abbee-normal · 10 months
look what showed up on my explore tab 😂
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chill-bunn-sage · 11 months
☀ my Fynta would 💯 do an appreciative double take for your girl.
The first look would be Krysanthe just walking by and being cute without a care in the world, but I know my she’d would trip on air and fall right on her face during the double take lol
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cinlat · 8 months
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This looks like one of those Haunted House photos.
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tishinada · 1 year
Junelezen day 15: Romance
Zas never believed in love at first sight...and that hasn’t changed. Still, her first sight of the Admiral haunted her dreams for the next five years. Fortunately, Merlwyb hadn’t noticed her in return as the Lominsan forces were mustering for Carteneau. While a Duskwight marauder was certainly rare enough to catch the eye in the pirate city, it was also easy to hide behind her taller Roe comrades...which she did frequently from embarrassment as she had unluckily just hit her early-20s growth spurt and could barely walk without tripping or knocking something over. This bad luck consigned her to a support role---no one wants to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with an axeman who loses control of their axe after all---but ironically almost certainly saved her life. Her old unit was the first from Lominsa hit by Bahamut’s blast, robbing her of the only real friend she’d had. Her guilt and horror at helping retrieve bodies from the battlefield led her away from Lominsa for a time, taking to the road as a mercenary.
But her memory of the Admiral, commanding and self-confident and unflinchingly fearless, eventually drew her back. Well, that and the onset of waking dreams in which the coral towers of the city almost always featured. She hadn’t admitted even to herself that she hoped for another glimpse of the Admiral when she returned, but she certainly never imagined she’d come face-to-face with the Admiral. Or so embarrassingly.
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In her defense, she had turned, expecting the person behind her to be the Commodore, a much shorter Hyur, but she was exhausted from consecutive fights, including that strange man Y’shtola called an Ascian, and found herself staring numbly. She could have sunk through the floor a second or two later, but when she made her eyes meet the Admiral’s, there was more than a glint of amusement in those blue eyes.
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It took very little time in the Admiral’s presence for Zas to become completely smitten, but somehow Merlwyb’s rather outrageous flirting still went over her head. After all, who was she? Just a vagabond, an adventurer. Someone with no family, no money. A Duskwight, a word she couldn’t even think without hearing the scorn most people used. Bandit the tone implied. Uncivilized. Untrustworthy. Different. Zas herself took pride in what she could remember of her people, little as that was, but somehow it never occurred to her that outsiders also said Lominsan the same way. Pirates. Barbarians. Untrustworthy.
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Eventually, Merlwyb had to take matters into her own hands in a way that left Zas with no doubts that the interest was returned. Merl, after all, was far better at reading Zas’s flustered response to the slightest hint of interest from Merl, and while that was amusingly flattering, clearly nothing short of directness was going to end the standoff.
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Things quickly progressed from smitten affection to serious, though again, Zas didn’t really expect more from Merl than pleasant evenings and nights together when their respective responsibilities allowed.
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It wasn’t until their reunion during the search for Raubahn that Merlwyb finally managed to make it clear that this was not a simple fling for her either.
They’ve never looked back, and their only regrets are how little time they are able to have together, especially since both live such dangerous lives. Zas has slowly learned skills in shipbuilding and navigating, and one day, perhaps they’ll both retire to quieter lives. Together.
Though somehow “quiet” isn’t a word that either is really familiar with...
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kunoichi-ume · 1 year
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I slipped and accidently made a new FFXIV character. This is Renni Roda. She’s the youngest of many siblings (I haven’t decided how many yet) and as such is ambitious to make a name and prove herself but also a little gullible from her siblings both teasing and protecting her for most of her life. 
Ran some stuff with my husband and look how good she looks next to Ruffles. He’s married to Cobi but it does give a girl ideas... 
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dingoat · 7 days
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Some mini mermaids for folk who are always too good to me! <3
Leafy sea dragon Chance for @queen-scribbles Sea angel Blizz for @mimabeann Blue ringed kraken Fynta for @cinlat
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keldae · 2 months
15 Questions for 15 (?) Friends
Tagged by the incomparable @elveny! <3
ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE?: My middle name is a family name! My cousin has the same middle name, and it was my Nana's middle name too.
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: Uhhhh... can't remember.
DO YOU HAVE KIDS?: Nope, just houseplants.
WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED?: When I was in high school, I did shotokan karate, and made it to my first-degree brown belt before my knee gave up!
DO YOU USE SARCASM?: Me? Sarcasm? Neeeeeveeeer.
WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE?: Typically the general appearance and their overall vibe!
WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR?: Grey-ish hazel-ish? They legit change based on the light and my mood. My driver's licence says "green", my passport says "hazel", and when I look in a mirror, I mostly see grey.
SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS?: I can't do scary movies at all! Happy endings all the way.
ANY TALENTS?: Jack of all trades, master of none! I like to think I'm a good writer, and I'm a pretty good sewist and a decent artist. I can also (sometimes) sing, and used to teach guitar.
WHERE WERE YOU BORN?: Greater Toronto Area
WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES?: Writing, reading, gaming, sewing/cosplaying
DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS?: My dad has a dog, and my boyfriend has two big puppers who adore me, but no pets of my own!
DREAM JOB?: Published writer, or costume department for the film union!
Let's see, who am I tagging... @inyri @legacy-lycanthrope @cinlat @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @auroraesmeraldarose @abysskeeper @iocainesmoothie @commander-krios @storyknitter @queen-scribbles @superiorjello and whoever else wants to join in the fun!
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danger-xylophones · 1 year
Mand'alor's Gambit Part 5
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warnings: references to murder, prison environment, reader gets a villain (antihero?) arc, Satine, references to a tragedy, shit ton of poorly translated mando'a
Shoutout to @cinlat whose wonderful characterization of Balic Cormac and OC Fynta Wolfe birthed a new oc of mine who shows up later. If you are at all a fan of SWTOR, I recommend reading Family is More Than Blood. It is truly a work of art and I'm always so thoroughly entertained reading it.
<- part 4
You better just fix your posture
And every hero needs his theme song, so
Who in here tryna start a riot?
Sundari prison was huge. Somehow bigger than your child mind had remembered. Which, in all fairness, wasn't so impossible - you'd only visited three times after Dereth's initial incarceration. Once to confirm his sentence, one other to gloat over your new control in Dion. And once when Almec was imprisoned. You weren't intimidated by the sheer monolith that the prison was per se, but you did take a moment to take it all in which caught the attention of Maul.
"Are you alright, Governor?" He asked, head tilting forward towards you. His hands, as always were perfectly clasped behind his back.
With a shake of your head, you placed your helmet on while you answer. "Fine, I'm fine, Lord Maul. Merely observing the child mind's ability to warp images."
"I take it the prison is not how you remember it?" His voice hid a chuckle that you didn't appreciate.
"I have not been to the prison since I was a little girl." You huffed as you approached the entrance. "It is most certainly not like how I remember it." The guards puffed up at your approach until you raised a hand and bowed in the direction of Maul who came to a stop next to you. He waved the guards away and entered.
The inside of the prison was, for better or worse, exactly like you remembered. Cold and bleak, the cells awash in gross florescent lighting. Guards patrolled every level, only away from particular sections for a few seconds before another guard took up post. It was disheartening merely entering the building. You could only imagine what it would be like to be imprisoned here.
Maul made a humming noise in the back of his throat as he looked around. He seemed disinterested, maybe even bored with the place already. His gaze settled on one particular cell across from you, tucked into the corner. "They are yet to repair mine and Savage's cell."
You turned to him, aware that although he couldn't see your face he could probably sense your confusion. "You were imprisoned here?"
Maul's attention turned to you. "Courtesy of Pre Viszla. We were not here for very long." He hummed again. "Your father was here as well, we broke him out."
"Almec mentioned that you were the ones to rescue him - he didn't tell me you were also prisoners at the time."
"An oversight, but not a detrimental one." Maul turned away, taking a step in the opposite direction of where you knew Dereth and Satine to be. "Now, I will leave you to your devices - I am rather intrigued by the security measures here. Or, instead, disappointed in the lack of them."
You ignored the dig at the security, it wasn't remotely your concern anyways. "Very well, I will meet you here when I am done."
With a brief huff of 'acceptable' he stalked away. You didn't wait long before heading off yourself.
Satine's cell was first. You found the former duchess laying on the poor excuse of a bench offered in the cell. She was on her back, her hands were perfectly folded over her stomach, and hair laid out like a halo and draping down the bench to just barely brush the floor. Despite everything, she was still the picturesque image of what a duchess should look like - put together and serene. With a clearing of your throat, you addressed her. "Duchess Satine?"
