lasseling · 3 months
Candace Owens Shares Clip of TPUSA Attendees Chanting “Christ is King”
At this year’s Chapter Leadership Summit (CLS) for Turning Point USA, the campus conservative group founded by Charlie Kirk, conservative commentator Candace Owens was greeted by a chant of “Christ is King.”
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angelicscorn · 5 months
This weeks Christian Posts
Matthew 24 interpretation #Faith #Christianity #ChristIsKing #ChristianEducators #Christian #BibleStudy #BibleQuiz #FaithSaterday https://angelicscorn.co.uk/faith-saterday-handbook/#matthew24
The End #Faith #Christianity #ChristIsKing #ChristianEducators #Christian #BibleStudy #BibleQuiz #FaithSaterday https://angelicscorn.co.uk/faith-saterday-handbook/#theend
Malachi interpretation #Faith #Christianity #ChristIsKing #ChristianEducators #Christian #BibleStudy #BibleQuiz #FaithSaterday https://angelicscorn.co.uk/faith-saterday-handbook/#malachiE
The Seven Seals #Christianity #ChristIsKing #ChristianEducators #Christian #BibleStudy #BibleQuiz #FaithSaterday https://angelicscorn.co.uk/faith-saterday-handbook/#sevenseals
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gossipwithjesus · 13 days
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homespundiscos · 1 month
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First World
The Sword
Gold Coast
Rome Fell Down
Dream Lover (Bobby Darin)
Jesus Lake
A Boy Named Tsunami
Mỹ Toàn
Austrian Holiday
Dwarves & Rope
On The Glow
Takes A Murderer
The Wheel
Stone’s Throw
Homespun Discos 2024
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dannyboyv713 · 4 months
‭Isaiah 43:2 NIV‬
[2] When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.
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spiritsoulandbody · 6 months
#DailyDevotion Praise Be To The King Of Israel
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#DailyDevotion Praise Be To The King Of Israel Psalm 146 5Blessed are you if your help is Jacob's God, and your hope is the LORD your God, 6Who made heaven and earth, the sea and everything in them. He will always be faithful, 7provide justice for the oppressed, and give the hungry food. The LORD sets prisoners free; 8the LORD gives sight to the blind; the LORD raises those who are bowed down; the LORD loves the righteous; 9the LORD protects strangers; He makes orphans and widows happy again, but ruins the way of the wicked. 10The LORD will rule forever; your God, O Zion, will rule through all the ages. Praise the LORD! The psalmist continues to give reason to give praise to the LORD our God. First he bestows this blessing on those who looked to Jacob's God for help and whose hope is in the LORD your God. It is interesting that he reaches far back could Jacob for this. You may remember that Jacob had to flee his brother Esau stealing his birthright. Along the way he had a vision of the LORD, he made a vow to give a lord a tenth of everything he would be blessed with, if the LORD would protect him. Remember how he was cheated by his uncle Laban and later chased down by him. Then he had to struggle with God in a wrestling match. Finally he would face his brother Esau again. He went forth and came back trusting in the LORD to take care of him. In similar fashion if we wish to be blessed we should make Jacob's God our help and the Lord our God our hope. That God is our LORD Jesus Christ. See how the psalmist identifies his God. He is the god who made heaven and earth the sea and everything in them. Paul tells us in Colossians 1, “15He is the Image of the invisible God, the Firstborn over all creation, 16since in Him was created everything visible and invisible in heaven and on earth — thrones, lords, rulers, or powers — everything was created by Him and for Him. 17He was before everything, and He holds everything together.” This is the One who is our help and is our hope. In verses 6 through 9 he describes the ministry of Jesus. Jesus is the one who is faithful. Jesus provided justice for those who were oppressed. Jesus fed the hungry with food 5,000 at one time for 4,000 at another. Jesus gave many of those who were blind their side and death they're hearing and the mute their speech. Jesus raised up those were bowed down by the guilt of their sins. You see him in his ministry making widows and orphans happy again. Several times we see Him frustrate the way of the wicked. Jesus, through his church, continues to reach out and be the source of many of these blessings. It is the work of Christ through His body. Jesus of course will completely fulfill this at the end of the ages. He will raise up all the dead, give eternal life to those who put their faith in Him and put into everlasting darkness all of the wicked who opposed His free gift of eternal life. We will be free from these mortal coils as we put on immortality and light. Those who made Him their hope and trust will live and reign with Him forever. A closing verse declares how the LORD will rule forever and how He will rule throughout all the ages. The charges placed above His head on the cross, Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews, We will see fully enacted when we see Him again coming with the clouds with all His holy armies. When we see Him, We shall see how He is truly the King of all ages upon ages. We shall see how He reigned from the beginning to the end. Then we will praise Him and bless him forever and ever. Almighty God, merciful Father, Give us lips that sing and tongues that praise you for all of your glory, for sending Your Son Jesus Christ into the world to be our Savior and our King. Give us Your Holy Spirit so He may always be our help and our trust in all times and all situations. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen Read the full article
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badbirdnews · 6 months
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A host from the Daily Wire found himself at the center of a swirling controversy
His crime? Merely uttering the words “Christ is King.” Little did he know that this seemingly innocuous statement would unleash a storm of accusations and intense backlash. Accusations of anti-Semitism were hurled at him from all directions, as if his very words had become a weapon of division and hatred. It is a sad state of affairs when expressing one’s faith and acknowledging the central figure of Christianity is met with such hostility.
The host’s intentions were pure, driven by a deep-rooted belief in the divinity of Christ. Yet, his words were twisted and distorted, turning a simple proclamation into an accusation of bigotry. The backlash that followed was swift and severe, with critics condemning him for supposedly disregarding the beliefs and sensitivities of others. But what about his own beliefs? Should he not have the freedom to express his faith without fear of retribution?
This incident serves as a stark reminder of the increasingly intolerant world we live in. It highlights how any expression of religious faith, particularly Christianity, is often met with suspicion and scorn. It is an unfortunate reality that in our quest for inclusivity, we have become blind to the sacredness of individual beliefs. The host’s words should have been seen as an expression of his personal devotion, rather than an attack on any particular group.
In the end, this controversy reveals more about society’s deep-seated biases and prejudices than it does about the host himself. It is a call for introspection and a reminder that true tolerance means respecting and embracing diverse perspectives, even when they challenge our own. Let us strive for a world where expressing one’s faith is met with understanding and acceptance, rather than hostility and backlash.
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biblicalsignsith · 6 months
KANYE GONE CRAZY: Anti-Semitic Tirades, Having "Issues With Jesus" and Claiming to Be God Prove Kanye West Was Never Truly Saved
“Thou hast said in thine heart… I will be like the most High (GOD).” – Isaiah 14:13-14 “Jesus said, Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many…
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cking398 · 4 days
(cont....) Chapter 4
Finally, after a few months at KGI I was making 50,000 USD a month. And getting rich slowly but surely. The path to untold wealth seemed clear to me. It was obvious, China was growing, volumes would grow. I had all the contacts. I was making 50k USD a month and this was during SARS, when volumes on the exchange plummeted. Unless the world came to an end, I knew I was sitting on a winning lottery ticket. Volumes would recover and I would really start printing money. It had taken me 6 years. I won't tell you I worked particularly hard, but I like to think I worked smart. The listed derivatives market was only open from 9:45 to 12:30 and from 14:30 to 16:15. That gave me 2 hours for lunch. I only had to arrive at work at around 9:15 when I worked at KGI because I no longer covered Japan or Taiwan. After I hired an assistant I could leave when the market closed. Daisy, my assistant, could do the back office work. 
I also had stayed loyal to Hong Kong when everyone else left after the Asian Financial Crisis. I had stuck it out in Hong Kong during Sars. I had nurtured all the right relationships. Sure, I had been lucky, I had been lucky enough to join the best equity derivatives broking team in Hong Kong in 1996: FIMAT. However, it's not like the team of Fimat gave away their secrets. I sat there everyday from 8am to 6pm everyday observing and learning. Maybe 18 months into the work, a light switch had been triggered in my brain, I got the game. From that moment on I knew enough parts of the game to know I could be really good at it. It was like a Eureka moment and since that day the prestige I had amongst my peers grew. I focused on gaining the respect of the clients, not the money and I succeeded. By 2002, I was really starting to get there.
