bitter-rabittt · 3 months
sebastian says raising here, I'm wondering if there's anything deeper, or if it was just the easiest word to use. like he could mean cultivating his meal, but raising?
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Chapter 17
I originally wanted to post this yesterday as a sort of ode to love and all that juiciness but it still needed an extra special "sumpthang" and we crazy ass CielxSebastian fans love to have some extra yumminess, amirite?
So this is an extra loooooong (like Sebbys skin sword) chapter! Like it's actually TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE! Yep, it's a twofer and the reason it's in one update is that I've made you lovelies wait long enough for updates and I wanted to give this as a peace offering gift type thing.
I adore you all and I thank you so much for the responses, the check ins and the love.
Enjoy! Review!!!
And please look me up on Instagram! Blackroseeden1
The days melted hot into the cool nights and El Cuervo Negro cut through the blue black ocean like a fluid blade. Sails pregnant with blustery winds urged the pirate ship to move quickly and without hesitation along the endless horizon. There were no planned stops and no urgent need for supplies. The crew went about their business, maintaining the vessel’s health and stability and keeping each other entertained with songs, card games, gambling, a bit of drinking and excessive cleaning. Indeed, the ship was booming with activity and as Tanaka had imparted upon Sebastian, idle hands were the devil’s handiwork.
“Above all, ensure your crew be engaged, for their mischief will have no opportunity to emerge.” He had advised his ward when they embarked on their maiden voyage so many years earlier. With but a handful of misfits and a massive ship, Sebastian smiled genially at the man who had so carefully raised him and proceeded to bark out orders.
“I want this entire ship swabbed and scrubbed clean!” He roared at his crew who stared back at him dumbfounded by his demand. It was but a few persons he had collected during his first year of piracy; no one body of spectacular worth but able bodied men nonetheless. He had promised them wealth and adventure in exchange for absolute obedience, a demand he insisted upon from day one.
“The fuck I be cleaning like a Whore on me knees.” One young sailor had grumbled under his breath before spitting a globulous ball of phlegm just a few inches away from Sebastian's newly shined boots. “I donna be doin’ maid’s work-ack!”
The poor soul met a vicious end by the cold steel of Sebastian's smoldering pistol.
“Now, if there are no more complaints from the rest,” Sebastian blew a wisp of grey smoke from the narrow muzzle of his pistol and swiftly pocketed the weapon back into his holster,”I suggest you all make haste and scrub this fucking ship clean!” He hissed..
From that moment forward, no one spoke ill of, or near, their fearsome captain, no one denied his orders, and no one dared to roll eyes nor sneer in his general direction. His word was final or else your life here on this earth was to be final. Even the members he handpicked during the last five years were cautious with their speech around Sebastian.
Except, of course, for Ciel.
“Have you ears to listen or are they mere ornaments to decorate that swollen head of yours?” The blue eyed boy snarled at Sebastian, glaring murderously at him while a bucket of rotting fish heads laid at his feet. “I clearly informed you that I do not touch raw fish!”
Sebastian clenched his jaw and swore under his breath as he stared down at the defiant prisoner standing before him. It had been two weeks since Ciel proclaimed himself fit to become a pirate in training (much to the entire crew’s amusement) and he had been given numerous tasks to to help him acclimate to the ways of ship-life. Swabbing the deck, emptying buckets filled with murky bilgewater, tossing chamber pots brimming with human waste over the side of the ship, hauling canvas from below deck up to the mast menders, even spending one full night squeezed in with Mey Rin atop her crow’s nest; the blueblood was thrown headfirst into a dizzying melee of responsibilities.
Every morning began at the first inkling of golden red light trickling over the horizon and every night shimmered with eager stars sparkling at the first whisper of dusk. Ciel lived and breathed hours and hours of a world surrounded by the nebulous ocean and the briny air seemed to settle comfortably deep into his lungs. It was the cleanest he had ever felt, the most unfettered he had ever known. How was it possible, he questioned himself, to be shackled to the likes of the captain and yet love the feel of his bare feet hitting against the rough planks as he scampered from one deck level to another? His fine hair whipped haphazardly by the sharp sea winds gave him a heady sense of flight.
His voice was rarely heard, unless he were spoken to, but whenever Beast lifted her head and begin to sing the strange melodic words of her Maltese field songs, Ciel, along with whatever pirate happened to be working in their vicinity, would halt his actions and listen intently to her hypnotic voice. Alois would often join in the songs, of course fluidly mimicking her native tongue, but Ciel humored the crew with his own clumsy warbling as he made an effort to sing along. Soulful choruses rolled like rainwater off her tongue and yet rattled noisily like a pail filled with pebbles from Ciel's. Alois often snorted his amusement with feigned contempt, but Ciel could read the friendly smirk across the first mate’s face. Much to the surprise of the entire crew, the pair had become more than cordial with each other. Alois, who was known for his prickly aura and constant scowl, had become a bit more approachable, a bit more human, towards some of the crewman. He remained the captain's forever shadow, diligently following his lord and master around the ship like a loyal dog, but now he dragged Ciel along with him.
If the prisoner was not engaged in some form of labor, he was lulled into the same shadow Alois resided in. They would whisper to one another, secretly poking fun at the oddities of the ship, snickering behind their hands at the strangeness they lived among. It was a kindred relationship, each one understanding the lonely life of loss, barren of land and family, victims at the vicious hands of strangers, and Ciel felt as if there was much to learn from his blonde haired counterpart. If he could be as strong as Alois, perhaps he would become a pirate of some high measure.
But pirates led short lives; pirates had no home except for the sea. Perhaps that was the fate extended before Ciel and not the tightly wounded world of the British aristocracy.
What no one knew, however, was that Ciel thought of his father singing songs of romance to the bemusement of his mother when he had a bit too much cognac after dinner. When he sang in his feathery light voice, his heart secretly wept for the man who no longer existed upon this earth. The ache of loss hung like a heavy dry stone against his chest, never to be relieved.
Sebastian watched the young man unfold before him, sweating along with his people under a merciless sun and partaking, with gusto, a lively meal with his newfound partners. There were times when the ship sailed past rocky caverns teeming with seagulls and barking seals sunbathing during a smoldering late morning, and Ciel would stand stock still, entranced by the seals. They appeared as inky black splotches against the glistening rocks, a sight Ciel had only ever seen in books, and he was mesmerized beyond words. It was during these moment of fascination that Sebastian found himself arrested by Ciel’s expressions.
I wish to see more, Sebastian would often say to himself.
And now, as the present day was coming to an end and one more chore had to be fulfilled, Ciel refused with great obstinance, to hook severed fish heads upon the fishing lines alongside Snake, Wendy and Peter.
“We live in the middle of the sea on a boat ye fecking git!” Peter snarled under his breath, dropping the bucket of bait right next to Ciel's feet. “Quit yer yammering and do what yer fecking told!”
Wendy pinched her brother’s arm “Peter, don't be so mean!” She scolded. Her sibling rubbed the spot she had twisted and glared at her. It stung where she had pinched him, but he said nothing.
Sebastian folded his arms across his chest and wondered how he even ended up having to admonish Ciel. At that moment, but he quickly berated himself for he knew full well he had gone looking for his prisoner hoping to catch sight of him doing some laborious work. It excited him to watch such a petite young thing dripping with sweat, clothed in a thin layer of white linen and tailored britches snugly cupping a pert virgin rump.
“Good lord.” Sebastian breathed, licking his bottom lip, his eyes practically undressing Ciel before him.
Ciel narrowed his eyes, feeling the scarlet blush rising like a wave from his neck to the tips of his ears. “You lowly pervert.” He hissed through gritted teeth.
Snake snickered behind his hand and twin candy striped corn snakes slithered from beneath his sleeve, coiling around his arm and staring at the scene before them.
“Captain! The nets for the evenin’s catch aren't done!” Peter complained, his voice edgy with irritation.”It takes three groups to ready the hooks with bait and Ciel ain't helpin’ us none!”
“I clearly stated that I do not touch raw fish!” Ciel snapped, whirling around and facing Peter. “I shan't be made to complete such a despicable act!”
“Ya cleaned out the shitters yesterday morn!” Peter shouted angrily.”Fish heads ain't worse than shit!”
“How crude!” Ciel sucked his teeth disdainfully, motioning towards Wendy with his chin.”To speak in such a way in front of a lady!”
Peter's eyes blazed, “Wendy ain't no lady!” He protested,”She's my sister!”
Wendy lifted her arm and landed an open handed smack sharply across the back of her brother's head. He winced but again, did not respond to her vicious rebuttal, choosing instead to quietly rub the throbbing spot.
Sebastian raised his fingers to his temples and rubbed the sides of his head. “The stupidity amongst you lot begalls me.” He grunted, coldly casting his eyes upon Ciel.”What sort of pirate skeeves fish heads?!”
“What sort of captain leers at his crewman?” Ciel shot back.
Sebastian dropped his hands and stared murderously at Ciel. “Insolent blight!”.
“Lascivious cad!” Ciel countered boldly.
“Mind your tongue!” Sebastian thundered, snapping a pointed finger in Ciel's face.”You will behave and o-!”
“Ciel!” Alois called out from atop one of the yardarms, waving his arms about to attract Ciel's attention. His legs were wrapped securely around the pole and with him sat Doll who was busily sewing a piece of torn sail.”Come up here and help me hold down this blasted sail! The winds are picking up!” Smiling broadly, Alois threw the blue eyed boy a sly wink.”Betwixt you and Doll, you both make a pair of fine eyes!” His voice was playful and high pitched and it almost sounded like the tinkling of holiday bells.
