#Ciarra Mermay 2024
zelly-raptor 3 months
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May 2024: Ciarra Mermay 2024 day 09 (?)
I'm abit confused now I've just noticed on the prompt list that day 09 has been missed out 馃. And this is the prompt for day 10.. Oh well the prompt for that day is an Arowana fish which I've never heard of before but they have some Pretty scales...
And because I'm "Original" were going to call this Merm "Arowana" a Noble Mermaid Warrior! Armed with an Atlantean Spear weapon, She's being accompanied by a nameless Amphibian who by the way not Naked he's wearing see through pants 馃榿.
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zelly-raptor 3 months
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-FLASH BACK FRIDAY- To the 15/05/2024: Ciarra Mermay 2024 day 08: Blue Tang.
So I just want to say that I drew this pic before I did the pic for day 07's prompt just to add confusion!
Day 08's Prompt is based around the Blue Tang! Which you'll recognise as "Dory" from Finding Nemo. Accompanying the Blue Tangs in new Mermaid OC "Lois" and yes!
She does have Red (Ginger) hair like Lois Griffin... That's because I was thinking about Lois Griffin at the time I drew this 馃槅.
As usual here's the Line art and Prompt list...I don't know if I scanned the original pencil sketch.
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zelly-raptor 4 months
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04/05/2024: Ciarra Mermay day 04.
This pic is also known as "Celine turns into a Seal". For day 04 of Ciarra Stebbins Mermay challenge the prompt is "Sea Lion" and obviously I drew some Seal pups in this pic 馃槅.
Any who's these aren't just any Seals they're Magic and have turned Celine from part Fish to Part Seal so technically she's all Mammal kind of.. I don't think Celine wants to be part Seal though...
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zelly-raptor 4 months
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03/05/2024: Ciarra Mermay day 03.
Continuing the recent Mermay challenge here's my entry for day 03's prompt, which is themed around the "Bolivian Ram" a little Fish with Stripes and markings around their eyes.
Were gonna call this Merm here "Berna". She's Is from an Advanced race of Mermaids that have incorporated Human technology into their culture since so much Technology ends up discarded in the Ocean.
Berna here has gone off on her own on a Digital detox to explore the ocean depths. Oh yeah I though I kept the Sketch version for this Pic...But I didn't I don't know where it is 馃槙馃
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zelly-raptor 4 months
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April/May: Ciarra Mermay 2024 Day 02.
Oh hey we're on a Roll with this Mermay challenge! Day 02's prompt is to draw a Black Sea Nettle which is a Big ol' Jellyfish. So I settled with drawing a sweet Jellyfish Merm who were gonna call "Gerri". Named after my Tutor at Art College. I really like this one, I know that Black Sea Nettles aren't Purple but something about this just really Pops! You know...聽
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zelly-raptor 3 months
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-FLASHBACK FRIDAY- To the 20/05/2024: Ciarra Mermay 2024 day 07: Yellow bellied Turtle.
For this days Mermay prompt the theme is based around the Yellow bellied Turtle also known as the Yellow bellied slider. Here we have two new Mermaid OC's "Jess" and "Mazz" ( Jess is the one with Lavender coloured hair, Mazz is the Red head remember that now!).
The two Merms have found a jolly Turtle named "Tyke" who has just eaten 30 Chicken nuggets! Do Turtles eat Chicken Nuggets? Well I know that they eat Pizza so why not Nuggets 馃榿.
I'm gonna try and upload all the Mermay posts I did last month on to here so watch this space!
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zelly-raptor 4 months
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11/05/2024: Ciara Mermay day 06: Bobtail Squid.
Its June tomorrow, I don't know how we got there but we did! Back to Mermay though here's one I drew a few weeks for day 6's prompt which is based around the Bobtail Squid. Merm OC Berna returns to this prompt accompanied by another OC we haven't seen in awhile
and that's "Walter". The pair have found a little Bobtail squid all on their own 馃ズ...
I was gonna add another Little Squid in the Top left but I as ever I left things to the last minute...
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zelly-raptor 4 months
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05/05/2025: Ciarra Mermay day 05.
Here's well what would have been Sunday the 05th of May's Mermay prompt. Which was to draw either a Mer-Person based on the Atlantic Goliath grouper or what I did a Merm with an Atlantic Goliath grouper.
So here's Mermaid OC "Tesla" giving a Goliath grouper a Hug though the Grouper doesn't look Invested in receiving a Hug or maybe they are, their just Smiling on the Inside rather than externally...
As Usual here's the original Line Drawing, Sketch and Prompt list.
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zelly-raptor 4 months
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April/May 2024: Cirra Mermay 2024 day 01.
I've neglected my Tumblr Pages recently so I thought Id update them. Any who It's May! I don't know how we got here but It's May! Which means 2 things..
No.1 Summers just around the corner and
No.2 every artist across the land is taking part in a Mermay art challenge.
This year I'll try to do a Mermay Art challenge and this year I will follow Ciarra Stebbins prompt list (Unfortunately I can't tag Ciarra in this post as I don't follow her 馃様).
Anyway Day 01's Prompt is a Pygmy Seahorse! I've never heard of them before but when I found an Image of one on Google I was like I know what I've gotta do!
Were gonna call this Merm here Max, and she's just used her Mermaid magic to make a Pygmy Seahorse the Size of a Small dog and now it follows Max everywhere 馃槄...
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