#Clàudia Pina x reader
ugotcooneycrossed · 1 year
you look so pretty (and i love this view)
clàudia pina x reader
w/c: ~700
based off this lovely request
send me more requests if yall have any😩
There’s not many things in life that you love- truly love that is, I mean sure, there are definitely things- people that you love. You’re just not the type to show it.
Any team you’ve played on you’re always marked as the silent, stoic, deadly player. And it’s not a lie- you always have a scowl on your face when you play.
Football is one of your loves- because of course it is, it’s lasted longer than any relationship you’ve had; barring of course, your fat, fat crush on Clàudia.  
You grew up together- you’ve been with each other through everything. You’ve watched each other grow into the players you are today. You’ve spent hours upon hours with her at the park- situated perfectly in your spots; you in goal, and her up front.
She’s joked before how you were meant to be- with her as a striker and you as a goalie.
Your favourite thing about being a goalie isn’t being able to make amazing saves- it’s not the honour of knowing that, after defenders, you’re the only thing standing between the other team and a goal.
Your real favourite part about being a goalie is? It’s getting to watch your team play- well, you’re only ever watching Clàudia anyway.
She plays majestically- and you love watching her. Even after running around- she still looks as beautiful as ever, and you love watching her.
You know your stoic demeanour breaks when it comes to her- you feel a smile tugging at your lips when she scores, and you thank your lucky stars the cameras always stay up with the girls when they celebrate- though Clàudia always looks towards you after she scores.
Her cheeky, bright smile- that takes up half her face beaming at you.
Even across the length of the field, when your view isn’t always the best, she always finds you.
The downside? You’re indeed across the entire field if something were to go wrong.
You watch it happen- and it’s like your world slows to a stop, as you watch the defender collide with Clàudia.
The sound echoes in the stadium and rings in your head- and without thinking, you take off. You run past Lucy and she tries to grab your arm- trying to hold you back but you manage to slip away.
You don’t even realise Clàudia is sitting up- getting helped to her feet, as your eyes have zeroed in on the player who took her down.
She has her back to you and you run up- shoving her to the ground, you can feel about four pairs of hands all pushing you away, one of the players even holding your jersey so you stay in place- you scoff.
Overlapped yelling increases as more people get involved, your team coming to your defence and the other team trying to get you booked, yet all you can focus on is if Clàudia is okay.
With the fray of players surrounding you- you shove them off, looking around frantically to find where Pina is. Your panic rises when you see the medics disappear into the change room, and with no sign of Clàudia you almost run after them.
Only when you feel a small squeeze to your hand do you breathe a sigh of relief.
Clàudia stands in front of you, a small bruise on her cheek but she still grins up at you.
You take off your gloves- gently cupping her face, you move it gently to inspect the bruise.
“Are you okay?”
She nods at you, and you smile back.
When you know your Clàudia is okay, you turn back to the ref- scowl fixed on your face, you don’t flinch when she shoves a yellow in your face and you pick your gloves back up, walking back to the goal.
Mapi waves to get your attention and when you look up at the defender she shouts at you from across the field.
“You can smile?!”
“Mapi shut up!”
Alexia elbows her in the ribs and smiles at you from a hunched over Mapi.
Clàudia- who looks much better, beams at you from beside them- and you send her just as bright of a smile back.  
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futbol16 · 2 years
Just tell her! ・ Clàudia Pina
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Request: "Hey, if you're taking requests, could you maybe do an Aitana or Alexia (whoever you prefer or someone from Barca) x Reader where R joins mid season from a top European team in a shocking transfer? Really just Barca team getting to know R & devolping a relationship along the way. Please & thanks. Love your work BTW."
Hope I this turned out better than I think it did, but enjoy!
Word count: 1,5k
Your transfer from the top women’s football team in Italy to Barcelona was shocking to say the least. Fans and players collectively were surprised and confused at the news, especially after your phenomenal 2020/21 season.
The whole Barca team was astounded by your signing, but they couldn’t help but feel excited at the prospect of having you on their team. They’ve seen how good you are.
Your first training session with your new team was at the very beginning of the 2022 year and you felt good as you pulled the Barca training top over your head.
You had met the team a couple of times since you’ve signed, but they were yet to learn your reasoning for the sudden transfer. Yes, they believed that you’ve always been a Barca fan, but many of them felt like that wasn’t the full extent of your story.
 As you tie your boots you feel a nudge to your leg and you look up at the person.
“Aitana was asking you why you signed with us.” Claudia repeats the question and you look at Aitana confused.
“I’ve told you guys already, I’ve always wanted to play for Barca.”
“But is that all to it?” Aitana questions carefully and she studies your face for a second. Your expression falters at her heavy gaze. “We’re just curious and want to get to know you Y/N, but if you’re not comfortable you don’t have to.”
Taking a look at the rest of your teammates who all nod at the girl’s words and you take a deep breath, readying yourself.
“The coach didn’t like me, I was constantly benched from the bigger games. Barely brought on for the last 20 minutes.” you start explaining and suddenly the floor becomes very interesting to look at. “He said I wasn’t playing good enough, wasn’t fast enough and that he couldn’t risk bringing me on for the more important matches.”
The girls around you share a look and you feel a hand on your shoulders, Claudia smiles at you softly.
Your training session soon begins after your talk and as you near the end of it, you’re put into groups of 5, an end of session scrimmage 5vs5.
The players currently standing at the side, those who aren’t playing at the moment, watch dumbfounded as you dribble up the field with insane speed, nutmegging and outsmarting the opposing team before you cross the ball to Patri for a tap-in.
“How the fuck?” is heard from Jenni and Alexia smacks her in the arm for her use of language.
“No, but seriously, how the hell did her coach think she wasn’t good enough?” Claudia also comments and yelps as she gets smacked in the back of the head.
For the remaining 15 minutes of your scrimmage, the ten Barcelona players watch stunned as you manage to pull tricks on every single one of their teammates and your team eventually wins the game.
This wasn’t the first time they’ve seen you play, they've watched plenty of your games before, all of them big fans of the energy you brought with you every time you stepped foot on a pitch. But seeing your magic right in front of them was a whole different experience.
They couldn't be happier to get to call you their teammate and they’d make sure you’d never get disrespected by anyone ever again.
As the months passed by, you formed a close bond with most of the girls on the team and you were performing better than ever, Joanatan actually put you in for the majority of the games you’ve played so far.
There was one person in particular who you got extremely close with.
Claudia and yourself have been named the most iconic youngster duo at Barcelona. The two of you spent every waking moment together, becoming bus buddies not long after you joined, rooming together at away games and always reserving a seat for the other during team lunches. 
It didn’t take you long to realize your feelings for the shorter girl went beyond those you were supposed to have for a friend. 
With the Spanish already being a very affectionate bunch, you relished in the feel of Claudia’s soft skin on yours every time the girl would scoot closer to you.
Those not so subtle touches the girl sent your way wasn’t missed by your teammates who were counting down the days to when the two of you would finally admit your feelings.
Patri and Leila have already approached you on more than one occasion as they tried to convince you that your best friend did have feelings for you. You denied their claims though, you didn’t want to believe them, to have false hope. 
It wasn’t until the Barca team went to the beach on a random weekend towards the end of the season that things changed. 
You were currently wrestling with both Leila and Mapi in the sand, hair full of sand as the three of you laughed your asses off over nothing.
Claudia watches as your arms flex when you flip Leila over, her heart fluttering at how you still make sure she lands softly on the sand before you get knocked over by Mapi who laughs at the two of you.
Patri and Alexia sit on each side of her and she already knows what they’re going to say. You weren’t the only one who was constantly pestered by your friends.
“Come on, just tell her! This is becoming pathetic!” Patri exhales loudly as she throws her hands up frustratedly.
“Patri!” Alexia scolds the younger girl who just raises her hands innocently. “It’s not pathetic..you just, you have to admit it Claudia. Go up to her and be brave.”
Contrary to you, Claudia was aware of your feelings, but she didn’t know how to approach you. You were her best friend and even though she knew her feelings were reciprocated, she couldn’t help but be afraid of actually having to confess to you.
A not so gentle push to her shoulder brings her out of her thoughts and she looks at Patri confused. Her friend just nods towards where you are making your way towards the water, presumably to wash the sand off you. 
She takes this as her chance and as she stands up she’s again encouragingly nudged, this time by Alexia. She takes a deep breath when she nears the water, seeing your head reemerge from the water, she starts swimming towards you.
The giggle you let out when she finally reaches you is music to Claudia’s ears and she grins back at you before her expression becomes nervous. 
“What’s wrong Pina?” you ask concerned. She holds onto one of your shoulders as the waves seem to want to pull her under and you quickly follow by placing your arms around her waist.
She blushes at the contact and circles her own arms behind your neck as you hold her above the water. She realizes that she hasn't yet responded to your question and clears her throat.
“So uh I actually wanted to tell you something?” she starts “No, I need to tell you something. I erm..well you see..I-” she stammers nervously and you look at her, patiently waiting for her to finish.
She soon gets frustrated at not knowing how to confess and as she sighs, she momentarily closes her eyes.
You lean your forehead against hers, hoping your touch would calm her enough so she could say whatever she wanted.
Your thumbs rub circles into her skin soothingly and when she next opens her eyes she has this look in them, one that you can’t describe but it makes the butterflies go wild in your stomach.
Claudia opens her mouth again, seemingly wanting to speak again before she abruptly closes it. Her eyes bounce across your face as she stares at you before her gaze settles on your lips.
Your mouth grows dry at that and your breath hitches as she starts leaning in.
You close the distance between the two of you as your lips hug hers and the both of you sigh into the feeling of being so close.
She pulls you closer as she enjoys the softness of your lips and it’s only when you hear loud wolf whistling from the shore that you pull away and look towards your teammates.
They’re cheering, many of them have their phones out and Patri is standing with a huge grin on her face as she shows you two a thumbs up.
You giggle at the girls, pulling Claudia out of the water with you and pressing a kiss to her cheeks as the two of you get wrapped in a big towel.
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flem17ng · 9 months
Oblivious: Mapi Leon x reader
note: this is for the anon who asked for mapi leon fic! I hope it’s what you had in mind xx
Summary: Reader is absolutely infatuated with mapi and she has no idea. Luckily some friends decide to help out.
content: mild age gap but not really
word count: 1.4k
“do the drill y/n! you can drool over leon later!” Patri sighed as she watched you, yet again, get distracted by the older player. This had been happening more and more frequently: everyday it seemed you were found gazing at Mapi from across the field. today was no different as you watched her sprint forward, tap the ball with her toe into the air and volley it across the field. 
clàudia slapped your arm with a grin. 
“one of these days she’s going to notice how in love with her you are hermana” 
“shut up” you grumbled, turning back to the drill. It was true that you made it pretty obvious. It seemed like the whole team knew about your crush on mapi except mapi. It’s not like you had a chance anyway! she was older than you, more experienced and probably the single most attractive woman you had ever seen. So yeah, you didn’t think you really stood a chance. 
“don’t be silly Pina, we both know Mapi wouldn’t recognise y/n’s crush if it slapped her in the face” Patri laughed with a shake of the head.
“can we change the conversation please” you whined suddenly finding the drill a lot more interesting than before
“change what conversation?” 
You whipped around only to find yourself face to face with the very girl you’d been looking at only seconds before. Mapi smiled at you (a sweet lopsided grin that made your heart speed up). 
“oh nothing! Just y/n and her big, ga-“
“my dead grandma” you almost shouted causing a few people to look at you in confusion. Mapi raised her eyebrows. 
“we where talking about my very dead grandma! that’s all!” you gave Patri a stern stare. 
“oh…” Mapi looked between you and the two other girls. “oh i’m sorry I didn’t know. um… well it’s water break now” Mapi backed away a few steps before turning and walking towards the drink bottles. 
“y/n what the fuck” Clàudia muttered. You looked at her, mortified. you needed to pull yourself together. 
It took you a whole 2 days to embarrass yourself even further. So maybe you weren’t able to pull yourself together like you told yourself you would. 
The game was a stunner. 9-1 to Barcelona. It was no secret that Mapi was the most valuable player on the pitch that day either. She was everywhere she needed to be. The final goal was something you knew you would never forget: Playing attacking mid, you raced into open space managing to lose your marker just as you neared the box, a second later you could see Mapi weave past the opposing striker and boot the ball towards you. Time slowed down as you jumped, letting the ball hit the top of your head, giving it the slight redirection it needed to skid into the top corner of the goal.  
You wasted no time turning at running towards the tattooed defender who’d assisted you. Her smile in the moment was better than the whole crowds cheering put together. When you crashed into her with a hug, you didn’t even think before kissing her cheek. 
“Mapi! I did it! I swear I could kiss yo-“ you cut yourself off when you saw Mapi’s eyes go wide. The awkward silence didn’t last long as the team descended on you both with loud cheers and slaps on the back. 
“you what!!” yelled Patri when you where safely in the car home.
“don’t make me say it again” you groaned, sinking further into your seat, covering your violently pink cheeks with your palms. 
“no i’m going to make you say that again! You said you could kiss her? Jesus y/n!”
Patri shook her head while Clàudia laughed from the backseat. 
“what did she do!” Pina laughed, clearly finding your embarrassment very amusing. 
“she just stared at me! god she’s going to think i’m a freak” you sighed. You could brush it off as heat of the moment, but you know it wasn’t. You could kiss her. Hell you wanted to, everyday you wanted too. 
“you guys are friends! she’s not going to think you’re a freak” Patri laughed
You just sunk further into the leather of the car seat, hoping it would swallow you up. 
Mapi was pacing the change-room the next day after training. The thought had been grating on her mind all day. Ever since you avoided her in the car park that morning. Usually you arrived at similar times, chatted about your morning, music, life, but that morning you had parked as close to the building as possible and practically ran inside at the sight of the older player. 
