#Citizens of Dalaran
fio-renze · 3 months
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February 24, 2024 Daily Writing Challenge, Day 7 Rumor/Discovery
“The Magistry forcibly removing the memories of their intelligence officers is just a rumor, isn’t it? They’d never go that far,” Pyraelia mused as she flipped through a stack of papers the family lawyer had brought by for them to both go over. 
Fiorenze frowned and had a sip of her tea before shrugging, “I’ve seen what they’re capable of. It wouldn’t surprise me, and I don’t like the idea. That's why I haven’t gone back yet.” 
“That, and you don’t like people giving you a hard time,” Pyraelia didn’t bother to look up from whatever document she had paused to read. 
Fiorenze rolled her eyes. It wasn’t untrue, but she didn’t have to say it. 
“Here we go… Keranna mentioned a long time ago that she thought our father had become a citizen of Dalaran at some point, but it was after we were both born,” her lilac haired little sister took another moment to visually scan the written statements, her smiling growing wider with each new bit of information, “He did! What a fascinating choice.” 
“Probably for better benefits from the University and to help with living here,” Fiorenze rest her cheek against her knuckles, “Does that help my case?” 
Pyraelia looked up at her and nodded emphatically, “It does, obviously let the lawyer handle it, but it should at least be another point in your favor toward citizenship here.” 
Fiorenze nodded, that was good news. Obviously it wasn’t ironclad, but it would be much harder for anyone from Silvermoon’s government to lay hands on her if it might potentially cause an international incident. 
“You’ll probably have to give up your Silvermoon citizenship. Is that something you want to do?” Pyraelia placed the rediscovered document into a separate folder before watching her sister closely for the answer. 
Fiorenze laughed for a brief moment, “Yes, fuck ‘em.”
@daily-writing-challenge @pyraelia
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gale-heart · 10 months
Character Profile ~ Ilyssae Galeheart
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(Art by @moonlitvesper )
~ The Basics ~
NAME: Ilyssae Galeheart
AGE: Night elven equivalent to a human’s early 20’s
RACE: Shen’dralar Highborne
GENDER: Female ; cis (she/her)
SEXUALITY: Homoromantic (questioning bi but w/ a strong female preference)
~ Physical Appearance ~
HAIR: White
EYES: Gold
HEIGHT: 6’ 4”
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Two thin scars slicing through her left temple and upper left lip, magical burn scars on her right palm and forearm
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A battered brown leather satchel, often carrying one or several spell books and notebooks by hand
~ Personal ~
PROFESSION: Mercantile deckhand, squallshaper, assistant navigator, disaster mage
HOBBIES: Traveling, reading, cooking, knife collecting, book binding, flying, stargazing, brawling, magical tinkering, learning new areas of magic
LANGUAGES: Common, Darnassian, Draenic (rough), Thalassian (rough), Orcish (even more rough)
RESIDENCE: A cabin aboard the Fiona’s Pride
RELIGION: Non-denominational
PATRON DEITY: Undevoted, but developing an admiration for Aviana
FEARS: Confinement, being stripped of her magic, spiders, lions, portals (both casting and using), things with too many heads
~ Relationships ~
SPOUSE/PARTNER: Mythandos Starspire (deceased)
PARENTS: Eseria Frostmantle (mother - alive, estranged); Arelorn Silverbough (father - deceased); Eoselle Gliderill (alive - legal guardian/mentor)
SIBLINGS: Thareldis Stormglade (alive - elder half brother); Kerrius Sagefeather (alive - fraternal twin brother)
OTHER RELATIVES: Lost to time; likely a surviving naga, high elf, or Nightborne relative somewhere
PETS: Three house cats, one frostsaber mount, one very angry betta fish, some less angry shrimp
~ Traits~
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unemphatic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / un-cultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between
faithful / unfaithful / unknown / in between
~ Additional Information ~
SMOKING HABIT: never / tried but didn’t stick / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / tried but didn’t stick / sometimes / frequently / to excess / Arcane magic is a hell of a drug
ALCOHOL: never / tried but didn’t stick /sometimes / frequently / to excess
~ RP Hooks ~
Shen’dralar: Ilyssae’s mother was never on fantastic terms with the other Eldre’thalas Highborne, and Ilyssae and her brother kept largely to themselves during those last couple centuries before Dire Maul was abandoned. That being said, some older Shen’dralar may remember seeing Ilyssae in passing, or have even suffered her presence when she was a petulant, brooding youth!
