can see how beautiful it looks, it’s so lively outside. The windows slowly started to shade to black, stepping back “what?” I am confused “privacy, the windows go black instead” the butler said “oh my, this is amazing” how fucking crazy is this “would you like me to show you to the rooms?” turning to him “I will be down here Robyn” Jay fell onto the couch “please” I said, the butler walked off ahead of me. Making my way up the stairs “Mr Davenport made a request, baby crib for the princess. This is your room, this is four bedrooms” reaching the top, this is just like home. I love it, I am just ok with being here. The butler opened the double doors “do you need anything else from me?” he said, shaking my head as I made my way to the room, I can honestly just stay here.
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I have been here and there, around people and just socialised with them all, but Robyn is on my mind. I did see Terry but I didn’t have the heart in saying to her to go and look after Reign, that is rude to say that. Stuffing my hands in my pockets watching Drake perform, I am not very interested in this at all “nephew” feeling an arm around my shoulder, looking to the side of me and at Kellen’ dad “yes?” I mean what does he want “congratulations are in order, to you and of course, your daughter” moving away from my uncle and turning to him “keep it at that, what do you want?” Kellen’ dad is funny, he trying to be nice but really he ain’t shit “Tiffany is pregnant” I shrugged “Marquis and you are both hiding money within this business and I am not stupid” I sniggered “have fun in Reign’ hotel, that is what my child got. Your grandchild has nothing, you don’t come to me in my event and try to be funny, got it?” catching my dad walking over to us “I need to borrow my son, please” my dad said, walking off as I glared at him “I wanted to speak to you actually” walking with my dad “how?” I asked him “how what?” my dad said, acting like he didn’t do what he did earlier “Robyn, what was that all about. You were too calm old man, too calm to have a girl you dislike in front. How and why?” he said to me no and that you can’t do that and he did, he did it “because in life, you don’t let anyone say no to you. And that includes the person you sit next too, I uhm. I am getting old, and the things I have always done to you, tests and games was to better you. It hurt me to see you out there being ripped apart by the media, you’re my baby, my son and I hated to see you fail but I had to let you fail. Seeing Robyn here, and then hearing what I heard about Hakim and” my dad drifted off “to see you happy, I said no and you listened and I thought to myself what am I doing. I was testing you but also her, and she is still here. It’s about time you had someone that told you no, also your mother drove me crazy” my dad laughed “I won’t deal with the mess but my gift to you is to make your life easier, and that starts off with Robyn. But I never left your side son, I just needed to take those stabilisers off because you’re a man now, a father too. You need to protect your cub like I did you. But don’t ever let anyone say no to you, I am proud” hugging my dad, you know how much this means to me, a seal of approval from my dad “I love you dad, I really do” he means so much to me “we will take down Hakim and co, and everyone else” squeezing my dad close smiling “I want to put everything in your name” moving back staring at my dad “it’s time, but we will discuss ok?” I am shocked at my dad, he has never expressed this to me that he wanted to do this now.
I can’t help but lowkey feel like I should go to Robyn, being here is not my thing as I really want to go but it is my event “Maurice Davenport, is that you handsome” looking behind me, I had to laugh because I never remember how she even gets in my events “Tina” licking my lips laughing “you look so sexy, come here” I sighed out as I hugged her, she kissed my cheek “hey, I am taken now. You can’t be doing that now” moving back from the hug “oh come on, it is just a hug. She got to share, I have seen your lady friend” she pointed at me “she is my fiancé and I got a daughter too, no more Tina. No more flirting” Robyn will not like this woman at all “you didn’t even let me try the goods before you cheated on me huh? Maurice, one night come on” I yelped out “really? My butt? Seriously, you can’t be doing that now” moving away from Tina “Naomi was never the one, I told you that” she did use to say that to me “come on, let us take a picture together” I don’t fuck with old women, she just wants my dick so bad. Tina moved in closer to me, she placed her hand on my chest as the photographer took the picture, looking away from the camera seeing Robyn, no matter how full the room is, I can always notice her. She walked into the room at my birthday party and nobody knew of her and now look at her, she doesn’t even know it yet but she has been welcomed into the family, she now holds importance in my family life. Her skin is glowing, watching her hands wave at someone, the smile on her face. I took in a deep breath as I moved away from Tina, she is here and I am happy again “I told you I would come” Robyn said giggling “you did” wrapping my arms around Robyn and pressed a kiss to her lips “oh and I saw you and that old lady, negro!” she spat “oh it’s long history but you ain’t got shit to worry about” I won’t be cheating at all.
Dragging Robyn into the photo booth “shouldn’t you be out there” pulling her into me as I kissed her lips “I can be anywhere I want to be, and right now I want to be with you” quickly pressing a kiss to her lips before the camera flash went off, moving my head back laughing as I looked at the camera before it went off again. Poking my lips out as it went off again “aight, that is it now” I said before hearing a yelp “we here!” Leon spat as he came in with my sister “we done, it’s fine” let me leave before Leon ends up going off “no, it’s starting again” Leon said as he jumped on my back “what th-” I said as the camera went off “wait for me” Shawn jumped in out of nowhere “negro” the camera went off, looking to the side of me seeing Nalah twerking on Robyn, my mouth fell open “woah, cut!” I spat as the camera went off “y’all wild, can I have my girl back now. Thank you” pushing my sister away, pulling Robyn into me “We going” I laughed trying to leave but we literally fell out of the photo booth laughing “oh, don’t forget the pictures” Robyn went over to get them “I am happy for you, I ain’t ever seen you so happy. I had to join in” Shawn said “I am happy” Shawn looked behind me “your ex” turning around to see her “can I speak to you” she really doing this “whatever you got to say you can say it here. I am divorcing you, I am done with you, my brother? This won’t keep you in the family, you know that right” Robyn just flew by me, I blinked and she shot to Naomi “woah! No!” I was quick with my reflexes, hooking my arm around her torso and yanked her back “not worth it, it’s not worth it. Not with what you worth, it’s over” I am not letting Robyn put her worth down “I kind of like this new sister in law, she can fight” Nalah said “we got a understanding and you know this” shaking my head “speak to my lawyer” I don’t want no fighting, it will just leak out that this happened and my dad will be angry.
I have a weird feeling that Nalah requested this on my dime, I asked for Drake and whatever but Ariana Grande, I know it was her but Robyn is loving it, I would like to know who approved it “your dad was saying that there was trouble with her dad, I was just speaking to him” Shawn said “oh yeah, because Thomas was tripping. He is in my hotel room right now, I want to beat his ass but I am trying to let this event go by and then I can deal with him. Hey” turning to him “you see how Kellen and Tiffany are watching Robyn, you see how they been recording her. Please tell me it ain’t just me” it’s really fucking pissing me off “leave it, she’s having fun. And literally the New Year is coming in” I would beat his ass but I can’t “I feel my dad has got something up his sleeve with things, I think he has anyways” Robyn waved me over “mhmm I guess I have been summoned, be back” let me take my drink with me “yes?” Robyn grabbed my suit jacket “Beyonce is right there, like oh my god” here she go again “stop it, leave them be” her stalking ass “one minute left until the New Year!” someone shouted “Oh my god, it’s the New Year, what is your resolution?” Robyn asked “erm, to make you a Davenport officially so then you are Bonita Davenport but honestly, it is to always make you happy” Robyn cooed out “mine is to become a better mom for Reign and for Reign’ sake know more about your family and the business. To not be so angry” hearing the countdown in the background “Happy New Year” I said as they all shouted it out together, pressing a kiss to her lips before she could even say it back to me.
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maybenexttimeff · 7 years
Still writing the chapter, but Today I will add !!
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sinandredemptionff · 7 years
Chapter 15: Kidnaps and Mishaps Part 1
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Chris POV:
I walked into my office on a high this morning. For the last three days, my wife and I have made love in all ways imaginable. We missed each other so much we needed​ some alone time for our grown-up activities. I feel rejuvenated.
“Good morning Mr. Brown. There's files on your desk and you have a nine o'clock meeting with B&B construction. Also, don’t forget about your twelve o’ clock.” Bianca politely greeted me distracting me from my impure thoughts.
“Good morning to you as well Bianca and thanks. Could you get me a cup of coffee please?”
“I'm right on it Mr. Brown.” She replied with a smile.
I removed some designs from my briefcase for my presentation at twelve. I hope my clients love my modern spin on a children's arcade.
I began adding extra effects with my pencil. Damn I don't mean to be bigheaded but I'm dope at this.
“Mr. Brown there's somewhere here to see you.” Bianca returned with my coffee in her hand and a smile on her face.
“Bring them in.”
I looked at the door for a few moments curious to see who would walk in and to my surprise in walks in Jermaine.
“What's going on brother from another?” Jermaine greeted me.
“Nothing much man. What brings you by?” I stared at him in confusion.
Jermaine is a free spirit who doesn't believe in working for corporations or “the man” as he likes to say. He's never visited in one of the guy's offices, he has always been that way. Therefore, him coming here​ today is a huge deal.
“I just need your advice on something Chris.” He shifted in his seat a little and pulled at his bushy fro.
“Go ahead man shoot.” “How would you feel if one of your homies dated one of your exes?” This is random.
“That's fucking with the bro code but I don’t know how I would feel. It depends on whom the ex is and what type of relationship we had. Every ex isn't important. Like if Robyn and I broke up and one of the homies tried to get at her words can’t describe how heated I would be. I don’t give a damn about anyone else.”
“Hmm makes sense.” He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. “Another question how did you really feel about ole girl? The chick you were with before you and Robyn got back together.”
“Who Mya? Mya was cool. She was a very sweet girl and I don't like the way I did her, however I knew she was only used to fill the void of Robs. I can honestly say I wasn't in love with her or anything. That's why it's easy for me to be around her now, it wasn't like we had a deep complex thing. It was quite simple.”
“Hmm interesting.” Jermaine said chewing on the inside of his jaws. I know something is up, Jay has never been the type to beat around the bush.
“What if I told yo--?” He started to say.
“Mr. Brown your daughter's school just called, you have to get there immediately.” Bianca dashed into the room frantically interrupting our conversation.
“What happened? What did they say?” I leaped from my chair to get my jacket.
“Apparently, she hasn't been seen at school today, but one of her classmates Brittany said she saw her this morning.”
“I know damn well Jaden dropped his sister off safe and sound this morning!”
“I'm coming with you bro. If something happened to my niece I will go ape shit.”
Don't get it confused Jermaine is somewhat of a hippie yet the streets raised him. No one has a temper like him or Trey. I'm not even going to tell his crazy ass.
We rushed down to my SUV to race to the school. I'm not going to tell Robyn just yet. I will gather as much information as I can first.
I sped down the freeway to get to my baby’s school. Once I got there I didn’t even bother to park correctly, I just hopped out the truck and barged through the front doors.
“Where is my daughter?!?” I asked loudly when I walked in the school’s office.
“Mr. Brown we're so sorry we don’t know what happened.” The principal said.
“You mean to tell me no one was watching the kids as they were getting dropped off or off the bus? This is supposed to be the top elementary school in the damn state. How could y’all let this happen?” I was fuming at this point.
“It’s best if you remain calm.”
“Don’t tell my brother to calm down. My niece is missing because no one was doing their fucking job.”
“I want to talk to every child in here and I want to view the security cameras right now.”
“We have to wait for the police.”
“Let me explain something to you! I am not waiting on them slow ass people. My daughter is not in this school because you mothafuckas were being reckless. Y’all are going to let me do what I need to or I will raise hell in this bitch today!”
The teacher and principal looked at each other and did a head nod.
“Ok, Mr. Brown we don’t want any more problems let’s go to my class and talk to the kids.”
I rushed to the classroom and stood in front.
“Class, some of you know that Skai did not come to class today and no one knows where she is. This is her father Mr. Brown and he wants to ask you all some questions. Please if you know something tell us, we need to Skai back safe to her family.” The teacher said and I noticed one little boy crying his eyes out.
“Cameron what’s wrong sweetie, do you know what happened?” He nodded and continued to cry.
He made his way to us and I crouched down. I want to cry too but I need answers.
“Talk to me son, I promise you won’t get in trouble.” I dried his face with a Kleenex and he stared at me.
“Me and Skai were walking into the school and I noticed she had stopped talking to me. I turned around and seen a big man holding her while running to a black van. She was kicking and he threw her in it but when he saw me looking he told me he would hurt my mommy and daddy if I said something. I’m sorry I was scared.” There’s only one man that would do this.
“Thank you!” Without saying anything Jermaine and I ran out of the school. Once in the car I called the one person I know can help me quickly.
“Michael, I need you to hack into Skai’s school security system. Someone kidnapped her and I know you can guess who did it. I need to know where the truck he was driving is located, can you do that?”
“Of course man, I’ll start on it now!”
“Appreciate it man seriously. I feel he’ll get suspicious if you ask him straight up where he is. I can’t wait on the police to handle this shit. Plus, he’s as good as dead when I see him. It’s time to end this shit, I’m about to call Daniel.”
“Ok I’ll call you back.”
I dropped Jermaine off at my office so he could get his car. I don’t want him too involved with this even though he wanted to roll with us. I called Daniel and agreed to pick him up. We’re about to end this shit once and for all. Once you fuck with my family, especially my children, it’s over.
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Robyn POV:
Monique and I were exercising at the gym to ensure we stay toned. Also, there's something that's been weighing on my mind and I need to get it off my chest.
“Let's go sit over there. I want to talk to you about something.” Monique grabbed my hand and led me to a bench near a huge fan. Ugh this air feels amazing.
“Robyn I feel so foolish, I told Trey l loved him last week. It slipped out and now he has been acting weird. I think he may want to break things off with me.” I can see the fear in her honey brown eyes as she pouted exposing her deep dimples.
“I have known Trey a for a while and Chris said that he has always had a revolving door of women. No one has ever challenged him the way you do and it scares him baby girl. It's not lack of interest that's making him distance himself, it's fear. Trey really adores you, talk to him and be upfront.”
“I'm just afraid Robs. We spend a lot of time together and I don't​ want him to grow bored of me. Now what's on your mind? You've been in deep thought​ since we arrived.”
“It's nothing I promise.” I took a swig of my Fiji water gargling it on my tongue.
“Robyn Brown I know you. You can't lie to me so spill the tea.”
I exhaled deeply. I'm afraid that Mo will look at me sideways when I reveal this.
“I know you will judge me but I can't hold this in. I’ve had sexual dreams and thoughts about Don lately. I feel disgusting.”
Monique gasped placing her hand over her mouth. The cat's out the bag now. I know I love my husband but I just feel a strong forbidden attraction to Don.
"What happens in them?" She asked with a grin as she leaned back on one arm.
"Monique can you not, I don't even like thinking about it."
“My bad but Robyn that's actually normal, you're married not blind. You're human we are attracted to each other. It's natural.”
“I feel like I'm virtually cheating on Chris or something, maybe when I return to New York I should keep my distance from Don. I already think he likes me.”
“Did you say virtually cheating? You're a handful Robyn.”
“Is there another phrase?" I replied laughing.
“Yes, something like mentally cheating or psychologically cheating would’ve sufficed. On a serious note though you should have a talk with Chris about this.”
“Let me explain why. Say y’all are making love and you say Don’s name that’s grounds for divorce to be honest. You’re only dreaming about this because you feel guilty about being attracted to another man. You and Chris know that y’all are in love with each other and you’re not going anywhere, so just talk to him. You’re only human love.”
“You’re right boo, I love my man so much and communication is key. Thanks.” I said hugging her. She always makes me feel better.
“You’re welcome.”
“Hey ladies!” Mya said as she walked towards us.
“There’s our personal trainer. Where have you been, we got started without you.”
“Sorry I’m late, let’s get on it.”
*10 Minutes Later*
“Can we stop?” Mya said sitting down on the floor.
“Girl we just started and you look sick. You’re supposed to be the athletic one.” Monique replied.
“My job has been overworking me, I’ve been so tired y’all.”
“You look like you’re about to pass out. No ma’am not on my watch sis. I’m going to get you a water.” I rushed and got her a water to hydrate her. She’s looking too pale for my liking.
“You need a vacation!”
“That’s why I’m glad we’re going on that trip in a few weeks. It’s going to be lit!”
“I know right, I’m so excited. We’re going to have so much fun camping.” I said.
“Wait until Trey shows y’all the RV and cabin he got. We lowkey could stay in the RV but the cabin is so damn gorgeous!” Monique added.
“Wait who’s going to drive the RV?”
“Trey said he would but I was like no. I don’t like the way he drives, dude be speeding for no reason.”
“Honestly, I trust Jermaine the most to drive.” I said.
"Girl right, Jermaine is the most trustworthy."
“You guys I’m going home, I don’t feel well.” Mya said standing up.
“Ok babes, get some rest and call us if you need anything. Love you.”
“I will and love y’all too!” She said before leaving.
“She’s been acting off lately.”
“Yea I’ve noticed that too, I hope she’s ok.”
“Me too.”
“Anyways we’re not done yet. I need to get some abs.”
“Nah I’ma just lay here.”
“Get up!” I said smacking her thigh.
“Bitch that hurt!”
“I know now get that ass up.” She stood up and glared at me.
“You’re lucky I love you.”
I smiled and headed towards the weights.
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Skai POV:
My morning hasn't been too swell, I have to pee and I'm hungry. One minute I was waving bye to my big-headed brother and walking into school with Cameron, and the next I was in the back of a van. I'm not even scared because I know when my dad finds out he's going to go crazy.
My father is loco about his family and my mommy Robyn is about that thug life as well. Not to mention my beautiful grandma Joyce will beat you with her Bible then pray for you.
I've been praying since the guy in the black van took me. Grandma said always pray and God will hear you.
“Are you ok kid?” A big guy with all black on said.
How could I be ok when I've been taken against my will? Is he dumb?
“Oh yes, I'm so magnificent sir you just don't know. I love chilling with strangers.”
“You have a mouth just like your mama, you know that?” 
“You don't even know my mother so stop talking to me and why is your beard so long?” I folded my arms and faced the wall.
“You are definitely Kelly's daughter.”
“Can I go to the restroom?” I bashed my curly eyelashes sweetly, it always works when I do it to mommy and daddy.
“Yeah you can. It's straight down the hallway.” 
I began walking down the hallway and I bumped right into the legs of a tall individual.
“Hi Skai baby, I was just about to come back there to see you.”
I looked up to get a closer look at the voice I know so well.
“Mom, what are you doing here?”
“You thought I was just going to let your daddy take you from me. Him and that bitch he cheated with will never see you again. Your brother's basically grown so I can't control him, but you belong to me.”