Mapi had shrugged it off but then during training you seemed to be making a visible effort to avoid her. It made her gut twist to think you were upset with her. hell, it made her feel sick to think you were upset at all but no one needed to know that. 
“god it’s just painful to watch at this point” Patri groaned to Alexia as she entered the change-room, only to stop short when she saw Mapi staring at her. 
“hey Mapi! I thought you would have gone home by now” Alexia smiled, much better at playing a poker face than Patri. 
“oh uh, no. I wanted to check on Y/n” she muttered. 
Patri smirked, “oh and whys that?” Alexia slapped her arm to be quiet. 
“she just seemed weird today. Like she avoiding me or something” Mapi groaned. It was weird seemed her like this, so unlike her usual bubbly self. 
“you really have no idea?” Alexia asked. Not teasing, but a genuine, gentle question 
“no idea about what?”
“she likes you Mapi! she has for a long time. If she’s acting weird around you maybe it’s because she’s losing hope.” Patri explained, watching mapis mouth fall open into a little ‘o’. 
“i didn’t realise” she whispered. Inside she could feel her heart speeding up like a kid. she smiled excitedly, “she really likes me?”
“oh god your oblivious sometimes leon” Alexia laughed. 
Anger couldn’t even begin to describe how you felt when she told you. embarrassment, mortification, rage. You didn’t even have the energy to yell at her when you got the text from Patri telling you that she had told Mapi about your feelings. You simply sent a text to your coach telling him you were sick, locked your phone and cried. 
You knew people would try to get in touch with you, hell some even tried calling your landline but you ignored it all.
How could you show your face at training again?
after a day or so you unlocked your phone. 
4 missed calls from patri, 3 from alexia, a large paragraph from clàudia and-
one text from Mapi Leon. 
You tapped the notification. 
today, 10 mins ago. 
mapi 🦁:  I wanted to kiss you too. 
You almost dropped your phone when you read it. and then you re-read it. and then you really did drop your phone when a loud knock came from the front door. 
“please y/n. It’s me” you heard her voice float through the hallway. Her tone was pleading and you could picture her expression: soft but with a wrinkle in her brow that only appeared when she was worried or upset. 
When the door opened, she stepped inside without hesitation. 
“y/n” she said breathlessly. Her cheeks were pink as if she’d been running and, just as you had imagined, her brow was crinkled with worry. 
“mapi? how did you-“
she cut you off with her lips, cradling your cheek with her hand causing you to gasp. 
she pulled back, looking from your eyes to your lips for permission to kiss you again. 
“i’m sorry i didn’t realise sooner. I’m an idiot i know”
You smiled at her and shook your head, finally giving in and reaching up to smooth her worry lines. 
“just kiss me again león” you laughed. and she did just that. Pulling you closer by your waist and kissing you deeply right there on your doorstep. 
Maybe you were an idiot, maybe she was oblivious, but hell she was a good kisser. 
shit, You needed to thank Patri.
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wordsbyrian · 2 years
Tired - Claudia Pina x Reader
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Summary: R has been super tired recently and has taken to falling asleep in places they definitely shouldn't
A/N: Believe it or not I started this fic before my recent bout of insomnia, wild. Also, it's not perfect but I wanted to get it out before midnight, I can edit it later.
If there is one thing that your teammates always made fun of you for, it is definitely your ability to fall asleep any and everywhere.
It’s a talent really and while you would love to lie and say that you don’t mean to but sometimes, it is 100 percent on purpose.
Right now it is not one of those times.
You’re stumbling through the airport with your teammates on your way to Sevilla to face Betis. Your movement resembles a zombie's, and you’re sure it’s probably equal parts amusing and worrying.
The trance of your half-asleep state is broken by the sound of your name being called by multiple people.
“Hmm,” you respond, lifting your head to look at the group of women in front of you.
“Did you get any sleep last night,” Aitana asks.
You nod.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m certain,” you lie, trying to stand up straighter, “You know airports make me tired.”
Your sister doesn’t look very convinced but you shoot her one of your usual mischievous smiles before stealing Clàudia’s coffee from her hand and taking a sip.
That does, of course, earn you a pout from your girlfriend but you just grin at her, placing a kiss on the side of her head before taking another sip.
Those two sips of coffee aren’t enough to keep you awake for the flight and you find yourself slumped against the window before the plane even takes off.
One would think that you’d be fine after taking a nap on the flight but that’s not what happened.
You barely woke up enough to get from the plane to the bus and once there you slipped on a pair of noise-canceling headphones and promptly went back to sleep.
The next time the team finds you sleeping somewhere you shouldn’t be is when they enter the locker room for MD-1 training before your next home game.
You’d had an early meeting with some of the training staff and instead of wasting time going home and coming back, you decided to catch a quick nap in the locker room.
It had seemed like a good idea until right now as the volume of the room steadily increased. Maybe you should’ve chosen one of the training rooms instead.
There are a couple of attempts from the older players to shush the rowdy ones but if anything it just makes them get louder.
Barely managing to keep from sighing, you open your eyes and sit up.
You’re not surprised by what you first see, the chaos of the locker room is something you are very familiar with. Most of the time you’re one of the people causing problems or trying to get everyone to laugh.
It’s what you hear that has you ready to go back to sleep.
Before you even have a chance to fully orient yourself, you hear Mariona shout, “Tough luck Pina! Looks like Sleeping Beauty didn’t need a kiss to wake up this time.”
“Mario, don’t be jealous because the girl you want to kiss is in London,” you respond making everyone turn to face you.
Somewhere off to the side, you hear someone mumbling about how you’re incredibly grumpy for someone who just took a nap.
But you ignore them in favor of grabbing your cleats and training jacket before heading out to the field, it always takes you to warm up when you have to worry about waking up at the same time.
Your neverending exhaustion continues to draw attention and it comes to a head during a night out.
You’re sitting in the booth you ad the girls have claimed with your head tilted back and eyes closed.
Unaware of how long you’ve been sitting like that, you jump when you hear something being placed on the table. The sound is immediately followed by the feeling of someone's foot brushing yours as someone takes a seat across from you.
Sitting up, you’re greeted by the sight of Mapi pushing a beer across the table toward you.
Not bothering to ask any questions, you grab the glass and take a couple of sips from it.
“I know you fall asleep everywhere but this is public even for you,” she says.
“I wasn’t sleeping,” you tell her, ‘just taking a moment to myself.”
Your words don’t even sound believable to your own ears and based on the look Mapi is giving you she isn’t convinced either.
“You should work on your lying face for when Pina gets over here and asks what’s wrong with you,” she says, “Might also want to perk up because she is definitely going to pull you out to dance with her.”
Taking a deep breath, you sit up a little further simultaneously running a hand down your face before finishing off your beer.
“Better,” you ask, hoping that small smile you put on doesn’t look too forced.
“It’s gonna have to work because here she comes.”
You have less than 5 seconds to pull yourself a little more together before Clàudia drops into your lap.
“Hola cariño,” she says as you shift trying to make the position more comfortable for the both of you.
Once you’re comfortable enough, you bury your face in the back of her shoulder before mumbling a greeting back.
Sitting there, with your girlfriend in your arms, it's like everyone else has suddenly vanished. For the first time in a couple of weeks,  it doesn’t feel like your brain is trying to burst its way out of your skull.
It’s amazing.
Unfortunately, it doesn’t last very long because Mapi decides to remind you both of her presence.
“Cool so fuck me then,” she says. “You guys aren’t fun to be around when you’re being gross.”
Lifting your head slightly eyes barely showing from behind Pina’s shoulder, you shoot her the meanest glare you can muster before speaking.
“Do you want me to tell Clàudia about what happened when I went to play FIFA at your apartment last week,” you ask, “or are we both going to behave ourselves.”
You watch as Mapi leans forward slightly, trying to call your bluff with her eyes.
Unwilling to give in, you continue to glare at her before smirking and opening your mouth as though to tell the woman on your lap what happened.
“Alright fine,” she groans, sitting back. “Asshole.”
“If the two of you are finished with whatever that was,” Clàudia begins, turning slightly to face you. “Will you come dance with me?”
Barely refraining from rolling your eyes, you unwrap your arms from around her waist, allowing her to stand and subsequently allowing yourself to be pulled up and towards the dance floor.
Time passes and at the end of the night, you walk both Pina and Patri back to their apartment.
Now, you’re leaning against their door, fighting a losing battle as Pina tries to get you to come inside.
“Just come inside and stay the night,” PIna says, for what must be the tenth time. She’s also pouting at you, which is not making things any easier on you.
“I kind of just want to go back to my place tonight,” you explain, trying not to give in.
“Y/N,” she whines.
“Clàudia,” you say in the same tone.
The two of you continue in this vein before Patri gets sick of your bullshit.
“For fucks sake, will you just come in and cuddle her, Y/N/N,” she shouts from somewhere inside the apartment. “We all know that if you go home, you’d just play video games until you pass out anyway.”
With a groan and a roll of your eyes, you allow yourself to be pulled into the apartment.
30 minutes later, you’re in the familiar position of spooning Pina laying in the dark, enjoying the silence. For a moment you think she’s fallen asleep, her breathing is even but then she speaks, startling you slightly.
“Why didn’t you tell me you’ve been having problems sleeping?”
“Didn’t think it was a big deal,” you explain, “Nothing I could've done about it anyway, They were out of my ADHD medication, so I’ve been trying to wait it out.”
A beat of silence.
“How long?”
“How long have you not been on your meds,” she asks.
“Almost two weeks.”
There’s another pause as Pina takes the time to roll over in your arms.
 You can’t see her face in the darkness but you can imagine the look she’s giving you. It’s probably a cross between frustrated, annoyed, and worried. You’ve been on the receiving end of that look more than a couple of times.
“Two weeks? We’ve played three matches in the last two weeks, how have you been functioning?”
“Been going on extra runs,” you reply, “It worked when I was a kid, figured it would help now. Besides sleep deprivation is the easiest symptom to deal with.”
“Y/N,” the way she says your name is far too soft. “Mi amor, that’s not healthy. You should’ve told someone, we could’ve helped you.”
“It’s not a big deal, I’m going to pick up my prescription tomorrow after practice.”
A sharp pinch is delivered to your side.
“Ouch,” you gasp, barely resisting the urge to pinch her back. “Cariño, I’ve had ADHD my entire life, two weeks without my meds isn’t going to kill me.”
You both hear and feel your girlfriend sigh deeply before she places a kiss on your chin and turns back over, returning to her original position.
A few silent moments pass and you feel yourself beginning to drift off only for Pina again.
“Promise you’ll let me know if you’re struggling, okay? You don’t have to solve all your problems alone.”
“Sí, lo prometo.” 
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Away From Her Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: next part in the Score A Goalie universe... enjoy! next one will take a while, it requires research:)
The UWCL final in Eindhoven was here. Barcelona versus Wolfsburg. Clàudia on the pitch, you watching from the stands. You hadn’t felt so anxious about a match since the Copa De La Reina final, Atleti against Real Madrid, a match that went from 2-0 up to Real Madrid to Atleti bringing it to 2-2, through extra time and into penalties. Atleti came out on top and you were unashamed to admit that you had shed tears of joy over Atleti’s victory.
You had spent your time after the league finished organising the stuff you had brought to Barcelona back in January, trying to fit what you needed for your plans after the final.
Both sets of plans, as Clàudia planned to help you with your move, before the two of you went on a small holiday to serve as a break for you before you were thrown into training for the NWSL with NJ/NY Gotham FC, a club in need of a strong goalie to maintain their position at number 1 in the table.
It was hard, but you no longer had your apartment in Madrid, moving your things into storage that you did want to keep, but selling a lot. Clàudia was keeping some of your stuff for your return to Barcelona, the plans being after the NWSL season was done in November, you would be able to visit whilst Atleti and Gotham sorted out the post-NWSL training you could do before the winter transfer window in January.
But your career wasn’t the focus right now, as you sat in the stands of the Philips Stadium, in Eindhoven, waiting. Pina was on the bench but the stadium energy was electric.
Wolfsburg may have scored two goals first, but you couldn’t help but think about the Copa De La Reina final, Atleti were two goals down before bringing it up to 2-2, taking it to penalties after extra time where Atleti won.
You did not want it to go to penalties.
The second half was different and you could feel it, Patri sending the ball into the net to take it to 2-1, then two minutes later, Patri sent the ball in again, the score going to 2-2. Rolfö eventually making it 3-2 but later shots were going wide.
Pina was finally subbed on for Mariona in the 79th minute, while Ana was subbed on for Caro at the same time.
You grimaced as Wilms fouled Pina, but it wasn’t long after that Wilms was subbed off. A clash between Bronze and Popp had all the attention on the sidelines however, as Ingrid and Alexia prepared to be subbed onto the pitch at the 89th minute. 7 minutes of stoppage time were added, your stomach twisting as you leaned forwards in your seat, watching carefully.
Popp and Paredes ended up with yellow cards after a collision almost looked like it would turn into a fight on the pitch, Alexia and Ingrid having been subbed on minutes before the seven minutes of stoppage time arrived. Tackles flew in with players dropping like flies and you couldn’t stop grimacing.
Eventually the minutes ran out, Barcelona being crowned champions of Europe as Queen’s We Are The Champions played across the stadium, the team swaying and Pina rocking the trophy like it was a baby.
She spotted you in the stands, grinning and waving as you waved back, jumping up and down in celebration.
The UWCL final was a flashbulb memory in your mind, and your fiancee’s as you sorted out your suitcases, the flight across the Atlantic amounting to more than 8 hours in the air, with Patri driving you two to the Barcelona airport.
“I will miss you, but I will miss your pancakes more.” Patri declared as she watched you travel with double the amount of suitcases as Pina, but the reasoning made sense.