Ciel looked up and caught Doll’s one bright eye, she winked at him and suddenly he understood.”Ah! But you see, I am needed elsewhere!” He laughed, quickly scampering towards a small ladder which was attached to the side of a forecastle. Before Sebastian could stop him, the young man had already made his way to the top and was scaling the main pole towards Alois and Doll. The pair cheered him on, praising his light footedness while Peter delivered a volley of curses after him. Wendy shook her head and bent down to snatch up a fish head, deftly piercing the jaw with thumb sized hook and line before tossing it aside. Snake shrugged his shoulders and hunkered down to unraveling the coiled fishing wire.
The dark haired captain stood mouth agape, his deep red eyes following the lithe form of his captive with disbelief.
Ciel was more of a pirate than he had originally thought.
“How was your dinner with the Lady?”
Claude grunted an inaudible reply to Hannah's quietly delivered query, burying himself in the mound of paperwork slowly rising on his desk. It was late, well past the witching hour, and yet his entire office was alighted with a dozen flaming candles fixed upon double silver plated candelabras. The walls glowed with their golden warmth and the windows rattled slightly from a gentle sea breeze coming off the coast, but all that could be heard was the frenetic scratching of Claude's inked quill rapidly moving along the surface of parchment.
“It would be wise for you to retire to your bedchamber.” Hannah kept her tone mild for she could read her master’s foul mood. His hair was smoothed back and glossy with expensive pomade, his clothing pressed and crisp from starch, and his beautifully framed spectacles gilded with gold rested precariously at the tip of his nose. Indeed he appeared a fine specimen of a man, yet the marble chiseled features of his fair face were etched in a fixed scowl.
“I detest that whore.” He grumbled, hurriedly dipping his writing instrument into the small ink bottle at his right and resuming his scribbling. The sounds of the point scratching sounded the harried clawing of a rat frantically fighting its way out of a trap.
How strangely appropriate, Hannah mused.
The servant lady sighed and walked around the room, rearranging the white roses she had just clipped earlier in the day. The vases she used were all finely hand painted and imported straight from several Asian regions. Tanaka had procured them during the renovation period of the castle and she adored their elaborate simplicity. Intricate designs of chrysanthemums and cherry blossoms adorned the vases which were so tall the reached the upper portion of her hips. Bulbous heads of newly blooming roses exploded beautifully from the vases and filled the room with their sweet rich scent.
Claude noticed none of it.
In fact, Hannah noted, since the departure of his older brother so many years ago, the luster of material objects had dulled for Claude. All objects of beauty had withered and now failed to conjure of glint of amusement from those cat-like amber eyes. He rarely smiled, rarely laughed and his movements were always cautious and replete with wariness. For certain, the tall and stately noble existed as a phantom amongst the living, nary a hint of vitality could be felt emanating from his stony frame.
The empty bird cage in the corner of the room was indeed the metaphorical image of Claude’s heart.
“Writing another letter to Master Sebastian?” Hannah ventured, slowly drawing the curtains close over one of the French windows. She glanced over her shoulder, curiously eyeing Claude's hunched figure. “Is it not too soon-?”
Claude's head shot up.”Yes!” He cried, balling his fist and slamming it so hard against the desk that the ink bottle shook, catching Hannah by complete surprise.”I am writing him again!”
The young woman swallowed hard, composing herself as she strode over to his desk. “That man will come when he said he would come.” She said softly, placing her hand upon his shoulder.”Do have faith in his abilities.”
“I have faith! God knows it is all I may endure!” Claude lowered his face into his hand, resting himself against his other arm, and allowed a gasp of frustration to release itself from his lips.”Madame Red, my mother, this blasted family! All vultures! All leeches! The sum of all my patience does not amount to anything more than suffering! I dine with that wretch! I listen to her wicked equivocation! She smiles, she laughs, she lies through her pointed teeth, and I sit there allowing this bitch to breath within my space!”
“The betrothal shall not come to fruition.”
Claude looked up at Hannah, grabbing her hand and squeezing her fingers.”My mother will have out if I do not marry Madame Red!” He spoke in a desperate voice to match the desperate look in his eyes.”Have you knowledge of my death at her hands once we are properly contracted? She seeks out for Sebastian and she will not rest until she has him!”
Hannah shook her head.”I will not allow your demise.” She responded firmly.
“If it is not my head upon the table, it will be my brother’s”
“You will not allow his demise either.”
He released her hand and turned away from the violet eyed woman. “Sebastian must return and free me of this wretched state! In his last letter, he promised me a joy which would bring my spirits to elation once more.”
Hannah quirked an eyebrow and smirked.”Yes, yes he did.”
“He promised me freedom as well.” Claude craned his neck to look back at Hannah. “I know not why he speaks in such clandestine fashion, but he has acquired some form of treasure and claims it will be the key to unlocking me from this prison home.”
A look of confusion crossed Hannah’s face.”A treasure?” She echoed.
Nodding his head, Claude continued. ”A prized piece to trade in for my sake. Perhaps to encourage the Lady to leave our family alone once and for all. Something so treasured that it will pay off the debt our family owes to the Durless Clan.”
Hannah hummed thoughtfully.”Indeed, what could your brother have pilfered during his travels which would be able to end this debt?”
“There they are! There! Avast! They're breaking through!”
“By my Lady!”
“Like silver mermaids! They're beautiful!”
“Ciel! Have you ever seen the likes of these?!”
Several days had passed since Ciel had refused to touch severed fish heads and the ship continued to sail smoothly through the often times ragged seas. The day had begun with the horizon bleeding blood orange red, causing Jumbo to moan about sailors needing to be warned and Mey Rin admonishing him for scaring Doll once again. It was near noon and the crew was enjoying a rare moment of rest when Dagger had called out in an excited voice to the entire deck crew that dolphins had come into view.
Everyone scrambled to the bow, elbowing each other for front section views of the graceful creatures arching their silvery bodies along the white foams of crashing waves. Ciel was awestruck by the numbers; he counted at least fifty glossy beauties!
Awed by the massive numbers, Ciel swept his bangs to the side of his face and tucked them under the string of his eye patch, “I have seen them before, but never this many!” He cried, his eye wide with wonderment over the blanket of glistening dolphins cresting before him. He turned to Doll and pointed out towards the numerous pods, “The shores of Jamaica are warm and invite all sorts of creatures. Dolphins were my mum’s favorite.” Doll nodded happily and clapped her hands joyfully. To see her beloved shipmate in such a rare form of happiness made her young heart swell.
Ciel’s face was stretched to its limits from the jubilant smile he wore. A spray of cool seawater pelted the lot and a chorus of cheers rose as several curious dolphins sky-hopped while the ship continued its course. Their mouths open as if in a playful greeting to their two legged onlookers, find flapping and waving in the salty air.
“They're bow riding!” Mey Rin called out from atop the crow's nest, her thin arm pointing downwards.”There they are, mateys!”
All eyes cast down towards the side of the ship and watched as in one fluid and synchronized motion after another, a pod of dolphins leapt out of the water, closely following the ship.
“Did ya ever swim wit’ ‘em?!” Doll asked Ciel, tugging at his sleeve to catch his attention again,”I heard people on your island go out to swim with them!”
Ciel waved her off. “What nonsense! To swim with these fish?” He scoffed.
“Yer boy don't look like he can float in these here waters!” Peter snorted, wiping his damp forehand with the back of his arm,”He'd serve better as chum!”
Before Ciel could answer back, Doll stamped her booted foot and scowled at Peter, “Not everyone swims!” She snapped.
“I do swim, I swim very well,” Ciel placed his hand on Doll’s shoulder, giving her a gentle squeeze as a way to silently thank her for defending him. “but to swim with them. I've never thought to do so.” He admitted.
Wendy turned away from spectating the dolphins and pinched her brother’s arm.”Next we dock, let's all go for a swim!”
“But Doll here can't swim.” Peter gestured towards the girl.”She be left out.”
Ciel looked down at Doll with astonishment. “You cannot swim?!”
“Stupid Peter! Hush your stupid mouth!” Doll cried, tears immediately pooling at the corner of her eye.”I can swim!”
Jumbo and Dagger coughed loudly into the back of their hands and looked away while Snake snickered in his whispery voice.
Unwilling to keep his emotions reigned in, Peter scowled, “It's no secret! Everyone knows!” He growled,”Ye’ve got no sense o’ the waters!”
Doll’s face crinkled into a reddened mix of fury and shame, her lower lip quivered terribly as she fought to remain composed in front of Ciel, but it was no use, like an unruly ball of yarn, she unraveled into a childlike mess. “N-Not everyone knows! No-Not everyone!” She sputtered, “I hate you!”
With that final cry, she spun around on her heels and ran towards the lower quarters. Jumbo, Dagger, Snake, and the twins watched with emotionless faces at the hasty retreat and said nothing. Everyone, except Ciel, knew that she would hide amongst the cargo in the dark, between barrels of contained clean water and cry until her one eye was swollen and nearly shut and her throat was rubbed raw into a hoarseness that would last for days.
She was a delicate lady, a cracked porcelain doll who still maintained the simple heart of a country girl. Her hands had been stained with the blood of her enemies, those who mistook her for just another sea wrench and fell at the end of her sword,but her heart still longed for someone's loving touch.
“I'll go after her.” Ciel offered quietly, but Wendy grabbed his arm and shook her head no.
“Leave the lass be.” Jumbo ordered. “She be overly sensitive right about now.”
Wendy nodded in agreement. “If you do not return the feelings she has for you, do not approach her.” She warned. “You will give the wrong Idea, and harm her more than help her.”
“Harm her?” Ciel frowned, “But I would never do that!”
“She likes you, Ciel.” Wendy revealed,”Doll likes you very much, but you don't feel the same, do you?”