Field Research and Academia: Ilyssae went through a variety of teachers and learning institutions before finally clicking with her mentor Eoselle. Her magic studies these days are mostly independent, but she’s spent enough time in Stormwind, the Azuremyst isle, and Dalaran that fellow wizards and scholars might have worked with her on one thing or another however briefly!
Extended family: Naga, blood elves, high elves, Nightborne, or even the spidery fal’dorei—elves are kind of known for having evolved any which way in the aftermath of the Sundering, and Ilyssae’s family tree is full of holes after millennia of neglect. It’s entirely possible that she has a long-lost relative walking around in a different shape.
Fence-hopper: Although she is technically still an Alliance citizen, Ilyssae distanced herself from the kaldorei after the frosty reception her kind received post-Cataclysm (a decision she’s finally starting to second-guess) and is now working for a trading caravan crewed by oddballs and outcasts from both the Alliance and Horde. Maybe you’re one of her mixed-faction work acquaintances—or maybe you see her as a faction traitor and have a serious bone to pick with her.
Druid…?: Ever since coming back from the Shadowlands with golden eyes (and that’s a whole other story in itself), Ilyssae seems to have a new affinity for natural magic. However, she’s still stuck in the rigid thinking of a mage, so she’s always looking for Druids who have the patience and inclination to help her figure out this new side of her magic.
~ Out Of Character ~
IN-GAME: Ilyssae (formerly active on Wyrmrest Accord, mostly active on a private RP server these days)
OOC BLOG: @tired-space-crow (I follow back and send asks from here)
TIMEZONE: Mountain (MST)
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voidsentprinces · 15 days
Making an OC for Voidsent AU and making it your problem.
The Land of Confusion chose:
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Gridania will be burnt by: ELFZILLA
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Twos a part but 3 was the crowd's choice:
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Now back to the skin color choice:
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DWC May ‘23 - Day 7
A quick pre-story note… this is for a character I haven’t written or written about yet. I’m still fleshing him out but I know enough to do this story. All you need to know is his name is Xelavyr and he’s a Void Elf Rogue.
TW: for a little gore late in the story...
It had seemed like a simple task. A dissident group was consorting with the Alliance and dabbling in dark magics that shouldn’t be invoked. So the posh buggers at the peak of Silvermoon’s hierarchy, through enough intermediaries to ensure plausible deniability of course, were seeking someone to be a man on the inside who could provide them with all the intel and dirty little secrets that could be used against the group.
Xelavyr had no qualms about this. He’d lost family in the Second War fighting for the Alliance and lost yet more when they decided to massacre loyal Blood Elf citizens in Dalaran during the trouble in Pandaria. The Horde welcomed his people and they helped each other through. Over time they felt far more like his people than the Alliance ever had.
He didn’t care much for all the posh mucky mucks above him in Thalassian society but he was proud to help against the Alliance in any way he could. Even if principle hadn’t been enough to motivate him the pay sure helped!
So he did what he did best, infiltrate and observe. Make ‘friends’ and subtly try to turn them against each other or back in favour of a more loyal path.
He wasn’t too concerned about the void. One magic’s much the same as any other and maybe it could help Silvermoon. So he focused more on influencing people to loyalty than on actually trying to interfere with the research.
These things take time and he made himself appear every bit the helpful member of the group while never really caring for them in any true sense at all. Some were decent enough people, but none could make him question his loyalty to his home and the Horde.
Time passed, research continued, he influenced things as best he could in the direction he preferred. But eventually, well; you all know what happened. none of those in the community were spared the Void’s corrupting influence, not even people who had no interest in it and had simply been doing their job.
It had taken a fair bit of time before things calmed down enough that he could sneak out unnoticed. He immediately rode forth for Quel’thalas. He’d snuck out many little reports with what information he could during his time on the mission and of course heard nothing back, those were the rules. But what had happened would have to be reported to someone. His people needed to be prepared for these powerful, dangerous, corrupt rebels.
... it hadn’t occurred to him that he’d be seen as simply one of them. He was apprehended and captured promptly and despite giving away all that he knew there was no way he’d be allowed back into his homeland.
He could understand the logic keeping those inflicted with the void away from the Sunwell, indeed all of Quel’danas to be cautious. Maybe even Silvermoon if they were so concerned. But no, the void elves would not be allowed anywhere in Quel’thalas... or anywhere else among the Horde.
