#Cirillo our only semi-light in the darkness
vonkarma2 · 2 years
1 Jacinto, 8 Rocio, 11 Cirillo, 32 Victor, 15 Salem?
What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
I would say around 6 hours. They don’t need to be entertained basically at all and they typically don’t have much energy anyway. The problem is less so boredom rather than trying to stave off thoughts of deep dissatisfaction and despair. Usually they can ignore it but sometimes if they’re alone for too long that becomes impossible so they need to do something to get their mind off of it. Usually that thing is drinking or just like going for a walk in the town bc they have nothing else to do either. They’ve been considering moving out of Florecía for a while but they don’t know if that would make things worse or like be worth it, and they don’t have any specific place in mind.
How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
Really depends on the situation, usually if he doesn’t think the other person will mind he’ll just ask bc he hates being unsure of things and also bc like why not. But if the other person seems annoyed or would judge him or something he’ll go on context clues instead and speak extremely vaguely so that it doesn’t become clear he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke? 
He does sadly have very few opportunities for conversation throughout his life, he was usually either alone or in a terrible situation that he could not leave, so basically he’d just do whatever was asked of him and almost never speak out of turn. But for the purposes of this question let’s fast forward like 5 years. Now he’s doing way better. He has to explain to people like how he as a demon is living in the overworld though like it comes up pretty often. So I think he’d retell the story of like how he escaped the coliseum type place with Angel  pretty often bc he actually considers it a good memory even though it was kind of dangerous he honestly doesn’t remember that part so much, he more so remembers how it was the first time he actually felt like he had escaped and he was going to be ok. Obviously he doesn’t say that part. He’s just like yeah this is what happened and so I’ve been living here for X amount of years now.
How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
Depends on who she’s talking to she literally lies constantly, like more often than she tells the truth I would say. So she might not rehearse exactly what she’d say but she definitely has like some lies prepared like if they find out about this I’ll say this type thing. It’s mostly improv lying though 😋 unless if she’s talking to a large group of people in which case she might actually rehearse everything she says. But if she’s talking to someone she trusts then she does tell the truth and doesn’t practice at all she says things really impulsively. If she was telling you the truth abt something emotional then you   could tell it was true like she kind of makes less sense when she talks and she like repeats things, sometimes she has to hold herself back from crying, etc. It would make everything she’s said before sound really practiced by comparison.
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