Ciel was taken aback but the admission and his cheeks burned from the shock. He knew Doll was exceptionally friendly towards him, but he had never looked upon the little beauty in such a way! It pained him to think that the suffering she had obviously gone through would continue if he rejected her feelings, but it would be far better to act in earnest honesty than to lead her on a road with no end.
“I understand.” He murmured, “I swear upon my name that I will do her no harm.”
“Good!” Dagger slapped Ciel hard in the middle of his back, earning a foul look from Ciel, but he ignored him and instead laughed loudly,”It be early in the day! I betcha Agni cooked up some nice grub for the lot!”
The group agreed to head over to the canteen for breakfast and made their way down the steps, grumbling about the chores which lay ahead of them. Ciel glanced over his shoulder for one final look at the sun which had already transformed into a warm yellow ball over the deep blue waters and he wondered briefly as to why there had been so many dolphins following the boat.
His mother had been an avid reader, with a book in her hands at any given moment, and the Lady was learned far more than most women she was accustomed to hold company with. When they had first arrived at Port Royal, the dolphins had awakened a keen interest in Rachel Phantomhive and she delved into several volumes concerning sea creatures both of factual information and folklore.
“Dolphins are the messengers of the sea.” She had read to him one night in front of the fireplace after dinner had been finished. He would perch upon her lap and lean his head upon her chest whilst she read to him.”They are protectors of Triton, harbingers of storms and enemies. Dolphins fear no creature nor man for they are perfect soldiers, quick in mind and body, courageous and loyal, fierce and gentle in nature.”
Is this a warning? He thought to himself as an ominous shiver trickled down his spine. He took each step gingerly and felt a foreboding knot tighten in his gut. We're the dolphins trying to protect them?
The evening came quickly, but for the first time in several weeks the night sky was opaque and devoid of stars. Mey grumbled her discontent and wrapped herself in layers of shawls to keep warm for a cooler breeze had picked up several hours earlier. Her eyes were squinted and peering dutifully into the oblique sky, searching for whatever dark force was coiling and ready to strike in the distance. It was useless, and the curses she muttered under her breath walked hand in hand with the prayers of her childhood. She prayed that the rumbling her keen ears had picked up in the air meant nothing and she prayed that she would have proper warning of some brooding wickedness.
She felt something coming, but she did not know what it was.
Alois fidgeted nervously as he stood side by side with Ciel on the main deck. They had taken to eagerly searching for constellations every night after dinner, but tonight it was near impossible. The blonde hated a nebulous sky, it told no tales and it hid all secrets. His slight bones ached with warning, but he too was at a loss over it. For Alois, the frustration over ominous premonitions was enough to make the devil curse.
“I despise the dark.” He grumbled irritably, picking up his left foot to scratch the back of his right leg with his booted toe. “Can't see the blasted North Star and the moon’s hidden behind them damned black clouds.” He squinted but found it an aimless action for the evening was a thick inky black; unwilling to allow not a stitch of moonlight to sift though.
Ciel nodded, rubbing his arms against the chilled air with his hands.”Nights like these, mum would keep me inside the house.” He revealed quietly, “i was kept from the beachfront for fear I would lose my way through the waters in the darkness.”
“Tell me again how pretty your mum was.” Alois grinned with a toothy smile, enjoying the annoyed look on Ciel's face,”I like when you talk about her.” He teased.
“She was twice your age!” Ciel retorted, secretly pleased that Alois was interested in his stories but equally disenchanted with what appeared to be his new friend being enamored by his deceased mother.”For shame you should inquire about my mum!”
“I've no shame.” Alois yawned, stretching his arms high above his head until he heard a tight bone pop somewhere in his lower back. “Whatever I had of shame was taken from me long before I became a pirate.”
Ciel swallowed hard, suddenly uneasy with the conversation. With the amount of time he spent sharing the past with Alois, it was a guarded story, to an extent, any of Alois’ past miseries. Ciel knew of the demise of Alois’ family, though he did not know how they had all died, and he knew that Alois owed his entire life to Sebastian, but the finer details of why he was found on an island with a slave trader were still kept hidden.
You do have shame, Ciel thought, studying the lovely ivory skinned man flanking him. It was that steely stubborn pride which kept Alois’ chin perked up and his sky blue eyes unwavering and sharp. Ciel admired him for refusing to wear his suffering as a decorative necklace, keeping sympathy at bay instead of using it as a salve for the wounds one could not see. To be so strong and prideful although the scars of abuse were cut deep and raw beneath the surface was what made Alois so inspiring to him.
Finally realizing that he was being stared at, Alois rolled his eyes and reached out to deliver a sharply aimed punch at Ciel’s arm.
“Ow!” Ciel yelped, hurriedly rubbing the sore area with his fingertips while glaring at the now sniggering man. “Why the devil did you strike me?!”
Glancing at Ciel, Alois nudged the would be pirate in the ribs with his elbow. “Have you slept with Capitan?” He asked simply.
Dropping his hand and immediately forgetting about the dull pain from the punch, Ciel’s eye nearly bulged out of its socket; mouth agape at the sudden inquiry,”Wha-What?!” He choked out.
“You heard me, need I say it in French?”
“Why would you ask of me such a disgraceful question?!” Ciel gasped, looking away in an effort to hide his flushed appearance.”i see it now clearly and you are quite correct! You have no shame!”
Alois raised his eyebrows, “I should say that of you.”
Ciel turned slowly back to Alois and stared at his counterpart. Now that he thought of it, he wanted so desperately to ask about the secretive meetings the first mate had every other night with Sebastian before dinner time. Ciel would be sent off to sit with Tanaka in the servant’s private room and receive tutelage in the subjects of reading maps and geography while Alois remained sequestered in the captain's quarters for exactly an hour's time. They had never spoken about the rendezvous nor what they did during that time, but it did not sit well with Ciel, not one bit.
Alois always exited Sebastian's room with his clothes in disarray and his skin beaded with sweat, leaving behind a bed of rumpled sheets. All sorts of inappropriate thoughts and conclusions would fill the young noble’s head and it angered him over how unsettled he was with this arrangement,
“I've no desire to indulge that man.” Ciel replied proudly, tilting his chin up.”Nor would I share myself with one who is spoken for.”
”Spoken for? Who here is spoken for?” Alois threw his head back and laughed with unbridled mirth, it was by far the most ridiculous statement he had ever heard the Earl utter..
“Our captain of course! He tumbles about with you, does he not?” Ciel felt his anger rise and it bothered him immensely how accusatory his tone just sounded. One would believe that he indeed was feeling spiteful towards Alois over the affections of the captain!
How absurd, he thought miserably.
A sly grin crept across Alois’ face and he circled Ciel’s waist with his thin arm. Pulling his friend closer to him, Alois leaned into his ear and spoke in a husky whisper,
“Would you like to know what we do, Ciel?” He purred.
Ciel felt his entire body tremble with trepidation and curiosity. The proverbial apple had been extended out to him by a sunny haired snake who spoke in a voice of honey and temptation.
“Tell me!” He begged.
Alois inhaled the soft scent of the noble and nestled his nose into the side of his head. The blue grey strands were smoother than silk and as fine as a spider's gossamer web, this would explain why the captain had become so entangled with this young man, he reasoned. His fingers made their way up against the back of Ciel's neck like nimble spiders and he combed through the shoulder length tendrils, causing Ciel to shiver from their feathery touch.
“Preparation.” He traced the shell of Ciel's ear with the tip of his nose up until his lips were perched upon the delicate lobe.”I am the one spoken for, Ciel. I have someone awaiting me and my Captian, who I love more than my own life, is preparing me for that sole person.”
“A-A person?”
“A person of kindness and wealth, so my Capitan has told me.”
“You are promised to whom!?”
“He wishes to surprise me, but I am promised a life of love and gentleness for all of my pains.” Alois smiled indulgently. “There is someone out there who does not mind a dirtied rag doll such as myself.”
“You know not this person and yet you shall blindly go forth to them!?” Ciel grabbed Alois’ arms firmly, fixing him with a look of astonishment. “How are you to be with a stranger you know nothing about?!”
“My Capitan has given me enough, and he continues his generosity with preparations. i trust him with my very soul.”
Ciel shot him a look of disbelief,”Preparation?!” He gasped,”How is he preparing you?”
Alois smirked and shook himself free from Ciel’s hold. He held up his fingers, palm facing Ciel's face and wiggled each digit.”With only this.” He revealed in a cryptic tone,”The only man who will ever enter me again awaits for my arrival and Capitan is a gracious soul to prepare me so that I may be worthy for this man's love.”
The understanding of what Alois was trying to tell him finally dawned. Those nights of enigmatic activities behind closed doors were not romantic nor were they for Sebastian's pleasures. Although unconventional and quite outlandish, Alois was being trained to take in someone he most certainly wanted to become one with.
“How barbaric.” Ciel sniffed, pushing off Alois’ arm and looking up into the endless blackness of the night sky,”Allowing that beast to place his hands upon you in order to ready yourself for another man!”
Alois shrugged and took Ciel's words with but a grain of salt, he could read the relief all over the young man's face a league away.”Well, at least he's not putting that massive cock in my arse.” He snickered, poking Ciel in the ribs again with his elbow.”You best prepare yourself for that one!”
“How indecent!” Ciel screeched, coiling away in disgust. “I assure you that man will never have me!”
“I bet you already touched his dick.”
“The lady doth protest too much.”
“Stop it!”
Alois doubled over in laughter,”My apologies! My apologies! I only wanted to see my fine friend shed some of that iron mask!” He patted Ciel on the shoulder and started walking away,”I'm off to sleep, bid Capitan a good night for me, yeah?” He winked and headed out before Ciel could defend his own honor any further.