I had no enemies at work. I cannot for the life of me remember one instance apart from the grandmother story when a client was rude to me over the phone. I was literally King. Things changed with the arrival of three different characters into my life. Nick, Vahe, and Sophie (names changed). Nick was one of the best friends of my brother James. I had never really been friends with this guy in the British School of Brussels, I did not think much of him when in school. The only memory I had of him from this time was when he was the auditorium attendant at school during a video showing at lunch. The auditorium was empty, the film was boring. My mates and I had wandered in, taken seats and put our feet up on the seats in front. This jackass came over and told us to take our feet off the seats in front. That was the only memory I had of this guy. 
Nick had been a trader at a bank in Singapore on the interest rate desk. His bank had merged with another German bank and he was fired. Surplus to requirements. Luckily his wife had found a good job at the American School in Hong Kong as an administrator. The job came with a big apartment. He arrived in the year 2000 after I had changed companies and was working for myself at KGI. Not knowing anyone else in Hong Kong, he called me. We would get pissed together on many a Sunday. Generally, we would drink in Stanley, a small village near the city of Hong Kong. People from the British School of Brussels generally have the same sense of humor. So it was fun to get to know him. He would invite me round to his place, his wife was a good cook and I appreciated a proper home-cooked meal every now and again. When he got drunk, he would moan about his family life. His wife had a son from a previous relationship. Nick and his stepson had a difficult relationship. Never complain, never explain, guess he had never been taught that one. On the whole, however, we got along well. After he found out how much I was making he continuously asked me for a job.
Horse Racing night was every Wednesday on Hong Kong island. The racetrack is in Happy Valley surrounded by skyscrapers. On a particularly nice evening sometime in the year 2000, I was out with some clients of mine, more friends than clients really, and I invited him to join us. He got drunk as was his custom but he did not make a good impression. Generally, people wait before they take the piss out of people they do not know. Nick didn’t. There was a good friend of mine called Tony. Around the same age as me at the time, 27, I had been on holiday with him in Sydney over a weekend. We were close. He was in charge of market making for an Options market maker called Optiver. I would call him to get prices and he traded decent size. Anyway, I told Nick, in front of Tony, that the market’s nickname for him was ‘one lot’ because he traded such small sizes. I was just joshing Tony. It was not true, if anything he was the biggest market maker by volume at the time in the market. It was meant in jest but Nick found this hilarious and called him one lot for the rest of the night, needless to say, this did not endear him to Tony. The other guy I introduced him to was called Jean-Guy and he was similarly unimpressed after Nick made stupid jokes at his expense. First impressions count, and he had fluffed it. When I asked these guys the following day what they thought about Nick. They both tried to dissuade me from hiring him.
A few months passed. The begging for a job was relentless. It was literally every time I saw him. Seeing as he was basically offering to work for free. I thought, what harm could come of it? I hired him, I dictated the terms. The deal I proposed was, that he would get 25k HKD (around 3k USD) for six months, the time I thought it would take him to learn the job, after which I would give him 20 percent of the profit, at the time this would give him a monthly income of 80k HKD (around 10k USD). He accepted without a second thought. If profits grew, as I expected, it would be much more. Bear in mind that my starting salary as a broker had been 18k HKD and when I left Fimat, it was only 49,500 HKD. So I figured 25k HKD was an okay amount to bear for 6 months, especially as he had the apartment and his living expenses covered by his wife. He had applied for positions everywhere in Hong Kong. He got very few responses. No offers. So really I was his lifeline. Without me, he was staring retirement in the face at 29. 80k HKD (10k USD) per month, with only 16 percent income tax in Hong Kong, he was going to be on a decent expat wage.