You were moving countries for your career, your fiancee was helping you settle in first, but you were allowed a break before going head on into the NWSL.
A break that you were spending with Pina, visiting someone you hadn’t seen in almost a year. Jenni Hermoso, who currently resides in Mexico to play for Pachuca in the Liga MX Femenil.
Arriving at JFK airport, Pina pulled up her hood, whilst you dug through your backpack, eventually finding a pair of sunglasses and putting them on to obscure your face.
“Where do we go?”
“I was emailed instructions… we need to get the subway to…” you paused, looking between your suitcases, to your large backpack balanced on one of them, to Pina’s luggage, “we’re taking suitcases on the subway… great start.”
“So we go from central station and get a connecting train to New Jersey…” You went over the instructions, passing Pina your sunglasses as you found your hat, almost amused at the Atleti logo on it but you were pretty sure someone had recognised you both whilst on the subway already.
“This should be it. The club arranged something close to the subway so I could get around without a car.” You explained, putting the key in the lock and almost celebrating when it turned and opened the door.
Wheeling all the suitcases inside, you headed over to the windows as you heard your fiancee speak, “es pequeño,” as she locked the door behind you both.
“Un poco,” agreeing with her, but it was a studio apartment with a tiny kitchen and windows that let in a lot of natural light, the view of the city presenting the hustle and bustle of New Jersey as you gazed out at the busy road full of cars.
“It feels very… New York, New Jersey… I don’t see a bat signal though.” You joked, peeking through the blinds like you were looking for a way to summon Batman.
“Gotham.” Pina rolled her eyes playfully as she snickered at your joke, walking over to the window to have a look.
“Suppose I should unpack something. Can’t leave it all until I’m back from Mexico and you’re on a flight… back to Barcelona.” Meeting your fiancee’s sad gaze, you held back your emotions as she reached for your hand.
“What am I doing? Moving nearly forty thousand miles away from you for a few months in the hopes my goalkeeper career isn’t just sitting on a bench until I retire then get stuck trying to become a goalkeeper coach? I’m sorry, you deserve better.”
“No. I deserve you. We deserve each other, and we both deserve play time, but I want you too.” Pina declared, her hand cupping your cheek as your face softened from where it was scrunched up in sadness, trying to hold the tears back.
“I want you too, and I want to play minutes. You are the only person who has put me first in a long time. You’re it for me, mi vida, our souls are together, even when our bodies are so far apart. I want to come back to you, marry you, and never leave you again, unless you don’t want that-”
“I choose you, remember? And our bodies are not apart yet.” Pina smirked, leaning in to press her lips against yours, before pulling away as you smiled.
“You’re right. In fact, I think our bodies could be a little closer.”
It took a little while to get your stuff unpacked, the two of you heading back out to travel from Hoboken and ending up in Greenwich Village, Lower Manhattan.
“I’m sorry you’re missing Ibiza this year.” You apologised over dinner/lunch (the timezone difference threw you two off), but your fiancee shook her head, pointing out that she was getting to spend time with her fiancee, in a new city before heading to another new city for a few days and seeing Jenni again after so long.
“I missed you in New York last winter.” Pina rationalised, smiling at you, before avoiding eye contact with whoever was behind you as the two of you were recognised.
“When do Atleti and Gotham announce your loan? People are recognising us from Barcelona.”
The flight to Mexico was nowhere near as long as the Transatlantic flight from Barcelona, the two of you bringing a lot less luggage too as you both looked to find Jenni and whoever she had brought with her to pick you both up from arrivals.
“¡Hola mis bebés!” Jenni cheered, pulling you both into a hug when she spotted the two of you approaching.
Your time in Mexico came and went, revealing the engagement to Jenni and how you were going to be on loan to NJ/NY Gotham until the end of the 2023 NWSL season. Jenni’s reaction included how you did not ask for her blessing, before she was congratulating you both and hugging you for taking a big step in your goalkeeping career.
Now you were staring out of your tiny studio apartment’s windows, watching the sun rise and trying to hype yourself up on your first day with Gotham.
Atleti and Gotham posted their posts first. Atleti revealed you had been sent on loan to NJ/NY Gotham for the rest of the 2023 NWSL season with good luck.
Gotham was a little more excited for you, using a photo array of shadows to tease your arrival, the shadows even resembled Batman before the final reveal of you in the Gotham goalie kit, the shadows made to look like the Bat Signal through the use of the spotlights during the photography session.
You were the next one to post, announcing your loan with a repost of the photo of you in the Gotham kit, with Bat Signal shining onto the dark background behind you, followed by photos of New York and New Jersey you had saved from when you and Pina were exploring around the two states.
Your previous posts consisted of photos of you and Pina hanging out with Jenni in Mexico, throwing people off online who thought everyone would be going to Ibiza, whilst leaving fans speculating as your engagement rings were spotted in one of the photos.
‘Sorry I’m not Batman, but I’m here to protect Gotham.’ Your caption was cheesy, especially with the bat emojis that Pina copied into her comment, along with a heart and flame emoji reminding you of the early days in your relationship.
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wosoluver · 6 months
We don’t talk anymore
Clàudia Pina x Reader
Childhood besties that grew apart. This is a fic about Reader appreciating the memories of the past.
While it’s not really meant to have a happy ending. If you want to do a part 2 maybe Reader joins Barcelona and they rekindle their friendship or maybe something more… 👀
Posted! I'm so sorry I forgot to reply with the fic. But here's the link -> We don't talk anymore
Honestly this made me tear up while writing it. But that's cuz I've been so sensitive lately.
Also I only feel like my writings are actually good when I'm writing angst and sad stuff.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Women's Football (WOSO) Masterlist
Summary: all of my Women's Football (WOSO) fics under the 'read more', all insert reader, with some declared TBC, to be completed. Most are interestingly Spanish players. Format is a bit of a mess but enjoy! (Do not re-post these anywhere.)
Rook series masterlist
Barcelona Femení
Not Sure What Love is Old Home Versus New Home Birthday Surprise - Barcelona Femení + Atlético Madrid x Reader Cramps Suck Under The Surface Card The Door (TBC)
Aitana Bonmatí
Not Like I'm In Love With You Secret Love Song f you for ruining barcelona for me you were good for the plotline the story of us centuries (TBC)
Chaos In Love Chaos In Confessions (TBC) Sparks Fly In Sickness In Health (TBC)
Alexia Putellas
Cool For the Summer Everytime We Touch Where Have You Been
To All The Ones Who Have Not Been Loved Before
Broken Arm
An Absolute Mess Sweeter Than Candy Floss Searching For A Home No Place Like Home You Are My Home Sombra y Fuego Sombra y Amor The Sound of Silence
Leila Ouahabi
Fish are Friends, not Food
Chaotic Autumn Vibes Sacrifices in Avoidance of Heartbreak Spanish Lessons (TBC)
Ona Batlle
Burnt Marshmallows Sombra y Fuego Sombra y Amor Scars
Jill Roord
Not Like We Were Hiding Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 (TBC) Sombra y Fuego Sombra y Amor
Patri Guijarro
Lost In The World Like A Weighted Blanket Better Than A Weighted Blanket Blackout
Clàudia Pina
Score A Goalie Won The Goalie Loving Her Goalie Alongside Her Goalie Engaged To Her Goalie On The Pitch With Her Goalie Away From Her Goalie Her Gotham Goalie (TBC)
Jenni Hermoso
Wrong Sized Boots Tattooed Tall Clown Enter New Player Somebody In A Bar
Ana-Maria Crnogorčević
Nothing Stays The Same Not So Bad (TBC) Secret Sweetheart Legacy (TBC)
Laia Aleixandri
Boyfriend Unnamed part 2 (TBC)
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
On The Pitch With Her Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: the next part of the Score A Goalie universe... yes it's a universe... enjoy!
The remaining five league matches were your last five possible chances to show everyone what you could do in goal whilst at Barcelona. 
You were still waiting on a reply from Lola, but you shoved it all down, knowing that she and Atleti were in Seville for the away game against Real Betis. Ending in a draw due to a penalty from Lola’s yellow card offense. A draw that had ended Atleti’s UWCL qualification chances. You knew she would be blaming herself, so your messages were left unanswered.
Cata was selected to start against Sporting Huelva, but you were the goalkeeper on the bench, getting the opportunity to warm up with her before sitting down next to Patri, who greeted you with a raised eyebrow.
“Did you have a nightmare last night or something?”
“Kinda.” You shrugged off her question, but you knew she’d heard you yell out into the darkness for Lola.
“Shush, don’t distract me, Clàudia is captain.” You shushed Patri, who had no shame smiling and laughing at your demeanour.
“Probably why you didn’t start, you have heart eyes every time Pina is in your view.” Patri didn’t see the look on your face after she said that, or how you faltered, staring at the ground for a moment before returning to watch the game in silence.
Sitting forwards in your seat, your elbows rested on your knees as you watched the game intently. You clapped when Laia got her first goal of the season, the only goal as half-time arrived and you were grimacing at the choice of songs they were playing in the stadium. The second goal for Barcelona came from a defender too, this time Jana scoring as the bench and crowd erupted in cheers.
You couldn’t help but grin at how energised the crowd became when Alexia went to warm up, not even noticing how Patri had stood up from next to you to warm up because Alexia had removed her orange bib, making you realise it was getting close to being time.
Time for the return of Alexia Putellas.
You grinned as Clàudia sat down next to you, quickly kissing her cheek because you knew nobody would be watching the bench. Everyone would be watching captain Alexia Putellas return to the pitch after ten months.
Emma and Ingrid eventually joined you and Clàudia on the bench, your leg bouncing up and down as you watched the game, Clàudia’s hand resting on your thigh to try stop the jiggling as she watched the game too.
The weather caught your attention as a drop of water hit your knee, glancing up during stoppage time to see the incoming downpour.
“The skies cry in celebration.” You whispered, hearing Clàudia chuckle from besides you at your poeticness.
Running onto the pitch at the end of the match, hand in hand with your fiancee, the two of you joined the chaotic celebrations of the Barcelona team. With this victory, Barcelona had enough points to win the league, the rain not dampening anyone’s spirits.
Clàudia looked away from you for a moment to hug Alexia, turning around to spot you hanging from the crossbar of the goal.
“Do not climb that in the rain!” Clàudia joked as she ran over, pausing as she recognised where you were stood as you jumped down.
“Te amo.”
“Yo también te amo.” the two of you ended up running after the rest of the squad as they made their rounds around the field. Clàudia wrapping a Barcelona flag around her waist and then a Barcelona scarf around your neck as Fifth Harmony blasted through the stadium.
The rain was coming down heavily but everyone continued to celebrate, “I wish I could kiss you right now.” you confessed to your fiancee, who smiled knowingly at you in response. She felt the same way, the rain coming down, on the pitch where the two of you first properly met.
“I still feel like a traffic cone in this orange!” You pointed out as Alexia went to get the league trophy, the entire team gathering for photos, including you this time. Barcelona Liga Campeonas 2023.
Marta and Alexia lifted the trophy as everyone cheered, your ears ringing from the excitement in the stadium and your face ached from smiling so much.
“Wait, come here!” you laughed, pulling down the back of Clàudia’s Liga Campeonas 2023 shirt that had rolled up as she pulled it on, on top of her jersey. Fabric hit the side of your head, one of the Campeonas shirts crumpled up on your shoulder as you turned to look at Mapi in confusion.
“You get one too!”
“Me?” Your face crumbled up in confusion at the idea, even when each of the squad staff had a shirt too, holding the shirt in your hands as Alexia being given a microphone.
“Are you crying?”
“It’s the rain.” You bluffed, making Caro raise an eyebrow but you shook your head, wiping at your face hurriedly. The rain had simmered down a while ago, making your excuse bogus but Caro didn’t call you out on it, instead pulling you into a side hug as you all walked around the pitch, Clàudia far ahead in front with Alexia and the league trophy.
“This team is magical.”
“What are you watching?” Patri enquired, finding you sat on the couch watching the television intensively.
“Second leg semi, Arsenal versus Wolfsburg. Sold out Emirates.” You explained, running your left hand over your face for a moment, but that moment caught Patri’s attention.
“In German- Ey! You’re wearing it! Pina finally gave it to you!”
“Yes, Patri. My fiancee finally gave the ring she picked out to me, after I got hers in New York last year.” You deadpanned, brushing off Patri pointing out you were listening to German commentary, and struggling. Most of your memory of the German language was gone, whilst Dutch had been kept alive through Merel’s lessons. Spanish and English remained your most fluent in that moment in time.
“Fiancee? I- You and Pina are engaged? ENGAGED?”
“What is this game?” You exclaimed as VAR was put into use for the second time since the game started less than fifteen minutes ago.
“What did you think the ring was for?” Clàudia teased as she walked in, wearing her ring. You blanked out the commentary of the match, listening to Clàudia and Patri talking in Spanish about the rings and how you two had gone from promising each other to biting the bullet and going for a full on engagement.
“Wolfsburg final!” You shouted loudly as the match came to an end in extra time, feeling bad for the Arsenal players but you knew the final in Eindhoven would be magical with this Barcelona team.
The away game against Real Sociedad had you sitting on the bench with Cata, your mind getting the best of you as you began to doubt everything. Atleti had finally rotated Lola onto the bench to play Paula, with Carmen as captain but they had lost 1-0 against Levante Las Planas. A glance over the squad list left your eyes widening as you realised a slight issue. Atleti only had three forwards listed. Three yellow cards for Atleti and three yellows for Levante Las Planas later, and you were doubting more than just your own skills as a goalkeeper. You were doubting whether you would grow from going back to Atleti.
“¿En qué estás pensando?” Cata enquired, wondering what you were thinking, but the hiss you made as the Real Sociedad goalie saved the shot created from Barcelona’s corner.