Standing alone in the dark with the sounds of lapping waves against the sides of the ship and the billowing sails pushed by heightening winds, Ciel wondered why he had gotten so upset over the idea of Alois and Sebastian having relations. What care did he have for that man? What did it matter if Sebastian slept with his crew members?
His heart thumped noisily against his chest and his skin was dewy from the sweat which had suddenly come to surface across his entire body. When he imagined Sebastian standing before him, barely clothed and overbearing, he could feel a swelling of sweetness between his legs. Was he going mad? He wondered worriedly, was he falling into a darkness much more dangerous than a starless night sky in the middle of the sea?
What was happening to him?
The night crew wandered in and out of sleep, watching the rolling sea and feeling the air chill drop down little by little with every passing hour. Ciel had gone back to the captain's quarters and was relieved to have found a piping hot bath waiting for him with no Sebastian in sight. He believed that Tanaka purposefully met with his ward during that time every night in order to allow Ciel some peace while taking a bath.
Feeling refreshed and tired all at once, Ciel wiped himself dry with a cotton hand towel and slipped an oversized night shirt over his waifish body. The heady scent of cinnamon and berries wafted through the air and made for a comforting atmosphere. The ship teetered to the right and left and it felt like a giant cradle being rocked by an unseen hand yet it bothered the young noble none. His footing was solid and steady and he walked with confidence about the room, picking up his work clothes and placing them in the corner where Tanaka would collect them in the morning.
It had been an especially long day and he was bone tired. He could not wait to sleep like a caterpillar, cocooned within the plush clouds of expensive linens. He did not seem to dream anymore, his mind blank and thankfully numb to the hidden nightmares of his past, but he woke up several times every night with a start, as if some invisible hand had shaken him awake.
The creak of the opening door momentarily startled him.
“I see once again you are done bathing.” Sebastian stepped into the room with a disappointed look on his face.”How droll.” He muttered. Tossing his jacket across his chair, Sebastian sauntered over to Ciel and leaned into his neck, inhaling a deep and appreciative breath. “By Our Lord, you smell as a delicacy.” He moaned.
Ciel stepped back frowning,”I am not food.” He retorted,
“Neither are you charming.” Sebastian strode past him and plunked himself down on the bed, removing his boots and allowing them to fall at his feet with a heavy thud. “I shall bathe once the water has been cleared.” He announced, pointing at Ciel,”Rest and await for me. Do not dare fall asleep.”
“Are you a child?!” Ciel scowled. “Exhausted I am from this day’s tiresome work! Take your bath as you see fit, but if I sleep it is my own business when!”
“I shall toss you in my bath if you fall asleep.”
Ciel struggled to keep his eye open, but it felt leaden and his head ached with desperation for sleep. He kept himself propped upright in their bed, pulling at his own hair every time his head began to nod forward. Glassy eyed and spent, the young man cursed inwardly at how much time the Captian was taking with his bath.
Finally, after an hour, Sebastian wrapped his thick black robe around his naked body and eased himself into bed, settling next to a drowsy Ciel. The wrought iron bed creaked softly under his weight and relief washed over Ciel as he finally allowed his eyelid to drop like a velvet curtain over his one eye; his head lolling to the side.
“Ciel. Will you, touch it?”
The husky whisper caused Ciel’s eye to immediately pop open.
“Wha-What?!” Ciel sputtered, shooting straight up into a seated position with his hands flailing in front of him. “Ca-Cannot you touch your own?!” He screeched.
Rolling his eyes in mock frustration, Sebastian grabbed Ciel’s hands and pulled him forcibly towards him. “It is far better for another’s hand to deliver pleasure. One inexperienced such as yourself is ignorant to that fact.” He winked.
Yanking his hands away from the captain's hold, Ciel pulled the sheets up to his chest and scowled at the leering man. “One such as myself is no Whore.” He miffed.
Ruby eyes widened in surprise. “Are you implying that I am a Whore?”
Ciel scratched at the area underneath his patch and gave Sebastian the most heated look he could muster. “I am implying that you sir, are no Saint.” He spat.
Sebastian rested his head on his propped up hand and laid on his side, looking up at Ciel with a crooked grin. “I do not recall having illicit affairs with men decades my senior.” He mused, pursing his lips at the flustered boy. “Surely one may assess your antics as whorish, yes?”
“There was nothing illicit about it!” Ciel defended vehemently.
Sebastian wagged his finger at Ciel as if reprimanding him. “Truly? I suppose the fiancé and the unborn within her womb would find disagreement with you.” He quipped.
Ciel flushed, hurriedly looking down at his clenched hands. “You made that child fatherless.” He whispered, his lone eye welled up with tears at the thought of his last encounter with Abberline.”You dealt that man his death.”
“He would have abandoned that dear lady and his child eventually.” Sebastian sighed.”Death at my hands, the sea, or society. Death was eventual.”
“How could you say that?!” Ciel bristled, an angry knot came undone within his heart and he wanted to lash out and smack the smirk straight off of the pirate's face. “You know nothing of Abberline nor have you any right to bring him his end!”
“I know enough.” Sebastian brought his free hand up to Ciel’s face and cupped his cheek, gently stroking the swell with his thumb. “If I were to gain your favor, I would have never allowed you to leave me. And if you were to leave me, surely I would gladly suffer the pains of death.”
“How do you know whether or not I had gained his favor?” Ciel anxiously chewed upon his bottom lip, too nervous to retract from the comforting touch. “With your pretty words, you are a soulless serpent!”
“This serpent knows the desires of men very well.” His large hand slid to the back of Ciel's head and he carefully pulled him slowly towards his face, red eyes intently staring into the watery blue eye of his prisoner.“i noticed the form in which he gazed upon you. It is much the way I look upon you now.”
Ciel squeezed his eye shut and attempted to turn his face away. “Please, do not-” he pleaded in a mouse-like voice.
“I will go no further than this.” Sebastian assured him, lowering Ciel's face further until the small head rested in the crook of the captain's neck and shoulder. His skin felt like fire against Ciel's cheek and before the young man could protest, Sebastian took purchase of his trembling hand and led it underneath the folds of his robe. Ciel jolted when his damp palm made contact with Sebastian's heated member. And he immediately tried to retract it from the firm grasp.
“No-!” Came a weak protest but Sebastian chuckled and felt his spine tingle from the gentleness of Ciel’s touch against his formidable cock. He tugged not with force, but almost with tender encouragement, inviting Ciel to further explore the pulsing want between Sebastian's legs. The tip had already collected droplets of clear liquid and Sebastian used the tips of Ciel's diminutive fingers to smear the sticky substance around the swollen head.
“It feels…” Ciel whimpered feebly, unable from complete shame to lift his head up to look. “I-It feels…hot.” He croaked, giving up total control of his own limbs underneath Sebastian's puppeteering. “S-Stop it--its getting--bigger!” His plaintively whining voice, pregnant with embarrassment and utter humiliation, sent electric currents throughout Sebastian's already thrumming body.
Immensely pleased with the momentary loss of willfulness from his fledgling, Sebastian released his hold and allowed Ciel’s hand to roam freely up and down his shaft, spreading more of his precum along the veiny sides of his dick. “Are you afraid?” He purred into the side of Ciel's head, his warm breath spilling into the strands of hair and pouring down into the boy's ear.
Ciel nodded into Sebastian's shoulder. “Y-Yes, I am.” He mumbled.
“I will not harm you, Ciel.” Sebastian brought his hand up to nudge Ciel's chin with his fingertips and coaxed him into opening his eye by tickling the curled black lashes, which framed that never ending ocean blue orb, “Place your faith within me.” His voice raspy with the heaviness of pleasure, “I will never harm you again.”
Ciel was confused. “What?” He breathed.
“Forgive me for when I had taken hard handedness to you.” Sebastian's hair spilled like a dark river over his shoulders and for a brief second, Ciel thought of how by the morning it would find it itself to be unruly if he did not braid it tonight. Such strange thoughts arrested him in his spot, with his hand seductively stroking Sebastian's manhood and his own body being held by his captor! But now Sebastian was speaking of even stranger ideas, an apology?
I've gone mad, Ciel thought numbly.
“Forgive you?” Shaking his head as if to clear it from a dream, or nightmare, Ciel released his hand from its lascivious ministrations.“I-I do not think of it anymore!” He declared.
An emptiness seemed to fill Sebastian's chest from the moment his body lost contact with the earl and the ache of longing slit open an old wound he had long since buried within his heart. Unable to withstand the gaping wound of a broken past, Sebastian clasped Ciel's hands and rolled the boy on top of him. Ciel was caught off guard by the sudden move and began to struggle in order to free himself.
The pirate would have none of it and wrapped his legs around Ciel's flaming lover half. “Release me this instance!” Ciel cried, mortified over the very obvious bulge digging into his thighs. “This is barbarity!”
“From this moment forth, I only wish to lay gentleness upon this delicate form.” Sebastian spoke earnestly, letting go of Ciel's hands and instead, placing them them upon his small waist. “I wish only to treat you as precious, I do not wish to break you.”
“You could never break me.” Ciel spoke in his bravest voice, but there was a quaking beneath the surface. Sebastian admired the boy’s fortitude; his inability to give in easily when faced with a seemingly insurmountable obstacle made him all the more dignified. That haughty nature so refined in its upbringing yet tainted and marred was of a character so brazen and beautiful that Sebastian could only marvel at his own obsession with Ciel.
“This is certainly the reason you have beguiled me, Ciel.” Sebastian crooned, snaking his hands ever so stealthily up the delicate expanse of the young man's slender figure, each fingertip playfully tickling the mildly protruding rib cage. Amazed at the suppleness of his captive’s skin, Sebastian reveled in the doll-like frame which seemed so fragile and light in his arms and yet so solid. He wanted to consume this man, make him his own, enter him with force and consented brutishness and then embrace him with soothing words and tender touches whilst wiping away the tears he would surely shed.
