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"Come, my servant. Take my hand. Allow the Demon King to lead you to a new dimension!"
"Servant, do you wish to rule half this world?"
"I'm not familiar with real world maps."
"Where's the save point?"
"Yeah… We can get by with an umbrella."
"Visting the store is so exciting. Did you find any rare equipment? Keep an eye out for stat bonuses."
"I'm moved every time they call me the Demon King. Huh? They call me the Servant of the Gray Wolf? Tsk. I'll show them who the real master is."
"Don't be discouraged, challenge is good! We'll show them what we're made of next time, servant of the Demon King."
"Welcome, my servant. Lie back on the soft cushions and try some cake. I hear it's your favorite."
"Hahaha! As expected from a loyal servant! I will match your bravery with all my might!"
"The Magic Castle? What about it? Fufufu, I named it after myself. After all, it's the only place fit for a Demon King to take rest."
"They call me the Demon King. You should be honored to have seen me with your own eyes."
"Witness the true power of the Demon King."
"Let the games begin!"
"We'll clear this in the shortest time possible!"
"Let the darkness consume you!"
"Let's play!"
"I'll go for an insta-kill!"
"Let them know, Kinsmen of Darkness, that it's Game. Over."
"Hah! That was overkill, huh?"
"Did I let my guard down…?"
"Did you find any rare items?"
"The basics, right?"
"I'm climbing up the ranks."
"It's a Lord's duty to take care of His servants. So if you're in trouble, please, tell me immediately."
"Hmm… You carry yourself with dignity as servant of the Demon King. I'm glad to have you by my side. Will you continue to stand by me?"
"Fight together, advance together. I'm proud to have a Servant like you."
"The Servant of the Demon King… No, I should call you my Right Hand, now. That's how much you mean to me."
"My servant… No, you are more than that… The bond I share with you is the most precious thing in the world to me."
"Hahaha! Any challenge! I will accept any challenge! Come! Have fun with the Demon King!"
"Come, my servants, flock to me! Now is the time to show our power… Together, we shall rule the 2D world!"
"Servants! It's time to play! …What? You're busy? Don't worry, the Demon King is the best at waiting!"
"Is that passion I see? Are you having fun? Haha, that's the way it should be!"
"It's been a long time since I was last outside. I've lived most my life locked inside that castle. It's all I've ever needed."
"Mission complete. Let's head home."
"Mm? Of course it's perfect. As the Demon King, one must be at their best at all times."
"My servant, I ask the contrary. Have I ever been in imperfect shape? For your information, this complexion is completely natural."
"It doesn't get better than this. Today's game marks my 100th win in a row."
"I worry you that much? What kind of a Demon King lets their servant look as sad as that?"
"…Okay, I admit. I'm a little tired… I've had more people asking to play against me as of late…"
"I think I'll nap for an hour or so once we get home. As my servant, it's your job to wake me up. I'm counting on you.
"Are you interested in this game, too? Then I, the Demon King, shall teach you how to play."
"A new game has arrived! Let's play it for the first time together! It'll be fun! No, you're not allowed to look at the manual in advance."
"Competitive games are so fun! You can compete with people from all over the world!"
"Huh? You keep asking me that… Are you about to jump into a game lobby?"
"Puzzle games, simulations, shooters, racing games… What genre do you prefer?"
"Name me any genre you like and I'll suggest 100 different games. I'm always ready to give people my recommendations."
"Claws of a demon king, huh? I might rarely make appearances to the public, but even still, one must take care of their appearance. "
"Why are you staring at my fingertips? Are you transfixed with how I hold my controller?"
"Do my nails get in the way? I would never allow my fingernails to dictate how I play the game."
"If they bother you so much, I give you special permission to take care of them."
"…Hm. You're quite dextrous. They're more beautiful than if I'd done them myself."
"I believe you deserve a reward. Sweets, video games, whatever your heart desires."
"The real face of the Demon King is not known to the public. Even if we were to run into someone, they wouldn't know who I am."
"Do you have a map by any chance? One can roam at will in a video game. But… In real life… Not so much…"
"The Demon King and His servant's secret quest… Hah! That's pretty funny."
"I'm doing well for a hermit, you say? Well there's more than enough space to exercise in the Magic Castle."
"Is there something on your mind? Please, do not hesitate. The Demon King is generous! I'll keep you company as long as you like."
"I'm… Somewhat new to this… People usually call me by my handle…"
"What's wrong? You need to ask a favor? Well, if it's for you of all people, of course I'll do it."
"What is it, my servant? You are calling my name so much today."
"Are you hungry? If so, tell me asap. I can't just let my servant starve."
"I checked the Magic Line. There's a fancy cafe nearby. Let's head there right away."
"Dust… You have some nerve defying me, but you are no match for my servant! Hmph!"
"Thank you for your help. Though it brings me shame as the Demon King…"
"Black clothes show dirt more than you'd think. But… But black is non-negotiable. It is the only color befitting the image of a royal Demon King."
