infinitethree · 1 year
Hi Day and whoever happens to be around! I have an odd question for you. How is it that the monsters and such in SMPza is so different from the ones from the Sanctuary reality? Shouldn't both be alittle more similar in that regard? How was there a den of chimeric creatures in SMPza but not in Sanctuary?
Day is sitting in his den, evidently having been working on knitting a blanket. With him is Perce, who is sprawled out on one of the couches. The younger Dream variant is paying extremely close attention to the movie on the TV.
Perce jumps at the sound of the question, enough so to send himself crashing to the floor.
Day peers over at him, but doesn’t go to help him up. He’s well aware that his second youngest son is no stranger to bumps, bruises, and being attacked by multiple people after a prank got a little too far under their skin. “You good?” “I got ambushed by a disembodied voice in my own home,” Perce complains. “What about that is good?”
A moment passes, and Day points out, “If I wanted to be a smartass, I’d tell you that technically, it’s my home–” “Dad, really?!” “But I’ll restrain myself,” he finishes, despite the outburst.
His second youngest points an accusatory finger at him. “That’s a dick move and you know it.” 
With an incredulous scoff, Day tells him, “Perseus, you got multiple board games banned and I’ve had to set rules for what's acceptable for family movie night.” “There wasn’t anything saying I couldn’t splice together the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy–” “Yeah, because none of your brothers thought to do it. You gave them the idea and now we all have to suffer the consequences.”
Even though he huffs like he’s annoyed, Perce has a wide grin as he flops back down on the sofa. “No regrets.” 
“I’m aware.” Much like Perce, Day has a smile and his tone is warm, if a little exasperated.
His son refocuses him by saying, “Disembodied voice has a point, though. Everything I hear about the SMPza makes it sound weird. Wasn’t your theory that it’s made out of your admin light– or whatever it was you called it? Why’s it so different than here, then?”
There’s a furrow of Day’s brow as he tries to explain it. Some of the evidence he has is little more than a gut feeling– a sense that the world wasn’t allowed to diverge from the first life he had had in certain ways. Some events seemed fated to happen, even if that meant things or people bending and stretching in ways that they shouldn’t.
“...Too many similarities,” he murmurs. Perce argues, “Dad, we’re cosmically the same person.” 
“No it’s– not in the same way." He chews on his lip for a moment before trying to explain, "That reality never felt– right, I guess. No other world has felt like that. They feel solid and– real, I guess? But the SMPza had this sort of surreality to it. And the ghosts I saw would sometimes…snap back, to what they were like in my first life. Ghoulus would suddenly get upset around yellow or was afraid of Schlatt, for instance. A few times he called his brothers the wrong name."
His fingers skimming over some of his braids to try and lessen the sense of unease he has whenever he dwells on the SMPza for too long. “I don’t know; it might just have been how I lived. Things felt more concrete after I met your brothers. All that time on my own might have just fucked with my head." 
It wouldn't be the first time his perspective has turned out to be horribly warped. Sometimes he worries that he still jumps at shadows that aren't really there. 
With a sigh, he continues, "I don’t have a good answer, and I can’t have a good answer. That’s the realm of the divine, and I’m not really interested in stepping on any toes by demanding an explanation. I’ll deal with potential revelations when and if they happen.”
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He tilts his head to the side a little. He can’t say he isn't glad for the change of topic, but he’s a little confused about why the Observers are asking at all.
Aren't they agents of Time? Even if they might not know everything– or even a lot of things– it feels like this would be something they would already know.
…Maybe he needs to re-examine what he thought he knew about them. After all, Theo had only recently told him that they're called Observers.
"Sort of yes, sort of no," he admits. "Ender chests work no matter where we go, so in that sense, yes. We've tested them on other servers here l, and they're empty– so it’s not just us."
His wings ruffle a little as he continues, "But we go to realities without servers entirely or servers that aren't the Dream SMP fairly regularly."