“In this way, did Alois beguile you as well?”
The coldness in a Ciel's voice struck a nerve with Sebastian and he halted his hands before they made for the earls pert rump. Did he hear the boy correctly? He thought.
“Alois, you say?” He ventured cautiously.
“Yes! Alois! The other one who had beguiled you!” Ciel hissed, his hair so tousled that he looked like a disgruntled kitten. “Do not lie to me! I have witnessed your clandestine activities with him!”
Grinning from ear to ear, Sebastian was suddenly amused with Ciel. “My, my! Do I detect a hint of jealousy?” He chortled, eagerly squeezing Ciel's ass with both hands, causing him to cry out with shock,
“You stupid stupid pervert man! You detect nothing of that sort!” Ciel screeched. “Cease manhandling me!”
“Avast your noisy self.” Sebastian gently patted Ciel’s backside. “Am I to assume that my dear first mate has regaled you with our preparations?” He smiled.
“I am thoroughly appalled by those activities.”
“Wouldst my dear noble command me to cease those activities?”
Ciel clacked his teeth with contempt. “I? Command you? As though you would listen to me! Do not mock me!”
“I have never embraced that boy. I swear upon my life, my ship, my soul-”
“You have no soul.”
“I have not bedded him ever!” Sebastian looped his arms around Ciel’s waist and held him close to his chest, pressing a hand against the small of Ciel's back and rocking him from side to side as if he were soothing a choleric infant. “Mine hands have never been laid upon that man, I do not lie, do you not know this by now? I have never lied to you.”
“Wh-why have you not--embraced him?” Ciel murmured into Sebastian's smooth chest, his lips brushing against the milky skin which smelled of soap and sweat so sweet and musky that Ciel felt his own arousal awaken once more.
Sebastian released a long sigh, “When I found him, he was dirtied both in skin and in soul. A ravaged young lad enslaved by a lecherous slave dealer who raped him repeatedly for months on end. I could and would not break him any further than he had already been broken and so I swore I would not go any further with him.”
The memory of Sebastian becoming agitated when Ciel had accused him of trying to rape him weeks ago surfaced in his head. It seemed as if the very idea of rape was appalling to the fearsome pirate. “B-but you prepare him.” Ciel pointed out, still curious over the entire matter.
Sebastian chuckled, “I see Alois did not inform you as to the how. I sit here in my chair whilst Alois lays upon my bed and I verbally instruct him in the ways of stretching out his ho-”
Slapping his hands over his ears, Ciel shook his head vehemently, “Enough! Enough! I do not wish to hear more!” He cried.
Sebastian craned his head up towards Ciel's face and kissed him lightly upon the tip of his nose, “My first mate has mercilessly bullied you, but that in itself amazes me. Aside from myself, he has never laughed, never smiled, never shared secrets with anyone but you. Surely you have been of great influence to him.”
Ciel opened his eye and fought the urge to rub his nose where Sebastian had placed his lips, “Great influence?” He echoed.
“You are indeed special, Earl Ciel Phantomhive.” Sebastian brought his hands up Ciel's sides and cupped the heart shaped face hovering over his own, such beauty, such tragedy, he looked at Ciel in awe. Such pride, such unabashed lust, all encased in this man who was and was not his prisoner. His thumbs rubbed Ciel's cheeks and he chanced one tender swipe against the young man's bottom lip and wondered how it tasted. “To challenge me, to become a pirate, to raise yourself from the ashes of your past, to cause Alois to seek your attention and presence; there is no one quite like you.” He admired..
Ciel was entranced by the sudden meekness of this magnanimous man who laid prone beneath him. He felt like a tiny David looming over a hungry Goliath and it both excited and frightened him. Listening to his gracious words and being praised in such a way made Ciel’s heart beat rapidly against his chest.
He had never felt this way, had never known this elation.
“Kiss me.”
Chapter 18
This one's for my two grandmothers who left this world together.
I'll see you lovely ladies in a hundred years, I love you both so much.
And thank you for the kind words and support to those who knew and reached out to me during my time of grief.
AnimeCujo, you've got me baby, love you to the moon and back❤️
So enjoy this chapter, it's a mix of sexiness, heartbreak and excitement!
And follow me on tumblr blackroseeden and Instagram @blackroseeden1
Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Chapter Text
“Kiss me.”
Sebastian felt his breath sucked straight from his lungs and into some strange void. He was unable to emit a sound from his now parted lips, the enormity of just a simple coupled phrase left him muted. Mouth agape, he stared at Ciel, incredulous at the words which slipped so sensuously from the boy's mouth. Had he heard correctly? He thought frantically, all sense of reasonability quickly unraveling like a tightly wound bow at the hands of an over-eager child upon Christmas morning. Had he been granted that elusive permission to pass over the threshold of his cantankerous prisoner?
“Kiss you?” Sebastian echoed, playfully tracing Ciel's jaw line with the tip of his fingers.”Am I given permission by the great and audacious Earl Ciel Phantomhive?” He teased.
Unamused by the scornful tone, Ciel glared at Sebastian, “You dare mock me?!” He bristled.
“How could I ever mock such a pleasingly sweet request?” He asked hotly, slowly lowering his face towards the earl’s. “Your beggard’s tone is quite alluring.”
“It was certainly not begged for!” Ciel snapped, a scowl forming steadily on his face. “It was you who has me beleaguered with your constant assaults!”
“My advances are of a gentleman’s and your words speak of pleading.”
“It speaks of nothing!” Ciel indignantly curled his lip, “Shall I retract that request?!” He threatened.
Sebastian tilted his head slightly, a sly grin stretching easily across his face as he brushed his lips against the tip of Ciel's nose. “To change your mind is futile, it would do you no good!” He growled.
Ciel closed his eye, feeling a burning knot form in the middle of his chest. The pressure of the captain's body against his own did not frighten him anymore, but instead, it comforted him. It felt like a stronghold had been built around him, to shield and protect him from some unknown force. The warnings blaring red hot in the back of his mind seemed muffled by the desires of his heart and blurting out a need to be kissed had been done so without much thought.
“I did not beg for this” He proudly relented in a low voice before the shadow of the pirate engulfed his petite frame.
Sebastian smirked, his little lord never ceased to amuse him.
“Of course not.”
Their mouths met gently, coy and hesitant at first, finally relenting to one another’s fitting. Sebastian pressed his lips against Ciel’s, flicking his tongue across the bottom and carefully prodding the entrance until he licked the smooth surface of Ciel's teeth. A gasp of sugary breath released itself from Ciel and tumbled into Sebastian's mouth, coating the insides with the heated taste of the candied scones Tanaka had given Ciel before bedtime. It was like kissing a dainty treat of sorts, like dessert for the heart and soul. A creamy elixir of berries and tartness coupled with human bitterness. The older man's chin scraped against Ciel's, the end of the day’s stubble grazing like a cat's tongue over the supple surface of porcelain skin. The delightfulness of it all felt surreal and Sebastian hesitated to close his eyes for fear that it was all simply a grand dream.
Sebastian ached with the tenderness of the moment, the quiet suckling of his prisoner's mouth, and he wanted so badly to devour him whole and consume the very life from this young man, but he held himself back. His clenched hands buried themselves into the sheets and he pressed his crotch and rutted against Ciel's thighs, hoping to alleviate the throbbing pulse of his erection, keeping himself in check so as not to stumble headfirst into a dangerous area. Minding the animalistic urges, Sebastian truly wanted to savor this kiss and the quivering frame cocooned securely within his arms. It thrilled him to feel Ciel arch his body in response to his advances, the bone thin man seeking out the delectable heat of his naked body housed in a robe of ebony velour was unbelievably enticing.
Ciel took quick breaths, hungry for more than just Sebastian's languidly lapping tongue. A nibble to the corner of his mouth nearly sent his mind spiraling into nothing, his eye squeezed shut as delicious electric currents coiled around his groin and trickled along the surface of his skin. He wanted this man, as much as he despised being his captive, he wanted to endure the pains of this imprisonment if it meant being embraced by this rogue and fearsome pirate. What was it about the demon eyed man with flowing hair akin to a dark ghost? He was a wanted criminal, a murderer, a plunderer of the seas! Sebastian commanded with a heavy hand and iron heart and he was merciless to those who acted mutinously towards him. His mere presence was enough to leech fear and awe from anyone who stood near him.
But he was strangely kind when Ciel least expected it and he was soft spoken and feather light with his touches when Ciel seemed to need it the most. His eyes wore the horror of crimson blood and yet they held such admiration when they studied Ciel.
Time slowed down as they both engulfed each other. Their eyes were bright from the pleasure and Ciel's cheeks afire with excitement. Sebastian sucked Ciel's lips, releasing momentarily to deliver a nip here and there to his jawbone and then to his chin, purposely teasing the boy who allowed a low whine to slip whenever his mouth was neglected. Flushed with embarrassment, Ciel pouted at his captor which made Sebastian nearly swoon from the lustful stare served to him by his beguiling would-be lover. A fine shiver rolled like a wave from the bottom of Ciel's feet to the crown of his head when Sebastian shifted his hips and purposely rubbed his hard cock along the inside of Ciel's thigh. It was burning hot, rigid and straining with want and Ciel reacted without thinking, squeezing his thighs together and pressing Sebastian's manhood in a damp hold. Their skin was speckled with sweat and Sebastian moaned lowly as he jutted his dick in and out of the snug hold between Ciel's legs.
“You are a true beauty.” Sebastian whispered huskily before delivering another languid kiss to Ciel's reddened lips. “I wouldst lay here for hours and be enamored with your face.” He confessed.