Her eyes snapped open, clearly startled by the address but she recovered quickly enough. Sitting up, she turned to you. "I am she." She answered in a placid tone. But you caught the underlying skepticism.
With a deep breath, you reached up to remove your helmet and perched the object on your hip. "I am Governor Dion of Concordia. I've come to have a chat," You used your free hand to tap just above where the armor cam was hidden on your chest, "with you on behalf of both Clan Dion and Concordia and her sisters."
Her bright blue eyes stayed fixed on the cam for a moment before slowly sliding up to your face, a harsh, bitter edge you had never seen from her before overtook her calm expression. "I'm afraid we have very little to talk about, Governor, on account of your master."
Your eyebrow twitched at the thought of Maul in such a position but you kept your tongue. "The only 'master' I serve is Mandalore itself and her interests."
"Yet you have thrown your lot in with the sith."
"Ni aranar Manda'yaim." You emphasized once more.
Satine faltered for a moment, the harsh edge of her voice falling away to return to the calmer tone you associated with the duchess. "I see. So, what did you want to talk to me about, Governor?"
"Yesterday I received an alert from my advisor that someone attempted to gain access to Concordia's financials. Using an outdated code." You raised an eyebrow at her. "Would you know anything about that?"
"No, I am allowed no access to the outside world right now."
"But, you knew I'd allied with Maul? I made no formal, public declaration."
"Gossip becomes quite the commodity when there is little else to entertain." Satine sighed pointedly. "Plus with Almec's release, I knew it was only a matter of time until Clan Dion took a stand."
"It's unfortunate we've become that predictable." You snorted scornfully. "Regardless, do you know of anyone else besides you who would have access to the Sundari code?"
She made a face that told you she was seriously considering the question. "The only others I would know of are Almec, yourself, and Pre Vizsla."
That's what I was afraid of. You grimaced. If Vizsla had at all been like you, that meant he'd shared the code with his closest confidants. And one of those confidants was currently unaccounted for. Refocusing your gaze on Satine, you spoke again."Thank you, Duchess. You've been very helpful." With a performative glance over your shoulder, you lowered your voice to speak with her further. "On another note, how is your sister? I heard she and the Night Owls escaped the palace when Maul took over."
Satine's face fell. "As I said, Governor, I have had no access with the outside since my imprisonment." But, there was just the faintest glimmer of hope. "But, I am grateful to know she did truly escape. Thank you."
"Of course. It is a small comfort, I know."
"But one that is greatly appreciated. We never got along, but I still worry for her." Satine fell silent and you didn't know what to say following that. Luckily for you, Satine brokered an entirely new topic. "If I may ask," she began hesitantly, standing up from her bench to approach the cell door and you in turn, "will you help me?"
Your shock must have been clear on your face. The former duchess scrambled to elaborate, her voice pitched low and frantic. "Maul will destroy our planet and shatter the peace we've worked so hard to maintain, Governor. He must be stopped." When you didn't respond, she continued. "I don't have a plan yet but I need to contact the Jedi. There's a knight, his name's Obi-Wan Kenobi, he can help us."
Now, that name was familiar to you. He was the one responsible, albeit indirectly, for your takeover of Concordia. By ousting Pre Vizsla, him and the duchess left a void not only in the leadership of Concordia but in the thousands of other moons and asteroids that fell under its jurisdiction as a neutral province. A void which you happily filled. "Duchess Satine, I-" what could you even say?
"Please, Governor. I am just like you - I only wish to protect Mandalore and her people." Satine pleaded again.
You took a step back and became aware of the armor protecting your body. Of the blood soaked into the durasteel that would only be replenished as the centuries continued...if Satine never regained power. Under her rule, you'd been forced to play the part of a politician, parading around in finery too flimsy for your liking, let alone the inherited warrior spirit of your people. Your armor, your second skin, had to be discarded in order for your people to live.
Dion had suffered under her rule, losing millions of credits worth of export due to her staunch neutrality and refusal to let your people return to the family business. You'd almost been absorbed by Death Watch when the Vizslas offered sanctuary for your family. And that had been a whole different type of battle. She wasn't like you. She didn't care about her people or how they suffered in favor of her idealism. She cared only about her pacifism.