Escape didn’t prove too difficult. The darkness of the void helped him blend into the dark corners of the cell. Eventually a guard came in to investigate his ‘escape’ giving him the opportunity to actually make it.
Within the blink of an eye he was behind the guard and had grabbed a ceremonial dagger from their hilt. In an instant the guards throat had been slit and his body hidden under the sheet of the cell’s bed.
He ran and he ran. Eventually returning to the Alliance’s borders in the aftermath. His corruption was visible like most of this new group of Ren’dorei. If it weren’t he may have tried to stay in Quel’thalas. Even in the Alliance he would have to discard his identity lest they realise he’d been leaking secrets. But one more nameless, faceless void elf would go unnoticed in the slums and dark places of the Alliance cities’ shadier districts.
He discarded his family name, in his captivity he learnt that his one surviving brother had denounced and disavowed him to secure the rest of the family’s estate. And even his first name as he was no longer the man he had been. Simply going by the alias “X’ and whatever fake name he cared to use when asked for more detail than that.
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sihirbazi · 5 months
Citizens of Dalaran! Raise your eyes to the skies and observe! Today our world's destruction has been averted in defiance of our very makers! Algalon the Observer, herald of the titans, has been defeated by our brave comrades in the depths of the titan city of Ulduar. Algalon was sent here to judge the fate of our world. He found a planet whose races had deviated from the titans' blueprints. A planet where not everything had gone according to plan. Cold logic deemed our world not worth saving. Cold logic, however, does not account for the power of free will. It's up to each of us to prove this is a world worth saving. That our lives… our lives are worth living!!!!!!!!!!
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jainaism · 6 months
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The soft purple glow heralded the blanket of arcane energy that enveloped Theramore. The mana bomb, so thoughtfully provided by the blood elves—who stood cheering with other Horde members who somehow felt that what Garrosh had wrought was a good thing—had exploded over an entire city and had not just harmed its citizens and buildings but crushed them utterly.
“You do not know my heart anymore, Thrall,” she said. “I am no butcher—but I will no longer call for peace at any cost. The Horde you do not lead is dangerous and must be challenged at every turn—and defeated. Then, perhaps, there can be peace. But not before.” I’m not what I was—I don’t burn for vengeance anymore. But… neither am I the woman who longed so much for harmony between the Horde and the Alliance. There… can’t be harmony, Kalec. Not while Garrosh leads the Horde, not after what he has done. I don’t believe peace is the answer anymore.
What if the Horde killed your friends? Your family? Destroyed everything your had. Could you maintain your conviction even then? To be honest, I struggle. Every. Day. You seem to understand my struggle. Every day, the hard decisions. Every night… the nightmares. But I have a responsibility to preserve the Kirin Tor. Nobody dislikes Garrosh more than me. I wrestle with my anger every day [...] In the aftermath of Theramore, my first instinct was to decimate Orgrimmar - to kill every man woman and child in the city. I'm not proud. Since then, Kalecgos and I have talked at length about power, and how it should be used [...]Every day I ask myself: "What's the right thing to do?" I see our city as a beacon of light, showing the way.
We know where the Alliance have hidden the Divine Bell. We've already inserted an agent into enemy territory, we just need you to help him execute his mission[...]Furthermore, the Sunreavers of Dalaran are risking their neutrality by assisting the Horde with this operation.
The night elves learned that the Divine Bell was stolen. This much we anticipated. However, they've also found out that the "neutral" Sunreavers of Dalaran were complicit. Now, we've got a situation.
For too long, I have toiled to mend fences between Alliance and Horde. Time and time again, I've given the Horde the benefit of the doubt - and time and time again, they stab me in the back. I resude to be betrayed again! If the hode intends to use the Kirin Tor as a weapon against the alliance, then they have no place in Dalaran. I've decided. Certain members of the Kirin-Tor have put their allegiance to the Horde above the order, and I will NOT tolerate it. This is nothing short of a betrayal.
Jaina's gone over the edge. She's imprisoning the Sunreavers and attacking those who resist.
King Varian Wrynn says: Garrosh attacked my son…? Where is he? Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: Anduin! Jaina spots Anduin and runs to him, kneeling over his prone body. Varian is not far behind her. King Varian Wrynn says: Anduin, what were you thinking? I should've sent you back to Stormwind! Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: He's alive, but his bones are shattered. King Varian Wrynn says: Send for Velen. Bring him here at once! Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: My King, I promise you. The Kirin-Tor will come down on Garrosh so hard his ancestors will reel. Blood will pay for blood!