“Demasiado.” Too much. You hummed as you watched Mariona get a yellow card, before zoning out. Clàudia and a chunk of the Barcelona squad were resting instead of playing this match.
“Demasiado?” Cata frowned, but you shook your head, remaining silent until Patri scored the first goal of the match, which you clapped and cheered at, before you were clapping and cheering again as Asisat scored four minutes later. Four minutes later, you were clapping again, this time Aitana scoring. Three minutes later, Caro headed the ball in, taking the score up to 4-0 before it was 35 minutes in.
The clean sheet didn’t last much longer though, as Real Sociedad’s Jensen scored in the 38th minute, taking it to 4-1.
Post half-time break, Caro sent the score up to 5-1 after Real Sociedad made three substitutions but mentally you had checked out of the game, drafting up a conversation in your head to have with your management.
An own goal from Patri sent the score up to 5-2, with substitutions on both sides including the likes of Alexia, Vicky and Bruna for Barcelona left you and Cata quietly talking about goalkeeping techniques until the game was over. Barcelona had won 5-2.
The rescheduled away game against Sevilla had a shuffled squad list, with the plan for Gemma to start going out the window as she was injured during the warm-up. With Sandra back in Barcelona with the others who were being rested, this match was yours, plus Paredes with the captain’s armband.
Sevilla were fumbling their own chances without the requirement of you getting in the way of their attempts of goal, whilst Barcelona’s attempts at goal were fruitless in the first 15 minutes as well. The wind remained almost booming in your ears as debris was blown around the pitch in the flurry.
“I felt like I was going to blow away in the wind.” You confessed later on when you returned home from Sevilla, home to your lover.
Sevilla’s attempt at the 26th minute went directly into your gloves, the ball heading back up the other end of the pitch but Geyse’s goal attempt went wide. Eventually at the 30th minute, the thirty degree celsius heat had both teams going for a cooling break.
You shrugged at Paredes as she glanced at you, a Sevilla player having gone down in the box that Paredes was dealing with, but no penalty was given, or yellow card. You weren’t even sure Paredes had clipped her, but you were in no mood to deal with the ref.
Halftime and it was 0-0.
Spotting the incoming cross, you didn’t slide forwards to try to stop the ball or the player incoming with it, instead shuffling back to slam your body onto the ball, barely stopping Sevilla’s goal attempt, something that Sandra or Gemma may have failed to do.
You let out a breath as you spotted the three Barcelona substitutions lining up, Alexia, Asisat and Mapi entering the game at the 65th minute.
A cooling break at the 75th minute left you able to sip your drink, listening to tactics and how it was almost 1-0 to Sevilla. But it wasn’t, thanks to you.
“Thank fuck.” You murmured as Ana managed to get the ball into the goal in the 80th minute, watching intently from your goal as the Sevilla goalkeeper was a lot busier than you were, until the last minute of stoppage time, but Sevilla’s shot went wide.
The full time whistle was eventually blown, a 1-0 win to Barcelona. Deep down, in another universe you knew the game would have ended 1-1, but you bite your tongue, making a beeline for the Sevilla goalie instead.
“Hey, which photo do I post for Medina’s birthday? Wait this one has the rings in it… better not upstage anything with an accidental engagement announcement…” you trailed off, removing the photo that could reveal the engagement too early.
Technically speaking, Barcelona were in the dark about the engagement but Patri. You weren’t entirely sure how, since you knew Alexia suspected something, but the two of you kept it to families. So Clàudia’s family knew, and your family did. Your little Atleti family. Lola, Carmen and Andrea, even though you joked you were a child of divorce through Lola and Carmen, resulting in Lola almost picking you up like a baby, but you hid behind Andrea.
“Don’t hide behind your baby sister.”
“Don’t be rude to your firstborn.” You retorted, sticking your tongue out at Lola who raised an eyebrow at you in challenge.
“Our firstborn who ran away to Barcelona and got engaged?” Carmen joked, pulling you into her side as you tensed up, pouting.
“I didn’t run, I got a flight… and I didn’t want to leave.” 
Shaking off the memory, you picked out the Atleti family photo you wanted, a group photo where Lola had Andrea in a hug/headlock, whilst Carmen had you on her back in a piggy back, nobody aware of how you had stuck two fingers up in the air behind Lola’s head but the photo had been taken mid-laughter for the birthday girl.
Ten changes had been made from the starting XI of last match against Sevilla, with your remaining the only player who played both matches, starting against Athletic Club at home, the Estadi.
Your fiancee still wasn’t 100% after her injury, so she was in the stands with Lucy and Rolfö, and you think you saw Gemma up there too. Atleti were playing against Villareal at the same time this game was kicking off, the ball coming back to you quickly, and you had to be quicker to get it away as you spotted the red and white Athletic Club jersey clad player running right at you.
Even without their captain on the pitch due to an injury in a clash against Asisat, Athletic Club were fierce but Barcelona were better. But Athletic Club’s captain was down again, forcing the club to substitute her off.
The results of Athletic’s free kick went straight into your gloves, allowing you to send the ball back in, watching as it headed back up the pitch for another goal attempt to go wide.
The ball at your feet at the 37th minute, you sent the ball back in, glancing at Engen across the pitch who had gone down moments before.
“Fuck!” You grunted, jumping up to punch the incoming ball away from the free kick, but the corner for Athletic Club was fruitless.
Marta’s incoming ball made you grimace, sending the ball away to almost hit an Athletic Club player in the head, letting out a breath as it ended up away from both, and the halftime whistle was blown.
0-0 at halftime, whilst Atleti were down 1-0 to Villareal.
Barcelona were stacking corners as you watched from your goal, but it took an hour for Barcelona to score, Caro striking the ball into the corner of the goal to take it to 1-0.
Letting out a breath, you observed as Laia went off for Irene, Ingrid off for Keira and Nuria off for Ana in the 63rd and 64th minutes. A header from Irene doubled Barcelona’s lead moments after the previous goal attempt was too unclear, no aerial camera to check if it had passed the line. Making the score 2-0.
The Estadi lit up with cheers as Alexia and Mariona were subbed on for Patri and Aitana, but you didn’t acknowledge it, instead swiping the incoming ball up into your arms easily.
A long ranged shot at your goal went flying over, you watching as it went wide, retrieving a ball for a goal kick.
The last touch of the match was Salma’s goal, the game ending 3-0 and the final game at the Estadi Johan Cruyff before the UWCL final in Eindhoven was done.
“Atleti finished 1-1.” Gemma informed you as she and the other injured players who had watched from the stands, including your fiancee who made her way over to hug you, but you could see the sadness in her eyes as you removed your gloves and tucked them into the waistband of your shorts.
“What’s wrong, mi amor?” Your thumb stroking her cheek, completely ignoring how the Estadi was full of fans who could see.
“I wish I was playing on the pitch with you, before you have to go back to Atleti.” 
“Atleti will probably loan me somewhere else next season… I don’t want to leave you, I want to marry you, and be by your side.” You confessed, your voice quieting but she heard, pulling you into a hug where she could discreetly press a kiss to your neck.
“Vamos! Vamos!” Patri’s shouting made you want to hurry up the call, but you felt like Atleti were dragging you around in circles. It went from an update about your training and performance in the latest Barcelona matches, but as soon as next season was brought up, you got no definitive answer.
“Am I really that bad? Is that why they won’t play me? Yet they keep my hands tied with my contract- please… I can’t sit on the bench for a whole season, not again.” Your voice broke as you hung up the phone with your manager, moving from sitting at the edge of the bottom of the bed to the floor with your back against it.
“Mi amor? We have to go for the parade.” Clàudia walked over, her feet perpendicular to yours as you pulled your knees to your chest.
“You two should go, I don’t even think I’m supposed to be there-”
“Come with me.”
“That’s what she said.” You whispered, wiping away a stray tear as Clàudia passed you the campeonas shirt you were given at the Sporting Huelva game.
“This is yours-”
“Fiancees share clothes too.” Clàudia replied, smirking as she revealed she was wearing her engagement ring.
“We’re telling the Barça squad today? What are the odds that none of them even notice our engagement rings in all the chaos?” You raised your eyebrows, noticing how Clàudia’s fingers trailed up your arms before she met your eyes.
“Te amo, bebé.”
“Yo también te amo. Siempre.”
The excitement of the crowds of Barcelona fans for the parade dedicated to both teams immediately washed away the horrid feelings you had felt after your phone call. Staring out over the crowd with your hands on the rails, you tensed up as an arm pulled you into a hug, before realising it was Sandra as she grinned at you.
“Hola!” You grinned back, chatting to one of your goalkeeper mentors now in your career, not seeing how Clàudia was being teased by Patri for something, or how the approaching Barcelona captain had spotted a particular piece of jewellery on Clàudia’s left hand.
“I knew it.” Alexia smirked, pulling Clàudia into a hug and kissing the younger player’s head with pride, “pancake flipping accident… you two thought you were subtle, trying to keep it quiet!”
“They are not quiet at home!” Patri added, making Clàudia’s ears burn, but she laughed, shoving off Patri’s teasing as she looked over at you, in a deep conversation with Sandra and Ana before Irene was involved too. Your arms were folded in a way that hid your hands, meaning your ring hadn’t been seen yet.
Only Clàudia’s ring, which you obtained in New York, had been spotted at that moment.
It was only when you went to adjust the bucket hat all but shoved on your head that your ring caught some people’s eyes.
“Wait a minute-”
“What? No! Who- who proposed to who?” Sandra looked between you and Clàudia, who was trapped in a hug with Alexia who started to bring the younger girl over.
“Nobody asked for my permission!”
“Technically the ring was a promise ring but I let Clàudia choose-”
“We are engaged! No more questions, I want to dance with my fiancee!” Clàudia replied, taking your hand and guiding you away from the chaotic older Barcelona players, the two of you dancing on the rooftop of the bus without a care in the world.
“They grew up so fast.” Sandra smiled, wiping away a tear as Alexia hummed and nodded, remembering the days when you were hiding behind Lola, Carmen and Vir, whilst Clàudia was hiding behind Jenni and herself, before the parade took over everyone’s thoughts, long into the night after it had ended.
Virginia ringing you the day after the parade wasn’t something you expected, but you didn’t expect her to break the news she was leaving Atleti after the final match of the season, against Granadilla Tenerife.
“They were fools not to give you any minutes.” You murmured, an anger in your voice that Virginia recognised. The two of you had experienced the troubles first hand of not getting next to any minutes for an entire season.
“What will you do?” Virginia enquired, but you shook your head, not realising she couldn’t see you do that over the phone, leaving you to explain.
“I raised hell, my manager knows Atleti and Barcelona have played with my self-esteem so much. I want to be the first choice goalie. The only person who puts me first is my fiancee. Atleti won’t swap out Lola, and Barcelona have Sandra, Cata and Gemma. Atleti have me on contract for another year but I’m going on loan to get minutes. My management is specifically arranging something apparently. Guess I’m doing a lot of travelling next season… I’m not sure how we’re supposed to plan a wedding if I’m in a different country for each transfer window but… enough about me, where will you go?” You replied, wondering if Virginia would be moving from Madrid, or even Spain entirely.
“Vir… no matter where you are, you’re family. You deserve the world.”
Atleti’s final league game of the season was Friday night, whilst Barcelona’s game was Sunday at noon, and with a little bit of persuasion, you were able to leave after morning training for your flight to Madrid. Your fiancee was staying behind as she was fully fit and able to be in the squad list for the final Barcelona league match, an away game against Madrid CFF. This meant you would be meeting up with the Barcelona squad on their arrival to Madrid on Saturday.
You hadn’t worn your Atleti jersey in half a season, but there you were, sitting in the stands watching Atleti play against Granadilla Tenerife, clad in your Atleti home goalie jersey. 
Medina spotted you first, after she got her yellow card in the 28th minute, but you just grinned, waving at her. Banini spotted you next when she was subbed off for Eva, about to divert from the bench to run over and hug you, but she was stopped by security.
Ajibade and Cardona spotted Banini’s antics, spotting you talking to security before you were being guided from the stands.
“Did they just kick our goalie from the game?”
They did not. You ended up being guided by one of the assistant coaches from behind the scenes to the pitch, in time for Eva’s goal, and the final substitution of Virginia Torrecilla onto the pitch for Atleti.
Vir spotted you as she approached to be substituted on, about to run over but she was being urged onto the pitch, and you were swooped up into Maitane’s arms.
Your teammates had missed you.
The match ended with four goals for Atleti, Latorre, Cardona and Eva all scoring plus an own goal from a Granadilla Tenerife player. The focus went to Virginia, as Lola and Carmen presented her with her shirt, framed. Not a dry eye in the stadium as everyone took the opportunity to high five her in the line then hug her later, and you were able to present her with the flower bouquet. Red and white flowers of course.
Wiping at your eyes with the neckline of your jersey, you were swooped up into the chaos of everyone throwing Virginia in the air, reminding you of the Supercopa game against Barcelona, back when Vir was returning to play after dealing with her brain tumour.
The team hug warmed your heart as you held onto Merel, who quietly asked about your Dutch lessons, but you gave her a nervous smile. Merel playfully rolled your eyes, but murmured about what you would do if you were ever called up to play internationally. You shook your head instead, having thrown that idea out the window a while ago.
It didn’t take too long for the photos of the farewell to be uploaded to social media, but Vir didn’t expect the post you put up as you slept on Carmen’s couch for the night. Photos dating back from when you first arrived at Atleti, before you met Lola, and before you met Medina. The photos including you, Carmen and Vir, before ones also featuring Lola, then also featuring Medina surfaced. The final image consisted of you, Virginia, Carmen, Lola, Medina and Pina, with the caption ‘Mi familia. Siempre.’
You spent the time before the Barcelona players arrived in Madrid at Atleti’s training centre, a laptop set up for a zoom call as you went over exercises with the assistant goalkeeper coach at Barcelona on the call.
