#Clemenza was Santinos godfather.
the-cooler-king · 2 years
I have the godfather on the brain right now............ I wanna meta that shit so bad
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melis-writes · 1 year
hi, melis! 💓 idk if you’ve already answered this but can you rate the godfather characters from your favourite to least favourite? i’m curious!!
Hello!! 🤗💕 Ooooooooh my gawd, okay. OKAY. In order from my favourite to least favourite, it would be:
Michael Corleone. But is anyone surprised? 🤭❤️‍🔥 Believe me, his looks aren't the major reason why either (but the sexiness helps smh). 😅 The most cunning, crude, intelligent and interesting character with a hell of a development... He really does have my heart.
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2. Kay Adams Corleone. The one and only of course!! 💕 I especially say this towards her character in the book rather than the film. She's much more fleshed out, interesting, supportive and by Michael's side. She makes for such a unique character!!
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3. Santino Corleone. That's right, him. 😅❤️ Sonny honestly keeps things very interesting thanks to his infamous temper. He was a hell of an enforcer; Luca Brasi who?? Tbh I was and still am extremely distraught by his death scene. 💔💔
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4. Vito Corleone. Don Corleone himself!! What's honestly not to love? His kindness, how wise he is, how he's taken care of his family. This man came from nothing but gained everything. ❤️❤️❤️
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5. Fredo Corleone. I honestly think Fredo's an absolute sweetheart and I love his sense of humour, even though wasn't a whole lot shown. He has a good nature and I think he was really misunderstood. 🥺💕
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6. Tom Hagen. Love, love, love my boy Tom. 😂❤️ He's the moral compass of the family!! Or.. at least he was until I found out he had a mistress. Still, there's just something from Tom and his wholesomeness and advice that makes you never want to lose faith in him.
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7. Connie Corleone. Truly a misunderstood and underrated character. 🥺❤️ I have nothing but love for Connie and I wish we had seen even more of her. She deserved better and I honestly loved her disaster MILF era lmfao. 💀
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8. Sandra Corleone + Mama Corleone + Deanna Dunn. I'm grouping both of these ladies together because they're sadly very minimal side characters but from everything I've seen of them, they're still so dear in my heart which is also why I include them in my fics!! 😌❤️
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9. Peter Clemenza. Clemenza is actually wholesome and not a traitor unlike Tessio who isn't even worth a damn mention here. 💀 Supported the Corleone's till the very end and didn't undermine Michael ever either.
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10. Carlo Rizzi. Eugh... Bleugh.. We've gotten to the least favourite characters section now without a doubt. I hate Carlo. I don't like him at all whatsoever. He's an abusive, disgusting piece of shit and I really wish Sonny would have killed him or that we'd at least get more scenes of Sonny beating the shit out of him. 😮‍💨
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11. Hyman Roth. While he did keep things interesting and was cunning on his own in the second film, I don't like him. 💀 He's not likeable. Tf did Michael ever do to him?? 😅
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12. Apollonia Vitelli. Yep, she's the last on my list. 😂😂😂 She's by far my very least favourite character. She's hardly a character. Very shallowly fleshed out, boring, uninteractive, and taking advantage of what Michael has to offer. She never loved that man, she loved his car for sure and the freedoms he gave her. Also, she's super fucking annoying and whiny. 💀
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
The Godfather remake fancast
This is just for fun. I don’t think it will or should be remade. 