“Mom but the lady in court said…”
“Fuck the court! I'm your mother end of discussion. I have your bag packed and we’re going far away.” She cut me off, I hate her and now I'm more frightened than ever. I hope my dad and mommy find me soon!
She grabbed my hand harshly and took me back to where I previously was.
“Did you write the note?”
“Yup! You ready to go?”
“The plan is in motion, come on.” She had the guy pick me up because I was fighting with her.
“I hate you!” I yelled at her when they put me in a different van.
“You don’t mean that now shut your mouth.”
I began to tear up and pray silently. I know I’ll be home soon.
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Mya POV:
I got out of the shower and dried myself off. I put on my robe and wrapped my hair in a towel. My doorbell rang and I went to answer it.
“Hey babe.” I said and he hugged me.
“Hey, what’s the emergency? You called me like ten times.”
“Where were you Jermaine?”
“I was with Chris, what’s up?”
“We need to talk.” I led him to the couch and we both sat down.
“What’s going on with you? You good?” He asked and I sighed.
I handed him the pregnancy test and his eyes got wide.
“What the fuck?”
“Just look at it.” He took a deep breath and looked at it.
“It’s negative, why would you give me this shit if it’s negative.”
“What would you have done if I was pregnant?”
“What do you mean? I would have been there for you. I’m not a fucking coward.”
“I don’t understand the point of showing me this if you’re not anyway.”
“I thought I was and you should know that I had a scare so we can be more careful.”
“How about we just stop this shit? Nothing more careful than that.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yea, I mean I care about you and all, but this is stressful.”
“I love you, don’t you love me too?”
“Don’t even finish your sentence.” I know he’s in love with Jessica but I don’t want to hear him say it. I know he cares about me but he will love me eventually. He would never hurt me like he promised, I’m not stupid.
“Mya you’re amazing and what I’m trying to say is you’re worth more than being my sidechick.” This is not the first time he has said this but I don’t care at this point. We’re in too deep.
“Ok but what if I don’t want to stop just yet?”
I seductively untied my silk robe not breaking eye contact with him. He bit his bottom lip as I made my way towards him. I kissed his lips and he wrapped his arms around my body. He bit my neck and I yelped.
His phone rung interrupting us and I glanced to see it was Jessica. I declined the call.
“Why did you do that?”
“I just did what you were going to do anyway so shush.” I grabbed his hair and began gyrating my body against his.
I unbuckled his pants and he swiftly picked me up to carry me to the bedroom.
“Fuck you know I can’t resist you.” I giggled as he threw me on the bed.
Jessica has been my best friend for as long as I could remember, but I’ve fallen for her boyfriend and I can’t control that.
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Chris POV:
I sat with my face down on Daniel’s couch. My leg is shaking and I’m anxious as fuck. Michael is taking too long to text me the information I need.
“Michael need to come on!” Daniel said.
“He said five more minutes but it feels like it’s been an eternity.”
“This shit is gonna be over in a few.” He said placing his gun on his side.
He paced back and forth as he placed a blunt in his mouth. He took a long pull and exhaled.
“You want some brother-in-law?”
“Nah man, I’m good. I need to stay focus.”
I stopped smoking a long time ago. Though this is the most stressful situation I’ve been in, I don’t plan on going backwards.
“Cool.” He took another hit and my phone went off.
“You got it?” I said when I answered.
“Yes, I’m sending you all of the information now.”
“I can’t thank you enough bruh, I appreciate it.”
“It’s no problem. Be safe and call me back when you get her.”
“I will man, bye.” I said before hanging up.
“Let’s roll.” We hopped in my truck and put the address Michael sent me in the GPS system.
Daniel and I pulled up to the house and saw the van parked in the driveway.
“Michael said this is the address that’s under the vehicle’s registry and there it is.”
“So, what’s the plan?” Daniel asked.
“I don’t have a damn plan. We barge in there and get my baby.”
“And risk getting shot, nah man not smart.”
“That’s my princess in there man I don’t give a fuck.”
“If you get killed then what? There’s two of us and no telling how many of them. That’s my niece in there and I’m heated like you nigga but we can’t be stupid, and run in that bitch.”
“What do you suggest because sitting in this car is wasting time.”
“I’ma go look through the windows to see if there’s anyone in site. Wait here.”
Daniel jumped out the car and ran across the street. He peaked through the windows and waved his hand for me to come over.
“Man it don’t look like anyone is here, but you can tell someone lives here.”
“I’m going in.” I turned the knob of the front door and it opened. This screamed set up but like I said I don’t give a fuck right now.
I walked in with Daniel standing next me. We separated to look around but there was no sign of anyone but you could see someone was here.
“Chris!” Daniel said and I ran to find him.
“What? Did you find anything?” He gave me a note with an angry look on his face.
“Give me Robyn and you’ll get the little girl! Come to this address tonight at midnight. No police or else!” I crumbled the note and screamed.
I’m tired of this shit. I need my daughter back so I’ll do what I need to. I wanted to handle this without my wife but now I have no choice.
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the-oneff · 8 years
on wattpad too !!
@ashantirosee is where you'll find the fanfic !! Follow and send feedback on here and wattpad!
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chrianna-ff · 8 years
Just Updated!!!!
Hope y'all like it this time, if you don't or if you find it too long or anything let me know, I do want your feedback if it's positive or negative. Thanks for reading guys ❤️
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calypsoff · 3 years
Ninety Six.
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I am so unsure on how I should feel today, I am meeting my dad at the house I bought him. I really feel like turning around and saying to him I want my house back, but I won’t, I am not like that. I am just too kind for all that, I hate that I am always too kind for that, that I can’t just turn around and say give my home back. I should say that to him and give it to someone that is more worthy, but I will give him that gift I guess, I need to cut him off and never look back. I have been ever so happy here in Barbados, but this has been hanging over my head, something that I need to do. My dad thinks that I am ok with him, thinks I am ok with him forgetting my daughter, acting like I care for him and his new bitch, this is what gets to me then I just want to rip that home away from him but then I will look bad, he will come at me for this and I don’t have the patience to start going back and forth with him, I want to move on with my life, I want to move forward with the future I have that is so bright and waiting for me to just take with both hands, I can’t wait to be a boss bitch without having to sing on a stage “you look so stressed out” Chris said, looking up at him “you are just sat there staring in the mirror arguing with yourself” Chris made his way around me, he stood behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders. He gently massaged my shoulders “I am just going through scenarios in my mind, things I want to do and say to him. The things I want to do is the main one, I want to just take the home back from him, he doesn’t deserve it but then he will bad mouth me” I shook my head “you want me to come with you” Chris keeps asking that “no, I will do this alone. This is me and him, I want to ask him why, he won’t let me ask why because he will be busy watching you and attacking you but thank you” Chris wrapped his arms around me, kissed the side of my face “I am here for you, you can do this. I know you got it, you need to close this chapter” I know what I have to do, but it’s just doing it.
I just love being in Barbados and seeing my whole family together, all the smiles and loving jokes. This is my peace, this is where I can come home and find myself “sis” Rorrey came up to me “can I sit” he asked pointing at the couch “of course” I pointed shuffling up on the couch, Rajad is also with him, my brothers look like they have been discussing some things “we know you are doing to see dad, we want to come too” Rajad just said it, I had to smile “everyone wants to come with me, maybe that was my issue. I needed to do it myself, I need to stop being protected. This is between me and dad, not you two also. You both don’t need to cut that off with him, I am not asking that from any of you. I am cutting him off on my side, I don’t want anything to do with him. I don’t want anyone to be there” Rorrey put his head down “but I hate that you have to be alone in this, we got you. We know how much dad has upset you” smiling lightly “I know, but you boys can always speak to him, just me, this is between me and him. He really hurt me by not asking about my daughter, Rylee didn’t deserve this at all. She needed the love and prayers in that moment, but Ronald gave me nothing, just that he is taking care of those two bitches” I don’t even know the girls and I hate them “sorry you have to go through this” my brothers are sweet, they try.
Staring at my mother, waiting for her to leave the kitchen. She is taking her sweet time, but she keeps talking to Clinton, I want to talk to Clinton, she needs to move “how are you Robbie?” my mother asked, smiling at her lightly “erm I am ok, nervous. I will be going soon though, don’t miss me too much” I joked “oh I won’t, you will be ok Robyn, I know my daughter will be ok. She is a strong girl” I just want my mother to go “oh Clinton don’t go I have to ask you something” he was about to walk off there “I am going to see to Rajad, he’s not well” nodding my head, my mother always takes her time doing things, like just go please “is everything ok?” Clinton asked turning to me, just checking that my mother has gone “erm can you come with me to see my father?” I asked, Clinton looked taken aback by what I asked, “I know that everyone wants to help and wants to come with me, but Chris is going to be on one, my mother doesn’t need to be there, and my brothers don’t either, I rather you come with me if you can?” I don’t want to put him on the spot so I will ask if he would like to come or not “I don’t mind at all, if you want me to come with you I will” he is so sweet “thank you, how are you going to get away from everyone? They are going to ask” Clinton paused to think “I will tell Joyce truth and then just say I am going to lay down for a while” that is a good plan “thank you so much, I think I just need a person that doesn’t have no opinion on anyone at all” Clinton’ smile is so warm, he is the best.
Clinton has already left and is waiting in the car for me “you sure you don’t want me to come with you? I promise I will be quiet, let me come with you” shaking my head “thank you poppa but I rather do this alone, I will be ok. Just take care of Rylee for me” Chris poked his lips out as he came into me and hugged me tight “I don’t want you to do this alone but what can I say, I love you so much. You are a very strong woman” Chris is being so sweet “I love you too Chris, I will be back before you know it, I am not going to waste too much time on him” moving back from the hug “you are so sexy” I sniggered “nigga, if you don’t do something cute for me while here I am not going to have sex with you” lightly hitting his chest “you can’t help but have sex with me, you literally always want it too!” side eyeing him as I walked off, Chris grabbed my hand and yanked me back “I want you so bad again” here he goes again “put her down” Joyce is always there, Chris groaned out “how do you always see this, you are so annoying!” Chris spat, he did let me go “I love you poppa” he got in trouble, good that he did “I love you rabbit” making my way out of the house, it’s about time I get this shit done with.
Staring out of the car window, I kind of regret my dad a home now. Maybe I should have listened to my husband, I Say to him that he should listen to me, but I should have listened to him in this, he was right “should we go in?” Clinton said, looking over at him “I really don’t want too now but let’s do this” opening the car door myself “I shall be back soon, I won’t be long” I said to the driver as I got out of the car, I just know that my dad has the fucking kids and his new girls just there waiting on me, like I just know it. I am not going to cry, knowing me I probably will because that is just me. I am an emotional mess, when it comes to my family I end up being this way, I just get emotional, but I will get through this. Looking behind me to make sure Clinton is there with me and he is, making my way to the home. You know what angers me the most, now thinking of it they are reaping the benefits of my fame, fuck this shit. Knocking on the door and stepping back “you are very nervous right now, just relax. You got this” everyone is saying the same thing to me, I got this. I know I got this, but can I contain my emotions “Robyn!” my dad half shouted as the door opened, I smiled at him “hey” I won’t say dad “come in, come” he stepped to the side, walking inside “you bought your bodyguard with you” furrowing my eyebrows “that is my father in law, show some respect. Come” I just had to check if my dad didn’t close the door on him “oh yes, sorry my eyesight” he is a fucking liar, his eyes are fine.
I just knew it; I knew this would happen. I knew they would using this home as a family home, look at this shit and these stupid people in my home “Hi Robyn” I know she didn’t call me Robyn “Rihanna, don’t call me Robyn. I don’t know you like that” my dad got in my eye view “please they have been so excited to meet you Robyn, say hi to them” I know he is lying “first of all I came to speak to you, I want you to get out of my face and get these people away from me before I get real nasty up in this place so I suggest you do it now” my dad knows I meant every word “then we can go to a different room” pulling a face of confusion “no, I am staying in this room. They move” walking by him, who he think he is. Asking me to move, he can fucking move them I am sick of being the fool. Sitting down on the couch, I am in a bad mood right now. Looking over at Clinton “come” waving him over, I can’t be angry at Clinton at all. He is so sweet “that is more like it” he said sitting down next to me “I am feeling extremely annoyed so yeah, we won’t be here for long” I said to him, I won’t be staying any longer than I should.
My dad finally sat down; he took his time coming back actually. Only good knows why but I think it’s those bitches in the other room complaining but honestly it’s got nothing to do with them what’s happened between me and my father, even though I would like to say it to them too. My dad is here smiling like he’s done something good “I am so happy Robyn, to see you” how can he even be happy to see me when I am staring at him like I hate him “what happened to checking on my daughter?” glaring at him in anger, I want fucking answers about that “I didn’t want to be there and another one making it hectic for you, I know all the family was there for you. You were too busy Robyn so I left it, I didn’t mean it in a malicious way at all, I promise you now I care so much about my grandchild” I can’t believe he is flipping this on me “no dad” shaking my head “this is on you, you do not care until you want something from me. I am not going to start going on a rant about how much of a liar you are because you know it, I know you know. You do not care about my daughter just like you don’t care about me” my dad is taken aback by what I said, I can tell on his face “don’t speak like that, I was so happy to have a daughter. I do care for you, it’s me that changed your diaper when you were a baby” he retorted “you were also the man that beat my mother up and used the money that was supposed to be for us when we needed food, that also happened” the room fell awfully silent, we are both just staring at each other.
My dad feels uncomfortable, I can tell he does but I am glad he does “throughout my life you have done nothing but hurt me, hurt my mother, hurt my brothers. You are a fucking hypocrite, and you want to call me and tell me you are taking care of some girls that aren’t yours! Playing happy family with some other children when you can’t even take care of the kids you got now! You want to act holy now!? You want to be in my fucking life now that I have money, use my name, sell stories about me. I was fighting with my own husband because I didn’t want to believe, I just wanted a father, I just wanted to be loved by you! I look at you now and I hate you, I really hate you. I could have lost my daughter, I needed you then. I needed you to be there, but no! I got a call about you wanting to marry some bitch! You think I care? You’re a loser dad, you’re a nasty loser that spent his daughter’ money, money we didn’t have on booze! Your past is still in your face no matter how much you run away from it Ronald, I cried. I mourned you! To me now, you’re gone. I don’t need you, I thought I did. I really did think it, but all I got was used” silence, that is all I am getting from my dad, I mean what can he say, there is nothing he can say “I am sorry Robyn, we all make mistakes. What I did in the past was a mistake” I sniggered shaking my head “hitting my mom was never a mistake it was a choice; I saw it all. Thank god Chris loves me because I don’t know how to love a man, thank god Chris is patient with me. Thank god I now have such a good male figures in my life because I was damaged goods and that is because of you!” I pointed “I don’t want nothing from you, I want you to delete my number. I don’t want you to ever speak on my name because I will fucking sue you so quick. You can keep this home, a leaving present from me, I can live without it. I don’t want to hear it, I don’t want to hear you anymore” getting up from the couch “Robyn please don’t do this, I am so sorry!” he spat, this is what he does “your sorry doesn’t work anymore, just like my mom left you. I am too” he doesn’t deserve me.
I breathed out as soon as I got in the care, I didn’t breathe I don’t think. I was trying to keep my emotions so much inside of me that I just let out and now I can breathe, the car drove off and I didn’t look back at all. Flicking the tear that fell, I did it. My chapter with him is closed, I am done, I am over it “proud of you” looking away from the window and at Clinton “oh yeah, sorry I have been just zoning out but, he was still the same man that has been playing me, that has been not really caring for me. Did you see his attitude?” Clinton nodded his head “he doesn’t deserve a status of a father or even a man, I am sorry you had to see these things but it’s time you moved on and have a happier life, you deserve that. I think you took him by surprise because he is used to that weak Robyn, but he did it to your daughter so that pushed you, but we move, don’t we? You are better then that and it’s hard to close any chapter on a parent” he is right “thank you, just your aura being here really strengthened me. I just wish I had a better dad; you know but it’s life. I just can’t wait to go home and hold my daughter” I didn’t need this in my life, I didn’t need my dad being dragged behind me now I move on to a new era of my future.
Hey! The writer here. I just want to say thank you all for reading, it’s been a long journey with a lot of loyal readers. I have enjoyed writing this, I have. But sometimes you just need to stop and think it’s run its course, for me this has. This is the last chapter for this part of their life on my story, I know some may feel it’s over too quick but then when you think about it, when is there ever going to be a right time to stop this story but I have enjoyed it a lot, there has been lots of controversy with some anon comments and so on but besides that it’s been great, and again it wouldn’t been enjoyable without you readers so thank you x
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“Lift your head back for me” JC said, I needed my own barber for a while now, I am glad to have him back until I have to leave, lifting my head back “look at the boy Breezy, he here getting ready for his romantic time with Rihanna herself” Shem said which made me laugh, he know damn well I am going to go all out for this, I need to look good and smell good “only the best bro” I said “don’t blame you, I would be doing cart wheels for her. It’s good looking out, she is going to love it” Shem is right she will “I want to thank y’all though, I mean y’all helped” both brothers was here picking ideas out for me, they didn’t need too but they did “happy wife, happy life. I would live by those rules if and when I ever get married” Shem is right, also Robyn has been doing so much for me, for my son, for everyone and she deserves some time alone, time for us “how is London living?” JC asked me “it’s different bro, it’s nothing like it is here. The home we have is amazing, like some double oh seven type shit, my cars are in a underground car park, the home as a games room but it’s underground too so like from the window I can see the pool and shit, it’s amazing. The white folk be calling me Christopher, I go for dog walks in the morning. I can be me, no bodyguard at all JC, nobody chases me around or judges me. The thing is, it’s peaceful. Being here as made me realise how much I miss London, how much I really see London as home, I am at peace. I come here and I got niggas disrespecting my wife, disrespecting my life, police searching my home. It’s just not good vibes here, so yeah. I prefer London, London treats me good, I am happy” I sound like I am preaching but I am not lying, shit is so much better there, I am happier “you have really settled down, not going to lie. I am happy for you, you and Rihanna are made for each other” JC is a good dude, he ain’t ever give me shit but I have decided, London is home now.