Perce makes a noise of confusion at him. Day tells him, "Question about if everywhere we go is a variation of the Dream SMP."
"Ah," his second youngest says. "Obviously not. We go to single realm worlds all the time! One of the perks of Dad and Theo traveling is that they can pick out safe worlds to have a little vacation in. My personal favorites are the ones like Cat world; it’s places with that level of tech and comfort that give me games and shows and books–"
"And more ideas for how to be a menace," Day snorts. "That, too," Perce admits, "But you know you love seeing museums with Attie and Theo."
Day can’t help but smile at his memories. “You say that like you don’t like them, too.” He nudges Perce with a wing and teases, “You have extensive records of the differences between all the versions of the sets of your favorite movies.” “As anyone would!” “Mm, no, but that’s because we’re the cool family.”
He’s glad to see Perce damn near preen with pride. It would snow in the nether before he dissed one of his kids’ hobbies.
…Even if he still doesn’t understand redstone. He can manage to follow relatively simple instructions, but beyond that he’s hopeless. Dee has long since given up on it. Frankly, Day is a little glad for it; he knows that nobody enjoyed those lessons.
Except for Theo, who found it hilarious. And Orph, because he kept setting up bets on how long before Dee had to stop because he was giving himself another headache from frustration. And Atlas, because he would use it to double check his own fundamentals–
“Wait a minute,” he says, eyes narrowing. “Your brothers were using me as free entertainment.”
Perce stares at him, his confusion obvious. “...Did you seriously not realize that? No, wait, better question– what made you finally realize it?”
He’s pretty sure his expression gets across how he feels just a little insulted. “Not– I know they do in general, but I meant when Dee used to try and teach me redstone.”
A beat or two passes, and Perce asks, “...Didn’t that stop when he was like, thirteen?” “Yes.” There’s a longer pause, paired with further confusion. “...It took you sixteen years to realize that?” 
Day makes an offended noise. “Hey– there was a lot going on!” “For sixteen years?!” “Some of it, yes! And then I stopped thinking about it, because I had more important things to worry about!”
Perce sighs, and sits up to pat his shoulder. “Yeah, that’s true.” “Thank y–” “You can’t help that sometimes you’re a little dumb. Great at plenty of stuff, but in some ways…ehhh…”
Oh, those are fighting words. He smiles, and can tell his son realizes that he’s signed up for a lot of unexpected cardio from the way his eyes get wide. He warns, “You have until I secure my stitch before I start hunting.”
As expected of the Manhunt king, Perce doesn’t bother arguing– he just scrambles to his feet and starts booking it.
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infinitethree · 1 year
hello day and his sons! i wanted to ask if your family celebrates any holidays, and what your favorite ones are if you do!
It seems as though this time, the family is eating dinner.
Or, at least, they were trying to eat dinner. Everyone’s expression falls somewhere between murderous and tired.
That is, except for Theo, who doesn’t stop speaking despite hearing the question. He’s got a wide grin, almost taunting. “Really, it’s your own fuckin’ fault that you don’t hide shit you care about! If you don’t fuckin’ want me to hold stuff ransom, don’t piss me off.”
Orph’s eye twitches, and he grips his knife tighter. “You started it, you absolute asshole, you were the one who swapped all my pictures with clown paintings!”
Theo grins even more. “Dunno, sounds like your fuckin’ taste, though?”
Lee grabs a roll off the table and throws one at their hands with a surprising amount of both speed and accuracy. “Stop it,” he says, glaring at his eldest brother with enough heat that it leaves no doubt that he’s been on the receiving end of Theo’s needling.
With no small amount of relief, Day accepts the lifeline of this question. “Christmas, New Year’s, birthdays, April Fool’s day, father’s day, every day that passes where Theo hasn’t managed to get his brothers to revolt against him.”
There’s a loud bark of laughter from the eldest son in question. “‘Cause they know I’d kick their asses!”