My other remake fancasts
Back To The Future
Star Wars The Original Trilogy
Star Wars The Prequel Trilogy
Robert De Niro as Don Vito Corleone 
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Diane Keaton as Carmella Corleone
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Tom Hiddleston as Michael Corleone
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Scott Caan as Santino “Sonny” Corleone
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Joaquin Phoenix as Fredo Corleone
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Christian Bale as Tom Hagen
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Amy Adams as Kay Adams
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Michela Quattrociocche as Apollonia
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Anne Hathaway as Connie Corleone
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Channing Tatum  as Johnny Fontane
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Paul Sorvino as Pete Clemenza
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Frank Langella as Salvatore Tessio
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Vincent D'Onofrio as Luca Brassi
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Chris Pine as Rocco Lampone
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Vincent Pastore as Don Tommasino
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Robert Patrick as Al Neri
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Vincent Piazza as Paulie Gatto
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Chris Cooper as Jack Woltz
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Michael Pitt as Carlo Rizzi
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Oscar Isaac as Virgil "The Turk" Sollozzo
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Sam Rockwell as  Bruno Tattaglia
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Harvey Keitel as Don Philip Tattaglia
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Ed Harris as Captain Mark McClusky  
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Eric Roberts as Don Emilio Barzini
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Chazz Palminteri as Don Victor Stracci
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Tony Sirico as Don Carmine Cuneo
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Aidan Gillen as Moe Green
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wisnusari-blog · 5 years
The Godfather : Don Corleone dan Manajemen emosi tingkat tinggi.
Anda penggemar film The Godfather trilogy? Atau minimal pernah nonton film nya? Kalo belum gw saranin nontonlah karena film ini merupakan a must see film before you die 😊😊.
Gw beruntung banget 12 tahun lalu ada seorang kolega di kantor seorang kolektor film berniat menjual 1 box The Godfather trilogy I-III, collector edition yang setengah mati nyari edisi ini di pasaran dan gak bakal ada lagi, 1 box berisi 9 CD ( setiap part ada 3 CD), booklet resmi bergambar dan 1 CD behind the scene, well benda ini merupakan treasure gw di rumah yang anak2 aja gak boleh sentuh.
Gw gak bercerita tentang synopsis filmnya, yang pasti Panjang banget dan gak tau kapan kelar nulisnya, sementara nulis itu hobby sampingan gw selain jadi driver nak kanak, urus rumah dan urus eike punya usaha kecil2an. Sang Godfather bernama Vito Corleono or kerap dipanggil Don Corleone, seorang imigran Italy tepatnya dari Sisilia berumur 9 tahun dan sebatang kara ketika pertama kali menginjakkan kaki di New York.
Sebatang kara mencari penghidupan di rantau, bekerja serabutan sampai bekerja di sebuah toko roti. Vito hanyalah pemuda biasa, cenderung pemalu, tak banyak bicara, family man dan setia, intinya kehidupan susah dan pas2 an dijalani dengan lurus2 saja, sampai suatu saat seorang tetangganya bandit kelas kampung Clemenza mengenalnya dengan dunia bandit remeh temeh, karena kelas nya masih ecek2, nyolong karpet, mbongkar rumah, kecil2an gitulah kek maling jemuran. Tak lama anggota nya bertambah dengan hadir nya Sal Tessio.
Debut criminal berat yang dijalani oleh Vito ketika dia membunuh Fanucci, Preman gendut berjas rapi tukang palak berkedok uang keamanan di kampung Italy di New York, suatu saat masing2 Vito, Sal dan Clemenza dimintai uang keamanan 100 USD total bertiga jadi 300 USD disinilah skill negosisasi, keberanian ketenangan seorang Vito bertemu dengan Fanucci di sebuah kedai kopi, dengan hanya menyerah kan uang 100 USD bukan 300 seperti yang diminta. Fannuci pun kagum dengan keberanian Vitto dan menerima uang tsb, walau akhirnya beberapa jam kemudian Fannuci tewas di tangan Vito dan uang 100 USD kembali ke saku sang pemilik. Concern gw, bagaimana Vito yang hanya preman kelas teri membangun planning dan strategi yang matang, menahan emosi demi melihat tukang palak yang super duper nyebelin yang kerap berlaku semena2 di kawasan tersebut. Denga gaya cool, muka ramah terkadang tanpa ekspresi atau emosi betapa seorang Vito sudah melakukan PDCA ( Plan Do Check Action, melakukan gemba walk mengamati secara langsung, atau malah sudah menerapkan Lean Manufacturing or strategi just in time atau malah Kaizen pun udah jalan 😊 😊 ( begini nih ex manajemen pabrik nyoba nulis resensi atau review akhirnya nyerempet ke manufacturing, harap di maafken). Tak selang waktu lama nama Vito berkibar, dia disegani di kawasan, dia kerap membantu orang susah kemudian dia memimpin usaha import minyak zaitun Genco oil and co. Kenapa Vito yang memimpin? Bukan Clemenza yang paling keras dan gahar? Kenapa bukan pula Sal, Clemenza dan Sal Tessio lebih temperamen dan lebih brutal dan sekilas lebih pantas menjadi Don. Vito, ya Vito yang kharismatic, tau balas budi, dia ibarat viper gurun yang tidak akan mematuk apabila tidak disenggol, setia kawan dan tentu saja bijak. Vito punya intuisi kuat dan hampir tidak pernah meleset sekaligus mematikan dan kerap memberikan sebuah penawaran yang tak bisa ditolak.