Aeko ain’t staying with me like Robyn wanted, he is staying with Robyn so I just stayed here with the boys, I am happy. Stephan and Shem, I trust them the most. I am leaving them to stay at my home, they can relax there while I have my time with Robyn for valentines, it’s going to be good times. It’s funny because I can openly speak on Robyn, I can speak on my wife and they speak on her too with so much respect, they gave me this idea to buy her this. I wanted to get her something special and I know this woman meant the world to her, I know Robyn is going to appreciate this the most. Opening the box smiling, Stephan mentioned it and he is right this would be the gift she will love. I got Robyn this chain, it has a picture of gran gran dolly on it, smiling down at it. She was my biggest fan, she really liked me. Even in twenty twelve, she told Robyn to go with her heart and she did, she came to me, but I fucked that up. She was a good woman, and then I also painted a picture, and I must admit. It’s the proudest thing I have done, this all thank to those niggas at my home. They gave me it, but I worked on it. I got a picture of Robyn and gran gran dolly and I painted that with Fenty in it. It is crazy dope how I have done it; I didn’t think I could do such a thing, but I did. I love art and this my greatest gift to give her.
Mel opened the door for me “where is my wife?” I asked her “she is upstairs packing her things; she is so excited. Look at you, less of the homeless look and more of the I am worth a million dollars” I chuckled at Mel “well I come with gifts and flowers, I will go upstairs” I said, I want to give her the gifts first because I don’t want to take the painting to Mexico with me. Walking up the steps trying to juggle the painting, the box, the roses. It’s a lot of shit to be holding and going up these steps now, I must admit I look and smell so good. I am so ready for sex and some alone time with my wife. We really deserve this; I think it’s time for us to be alone anyways “gummy bear” walking into the bedroom, I mean I don’t expect much from Robyn she is still in her robe getting ready “I am literally just doing my makeup” she turned to me “and pumping?” I said laughing “you know me, but I am just making sure things are in order, you know. I want to pump enough, or my boobs will hurt” I chuckled placing the covered painting down “Happy Valentine’s Day baby” walking over to her “awww Chris, this is cute. I don’t feel sexy right now, you should have totally warned me Chris” she cringed “don’t, you look beautiful” kissing her cheek lightly, I don’t want to mess her makeup up now “I love roses, you know this” nodding my head smiling as she took them “I feel embarrassed now, oh god. You should have told me” I chuckled “don’t be Robyn, honestly. You look beautiful” Robyn breathed out “let me just take it off, hold that thought” she pointed at me, nodding my head smiling, she is so sweet.
Robyn removed the pumps before coming back out of the bathroom “that is better, like you should have warned me Chris. But thank you for the roses baby” she wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging Robyn close “I love you” pressing a kiss at the side of her neck “I love you too” moving back a little “I have a gift for you, I want you to face the mirror though” placing my hands at the side of Robyn’ hips and navigating her to the mirror “oh a gift, for me? I am excited” I chuckled “I hope you love it” turning Robyn around facing the mirror “you look so beautiful Robyn, like I do not deserve you at all. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, words can’t amount to what I feel when I see you, with or without makeup on, you are just beautiful and I don’t really deserve it because I have fucked up so much and don’t some shit in life, but you are my whole heart” Robyn cooed out “you’re going to get me so emotional, stop it. I don’t deserve you” shaking my head laughing “I don’t deserve you” pressing a kiss to the back of Robyn’ head “if you can hold your wig up for me and close your eyes” Robyn gasped “I am joking” I chuckled “just hold your hair up and close your eyes, please do not cheat and open them, ok?” staring at Robyn in the mirror, she smiled at me lightly “I promise” she said in a whisper, Robyn gathered her hair up and held it “and I will close my eyes” she said with a smile, she closed her eyes with the most playful smile on her face, I love her so much. Opening the box and pulling the chain out “is it something cute?” Robyn asked, looking up to check she isn’t looking “it’s something you will love” she isn’t looking “I can’t wait to devour you” I really can’t, like it’s been so long “be kind though” I couldn’t help, pressing a kiss to the back of Robyn’ neck as I bought the chain forward “not long now, just a moment” latching on the chain, fixing it around her neck “let your hair go” I said to her, she moved her hand with her eyes still closed “I hope you like it” stepping to the side to see her reaction first hand.
I smiled wide seeing the diamond picture pendant chain around her elegant neck, she deserves it “open your eyes princess” I can’t wait to see her reaction, Robyn slowly opened her eyes. Open gasped “no” she said “oh my god, gran gran” Robyn just sobbed out “Oh my god” I cooed out as Robyn cried out, wrapping my arms around Robyn “my gran gran, oh god” Robyn cried out, I feel bad for making her cry now but I know how much this would mean to her. Pressing a kiss to the top of her head moving back “I love it Chris, oh my god” she looked down at the pendant “look at her smile, she will be around my neck forever. She will be looking down on me, on us. Thank you. You gave me a daughter and now this, thank you so much” while she is emotional let me just show her this “so” walking around “I was working hard on this, like gran gran really has a special part of my heart. I know if she was here she would have slapped my head and say you’re stupid for taking so long but I love her, she was a beautiful lady. You remind me of her and it does play on my mind she isn’t here for this moment for us” moving the sheet back from the painting “I got my best oil paints and made this” Robyn gasped “Chris, oh my god. You didn’t!?” Robyn stared in shock, no other words left her lips but shock “I miss her so much, god. You got me here being a mess” tears left her eyes as she reached out touching the painting “why did she have to go, oh god” wiping Robyn’ tears with the back of my hand.
I ruined Robyn’ makeup so much, she was done with me and made me come down “I miss you so much gummy drop” pressing a kiss to Fenty’ cheek “you getting all this love that I don’t get the chance anymore, you got your momma hair. You really do, you’re literally Robyn’ twin, you’re gonna love this when you’re older. Hey, you got this blonde brown hair like Aeko, I love you” Fenty smiled a little at me “aww, I know. When we go back to London we will spend so much time together” looking away from Fenty and at Robyn “I am done with my face, I can’t even do my makeup anymore, I am going with the lip gloss and base and we going” I chuckled at Robyn, she looks good wither way “it’s ok, you look nice in that silk black dress” it’s minimal but she looks well, I can tell that Robyn has lost weight too “thank you, just put on some big gold hoops and lip gloss and we on our way. I posted your gifts on Instagram, you can’t see it so I thought I would tell you. I posted it and put nobody will amount to the love and attentiveness my husband shows me, the best valentine’s day gift ever. Thank you Chris honestly, like at times I feel like I get at you, I feel like at times I push at you to do things, I feel I am overbearing when can be too much for you. But you don’t ever talk down to me, you listen to me all the time. The moment you helped me give birth to Fenty, I knew I made the best decision in my life. We have our faults and I accept that, you accept me for what I am and I accept this” smiling at Robyn lightly “nothing I do amounts to what you have done for me, thank you” she has done the utmost for me.
Hugging Aeko “you going to be a good boy?” I said to him “I be good, Bobyn say that she be back. I stay with Gran” oh wow “who?” I said, I am shocked like what gran is he speaking on “there” he pointed at Monica “oh ok, since when?” I said to Robyn “since I want him to be part of the family, he is comfortable” nodding my head “thank you” I thanked Monica “it’s ok, he is a pleasure to take care of. We got Majesty here too, he promised to not cry that Bobyn and daddy is going either, remember?” Aeko nodded his head, he is going to be a big boy “also” Monica said as I turned to her “I heard that his mother has been cruel to him, I don’t play that at all” I sighed out “yeah, it’s wack. But thank you, we will be back by tomorrow afternoon. Won’t leave you with the kids for that long” I laughed, Robyn is ready “I got to put up with you two for Valentine’s day” Rich said, I feel for him but he has to come “it will be fun” I lied “just don’t be in the next room to us, I kid. I got you in a room that is like further along. Well in another hotel, cause you ain’t want to be near” rubbing my hands together “whew, don’t get pregnant again. Y’all nasty, protection is key” pulling a face “uhh, I don’t do that now” Robyn knows that herself “just think your own sex life” Robyn pointed at Jah, he all in our business with what.
I am so excited for this; this has been a long time coming “I didn’t think we was going anywhere? Maybe a hotel but you text me saying Mexico I was like huh? Let me get out of bed and prepare, look at you surprising me” Robyn grinned at me “mhmm you need it, also I peeped that Savage x Fenty duffle. You got them goods in there” I winked at her “no” she is trying to say no but she can’t even say that with a straight face “don’t lie to me, I peeped that bag. You got that good lingerie in there, mhmm?” Robyn giggled “I am going to need you to shut up” she is being all shy now “tell me” reaching, holding Robyn’ hand “let me surprise you then, I got a little something in there. If you look in there, then it’s off” I groaned out “fine, either way you going to be extra sexy. I can’t wait miss mommas; it’s going to be a different feeling. I ain’t had sex in so long, this is how faithful I am to you” she got to be praising me for that “you have been, I am super proud of you. Funny thing that I see your eyes light up when I am like walking in some bras or even naked and I am like my poor baby, he is suffering but I miss it. I want you to be extra nice to me, make love to me” nodding my head “of course” I am going to savour this moment with Robyn.
I do hate having to walk in the airport, random check having asses. Like who the hell knew we was coming but the paparazzi are here, maybe it set up “did you set this up?” I asked Robyn “no I didn’t, well we are having to go through checks so I am guessing someone has mentioned that we are coming” Robyn is right, but that totally annoying I will walk around the car to you” I said to Robyn as I got out of the car, Rich is buying getting the things out of the car, we haven’t got that many things to be honest “welcome back to America Chris! Are you staying here now?” one of them shouted, walking around the car. Opening the door for Robyn, holding my hand out for her “are you both staying here!? Congratulation on the marriage, how does it feel to be married now” closing the car door “I can take that” grabbing my duffle bag from Rich “that is the Savage one!” Rich shouted; it was too late. I am not holding Robyn’ Savage X Fenty duffle bag, which the name is plastered all on it “are you both going away without the kids” holding Robyn’ hand “you look nice holding my lingerie” Robyn said, it made me laugh because only I would pick that “special goods” I chuckled, the paparazzi are falling over each other, not had this in a while “Valentine getaway Rihanna?” one of the guys asked “maybe” Robyn responded “I missed you boo, how are you?” I guess she knows him “good, it was nice seeing you after all this time and in LA? You from New York” oh Robyn knows him then “things change, nice seeing your face beautiful, you are glowing” Robyn giggled “even more so tonight” Robyn made me laugh with that.
I don’t even drink win but here we are on the jet “I am so excited; it’s been a while. Fill my glass to the top please” she said to the flight attendant “there is a lot to celebrate” the lady filled Robyn’ glass to the rim “it’s ok boo, leave the bottle here too” she winked “I don’t even like this shit” I pulled a face “be quiet so raise your glass” grabbing the glass and raising it up “this is to us, being childfree, stress free. I mean most importantly to you, you have been so good with me, too good even if I don’t say it, you have been the best husband with me and I can’t thank you enough” she is cute “this is to you, the best wife” I chuckled “take a picture for me” Robyn said to the lady “link arms with me” she is about to spill the overflowing thing, Robyn is going to be a mess, I have a feeling “I am not about to scrape you from the floor, this one glass from you” Robyn rolled her eyes as she linked her arm with mine “ready” she said as I drank from the glass, Robyn snorted laughing spitting out the wine “wow!” I spat “sorry, I was laughing” Robyn said laughing still, she is so giddy right now.
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maybenexttimeff · 7 years
12 part 2.
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We are sitting on the bed side by side, Iv'e got so much rules on my mind to state in front of him. "Rule number 8, you need to spend your time more with me than with your homeboys" he looks tired so I scaring him to death "CHRIS" he open his eyes wide "Wouhhh" he is so funny looking at, kissing him next to his lips "baby are you listening to me?" he is nodding with his eyes half shot "Mmm" I love my rules "Rule number 9, you won't have girls with you in your videos, if you want a character I'm the address to come to" I know he is half asleep but I'm giving him all this stupid overprotective rules so he know how I feel when he is so protective over me, don't get me wrong I love that about him but sometimes he doing to much. "baby I think that's just too much" looking at him and acting surprised "and that's only the beginning of my rules" he clearing his throat "Forget about my rules baby, my only rule is just love me, be loyal and faithful to me that's all I need from you, stay just like you are" look at my baby telling me what I want to hear so he can go to sleep "but yet no guys in your life expect me" laying my head on his chest "baby, as long as I got you I don't need guys" his hand rubbing my back "good" . I love him so much and sometimes it feels like he is doing everything good but me just awful at everything when it comes to a relationship.
my favorite thing is to lay my head over Chris's chest, just to hear his heart beat, to feel surrounded by him, his hand on my back. The best feeling in the whole world, his chest is moving slowly up and down, he is breathing slowly and I can tell he is calm and relaxed. I feel like we are a couple of years, we are together all the time, and if we are not together so we make sure to talk on the phone for hours. I never believed in true love, never thought about having my own family, a husband and kids, when I was with Shai it always felt like a far dream, to have my own family. and now I can see my future with Chris. we have been through so much yet. with Shai it felt like there's no time, it was like god is laughing at me and saying to me 'fuck you'. every time we kissed I felt disgusted and now I'm addictive to Chris's kisses and to his touch. before Chris I couldn't think about Shai or a male touching me. look at the fate. I'm here, with my man in the bed, even when I never thought it would happen it did, I'm not a virgin anymore and it was the best experience of my life with my biggest love. we are not together even a half year but I love him in a way that I thought was possible. I love everything about him, even the things I don't like, I love. ugh look at me feeling some type of way about my man. I thank god for him every minute of my life. I know that I talked with him about what happened to me with Shai and yes it really helped me to let it out but still. sometimes I feel scared when Chris touching me, when we fight I'm scared of him, I'm scared that he'll turned out like Shai and beat me, I don't know what to think, I play like everything is okey and cool but I'm sick of people thinking that I'm their property, touching me when I don't feel like it, and when Chris does it, it catch me unprepared but I'm trying my best to show him that everything is just fine. Chris suggested me to go to a psychologist, and I don't feel like it but I think I'll try it, so I called to a woman and she suppose to come today to Chris's house.
before I felt it I knocked out, like every time that I woke up I'm pulling my hand over Chris's place but this time he isn't in bed, I sat down so quick and got panicked, looking around the room and seeing Chris sitting on his couch in this room looking at me "babe I'm here don't worry about it" he said that while getting closer to me, he is now sitting on the edge of the bed facing me "you good shorty?" nodding my head feeling his hand over my cheek, my eyes closed. just to feel his touch clamming me. breathing out all the worry that I had. I don't know what I'll do without him, I think I'll die. "what's time is it anyway?" opening my eyes and seeing Chris is smiling "it's late, at first I wanted to wake you up but then you looked so peaceful so I didn't" giving him slight smile "thank you Papi" whispering to him. "you looked at me sleeping?" he nodded his head "I sat there just for eight minutes but if you asking me I could sat there and look at you all day. you are so perfect baby" bringing his palm to my lips and kissing him. looking at his eyes for a little while and he got good eyes, I feel in heaven just to look at his eyes "I love you" I told him and he barely could hear me "what is it?" he suppresses his smile "I said that I love you baby" I said it without confidence, his thumb rubbing my bottom lip and his full attention is looking at my lips "I love you too my lover, every time that you telling me this my heart skip a beat" kissing his thumb "you are the one who deserve my love" before I knew I felt him grabbing my face with his hands and feeling his lips on mine, it feels so good.
Dr. Weiss is here, I told her everything that has happened to me, about Shai and all my issues in life and I needed to listen to Chris, he is a bi-polar that's for sure, first he is telling me 'you don't need to throw your money on some stranger and tell him about your private life, you have me' and next he is telling me 'you should talk with someone professional, he can help you' so at first I really talked to him and thank god for my man he really helped me but than I thought what a professional person would suggest me. so I called Dr. Weiss to meet her, I came with an open mind. as far as I told her my issue she gave me her full attention, and to be honest all her professional suggestions are annoying me. I hate all this, this idea is dumb and we just 10 minutes into this meeting. I wanted Chris to be with me at the room but she said it's better if now, so I can feel 100% comfortable to talk about everything and to be honest she is right. Chris talked with her and told her what's going on with me, he told her what he see from his side and she adopted his information. "Okey Robyn, you are not the first and not the last woman who has been through something like this, every woman has her story, you got harsh one that's for sure, I listened to every thing you said and wrote it down" crossing my legs, my right leg over the other, she got me nervous. "listen to what I'm telling you, yes he used to beat you up, but just because he was wrong not you. stop blaming yourself. stop thinking less of yourself, you are an amazing woman, he didn't done that because it was you, he is sick and he'll do it to every other woman. you was just the victim. from what Chris told me and from what you telling me I think you got something called 'Dissociative Identity Disorder - DID'." I think I lost her "let me explain, it means that you are Repressing all what you have been through, you feel insecure about everything and everyone. you feel like you can trust nobody. I don't know about you but this sign sometimes bound interference in memory, you feel hard to express what you going or has gone througt" damn, she is good. all what she is saying is scaring the hell out of my soul because that's really what I'm going through, I feel like I can trust no one, I don't know to express my feelings, and all what she said is just me. she is good tho "there's some sort of difference things that can help you through this, one, I need you to stay the hell away from this person who did this to you, make sure you are safe. And I think you've got Chris so that's a good thing, keep Chris close by. he is a very positive thing in your process to heal your soul." I think I've got tears in my eyes, the only place that I feel safe is with Chris, he is all what I need. my guardian angel. "two, if you want we can see each other more or even if you feel comfortable to talk with Chris about it, let everything out, you need to settle your mind. to be sure you remember everything" nodding my head and wiping my cheek "three, it's difficult level, if you think about marriage or having kids one day you need to be sure that your guy you are doing this with he is the right person. and for having sex, after you have going through something big like this it's a big deal so take all the time you need, every person dealing with things differently, so just keep yourself comfortable and safe" nodding my head, thanking Dr. Weiss and sitting in Chris's office alone to think about everything she said, yes most of the things she said she was right, but Yes I know that I'm ready for Chris in anyway possible, he suffers a lot from me, no matter what's going on with me he is always there for me. understanding and welcoming me. he is my big love and I think I made him suffer with this no sex. I feel like I can handle my man, to feel him inside me, I want it. now.