This has been the worst year of my life: Theramore, destroyed. And a betrayal from within the Kirin Tor. The lesson is clear. From here on out, I'm taking the initiative.
Look at them. Already they plot against us. Sieze this moment, Varian, dismantle the Horde.* We should've kept fighting. Who's to say this new warchief won't get any ideas in his troll head a few years from now?
Since Varian refused to follow Jaina's advice, she signed a peace treaty.
Anduin felt cold with shock. The tree was on fire. Teldrassil, with all its hamlets and nooks and towns, its hills and valleys and creatures. Everyone and everything in it would burn.
She didn't say kill. She said dismantle. She asserted that the Horde should no longer self-govern. Not at all, man. Jaina doesn't trust the Horde to self-govern... Can you blame her?
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lemonaera · 1 year
I'm still hoping that Aethas sets the music box in fire right front of Jaina and shows middle finger... I'm so done with Blizz's writing of Jaina and HOPE they just write her off. She was already insufferable during Shadowlands
I'm trying to articulate my feelings but all that's coming out is a tetradactyl shriek.
Aethas was equally betrayed with the mana bomb in theramore, he literally HAD NO IDEA and he felt horrific bc he (AND RHONIN) both recommended Thalen.
The divine bell tho? Aethas, once again, was horrified and furious about Sunreavers being involved and he got coerced into silence with implied threats that Garrosh would 10000000% retaliate against belfs specifically. Aethas is massively anti-Garrosh. He gets in an argument with Lor'themar over it. He doesn't want to help him do anything.
Jaina did not have the right to expel them from Dalaran, and then on top of that to order them to be killed if they resisted arrest, and then Vereesa going so far as to have citizens killed if they tried to help Sunreavers?
(and the cupping of those cakes is that her doing that had lor'themar immediately opting out of talks with varian about the belfs re-joining the alliance).
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partydemoness · 1 year
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fel-temptation · 10 months
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
The places that immediately come to mind are Dalaran and The Black Temple. Both are bittersweet in terms of meaning and memories of them as they both have a lot to do with her dual origins. I’ll break them down all pretty below.
Both her birthplace and her hometown Korrinth generally views old Dalaran, when she was studying as a mage, through rose-tinted glasses. Due to her general enthusiasm about all things Arcana (especially pre-transformation) it was more or less like living in a magic theme park. Any and every corner was an opportunity to learn and sate her curiosity, other citizens were sources of information or debate.
At her core Korr is a scholar. Everything about Dalaran, to her, is amazing. She couldn’t imagine having grown up anywhere else and is fiercely protective of her education status from the magical city. However, just because she views it like that doesn’t mean things were always all good- her future experiences just basically made them not worth thinking about. Dalaran remains one of the bright points in her abysmal life, and she is protective of that, as well.
That being said, after becoming an Illidari her views on the floating city have changed. She’s genuinely afraid of going back baring her horns and claws. Even when she was stationed on the Broken Isles, she seldom visited Dalaran unless she needed reagents, tomes, general supplies, or information- and even then she would almost always go cloaked (which is rare, as she usually goes with the Illidari fashion statement of tits out). She was that afraid of being recognized by someone from her ‘old life’, and terrified she would be looked down on by someone she had an actual relationship with. —- and more subconsciously she would rather not taint her idyllic view of Dalaran as it is one of the very few pleasant memories that remain from her old life.
While that feeling of her past meeting her present is still at the forefront of her mind she has gotten better about it as time went on. Though she still only ever goes for business rather then for any sort of sentimental reasoning. She’s a little more at ease walking the cobblestone streets.
The Black Temple:
This is more of a sour memory then anything. To Korrinth, The Black Temple is where she made a decision that would alter the course of the rest of her life- also the source of a lot of her current misery. Though it isn’t all bad for her; she also views this as the place her second life began, and while it took some time, also where she found family within the ranks of the Illidari.
As mentioned places important to her are often bittersweet, The Black Temple is no exception though in this case mostly bad. To say the mood there was bleak is an understatement even today, and for Korrinth it is for the most part chalked full of her early days as a fledgling Illidari, where she had far less handle on her demonic powers and influences. That in and of itself led to many many many poor decisions and outright mistakes. Things she regrets, things she wasn’t comfortable with, the general sense of unease that came with becoming something else- and the loss of a sense of identity as well as trying to establish a new one. Those are generally the thoughts she ties to Black Temple, almost always skewed by her innate regret to become an Illidari in the first place.