Hal yang sama terjadi pada anak2nya. Si sulung yaitu Santino Corleone yang kerap dipanggil Sonny akan melanjutkan bisnis sang Don. Tidak ada pilihan lain, tidak mungkin si Fredo anak ke 2 yang penyakitan dan rada2 bocor alus, bukan Michael karena Michael sudah memutuskan jadi anak kuliahan dan mau jauh2 dari lingkaran bisnis sang ayah, dan pasti pula bukan Conny karena si bungsu seorang perempuan.
Vito menyadari sebenarnya Sonny bukan orang yang tepat untuk melanjutkan bisnis ini, dia paham betul sang anak yang temperamen, grasa grusu, womanizer. Ini ditunjukkan Sonny saat merebut dan membanting kamera wartawan yag meliput pernikahan Conny, mengusir FBI dengan kasar bahkan menggebuk suami adiknya yang cheating …menghajarnya di jalanan seperti kesurupan. Bahkan pernah menyarankan perang terbuka melawan Sallozo cs. Sifat temperamen dan mudah terpancing inilah yang membuat Sonny gampang ditebak dan akhirnya mati dengan tubuh di penuhi lubang karena di berondong peluru di jalan tol.
Ketika sang Don di tembak oleh Salazzo seorang bandar Narkoba yang di backing Tataglia yang proposalnya ditolak oleh Don, bisnis keluarga di ambang kehancuran karena Don terkapar sekarat di RS. Siapa yang mengira dan siapa yang menyangka Michael seorang anak kuliahan yang kelihatan lemah, jangankan nembak ditonjok aja ndlosor, ternyata punya strategi cemerlang bagaimana menumbang Salozo dan Tataglia, Situasi yang genting memaksa Michael pulang kampung membela sang ayah dan menyelamatkan bisnis keluarga, dan Michael lah yang ternyata mewarisi sifat sang ayah, fast learner, kalem, dingin, matang dalam strategi tegas dan mematikan. Di tangan Michael duri2 pun di tumpas bersamaan : Mo Greene raja judi yang temperamen, Barzini otak pengkhianatan lima keluarga, Cuneo, Tataglia termasuk menumpas sang pengkhianat internal yaitu sang adik ipar tak berguna Carlo dan Sal Tessio.
Banyak pesan moral film ini : 1. Kita hanya bisa berencana dan Tuhan Mentertawakan hahhahahah…ups maksudnya Tuhan memutuskan 😊, Michael hanya ingin hidup damai mempersunting gadis baik2 Kay Adam dan gak mau ikut bisnis gak halal dikeluarganya, Apa daya…rencana hanya tulisan manusia..Tulisan Tuhan yang punya kuasa.
Elo2 yang suka ngamukan, baper, emosi tinggi, dikit2 nyolot, dikit2 gebrak meja sambil suara cetar membahenol…terima akibatnya.. your emotion will lead you to hell and even worst, die !!, paling apes elo gagal alias gak dapet pa apa, abis Sukanya marah2 mulu sih. Makanya jangan suka ngamuk, dan inget jangan suka marah kalo orang lain ketawa..masa orang gak boleh bahagia ( ups..kode keras)
Ada beberapa point pesan moral yang bakal gw tulis di lanjutan nya, masih di edisi The Godfather, itupun kalo sempet n kalo gak males 😊 Kepoin aja eike punya blog ecek2 : wisnusari.tumbr.com
Asih Wisnusari April mop 2019.