"They're still dirty? Tsk. What a stubborn stain. Thank God you noticed."
"This area doesn't seem well maintained. Let us move on before you get dirt on you, too."
"What's with the surprised look on your face? The Lord cares for His servants, too, you know.. It's only natural…"
"What? I look tired? I took a nap before I left, so it's likely the remnants of that."
"You look like you're having a hard time. Bend down a little, let me help you. When we're next to each other like this, you're much smaller than I thought…"
"You're right. My servant is very clever. I'm glad I have a servant like you."
"Ugh, sorry about this… My hair seems quite fickle today…"
"Oh? My servant… Your hair is a bit of a mess. Let me fix it for you."
"My hair is soft? Like your favorite blanket? Are you… Praising me?"
"Servant, stay close to me. You are safest by the Demon King's side."
"If you're tired of walking, we could take a break at a nearby cafe. I wouldn't mind getting some tomato juice."
"Your eyes are so beautiful, even more so now I see them close up with my own."
"Servant, take my hand. Now put your other hand on my arm. Yes, now you are truly a Servant of the Lord."
"The Magic Company recommended this place to me so I wanted to bring you here."
"A real outing with you is already a must-do dream of mine. Now, where and what shall we do next?"
"I used to never go outside. But now… I look forward to going out with you."
"Too many games? Don't worry so much. This is my job, and I enjoy doing it."
"My cheeks must be cold. Being a vampire, I don't have a very high body temperature."
"Don't touch me when I'm not expecting it. It's upsetting and making it difficult to focus on the game."
"Why are you poking my cheeks so much? …They're pleasant to touch? You are a woman of unusual tastes."
"I think it's time to change things up. As much as you like touching my cheeks, I'm going to do the same to you."
"Your cheeks are so soft. And warmer than anything I've ever felt… I want to hold you like this forever."
"You think I've got marks from the controller on my hands? You've got pen marks, too. Because we both work hard at what we do."
"If you want to hold my hand, fine. I'd be honored to walk hand-in-hand with you."
"…Don't you hate it when we do this? You don't? Well, then… Let's keep doing it."
"It's nice to hold hands, isn't it? I feel like I'm flying higher than ever, thanks to you."
"I want to keep going out with you every once in a while. I'll even hold your hand. If that's what my servant wishes."
"Whatever you wish, I will make it happen. For you are my precious servant."
"Mmm, this ice cream is delicious. Try it, my servant. Don't hesitate to help yourself."
"I never thought I'd see the day when the Demon King would stand shoulder to shoulder with a servant. Or eat crepes with his servant. …It's not a bad feeling."
"Emma, open your mouth. I want to personally feed you something delicious."
"Hmm… I'm very satisfied. Does the taste change when you eat while walking? This is an intriguing discovery."
"My servant, do you know wh at my favorite meal is?"
"That sandwich you make. Nothing compares to it. I hope you'll make it again one day."
"I've been feeling a little… Strange… Lately. Whenever I'm around you, I want to touch you. I can't help it. …Does that scare you?"
"I feel safe with you, Emma… Will… Will you always be with me?"
"What's the matter? Your cheeks are looking a little red. Have you caught a cold? Come here, I'll take care of you."
"Hmm, where to next? I've enjoyed spending time with you! It's so exciting!"
"You don't have to get so close… Do I look lost to you? Hey, what do you think you're doing to the Demon King!?"
"Mm… I like this distance… A fitting position for the Servant of the Demon King…"
"Hm? What's the matter, Servant? Oh, we're not finished with this outing just yet, are we?"
"It's refreshing to be celebrated in person. I can see you smile right in front of me now. And I can't think of a better gift than that."
"Wait! I can't possibly accept anything more! As the Demon King, it's my duty to give unto my servants, not take!"
"Oh, this is good! A fitting tribute to the Demon King!"
"An offering to the Demon King? I gratefully accept."
"You servant, are you trying to reach a bad end…?"
"Oh relax, Servant. Anymore of this and it'll be overkill! You're more dangerous that I thought…"
"O' servant, you shall be rewarded for your daily work."
"Servant, are you good at adventure games? Capture the target? Perfect choice, as expected of you."
"This item on the Magic Line… I've never seen it before… This a new street fad?"
"Yes, this indeed would be a new challenge for me. Fufu, I'll have to take it head on!"
"Huh… If you overdo it with these things, it can be counterproductive, y'know? But that doesn't many any sense when it's you and me…"
"What's the best gift to make you like me? It's funny… It's never this hard to choose in game…"
WELCK : You really do think highly of yourself, calling yourself the Demon King. One day I will defeat you. CINIS : Gray Wolf. I praise your courage, challenging the Demon King like this. You know I'm always ready to accept.
CINIS : Here we go, Gray Wolf. WELCK : Ugh… You're so full of yourself…
CINIS : Our turn. WELCK : We're not going to lose.
WELCK : Cinis is every bit as competitive as I expected. CINIS : Now do you understand why they call me the Demon King?
WELCK : Double check! CINIS : Oooh, this is getting fun!
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