Ciel scowled, turning his face to the side so that his damaged eye was hidden against the bed sheets. “You would tire of this uglied facade.” He retorted.
The captain frowned, taken aback by Ciel's self deprecation. He ceased his rutting and willed himself to calm the raging need in his crotch.
“Tire? What nonsense is this?!” He grabbed Ciel's chin with his hand and forced the Earl to to face him, holding him in place as he spoke. “Have you no faith in my words? Look to me, am I not a fine and well built man?! Be known that the likes of me has never desired less than exemplary prizes!”
Ciel was dumbfounded, “Your ego is nauseating!” He hissed, trying to shake free from Sebastian's grip. “Prizes? I am a human being! An Earl! I am no trophy to be won over, you malignant brained idiot!” He pulled vigorously at Sebastians arms but found his efforts were useless when he found himself firmly clamped in place. Suddenly, the sensation of Sebastian's fingers crawling their way up the side of his cheek and slipping under the edge of his eye patch startled him and he frantically struggled to set himself free.
“What are you doing?!” Ciel was furious, bringing his own hand up to slap away Sebastian's intrusive fingers but his arm was quickly pinned down. He gritted his teeth and stared angrily at the pirate. “Let me go!” He ordered.
“I will not.” Sebastian continued to push the eye patch off to the side, stealthily avoiding rubbing against the raised scars which framed the injured socket. “This piece of cloth only serves to obstruct the loveliness of your face.”
“It serves to hide the monstrosity of my injury!”
“Earl Phantomhive, no part of you is monstrous.”
“Are you daft?! Are you blind?! Do you not see this hideousness?!”
Sebastian rolled his eyes,“I am most corrected, your lack of charm is monstrous.” He grumbled.
“Enough!” Before Ciel could wrench his face free from Sebastian's hold, the thread which held the patch in place became undone and he felt the slip of material fall to the side of his head. He could see no light through his emptied socket, nor feel anything except a slight cooling of the area against the chilled evening air. Ciel felt naked, revealed, exposed in the face of the world. The mystery of his wound continued to haunt his dreams at night, it was so to the point where his reflection revolted him. Now he was left open, wide open, and nothing could hide the disfigurement.
Tears pooled and dripped steadily from Ciel's dark blue eye, a storm raged within the orb and Sebastian felt his heart break from the depthless despair unfolding before him. Even a beast could weep over the devastation of one so pristine.
“I adore this face.” The black haired man whispered, tracing with the tip of a finger a lone raging red scar underlining the lower portion of Ciel's sewn eye.”This proud and beautiful form within my arms, the spirited spoilt man here in my bed, all fire of heart and prideful soul, I adore every bit of you.”
Ciel bit his lower lip and swallowed hard, he did not want to grumble before this man.”I have nothing to show but this.” His voice quavered with barely restrained emotion, “All has been raked from me, my body broken, my home destroyed, my family murdered, my mind tortured.”
“I shall piece you back together, my Earl.” Sebastian’s hair slipped past his shoulders and cascaded down like a black waterfall. They shaded Ciel's face, effectively blocking out the flickering warm lights of the low lit candles in the room. All Ciel could see was the glowing red orbs of the pirate. The calamity which had arrested his heart suddenly settled calmly, all he could focus on were the cat eyes burning straight through him.
“I am no angelic being, Ciel, I am no exceptional citizen nor lordship with a native land to call mine own. You are the shattered remains of a nobility I cannot thieve and bring back to you, but I am more of man than you think.” Sebastian released one of Ciel's hand and propped himself on his elbow. He took purchase of an inky tendril and began wiping away the tears on Ciel's damp cheek. It felt like a silk handkerchief, Ciel thought, unwilling to look away from Sebastian's otherworldly gaze.
“Perhaps I have a penchant to collect oddities.” Sebastian smiled wryly, ”Perhaps it is a strange hobby of mine, yet you are most certainly an invaluable prize I did not assume I would have the honor of indulging myself with. May I lay claim upon you, Ciel? May I take these pieces of you and make them mine own?”
Ciel blinked his eye and tried to understand what he himself was feeling. “I-I have no inclination yet as to what I really want.” He whispered hoarsely,”Yet at this moment, with you--here--I do know….” Ciel's voice trailed off, leaving an awkward silence between them.
“Know what?” Sebastian pressed, mentally salivating at the squirming prey before him,“Go on, tell me.”
Ciel blinked again, the last remnants of his tears trickling down and swallowed up by Sebastian's hair. “I-I do know, that I want--” he hesitated once again, desperately scraping up whatever courage he had left in his whole being.”I-I do know that…..I want you.”
“My most noble Earl of Phantomhive,” Sebastian kissed him again, their tongues sensuously coupling. He cupped Ciel's fair face and held him with such fervent adulation that his mind briefly declared that he would never allow freedom to this exquisite creature. If he could chain him to his side, revoke his rights to walk as a free person throughout the pathways of life only to be fettered to his soul, Sebastian would have done so.
But an insistent voice called out to the fearsome pirate captain, reminding him sternly that within the insidious folds of underhanded dealings, certain contracts could not be broken under any circumstance.
He was, after all, a man of his word.
“Sleep, for now you must rest.” He said quietly, easing himself off of Ciel who lay confused by the sudden change of mood. Sebastian wrapped his robe tighter around his body, pulled up the sheets until the met underneath Ciel's chin and looped an arm over his captives waist. He tugged Ciel closer to his body until they were spooned and he buried his face into the young man's slate hair, inhaling deeply the clean fresh scent of lavender and soap.
Ciel lay silent, unable to figure out what had just transpired. Just a few seconds ago he thought his chastity was at stake, and honestly he had almost given himself up without so much as a complaint nor denial. What had suddenly crossed the pirate's mind which would have caused him to backtrack so quickly?
Ciel's inner thighs burned from the memory of Sebastian sizable cock and even now his own length was throbbing with unfulfilled desire. Frustrated by the halt in their activities, Ciel closed his eye and fought back the sinful images parading about in his head.
“You are mine.” Sebastian murmured into the shell of Ciel’s ear. “All parts of you are mine.”
Ciel felt his heart tighten with fury and then strange elation.
“Not all parts.” He responded haughtily before slipping away with exhaustion.
“Are you awake, Mey?”
The sliver of a hazel moon peeked through thick curled lashes and their grogginess quickly gave way to panic. Mey’s eyes shot open and she sat up with such forcefulness that she nearly elbowed Nina straight in the center of the poor woman's face. Wearing only her long pin straight hair as a cover, her breasts stuck prominently out between the maroon tresses, causing Doll to immediately blush at their sight.
“The Hell--?” Nina grumbled, her arms clinging around Mey’s naked midsection. She too was unclothed and her curly brown hair tumbled about her pretty face as she glared bleakly eyed at the young pirate crouched besides their bed. Mey had been given three hours rest before her next shift and the seamstress tailor had commandeered at least two hours of it with passionate gusto.
Mey reached out, fumbling clumsily for her thick spectacles which were never too far from her on the box crate nightstand. She slept with Nina in a corner of the bunk area; as a first tier member she was afforded some privacy from the other pirates. Shoving her glasses up the bridge of her nose, she squinted several times until her eyes had adjusted to the dark.
“What's wrong?!” She hissed lowly, grabbing Doll by both arms.”Who's manning the crow's nest?!”
Doll quickly shook her head, “No-Nothing's wrong!” She whispered hurriedly. “Finny’s at the top, but Bard told me to get you up a bit before your turn! He said you need to eat first!”
“That man has a fancy to you.” Nina muttered into the small of Mey's back.”I'll sew his eyes shut if he goes near you.”
“Don't be stupid, he's got no interest in me!” Mey snapped, shoving Nina's head away from her backside with her hand. “Finny’s on his brain except he doesn't know it!”
“Finny?” Dolls eyes widened. “He likes Finny?!”
“I'll come up, I need a bite before my round.” Mey pulled the sheets up to her chin and waved dismissively at Doll. “Go on, scoot, or do you want to see what the stork saw?”
Doll shook her her head again and leapt to her feet. “The dawn's coming Mey, should I go wake Ciel?” She asked hopefully, her eyes scanning the numerous bunks filled with slumbering folk.
“That perfect little man isn't here.” Nina yawned, stretching her arms above her head as she leaned back against her pillow. “He takes to sleeping in the captain's quarters every night now,”
The blood drained from Dolls face. “He--he does, now does her?” She spoke in a quiet voice. Her eyes dropped a bit and her forlorn face caused Mey’s heart to clench.
“”I need my robe love, can you fetch it for me?” She spoke gently, brushing a rogue curl from a Doll's forehead. The trail of scars across her eye showed for a moment, but she did not retract her hand. The girl was a victim of cruelty, of heavy anger and blind rage and she deserved to be treated with only kindness.
“Yes.” She murmured before turning around and feeling along the floor for the robe. Upon finding it, she presented it to Mey and watched with envy as the curvaceous lady wrapped her buxom form with the linen cloth. Doll’s own body was slight and barely that of a woman's and she wondered if she would ever lose an alluring figure to men.
Glancing at Nina in bed, she wondered if women would ever find her enticing as well.
“I'll go now.” Doll sighed and scampered out of the sleeping quarters. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon and Mey had decided to do a day shift so that she could finally have a few hours with her lover. Nina would be patching up some pants throughout the day and Doll had promised Alois that she would skip to the highest masts in order to check the status of the main sails.
The day had barely begun and yet the pale faced girl was already saddened.
She adored Ciel.
He was young, like her, and he was not salted and brined like the rest of the crew. His pretty face, the lone eye, his compassion towards her had arrested the very functions of her fragile heart. She longed to kiss him, hold his hand, be doted upon by the princely boy but with each passing day he seemed to stand farther and farther from her.