"I'm afraid you are mistaken, Kryze." You took another step back as her face fell completely. "Ni aranar Manda'yaim." You placed your helmet back on. "Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur." You walked away, ignoring the angry insults hurled at your back by the former duchess.
One interrogation down, one more to go.
Dereth's cell was sixteen levels down where the guards patrolled less frequently. Which would have been worrying if not for the fact he'd been in the prison for nearly 10 years now and never bothered to try an escape. Except for once during that odd stint with the Black Sun and Pykes making a half-ass attempt at invasion. But, several other prisoners had also made an escape attempt so you didn't hold that against him. As the lift slowed, you braced yourself. You hadn't seen Dereth in years - the last time was when you came by to explain that you were now the matriarch of Clan Dion after the unfortunate passing of your mother.
Dereth was quietly reading something on a modified datapad when you finally got to him. His hair, which was shaved to skin when he was first incarcerated was now down to just above his mid back. Dark brown locks done up in a pretty elaborate braid considering the finite styling tools he had on hand. His eyesight had evidently worsened, quite drastically too, going by the new presence of cheap looking frames perched on his nose.
Bracing yourself you approached the cell and lightly tapped your fist against the transparisteel. His head snapped up in an instant, an easy smile on his face that grew just that much wider upon recognizing you. "Well, " He chortled as he used his index finger to push his glasses back on his crooked nose. "su cuy'gar ori'vod."
"The same to you." You leaned against the door frame, helmet angled towards the man. "I see you're doing well."
"Given the circumstances." He huffed, waving a nonchalant hand around the small cell. "Let's not waste time; you didn't trek all the way from Concordia just to exchange pleasantries." The man sat up, conveying a restrained interest. "What do you want?"
With a grim hum in your throat, you voiced the thing you didn't want to admit. "Your opinion."
If he was surprised, he hid it well. Instead of any wide-eyed stare or gaping maw, his face changed very little - the only tell being a little twitch of his lips. "An odd request, but one I'm happy to oblige, vod."
Bowing your head, you lifted your hands to remove your helmet and hold it against your hip just as you had earlier. "What do you know of the recent changes in our...political front?"
Dereth angled his gaze to the ceiling as if waiting for the dull white tiles to give him the latest scoop. It seemed to work as soon his gaze was returned to you. "Satine's deposed, Pre Vizsla took over, something happened afterwards and no one knows what."
You nodded. "Mostly true. Kryze's detained here, Vizsla did take over but not for very long."
"So, who's the new mand'alor - you?" He chuckled and you had to huff out a laugh with him.
"No, an outsider. Darth Maul."
"Dar'jetti?" Dereth's eyes were blown wide now, all former decorum wiped from his face. "How the hell did that happen?" You gave him am unimpressed look. He nodded in understanding. "So, what do you need my opinion for?"
A deep breath in, "Do you think Dion is strong enough to rule Manda'yaim?"
Dereth was quiet for a very long time, rounded face twisted in thought so potent you doubted anything short of a mortar shell would shake him out of it. His hand rose up to pinch and rub at his nose, easing over the crook that had formed after being broken so many times and never healing properly. And when that gesture didn't give him any answers, he switched to massaging at his hands and up his arms. You watched in mild fascination as the patches of light and dark skin stretched and moved with the motions.
Finally he spoke. "Not right now. If we built up stronger warriors, had more numbers on our side..."
"I was afraid of that." You sighed. "Death Watch has abandoned us. We are once again a standalone clan."
"Are we not allied with the mand'alor?"
"We are." You conceded. "But he is sith. I'm worried what will become of Mandalore when the Republic finds out. Will we not go down with him?"
"I see." Dereth sighed. "Do you have a plan?"
That made you pause. Did you? Yes...and no. You would have to stick to your guns, work with Maul as best you could while siphoning power away from him and solely to you. But you had to do it in a way that made it seem like it was going back to him. Which was a hell of a lot harder to do in person. "The beginnings of one. I'll play it by ear." Dereth muttered something under his breath that you didn't quite catch but weren't bothered enough to have him repeat it. You chanced a glance at a nearby chrone and realized you were encroaching on an hour and a half spent talking to your two conversation partners. "I have to go." You turned away, prepared to leave without another word. If not for the soft, almost desperate call of your name.