While there’s bright spots in some of the comrades she made, even some of the mistakes, or the training she endured? The view of her second origin location is absolutely skewed more toward harrowing. But it’s not lost on her that it was a place she changed into something more, for better or worse.
Thanks @captzexx !
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noonmutter · 2 years
so I’ma try to learn how to heal as a dracthyr next expac
and healing-spec dracthyr have an ability that’s literally “fly in, grab somebody, and fly them out of the bad”
and I thought to myself: this needs macro chatter
I present to you my list so far
“Did somebody say...”
“Have you heard of the critically-acclaimed MMORPG...”
“I have seen worlds bathed in the Makers' flames, their denizens fading without so much as a whimper...”
"if I take you to the hospital you won't learn anything"
"do a barrel roll" but I'm 50/50 on that cuz blizzard already invokes it with NPC chatter
a really really really long NEEEOWN
darth plagueis the wise
“We've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty”
“Naxxanar was merely a setback...”
“Wanna see a dead body?”
“This one time, at band camp...”
“Way back when I was a little bitty boy livin' in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the house half a block down the street from jerry's bait shop...”
“According to all known laws of aviation...”
It is known
“Come with me if you want to live”
“You! I wanna play with you!”
“Just what I always wanted, my very own adventurer! I will pet them and pat them and call them George...”
“You’re in the ‘finding out’ phase”
This is probably going to be for Dragonflight what my list of romance novel titles was for Legion...
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renaultmograine · 2 years
Should I just post the isolated audio as a completely normal citizens of Dalaran speech
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fio-renze · 2 months
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Becoming a citizen was going to take some time — that’s what the lawyer had said, at least. Not that the timeline mattered too much, there were reasons to avoid Silvermoon that weren’t related to her fears around the intelligence wing of the Magistry claiming that the memories of her former projects were government property and seizing them. 
There were reasons to stay fairly well hidden in Dalaran, too; at the very least it made sense to avoid some of the more public spaces where people she knew tended to congregate. The floating city, with its hard boundaries, was still fairly large and had quarters she hadn’t spent much time exploring. Fiorenze’s realtor had tipped her off about the upcoming sale of a modest flat in a tower that had been converted into a multi-unit situation — a rarity, and certainly a situation not worth passing up. 
It certainly wasn’t the Sunmote Tower; just a single floor, segmented up into a kitchen, a sitting room, a guest room with its own small bathroom, a master bedroom with its own large bathroom, and a couple terraces like most of the tower living quarters tended to have. The carefully curated style of the wooden floors and wall moldings made it pretty clear that it had once likely belonged to an entire household that likely spanned a couple more levels above and below. 
Now it was hers, and mostly empty. The down-payment alone had taken a decent chunk out of her funds left over from the settlement with Sheizara Tel’vaiel, and while she certainly wasn’t destitute, she didn’t want to touch the gold she’d sequestered away for investments. Getting some kind of a job was starting to seem more and more prudent as the days drew on. 
Pyraelia had kindly offered to put in a good word with the Violet Citadel for her, they were always in need of clerks and reliable administrators. It was a safe bet, but seemed horrendously mind numbing and tedious. 
Fate, fickle mistress as she was, smiled a bit during one of her small adventures in her new neighborhood cluster. There was a little flower shop tucked away at the base of one of the grander towers, and she’d ducked in to see about a couple bouquets and vases to help brighten up the new apartment. The bell above the door jingled and Fiorenze was met with an immediate shout from the back of, “I’m SO sorry, we’re closed!” 
The florist hurried out immediately, an extremely harried look on her half-elven face as she looked at Fiorenze and the sign on the door that still very much was turned to ‘Open’. Fio raised an eyebrow and smiled politely, “Of course, I.. well, this is probably a bit of a forward question, but do you need any help? My name is Fiorenze Sunmote, I’ve just moved in down the street…” It seemed like she needed help, and it was bad luck to not seize what seemed like a good opportunity. 
“My employee hasn’t shown up for the third time this week and there’s a wedding in the citadel that I have to start setting up in less than an hour—” the florist paused as Fiorenze’s question caught up to her, “Do you have experience with floral arrangements?” 