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shahedam · 6 years
Queen of the South episode 8 & my “Godfather” feels
Ok so I rewatched it today....Some interesting things.  I have watched a lot of gangster movies/tv shows and one of my favorite gangster movies of all time is Francis Ford Coppola’s The Godfather.  In no particular order.  
1.  James is always prepared. He had a fire extinguisher y’all.  He is a very intelligent man.  But James the next time you are trying to put out a fire you aim at the base of the fire.  I loved that he is a mature guy.  He showed us that a man can be a gangster and a gentle man.  My heart almost burst when he had the finger on the trigger and she said no, we will kill them all when the time is right.  Who the hell does the sound track the music just has me in a mood.  Like yes.  For James he gives me Young Vito Corleone (DeNiro) feels.  
2.  Sherriff Mayo is a sad man.  Remember his conversation with Teresa.  He was beaten and bullied so much that it changed him into a sadist psycho.  
3.  Pecas is not a bad guy.  He is a boss.  He is the biggest narco in La Comision.  He is trying to protect his spot.  He sided with Boaz who disappeared so that connection to the Colombians went to Camilla so now he is working with Camilla who is supplying him with coke.  He never wanted Teresa in Arizona and he tells her that at the meeting.  Teresa wants the throne so she is going to have to get on some murder mami shit so it is what it is.  
4.  Taza.  I like Taza.  He seems like a good dude.  He wants to build schools and hospitals.  Too bad they can’t get the casino up and running.  Vegas is like 4/5 hours away from Phoenix so I don’t know why they can’t get it poppin but whatever.  Those cars were awesome.  I liked that him and Pote led them down Death Highway.  
5.�� Pote.  Pote. Pote, if that is not a ride or die I don’t know what he is.  He is a soldado.  He is loyalty at its finest.  I love Pote.  Teresa and Pote have both been through a lot together.  The bond that they have is awesome.  At first when I watched the episode I was like wait a second Pote you done gave the green light and then the red light but as I watched it again and from feedback from other QOTS Jeresa fans, I realize that Pote was giving her his blessing. I see now that he needed to know what was up because it is important.  I also realized that he has never witnessed how the two of them get down for real.  I think in Chicago he saw it a little but he was kinda giving them the side eye but Guero was there...Pote was at the crib in the kitchen in Dallas mostly when they was on their day to day Bonnie and Clyde thing and when they bounced to Malta James wasn’t with them.  He doesn’t know that before the sex these two were always risking their lives for each other?*%!  He would die for you was what Teresa needed to hear just like James needed to hear that she didn’t regret sleeping with him.  He gives me Clemenza feels...
6.  Teresa.  I am a little torn about how I felt about Teresa.  She showed her grown ass woman side, sweetly checking both Pote and James for locking her in the cellar.  But, I didn’t like that she laid out the plan at the reservation after so many of them were against her plans which ultimately led to one of the tribe losing their life because he snitched the whole damn plan, she could have just left it at the I just want to let y’all know that we just gonna get this money and that’s all this is, we appreciate y’all help.  Ok Taza, back to what you were saying.  Feel me.  She up there talking about transporting coke, just doing too much.  Then ok just 48 hours prior Pecas sent a sicario to your place of business, said sicario killed your delivery driver on your property, you carve his tattoo from his arm and Fed Ex the skin tag to Pecas with a dove (I peeped you jumping Pecas when that bird flew out the box), that wasn’t a peace offering that was a message, you didn’t stop there you even put a little note up in there.  So fast forward to 48 hours from that delivery time stamp you actually sent your people over to negotiate some El Santo coke, I wasn’t surprised that he killed Tonto (RIP Tonto fly with the other silent sicarios, I don’t think I ever heard him talk except for when he busted Teresa in the mouth with the gun or was that The Charger.  My bad I digress)  Anyway.  Teresa you shouldn’t have sent them to do that.  Lil T need to be in the ICU right now, no offense Taza.  I feel for that young girl.  When James said she knew the risk I felt like I felt when he asked Teresa did you see what Batman hit you with I need to get me one of those.  Too soon babe.  Teresa was dead ass wrong for doing that I could see if it had been a couple of weeks ok maybe after Pecas got him some sweets (he love to eat) but nope that young girl might die and if she doesnt she has a Return to Sender tattoo on her back and that sucks.  Uh duh.  Michael Corleone feels.  Everything from the tragic death of her first love to her rise to become the Queen.