Me and Chris laying in his leaving room watching TV, my leg over his leg and my head over his chest. my hand sliding down his body and rest on his dick, he is full dressed and so am I "what you doing?" Chris asking like he afraid to touch me, he protects me so much, even from himself. "I want you" Chris is numb I can tell "I'm yours from the first day we met" licking my lips "I want you like really want you, for now to make out" Chris's hand pulling my face up so I can look at him "are you sure?" nodding my head, damn if he only knew how sure I am, I want to make out so I'll knew after if I'm really ready for his dick. now he is laying next to me on his stomach, half of him on top of me, his hand slipped down to my pants, he got his hand inside my pants, his thumb is against my clit, He teases me, and he slips his finger into me with painfully slow pleasure. "we supposed just to make out" I'm moaning, Chris stoped and isn't moving, his finger is still inside of me "and I thought that is what we were doing, or not?" his breath is hard "no. no sex for now" moaning, the feeling of his finger inside me gave me so much pleasure "What?" I think he is mad "no sex..." , "no sex ugh?" he pulls his finger out of me and out of my pants "take", he traveling with his finger on my lips, and I'm testing myself. he push his finger into my mouth slowly just like he did when he slipped his finger inside me. he's is getting on top of me, placing himself between my legs, and here we are laying on this big sofa when all I feel is his bulge against my sensitive pussy. He squeezed into me and rubbed against me. "that is what you want?" he whispering and moving his waist against my pussy. "yes" I'm granted. his hand under my shirt, and before I know I'm shirtless. his hand on my nipple and his teeth rubbing my jaw line. "Do you know how much you makes me horny,Reina?" His voice is hoarse and his waist moves up against me. I'm opening my mouth to say something but I failed. I'm moaning loudly, he traps my lips, biting my bottom lip and drown with his Tongue inside my mouth. as he kiss me my hand traveling up his shoulders and the other hand on his hair, he is moaning and looking at me "ughhhh" , "you love when I touch you?" I'm asking quietly. he stop rubbing against me, looking at me like he didn't understand what I'm asking him "of course, I love so much when you touch me, Robyn. your touching is like a feast for a man who is starving" I think I'm going to die for loving him so much. he kneels between my legs in front of me to take his shirt off, he is now so close to me "touch me" omg my man. I'm pulling my hand to his chest and touching his chest' hair, he is following me and breathing hard, I'm leaning toward him and kissing his chest, my hands moving to his shoulders, feeling his hard line of his muscles. "I want you" he whispers, that's a green light for me. my fingers moving to his hair , pulling his head aback so I can kiss his lips . he is moaning and sitting. ripping my pants off me and at the same time pulling his pants down with his boxer too. "The penetration stage" he whispers and filling me with lightning speed. "Ughhhh" I'm moaning and he froze up inside me , holding my face with his two hands "I love you mi Reina" he whispers and slowly, very carefully make love to me until I'm falling apart, screaming his name and wrapped around him, don't want to let him go. I love him
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sinandredemptionff · 8 years
Chapter 14: Secrets and Betrayal
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Robyn POV:
I stepped onto the plane and took my seat. I waved to Don one final time at the window. He waved back as he wiped his face. Was he crying? I hope not.
"Mrs. Brown, would you like anything to drink?"
"Bring me whatever alcohol y'all have."
After two glasses of vodka and cranberry, I decided to take a nap.
*3 Hours Later*
"We have arrived." The flight attendant said waking me up.
I yawned and looked out the window. I saw our family car and Chris getting out with a bouquet of roses. I unbuckled my seatbelt and hurriedly made my way off the jet and into his arms.
He picked me up and we began having a makeout session. It was getting intense but we didn't care. We're married and we missed each other.
"Man you don't know how happy I am that you're back." He said.
"I think I have an idea."
"I gotta get your ass home. Come on."
"Where are my babies?"
"With my mom. She's had them out all day and they’re staying in a hotel tonight. I didn't tell them that you'd be back today, so it's a surprise."
"I can't wait to see them."
When we got home I immediately went to lay in my bed.
"It feels so good to be back in my own house."
"I bet." Chris said lying next to me.
"Especially being back with my husband by my side."
I cuddled up to him and he began to kiss me as his hands roamed my body. I let out a soft moan and he smiled. I climbed on top of him not breaking from our kiss and unbuttoned his shirt. The doorbell rang interrupting us.
"Fuck, who is it?" He turned the surveillance camera on the tv to see who was at the front door.
It was my girls smiling and making faces at the camera.
"My sisters are here!!" I said excitedly and hopping off of him.
"You really told them you're back already?"
"Oh yea sorry, I actually texted them when we were on our way. I didn't know they would come over."
"Tell them to leave."
"I'm not doing that."
"Unlike some men I love your friends but we haven't seen each other in months, and I missed the fuck out of you. This might be the only time we have to ourselves for a while."
"I missed you too honey but they're here now, and I'm not going to tell them to leave. I'll make it up to you, ok?"
"Fine!" He said and I gave him a quick peck.
"I'm coming bitches!" I yelled as I jogged down the stairs.
I opened the door and hugged everyone individually then we did a group hug.
"We missed you sis." Mel said.
"I missed y'all too. Now pop open that bottle and let's talk."
We got some fruit and wine, and went into the den. We sat on the floor Indian style.
"Tell us everything about NY." Mya said.
“Yes, how did you like my state?” Jessica added.
"Girl there's so much to tell."
"Spill it."
"Here's your phone. I'm going over to Trey's house to meet with the homies." Chris interrupted.
"Thanks and ok let me know when you make it."
"Hey to you too Christopher." Jessica said.
"Umm is someone upset?"
"Yea, he's cranky because y'all interrupted something."
"Oop we're sorry bro, we didn’t know."
"It's cool, bye y'all." He said leaving.
"You didn't tell us that you were about to give up the goods and now he's mad at us. That man is probably so frustrated." Monique said.
"He'll be ok. He waited over 2 months he can wait another few hours."
"Chile I guess, anyway back to New York. What happened?"
I told them every detail about my experience and showed them pictures of the new store.
"How are the people there? Did you make new friends?"
"She better not had replaced us." Mya said.
"I could never. I met a few nice people. What were y'all up to?" I said changing the subject.
"Nah sis you're not getting off that easy. I know you too well and I know you're not telling us something. Who was he?" Mel said and everyone looked at me. I didn't say anything and downed my glass of wine.
"Oh bitch!! See I knew something was up because as much as you talk about Chris I know you would've left us outside for the D. So spill!!" Monique said eating a strawberry.
"Don't tell us you cheated on Chris." Jessica said.
"No! I would never in my life cheat on my husband."
"What happened then because the way you're acting says a lot."
"Nothing happened. I met a guy named Don and we became close. I considered him just a friend, but today when he dropped me off at the airport something seemed off."
"What do you mean?"
“I think he has feelings for me. He didn’t say it but that’s the vibe I got.”
"I don't know what to say."
"Did you do anything to lead him on or think that you were interested?"
"He knows that I'm happily married and have a family. I would go over to his place for dinner sometimes and play with his son. We spent a lot of time together but I was just nice to him."
"Sis you're fine and have a dope personality, niggas are going to fall for you eventually." Monique said.
"What am I supposed to do?"
“I want to know what he looks like.” I pulled out my phone and showed them a picture of us from his son’s birthday party.
“Oh shit he is fine!” Monique blurted out.
“Oops I mean he’s aight.”
“Robyn, do you possibly have feelings for him?”
“Do you have more feelings for him than you’re putting on?” Mel asked.
“Honestly, I thought about it.”
“Giiirrrrl no ma’am. You can’t do that to Chris.” Monique said.
“Real shit Robs because Chris is a good man.” Jessica agreed.
“Y’all think I don’t know how great my husband is? Of course I know. I’m the one with him therefore y’all can’t tell me shit. Excuse me.” I said getting up.
I went to sit in the backyard by myself. I got slightly pissed about them trying to imply that I didn’t value my husband. I’ve been through it all with that man and I know him better than anyone. Those are my best friends and I didnt expect them to come at me like that.
“Robyn, we’re sorry.” I heard them say and I rolled my eyes.
“We didn’t mean to get you upset. We just know how much you and Chris went through to get to this point, and we would hate to see someone come in between that. Can you please forgive us? We love you.” Monique said.
“Ugh I guess I can and I love y’all too.”
“Now what you were saying earlier sis?” Mya said.
“Like I said I thought I had feelings for him but I realized it was only because he was there. I was used to having male attention from Chris every day that it was weird not having it until I met Don. He was there for me the same way Chris is except there was no sexual interactions what so ever, but when I saw Chris at the airport I was reminded why he is the man I married. When I kissed him again I realized there’s no way I can have feelings for another man when all of my heart belongs to him.”
“Damnit sis, you make me sick with this cute shit.” Monique said wiping her eyes.
“Are you crying forreal?”
“Shut up, y’all know I’m sensitive.”
“Girl here’s a napkin, but anyways I understand what you’re saying Robs and it makes sense.” Jessica said.
“I get it too. I mean you’re used to affection and attention, and when Don showed you that you developed a temporary grade school crush. It’s no big deal honestly.”
"Exactly!" I replied.
They shifted the conversation and got on what they've been up to. However, my mind stayed on the one we just had. I can't think about this anymore. Don is a great guy and he'll be perfect for someone else.
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Chris POV:
"Why aren't your women with y'all?" I said when I walked into the den of Trey's house.
"Because they're with Robyn."
"Right and that's the problem."
"Why is that a problem?"
"Nigga probably ain't have the chance to get it in before they came over." Trey said and they all laughed hysterically.
"I'm glad y'all think it's funny."
“Ok y’all, leave a brother alone. It’s hard when a man is going through a drought.” Jermaine said.
“Thank you, at least someone understands my pain.” I quickly go quiet after my last statement.
“Well I’m sorry I can’t relate.” Trey said.
"What about you and Monique?"
"Wait, you just reminded me that we haven't had sex yet, thanks a lot Mijo. Nevermind fam I can relate."
"How is that working out for y'all?" Jermaine asked.
"Pretty well actually, thanks for asking." Trey replied.
"No problem man."
"Back to the subject at hand." I said.
“Seriously all jokes aside bro, I told Monique to not go over there. She’s hard headed.” Trey said.
My mind keeps reverting back to Robyn’s trip and I can’t help but to think she isn’t telling me everything. I know that woman all too well.
“Y’all don’t think Robyn would…?” I can’t even say the word.
“Would what?” Mijo asked confusingly.
“Cheat?” I replied lowly.
“You never know what someone is capable of doing when you’re not around and I don’t put anything past anyone. However, in this case bruh no. That woman loves you too much, she has shown that. Why would you ask that?”
“I don’t know, it was stupid to think anyway. I’m trippin’ but let’s talk about something else. Trey, how is your relationship with Mo going?”
“Great! She’s given me what I didn’t know I needed in my life.”
“Are you two official yet?” Shad chimed in as he walked in from the kitchen munching on a snack. Trey gave him a funny look and shook his head.
“Just because y’all are my niggas doesn’t mean you all are free to eat me out of a house and home.”
“That’s exactly what it means. Stop trippin’ we’ve been tight since like the third grade. You’re practically my brother, now answer my question about Monique. She’s so damn fine with those slick baby hairs and deep dimples.” Shad continued to egg Trey on.
I don’t know why he likes picking at him. We all know Trey has a temper but he’s being extremely calm right now, thank God.
“To answer your question, no we aren’t official. I actually really like her though. She spends the night and we go out three times a week. Everyone in this room knows that never happens which can make this a good or bad thing.”
“Damn Tremaine I’m happy for you, don’t fuck this up she’s a good girl.  You need to stop playing and officially wife that. She’s smart with a great head on her shoulders. My baby did a great job looking out.” I said.
“She sure did, that’s why I have to thank my sister. Now do y'all want to get on this 2k or poker? Either way I’m dominating, this is my house.” Trey began trash talking, something he is great at. He thinks he can beat us all in every game.
“Nigga you know I’m always ready.” I called his bluff.
“Nah, I’m about to head out. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” Jermaine retorts. 
“Where are you going? I drove us here. Jess picking you up or something?” Mijo asked.
“Umm yea. Anyway just play y’all little game and stay out of a grown man’s business.” He chuckled.
He waved his hand in the air before removing his coat from the rack in front of him. I know Jermaine he’s very discrete. He moves very quietly when he’s up to something. We used to joke and call him the silent killer.
“Who’s ready to get their ass whooped in 2k? Come on down to the price is right.” Trey joked.
“Put your money where your controller is then Mr. Neverson. I bet three hundred dollars. Winner takes all.”
“Stop being modest like you aren’t wealthy as fuck over there. I’ll put up eight hundred.” Trey challenged me.
“Cool that’s fair game. Anyone else want in?”
“No thanks, I have a wife and a kid to feed. I don’t have the luxury of throwing money around.” Mijo laughed.
Trey plugged up the system and the game began. This is all or nothing and I refuse to go home empty handed.
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Jermaine POV:
I looked behind me to make sure none of the fellows were watching me. I didn’t drive over here for a reason, I rode with Mijo because I knew I had other plans. I walked a few blocks down from Trey’s house to my destination. I got in the passenger seat of the car that was waiting for me on the corner.
“Hello handsome. To my place or yours?” Her sweet voice sounded in my ear. A smirk formed on my face. When I’m around her I can’t help but smile.
“To my place gorgeous.”
After a ten minute ride in silence we entered the parking lot of my condo. I unraveled myself from the seatbelt as fast as I could. Reaching towards the driver’s seat I grabbed her face and began passionately kissing her. With each kiss our make out session intensified. My breathing was beginning to become heavy and she slightly moaned. I broke from our kiss and her brown complexion was turning red.
“Wow Jermaine that was amazing.” That was the first time we’ve kissed and it felt amazing.
After a couple of months of playing phone tag we started hanging out recently, and it didn’t take long for me to realize I wanted her in the worst way. I feel terrible about doing this to Jessica but I can’t resist her.
“No, you’re the amazing one Mya.”
“Here I was thinking to myself this night better be worth it. I left my girls to be with you. They also questioned me and gave me the third degree. I lied saying I had to get some sleep.”
“Well was it worth it or do I need to kiss you again for an answer?”
“It’s more than worth it. I’m starting to feel you’re worth it. Jessica and I have been friends since middle school and she has had my back ever since. She has always been there for me but I can’t control who I care about. I know I will lose my best friend behind this but I’ve been through so much hell, and you are like a breath of fresh air. I’m tired of hiding us from everyone Jermaine. We are grown as hell and should be allowed to be with whomever we want, no matter the consequences.” I knew eventually she would become frustrated. Women hate to feel they are hidden.
“Baby girl we will tell them when we are sure it's right. We are grown but I just don’t want to bombard them with this. Jess doesn’t deserve to be hurt and we’ve been together for a long time. I do still love her but it’s something about you that draws me in.”
“I feel the same way about you. I know this is wrong but I can’t help myself. If only you were someone else and not my best friend’s boyfriend everything would be easier.”
“Yea, but I guess anything worth having in life isn’t easy.” I pecked her lips and we headed inside my condo.
Jessica has been my ride or die for a long time and she has my heart. However, Mya is intriguing and I can’t stop myself from thinking about her. I haven’t told anyone about my dealings with Mya because not only do I not want to hurt my girl, I’m not sure how Chris will act.
Mya and Chris haven’t been together in forever, and he’s very much in love with Robyn but he can be very selfish at times. He’s a Taurus, who’s naturally bull-headed. I’m not ready for anyone to fuck up the happiness I feel and I’m not ready for judgement from the rest of the guys. They will rant about how I broke the bro code and say I should feel shameful. Mya is a special person to me in my life. Chris played her if we’re truthfully speaking and we’re not even going to speak on the bastard who put his hands on her. We will tell everyone about our blossoming friendship eventually. I know we need to do this soon before this explodes before our eyes. There will never be a right time to tell them but it has to be done. Either way hearts will be broken. Chris is my brother and I don’t want any bad blood between us. Jessica is my love and I honestly don’t want to lose her, but she needs to know the feelings I have for her friend.
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Trey POV:
As I cleaned up my house two hours later after the intense game challenge, I feel foolish. I lost my money to Chris and I’m certain I won’t hear the last of it. Normally I am the one who is amazing at shit like this but maybe I got too cocky. My doorbell began chiming in the middle of my cleaning session. It’s probably one of the boys. They are always forgetting car keys and cell phones. I opened the door and to my surprise I’m greeted by a petite Monique, who’s wobbling from side to side. She can barely keep her balance.
“Hey, I missed you so I told the cab driver to bring me over. I hope you don’t mind.” She hiccuped making her way through the front door.
“That’s fine babe. I have no problem with that.”
“By the way you owe the cab driver $80.50. I don’t know where I lost my wallet.” Damn I just keep losing money tonight.
I chuckled lowly to myself as I jogged upstairs to get my wallet. I came back down to Monique spinning in my bar stool. I see this is going to be a long night. I walked outside to give the cab driver exactly what he was owed and go back in the house to assist the little drunk one.
“Baby girl, how many bottles of wine did the girls drink?” I picked her up removing her from the bar stool. She needed to change out of these clothes.
“I lost track, we had good girl talk. We talked about everything baby.” She snickered. 
“What did you talk about?”
“We talked about you and how much I like you. We talked about some other stuff too.” I began removing her clothing one by one. I removed her heels from her feet. I took off her shirt replacing it with one of my big T-shirts and I removed her jeans, and swapped them out for some shorts.
“What are you doing Trey?”
“I’m trying to make you feel comfortable that’s all.” I sat on the edge of the bed and placed her in my lap.
I didn’t know what the hell I was doing but I began fondling with her hair to make a bun. Then I remembered the last time she was here she left a bonnet. I quickly went to the master bathroom to get it. Her eyes lit up once I placed it on her head. I have enough aunties and sisters to know that women never sleep without headscarves on. I laid her down on the bed and cuddled up next to her.
“Oh my gosh Trey you put my bonnet on! That is so beautiful!!” Her eyes are beginning to well with tears. Yep someone is definitely out of it. It’s time for bed.
“I’ll do anything for you, never forget that.” I placed kisses on the side of her neck. She giggled like a school girl with a crush. I don’t know what it is about her that makes me want to be all in.
“That’s why I love you Trey.” She mumbled lowly but I still heard her.
It feels like the room is spinning. My heart is pounding fast. I can’t say it just yet. I pretended I didn’t hear it and began kissing behind her ears.
“Just get some sleep little one.”
I know I feel things with Mo that I’ve never felt with other women and it makes me feel good, yet it is also terrifying. I have always had a disconnect from women until she came along and now I think I’m getting cold feet. She is more than a man like me deserves.
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the-oneff · 8 years
It’s been like a year and change 🤔 but we are back and ready to update more often !! Read chapter 1 !!
