circeletters · 2 years
Old lullaby
this was written for @hdcandyheartsfest using the prompt "happy tears"
He saw the way his eyes watered, a single tear sneaking out and falling before it could be stopped.
“Harry? Hey… It's okay, if you don't like it you don't need to stay with it, but-”
“Shut up.” Harry took a deep breath and kept his eyes at the box in front of him. The cardboard box was filled with vinyl records, mostly from the 80s, all worn out and some of them with scribbles and doodles on the covers.
Draco and Harry had taken the task of cleaning Grimmlaud Place not long ago, agreeing that anything that was older than 20 years was straight to trash. Draco had imposed to clean the older rooms himself, those never occupied during the time the Order was there, knowing all weird dark magic artifacts would be hidden in those. There was no need to expose Harry to that if he was already a very capable curse-breaker.
It was in one of these rooms, though, that Draco had found the perfect Christmas present for Harry. A box closed off in the corner of what he imagined was supposed to be Remus's room but never got used much, because the whole place was filled with dust everywhere. Everywhere except the box. When he opened he definitely didn't expect to find a mildly obsessive collection of David Bowie records, but even he was endeared upon a closer look, deciding if anyone was supposed to see this, it was Harry.
Now, on Christmas morning, Draco wondered if his idea was a good one or not. Harry stood with hands on the opened box, tears on his eyes, and wouldn't say anything.
“It’s organized from oldest to newest…” he tried, staring at Harry to see if he reacted.
Instead of a verbal response, Harry lunged himself into Draco, making them both fall in the thick rug of the living room.
“Thank you.” Harry said, still with his head buried in Draco's neck.
“You would've found it eventually, I just wanted it to be special…” their hands stayed together even after the embrace ended. Harry went through the vinyls with only one hand, and eventually stopped on one with a woman and pigs on the cover.
“Look! You like this one, don't you?” Harry turned the record to him, eyes glowing on finding something he could share.
“I do! Would you like to put it on?” Draco complied, it was not his favorite, but had some great songs in it, for sure.
“Oh we have to!” Harry let go of his hand and got up, quickly putting the record on while reading the back. “Sirius’ favorite” he whispered. “It's Remus's handwriting isn't it? It has a little heart on the side…”
He handed the cover to Draco. The sixth track had little scribbles around it, including the words Harry said on the messy calligraphy of his old professor, and an additional arrow that included in a well trained handwriting saying “it is!”
Draco looked up at Harry, and couldn't hide the smile that came up when their eyes met. Smiles were so easy with Harry. Glowing excited green eyes and thick lashes was all it took for Draco's heart to be filled.
“Well, you have to put it in the sixth song now.” Draco said, already getting up and recognizing the track.
When the music started Draco extended a hand in Harry's direction, a silent invitation to dance. He felt the warmth inside when his bodies approached, and they kept the whole rest of their night like that: dancing in a slow motion, in an embrace with a sweet voice as a lullaby, a memory of the past but also an enjoyment of the present, and the reassurance of a soft future.
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youcancallmecirce · 5 years
Does anyone remember that ReyLo mer!AU fic I started like two years ago?
I finally got around to updating it.  Chapter 7 is here, and you can read from the beginning here.
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circeletters · 2 years
"Truth Revealed"
for the @drarrymicrofic prompt: truth
“Truth Revealed: The New ‘Catch’ of Britain's Best Seeker”
Hermione announced over the breakfast table. She held in her hands the newest edition of the Prophet, holding back a giggle at the title. With a muffled voice caused by an absurd amount of food in his mouth, Ron interrupted briefly: “Let us see the picture, come on!”
Hermione rolled her eyes but turned the paper towards them and there it was: Potter and Malfoy, on the front cover of the Prophet, kissing each other on the ending of the World Cup game last Friday, and at the end of the very much detailed writing of the stalking of their last few dates stood the delicate signing of Rita Skeeter.
Despite finding her terrible, Draco had to give her the credit, this time she not only managed to write a kind piece about them both but also get most of the facts right.
“That is a terrible angle. I told you they wouldn't get it right!” Harry buried his head on Draco's shoulders in shame, but still held a smile in his face.
“It's not terrible, I can see your pretty smile so clearly.” Draco had tried to calm Harry's nervous thoughts before, which only resulted on him worrying about the littlest things. He felt his neck tingle when Harry spoke again, words muffled by his skin.
“But it's showing only one side of your face…”
“Well the other side is just like the other, mate” Ron laughed while cleaning his hands and taking the journal in his hands. “Oh, she talked about the dragon tattoo again”
Hermione joined Ron on ignoring the worry over the picture and laughed, raising an eyebrow at him “They are so obsessed with this nowadays, I think you should actually make it…”
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circeletters · 2 years
"Found you."
for the @drarrymicrofic prompt: curtains
Harry covered his own mouth with his hands, trying to contain the heavy breathing.
He slid quietly from one courtain to the other, counting on the luck that his feet would not show until he reached the end of the room. He heard steps getting closer, and every noise just made him lean backwards more and close his eyes in expectation.
The steps got closer and closer... and stopped.
For a few seconds harry thought he was free, letting out the air held in his lungs for so long. But then, the curtains were suddenly blown away from him, revealing a flushed Draco Malfoy in front of him. With his wand held high and straight into harry's direction, hands slightly shivering while he stared for a few moments, before letting a winning smirk into his face.
"Found you."
Harry tried to run, but Malfoy was faster, he held Harry with his full body, embracing him and keeping him unmoved.
"Don't run! You lost already!" Draco put his hand on Harry's chest, holding him back with a smile filling his expression, and Harry let himself be pushed.
"You tricked me!" he tried to act frustrated, but a smile was already threatening to show.
"I was smart! It's not my fault you have the thinking skills of a stag. Now go. I won. You go out and get me ice cream."
Draco finally let him go, closing the courtains again with a flick of his wand and jumping into the sofa, where a thick warm blanket was waiting for him.
"Fine... But, just so you know, stags are actually pretty smart." Harry responded, already putting the big padded jacket on.
It was a cold night, but both of them were extremely hungry and with nothing to eat or make at home. And now, despite the winter snow falling nonstop outside their house, Harry lost their hide and seek game (like he always did) and was the one to go out and get them a so much wanted late night snack.
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