Vahe worked for Credit Lyonnais, a French bank, smart as a tack, but he had a horrible attitude and viewed brokers, as far as Chris could tell, as little better than pond scum. When I met this client socially, he was always cordial. His main topic of conversation seemed to be complaining about his boss. He would put his bad attitude down to the stress he received from his boss. For me, brokerage was simply a way to make a buck, it did not define him as a person. He thought otherwise. I treated it as a game. He thought about it as life and death. If I could retire early, make enough money, and get out, then that was just a byproduct of doing a good job. Being a good capitalist. University had filled me with the teachings of the boys from the Chicago School of Economics and I believed this, later, I would reassess my beliefs on the ‘free markets’. 
Sophie was a bar manager in Lan Kwai Fong, a popular nightlife area in Hong Kong before I married her. If ever a devout atheist existed, it was her. So were my parents, it made little difference to me. I had not pondered the religious questions yet. So long as the person's heart was in the right place, I really couldn't care less about people's religious backgrounds. The problem with this woman was that she was complaining bitterly to me every night when I got home. I never did anything right as far as Sophie was concerned. I used shampoo to wash my body instead of body gel, I left the cupboard doors open after I got dressed in the morning and put my clothes on the floor. Just constantly complaining as only the French can do. Why she could not just hire a maid and stop fucking lecturing me the whole time was beyond me. During our romance, we had spent a lot of time drunk. She was very different with a few inside her, a good laugh. But stuck in a big apartment with nothing to do she became a different person. Maybe it was the pregnancy that made her anal. Not sure. I decided that the best course of action was to extricate myself from one of these increasingly unhealthy situations. I resolved to get out of the work situation since I still believed in the love I had for Sophie. Or convinced myself I did. (Aside, from killing my child via abortion, Sophie and I had gotten married and separated within a 6 month period, she had then found a new man and proceeded to go on holiday with him. In 2004 the biggest Tsunami in recorded history hit SE Asia, and the closest woman to the epicenter was my ex. She was in all the newspapers. To this day, if you do a search ‘Sophie Pasquier Tsunami’ there are pics of her and her new beau smiling, describing their ‘adventure’. She was still married to me, so was technically committing adultery, even though we had separated and she had killed the MESSENGER’s baby. Did God target her in this strike/ Earthquake or just another crazy coincidence that the Tsunami struck on Boxing Day?
Rewind to when Nick first joined at the end of the year 2000. After three months, Nick had learned the basics. We got along well and I figured he could handle the business if I took a little holiday. It was summer, volumes would be low. I figured he could handle it. My best friend from school was getting married and had invited me on his honeymoon. Weird, I know, but another couple were going with them, so I accepted. After my holiday was over, I came back to Hong Kong. Vahe had never really annoyed me before but now it was literally every day some new bullshit to piss me off. He insisted on knowing the names behind every trade. I refused to tell him who was buying and selling, this was not the OTC market, on the listed market my policy was not to reveal who was buying and selling. This argument went on forever. He also would act up if he did not feel he got the ‘right’ amount of the volume on a trade. I treated everyone the same. That's why the market respected me. He wanted special treatment and I refused to give it to him. There was something personal behind it but I could not figure it out. He had targeted me. I thought it was just jealousy. I made more than him. He paid me more in brokerage than he took home himself in pay. I thought it was stuff like that, to begin with. After a few weeks of these constant attacks, I started having my doubts. He disliked me intensely. And then I figured it out. It was because of Nick. I knew once Nick had a few beers inside him, he would complain, complain, complain. And Vahe was the same animal, French are the best complainers in the world and Vahe was a star amongst them in that respect. So I figured out what happened. Nick had had a few busy days. He could not handle it. I had received complaints about his broking skills when I got back and had stuck up for him vigorously. He had obviously gone drinking with Vahe after a torrid day of clients complaining to him. Vahe did what he always did. Complaining about his boss and various other circumstances that depressed him. Nick who felt bad because he was not able to provide the same level of service as me turned around and complained about his pay and me. From the moment I figured that out till the moment he decided he did not want to be a broker anymore. 2 years passed. We had a few good laughs together after I came back from the ‘honeymoon’ but it was never the same. I knew and he knew I knew what he had done. I would pester him about it constantly. What did you say to Vahe? Just be honest, I would implore him. He never admitted to me that he had stabbed me in the back. Years later Vahe would confirm what Nick had complained about to him, his lack of pay, how hard he worked. Worked hard. What a joke. The market was only open for 5 hours a day and he had to answer and make phone calls. How is that hard work? Anyone who answers phones for a living for 5 hours a day cannot complain they work hard. That's ridiculous. When my team became bigger, his deficiencies became more obvious. I had to shout at him sometimes and it was always the same thing. A market is a market, if you can’t tighten the bid-offer spread and you have checked with everyone, you don’t have to apologize to the guy. He would say sorry constantly like it was his fault. It made me cringe. The market is the market. It's not anybody's fault. Stop saying fucking sorry you muppett. As soon as he apologized, obviously, the trader on the other side would think he was not doing his best. He was lazy or whatever. People respect the truth, however brutal it may be. If there are no sellers for what the guy wants to buy. You tell him. You don’t say sorry, blah blah. Bullshit. On top of it all, that information is important for the guy who wants to know the reality of the market as it is. You don’t want some sad idiot who thinks he is so important that his apologies will affect the truth of the situation. You want the truth and I prided myself on giving it. 