Fiorenze smiled brightly and nodded, “I do, I am well versed in the language of flowers and previously worked in an antiques shop in Silvermoon City, so I know how to work a till.” She certainly didn’t remember how to work a till, but how hard could it be? Not to mention she’d been fired from Brasspride & Birchleaf’s, but that was a different time and circumstance. 
“I’m Emeli Springwhisper, it’s very nice to meet you. I do need the help, but I don’t know you,” she reached up to brush the pieces of black hair that had fallen out of her messy bun back behind her short, pointed ears, “and I really need to be going. Would you mind coming back by tomorrow with a resume and flipping the open sign to closed on your way out?”
That was, at least, not an outright no. “Of course! I don’t mind at all, more than happy to. I’ll come back first thing tomorrow morning — I hope the wedding goes well, the flowers smell amazing from here!” Fiorenze left one of her personal contact cards on the main counter as Emeli immediately rushed back to whatever she had been doing.  
At the very least, Fiorenze liked flowers more than she had liked antiques, and even if it wasn’t the best paying job it was still better than nothing to help provide a cushion for the necessities. She turned the sign to closed like she said she would and started her walk back across the city to Sunmote Tower. 
Pyraelia was going to have to help her write a resume.
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sekhisadventures · 1 year
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Edwood Vargas, Forsaken Darkcaster
Important Stories:
Broken Wands: Edwood is present in Dalaran when it falls under siege during the Third War. It ends badly for him.
Dead Men, and the Tales They Tell: Years later, Edwood reconnects with his friend Nelen Fullmoon in the Shadowlands... but they've both changed.
The Warlock of Dark Waters: After the defeat of Zovaal and the loss of one of their members, Edwood approaches Grimo to ask if Savage United is still hiring.
Race: Undead Human
Class: Warlock, Destruction School
Age: 43 (died at 21)
Eye Color: Fel green
Birthplace: Drustvar, Kul'Tiras
Residence: Orgrimmar, the Cleft of Shadow (until the Undercity is habitable again.)
Fel Magic: Edwood is a warlock of the Destruction School, specializing in channeling felfire in various ways. He can summon infernals, but only for short periods of time. He has honed these skills over years of working with the Forsaken, and has used them in the past in their defense in ways he refuses to speak of...
Guzzle: Edwood is almost always accompanied by a Fel Imp named Guzzle, whom he affectionately refers to as his First Mate. Guzzle happily wears the title and often parrots his master's habit of taking with nautical slang. He is capable of backing Edwood up with felfire bolts himself and is able to turn invisible, which he's used to great effect when his 'Captain' needed him to perform tasks away from him (such as sending a message to the Desolate Council when he and Mola'raum became trapped in the Undercity with plague-warped Abominations following their return from the Shadowlands.)
Maritime Knowledge: In life Edwood was a citizen of Kul'Tiras and is knowledgeable about the sea and it's ways. He knows how to read the winds and recognizes the earliest signs of oncoming storms, he is able to treat seasickness in a variety of ways (which are also useful for nausea from other sources as well,) and knows his way around sailing vessels. He isn't quite as knowledgeable as a Kul'Tirian sailor, having grown up in Drustvar specifically, but all Kul'Tirians know at least the basics.
Member of the Grand Apothecary Society: Edwood always had a knack for brewing and potion making as a student in Old Dalaran. He imagined he might open a bar back in Drustvar once he left the school, but fate had another use in mind it seems. After he broke free from the Scourge and joined the Forsaken he became a regular fixture in the Grand Apothecary Society as a potion maker. Mostly he'd focus on making preservatives or other useful things for his Forsaken allies, leaving the darker work to the likes of Putress and his cronies.
Born in the Drustvar region of Kul'Tiras, Edwood showed a talent for magic at a young age when he almost set his sister's bed on fire after a fight with her over some long-forgotten slight. He was sent to Dalaran to learn to control his connection to the Arcane Energies of the world, where he befrended a young Nelen Fullmoon. While Edwood had a cunning and a knack for certain magical tricks, he had no head for studying and was easily distracted. Nelen was a very analytical thinker and excellent with writing and notekeeping, and the two learned to work together. Edwood would show Nelen all the little tricks he found for remembering how to use cantrips and spells on the fly, Nelen would help him master the more esoteric and unusual aspects of the art of magic.
This all fell apart when they were in their early twenties… and the Scourge invaded. Edwood was on the battlements of the city as the undead army was held at bay by the magic of Antonidas and the other Archmages and, upon seeing an armor clad figure on a skeletal steed trying to ride forward, he attempted to take a pot shot at them with his wand.