Day’s eyebrows shoot up. “I hope you know I’m going to bring this up later, after they wreck you.” He ignores the offended squawk and continues, “My favorite is Christmas. I get to make or find things for everyone, I get a week of none of them pranking each other, and I get to inflict the rest of the server with quote-unquote thoughtful presents. Lucid’s sweater remains my crowning achievement.”
“It’s a migraine given physical form,” Perce says. “I’m still impressed by it. I didn’t realize you could see nausea. I’m almost positive it’s got some kind of admin bullshit done to it–”
“That would be cheating,” Day tells him. He looks more than a little smug. “What’s life without a little challenge? Besides, if it was admin bullshit, he could just undo it. He can’t even get rid of it because it’s too warm and comfy. I know exactly what textures are best for him, and I know he’s more willing to wear it out of spite. Thus, I inflict suffering on more people. A gift that keeps on giving.”
“I really feel like people don’t give him enough credit for being a chaotic bastard,” Dee mutters under his breath. “They forget we learned it from somewhere,” Orph agrees.
Day grins. “You’re all just feral gremlins by nature. Sure, I might have…nurtured a little–” “You kept telling dad jokes and bad puns until we banded together to stab you so you’d stop! That’s not a little nurture,” Atlas argues.
There’s a little hum of disagreement from Perce. “I mean…I didn’t grow up with him, so it’s not just that?” 
His eldest brother tells him, flatly, “Perseus, you got fuckin’ Monopoly banned because you decided to keep one-upping how much a fuckin’ bastard you were.”
Perce stares at his eldest brother for a long moment, head tilting to the side like he’s deciding something.
The youngest sighs and scoots his plate closer to himself in what seems like resignation.
“I’m the one who rigged everyone’s bedrooms with motion-activated frog recordings. I also made it so I could shut it off specifically to fuck with Dee.”
The entire table is perfectly still for a single heartbeat.
And then chaos erupts; Dee lunges, Theo withdraws a set of throwing knives, Orph pulls out his crossbow, and Atlas shoots forward with his hands outstretched.
Perce laughs, tossing himself backwards and telling them tauntingly, “Too slow!”
As he nimbly darts away, his older brothers all speed after him.
At the table, Day hums to himself. “...Yeah, I probably brought that on myself. At least it wasn’t Theo this time.”
There’s a gleam in Lee’s eye that he suspects bodes badly for Perce’s health and/or sanity in the future. “You still can’t use the Swords and Shields punitively. I’ll ground you for a month.”
“It would be worth it,” Lee tells him. The gravity in his voice is definitely worrying. Day replies, “Two months, then. Use your power responsibly. It’s a bad precedent to set and one that would upset others. Do you really want to scare new people because there’s a ten year old with an army who uses it for petty revenge?”
His youngest sighs with visible reluctance. “Fineee. I’ll just– poison his food, or something.” “Only if it’s not lethal.”
Lee glares at him and says, outraged, “The others can just stab him!” “A hazard he’s aware of. Do you really want to make your brother afraid of food? And of you?”
The ten year old groans in defeat, wings slumping as he puts his head into his arms. “Buzzkill.” Day reaches over and pats his back. “We both know you’d hate yourself if you hurt others for more than just a short respawn.”
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infinitethree · 2 years
For Theo, Orph, Atlas, Lee and Perce
What are your favorite video games?
All of the Was-Taken kids are in the living room of the main house. With them are their closest friends; Quizzy, Aster, and then Perce’s friends who had moved realties with him, Agni and Damon.
Notably, Day is nowhere to be seen.
There seems to be some sort of show the group are all watching. Or, well, loudly heckling and not taking very seriously at all.
Several of them boo and throw some sort of snack at the large screen. 
The question makes all six of the brothers startle a little.