After that, you went to head to the hotel that the Barcelona players would be arriving at soon, talking to fans and signing jerseys or whatever else they wanted to be signed. One fan asked a question that kept bugging you though.
Were you staying at Atleti?
You had a year left on your contract, but Atleti squandered their chances. Barcelona had no need for you, and it wasn’t like there were many clubs close to Barcelona in the league besides Levante Las Planas. Atleti were sending you on loan next season, sending you away from your fiancee, but she knew you couldn’t take being on the bench for another season.
Staring into space with the hotel staff waiting for Barcelona’s arrival, you were taken off guard as a hand wrapped around you in a side hug, but this time by a Barcelona player, not an Atleti one. 
“You okay?” Alexia enquired, raising an eyebrow at the far away look on your face.
“Existential crisis.”
“Pina?” Alexia began to frown but you immediately shook your head.
“Football career crisis. Loving Clàudia is the only thing that is stopping me from going into a full on crisis. I want to be with her and marry her, but you guys don’t need another goalkeeper, and Atleti benched me for half a season… it wrecks my self-esteem and I know I wouldn’t do this to my goalkeepers if I was in charge of it all. I can barely be a second choice goalie right now and... it makes me want to quit, but also I don’t really want to be reduced to a WAG.” You explained, moving further into the hotel lobby as you spoke.
“I don’t want you to be my WAG. You’re my goalie, who I’m going to marry.” Clàudia added, looking at you lovingly until her team mother, Alexia butted in.
“You two are not rooming together. But you should talk to your management-”
“Ay dios mío!” Clàudia spluttered, “we are engaged!”
“I have, they’re fighting Atleti, and I have the number for a sports psychologist too… and y’know, my future wife who is apparently not allowed to see me until the match tomorrow because we can’t room together. We literally share a bed every night in Barcelona… We’re engaged!” you rambled but Alexia still raised her eyebrows, shaking her head.
“We don’t need to find out how thin the hotel walls are.”
“Oh my god!” you grimaced at that, grimacing even more as Patri walked past with her suitcase, trying to avoid looking at you and Clàudia, and refusing to look Alexia in the eye.
You weren’t originally going to start in the final match of the league, but with Sandra experiencing some sort of muscle discomfort during the warm-up, you were the suggested substitution since it would be your final match with the team and Sandra had faith in you.
Taking the minutes given to you, you didn’t look at the stands throughout the warm-ups with Cata, but if you had, you would have seen some of your Atleti teammates waiting to watch the game. 
Madrid CFF were fifth in the league, but had been a thorn in the sides of Levante and Real Madrid.
“Jeez.” You murmured as you watched Marta’s shot go straight into the feet of a Madrid CFF player. 
Kundananji’s shot went over, not requiring you to make a save, but the Madrid CFF striker had gotten past Mapi and Paredes.
Kundananji was coming back though, as you hurried forward to block the ball, before it was sent back at you, making you huff as the ball went back down the pitch.
“Is that- baby goalie is louder than you when you’re captain, Lola.” 
Lola turned her head to acknowledge her teammate, but she couldn’t help but agree. You were loud in sorting out the formation of your defensive line, sick of it falling apart already but Kundananji’s next attempt was ruled offside.
The ball returned back to you after the free kick from Geyse’s yellow card, allowing you to send it further down the pitch. The ball kept coming back to you, but this time Mariona sent it out as Asisat was down. Asisat was set to continue however, but the UWCL final was in just over two weeks.
Sending the ball away before Kundananji could get to it, you were ready to argue with the assistant referees as Mapi was sent to the ground but Asisat being subbed off for Salma happened instead of a foul being called.
If you were Sandra, you would have ran forwards to stop Kundananji, but you weren’t, lingering back, you launched yourself onto the ball, almost winding yourself in the process. Mapi and Paredes barely had time to catch up as you let out a breath, laying on the ground for another moment with the ball clamped in your arms.
A hand patted your back as you got up, unhappy with your defensive line but you were more happy that it hadn't ended up being 1-0 to Madrid CFF, sending the ball back down the pitch. Madrid CFF’s goalkeeper was good as you saw the save she managed to make in the game highlights later on.
Kundananji was coming back though, making you shuffle and lunge to the side, blocking the ball from deflecting from the post and into the goal, but your ribs hated you for the action, you were slower to get up but without your efforts, Barcelona would have been down 2-0.
Salma’s goal wasn’t counted as half-time was called in the same final seconds, leaving you to shake your head confusedly, heading to grab your drinks bottle then make a beeline inside to the locker room, not realising that your Atleti teammates were trying to get your attention. Your attention though went to your fiancee, who held out an ice pack to you, concern in her eyes as you began to ice your side temporarily.
Your drive was different, you weren’t on the Barcelona squad list for the UWCL, so this was your last match of the season. Your last chance before you opened Pandora’s jar with Atleti.
Half-time was over, the final 45 minutes of league football for Barcelona and Madrid CFF this season had started. Araya’s attempt on goal went over, but even with your attempts to sort out the defensive backline, Madrid CFF were still getting through.
Bonsegundo managed to get right in front of goal, much to your dislike, but even with the offside flag going up, she managed to scoop the ball over onto the net, leaving you to jump up and knock the ball down from where it was stuck on top of the net.
Mapi somehow didn’t get a second yellow as Alexia, Ingrid and Jana were all subbed on, not taking long for a Barcelona corner to turn into Alexia’s first goal since returning from her ACL injury. Taking the score to 1-0 Barcelona, but in another universe, it would be 2-1.
Your fiancee running up and down the sidelines warming up caught your attention momentarily, but Salma sending the ball flying towards you stole your attention back, sending the ball out to Paredes quickly.
“What is this game?” you murmured to yourself, watching as Alexia going down in the penalty box got only a free kick, but your fiancee being subbed on for Mariona was enough to try to bring some calm to the very messy game.
Until you spotted your fiancee getting a yellow card, dragging your gloved hands down your face, you waited for the game to resume.
Paredes awkwardly sent the ball back to you, allowing you to relay it back to Jana, but Patri’s chance went wide, the score remaining 1-0 to Barcelona into the 87th minute.
Five minutes of added time were thrown into the mix, Barcelona determined to try to get another goal, but Madrid CFF were determined too.
Your stomach dropped as Patri was sweeped to the ground in a sliding tackle, wincing in pain and slow to get up. Pina’s shot went wide thirty seconds into the end of stoppage time, but the final whistle went and you dropped to the ground.
Sitting on the goaline, you glanced towards the stands to observe the Madrid CFF fans and the Barcelona fans, but you didn’t expect to spot Atleti players in the stands.
Pina, Patri and Ana all paused as you sprinted past them all, Ingrid and Mapi barely able to get out the way as you reached the stands, jumping up and climbing to reach Carmen first, Andrea and Lola both next before you began to reach the rest of your Atleti teammates who had come to the match.
“You did so well!”
“How are your ribs?”
“Sore. But I needed to make those two saves, it could have been 2-1. I didn’t want to be blamed for Barcelona losing their streak.” You admitted, before water was poured over your head.
“Thanks for that.” You deadpanned, wiping the water from your eyes with your jersey neckline as Andrea grinned, the two of you beginning to laugh as you realised Lola and Carmen were trying to hide their laughter too.
“Ey! Pina! Where are they hiding? Are they okay?” Sandra began to question Pina at the team barbecue. You were nowhere in sight but nobody seemed to be too worried.
“Atleti called. We are saving a plate.” Your fiancee explained, gesturing to how there was a spare plate being passed along the line, with no suggested owner.
“A good call or a bad call?”
Pina sighed at Sandra’s question, not sure how much you wanted the others to know, but a notification on her phone revealing you had posted on instagram caught her attention.
The sun on her phone screen made whatever you had posted hard to see, but when the brightness adjusted, she couldn’t help but smile at the reel you had uploaded.
A reel of your best saves at Atleti and Barcelona, before a photo of when you were revealed to have signed with Atleti back in 2020 was shown, followed by a photo of you at training with Barcelona. Pina’s stomach twisted as she spotted the caption ‘the journey continues’ but it didn’t feel like a goodbye message.
You had reassured her that you would fight for her, and fight for your career however you could, and she supported that, and supported you like you supported her.
‘Gotta catch em all’ with a heart and a football emoji.
Probably overkill, but you understood the reference, and Pina had knowledge of Pokemon, the franchise having reached Spain before she was born. But the catchphrase also worked as a goalkeeper reference, supported by the heart eyes emoji you replied to your fiancee’s instagram comment.
“Don’t they have another year on contract at Atleti? Also, who edited that? They can barely use photoshop!” Patri asked, raising an eyebrow at Pina, who looked down at her plate in thought.
“Atleti are loaning me for experience. It was that, or terminate my contract.” You explained, walking over after a detour to be given the plate of food from the team barbecue.
“Any idea where?” Sandra enquired, trying to hide her sadness at the goalkeeper union decreasing in numbers, but it was easier to hide her smile when you kissed Pina on the head as you sat down.
“Multiple places.” You were ambiguous, but your fingertips drawing patterns on your fiancee’s leg soothed her. The two of you were aware that you would tell Pina later, at home in bed together. The two of you would cherish it, because even with your ambiguity, Clàudia knew your time in Barcelona was coming to an end, for now.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Engaged To Her Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: the next part of the Score A Goalie universe... enjoy! (next part will take a while)
March was a blur. You got ill, you got your car from Madrid, you may have given some of your Atleti teammates your illness too. Your fiancee sprained her ankle. Cata Coll returned to the pitch in the 75th minute against Valencia, and you refused to take your time in Barcelona for granted.
Having recovered from whatever bug you caught, you worked hard to improve your skills, wanting to make an impact with either Barcelona, or Atleti. You wanted to prove something you already knew, and Pina knew it too. You deserved to be first choice for a team, not fifth choice now that Cata was back for Barcelona. You didn’t notice at first, but with Cata back, Meritxell wasn’t on the squad lists anymore, and you were already aware that you weren’t on the Champion’s League squad list.
That didn’t matter however, since your fiancee was now sporting a leg brace after spraining her right ankle, taking her out of the Valencia game, and the upcoming quarter final games too. This meant that she was up in the stands watching whilst you sat on the bench talking with Gemma, or watching the away game against Roma together. 
“Stop celebrating Roma defending us!”
“I’m sorry but Roma’s goalie! It’s only 1-0, she’s on fire! Definitely the player of the match!” You declared, even with Pina’s unamused look on her face at that, even more so when she found out you were right. Roma’s goalie had been player of the match.
Whilst your fiancee was missing the El Clásico between Barcelona and Real Madrid, you were the one selected to warm up with Sandra instead of Cata, confusing you at first but you’d take any opportunity to touch the grass on the pitch nowadays.
Your fiancee was in the stands with Alexia and Mariona, the El Clásico occurring at the Johan Cruyff Estadi, but Camp Nou was next week for the second leg. 
You couldn’t sit still, watching as yellow cards were given, substitutions were made at halftime, Ingrid and Ana both coming to listen to the commentary that you and Gemma had going on. Back and forth banter, the goalkeeper union at Barcelona was strong.
You hadn’t meant to fall out of your seat, standing up to see the results of Athenea’s yellow card and Rolfö’s penalty kick, but as you went to sit back down, you missed the seat entirely. Your squeak got the bench’s attention as you scrambled to get up from where your butt had hit the ground.
“Stress of the penalty?” Ingrid asked, half joking but you shrugged.
“Penalties suck, I used to practise them so many times with Lola back at Atleti. I used to be terrified of them, now? I hate watching them but want to get the penalty over with.” You explained, fiddling with your gloves. You were supposed to get new gloves with Barcelona, with your number for the loan club, but you kept your Atleti gloves on you instead. 
Atleti held a piece of your soul, but Clàudia held another piece. You were tied to two Spanish cities in one way or another, but neither of the clubs were really fighting for you in a way you wanted to be fought for. Clàudia fought for you in a way Barcelona and Atleti did not. Atleti were focussed on only starting Lola, and Barcelona had more than enough goalkeepers. 
The energy from Camp Nou was nothing like you had ever felt before. You weren’t on the squad list for the Champions League games, but you got to sit in the stadium with Barcelona’s injured players.
Sitting with Clàudia on your right, you rested your arms on the railing, looking past her to see Mariona, and then Alexia with a fierce look on her face. You and Cata had gotten to take turns stopping Alexia’s shots since she’d joined group training again. 
“She’s less scary when she’s smiling.” You murmured, resting your chin on Clàudia’s shoulder for a moment, your lips brushing her ear before you leaned back, gesturing to Alexia at the end of the row.
“She is not scary.” Clàudia raised an eyebrow, whispering back to you so Mariona wouldn’t overhear.
“She and Jenni were so protective over you, it was scary. Also, she’s fully aware this plaster has been on too long for a ‘pancake flipping accident’.” You admitted, running your thumb over your left ring finger in thought, but Clàudia just smirked, nudging you as the music began to play, and the players started to walk onto the pitch.
The second leg match against Roma went very differently from the first leg, three goals up by halftime, you were in awe of everything, especially Mapi’s goal. You knew of Vicky Losada, and her history, so your heart ached as she was subbed off for Roma at the start of the second half. Asisat’s goal came in the same minute as the substitution.
Patri scored next, and you were half celebrating for Barcelona, half wincing for the Roma goalie, even as Clàudia elbowed you at your squeak when Roma got a goal back, taking away Barcelona’s clean sheet.
It was impossible to be quiet in a Barcelona match, but it was even more impossible in Camp Nou, cheering when Mapi was subbed off and took a victory lap walking around the pitch, and for every other Barcelona player who was subbed in and off, by the end of the match, your excitement was through the roof.