What happened to Nick? Well, he left in 2004, probably because he thought I was yelling at him for no reason. Another thing that worried me about him is that every night he would drink. He was smart but he drank constantly. Deeply unhappy man. In 2005 a brokerage from Europe started up in Hong Kong. He was offered some money, he went to work for them. Still a shit broker. Now he works for my ex-apprentice. In 2006, I hired a guy out of Paris called Ghaleb Ferjane. A good guy. Honest as the day is long. Now Nick works for him and talks to market makers all day long. He has no real clients. What a twat.
Vahe was smarter, although stupid in a different way from Simon. Took life too seriously. Thought life was not meant to be enjoyed, just suffered. Anyway, he was the biggest trader in the market for a long time so I put up with his bullshit. Actually, I hired a French guy called Tong who was a good friend of mine at the time. This guy's only job was to handle Vahe. Best broking education I could have given him as it turned out. From 2003-2007 Vahe was one of the best traders, if not the best, in Hong Kong. He kept getting stiffed on his bonuses though. First, he was at Credit Lyonnais, a French bank, then Merrill Lynch an American bank, then another one. By 2007, he decided to go out on his own. His reputation was such that he had no problem raising money from other people in the market. 4 million USD apparently. Super bad timing. The strategies he had used for the last 5 years in the market did not work in the financial crisis that was to come. He lost big. He closed the fund and became a broker. He was good at that. As I mentioned before, he ended up working for the brokerage I created with my team.
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crusaderapparel · 3 months
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Prayer, fasting, self mortificstion, and a desire to live as christ did. We are all sinners, and we can all offer up a little suffering and i covenience at the very least to Christ our beloved savior.
#mortification #suffering #selfsacrifice #jesuschrist #christisking #vivacristorey #avechristusrex #christusrex #kyrieeleison #tedeum #tedeumlaudamus #ourladyofsorrows #stathanasius #catholic #catholicism #catholics #catholicchurch #catholiclife #catholicbusiness #rejectmodernity #rejectmodernityembracetradition #latinmass #catholicsaints #crusade #crusader #prolife #prolife4life #faithhopelove #june #sacredheart #sacredheartofjesus
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indiegospel · 2 months
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homespundiscos · 1 month
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Taste My Pain
Monsoon Love
Blue Wave Dream
Misery Scissors
Some Cunt
Free Ride
Maholo Mohala
Born 2 Boop
Act Naturally (Buck Owens)
Ain't No Fun
In The Light
Buffalo, GF
Creature Man
Ripped Ribbon
All Time
Save Me
God Bows
Homespun Discos 2024
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scripturekiddie · 5 months
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Don't mess with Jesus or Texas mofos
Excited to share the latest addition to my #etsy shop: Don't Mess With Jesus or Texas White T https://etsy.me/3TYVtio #jesus #god #christisking #christian #texas #dontmesswith #tshirt #apparel #crosskiddie
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iuicmontreal · 6 months
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digitalprintdesign · 6 months
Please visit for thousand of trendy designs.
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