"Ori'vod, wait, how's Chara?" You paused, debating if you should answer. But Dereth had been kind to you and allowed your questions. It was fair to allow his.
"She's fine." You turned back to him. "A bit preoccupied with running Concordia while I'm stuck in Sundari so we haven't spoken much recently." You met his eyes again. "She married." You broke the news to him quick. "Almeris snatched her up."
"Osik" he huffed under his breath. Your heart clenched in sympathy. Had things gone differently... "Vod..." Dereth's voice was soft, almost delicate as he called for your attention once again. "I didn't mean to kill him."
You placed your helmet on once more, "I know."
"She was destroying Dion."
You bowed your head, "I know...ret'urcye mhi." and walked away.
Maul was waiting for you when you arrived back at the entrance. There was no way of telling how long, he'd been waiting but going by the expression on his face (bored and grumpier than usual) it'd been just long enough to annoy him.
Squaring your shoulders, you approached, bringing his attention to you.
"Ah," he straightened his spine, arms falling behind him again, "I trust your meetings went well?" Maul's gaze was intense, boring into your eyes through the visor of your helmet.
Nodding, you took you place beside him. "Yes, they were...enlightening." You hummed in a tone far more pleasant than the nature of the conversations allowed. But Maul didn't seem to mind it. In fact, he almost seemed to enjoyed it.
His lips curled back, revealing sharp, stained teeth that almost glinted in the fluorescent lights of the prison. You supposed it was his version of a smile. "Good." Maul flicked his head away from you, turning his attention to the guard at his side. Although you couldn't see what passed between them, you understood that it had to do with your departure from the prison. Maul then turned and made his way to the elevator that would bring you out. You followed more slowly, lingering just a moment in the tense atmosphere of the prison.
And then you were alone with Maul once more. "So, what did you learn, Governor?" Instead of letting silence descend, Maul turned to you with his hands folded behind him.
Rolling your shoulders to move the weight of the armor around, you spoke carefully. "Satine was not the one behind the message." You started, sorting through information relevant to him. "And unfortunately, that leaves us back at square one."
"How so?" He asked with a tilt of his head.
"Ruling her out only confirmed my initial suspicions that the Night Owls are our most likely suspects."
"And there are no others you can think of?" Maul pressed, leaning towards you almost imperceptibly.
"Only Pre Vizsla. But I was under the impression you...took care of him." You picked your words carefully and watched for any adverse reaction from the sith. The most you got was a frown. "And Almec but he's already your servant as I am. He would have no need to go behind my back to get our records."
"Interesting..." Maul hummed quietly. No further conversation followed, not even after you'd both stepped back into the skycar that would take you back to the palace. But you couldn't help but feel on edge. Not because of the silence, but due to some nameless fear you couldn't place. The silence of the ride back was broken by the shrill chirp of your wrist com.
Without hesitating you keyed it on. "Governor Dion spea-"
"Alor!" A masculine voice yelled from the speaker.
"Almeris?" Alarm bells started to ring in your head. Almeris never commed you. "What's happening, where's Chara?"
"Fine, for now." He gritted out and you thought you could hear blaster fire in the background. "She's busy getting everyone out."
"Almeris, what's happening?" You emphasized, free hand involuntarily gripping at the leather of your seat hard enough to tear through it.
Silence and then, "One of the outposts was attacked - CF-8879dE. We don't know who it was or what they used but the whole thing went up in flames in a matter of seconds." Silence again. "They've retreated. Didn't get a good look at the armor."
"Were they mando?" You hissed into your wrist, all too aware that Maul was watching intently.
Almeris sighed over the comm. "No clue. Besbe didn't look like beskar."
An agitated sigh slipped past your lips as your free hand reached up to pinch the bridge of your nose. "Fantastic." You huffed. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Maul moving closer to you. Warily, you lowered your wrist in order to ask him what he was doing.
But before you could, he had reached out and keyed your wrist com on himself and brought it towards him. "Almeris, was it?" Maul asked into your wrist. You were left just staring at the side of his face, unsure whether to pull your arm away or not. "This is Lord Maul."
Almeris was silent for a long time. "Lord Maul?" He finally asked in a disbelieving voice.
"Yes, Almeris, cuun mand'alor cuyir darjetii." You scrambled to explain before he could say anything stupid.