Lingering back, you watched on as the Barcelona players danced and celebrated, taking in the energy of the fans and celebrating them. You stayed back until Clàudia spotted you on the sidelines from where Sandra was giving her a piggyback ride, hurrying over to you as quickly as she could with the boot on her foot.
“¿Cómo estás?” You enquired, asking how Clàudia was doing, but she shook her head, taking your hand and guiding you further onto the Camp Nou pitch. It felt odd, an Atleti player in such a significant Barcelona stadium. Even at that moment, you were technically a Barcelona player, but when unpeeling all those layers, you didn’t originate from Atleti either.
Each club you played for held a piece of your soul, but Madrid and Barcelona meant the most to you now. Madrid for your Atleti family, and all the growth you had done there, but Barcelona gave you new challenges, and Clàudia was in Barcelona.
“Vamos!” Clàudia cheered, watching as your eyes lit up in awe of the stadium, the crowds, the players, the atmosphere. You almost didn’t want it to end.
So wrapped up in it all, you didn’t see how Patri elbowed Clàudia, gesturing to you almost to remind her.
Because whilst you had been getting your car back from Madrid, Clàudia had taken a moment to talk to Lola and Carmen in person whilst you had been distracted by Virginia. Clàudia had then taken some time in Madrid, then Barcelona as she looked for an engagement ring for you.
You had found yours for her in New York, but she wanted something significant for you. She couldn’t keep giving you plasters as a temporary fix, especially when Patri pointed out the lack of plasters in the first aid kit, and how your pancake flipping accident excuse was complete bullshit.
Now she had a ring box hidden, trying to find her moment. She almost debated it on the pitch of Camp Nou, but neither of you got to play, and the attention was far too much.
The Barcelona game against Alhama was an away game. An away game which they had chosen to rest Sandra for, instead selecting you and Cata as the goalies for the match. Clàudia was staying in Barcelona with Alexia and Mariona, plus a few other teammates who were being rested or were not required for the game.
Getting to play in the Alhama game fueled you with enough energy that you carried Bruna around on your back for as long as possible after, the younger girl enjoying the piggy back ride as you managed to hold Jana up too before tumbling to the ground playfully.
But it wasn’t just the Alhama game that fueled you, it was the knowledge that after the international break, the first game back was against Atleti at the Estadi, with Carmen’s birthday being the day before the match.
“This is going to be a long match.” You whispered to yourself, fiddling with your gloves as you watched Atleti immediately have to work defensively.
“Who do you want to win?” Lucy asked, observing you almost jump out of your seat to watch the pitch.
“You know both can’t win-”
“I love both teams, this is painful for me.” You hadn’t even realised you’d pulled your left glove off, fiddling with the plaster on your left ring finger as you watched each of Barcelona’s shots go into Lola’s hands, then Atleti got closer and closer to a goal only for Sandra to manage to stop it.
You couldn’t help but fly up when you saw how Ajibade and Irene had collided when Sandra went to collect the ball from out of the air.
“How does Pina sit with you flying up and down like a jack in the box?”
“I don't fly up and down- ouch,  yeah no way for Lola to get that one.” You cut yourself off as Aitana scored the first goal of the match, glancing up at the stands to spot your fiancee sat with her leg propped up, Alexia sat besides her.
Grimacing, you watched as Mapi was able to get up after going down against Moral, who had ended up with a yellow card for it, enough time going past that the halftime whistle was blown and you were following Lucy and Cata back inside.
You’d barely sat down two minutes before flying out of your seat again for Vicky’s goal at the 46th minute before Caro made it 3-0 eleven minutes later. 
Flying up, you watched as Carmen took a shot from the back but it went into Sandra’s gloves.
“Do we need to tie you to your seat?” Lucy chuckled but you rolled your eyes, watching the substitutions taking place for both teams, eventually Lucy leaving you with Cata as she was subbed on for Irene.
“They’re pacing the sidelines.” Alexia pointed out to Pina, who spotted you walking up and down watching as Shei was being treated off the pitch. Atleti had no substitutions left, so they were down to ten players until she could re-enter the pitch.
Your foot bounced against the ground as you watched Aitana’s brace goal at the 89th minute, the game concluding 4-0 after four minutes of stoppage time. The whistle had barely been blown before you flew up, catching Carmen by surprise as you tackled her into a hug.
“I missed you. Feliz cumpleaños.”
“Did you get taller?” Carmen teased, hugging you tighter as you clung to her, “I missed you too.”
Your body tensed up as another pair of arms wrapped around you both, but it only took a glance to spot the familiar Atleti goalie colours and recognise it was Lola hugging you, followed by another Atleti-clad player, who laughed as you patted her on the head after escaping the group hug.
“Been a while…” you began, but you were cut off as hands hooked your shoulders and legs wrapped around your waist leaving you to scramble to hold whoever was on your back up for a piggy back.
“When’s the wedding?” Andrea asked jokingly, but Lola and Carmen both raised an eyebrow at you, and your fiancee who had hopped up on your back, even with her leg in a protective brace.
“We’ll get back to you?” You chewed your lip, ignoring your Atleti family’s gaze on you as you glanced at the plaster on your left ring finger, not seeing how your fiancee looked at it too, the best she could from her angle.
All of Clàudia’s hard work paid off as she was revealed to be in the full squad lineup for the game in London against Chelsea. Whilst you remained behind in Barcelona.
The place you were sharing with Clàudia and Patri was left to just you, and your setup of the Barcelona vs Chelsea first leg game on the TV.
Atleti would be playing Levante the day after, so you were stuck waiting for the livestream of the match to start with nobody to text with your thoughts on any of it. But you hoped, no, you knew, Chelsea were going to experience hell 
Caro had managed to score the first goal and only goal of the  match by the fourth minute, and whilst Clàudia was on the bench for the entire match, you were enjoying what you were watching. Even when Sandra was given a yellow card during the stoppage time that had you humming to yourself in amusement, grabbing your phone to text Clàudia about the match.
Later on in the evening, the Barcelona team returned from London, but you were nowhere to be found when Clàudia and Patri returned home.
Clàudia didn’t even blink as she located the note you had left, but she knew deep down where you had gone. You had gone to goalkeeper training with Gemma and Meritxell.
She knew it was bothering you, how much your football career was up in the air. Atleti showing no signs of rotating you with Lola, Barcelona not really needing you but giving you the training to a new standard that you thrived at.
You had a feeling that you would be sent out on loan again next season, but the question there was, how far away from Clàudia would you be? National teams didn't pass your mind anymore, so there would be no possible reunions there either.
“Atleti game?” Patri enquired, glancing at the TV to show the Atleti versus Levante game you had set up on the TV whilst Clàudia curled up next to you.
“Of course. Mi familia, or most of them anyway.” You leaned down to press a kiss to Clàudia’s forehead, making Patri roll her eyes at the two of you.
“When’s the wedding?” Patri threw a spanner in the works as you looked at Clàudia, who opened her eyes to smirk at you teasingly.
“Well my ring is a plaster and Atleti and Barça will probably unite to kill us both if we eloped so… it might be a while?” You eyed your fiancee as she smirked, unable to read her mind but she was thinking about the ring she had hidden, and how your ring finger wouldn’t have a plaster on it for much longer.
Whether Patri viewed your an answer as a joke or not was debatable, but it was the truth you told the midfielder.
“Anyway, the stream is starting so…” you fell silent at the minute of silence for Cinta’s late grandmother, feeling Clàudia tangle her fingers in yours as kickoff began.
Twenty two minutes in, Eva managed to score the first goal of the match, Patri and Clàudia amused by your celebration. You may be wearing a Barcelona shirt whilst on loan, but you adored Atleti. Ten minutes later and Atleti were two goals ahead, Lucía scoring as you celebrated with a smile.
Two minutes later, Clàudia and Patri heard you squeak as Levante managed to get the ball past Lola, the ball bouncing off the crossbar before being headed back across the goal line.
You raised an eyebrow at the commentator pointing out how Lola and Carmen had swapped roles momentarily. Carmen stood in goal whilst Lola took over a centre-back role, leaving Patri and Clàudia to watch as you got your phone out, sending a text to both of them that they would see post-match.
“Don’t you two have St George’s day celebrations to attend? Feliç Sant Jordi?” You replied, double-checking the time for the first leg match of the other semi-final that was happening this weekend.
“And what will you do?” 
“Watch Arsenal versus Wolfsburg. What else?” 
Camp Nou was electric as you sat up in the stands with Lucy and Emma, Pina was on the bench but you were intrigued about the entire match. Top European teams facing head to head. The wait for the first goal took Barcelona to 2-0 on aggregate, until Reiten turned the tide and sent it to 2-1.
The game ended 1-1, 2-1 on aggregate. Barcelona went through to the UWCL final. It didn’t take long for every Barcelona player who was watching in the stands to make your way down onto the pitch.
Clàudia spotted you behind Lucy, grinning as you looked around the stadium, the energy overwhelming. It was a different level to what you had felt with Atleti, the bittersweetness of the moment spiking tears in your eyes.
Clàudia hurried over to you, hiding her concern behind a grin as she took your hand, leaning into you.
“I’m okay, just… I’ve never felt such energy before, the Barcelona fans are unreal, Camp Nou is unreal-” you were cut off as fabric hit the back of your head, and the side of Clàudia’s face, the green material making you realise that a substitution bib had hit you both in the head. Alexia’s bib, that she had started swinging around her head in celebration.
Alexia had no idea what she had just interrupted, even as Clàudia gave her a playful glare and you had a stray tear going down your face, a tear that Clàudia wiped away gently.
“I finally found a ring worthy enough to use to propose to you. You may have proposed first, but this makes it equal… you don’t need to wear the plaster anymore.” Your eyes widened at what Clàudia was saying, pulling her into a hug as she leaned in so you could hear her more clearly.
“I had a better speech, but our teammates keep interrupting and it is very loud here.” Clàudia admitted but you shook your head in disbelief, holding her close to you.
“You really did score a goalie, mi amor. Now you’re engaged to one… honestly, I’m glad you got that yellow card against Atleti when you played with Sevilla. You’ve had my attention, and my heart ever since. No matter the distance.”
Clàudia opened her mouth to respond, but Patri knocked into the two of you, having been shoved by Keira after the latter had gotten down from the piggyback that Patri had been giving her on approach to the two of you.
“Te amo, my goalie.”
“Yo también te amo, my striker.”
/// Bonus scene ///
“You know, technically I didn’t propose first, I gave you a promise ring first… and I don’t know when we started calling each other fiancee but it stuck and I think we jumped from promised to engaged without realising?” You spoke into the darkness, feeling Clàudia’s body shift as your comment broke her from her sleep.
“You said the ring could be whatever I wanted. I want to marry you, so it’s an engagement ring too. Prometo casarme contigo.” Clàudia murmured, rolling over so she could hold you.
“I promise to marry you too.”
/// Bonus bonus scene ///
It was a rest day after the second leg semi-final. Or rest night, as you laid in bed with your fiancee. She was fast asleep whilst you were drifting off, lying together in the darkness. 
A panicked feeling washed over you as your body jerked you awake, something had changed, but only one word slipped from your lips in your alarmed state, waking up Clàudia in the process.
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Alongside Her Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: The next part from the Score A Goalie universe, since I burnt out from this series during the February international break, but if anyone has any ideas for anything, I am all ears/eyes. This is also very long and if you want linking to the previous parts, send an ask, hyperlinks still break the tags for fics.
None of the players at Atleti had been able to get a response from you since your message about a loan to Barcelona, and social media confirming your message as you confused fans to no end. With Cata Coll returning to training in December too, Barcelona was juggling five potential goalkeepers, and your contract dictated you get minutes or Atleti would recall you.
Atleti were scrambling to keep a hold on you, since Lola had re-signed with Atleti until 2026. As much as you loved Lola, you had drifted from your team mother, and were now stuck trying to get out of her shadow, your desire for minutes and not getting them was affecting your mental health. 
Your mental health ended up being a reason that you had not been present at Atleti’s training leading up to Three Kings Day on September 6th, not that your loan was pending and you would be training at a more intense level at Barcelona, coming back from the break, and the fact that Barcelona were pushing you in a way that made your heart ache.
Whilst Clàudia was getting ready for the match against Sevilla, you were on the phone with Barcelona, organising how things would go in January. You needed to pick up some things from Madrid, and you didn’t want to impose on the shared home of Patri and Clàudia for too long, even as they both complained that you’d be lost in Barcelona without them.
So, currently, you were packing up what you needed from your place in Madrid to take to Barcelona, in the form of two large suitcases and a backpack. You froze as you glanced around your place for anything else, your eyes landing on the two photo frames. Wrapping each of the frames in a hoodie, you strategically packed them so they would not shatter on the journey back to Barcelona.
It would be weird, not wearing the Atleti logo or colours for a while, especially after wearing them for three seasons now. Running over the plaster on your left ring finger that Clàudia had put there after you gave her your gift from New York, you sat down on your couch, taking out your phone to finally do something you had been avoiding doing with your Atleti teammates.
They hadn’t made it easy to talk to last year, and you were in a time crunch before your flight back to Barcelona, but you still began to reply to their messages after checking that they were in fact heading to Tenerife for the away game and couldn’t reply immediately. Yes, you were still slightly avoiding them.
It was easier to talk after you went through the messages that you had been sent, but your heart still ached as you messaged Virginia, then Carmen, then finally Lola. Each had long paragraphs that you probably could have split up for easier reading, but you were busy wiping tears from your face, turning off plugs and making sure your fridge was completely empty before heading out to get to the airport.
You’d have to rush with your suitcases, but Barcelona had a home game against Sevilla later on in the evening and you had been invited to watch it with the injured players.
Biting your lip nervously as Clàudia and Patri went to get ready for the game, you were caught off guard as a hand tapped your shoulder, but Alexia’s smile was warm as she welcomed you, checking you were okay as she noticed how nervous you looked.