Unfortunately for Edwood, this figure was none other than Arthas Menethil, the future Lich King.
Arthas responded by firing off a Death Coil that struck Edwood full in the face, necrotizing his flesh! Blinded by pain, he stumbled backwards off the battlements and fell to his death.
… but the Scourge is not one to leave people to that mercy for long.
Edwood doesn't remember what happened the next several years, save in a few flashes, and those flashes he dearly wishes he didn't remember… but some years afterwards he awoke near Andorhol, remembered who and what he was, and fled in a blind panic.
This may have been the true death of Edwood Vargas, but he lucked out and ran into a patrol of Deathguards of the newly formed faction of rebel undead, the Forsaken. They brought him back to the Undercity and taught him of what had happened over the years. He realized that he could never return to Kul'Tiras now, or any Alliance held lands. Scourge or Forsaken didn't matter, they saw only an undead monster.
Of course, his new home came with new problems. The woods of Tirisfal Glades and Silverpine Forest were not only infested with feral undead, but also with the demonic minions of the Legion who had stayed behind when their masters fled after Sylvannas Windrunner claimed the ruined city as her capital. Edwood was a talented fire mage, but he'd only just finished his basic training before his untimely demise. Desperate to prove himself ot his new home, he volunteered to undergo a ritual to bind himself to a demon, becoming one of the city's Darkcasters.
Thus he met his first and only demon, a fel imp by the name of Guzzle. His fiery magics now infused with the power of fel energies thanks to his bond with the demon, he became much more powerful than he had been before, and used these powers in the defense of the Forsaken and the Horde for many years to come.
Eventually however, Sylvannas betrayed them to Zovaal and fled to the Shadowlands, and while pursuing his former Queen he had a chance encounter with a goblin named Grimo Blamstick where he discovered that his friend Nelen Fullmoon had survived the fall of Dalaran and was in the Shadowlands currently… and after re-establishing contact with his friend and their attempted murder at the hands of Dissonantia, he formally joined Grimo's mercenary company, Savage United.
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yangus · 1 year
me when i remember keith silversteins range bro voices zhongli g*nshin imp*ct and also fucking did citizens of dalaran and also voices my bestest friend theotar. incredible
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kadzhi · 2 years
i got to dalaran and immediately posted the entire citizens of dalaran speech and got yelled at by people
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asharinhun · 2 years
OC Information - Niarigosa
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// art by me
General Information
Name: Niarigosa
Nicknames Visage Name: Nia
Race: Blue Dragon
Faction: Neutral
Age: Undisclosed
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Marital Status: Mate deceased
Facial Likeness: Kate Beckinsale
Physical Appearance (Visage)
Hair: Deep blue
Eyes: Missing, replaced by arcane crystals, but she keeps her eyelids closed/wears a blindfold msot of the time
Height: 6′1"
Build: Slim, toned
Distinguishing Marks: Her ice-like horns, the violet rune over her forehead that grants her magesight, her many scars, violet blindfold/scars over her eyes, visible wings she uses to hover instead of walking, missing right arm, useless left leg she cannot walk on
Accessories: Arcane-crafted leg brace on and some pins in her crippled leg, violet blindfold if she choses to wear it
Personal Information
Profession: Not specified
Hobbies: Observing the ley-lines
Languages: Draconic, Common
Residence: The Nexus
Birthplace: Azure Sanctum
Spouse/Mate: Senragos (deceased)
Children: Nathargos and a handful of others
Parents: Saragosa (mother, deceased), Malygos (father, deceased)
Siblings: Many
Pets: None
RP Hooks:
NOTE: // I only RP on tumblr or on Discord, no in-game RP
She initially had no issues with the human mages, but the word of her Aspect and father was law, so she took part in the Nexus War and survived it. She's not too friendly towards the other dragonflights because of the conflict and the injuries they caused her.
She distastes any citizen of Dalaran and outright hates the mages now, since they killed her mate. She will not attack unless outright provoked, but the spellcasters should be wary to antagonize her, and the same goes for any ranger of the Silver Covenant. her view on the rest of the mortals is mostly neutral bordering on unfriendly and disinterested. The only exception are the tuskarr whom she's quite fond of.
When the Dragon Isles showed up, she made the trip along with some of her remaining children, including Nathargos.
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// art by me
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