Captain Sebastian would soon acquiesce the heart of that noble jewel of the sea.
“It's not fair!” She muttered angrily under her breath as she stomped around the lower deck. Life had always thrown her into one dark corner or another and the only light of her life was being saved by Sebastian.
And most recently, becoming friends with Ciel.
The rolling thunder of some distant storm reached her ears and she looked up curiously at the long white streak of cloud illuminating the horizon. She sniffed the air and in a flash, sprang up to a low masthead. Swift in movement and agile, she hopped from one wood pole to another like a graceful cat until she reached the top of one of the main sails. Her body was unbelievable with its dexterity, her small feet were featherlight and sturdy in their standing.
Butt her heart was fragmented with the hurt of an unrequited love. Memories began to flood her mind, the books of the past opening up and leaves of pages fluttering with the winds of nostalgia. As she gazed out at the distant clouds, she began to remember her childhood.
She had been a prized baby, adored by her family and pampered as a tiny princess in a lovely townhouse outside of bustling London city. They were The Kents of Mayfair, a wealthy suburb in the West End, and they lived well with nary a worry nor want of anything. She was Dollison Kent, the doe eyed sweetheart of the family.
But fate had itself a humorous side when it decided to befall her mother with an illness that the good lady could not recover from. Doll’s father, a chemist for their town, grew distant and bitter, possibly because her face mirrored her own mother's loveliness, and he took to drinking to nullify the grief and pain of lost love. There were no other siblings and he had taken to dismissing visits from the rest of their family, citing his need to help repair his poor daughter’s distress over the loss of her mother. But it was all a lie. Servant after servant was sent away and the home which had once been so lively and full of light slowly became encased in darkness and gloom.
One night, in the throes of a bender, he picked up a hot coal from their fireplace with the use of a clamp and threw the molten hot piece towards his five year old child's direction. The air immediately filled with the twin screams father and daughter let loose, one of horror and pair and the other of regret and fury.
The next day Doll”s father walked out of the door, leaving his feverish and ailing child bundled in a heap of dirty blankets on the floor, and never returned.
Somehow, through the grace and glory of a higher being, a neighbor had heard the sailings of the child and called the local constables to check in on the noises. For the next five years, Dolly Kent was shuffled under cover, for fear that such a scandal would tarnish the history and reputation of the Mayfair residents, from one poor orphanage to another until finally she ran away from the abusive confines of squalor and starvation and opted to thieve her way through life and London's back alleys.
Winter in London came early the year Sebastian had first acquired Beast. The air bit sharp and cold at the young girl's skin and she sneezed constantly every time she breathed in the chill. They had docked El Cuervo Negro in a private port owned by a mysterious man who seemed steeped in underworld darkness but had a sort of business type relationship with the fearsome captain. A tall man with a wide smile, bright green eyes and long silver hair, the odd man had met them in the dead of night and offered them information and the where about of a particularly curious young thief amongst the slums. Mey had been given charge of the ship and ordered to shoot anyone in the head who dared to step on or off the vessel.
“This area stinks of rotted meat and dirty Whore.” Sebastian coughed out, crinkling his nose with disdain as he fetched a white linen handkerchief from his pocket and placed it over his nose. “Mind you to use yours as well, Alois. I need not you to become infected by some sort of disease.”
Alois nodded and stuffed his own white handkerchief over his mouth and nose.”Aye, Capitan, it's ripe.” He gagged. His eyes were tearing up and he cursed inwardly at their situation. What was so very important that they had to come here of all places?
The captain and his first mate strode in a leisurely pace down a muddy street abutting Fleet Ditch, a sewage river alongside Saffron Hill. London boasted high end areas and yet their slums were of the worst kind. Garbage lay strewn everywhere and abandoned buildings flickered with candles that poorly lit rooms with crumbling walls. Streets with broken cobblestone led only to more hovels and closed shops, it was barely livable.
A whoosh and a flash of movement caught the corner of Sebastian's eye and before Alois could react, the captain had unsheathed his gun and pointed it in the direction of a dark corner of a dead end. He cocked the hammer of the gun and snickered lowly.
“If you move, little one, I shall place a hole straight through your malnourished heart.” He warned.
Alois stared at the darkness and suddenly noticed the outlIne of a slight form. The light from the moon did little to help, but he could sense someone cowering before them.
“Alois, check your purse.” Sebastian commanded without taking his eyes away from the figure.
“What? Aye Captian--” Alois looked down at his belt for the small satchel buckled to his coat but was shocked to find the leather bag gone. He whipped his head up and stared fearfully at his captain. “Sir! I-I don't know! I-It’s gone!” He cried.
Sebastian chuckled, “No, it is not gone.” He raised his arm a few inches and fired his pistol. A high pitched scream rang out followed by the sound of someone falling. Alois jumped back, disbelieving that his captain would shoot someone so quickly without reason.
He usually makes them beg first, he thought.
Blowing the grey smoke from the mouth of the gun, Sebastian placed his firearm back in its holster, brandished a much smaller pistol out of the inside pocket of his vest and sauntered over to the corner. He struck a match and lit an old fashioned candle street lamp which hung from one of the window railings and bent down to the trembling person on the floor.
Doll had felt the heat of the bullet graze the top of her head and she nearly fainted from fright.
“That was a warning.” He spoke gravely. “The next shot will split this nugget of a head of yours wide open.” Sebastian pressed the muzzle of his pistol against the middle of Doll’s forehead. She stared up at the silver barrel and trembled terribly.
“M-My a-apologies, s-sir!” She whimpered, “I-I meant n-no harm!”
Grinning from ear to ear, Sebastian tossed his pistol aside , grabbed a lock of Doll’s hair and yanked her head back so that he could get a better view of her face. What he discovered was that the airy voice and lithe figure of the young girl before him did not prepare him for her disfigured face. He could tell that she had once been a beautiful child, but someone's barbaric nature stole away her natural born looks. Sunken cheeks from starvation, hollow lone eye filled with hopelessness and cracked lips from thirst, she was indeed the epitome of the orphaned vagrants roaming the night streets of East London.
“What be your name, little one?” He spoke gently.
“D-Doll!” She cried pitifully.
“Doll? How amusing!” Sebastian chortled, “As in a rag doll?”
Alois suddenly realized that his captain did not kill the person who had been in the corner and raced over to them. Instant rage filled him when he noticed his purse lying on the floor next to the curled up form of a young girl who could be no more than 13 years of age.
“You miserable bitch!” He spat as he lifted his booted foot and aimed for her head but Sebastian lifted his hand to signal for him to back away. Alois grumbled his discontent but obeyed the command.
“I have heard of the likes of you, little one.” Sebastian continued in an even voice. “The so called ghost thief of the night. A young girl with white hair who haunted the night by crawling up the sides of buildings and roofs, snatching purses, food, anything to sell but no one has been able to catch you. How amusing, little one, that you being so young can monkey about in such an extraordinary way!”
Doll scrunched up her face and looked up at the pair, her fear was palpable.
“D-Don't hurt me!” She wailed, covering her face with her hands.
Sebastian grabbed her by the arm and hoisted her up to a sitting position. “Have you not been hurt enough?” He looked into her one eye and traced the outlines of the scars which covered her dead eye. “I have use for your talents, you have use for a home, a bath, good food, and a family. Who shall profit from this transaction more, hm?”
Doll swallowed hard, wondering what could possibly be worse than her life in the slums. “I-If I go, c-can I bring some people?” She asked in a mouse like voice.
“Leave her, Capitan, she's brazen and nothing but trouble!” Alois snapped. “And she smells putrid!” He added.
Quirking an eyebrow, curiosity seemed to overtake the man. “Are your people….special?” He smiled.
Alois huffed angrily but said no more.
Doll nodded, “Yes sir, just like me.” She replied. “I been with ‘em three years now and It's the only way we survived here.”
And thus, Doll, Dagger, Jumbo, and the twins were purchased from the filthy squalor of the London Slums. All abandoned and abused, thrown away by their families and entered into a vagabond's life. They had all met while shuffling about for food and it had been because of Jumbo’s strength, the twin’s abilities to fight and Dagger’s uncanny aim for throwing objects with acute precision that they had banded together to survive the cruelty of their lives.
Sebastian took them all and felt a sense of accomplishment so great that Alois grew dizzy from his captain's insistent banter about how exceptional a captain he was and how no other captain had a better crew than he.
Doll sighed at the memory and rested her chin atop her knees as she lost herself in the strange patterns of the dawning sky. She could hear the morning crew bustling about and Mey’s cheerful voice as she called up to Finny to come down from the nest. Another day, another opportunity to see Ciel, she thought happily, but her joy was quickly dulled by the fact that her beloved had spent the night with Sebastian.
On the deck below she caught sight of Ciel walking alongside Alois. They looked freshly washed and in good moods, talking amicably to each other and smiling as they ambled towards the canteen. It was a wonder how Ciel was able to make Alois seem more human, she thought as she admired Ciel's gleaming blue grey mane and heart shaped face. His was so fluid and elegant in speech and movement and the smitten girl sighed at how beautiful he was.
“Not fair.” She muttered, longing to jump down from her spot and fling her arms around his neck.
Mey climbed atop to her position in the crow's nest and settled down a hot cup of rum and coffee at her feet. Her rifle was reloaded and she pushed her glasses up her nose while scanning the distant horizon. Her eyes narrowed and focused in on the air currents and she felt something in her bones, like a warning, but she could not place it. The previous night had caused her to feel the same uneasiness and she hated feeling like there was something amiss.