"Ni haa'taylir." He huffed through the com and you could just imagine the skeptical look behind his helmet. "Tion'jor vaabir vi naritir laam ti cuun aru'e?"
Curse his traditionalism - judging by the eyebrow Maul had raised at you, it was about to get you both killed. "Cuy ogir'olar, dikut." You hissed. "Lord Maul," you emphasized, "you were saying?"
The eyebrow lowered but he maintained a skeptical look. "Almeris, am I correct in assuming you are a member of Clan Dion?"
"Yes, Lord Maul." Almeris bit out.
"What is your relation to Governor Dion?" Maul asked with a tilt of his head.
You could hear the hesitance in his voice as Almeris answered. "I'm her cousin." A cough. "Our grandfathers were brothers...I'm sorry, how is this relevant?"
Frowning you tried to tug your arm out of Maul's gasp. "I would have to agree, Maul. Can you please table this for later so I can get back to my people?"
Maul stared at you for a long moment, the look on his face completely unreadable. But, he relented with a cordial bow of his head. "Thank you," you raised your arm again, "Almeris, are you still there?"
"Yes, I am. Can't really go anywhere at the moment." The Dion warrior grumbled.
"Good, can you tell Chara I need to talk to her?" A flash of light outside the window caught your attention and you realized it was the reflection of the car in one of the windows of the palace. "As soon as she's available?"
"Yes, of course. She's checking on the survivors right now."
Your blood froze. "Do we have confirmed casualties?"
"Just one so far but not everyone's accounted for..."
"Shit." You couldn't help but swear. Shit, shit, shit. Of course this happens the one time you're off of Concordia for an extended amount of time.
"Governor." A low voice spoke into your ear, startling you out of the spiral you'd started to fall into. You looked up to find Maul looking at, one of his hands hovering just above touching your shoulder. "We have landed."
"Uh..." You shook your head as if it would clear your racing thoughts. "Tha-thank you." With a worrying shake, you raised your arm once more. "Almeris, are you still there?"
"Yes, vod." His voice was much gentler. "What do you need?"
"Tell Chara I will be on the first shuttle to Concordia I can get on. No statement is to be offered but the victims are allowed to shelter in the palace if they so wish or have no where else to go. I want a full investigation up and running by the time I'm back. Do you understand?" You rushed out, trying to force a plan to form as you spoke.
"I understand, alor. Take care." He spoke quietly before signing off, leaving you stuck on Mandalore. Shit.
The door closest to you suddenly opened, scaring the living daylights out of you. Reflexively, you brought your arm up in a defensive position. Only to slowly lower it at the sight of Maul. Without saying a word, he reached out a hand for you to take. "I contacted Savage, he has ordered some of the servants to pack your bags. A shuttle has also been hailed. I will accompany you to the hangar where Savage will meet us with our bags."
You started to nod, not really processing what he was saying as you settled you hand in his to let him help you out of the car. But just as you were settling your helmet on your head again to hide the panicked expression threatening to overtake your expression, you registered what Maul had said. "I'm sorry," you started, stopping in your tracks to bring him to a halt as well, "our bags?"
Maul nodded once, his expression placid. "Of course, Governor." He turned away and started walking again. "A problem on Concordia, is a problem on Mandalore."
Aranar - Defend
Cuun - our
cuyir - is/are
Cuy ogir'olar - it's irrelevant
Besbe - kit
Dar'jetti- Sith
Dikut - idiot
haa'taylir - to see
Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur - Today is a good day for someone else to die
Manda'yaim - Mandalore
Ni - I
Ori'vod - [older] brother, sister, special friend
Osik - shit
Ret'urcye mhi - good bye, maybe we'll meet again
su cuy'gar - hello, you're not dead
Tion'jor vaabir vi naritir laam ti cuun aru'e - why do we put up with our enemy?
vod - brother, sister, comrade
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sullustangin · 10 months
Last Line Meme
Tagged by @califrey and @starknstarwars and @reliciron (i just found your tag too!)--it's been sitting in the mentions for over a month-- sorry for the late reply!
tagging (no pressure, can be any fandom): @commander-krios @kaosstar @outcastcommander @rinskiroo @mr-jaybird @shabre-legacy @admiralprawn @buckybarnesss @certified-anakinfucker @cinlat
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
"Apparently, a widower wanted to talk to him and Trant."