“I’m fine… just… need to turn this off before the game.” You replied, trying to avoid looking at your notifications as you turned your phone off, you small talked with Alexia as she led you to where the rest of the injured Barcelona players would be watching the game against Sevilla.
“What happened to your finger?”
“Pancake flipping accident.” A blatant lie, but you weren’t going to say the real reason why your left ring finger had a plaster on it, Clàudia had promised it was only temporary.
Hearing a quiet chuckle, you met Alexia’s gaze, you knew she didn’t believe what you said, but she didn’t press as the game began to begin.
“Where are you staying? With Pina and Patri?”
“Sí. I tried sleeping on the couch but Patri sat on me.” You didn’t elaborate as your focus was stolen by the game, watching intently as Clàudia had started the game, the rest of the injured players falling silent as everyone watched carefully.
You were practically vibrating with energy when Clàudia scored at the 34th minute, amusing Alexia, Caro and Jana who were sitting near you and able to see your excitement, and how tense you were when Clàudia had to take a penalty before the half-time break.
Your eyes widened as you spotted Sampedro, your former captain at Atleti before she left last year. You nervously waved to her as she was subbed off two minutes after Clàudia, Lucy and Mariona were subbed off.
You spent your Saturday night curled up with Clàudia, realising that you had left your car in Madrid when you got up Sunday morning to head to the Barcelona facility for check-ups before you could start to join official training.
“We’ll drive you.” Patri volunteered, making you raise an eyebrow but Clàudia shrugged, asking if you needed a road trip to get your car, or if you wanted it somehow to be delivered to Barcelona.
Whilst you were at your check-up, Atleti were at their away game against Granadilla Tenerife, a game that if you had been watching, would have sent you into an anxious flurry as Lola went down twice in the first half. The first time for a boot to the head, the second for her left hip.
You also didn’t see the Barcelona Femeni had updated their social media stories with a short video of you running on a treadmill, although your lack of Barcelona training kit was obvious, it told fans that you were starting your training at your loan team.
Clàudia found you sitting in the corridor later on, staring at your phone in thought. Sitting down next to you, you rested your head on her shoulder, letting out a tired breath.
“They’re not mad at me, just disappointed, upset and a few more adjectives describing their feelings towards me going on loan and not telling any of them-” you were cut off by a notification of a message, but you didn’t expect Jenni to message from Mexico, checking in on you and asking how you were doing.
Reading over your texts, you didn’t realise you were talking aloud but Clàudia kept quiet, listening to what each of those closest to you in Madrid had said and your replies.
“‘please pick up the phone, nobody has heard from you since before Christmas’… ‘sorry Vir, I’ll call when you’re free later?’
‘You could have talked to me’ you didn’t make it easy Lola, ‘I'm sorry, can I call you later?’
‘i’m always here for you, just be safe in Barcelona, call me any time’ thanks Carmen...
oh there’s another ‘please tell Lola you did not run away and get eloped’ well… we’re not eloped, so?” You smiled slightly, looking at Clàudia, who smiled back at you, her gaze drifting to the plaster on your finger.
Typing a reply to Jenni, you chewed your lip for a moment.
“Shall we take a proof of life photo?” Your joke made Clàudia frown for a moment until she realised what you were asking, taking your phone to hold up at a better angle, the two of you smiled at the camera.
“Hopefully, this photo, plus a ‘i am alive’ update will mean we have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves.” You murmured, uploading to your close friends instagram stories with ‘estoy viva’ update that you were alive, then ignoring your notifications for the rest of the afternoon as Clàudia and yourself tracked down Patri and headed back.
You missed your balcony in Madrid, instead looking out the window in Barcelona as you listened to the dial tone, waiting for the person on the other end to pick up the phone. Letting out a shaky breath, you listened as the person picked up.
“Hola Lola.”
“Hola, mini-me.”
“You were right. I should have talked to you about what was going on. But, it was hard. You were always so busy with your captain duties, so I kept it to myself, trying not to waste your time. Then when you weren’t doing captain stuff, you were busy with Medina or… I couldn’t talk to you, or anyone at Atleti. I felt alone, I have not played at all this season and it was messing with my head. I missed playing, and I missed my girlfriend, so I asked for a loan with the hopes that I’d get some minutes somewhere. I didn’t think Barcelona would be interested and I don’t know how it works with them having five goalkeepers, but my loan states I have to get minutes. I wanted to talk to someone, but everyone was busy with their own lives, so I fell through the cracks. Lola, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t tell any of you about any of this, you’re my family, and I love you.”
Lola was silent as your talking turned into muffled sobs, processing what you had said as shuffling on the other side caught her attention, hearing Pina softly comforting you.
Lola couldn’t ignore how her stomach twisted, reminding her of how withdrawn you had been from the start of the season to the last time she had seen you in person.
That last time was before Christmas, but you had been nervous about something at the annual holiday meal, she had noticed it, Carmen had noticed it, and Virginia had pointed out your odd behaviour at training after the meal.
It was like ice water had been dumped over her, realising it had been right in front of her for a while now.
“I’m sorry mini-me, I should have been there for you. I should have realised you were withdrawing and struggling…” Lola began to apologise, reflecting on how her focus had drifted and she had failed to check in on you properly, the conversation continuing until Lola had to go.
“Uh, by the way, Carmen texted me to tell you I did not run away to get eloped, but um, we’re not engaged, but, it’s just, uh, I bought Clàudia a promise ring in New York, okay, buenas noches!” You scrambled to spit out the news, hanging up the phone before Lola could respond, and turning to your girlfriend who immediately looked at your phone with wide eyes. Lola was trying to call back.
Flicking your phone across the room, you opened your mouth to begin to apologise, but you were cut off as lips met yours, quietening you as you were led back to the bed the two of you were sharing. Arms wrapping around each other, you laid in silence together with your fingers running through her hair before eventually falling asleep together for an early night with training tomorrow.
Excitement overruled anxiety for the morning, it would lead up to your first official training with the Barcelona team. You still weren’t sure how things would work, but the Copa De La Reina Round of 16 was coming up, you weren’t on the squad list for it but you were ready to throw yourself into training. You didn’t have Lola here, having left her and Atleti behind in Madrid. You didn’t have Carmen or Virginia either, but Clàudia didn’t have Jenni, and Alexia was doing her own training separate to the group.
Sandra spotted you almost instantly, pacing up and down the goal area with something on your mind.
“Hola! Bienvenida a Barcelona, estás bien?” Sandra checked in with you, pulling you into a hug to stop your pacing.
“Hola, muchas gracias, I’m, I’m okay, just… Clàudia is with the physio, and I don’t know what I’m doing.” You admitted, fiddling with your goalie gloves in your hand. They had your number on from Atleti, a number you were not at Barcelona.
“Vamos, mini Lola.” Sandra replied, gesturing for you to run with her around the training field, the two of you eventually joined by Gemma Font, continuing to jog around until everyone else was gathered to warm-up for training.
You were still a bit awkward when you crashed at Clàudia and Patri’s place after New Years turned into staying with them for longer. You had suggested finding a place to rent for your loan, but without your car (that you had left in Madrid in your hurry to get back for Barcelona’s game against Sevilla) you were stuck in a city you didn’t know as well as you knew Madrid. Clàudia knew this, and asked you to stay, the two of you able to function in the same space since staying together. 
You still worried about Patri being uncomfortable by living with a couple, but she didn’t seem to mind. You weren’t sure how she hadn’t figured out anything about the promise ring, or if she had heard anything from when you’d shown Clàudia the ring.
The awkwardness washed over you like a wave when Patri and Clàudia had a few more teammates over after training that night, another Barcelona goalkeeper, Cata Coll, Jana, Laia and Aitana included as you ended up hiding out in Clàudia’s room, or, your shared room now. Sat on the bed, you ended up on the phone with Carmen, and then Virginia, who pointed out that you should be bonding with your teammates at Barcelona.
“I know, I know, I just… don’t text Clàudia- wow, thanks, Vir…” You murmured, hearing the Spanish woman hang up on you.
“Bebé, ¿por qué te escondes?” Clàudia enquired, entering the room with her phone in hand, sitting down next to you and leaning into your side. She wondered why you were hiding in your shared bedroom.
“Lo siento. I felt awkward.” You apologised, running your fingers over the plaster that Clàudia had put on your finger. Clàudia took your hand, bringing it to her mouth to kiss with a smile.
“Vamos bebé, we have dinner. You need to eat.” Your lover persuaded you to leave your hideaway, feeling awkward to join the others until Patri cut in with teasing the two of you for taking so long, but you both made a beeline for the food in the kitchen instead.
“How is it you two have been dating for over a year and we barely know you?”
“Madrid to Barcelona is an over six hour drive, or a maximum three hour train journey or an hour and a bit by aeroplane. Circumstances meant I have spent time with some Barcelona players more than others-”
“No shit, Jenni said she and Alexia lost you two in the streets of Barcelona once.” Patri pointed out, making you chuckle, biting your lip as Clàudia flustered slightly, but she still had a smirk on her face at the memories.
“Lola was ready to kill me after she found out that we ditched them, and Carmen and Virginia were not far behind…” you began to recall the story, not realising how relaxed you were until Clàudia was leaning into you, the two of you curled up together until the girls called it a night.
“Te amo, Pina.” You whispered into the darkness, pausing as Clàudia rolled over to bury her face in your neck, holding you closely.
“Te amo, mi amor.”
You didn’t play in the Copa De La Reina round of sixteen, instead you, Patri and Pina were at the park. Those two were supposed to be resting, but they were running goalkeeper drills with you in the park. Your confidence was growing as you pushed your worries out of your mind, preventing Patri and Pina from scoring, or making it harder if you couldn’t stop the ball completely. You hadn’t seen how Patri had set her phone up, showing you the pictures she had caught after for you to upload to your socials.
Your drive was relentless as you developed yourself with the training at Barcelona. The hopelessness you felt at Atleti when it came to actually getting minutes had evolved into a hopefulness, even if the loan in general was bittersweet. Barcelona were gearing up to keep Sandra, Gemma and Cata, and with Meritxell with team B, you knew your loan would just be a loan.
It was haunting how it felt like your roots were being ripped out from under you, your family in Madrid with Lola, Carmen, Virginia and Andrea, then your girlfriend/partner/soon fiancee, Clàudia in Barcelona. You were a great goalkeeper, but what you wanted was impossible.
You had tripped over your words as you explained the ring to Clàudia, giving her the option to have it as just a regular ring, if she didn’t want it to be a promise ring, or the relationship to be what it would be with that ring. She didn’t even have to wear it, but at that point you were rambling.
You had a feeling that Barcelona would not keep you, and you would not get many minutes at Atleti now, since Lola had re-signed until 2026. It was too early to make a prediction, but you had a feeling you would be loaned out for next season, because whilst Atleti wanted to keep you, but you wanted minutes, and to be close to the people you care about. Too bad the clubs were rather scattered… you really needed to get your car from Madrid.
Every time Atleti played a match, you texted your teammates a red and white heart if it was a home game, a purple and black heart for the second kit, or an orange heart for the third kit. Especially since Carmen had been playing again since the round of sixteen, and Virginia was finally subbed on against Villareal.
The Supercopa de España Femenina semi-final against Real Madrid left you watching intensely with Jana and Cata, the two slowly coming back into training whilst you were not required on the roster for the match, Barcelona had already listed three goalkeepers, but you were fine watching. 
El Clásico matches were something you didn’t want to miss, especially when Clàudia scored. Or when Irene got her second yellow, turning into a red card and ejecting her from the game. The extra time left you tense, even after Clàudia had been subbed off, but Mariona’s penalty, followed by Salma’s goal in the 120th minute left you, Jana and Cata jumping around in celebration. 
Eventually everyone gathered down on the pitch, hugging and grinning. You let out a breath, glancing around as you spotted the Real Madrid players, your stomach twisting as you recalled something Lola said last year, before keeping your attention on the team you were loaned to, smiling as Sandra pulled you into the celebrations.
The final of the Supercopa de España Femenina would be Barcelona against Real Sociedad, with the players out with injuries coming to watch the match.
“I feel like a traffic cone in this orange.” You murmured to yourself, pulling the coat further around yourself as you heard Alexia chuckle.
“It is very bright, but it is like Atleti’s third kit, yes?”
“Not the goalie kits, black, pink or green.” You fiddled with the zip of your coat, frowning slightly as Alexia asked her next question.
“You are not used to being here, at Barcelona yet, are you?”
“I feel like a fan wearing my fia- wearing Clàudia’s jersey, watching, then it was the same at Atleti last year, sat watching Lola for half a season. Am I just not good enough as a goalie to play? I thought I was good enough, they even put me in against Barcelona last season, but I haven’t had any minutes since,” fiddling with the zip, you didn’t see the frown on Alexia’s face, “I requested the loan to get minutes because it messes with my head to not play at all… I, I need to stop talking, the match is starting.”
Compared to the semi finals, the finals of the Supercopa went quicker, with you making quiet observations under your breath about the defensive lines and goalkeeping, to being completely silent when one of Real Sociedad’s players was taken off the pitch in a stretcher.
Your foot bounced against the floor as you watched everything going on, Barcelona winning the Supercopa 3-0. You grinned as you watched the team flood from the bench onto the pitch, lingering on the sidelines as the team got their medals and began to celebrate with the Supercopa trophy.
It looked strange, but you weren’t on the list for Barcelona for the Supercopa, and Atleti hadn’t qualified this season. It was only when Clàudia ran to you, a Barcelona flag around her shoulders like a cape as she jumped into your arms.
“Felicidades, mi supercampeona.” You smiled, holding Pina in your arms as her nose brushed yours.
“Gracias, mi amor. Vamos!” She grinned, taking your hand and guiding you to where Patri was stood with the cup, which somehow made its way onto the top of Patri’s head in Pina’s hands, before the three of you took a photo, Clàudia holding the cup, with Patri grinning at the camera, and you grinning at Clàudia with pride in your eyes.