Beast called out to Dagger for help with swabbing the deck and Tanaka had taken to admonishing Snake for once again allowing his snakes into the kitchen. Apparently, Bard had himself a good fright hauling up a sack of potatoes and coming face to face with Hugo, the albino ball python. All in all, the morning was unraveling itself as the rays of sun lazily stretched across the glistening sea.
A breeze kicked up and sent Mey’s hair whipping about her face. Annoyed by the gust, she pulled a cord from her pocket, held it between her teeth and grabbed her hair in order to tie it back. But before she could loop the cord around, a high whistling caught her ears. It was low at first, almost like that whistle piped through someone's front teeth yet it began to rise steadily, like a boiling teapot.
Her eyes studied the shifting air currents, darting around reading the unseen traces of weather patterns hovering in the air and without a second thought she spat the cord to the ground, grabbed the cowbell she kept and bent over the side of the nest. Furiously ringing the bell, she signaled for the entire crew to halt all activity immediately. The loud brass clanging rang out and caught everyone by surprise.
“What's all the clamor?!” Dagger called out, holding up his hands in confusion. “Ain't another pirate ship to be seen!”
“Avast! Avast! Get yourselves below deckl!” Mey screamed at the top of her lungs, waving her arms frantically above her head. The whistling grew in magnitude, nearly overtaking her voice but she reached down within her gut and bellowed out her warning with all her might.
A sudden gust of wind slammed into Mey but she grappled with the ropes tied around the nest and held on tight. “Batten down the hatches! Bear down yourselves!” She thundered.
Chapter 19
Don't you hate writing and wondering if you're still relevant? Sucks big time lol but work had me completely at its mercy and tbh this chapter was very difficult to wrote. I made it extra long and cation packed so I hope you all enjoy it!
As for my other stories, I did not drop them, I am just seriously entrenched with work but soon I'll be on vacation and writing more frequently again.
Thank you to those who are still reading and commenting and giving me thumbs up because I truly enjoy these stories and I think you guys are amazingly kind and wonderful ❤️❤️❤️
Enjoy!!!! Oh! And follow me on Instagram! Blackroseeden1 I've been cosplaying like crazy and I enjoy sharing my love for anime and coplasy with the world
Chapter Text
“A white squall?” Ciel looked up from his book and knitted his brows, eyes slit with curiousity,”Is there such a thing, father?”
Vincent Phantomhive leaned back in his white wicker rocker and stared thoughtfully at the bamboo leaf fan circulating above him on the front porch awning. He was flanked by his wife, who was busily studying a conch shell Ciel had found for her on the beach that morning, and his young son who had been perusing through a novel about the dangerous forces of the seven seas. They were all lounging peacefully after the breakfast table had been cleared and Ciel still had a coat of sand embedded on the soles of his feet from frolicking about the beachfront. A floral breeze sifted through the rustling palm trees; the voices of the early morning church goers floating in like specks of dust from the nearby town sounded like ghostly whispers.
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sarembaart · 3 years
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When young master needs a little help... 🔥🖤 Ciel Phantomhive: @cosplay.kleinervampir Sebastian Michaelis: @sarembaart Location: #Dortmund #blackbutler #blackbutlercosplay #blackbutlercosplayer #blackbutlerfans #blackbutlerfandom #kuroshitsuji #kuroshitsujicosplay #cielphantomhivecosplay #cielphantomhive #sebastianmichaeliscosplay #sebastianmichaelis #simplyonehellofabutler #cielxsebastian #sebastianxciel #animecosplayer (hier: Dortmund Centrum) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQsnJyYBmaD/?utm_medium=tumblr
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todiewasanart112 · 4 years
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Sebastian: So far, you’ve tried violin, piano singing. Young master is there anything your good at?
Ciel: Breathing...
Sebastian: Sir, you have asthma
( First post, plz no hate :/ )
- To Die Was An Art
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my-world-of-glitter · 4 years
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“He is nothing more than one of my pawns. However, he is not a normal pawn. He is a pawn that can get across the whole board in one move.” ;) Sebastian by @_.nana.iro._ Ciel by me Photo by @mikaniju #blackbutler #kuroshitsuji #cielphantomhive #sebastianmichaelis #cielphantomhivemakeup #bookofcircus #blackbutlerbookofcircus #cielphantomhivecosplay #sebastianmichaeliscosplay #cielxsebastian #cielphantomhivesebastianmichaelis #cosplay #makeup #cosplaymakeup #photoshoot #masquaoscosplay @german.cos https://www.instagram.com/p/CCst7vajZ5x/?igshid=gv9jv7hlq3ii
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💕Ciel x Sebastian ❤Credit: @weian_vann * * * * * * #cielphantomhive #sebastiancosplay #cielxsebastian #cielcosplay #blackbutlersebastian #blackbutlercosplay #blackbutler #blackbutlerciel #kuroshitsuji #kuroshitsujicosplay #kuroshitsujisebastian #kuroshitsujiciel #couplecosplay #cosplaying #cosplayofinstagram #cosplayersofig #cosplayers #cielsunawakening #sebastianmichaelis #sunawakening https://www.instagram.com/p/B8XsJqNHjkA/?igshid=1u6ecws1pokqh
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fantasyresident · 6 years
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A piece of artwork from my SebaCiel collection, drawn by me! :)
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i-love-kuroshitsuji · 6 years
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adorable... i love it!! :’D
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bitter-rabittt · 4 months
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 https://www.wattpad.com/story/370374026-short-yet-sweet-sebaciel-fic%27s?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=bitter-rabittt These are a work in progress, i need reasons to write, so i will be basing each story off a song, new or old. Sebaciel has been a comfort ship for many years, and with the new season, why not write!
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yahiro-asura-blog · 6 years
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I can resist anything but temptation.❤ (Oscar Wilde)~ Sebastian Michaelis: Me~ Ciel Phantomhive : @noelnomori ~ Photo: @_hanaaka_ 📷 { #sebastianmichaelis #cielphantomhive #sebaciel #sebastianxciel #cielxsebastian #sebastianmichaeliscosplay #cielphantomhivecosplay #earl #bocchan #yesmylord #mylord #kuroshitsuji #blackbutler #kuroshitsujicosplay #otaku #anime #animegirl #manga #mangagirl } https://www.instagram.com/p/BqVhrUxB7Qt/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ncjafe6xgp4v
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lcvelydevilwritings · 7 years
Little drabble I wrote bc I love the idea of Sebastian and Ciel getting in trouble with their own feelings
Word Count: 380
They’d really known each other far too long. It was unnatural for a demon to stay in one place so long; and it was irrational that Ciel had managed to keep someone close enough to call his own. Their contract kept them bound to each other, but their own naïve curiosities placed them in one bed, deft lips making slow movements over a pale and sensitive neck. 
The two men laid with bare legs tangled and arms wrapped around torsos and shoulders, it was a question of when they’d began being so intimate rather than how. Perhaps it was due to the beautiful blue-eyed boy aging into an even more breathtaking adult. They had both stopped wondering.
Ciels body was much more relaxed compared to the usual tenseness he held in his shoulders and core as his thin fingers made quick work to tangle in dark locks and hold Sebastians kisses against his hammering pulse. Soft and breathy moans encouraged the demon any time he paused long enough to bring the soft skin between his teeth and leave scattered bruises. It was only during moments such as these that they could shed their facades; not just of lord and butler, but of ruthless master and heartless demon. Although neither would ever admit it, they both knew the truth of what mess they’d gotten themselves into. They were both so undeniably infatuated with each other and everything they did reflected their desires, passions and dramatic wants.
“Sebastian..” The soft-spoken name was whispered into the dark room in between an impatient whimper as Ciel gently tugged at the demons’ hair. The movement pulled Sebastian away from his previous focus to move up and kiss the desperate lips saying his name like a prayer. Both could swear that anytime they kissed, the room gave a dark shift, forcing them to try and forget the mistake they were making. However, Sebastian wasn’t afraid to take their looming fate as a challenge, snaking his arm around Ciels waist to pull their chests flush against each other. A soft gasp escaped the other in response, Ciel shifting one of his hands to rest on Sebastians jawline and push their lips together harder, deeper, tongues exploring to bring in the bitter taste of the fantasy they’d created.
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my-world-of-glitter · 4 years
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“- we're more demonic than demons are! I'm just like them. I'm full of the same ugliness they were. This is how humans are. It's how we are, Sebastian!" I had a shooting with my dearest friends on Saturday. I already posted this picture in my stories but I like that selfie way to much. Here with my lovely beautiful Sebastian. More shooting photos come up soon :3 Sebastian by @_.nana.iro._ Ciel by me Selfie by me without filter :3 #blackbutler #kuroshitsuji #cielphantomhive #sebastianmichaelis #cielphantomhivemakeup #bookofcircus #blackbutlerbookofcircus #cielphantomhivecosplay #sebastianmichaeliscosplay #cielxsebastian #cielphantomhivesebastianmichaelis #cosplay #makeup #cosplaymakeup #selfie #nofilter @german.cos https://www.instagram.com/p/CClStbJjuvB/?igshid=br4w2bcssde8
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gissellegg17 · 3 years
Sebaciel 🖤 x 💙 #sebaciel #sebacielyaoi #sebacielforever #sebastianmichaelis #cielphantomhive #cielseba #sebastianxciel #sebastianxcielyaoi #cielxsebastian #cielxsebastianyaoi #yaoi #blackbutler #yanatoboso https://www.instagram.com/p/CWW-HsklNxb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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cosplaysashq-blog · 6 years
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Yo laddies,
Here is Eevee’s Sebastian costest :D We’re getting hyped and ready for our next ‘convention’ this month at Experience Japan :3 more info on that soon ~ <3
CosplaySAS HQ
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azuresins · 7 years
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