The first to react is Dee, who makes an affronted noise. Despite the fact that he could very easily fit onto one of the multiple couches or padded stools in the room, he instead seems to have opted to sprawl out on the floor. "First of all, fuck you for excluding me. As the best brother, I–" "Bullshit," Orph interrupts, giving him a not-quite kick. "We all know I'm the cream of this crop–"
"I thought we agreed not to get into this argument again," Atlas mutters.
"We did," Theo says, rolling his eyes. "'Cause Lee wins. Tiny baby brother with a fuckin' heart of gold n' kinda bad taste in cookies–"
Lee twists around to point threateningly at his eldest brother. "I know where you sleep and the Fates love me."
A slightly sour look flashes in Perce’s eyes for just a moment. His insecurities might have gotten quieter, but they were still there.
"And the Fates love clowning on Theo. He deserves it, though," Aster comments.
He’s a little annoyed that this is when the Observers have opted to manifest. One night, one, where he can just be a normal person instead of dealing with whatever new form of weird bullshit has decided to crop up. Surely that’s not too much to ask?
And yet here he is, faced with the uncomfortable reminder that he’s keeping the sort of secret that could destroy the server if it were known.
The indignant squawk from Theo makes most of the group laugh.
"I'll play anything that has a good story, an excellent soundtrack, and a good game play loop," Orph answers. "We do not speak of the twisted blights that are rhythm games.”
“He’s salty he always gets the lowest score. L, imagine having no rhythm,” Atlas chimes in. Immediately, Orph lunges at him with clear intent to main and/or murder. “THE SCORING SYSTEMS ARE FUCKING BULLSHIT–”
In a motion that should probably be less familiar-seeming than it is, Theo hooks an arm around Orph’s waist and stops him from completing that lunge. “Let Attie answer the fuckin’ question before you try to stab him.” The Wilbur variant gives a shriek of displeasure, which just makes those with good hearing wince.
Rather than let him continue with that, Dee slaps a hand over his mouth. He warns, “Lick me and the next time you wake up, it’ll be to a warden in your face.”
Orph narrows his eyes, clearly trying to determine if the risk is worth it.
Instead of making further threats, Dee says, “Strategy games, especially ones with deep mechanics, are the most valid games.” 
Perce grins at him and asks, “At least until I beat you, right?” “Those are the result of game balance issues. If you can beat me in your first three games, it’s broken.” “Or you’re just bad. And a sore loser. And pissed I can exploit mechanics you overlooked.”
Dee glares at him. “I know where you sleep, little brother.”
The grin gets wider and toothier. “I know where you sleep, and have a backlog of prank ideas I’m happy to pull out–” “Menace,” Dee mutters, though his annoyance seems like a bit. Perce retorts, “Fun police.”
Righteous indignation twists Dee’s expression. “You take that back–”
“Oh my fuckin’ Prime you’re all like coked up ferrets,” Theo says, disgruntled, as he shoves a wing in between them to break their line of sight. Aster laughs and tells him, “That’s one of the most fascinatingly hypocritical things I’ve heard you say.”
There’s a deadpan, “Fuck you.” He gets a smug smile in response. “You can always try to kill me for that…if you think you can.” The taunt just makes Theo give a bark of laughter, though he’s got an alarmingly similar grin creeping up. “I see how it is. You have a fuckin’ deathwish, huh? I’ll fuckin’--” 
“Theo, be nice,” Lee interrupts. “Wh– but he–!” “Be. Nice.”
The youngest brother stares at the eldest with a wide-eyed look that…probably shouldn’t be as intimidating as it is. Achilles is all of ten, with a significant amount of baby fat still clinging to his face.
And yet, Theo, the heavily scarred veteran of multiple wars he decided to throw himself into mostly for the hell of it, wilts under his babiest brother’s not-quite glare.
Despite his muted affect, Aster’s aura of smugness only grows stronger.
At least, until Lee turns to point a finger at him. “Don’t you be a jerk, either. Aren’t you supposed to be at least sort of responsible?”