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chrianna-ff · 8 years
ChapteR 27:
ChapteR 27: It's February 19, which means that tomorrow is Robyn's 26th birthday, but she might spend it in the hospital cause two days ago she got really sick, her body got so weak and didn't have energy to do anything so Chris convinced her to enter the hospital. She was struggling cause her breasts were so hard and her back was hurting too to the point that she cried from it. Her baby bump just got bigger and bigger everyday and she saw herself so big but at the same time she knew that's the normal size of a pregnant woman, especially when she entered her eighth month.. Staying in this comfortable bed in the hospital was a lot easier on Robyn but Chris was so stressed out, he slept in Robyn's room on the couch everyday, and when he wakes up he go straight to Melissa's house to see Tina for a few minutes and take her to school. And yes Tina was so mad she couldn't stay in the hospital with Robyn and Chris, but she chose to be stay with Melissa cause as she said that Mel give her hugs so similar to the ones Robyn gives, Mel loved that and took a good care of her, she helped her with her school and everything. Robyn still didn't get the chance to see the baby's room because the same day Chris got Robyn to the hospital, the room arrived.. Tina, Melissa and Lele are the ones who decided where everything should be placed, the room was between Robyn and Chris's room and Tina's room, it wasn't the biggest room, but not small too. The baby didn't have a lot of things because Robyn didn't get the chance to buy anything on her own before entering the hospital, she begged Melissa to go with Tina shopping for the baby yesterday cause Tina was so sad and disappointed she still didn't do it, so she was happy to go shopping with Melissa but she also wished her parents were there with her. They got the important things every new born needs, if it was a boy or a girl. When Melissa and Tina finished shopping yesterday, they went straight to see Robyn in the hospital, they showed her everything and she couldn't keep herself together, she was holding the clothes her baby girl or boy are gonna wear soon and she was emotional cause she not the one who brought them.. Right now, Robyn's sleeping peacefully on the comfortable bed while Mama Fenty, Mama J and Melissa were sitting on the couch and having a conversation.. The doctors allowed them to be here because Robyn is in the hospital just in case something happens, she's not in danger or anything so they allowed them to stay with her. The doctor ordered Robyn to put the oxygen mask on for like two hours everyday, cause she had some troubles breathing, and they been giving her spacial food full of things her body need to get stronger.. "Tomorrow is her birthday, I don't know if we can do anything." Melissa said sighing.. "Yeah, but her health is way more important than a birthday party and some drinks." Mama Fenty added.. "I can't imagine her drunk, yes my daughter got drunk so many times but I still can't imagine Robyn getting drunk." Mama J said smiling.. "Believe me you don't want to see her drunk, she get out of control, she went dancing and laughing out loud in the middle of the street in Barbados once, but it was long time ago, before she got here." Melissa said.. "Yeah, every time she got drunk in this country we were scared she will hurt herself or something, cause she always drank to forget about life and it wasn't something pretty to see." Mama Fenty said shacking her head.. "Thank God that's over now, she's in a better place." Mama J said. In a few minutes, the nurse came in the room to check on Robyn.. "Good morning, I need to wake her up, do you know when she fell asleep?" she asked.. "She woke up two hours ago, went to the bathroom and fell asleep again." Mama Fenty answered.. "Oh, okay she need to eat her breakfast tho." "Let me wake her up." Mama Fenty added getting up to wake her.. "Robyn, wake up." "What?? What happened?" She woke up worried and scared.. "Nothing nothing, calm down.. The nurse brought you breakfast." Robyn nodded, mama helped her to sit.. "Good morning." The nurse said, putting the food on the table and sliding it in front of her.. "Morning, can I skip breakfast? I don't feel like eating." The nurse Angelina laughed.. "Well your baby feel like eating so you should eat, you need to get stronger." Robyn smiled.. "If it wasn't for my baby I wouldn't be here anyway, but really Ang thank you for taking care of me, I really appreciate you." The nurse smiled, she and Robyn made a good friendship over the last few days.. "Don't worry about it Robyn, it's my job-..." Just then the door flew open and Tina ran to Robyn's bed, Chris was behind her with some white flowers.. "Baby girl, I missed you so much." "I missed you too mommy, I miss when you woke me up, but Melly is okay." Tina said pulling away and smiling to Melissa who just shocked her head smiling.. "Ima be home soon baby." Tina rubbed Robyn's stomach and the baby kicked gently for the first time in a week, Robyn smiled and looked at Chris who was smiling too.. "Ain't you gonna give me a kiss?" She asked smiling, Chris walked to her and put the flower in front of her face, she giggled and took them from him.. "You always know how to make her smile." Mama Fenty said as a matter of fact.. "Chris you don't have to buy me flowers everyday." Robyn said but Chris didn't do anything but smile and kiss her lips.. "I need you to start eating now." The nurse said smiling.. "But-... Ugh my daughter just got here." Robyn said sighing, she really didn't feel like eating.. "No, please start eating, Ima leave you now but I'll come back to check on you and you should be done." "Alright alright, you won I will eat this." Robyn said, the nurse smiled and she left the room.. "So how was school baby girl?" Chris asked Tina.. "It's good, mommy you will not believe what happened!!" Tina said with excitement in her voice, Robyn raised her eyebrows.. "What happened baby?" "Mommy I dropped my books on the floor because-...." Chris laughed cutting her off.. "Because we all know you don't know how to move slowly." They laughed while Tina pouted, she don't like it when Chris annoy her.. "You better not make fun of her Christopher, you were even worse as a child." Mama J said making them laugh even more.. "You just love to ruin my moment huh mom." "Daddy shush.. I'm telling mommy the story." Tina said closing Chris mouth with her small hands.. Robyn couldn't do anything but laugh.. "What happened after that baby?" "The teacher asked James to help me." Robyn smiled nodding, she was so happy Sandy was treating Tina like any normal student now.. "That's good baby." Robyn said.. "Yeah and then she asked me something but I wasn't listening so I didn't answer, but she didn't shout at me, I was gonna ask her why she didn't shout but I just said sorry and sat down, she nodded and picked someone else to answer." Tina said honestly.. "Tina why you weren't listening?" Chris said, he didn't like that part, that teacher already don't love her so he wants her to do her best.. "It's a secret." Tina said smiling.. "What's up baby?" "Nothing mommy, I was just thinking about you and the baby, I was like mommy is sleeping now and-..." Tina was cut off by a knock on the door, a strange man opened the door.. "Oh sorry, wrong room-.." The man stopped talking when he saw Robyn who froze when she saw him, she just kept staring at him, Melissa couldn't find her voice to get him out of the room, while Mama Fenty was so lost too, she couldn't believe what she's seeing.. Why here, why now, why him?! "Robyn?" The man said making Chris turn to look at Robyn who looked really uncomfortable, nervous, and don't look so happy about seeing this man.. "This girl." The man mumbled staring at Robyn and Tina, Chris didn't like it and got up walking to him.. "Who are you homie? How you know my fiancé?" The man was shocked to hear that and it was showing on his face.. "Ohh fiancé." He mumbled, Tina moved closer to Robyn and held her hand, she didn't like how the man was looking at her.. "Mommy, why he looking at me like this." But Robyn was numb, she couldn't even move her eyes from him.. "Because I'm your-.." Melissa finally found her voice and cut him off.. "YOU A BITCH!! Get the fuck out of here right now!!" The man smirked and looked at Robyn, he didn't pay Melissa any attention.. "You bitch didn't even tell her?" When the man said that, Chris started to understand.. "Mommy, I'm scared." Tina mumbled.. "Don't be, I'm family and you're coming with me." He said moving inside the room but Chris got in his face, he had enough.. "Bitch who you think you are?? Get the fuck out of here I don't wanna see you around my family." The man laughed.. "Your family huh? Maybe you got her pussy pregnant but I did it first, that girl is mine and I will get her, so fuck out of my face." When he said that, Robyn start chocking on her food and breathing hard.. "I'll take my girl with me and you can't do shit about it." The man added.. Mama J finally understand everything, and rushed to Robyn's side. Tina on the other hand was so scared now, she just left the bed and ran to Mama Fenty who hugged her tight.. "I've heard enough bullshit, leave this room before-..." The man cut him off.. "Before what? You a stranger you can't do shit my friend. Stay out of it, that's my bitch and my-...." Chris couldn't see in front of him anymore, he was so angry, He's sure who's this man now, that's Robyn ex.. The man didn't feel anything but Chris punching him in his jaw, he got him by surprise and that's why the man fell on the floor.. "Listen here, can never get close to Robyn again!! I will fuck you up next time you come near my family!! And that little girl isn't your child, so I don't wanna see your face ever again. I swear I should just kill you right now.. FUCK OUTTA HERE." Chris shouted! the man got up ready to hit Chris again, but Tina's voice was louder.. "Daddy look at mommy.." Chris looked at Robyn who was still chocking bad and her face was so red, she couldn't breathe right." "God!!! Melissa get the doctors!!" Chris said rushing to her side, Melissa ran outside the room, the man shocked his head.. "Don't die we not done talking yet." With that the man just left the room.. "FUCKIN BITCH!!" Chris shouted, he was really so angry.. "Robyn breath." Robyn tried to breath right, but her chest was closed on itself.. "What's happening?!" Two doctors and the nurse entered the room with Melissa.. "She-... She start shocking and-.." One doctor cut Chris off.. "I want the room empty now, we have to make sure everything is okay." Chris nodded, carried Tina and got out with everybody, the nurse closed the door behind them.. "Whats happening?" Tina asked about to cry.. "Dont worry mommy is okay, they just wanna help her be okay." Melissa said rubbing her back.. "Just when she start to fully let go, he had to get in her way." Mama Fenty said shocking her head.. "What's his name? I never asked about his name?" "Chris you don't know his name?" Melissa asked shocked.. "No, I didn't and still don't want to talk about him with Robyn." Chris said.. "His name is John Hamilton." Mama Fenty said.. "I'm gonna talk to my lawyer, he will find someway to keep him away from us, this's definitely not the right time to deal with him." Chris said.. "Please try Chris, Robyn can't handle that, not in this stage." Mama Fenty said, she was really worried about Robyn.. "Daddy who is that?" Tina asked.. "That's no one Tina don't worry." "No daddy, don't say no one! He said bad words to mommy and you hit him." Tina wasn't gonna let this go like that.. "Come here Tina." Melissa said pulling Tina to her chest.. "Melly please tell me, I was scared." "Okay I will tell you, your mommy and I know this man for a long time ow, he's not a good man like your daddy and that's why he was saying bad things, but don't be scared cause that will never happen again." "He said bad things, he said-..." "Tina.. It don't matter what he said, he's not gonna get close to us again so don't worry-..." Chris was cut off by the doctors getting out of Robyn's room.. "Is she okay?!" Mama Fenty asked.. "Yeah she's fine, you can go inside and see your mother now." One of the doctor told Tina.. "I can?" "Yeah you can, she's resting." Tina smiled wide and entered the room alone.. "Doctor, is she alright and what about the baby?" Chris asked so worried.. "She's alright now, I don't know what happened and left her that stressed, but it's to healthy, we could've lost the baby and the mother cause she stopped breathing for a few minutes, I'm telling y'all it was gonna end up badly if she's wasn't already in the hospital and close to the oxygen mask." The doctor said leaving them all in shock, Chris couldn't believe that.. "Is she okay now? What we have to do??" He asked.. "You can't do anything but keeping her calm, I don't want that to happen again, I told you when you first got her in here that her body is weak at this stage, just try to keep everything might stress or make her worry away from her, she need plenty of rest." "We will doctor." Chris said, he wasn't sure he can make her forget and not think of what happened but he was going to try.. "We were thinking about letting her go home, but after this, she have to stay here." The doctor added.. "It's okay, we not in rush to go home anyway, her health is what matters." The doctor nodded leaving, and the family entered the room.. *Meanwhile* Tina opened the door to see Robyn laying down and she had the oxygen mask on, she was in her own world looking at the ceiling.. "Mommy." Tina mumbled getting closer to her, but Robyn didn't hear her, she couldn't stop herself from remembering everything, from the day she met John and thought he was a good guy to the day he walked through the door leaving her pregnant.. "Mommy." Tina said again holding her hand, that's when Robyn pulled out of her thoughts, she looked at Tina who was showing on her face how worried she is, Robyn held her hand and rubbed the back of it with her thumb.. "Mommy you and the baby okay?!" The doctor told her not to take the oxygen mask off yet so she just nodded.. "Mommy I know you can't talk but I love you." Robyn smiled softly and removed Tina's hair off her face. A few minutes later, the rest entered the room.. "You're okay baby girl, don't worry everything is fine with you and the baby." Chris said kissing Robyn's forehead, but she knew that already cause the doctor told her everything happen.. "When mommy is gonna go home again? I don't like it here, everything is white, every room is white." Tina said laughing.. "She still have to be here baby, I don't know when she gonna go home but you have to know that here is way better for her and the baby." Chris said, while Robyn wasn't listening she was in her own little world again.. "Why they don't have pink rooms for girls and blue rooms for boys? It would be more fun." Tina said looking around.. "Cause its adults hospital, the kids section is colorful." Mama J said.. "Can we go see it?" "No Tina we don't want you to get sick now." Chris said.. "Okay." Tina said and went to look out of the window.. Melissa sighed looking at Robyn, she had tears in her eyes.. "Oh God, not again." When Chris saw Robyn like that he looked at Melissa.. "Please take Tina out, I don't want her to see Robyn like this." Melissa nodded.. "Okay, just don't push on her, she will be okay." Chris nodded.. "Christina, I'm going to buy some ice cream and ships, wanna come with me?" Mel added getting up.. "We can get some for mommy?!" Tina asked excited.. "Yes, and we will buy some juice too, come here." Tina ran to Melissa who carried her.. "Call me if you needed something, bye." "Bye mommy and daddy." Melissa left the room with Tina before she noticed that Robyn wasn't paying attention to them.. "It's been months since I saw her like this." Mama Fenty said.. "Fuck that bitch, he had to ruin everything." "Calm down Chris, nothing is ruined, she will be okay." Mama J said getting up, she sat on her bed and held her hand.. Robyn got out of her thoughts, she was looking at Mama J lost.. "It's alright Robyn, we're here for you." Mama J said smiling, she always been the positive woman. Robyn nodded and removed the mask.. "Are you okay baby?" Chris asked kissing her forehead.. "Where's Tina?!" Robyn asked looking around and getting stressed again.. "Hey hey don't worry, she's with Melissa." Robyn took a deep breath.. "Don't let her go in the hallway on her own, she can't be on her own anymore." Robyn said, yes she was worried about Tina, cause John don't know that she's not his daughter, how would he know in the first place, he was never there and never asked about Robyn or his daughter.. "She won't stop worrying, listen Ima talk to my lawyer and he won't get close to you anymore, just please don't worry." "It's easy to say.." Robyn mumbled shacking her head.. "Robyn don't be like this, I promise it will be fine, I'm here for you." Chris added.. "Can you just help me to the bathroom." Robyn said lifting herself up slowly.. "You sure you okay getting up? I can carry you there, you don't have to walk and-...." Robyn cut him off.. "Just help me, I can do it." Chris sighed and helped Robyn who got up so slowly and went to the bathroom.. "Don't lock the door, Ima stay here in case you needed something." Chris said.. "I'm fine Christopher." Robyn said locking the door, she just wanted to think, without them asking her 21 questions.. "I really don't like what's going on, she was so happy before he came." Mama J said as a matter of fact.. "I wish he would just disappear again, I can't believe he thought Tina was his child. We should've told him the truth so he can leave us alone." Mama Fenty said, Robyn heard her cause she was leaving the bathroom.. "You right mom, he won't leave me alone until I tell him what happened, I know he don't give a fuck anyways, he just want me to suffer." "What do you mean Robyn?" Mama J asked.. "Mama, he didn't care when I was pregnant, you think if my angel was alive now he would care to get to know her or tell her he's her father? No he wouldn't, he just saw me pregnant again with you and Chris beside me so I'm sure he thought he would ruin my happiness. I know him too well." Robyn explained getting back in her bed.. "Really?" Chris asked, he couldn't believe a man would do that.. "Yeah Chris really, let's pretend that Tina was his daughter, he would want to be in her life just to ruin it for me cause he know I can't stand him." "Oh wow, he's really an asshole but please don't worry, I'm here for you and won't let him get close to you." Robyn nodded.. "Can you do me a favor?" "Of course, whatever you want." "I wanna talk to him, please see where he went before he leave the hospital." Robyn said making them shocked, Chris couldn't believe what she was saying.. "No Robyn!! I told you I will talk to my lawyer and-.." Robyn cut him off.. "Chris listen to me, you don't have to do all of that." "I think he should do that Robyn." Mama Fenty added.. "I need to see him again and this time Ima be stronger and I will tell him to stay away from us cause we don't have anything belong to him." The nurse knocked on the door and entered the room while Robyn was talking.. "Am I interrupting anything?" "No it's okay." Robyn said.. "You seem stressed from your voice, what happened to 'I just want to sleep the whole day'? Why you stressing? Just sleep everything off." The nurse said smiling and made Robyn smile, she was so sweet to Robyn, she been talking and joking with her since the first day Robyn got in here.. "I wish I can sleep everything off, but sometimes a person from your past get in your way and mess you whole mood." "Ugh, I know what you mean but the most important person you should be thinking of right now is your baby, so rest." The nurse said sitting down beside her bed, she wanted to take her blood pressure.. "I wish she would listen to you." Chris said.. "Not until you find John and get him here, without punching his jaw again." Robyn said, suddenly the nurse stopped moving looking at them.. "You the one punished John Hamilton? He told me he fought with someone cause he interest their room by mistake." The nurse said.. "Wait, you know him? Why he here?! I mean he didn't leave this building yet?!" Robyn asked, she wasn't gonna relax until she get this over with.. "Yeah he here but why you want him? How you know him-..." Robyn didn't let the nurse finish talking.. "Can I ask you for a favor? I know no one from my family is gonna help me, but you might be able to." The nurse nodded silently, she was so lost so she wanted to hear what Robyn wants.. "Robyn no! Let your man deal with him." Mama Fenty said.. "No mom I need to talk and deal with him, he need to leave us alone! I been hurt all my life because of him and what he left behind!! I'm finally living in peace again, I just wanna make something clear to him and I'm sure he will leave us alone, he wasn't interesting in me before and nothing is going to change now! He just need to know that Christina not his seed." Robyn said honestly not noticing the looks the nurse was giving her, she was gonna say something but Chris was faster.. "I will hit him again Robyn, I just can't stand him." Chris said.. "You won't Chris, just help me with this one more thing please." Chris sighed.. "Y'all done talking?" The nurse said making them look at her confused, she never interrupted them like this.. "What's up Angelina?" Robyn asked.. "I do