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thedinalixlegacy · 2 years
WIP whenever
Tagged by @palepinkycat thank youuu :))
Will tag: @voidendron​ @chaoticspacefam​ @swtorpadawan @chaosandwonder @cinlat​ 
No pressure to do or show anything of course! This time I don’t have a WIP in the digital art format, but this technically still counts right?
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I’m creating a Mandalorian armor for a Halloween party I have next friday. My boyfriend is working on his too, we will go together as mando’s. This is what I have so far, and am now painting the armguards and stiching a pink/red border in what will be my cape.
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rainofaugustsith · 1 year
Thank you @actualanxiousswampwitch for the tag!
What instrumental track would play in the background of your character’s story during their most meaningful moments?
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I really had to think about this one for Rigel. She does have a theme song ("Falling to Pieces" by Faith No More) but that isn't instrumental. So: Love Theme from St. Elmo's Fire - David Foster (piano version)
No pressure tags for @tishinada @cinlat @kunoichi-ume @riajade01
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cinlat · 3 months
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The utter indignation when Fynta tried to use Detect Thoughts on the Emperor.
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tishinada · 1 year
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I was tagged by @starknstarwars​ thanks!
No pressure tags: @rainofaugustsith​ @riajade01​ @semper-draca​ @dingoat​ @kunstpause​
And a very rough draft excerpt from a short story/future chapter of the long fic I’m working on with my WoL Zas from the POV of Merlwyb, generally somewhere mid-point in ARR.
(NOTE: At the beginning of ARR, Zas’s ability to read is very limited, though she tries to hide it---I HC poor children, especially orphans, have very limited access to formal education or written materials. Eynzahr is Merl’s right hand---for those who haven’t caught his name---and he strikes me as well-educated and particularly perceptive...)
“Zas, a moment, if you can spare it?” She bit her lip, hesitated, then waved the others on. The older Lalafell---Kass, was it?---glared up at the Grand Marshall for a moment, then herded Zas's young friends out. Hmm, some protectiveness there. Good to know someone is, all things considered.
Merlwyb pretended to be engrossed in the report on her desk as Eynzahr led the bard to a cabinet where he produced a thin book with a dark purple leather cover. “Ah, I was wondering if you might be able to help me with something,” he said in his most soothing voice, flipping the book open to the title page and handing it to her.
What’s he up to, I wonder? Out of one corner of her eye, Merlwyb saw the woman hesitate before taking the book as gingerly as she would handle a kobold’s explosive gadget. He’s the one who pointed out that she always tried to hand off anything written to that young miqo'te friend of hers without even looking at it. And the one time she needed to sign something, she gripped the quill tighter than her old axe. We’ve both seen that before, after all, with some of our crew.
He rubbed the back of his neck. “A peddler stopped in with several books I wanted, and he threw this one in with the others. It’s no use to me; it seems to be a Gelmorran story.” Zas had been staring down at the title page, her lips moving silently, brows drawn together as she slowly sounded out each word, but now her head snapped up, eyes wide as she stared at Eynzahr.
“It’s just a children’s tale, but someone bound the words to a song in the back, and I thought it sounded familiar. Didn’t I hear you sing part of it in the Drowning Wench last month?”
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kunoichi-ume · 11 months
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So uh... Who wants to guess what Fynta did to get Noara arrested? Chaos sent me this amazing art a few weeks ago and I am literally the worst and dragged my heels on posting it. Thank you! I love it and I am sure @cinlat does too.
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dingoat · 3 months
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"And I'm enough."
Ahaaaha so happy that it gets to be @cinlat 's lovely Fynta being smooch-attacked by Cormac and Verin for this one, also super fun drawing some swtor OCs that are also bg3 OCs at the same time.
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keldae · 2 months
Thanks for the tag, @auroraesmeraldarose! Gonna pass along the tag to @nayci @elveny @storyknitter @vihola @inyri @greyias @cinlat @abysskeeper.
The last line I wrote...
Gale sighed and shook his head, perhaps a little begrudgingly shifting to wrap his arm around Devi’s shoulders. “I love you, but right now, I’m questioning whether it’s wise for me to admit knowing you.”
In which, Gale is DEFINITELY the mature, respectable adult out of him and Devi. ;) What did Devi get into this time? Stay tuned to find out!
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