You heard Clàudia let out a confused noise from where she sat next to Patri on the coach on the way back, Patri was next to the window so you and Clàudia could hold hands across the aisle when nobody was looking, unless you both wanted to be teased by the others.
“Qué?” you murmured, opening your eyes to look at Clàudia, who was on your phone.
“There are only two photos with you in.” Clàudia pouted, showing you the two photos. One was of you, Clàudia and Patri, whilst the other was you and Clàudia walking around the pitch together.
“Main focus was the trophy winners. Not the fourth goalie, technically fifth once Cata is back.” You whispered, half asleep somehow even with the celebrations on the coach.
Clàudia pouted again, about to open her mouth but instead she was nudging Patri to look at the camera as you got your phone out, holding it up to take a selfie with the two.
“Three photos.” You smiled, texting the photo over to Clàudia, who beamed at you.
“Ey!” Patri jokingly complained as Clàudia stood up, sliding into the seat next to you as you shuffled back against the window.
“You are not fourth choice, or fifth.” Your lover whispered, kissing your cheek before the two of you continued to snuggle, much to Patri’s teasing.
“You know, if I had known, I could have given everyone their medals, shake hands and stuff, since nobody gave them out to you all, maybe it would piss some people off but I’ve not played on a national level so…” You admitted, playing with Clàudia’s hair as she snuggled into you, the two of you in a entanglement of limbs after less than five seconds.
“Hey, cariño, do you know how to use photoshop? My attempts aren’t exactly great, I think I’m messing up the layers?” Turning your laptop to Clàudia, who paused, taking a closer look before shaking your head.
“Photoshop?” Patri raised an eyebrow, walking over to see what you were working on.
“I’m not in the team picture for Atleti this season, and I’m not in the Barça one either, so I’m photoshopping myself in… badly.” You grimaced, about to ask Patri for help but she shrugged too, suggesting you try to find a tutorial on youtube.
Later that evening, you uploaded the two photoshopped images to your instagram, captioning the post with ‘fixed it’, gaining the attention of your Atleti teammates and your Barcelona ones, liking and commenting on your post. Andrea had even commented, whilst Lola deadpanned you could have picked a photo where you were wearing your goalie kit.
Your drive had increased. Everyone could see it, your skills were improving, desperate not to plateau your abilities, but also you wanted to enjoy yourself. You started football because you enjoyed it, and you loved being a goalkeeper. So when you got to hold your own in goal during training, Clàudia couldn’t help but grin at the smile on your face. Sandra spotted it too, taking time to bond, and making sure the goalkeeper union got along after the slightly tense realisation Barcelona had five goalkeepers at different stages this season.
Watching Barcelona play Levante Las Planas, your foot bounced up and down, thoughts running through your mind as the minutes went by. Atleti would start playing against Madrid CFF soon, but you pushed it back, quietly talking strategy with Sandra, much to her amusement.
“You will play in February, I know it.” Sandra patted your shoulder, nodding to you as you hummed, watching Clàudia before she was subbed off at the 67th minute, coming over to sit with you both.
Atleti played Sevilla earlier in the day than when Barcelona had an away game against Granadilla Tenerife. You’d eyed the line-ups for the game, feeling your stomach twist at Lola captaining Atleti against former Atleti captain, now captain of Sevilla, Sampedro. Alteti had drawn against Madrid CFF, the score 2-2 in a 15 minute scramble, but as much as you adored Atleti, your focus was on Barcelona.
“I think I’m going to get my car from Madrid during February’s international break…” you decided, your leg bouncing against the floor of the bus as you had to lean across to talk to Clàudia, who sat in the seats adjacent to you with Patri.
“What if you are called up?” Patri enquired but you let out a huff, shaking your head.
“They have enough goalkeepers.”
You knew Lola would be beating herself up about Sevilla’s equaliser goal at the 90th minute, Atleti drawing for the fourth time in a row in the league, but you didn’t have a chance to text her anything too long, as a jersey hit you in the face.
“You know I wear a goalkeeper kit, right? Wow, this kit is reminding me of that Barcelona away shirt from 2019, maybe? It was before I was at Atleti…” You reminisced, smiling as you gently folded the jersey that was thrown at you.
“Where were you before Atleti?”
“I was at-” you were cut off as the staff asked to talk to you, your eyes meeting your girlfriend’s confused gaze which you mirrored.
Your confused look was exchanged for a nervous one as you returned from talking to the staff, getting Patri and Pina’s attention as you wrapped up a conversation with Gemma, and Sandra was not far behind you.
“Um, against Granadilla Tenerife, I’m starting… they’re resting Gemma and Sandra has some muscle discomfort? I don’t know… but, I’m starting, I’m getting minutes?” Your voice was shaky with disbelief, glancing towards Sandra with concern but the older goalkeeper was supportive, pulling you into a side hug as Pina rushed towards you to hug you too.
For over an entire season, Lola and Carmen had been a part of your pre-match preparations after they took you under their wing upon Lola’s return to Atleti for the 2021/22 season. Now you were preparing for a match miles away from them in the Canary Islands, but unlike your first season at Atleti back in 2020, you had someone by your side. Clàudia squeezed your hand as she reached over for it on the bus, smiling softly as you met her eyes with as much of a smile as you could muster.
No doubt your Atleti teammates would see your name on Barcelona line-ups, you didn’t have the same number as you did at Atleti, taking Lola’s number 13 after Lola was shuffled up to number 1 there. But at Barcelona, your jersey number was more than triple that.
The first half of the game, you had a few touches on the ball, but Barcelona had more of a handle on it at 5-0 by halftime. You were hopeful that the cameras hadn’t caught you grinning at Clàudia’s goal in the 5th minute, but the cameras and the fans had caught it, just like they had caught you jumping up to grab the crossbar, in a perfect world you would have done a pull-up, but instead you got down quickly, waiting for the game to begin.
The second half of the game, your drive was in overdrive, anticipating as much as you could as you slipped into the zone, retrieving a stray ball to send back to Mapi. With Alexia and Sandra out, and Marta on the bench, Patri was wearing the captain’s armband for the match.
Glancing to the sidelines after one of the Granadilla Tenerife players was down, you spotted the substitutions getting ready to come on soon for both teams. The captain’s armband eventually made its way to Marta as she was subbed on. Asisat, Patri, Rolfö, Mariona and Irene eventually make way for Emma, Nuria, María, Marta and Laia to come onto the pitch.
The scoreline was unchanged since halftime, but you headed onto the field, retrieving another stray ball to send back to your defenders. Nearing the 89th minute, Mapi sent the ball back to you, sending it back to her once the Granadilla Tenerife players moved around a bit to try to anticipate your move.
You let out a breath as the two minutes of stoppage time arrived, Clàudia’s goal attempt falling flat as the Granadilla Tenerife goalkeeper managed to keep the scoreline the same since before halftime, until Lucy’s head sent the ball into the net.
The final score of the match was 6-0 as you made your way around, shaking hands with the opposing players and complimenting Noelia Ramos on her goalkeeping as she let out a sigh.
You were about to mention the shots and shots on target statistics in comparison to how many goals Barcelona did score, when a warm body wrapped around your side, kissing your cheek.
“Hola, cariño, well done today.” You whispered, smiling at the first goalscorer of the game, and your love.
“Well done, bebé. You were amazing.” Pina whispered back, smirking slightly as you glanced over her kit, the fourth kit jersey having grasped your attention from the moment her jersey hit you in the face earlier.
“Vamos, we both stink…” You paused, frowning slightly at the memory of when you and Pina would run away from team mothers who had played the full 90 minutes, but you pushed it back, following your team back to the locker room, where Sandra congratulated you on your performance as you got in the door.
“Gracias!” you grinned back, cut off as a jersey hit you in the face again.
The next match was an away game against Valencia, with Sandra still out on precaution due to the muscle strain, it was almost a toss up between who would be selected to start. The next matches after were against Real Betis, then Alavés before the international break.
You didn’t play internationally, so you would be able to retrieve your car from Madrid when it rolled around.
But right now, you were in Barcelona’s yellow goalkeeper kit, standing in goal watching carefully. Valencia’s attempts at goal were good, but Barcelona had already scored twice. A free kick almost had you stood on, but it went your way as the whistle was blown.
Twenty two minutes in, and your captain, Marta had scored, taking the scoreline up to 3-0. You were tested twice more before the twenty fifth minute, the ball being carried away down to the other goal for Barcelona to have more attempts. You wouldn’t admit it, but you were enjoying the challenge of this match, especially with how Patri was in control of the game.
Valencia’s Chacón hurtling down towards goal had you and Nuria hurrying into action, before the ball met your gloves less than two minutes later. Valencia’s determination to take away the clean sheet as half-time approached had you on high alert as you sent the ball back into play. You were done comparing yourself to anyone else’s goalkeeping. You glanced over at the bench as the half-time whistle went, walking over to the tunnel.
The music playing coming out of the tunnel was dramatic as you headed over to the goal, hopping up to attempt to reach the crossbar, you smiled at Pina on the bench as she smiled back.
Less than two minutes into the second half, Aitana had taken the score up to 4-0. Punching a ball away near the 58th minute, you caught it again as it was sent back at you, sending the ball away before Valencia could try again.
Two substitutions were made for each time, for Barcelona, Marta and Aitana went off for Lucy and Keira, Patri getting the armband in the process.
A corner to Valencia in the 69th minute ended up hitting the post as you watched, Geyse being subbed off for Ana not long after as you went to retrieve the ball. Another attempt at the 79th minute after a really good cross from Valencia had you smiling to yourself, the ball having clipped the goal frame, going out for a goal kick.
More substitutions came for Barcelona as Vicky came on for Rolfö, whilst Pina came on for Mariona, you had to fight back the excitement as you schooled your features. There were still five minutes left and you couldn’t let yourself get distracted.
Three minutes of stoppage time went by and the whistle was blown, you held back from jogging over to your teammates, instead taking a moment to stand in goal and reflect on everything.
“Hola, mi amor…” you went to hug Pina, but she smirked, looking you up and down before teasingly pulling away.
“Go shower, you smell.”
“Wow… I mean it’s not like you can join me here so…” you teased, heading away when you were pulled back.
“We’re lucky our team mothers are not here, they’d never let us be alone in the same room.” Pina pointed out, smiling as you chuckled.
“Yeah, that sounds like Lola and Carmen, and Jenni and Alexia… time flies…” you began to reminisce, feeling your eyes water for a moment before everyone was heading back to the tunnel, Patri and Aitana coming over to get you and Pina in the process.
Atleti didn’t have another game until the 5th, the same day as Barcelona’s home game against Real Betis. But that didn’t mean you expected to find a missed call from Lola whilst on the trip back, listening to the voicemail as you watched the sun begin to set.
“Capitana Aitana!” you grinned, the Real Betis squad revealed, and although you were resting on the bench this match, you were excited to watch Aitana take the captain’s armband when the game began. Right now though, you were heading out to warm up with Gemma, who was starting this match.
“Atleti won against Huelva.” 
“3-1, Huelva’s goal in stoppage time.” You didn’t take your eyes off of the pitch as you watched your team, Geyse already having scored but you were hooked on everything happening.
“What? Oh, a grape! Gracias- oh, shit, yes Keira!” you exclaimed, spotting Keira score her first goal for Barcelona, whilst you held the tub of grapes in your hand.
Pulling the blanket over your legs, you wrapped your arms around yourself, watching the second half get ready to start, with Human by The Killers playing in the Estadi, giving you something to dance to, and make Bruna laugh too.
Barcelona’s third goal of the game belonged to your lover, your celebration making Bruna laugh again, followed by Patri playfully nudging you to sit down.
“What, can you really blame me? Go, warm up!” you sassed, leaning back in your seat to watch the rest of the game.
It hadn’t taken long for the Barcelona substitutes to make an impact, with Asisat and Mariona both scoring goals quickly. More substitutions and more goals came, with Asisat scoring her third hattrick in twelve days by the end of the match.
Your instagram stories, and Pina’s, were full of reposts of Barcelona posts, but every so often, the two of you would post something different. This time, the two of you had posted your plates, having dinner together after the match.
Sandra was back by the time the last game before the February international break, so she was starting, whilst you and Gemma sat on the bench, discussing possible gameplays and the international break. You were not called up, so you’d talked to the Barcelona staff, finding a gap where you could go to Madrid to get your car, and drive it back to Barcelona.
The game against Alavés was already going quickly, the offside flag being called before the first goal of the match. It took longer for Barcelona to score against Alavés, compared to the game back in November, being at 2-0 by half-time, (a goal from Asisat, and an own goal from Alavés) compared to the 5-0 that Barcelona were at in the November game.
“Why do you sound weird?”
“I have come to the conclusion that I am going to get ill every time Clàudia does…” you explained, wrapping your coat further around yourself as the second half commenced. Aitana took the score up to 3-0 in the 64th minute, substitutions occurring as Rolfö sat down next to you to observe the rest of the match.
Clàudia took the score up to 4-0 in the 84th minute, your reaction making Rolfö chuckle as you snapped out of whatever half-awake state you were in, the brunt of whatever bug you had caught from the girl you shared a bed with hitting you hard.
“You know you could have told them you’re sick-”
“I felt fine before, that’s what is so silly.” You admitted, sticking your tongue out playfully as Clàudia walked over to you post-match, pulling you into a hug.
“I think I caught what you had.”
Carmen didn’t expect to get a text message from Clàudia, or that there would be an attached photo of you bundled up in blankets, visually ill, watching the Atleti vs Athletic Club match, then a video of you celebrating Carmen’s goal before almost coughing your lungs up from over doing it.
It might have taken you a little while to go get your car from Madrid.
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