need y'all to explain why you talking about him like that." "Cause he's an asshole." Chris said simply.. "Excuse me Mr Brown, I won't allow you to talk about my husband like this." Angelina said getting up leaving all of them in a complete shock, Robyn just couldn't believe what she just heard.. "What?! He's your-... Your husband?!" Robyn asked and Angelina nodded.. "Yeah, and I need to know what the hell you been talking about!!" "You should be aware of everything, cause you saying he's your husband." Mama J said.. "Listen Robyn, since you came in here I liked you! But this's unacceptable! Why you talking about him like that." Angelina said, Robyn knew she was innocent in this, it was obvious cause she was asking what's up like he didn't tell her anything.. "I think you do have all the right to know, cause it seems like he didn't tell you all the things you should've known before leaving to New York." "Wait wait.. And how you know we left to NY?! That was-... Like years ago." Angelina said just getting even more lost.. "It was seven years ago right? Believe me I know so many thing you should know, so please just bring your husband here so we can talk like adults." Robyn said, somehow she felt better about not talking to him alone, yes she knew what Angelina was going to hear would hurt her, but Robyn knew she also have to see John's real colors.. "So lemme guess, you're his ex right." Robyn nodded.. "Unfortunately I am." "Fuck." Angelina mumbled but Robyn heard her.. "Listen Angelina, I don't want him and I'm so sure he don't want me too, he left me to be with you. I'm over him and I have my own life and family as you can see." Robyn said rubbing her belly, her baby was moving too much since this morning.. "I hope this will go well." Angelina said getting up.. "Hopefully it will." Robyn said, Angelina nodded leaving the room.. "Well that was unexpected." Mama Fenty said.. "Yeah, Chris please send Melissa a massage and tell her not to come here with Tina, at least not now." "Yeah, good you remembered." Chris said doing that.. "Here, drink this cause you need to be calm when they return." Mama J said giving her water.. "Thanks mama, I will stay calm cause he's not worth it." "True babe, we have our future now." Chris added kissing her forehead with his hands on her belly.. "I know, I'm so over him, over my pain and everything, I just wanna be with you, Tina and the baby. Just please promise not to hit him in front of his wife. She's so nice to me.." "Even tho he deserves a beaten down but okay baby, just for you." Chris said, they waited for a while until Angelina and John came back.. "Take a seat, let's keep this respectful too." Mama Fenty said, John didn't seem to care what she was saying, he just sat down and his wife sat next to him. Robyn was looking at his eyes, he still have them cold eyes, he didn't look like he changed over the years.. "Listen here, I just want one thing, I want to know and see my daughter." John said not ashamed at all.. "What!! What daughter?!! No John no!! You don't have one." Angelina said freaking out, she didn't see that coming.. "I kept it secret from you Angelina, but yeah I have-.." Robyn finally built the courage and cut him off.. "No, you don't have one." "Bitch!! Don't lie to me! Do I look like a 8 years old?!" "Listen fuck boy! Call her that one more time and Ima make you stay in this hospital for a whole week! I won't let you disrespect her in any way." Chris said getting up, he really wanted to beat him up.. "Try to do that-..." Angelina cut John off.. "John stop! Don't you both see the woman pregnant?! Stop it!" "Chris calm down baby." Robyn added holding Chris's arm and pulling him down, he sat on the bed but kept giving John dirts.. "What the hell is happening?!" Angelina asked looking at them all, she wanted answers, Robyn sighed looking at John.. "First of all, you Mr Hamilton have to realize something." Robyn said, she wanted him to know everything so he can stop getting in their way.. "What?!" "You gonna fuck out of my life! You can't disrespect me cause I'm not your little bitch anymore! You hurt me a lot, emotionally, physically, mentally and even sexually-..." John cut her off, he didn't want his wife to hear that.. "I'm not here to hear that bullshit!!" "THAT IS NOT BULLSHIT!!! DONT YOU REALIZE HOW BADLY YOU HURT HER!!! AND YOU CALL YOURSELF A MAN!! YOU A FUCKIN PUSSY WHO WONT EVEN MAN UP TO WHAT YOU DID!!" Chris said getting up, he just lost it, he kept imagining the things Robyn just said.. "DONT GET INVOLVED!!! ITS NOT ABOUT YOU SO-...." Robyn cut him off.. "SHUT UP JOHN ! JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!! You don't get to talk to him like that because he's the only man in this room-.." John got up.. "Listen here!! I don't give two fucks about him-..." "BUT I FUCKIN DO JOHN!!! WHEN YOU LEFT ME AND YOUR FUCKIN UNBORN DAUGHTER ALONE TO STRUGGLE, THIS MAN RIGHT HERE WAS DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO GET A GOOD JOB AND A HOUSE TO TAKE CARE OF HIS DAUGHTER EVEN BEFORE SHE GOT BORN!! SO YOU WILL SHUT THE FUCK UP AND RESPECT HIM!!! CAUSE YOU NOT EVEN HALF THE MAN HE IS!!" Robyn said angrily! She couldn't handle hearing John saying that, Chris on the other hand was shocked to hear all of that from her, he knows she loves him so much and everything but this was the first time she stand up for him and that made Chris so happy.. "It's okay calm down." Chris said holding her, he knew the baby was giving her some pain from the look on her face, but she didn't care, she need to get this other with so she continued.. "What you did to me and my daughter is the past, I'm so over you and my pain. At this moment you only have to know two things, the little girl you saw a few minutes ago when you came here talking shit about taking her with you ain't yours! She's not my daughter too. She's Chris' daughter." "Well I don't care, I just want to see my daughter." "Unfortunately you can't see her cause-...." "You can't keep her away from me cause I wasn't there!! I wanna know her!" Robyn sighed, she wished he would just let her finish talking cause this was already hard on her.. "You can't know her, cause she's an angel now." Robyn said looking down, Chris rubbed her back.. "What?" John said shocked, like someone slapped him on the face.. "Yeah, my daughter passed away, before she got the chance to breath or cry, she didn't get the chance to know me.. Now you know what happened to her so please just leave me alone, get out of my life. I have a man and a family who loves me now, my future got better so please just get out of here and don't come near us again." Robyn said it all, she was tired now and just want a tight hug but she had to be strong, she didn't want John to see her weak again, not when she have Chris right beside her.. John didn't say anything, he just got up and left the room without looking at anyone.. "What daughter?" Angelina mumbled, she was so lost and disappointed.. "I didn't want you to know this way Angelina, I thought you know everything, but I guess he didn't change.. I just hope he's treating you way better than he treated me because you're so nice and a good person." Robyn said really meaning it.. "Can you just tell me already!" Angelina said, she didn't care about any of that she just wanted to know the truth.. "I'm sure John didn't tell you he was in a relationship with a pregnant woman before you left Los Angeles with him.. I'm sure he didn't tell you that he raped me and assaulted me and everyday, I'm sure he didn't tell you he got me pregnant while y'all were so serious." "What the fuck?" "Yeah, I knew he was in a relationship with another woman, I didn't know you but I had my own reasons to stay with him, and don't think because I loved him cause no I didn't and still don't." "Oh my God, and he knew about the baby?" Angelina asked so shocked.. "Yes he did, he even had the nerve to ask me to get rid of it but I refuse, after I told him I won't kill my baby he went crazy, I got a few kicks here and there but that wasn't anything, two days after that he came back to the house he kept me in, I saw you in the car that day." "Oh my.." Angelina mumbled.. "I know, I wasn't able to see your face clearly, and that's why I didn't know you, I swear if I saw you I would've did anything to warn you from him." "I can't believe this, Oh my God I do remember that he told me he needed to get something from his old house before leaving the city." Robyn shocked her head.. "He didn't get anything, he just told me to forget about him and that he didn't want anything to do with the baby." Robyn said honestly.. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know I'm so sorry." Angelina said feelings sorry for her.. "No why you saying sorry Angelina, you didn't do me wrong, I should apologize to you, I'm sorry you had to know like this." Angelina shocked her head getting up.. "Only if I knew, I never even thought he was involved with another woman." "It's okay now, as you know now I'm engaged, pregnant and happy, I swear I just start living again when I met Chris and his daughter, so please I just want you to do me one favor." Angelina nodded.. "Just keep your husband away from my family." Chris was faster than Robyn who just nodded agreeing.. "I will have a conversation with him, this won't end easily, he lied to me all these years and hurt you so much, and you don't deserve it." "It's okay, I'm sorry if this gonna effect your marriage." Angelina whipped her tears, Mama Fenty went to her side.. "Are you okay?" Mama Fenty said rubbing her back.. "Everything just crushed down." She said wiping her tears.. "Stay strong sweetie, you will be okay-..." Mama Fenty got cut off by Tina running inside of the room out of the blue.. "MOMMY!" "I'm sorry, she didn't listen to me." Melissa said following Tina, Angelina was just looking at Tina.. "It's okay, it's done anyway, hey baby girl." Robyn said smiling at Tina, but her mind stayed with Angelina, she felt sorry for her.. "Hi mommy, you okay now?" Tina asked.. "Yes princess, me and the baby doing just fine." Tina nodded and went to Chris' lap.. "Daddy, you still don't know when mommy can go home?" Angelina smiled weakly getting up.. "Robyn, I promise you I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep him away from you, I'm sorry you had to go through that, it's a shame on us-..." Robyn shocked her head cutting her off.. "No, don't even say that.. You innocent in all of this." "Yeah, she's right, don't feel bad about it cause you didn't do anything bad, just take care of yourself and stay strong." Mama J added.. "John is my problem now so I don't want you worrying and stressing, take care of yourself and the baby, I'm gonna check on you later. If I didn't, another nurse will." "You will be okay?" Robyn asked.. "When mommy is gonna get home?" Tina asked while sitting on Chris' lap.. Angelina smiled at her.. "Soon cutie, but hey did you know how much you look like your father?" Tina giggled "Yess I know, and I think the baby is gonna be like mommy." Angelina just smiled.. "God bless her." "Thank you, for everything and for taking care of Robyn." Chris said.. "At the end of the day, I'm only doing my job.. Now it's your turn job to keep her relaxed and resting, I have to leave now." with that Angelina just got out.. "Yo what did I miss?" Melissa sat down beside Robyn.. "The right question should be what you didn't miss, Angelina is John's wife but we talked about everything." Melissa's jaw hit the floor.. "What?? Wait wait how-..." Robyn cut her off.. "Not now Melissa please." Mel nodded.. "Come on now, no more sitting down for you today, lay down." Chris said getting off the bed with Tina.. "I'm fine Chris-... Ouch, okay I take that back." Robyn said after the baby kicked.. "It's okay lay down." Chris said helping her to do so.. "I thought this day was gonna end up ugly after what happened, but thank God! I think I will not worry about him anymore." Chris kissed her forehead.. "Yeah I thought that too, and I was gonna call my lawyer to see what we can do to keep him away from us but I think I will wait to see what's gonna happen." "Okay, can I have a real kiss now? Not on the forehead cause I feel like a grandma, no offense to all the grannies in this room." Robyn said laughing and made everyone laugh including Mama J and Mama Fenty.. "You're so random sometimes but okay." Chris said and kissed her lips, Robyn held his shirt so he can stay a little longer, she miss him so much but as usual, the baby kicked her hard so she had to pull away.. "The baby don't want you to kiss her Chris, it's saying that's my mom so back off." Melissa said laughing but Tina pouted and Chris noticed it.. "Is that right baby?! Oh well you should get used to this cause mommy is mine and Tina's too, and mommy love us all the same, right mommy?" Chris said smiling.. "Awww so I'm special?" Robyn asked rubbing her belly.. "Mommy I love you." Tina said.. "Aww baby I love you too, and I miss sleeping with you and your daddy on the same bed." Tina nodded slowly, she miss that too, now she barely sees her mother moving.. "Soon Robyn, soon." Mama J said, Robyn just nodded.. "Alright now you should have a nap, please try to sleep and rest." Mama Fenty said, she wanted her to rest.. "Ugh, baby don't stay here, go home and play with Rajad, Chris please leave with her." Robyn said, she was so tired but she didn't wanna sleep before making sure Tina is good.. "No mommy I wanna stay here, I will be a good girl I promise." "Chris Tina shouldn't stay here." Robyn said not caring what Tina wants.. "Babe, chill out, it's not like you sick or she will be sick.. Just take a nap we will be fine." Robyn sighed, she hate hospitals and don't want Tina to stay here, but it looks like she won't have her way.. "Alright, wake me up in an hour okay?" Chris nodded kissing her cheek and covering her while Tina just held Chris' phone and started to play some game.. "Nice dreams baby." "Love you Chris." Robyn said closing her eyes, she didn't know how sleepy and tired she was until she closed her eyes.. "I love you too."
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hwgaff · 9 years
30. Part 3
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Flickering my eyes open slowly seeing the sun peeking through the blinds of the hospital window I must have been asleep all night, rubbing my eyes stretching a little. It hurts so much to even move but I need to be strong and stop complaining, turning my head to the other side my eyes lightened up. I felt so bad seeing Chris sleeping in the hospital chair, he is knocked out asleep and I don’t think anything will wake him up. I felt emotional just seeing him holding Khari so close to his chest tightly, I hope he didn’t struggle putting him to sleep while I was sleeping like a baby, he is such a good baby daddy. My emotions seeing Khari and Chris just hugging closely sleeping silently, I need to get better because Chris can’t do everything. Pushing the covers back, this is about to be a painful experience for me to do.
Holding on to the side of the door frame, urinating never felt so horrible, that burning feeling was bad. Holding my stomach, feels so damn empty. Sighing heavily, Chris must be uncomfortable sleeping like that with the baby. Smiling to myself seeing the bottle of milk at the side of him, I really wonder how he dealt with this on his own. Leaning forward seeing Khari perfectly wrapped up with his pacifier in his mouth, my baby is so precious, both of my babies are. Peeling Chris’ hand away slowly but his grip seemed to tighten when I do, this is about to be difficult and I don’t want to wake him either so I guess I better leave them until Khari starts to cry to wake him.
Walking over to my bag to get my phone, trying to turn it on but it looks like my battery has died “fuck” I mumbled, shuffling over to the door with my flip flops and opening the door just a little “don’t look at me” I probably look scary as fuck “okay” I heard AJ mumble, I knew one of them would be here, Chris is such an ass to leave them all here “when you can I need a charger for my phone” he cleared his throat “okay boss lady” shutting the door slowly, I need to look decent, this dressing gown is disgusting and I feel dirty.
I just finished replying to all the messages on my phone, the guards got me a charger so I can catch up on everything. I am overwhelmed with messages from everyone and I released a picture but it don’t show Khari’ face, just a picture of Chris asleep with him in his arms. Hearing Chris clear his throat “you awake?” he said groggily, looking over at him “yeah, I have been now for a while. You and Khari are lazy as hell, I couldn’t get you to let go so I left you both like that” Chris got up from his seat half asleep, placing Khari in the crib “my back” he groaned “I’m glad you are looking refreshed though” Chris turned to me “I feel it, besides my pee feeling like I am peeing fire I am good” Chris leaned over kissing my lips “I need my bed, this hospital chair is breaking my back” he complained walking into the bathroom.
I received flowers and balloons at the hospital from my record label, it was so nice that they was thinking of us “Morning” the nurse said walking into the room “I came as soon as Chris told me he is awake” Khari is actually awake, finally “let’s not keep him for too long, he wants his food and sleep” she said looking down at Khari in the crib “I really can’t wait to hold him, Chris has been taking over” the nurse smiled “how about we get him out of his blankets and then let Miss Fenty have him” looking over at Chris “me?” he pointed at himself “yeah, I can’t get up” Chris sighed getting up “it will be good practice to do these things” the nurse said to Chris.
Once Chris was done taking Khari out of his blankets he gently placed him in my arms and I felt like everything had come together “my baby boy” I whispered stroking his cheek “you already mean mugging me” My eyes grew wide “you going to stop that” he opened his own eyes wider staring at me with his frown disappearing “He has your eyes” Chris said sitting down at my side “he really does and that Fenty nose” he has a combination of both our hair color “his hair is light too” stroking his hair “baby eyes do change color” Chris said sounding a little jealous “you jealous he look like mommy huh” smirking “but I know his won't” I replied confidently “whatever” he mumbled “watch him have your lisp” I chuckled looking at Chris pouting “you cute baby stop it” Chris was not amused and was side eyeing me pouting.
I stared at my son looking at every inch of his face. His eyes closed as fast as they opened, and I know he would be sleeping a lot for the first month or so. His nose is just like mine and his little lips “he’s going to have a perfect skin color” I mumbled, He is perfect. My staring was interrupted with a knock as a middle-aged woman with blonde hair came in “Mr and Mrs Brown” She said coming inside, Mrs Brown? I thought to myself but I left it “I'm Daisy Smith, the lactation specialist, you can call me Daisy if you'd like.” I thought the nurse was going to help me with that but never mind “Nice to meet you.” I said looking up from Khari “Congratulations, both of you. And who is this little man?” She said moving closer to me and Chris “This is Khari” Chris said shaking her hand.
“Let's get started before Khari gets really hungry.” She said taking out a small manual “here is a small manual that will go through everything I will say today. First thing first, breast feeding is very natural part of being a mom. It is the closest most intimate act a mom and baby can share. It is not supposed to be painful, and if it is that is a sign that it is being done incorrectly.” I felt all nervous now “There are many positions that you can choose from and you will need to find one where both of you are comfortable” pressing my lips into a hard thin line listening “if you would like to take Khari while Mrs Brown gets in position” she said to Chris.
As soon as Chris took Khari from me, I felt like part of me was missing. I wanted him in my arms again. Daisy helped me shift into a position “putting pillows behind your back to lift you up a little, are you comfortable?” she asked, I nodded “lower your gown” I felt so shy and this was so bad, Chris was staring hard “you want me to go?” Chris said, I think he felt like he was putting me off “no it’s fine” I said lowering my gown exposing my breasts. Daisy went around the bed and guided Chris on how to position Khari, once Chris stepped back and I had Khari in my arms “just do it how you feel right” she said, I calmly did what I thought was right and I was amazed at how quickly he latched on. It only took a little encouragement for Khari to get it right.
“See” Daisy laughed “when the nurse said you was struggling it was just you being tired, you have a little pro on your hands.” I chuckled looking up at her, Chris was behind her just glaring with his mouth half open, he looked more thirsty than anybody in this room “my son is a breast man already” Chris said aloud, I was waiting for that “he takes after his dad” Chris said so proudly, the nurse and daisy laughed “that is my boy!” Chris said cheering him on “Chris please stop” I mumbled shaking my head “please let Khari have his mother’ breast though, she can’t be feeding the both of you” Daisy said it how it is, she must be use to this so what Chris was saying didn’t faze her “we will have to see about that” Chris smirked at me, I am going to struggle to try and keep him away.