7.  Camilla.  I just have to give a hand clap to who ever dresses Camilla because I love her style.  Classy and always on point.  Loved that black kimono.  But forget all that jumping right into it, Camilla knows who the General is, but allowing him to record her that was sloppy.  Also the whole conversation with Pecas had me nodding my head because she wants her money.  She basically told him bitch better have my money.  Isabella was lying then coming and trying to ask for help but I thought you said that you ain’t seen Kique, he wasn’t taking your calls (meanwhile you in dusty ass garages running up on Kique talking about mi amour, go sit yo fast ass down somewhere don’t you got some homework to do.  Damn Isabella gets on my nerves).  I think that they should have just killed both the young lovers and put us out of our misery that is Isabella.  Kique was sad but, damn it, you sitting in a car in a dark ass garage and you didn’t have enough sense to have the doors locked I mean to me you was asking for it.  So stupid.  Then if General Cortez wasn’t going to kill you hell you gave him the idea telling him that he could kill you but that will not take your love away from Isabella, you out here giving the killer ideas...and then what took the entire cake was you bringing up Camilla playing him out.  Cortez is a horrible person and a straight pedophile.  I don’t like him.  He was always checking Isabella out.  Remember when Epifanio had to tell him to chill talking about her at her party.  While I might not like Camilla’s ways she is still a boss.  She still runs the south and she is about to be dealing with her crazy ass daughter who I wish Manuel son had killed but then Teresa wouldn’t have gotten the 10 million from Camilla and she wouldn’t have been able to pay El Santo and the little angel would have came back with Thanos to kill Teresa ass, that’s not his name but he was scary.  I’m excited to see how she gets out of this thing with Cortez and Isabella because he has definitely played his hands since he didn’t kill Isabella when he showed her Kique’s body.  Camilla gives me Don Vito Corleone (Brando) feels, the end is near for her but she is still running everything.
8.  King George.  Ok I love James.  I love Pote.  I like Teresa (see above).  But like I really ride for George, he is like all your day 1s he just has your back.  Again, Teresa is being extra sloppy.  You start a war and you got dough.  You need to tighten up on security for your whole squad that’s what a boss does.  Nobody ran up on none of them when they was with Camilla because like Camilla said it’s her job (The boss) to keep them safe.  Teresa killed the governor of Sinaloa and knew it was gonna be retaliation, stole Rocco’s girls, put a hit on someone Sherriff Mayo who survived said hit and all I see is that same little ass squad (no offense James and Pote) but there has to be some number that you can call and get you some killers, like the Continental Hotel or something for the cartels...George and Bilal should have had a squad with them not no whack ass phone call talking about be safe.  Now I know George got his own thing going on but I’m just saying they snatched him.  I guess that’s the friend in the cage.  He’s my Santino “Sonny” Corleone feels.  That is not a parallel or foreshadow of how I believe that King George’s character will play out on the series.  Because I loved Sonny’s character like I love George.  He is a mess but a beautiful mess.  Remember when George shot his shot at Teresa...You can be my Pocahontas or I can be your Pocahontas...I would make you my queen if Rico Suave didn’t already have dibs.  He called James Ken Kardashian.  I can’t.  I am hoping George AND Bilal survive...Until next time kiddos.  Bless
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