I smiled at Chris looking down at Khari who was sucking gently. “You will need to feed him eight to twelve times during the first month. Then your doctor can guide you on how to reduce your schedule. Make sure he feeds on both sides for about ten to fifteen minutes. He may fall asleep while feeding and that is completely normal.” I am so in love just watching him “Should we wake him to continue or should I finish for him?” Chris asked, Daisy chuckled “It's better not to, though you should wake him to feed which should be every two hours. Remember it is best to feed him before he cries at least for the first two months. Any other questions?” She said as she watched me making sure I was doing it right.
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I am amazed that Robyn's body had the ability to provide for our baby. She seemed so at ease with it, almost as if she was born to do this. She was a natural mom and I am so proud of her, I do feel a little jealous that my son is just chilling on my woman’ breast like that. These next couple of months is going to be torture and this is just the start, I swear I need sex and this doesn’t help. Clearing my throat “would she be able to pump so that I could help?” I asked as Daisy laughed “Mrs Brown is very lucky to have you as a husband. But she shouldn't pump until the baby is three or four weeks old. We want him to set up a routine first before giving him the bottle.” She answered as I nodded, it felt so weird how she thinks we are married “I appreciate the compliment ma’am” I said smiling “she is very lucky” I said smiling at Robyn, she side eyed me.
Robyn switched over to the other side and I watched as he easily latched on to her nipple like he did the other “perfect” Daisy commented “he doesn't even need me. I'll be back to check on you before you leave the hospital. I left my card in the manual, please feel free to call me with any questions.” she started walking out “Thank you” Robyn and I said together “You're very welcome and enjoy your new baby” She finished before retreating, I sat by Robyn with my arm around her shoulder, she finished feeding Khari “What does it feel like?” I asked as she looked at me “It's weird, it doesn't hurt. It sort of feels like a little tugging” She described as Khari appeared to stop sucking going to sleep.
“Can you burp him?” Robyn asked through a yawn, her ass is sleepy again “Of course” I said placing the towel on my shoulder and taking my son and propping him on my shoulder, getting up from the bed “you look so sexy” rubbing Khari’ back chuckling “my sexy husband” Robyn and these compliments.  After burping him, I gently placed him in the crib making sure he was comfortable.
After Robyn and I gave Khari a sponge bath and I watched on as she dressed him in the clothes she picked out “we can take the clothes off once we get home but look at him in his first clothes set” Robyn beamed, Khari was still asleep but he looked cute “who bought him this young Versace baby blanket?” I asked, my son is pimped out in luxury “erm I think it was Jen but I am not sure, it comes with a matching changing bag. So cute, look at him Chris!” Robyn beamed, Khari was ready to leave the hospital “you’re a natural, I am so proud of you” kissing her cheek “I love dressing him” Robyn pulled a baby brush and started brushing his hair slowly “man, you got everything in that bag” Robyn placed the brush back in the bag “okay you can put his little shoes on and we can get out of here” I finally get to do something.
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I have tried my best to look as decent as I can, I used one of Chris’ snapbacks on my head because that way my hair looks perfectly fine “you look good you know, even though you have just given birth. You already look like a woman on a mission” Chris complimented me “I am in pain a little but I am putting that aside. Being a mom and a wife comes first, also back to business” Chris squinted his eyes “I think we are kind of ready, he just needs to go into the car seat” Chris got up from the seat “can I ask something?” I said, Chris rubbed his neck nodding “did you get turned on when I was breast feeding? You was giving me that look” Chris chuckled looking down “yeah, I ain’t going to lie but yeah I did” my smile grew, he is not put off me “you’re so adorable” scrunching my face up at him.
He lifted Khari from my arms, he carefully placed him in the seat. Chris tucks him in and fastens the clasp at his chest and between his legs. From my vantage point I watch the special care he gives not to cause him any discomfort “you are such a blessing to me, Daisy is right” Chris stood straight looking at me “I try” he mumbled, grabbing the blanket “carefully place this over the car seat, I do not want no pictures of him leaked out” Chris squinted his eyes “besides you taking that picture of me and him sleeping huh? I saw the picture, I had drool mark all on my face” I giggled “that picture got a million likes so stop complaining” I wish I could make it up to him with sex but I can’t, he is being such a good husband to be.
Frank, Clayton, AJ and Marcus walked into the room “Boss lady, all ready for home time” I smiled at them all “yeah I am frank, you have a lot of flowers to hold guys” the all glared at the flowers and balloons “well we have two of the hospital security with us, paparazzi are hectic outside. We are trying to sway them away. We have got three cars and one is a decoy, the new range you have they are not aware of so we will get you out safely” they have really got this covered, they are good at their job. The boys picked all the things up and my bags “come” Chris held my hand and picked the car seat with his free hand “Frank up front and then you three lead the way” Marcus said smiling at Chris holding the car seat.
Taking in a deep breath, taking in the fresh air from the car park “oh my gosh! The family car is beautiful! White with black rims. Just how I wanted it” Chris does spoil me “anything for you” Chris said leading me towards the door, Clayton opened the door and Chris helped up into the range “sorry” I said, I put all my weight on him trying to get into this thing “it’s okay” Chris chuckled, he shut the door behind me. I guess my new spot in the car is in back with my baby boy. Chris opened the other side placing the car seat on the seat “shit” he said as his phone rang “Marcus strap it in” Chris stepped back, I am sure he could have answered that phone after.
Sitting in the back watching Marcus fiddle with the car seat “they make these things so confusing” Marcus pulled the blanket from the top of the baby seat, my baby is still asleep, he is so tired bless him. I smiled at him “okay that is that, here” he passed me the blanket to me and shut the door, shuffling in the back seat sitting next to my baby. I can’t stop staring at our son, its crazy how long I was in labour with him, I love how chubby he is though. Not even going to lie to myself and not say I am in pain but I need to have a nice warm bath and just get on with it, I finally have my family and what I dreamed of so I am not complaining at all.
Chris finally got in the car “what you doing?” I asked, Chris placed the phone in the holder “just my manager, don’t worry I am not doing no work. I’m going to be home” thank god, I need him more than ever. AJ got in the front seat “let’s get home baby” Chris said looking behind him “is he okay? I can’t wait to hold him” me and Chris are so in love it’s crazy “he’s fine, still asleep” smiling at Chris, he turned away and started the engine “is Marcus driving the SUV? Do we go after that has left so it can divert them?” AJ nodded “he is pulling out now, give it two minutes and then drive out” I can’t wait to go home and rest but I know I will have a lot of visitors and things to do.
The diversion worked because the paparazzi did not figure this car out because it is brand new, the car is so silent and usually Chris would be playing music loudly, my baby being considerate. Looking down at Khari, his eyes squinted open frowning “oh no” I said to myself, he was just staring ahead of him “it’s okay baby mommy is here” placing my pinkie finger in his hand, Khari gripped my finger and my heart just melted, he let out a big yawn before closing his eyes with his hand firmly gripped on my pinkie finger, blinking my tears away.
“It feels so good to be home, last time I seen this place I was having Khari” I am so glad to be in my own home, I smiled watching the gates open “I know I feel I have aged ten years” Chris said, raising an eyebrow “oh your heart pains have just started” Chris sighed heavily, AJ got out the car closing the car door behind him, Chris started driving up the drive “I need a bath, just a nice warm bath” Chris let out a low laugh “oh really, well baby the family are doing a welcome home party” my eyes bulged out, Chris parked the car in front of the house.
The family stood outside just waiting on us to come out “aww Welcome home Khari” that is so cute but I really just want to go to sleep while hugging our son together, I cannot wait to do that “what you smiling at goof?” Chris questioned, looking up at him, he is staring at me in the rear-view mirror “thinking how I want us in bed while hugging Khari” Chris had this mischievous smile on his face “well I was thinking something else” I can only imagine what he is thinking “you know, me on one nipple and Khari on the next” I scoffed shuffling out the other side of the car “baby that will happen soon” Chris spat, opening the door shaking my head, I need to stay away from him with his horny self.
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Closing the car door smiling wide at the family “Chris!” Robyn shouted my name “what’s up?” walking around the car “I can’t get the seat?” I chuckled “don’t strain yourself, I was about to help you” pressing a kiss to her forehead “you don’t know how amazed I am by you, even though you stank” Robyn gasped hitting my chest “hate you” pulling the door back seeing Khari all snuggled up asleep “I am surprised the family are not attacking us” Robyn mumbled “maybe they are trying to be considerate” I think I hate car seats already they are so fiddley “I think you just click it off” Robyn knew I was struggling “hmmm, why are these so  hard to do” unclicking the car seat from the base “ayeee” I cheered myself “don’t do anything too much okay? I don’t want you hurting yourself” I said to Robyn, shutting the car door walking over to the family with Khari.
“Momma!” I said cheesing opening my arm to hug her “my baby” my mom said walking over to me “I’m always finna be your baby huh momma!” kissing her cheek “of course, Welcome home” my mom wrapped her arm around me “it’s good to have you here, the rest of the family too” resting my head on top of my mom’ “grow up” my sister hit my arm “you ain’t gonna hug me are you?” furrowing my eyebrows “if you say please first?” moving my arm from my mom to hug my sister “you good nephew?” I said to Desean “he is so cute uncle” he said looking Khari “he get that from me” I chuckled “come here Momma Monica, I know you want some of my love” my mom came to the side of me “I’ll take him in” grabbing the car seat from me “you’re about to be my son in law so of course” Monica held me back “man, there is too many of y’all to hug” I said aloud shaking my head.
The family really went all out with the party “I’ll be back y’all just finna check on the baby momma” I said to Aaron, we only been here for ten minutes and I spent most of my time hugging and talking to the family “cool” Aaron said as I walked off, I can’t have shawty doing too much. Walking into the room with all the women and I stopped midway seeing Mijo with my mom, my face soon dropped “Uncle!!” my god kids screamed at me, this has to be some sort of joke. The room fell quiet, I don’t even want that fuck nigga near my son. Turning my head seeing Robyn holding Khari on the couch “what you want?” my sister asked “we trying to have a girly chat” pulling face “with that bitch in the corner? Y’all forreal?” all eyes were on me and I did not give a fuck, her celebrity friends here like I care “Chris” Robyn said “I just came to check on you but my bad, I don’t want that snake in my house Robyn” I can’t believe he has the nerve to fucking come “I invited him and do not do this now” my mom spoke up, I didn’t want to even know anymore walking out the room.
I have just had a son and my day seems to just get worst “nigga!” Starino said dapping me, this is out of control, how are these people entering my home “what’s good?” I put on a fake smile “congratulations on the mini CB, he got shawty nose” my nose flared up and jaw clenched “don’t call her shawty, she is Rihanna to you aight?” Robb came towards me “everything good here? We all good yeah” Robb laughed nervously “yeah we good, I think Staino gets it” Starino nodded “yeah my bad” how the fuck he even see my son, I am stressing myself out. I feel like my family is in danger, I dogged out this motherfucker and he is in my house “Chris I think my mom was looking for you” Robb said dragging me along “he invited himself” Robb whispered “just be cool with him, I know you about to snap but we keeping an eye on him” shrugging Robb’ arm off me “how the fuck you doing that huh? While y’all go back to VA me and my family will be here in this house and you have a fucking blood member I dogged out in this home, he could be doing anything or trying to figure out shit in my house. Robyn is about to fucking kill me, how the fuck did he see Khari?” Robb rubbed his neck “I kind of let him see” pushing Robb “I didn’t know what to do, we have to be cool with the guy” I fucking can’t stand these people in my life right now.
Everyone is enjoying themselves while I am just stood staring at Starino, I need to see what he is doing at all times “you good?” Lucien nudged me “do I look it?” I mumbled not moving eye contact “you supposed to be happy, you a dad now” I feel worse, I feel even more stressed and I can get stressed real easily “I have two people I hate in my home, how you think I feel?” looking over at Lucien “man, don’t let Mijo trip you. I don’t because he don’t run me” turning my body around to get a better view of Lucien “you for real?” I said aloud, the music in the house happened to turn off “he run your girl pussy though? Just because y’all want to play happy families I don’t, you, Mel and Mijo fuck y’all” Lucien mean mugged me like that would scare me “I will fuck you up, don’t fuck with me blood” feeling a pair of arms wrap around my shoulders “come on, look y’all just chill. Rihanna wants you” Aaron said to me “we all good here” Lucien moved his head mean mugging but I didn’t, I want to punch his bitch ass.
Looking over at Robyn and then Starino just stood right next to her “get off me” moving Aaron walking over to Robyn “don’t look at her” pushing Starino, people are just staring at me but my mind is just everywhere “I want to talk to you” Robyn said looking less impressed “upstairs, now” she turned around with Khari in her arms “I’ll be back” she smiled at her celebrity friends, they don’t really like me but have no choice but to now, rubbing my chin slowly walking.
Closing the door behind me slowly “I don’t need it” Robyn spoke “what?” I asked confused “you acting like this, you can’t do this. We have people that judge us already and you’re acting like a total idiot” shaking my head slowly “keep your feelings to yourself Chris, you hate everyone but you can’t show it! I don’t need you to be acting like this, it’s the first day having our son home and you’re worried about Mijo?” his name alone gets me mad “sorry for not being fake like you, I know you like to be fake with all them down there” Robyn walked over to me slowly “you’re going to have to get used to it, Mel will always be here and so will Mijo and Lucien. If you love me you will fucking sit in that room with me and not act like a crazy man, we can talk later because I need to go back down, do it for our son” looking down at my son sleeping “grow up and the fuck is Starino doing here? Chris what the hell, you know what I just want today over with. I am not fake I just know when to act out and when not too” Robyn shook her head walking pass me.
I didn’t want to sit in the room playing happy families with all the people in there but I have no choice but too, pushing the door open “congratulations” Kanye said out of nowhere, didn’t even know he was here “thank you ye” he got up from his seat to dap me “appreciate it homie” turning around “dad?” a smile formed on my face “you came here? What?” I said in shock “my first grandchild, of course” I am so shocked “wow” walking over to him, my dad got up from the couch opening his arms “I am shocked you left VA dad” hugging my dad “I am over the moon for you son, you can finally show how to be the man you are” moving back from my dad “you can show the things I couldn’t, I made so many mistakes with you and I know you will make a better father than I was. I wasn’t there when you needed me and I’m sorry” rubbing the back of my head “congratulations Chris” my dad’ wife said “we got you gifts, it may not mean much” she passed the gifts and kissed my cheek “probably mean more than what we have now, thank you” taking the bag from her, I am just in shock “talk later” my dad hit my shoulder.
Sitting next to Robyn with all the family in the room, seeing my mom and dad in the same room actually made me laugh because my mom hates my dad and his new wife. I hope me and Robyn do not ever end up like our parents, I really do want to be with her forever, I feel more in love in with her than ever before, it was such a special moment seeing her give birth “what was it like changing your first diaper son?” my dad snapped me out of my thoughts “erm it was okay, luckily there was no surprises” rubbing my chin smiling “wait till you get the surprises” my dad chuckled, my mom scoffed rolling her eyes “he has never changed a diaper in his life” my mom is being real petty right now “Joyce you are always putting him down” my dad’ wife said, Robyn hit my leg “your mom and Christine are about to fight” I shrugged not caring “what you want me to do?” my mom tries to be holy but when it comes to it she is just as ghetto as any momma I know.
My mom and Christine glared at my dad’ wife “who are you!? Why is the dog talking, look how you don’t know shit but try and sell stories about my son, you don’t even belong here” Robyn hit my leg again “stop this” she mumbled “can y’all just stop, least wait till everyone leaves if y’all want to fight” my mom waved her hand turning her body around “I do not have the time” she said “now you know why I’m like this, I get it from y’all” I said aloud, the room started laughing, this hostility in the room is not good and Robyn is not happy.
People soon started going home which was a good thing, me and Robyn are actually tired so we need to just rest “where are you staying?” I asked my dad “hotel, I thought I would take the kids around LA. Little time away, you know they love you” pulling a face “you mean they love who they are associated with” my dad did not look impressed “stay here for the night, you still my dad” my dad hugged me out of nowhere “I know I haven’t been perfect but thank you for asking, I just want the best for you. I don’t think me and your mom in one house is good so I will stay in a hotel, I will see you before I go back to VA” clearing my throat “moms is on some other shit right now, bringing snitches to my house and shit. But if you good then I’m good” so much has happened today
Calling Marcus’ phone “yo Marcus has Straino left, my mind has been everywhere? I want you to do a check around the house. The only people that should be here is my family and Robyn’. Do a head count” rubbing the back of my neck “sure thing and yes they did, maybe you should sleep. Daddy duties have started now” he chuckled down the phone “I know, I am now. Took me a while trying to get everyone off Khari, they just love him so much” sighing “aight, I’m going now so goodnight” disconnecting the phone.
“You okay?” my sister asked “I’m okay, just too much happened today. Seeing Mijo in my home and then mom and dad hating. And then they think why I ended up being like this” my sister rubbed my cheek “ended up like what? A hyperactive goofball? Ain’t nothing wrong with you boy, don’t mind them I just don’t know why mom does it. Funny how things are still the same even now, just think about you and your family okay?” I nodded slowly “yeah, I’m about to take my tablet and sleep. My mind is everywhere, I feel it” pushing myself off the kitchen counter “okay goodnight, your baby better not be screaming the damn house down either” I let out a laugh “for you I hope he does” walking towards the stairs.
Pulling my top off as soon as I got into my bedroom “Robyn?” I am surprised she ain’t in bed, walking over to the baby crib to check on him. Seeing my son all wrapped up in his crib asleep, my little light skin pretty boy “man I love you” cheesing down at him “where yo momma at” throwing my top on the bed “I’m in here” Robyn finally said, she in the bathroom “oh what you doing?” walking into the bathroom “well I have been dying to have a bath so here I am” the bath water half full barely covering her breasts “your breasts look full” sitting on the edge of the bath “stay away from me” she laughed, holding my hands up “I am trying here” I am really trying my hardest.
“Sorry about calling you fake earlier, I understand where you are coming from. You don’t like showing people your true feeling or give them anything to talk about. I wasn’t thinking and I honestly wish I handled myself better” Robyn shifted in the water to sit closer to me, she placed her wet hand on mine “you’re learning, things aren’t always going to be perfect and I know that and I dislike Mijo as much as you do but he is there and he always will be. Mylen and Maleah heard it and felt the hate, you didn’t even hug them. That happy Chris they knew wasn’t there, I understood from the situation that you are stressed because of Starino. I am not mad because you know your faults and I support you even though I wanted to scream at you but Khari was asleep in my arms” I smiled “since when have you become so calm huh?” she shrugged smiling “being a mother, something has changed in me” raising an eyebrow “sure you have shawty” getting up from the edge of bath “see you in bed babe” Robyn let out a sexual whimper “you have one sexy back Mr Brown” shaking my head ignoring her, she is trying it and I have to be good.
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Looking at my messy bun in the mirror, I look terrible and I just need to sleep. Took me forever to just get out of the bath and dry myself off, I was hearing out for Khari in case he does cry, this is all so new to me so I am ready for anything and I jump at any sound or movement, I don’t want my son to cry. Stepping out of the bathroom in Chris’ long tee, I gasped seeing Chris awake in his boxers holding Khari “Christopher, what are you doing? Is he awake?” Chris shook his head “nah, he’s asleep buy I never got to hold him since coming back from the hospital and I just missed him, he lazy like us and won’t wake up. Unless when he wants momma’ milk” smiling walking over to them “that is because his dad is after his milk, nasty ass” sitting next to Chris on the edge of the bed.
“Look at his tiny little fingers” I whispered gazing down at our creation. I can barely take my eyes off him “you know how sexy you look holding a baby” lifting my head up kissing his jaw “if only we could fuck” Chris think he is suffering, so am I “definitely got your nose and lips, crazy. My little light skin pretty boy” frowning “you call him pretty boy but he gets it from you, I can only imagine what he will be like when he is older” resting my head on his arm “you put on his gold bracelet already” I gasped as I toyed with the gold band on his left arm.
“Robyn, you don’t know how amazed I am by you, how are you? I want to look after you” Chris is so cute, I love him and his heart, he has a heart of gold “I’m fine, I am more than fine. I have my own family. You know when I heard Khari cry I fell in love already, I know how important it is to hear them cry so I was okay after that” pressing a kiss on his arm, I used my finger to smooth down the blondie brown hair of our son “I am so proud of you” He said pressing his lips to the top of my head I think you've told me that so many time now.” “Well, I am not going to stop telling you because you make me the happiest man on the planet” Chris is being all cute, looking up at him “I love you Christopher Maurice Brown” Chris smiled “Love you too Robyn Rihanna Brown” I let out a chuckle hearing that name “and I love you Khari Kristopher Brown” poking my lips out and Chris bought his head closer to mine to kiss my lips.
My body is still so sore when I woke the next morning and my breasts felt like they weighed a ton, shifting a bit in the bed I looked around the room and saw a beautiful sight. My sexy husband to be fast asleep in the reclining chair in the corner of the room for when I am in the room with Khari, seems like Chris has taken over and I am shocked I have slept through him crying, he must have been crying for Chris to wake up. Chris had him in his arms with his hand resting on the tummy of our new-born son.
My son. It was a thought I had welcomed into my heart nine months ago when I found out I was pregnant. I was going to be someone's mother, that wish came true with the man I love. Shuffling out of bed and walking over to both of my babies, looking at my precious baby boy, laying there so peacefully. He had his little fist shoved against his mouth and his squirms were starting to pick up signalling that he would be waking up soon again. I didn't want Chris to have to wake up, he must have had so little sleep last night as it is. Very gently I lifted his hand from Khari's tummy “Chris” I whispered “it’s just me” slowly picking him out of his arms, Chris woke up slightly “it’s just me” he stared at me in shock “go to sleep” placing Khari over my shoulder, didn’t even need to ask him twice because Chris fell straight back to sleep.
I thought to just get naked as life would be easy to just breastfeed but then I thought what if I needed to pull my top down for any reason, it wasn’t a good idea. I positioned my son so he could get his breakfast. The nurses had all told me it was best for me to switch breasts every so often until I was able to start pumping so that I didn't get sore on one side. It also helped to prevent Khari from getting too attached to one side over the other early on. He was very hungry this morning apparently. His little mouth accepted my nipple much easier this time as he greedily sucked away.
Breastfeeding was such a strange feeling. And as I watched my little boy nurse I couldn't help what ran through my mind “You are just like your daddy, a breast man” I giggled and caused Khari to jump a little, he didn't like that I laughed and this caused him to lose his spot but he quickly found it again and settled back down “can you really blame him? He about to be a boob and an ass man” Chris’ voice filled the room as he came towards the bed and sat beside me “Look at them boobs, they’re big” I swatted Chris’ chest as he laughed “stop!” I couldn't help but laugh with him. 
“He better not get too comfortable because I want them breasts back” Khari's little hazel eyes were wide open staring at his father like he was taking in everything he was saying “he don’t look happy, you interrupting his breakfast with your loud ass” Khari was totally not into drinking no milk now Chris decided to ruin it “you need to stop doing this, making him frown at you already” with my hand under Khari’ head and with my free hand I pulled my tee down “you’re so natural at this, it’s crazy. You ain’t just a singer and a business woman anymore, you a mother and a wife” that sounded so good, Chris pecked my lips as I was too busy smiling and then leaned down kissing Khari “did he wake up last night?” I questioned as Chris stood up from his position “yeah, I was going to wake you but I put his pacifier in his mouth and he settled down in my arms. I sat in the chair and I just fell asleep” grabbing the baby towel and wiping the sides of his mouth.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Ninety Five. Part 2
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Chris is just sat on the bed watching me get ready, I can’t believe Clinton wants me to take him around Barbados, I find it odd that he hasn’t asked his son but then again who would trust Chris, he would get them lost but I am super excited to take my father in law out “you know I like it when you got your toes painted white” looking down at my feet and laughed, he’s such a feign “please stop” I giggled “I’m just saying so you wearing a body chain? For what? You’re going to impress my dad that much?” This is what I mean, he has been watching me get changed for what reason “trying to make you my step son” I pointed as I walked by him, he launched himself towards me and held me close “Chris!” I spat, his tight grip around me, he isn’t going to let me go clearly “take it back” he’s so annoying “what if I don’t? What if I mean it” let me stop fighting him, wrapping my arms around his neck and then sat on his lap facing him “you got panties on?” He is checking everything “a thong, how you miss that?” I questioned; Chris lowered his head trying to look between my legs “don’t be so rude!” I spat, he is annoying “I like this though, body chain on means sex right?” I shrugged smirking “could mean anything really” I am not giving in “but it does though!?” He spat “mhmmm I want you to do something cute for me while we are here, maybe a nice little time away? Then we can think of sex, yeah?” Chris rolled his eyes, as he does “fine” Chris bought his head closer to my chest and started pressing kisses to it “I love you” I mumbled “you think I look cute then, I thought I would wear this dress, I was going to go bikini but it’s the father in law” Chris lifted his head up “I don’t trust you now that you said you would make me your step son” I snorted laughing “boy please, don’t be dumb. I am excited to take your dad out, I’m thinking on what to do though” I was going to get off Chris’ lap but the grip he has on me, he doesn’t want me to move “anyways Robyn, wherever your heart desires” Chris got up from the bed and swung mr around, throwing me atop of the bed, I yelled out “Chris!” He is not shit at all; he isn’t going to let me go.
Swatting his hand away as he pinched my butt, he already got me feeling weird, him and his quick sex bullshit “I am so sorry” I apologised to Clinton, it’s his son. Such an ass, I got all dressed nicely too but I had to rush to get ready “it’s ok, I will be back. Robyn is showing me Barbados” he explained to Joyce as he got up from the couch “oh that is nice of her, well you both have a nice time together now” shrugging Chris off of me, he is here all on me. Looking behind me glaring at him “stop” I said, I am trying to be strict on him, but I want to laugh also “go there now” I pointed at the couch “go and take care of Rylee now, I am over you. Erm yeah we will be back soon, I will be around if you need me” Joyce winked at me all excited, I laughed “don’t go too far now” my mother is forever worrying “I won’t, actually. Chris, you didn’t give me a kiss bye?” Chris’ mouth fell open in shock “you literally told me to go and sit” he groaned out getting up “she got him by the balls” Mel said watching us both “always, he knows that” Chris wrapped his arms around “I want that time away with you, it better be cute too” I said in his ear “no need too now, I’ve had the P, sucked the nipples I’m good now” he said in my ear “I swear to god” moving back from him to look at his face, he thinks he’s being clever “I swear” placing my hands on his chest “you swear what?” We both laughed “don’t play me like that” I shrieked out as Chris nuzzled my neck “get a room, boo!!” Mel spat “stop it now, let her go” Joyce said, he’s cute. I will give him that, side eyeing him as I walked off.
I wasn’t expecting this, I wasn’t expecting to be showing Clinton around, so I was a little shocked that I am, so I had to think on the spot and what better then to take him to my home, he’s like a father to me so of course I want to show him where I was being bought up and how I lived, just like I did with Chris. It’s weird because I feel more nervous bringing my father in law here then I did with Chris, it’s weird to feel like this “just here” I pointed seeing my home, I always get so excited to be here. This is my home, Westbury new road smiling to myself feeling so giddy “very small” Clinton said “I mean the street it’s just a small road with homes” nodding my head still looking out of the window has the car slowed down “thank you” I said jumping out of the car. I hope Clinton likes it where I am taking him “watch out” turning to him as he came out of the car on my side “it’s ok” holding the car door open, I can’t stop smiling “thank you sir” he said to the driver “he will be waiting with us” closing the door, smiling at the kids playing. My heart just being here, this is me. This was me just playing around “so here we are” my hands behind my back with the biggest smile on my face “it’s nice, it’s very loving. You can see the love, all of the smiled around. The people are lovely” nodding my head agreeing “it is, I would be running up and down this street barefoot. A little girl with big dreams, I wanted more for myself and for my family. So when I put myself forward for the exchange, mom wasn’t happy” shaking my head “I can imagine, your mom is loving and very strict. She doesn’t play around so I am shocked she let you go” looking up at Clinton “I begged a lot, I remember that night I told her it was a straight no” I chuckled “I remember your little face coming to the home the first time, Chris mentioned he had a friend. Robyn, can she come over. I teased him now, I said is that your girlfriend and I pointed at him, very stern because my son plays around and that day he came home, and I got a phone call too, so I was angry at him. He said straight no, that is not my girlfriend, but she is nice, and I think she needs a nice family to know, a black one. You were with a white family so yeah, I met you and I thought awwww bless her” I giggled “I was scared of you, sorry” that is not a lie “until I realised you was a funny guy, very caring but this is my childhood home, my whole heart” we stopped outside the home.
I am just realising that this place is not being lived in, I can tell. I frowned and then seeing this man come out with a paintbrush in hand “oh wow” he said in shock “what is happening here?” I asked, where is that family gone “I am painting” he said shocked, like he doesn’t know what to say “I can see but why? Nobody live here?” I asked “they moved; the government moved them. They live close by; I have to do this” I don’t get why “this is going to be Rihanna Drive” letting out an oh, that is right “they are honouring me, sorry” I apologised, turning to Clinton “they are honouring me here” I forgot “that is amazing Robyn, you have really done so much for your home country. You have put Barbados on the map, when I think of Barbados I think of Rihanna, that is how big you are and you are with my stupid son but that is amazing, what an achievement. I am so proud of you, I have been proud of you since I saw you on the TV, I am very happy for you” he placed his arm around me “thank you so much” he going to get me emotional now “I hope that boy treating you good” turning around, oh my neighbours are all coming out “he is, this is his dad” making my way over, she remembers Chris of course.
I was of course going to bring him William’s bar “no” Clinton said sternly “I will pay, I got this” my smile grew “thank you” I breathed out smiling “I will wait outside then” that is so sweet of him to buy me a drink, he didn’t need too. Making my way outside “Rihanna, can we have a picture” I knew those kids were following me, stepping outside smiling “mhmm I am not sure” sitting down on the step “oh please” they are so adorable “come here, as long as you all give me a kiss on the cheek” all three of them got off their bikes and attacked me “hey” I laughed nearly falling back, I giggled as they battled to kiss my cheek “ok ok, ok. Stop, now who got their phone” Clinton came out seeing these kids “me! I got it from my mom” he held the phone up “your mom about to beat your ass, can you take the picture for us” I asked Clinton “of course” the kids looked at me “who that man? I thought your husband white?” I snorted laughing “that is my father in law, and my husband not white. Cheeky” pinching her cheeks, Clinton took the phone from him “ok smile at the camera now, and then you go home and give the phone back” wrapping my arms around them “ok smile now kids” I smiled wide as Clinton took the picture “awww what a cute picture now, I love it. Here you go Young man” he passed the phone back to him.
Sitting outside with Clinton as we drank the drinks we bought from William’s “I want to retire to Barbados; you think Chris will do that? I am mean not yet, of course not as of yet but in the future. You think he would do that for me?” Placing my drink at the side of me, looking over at Clinton. I turned a little so I can see his face “my son will do anything for you” he smiled, he said it with such confidence too “you think?” I said confused “my son is a pain, I know he is, and I can openly say that he is a pain, he is what he is. But you have always been the love of his life, he loves you so much and he would move here for you” that is nice to hear “Chris loves you so much, I promise you now he worries about you. Don’t ever let the things that have happened cloud that judgement because he worries about you, he is hurting for you about your dad. Chris will move here for you” placing my head down smiling a little “I do love him too” which I do a lot “but tell me about you, what is next for you? I want to know about you, forget my son” I chuckled looking up at him “next for me is my album, the whole fall out with Chris inspired me” I laughed “it drained me but inspired my music so much, and it makes me laugh to think back to it but everything about what happened to us you can hear it in the music but it’s my album, tour and then while I am doing that I am working on Fenty Corp and that is going to help run my clothing line, beauty, lingerie. Whatever I can get my hands on, I will be dipping into it. I will build Fenty from ground up and everyone will be eating, and my kids, kids, kids will forever be good in life. But that is my outlook” I smiled “big dream, and I couldn’t be happier, for me now. It’s continue my part time work and retire in VA” he is such a calm man “you ever thought of moving out of VA?” he shook his head “but then I see this beautiful place, and I can see myself being here, but I have my daughter and grandson at home. I want to just grow old and be here for my grandchildren, I just want to watch them grow up but like I said to Joyce, I feel we are far from them, but we have Tootie at home, so it’s hard. But yeah, just be an old man now” he laughed which made me laugh “my door is always open for you, I think Chris is wanting to move to New York too, probably keep the home in California as a holiday home so you can always stay there, quit the job” he shook his head “I like to hold my own a lot, also gets me away from Joyce. Oh we have our disagreements still, women” he sounds like Chris there.
I knew I should have taken Clinton to a more local food place but here we are, this is the third picture I have taken with a tourist here, I am sick “do you ever get sick of people wanting picture or rudely taking picture of the low?” Clinton asked, nodding my head “somewhat but what would I be without them, I tend to like come to places that are more local but I wanted to bring you to somewhere more classy” he shook his head “you shouldn’t have, I am an easy going guy. I have enjoyed spending time with you, just seeing how you lived. I have enjoyed listening to you. I want to know you’re ok, I have known you since you were a teenager and I am glad that I did, nobody knows that ide to you. How are you feeling? My son did mention something, your sadness towards your father. I never really known the background of your father, I met him of course but we kept it mutual. He seemed to be very kind to me but only you know your dad” nodding my head agreeing “yeah” I dragged out “I envy Chris, he has you as a father. The best father figure” I complimented “why envy Chris, come on now Robyn. I am here for you as much as I am there for him, I am a phone call away” licking my lips putting my head down “that is so sweet” looking up at him “thank you” I breathed out “I uhm, I just can’t understand why he can’t just I don’t know, spend time with me like you are with me now, and I feel so happy that you are but also I don’t get why my dad can’t just say that, it’s been hard for me to accept that my dad isn’t the man I thought he was, I actually knew that. I did, but I wanted him to change, you know?” Clinton sat forward “oh yeah, you see the good in people, you always want the person you want to change but sometimes they can’t be helped, and you do need to let them go” don’t I know it.
Clinton has really made me happy but he just brings the things I crave, not in a bad way but that fatherly love “my dad has been the worst person in my life, this is why for my daughter I would do anything for her, I want her to have the love I didn’t get from her father. This is why I am saying it to Chris, my dad hurt my mother so much. Mentally and physically and I hate talking about it but he didn’t want to know me until I made it, I was then his daughter. It hurts to speak on this but it’s what I need to say to him, you did it to me but not my daughter. He didn’t check on her, I could have lost my daughter. He has sold stories on me, spent money of mine. This is from when I was in America, that time when I was coming to your home, and when Chris would buy my lunch. The time when you was assuming Chris was buying cigarettes and booze, he was buying my lunch” Clinton nodded his head “he admitted to me and that is when we wanted to do more for you” I hate talking on this “he wasn’t shit then and he isn’t shit now, I then thought to myself I can never love, then it affected me when I would date. I feel like the respect wasn’t there for me, I was pretty fatherless but my mother, she is my rock. She loves me, builds me up” Clinton has such a warm smile “she is a beautiful strong woman, I have enjoyed my time with her. I think you both are very strong women, dominate. And it happens when women like yourselves don’t have a man to help them in life, my daughter is always forever calling me and she knows I am there when she needs it, this what happens when women don’t have that man to lean on. I think personally you both have done amazing, I have said it to Monica, and I will say it to you again, I am he if you need me whenever. I think your brothers have been affected too, I feel you will grow once you but that line with him though. He shouldn’t be allowed to even have that power over you. I want you to be strong and face him” Clinton means that “you think I am strong enough? I get weak” I said “I think you are, I can see in your eyes that you have had enough, come here” Clinton got up from the seat gesturing for a hug, getting up from the chair “let me hug my daughter” hugging Clinton, I was waiting for him to finish it off and say daughter in law but he didn’t, a little sob left my lips “you’re a good woman Robyn” he said, my heart right now.
I keep thinking that I cried hearing that form Clinton “I could spend so much more time with you, it’s a shame it’s late” it is late now, we are going back home. We have spent literally all that time with each other “am I not boring? Your son would say I am” rolling my eyes “you both seem to be very much in love, I see me and Joyce in you both. Chris is very stuck on you and what you both have is magical. Don’t forgot that the thing that brings you both together is love. That childhood love, you know how fun it was to watch you both, especially Chris. He hated me saying that you like her, oh no I don’t she is a friend. She just likes hanging with us, but son she is pretty. No I don’t like her, that was always the conversation” I cooed out “he is obsessed with me” walking into the home “y’all took ages!” I laughed out “how the hell you know I was back?” that is weird “oh we heard the car pull up and I was like let me see, dad I will pay you later. Thank you for taking her out” Chris said, squinting my eyes at him “shut up” annoying ass “son, stop being stupid now. Let’s just say, you have a very strong wife, she deserves all the good” Clinton is so sweet “she does, she has me” rolling my eyes, of course he would say that.
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