Like Theo had, Aster looks immediately chagrined. “...He deserves it, though.” “Not disputing that. I just expect better from you.”
Several people in the room, Theo included, give surprised laughs. 
Agni, the Sapnap that is one of Perce’s best friends leans over to said Dream and whispers, “...Isn’t it a little worrying he can scold them like that? I’m not crazy for thinking that, right?” “The second he decides to weaponize his disappointment we’re all fucked,” Perce mutters back.
“Language,” comes the knee-jerk response from the Bad of the friend group, Damon.
Before Theo can do more than take a breath, Lee whips back to stare at him with an even stronger warning glower.
Theo wisely closes his mouth again.
Satisfied, at least for the moment, Lee says, “I really like games where I can build stuff up. Terraria, Stardew Valley, that sort of thing. But the best games are multiplayer ones. My favorites are ones where something’s randomized. Everybody gets a turn to get angry, and sometimes there are even bonus team ups!”
“The teamups are to murder the winner,” Atlas clarifies. “Or, in some cases, because they were being rude the entire game.” “I went to one family game night. Never again,” Quizzy laments. He idly flings a small pretzel at the screen. 
It misses and instead lands on the floor.
“Cheers to that,” Agni says, knocking his can of soda against Quizzy’s. “...You haven’t ever been to a family game night,” Dee points out. 
With a roll of his eyes, Agni tells him, “Dude, we can hear the aftermath from our house. And we hear Perce complaining about whatever happened and whoever won for days afterwards. He still gets mad about whatever the hell caused Monopoly to be banned–” 
Perce immediately argues, “There wasn’t anything in the game or house rules about betrayal being banned–” “You backstabbed me!” Like Atlas didn’t say anything, Perce barrels on, “and there’s nothing about not playing dramatic music for revealing I had deals with everyone and am now betraying them all in one fell swoop. Or recording everyone’s reactions. Or not selling said reactions for a tidy profit. Or manufacturing memes and betting on which ones get popular to make even more money.”
By this point, Orph’s anger level has lowered enough that his brothers let him speak. “There are now!” “Only because you’re all mad you didn’t think of it first.” “That’s not the point!” “The point is you’re all sore losers who really need to learn to take an L.”
Aster lobs a pillow at him with startling precision. “You’re going to start another brawl. At least let Theo answer the damn question first. Or do you want to be the one to explain to your dad that his eldest son is comatose because of Monopoly-based rage?”
Damon looks worried. “Wait, if we don’t answer questions we go into a coma?!” Theo sighs and tells him, “We have no idea what the fuckin’ consequences are, n’ even if we did, it wouldn’t fuckin’ apply to you. Just me, Dad, n’ Vio. Nobody else got told to answer.”
Technically he’s wrong about that, but Aster isn’t really going to correct him about it.
Theo’s board game based rage almost visibly subsides. “Dunno, I don’t play a ton of games. Good story s' the most important thing to me. If that's good, I'll play pretty much anything."
He pauses and then adds, "N' also Pokémon, 'cause we all play it together."
Perce nods, wings ruffling a little. "Yeah, it's nice to share that with everyone. Other than that…for me, rouge-likes or RPGs with a good story are the best. Oh, or a really good visual novel."
Theo points at him. "Yeah, those too. Some're duds, others're fuckin' amazing."
His little brother grins and holds out his fist. Theo grins back and bumps it.
"Nerds," Atlas sighs, though it’s clearly a fond insult. "For me…man, I just want something to veg out to. Listen to music or a podcast and just vibe. The genre doesn't matter; Slime Rancher, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Bejeweled– those are all great."
Orph perks up a little. "Oh, Crypt of the Necrodancer is a decent rhythm game. Not perfect, but better than fucking Guitar Hero."
The title is spat with a surprising amount of venom.
“Which reminds me–” Orph wheels back on his twin, a gleam in his eye. “Don’t you dare,” Atlas warns, though seems to realize it’s a lost cause.
Exactly as Orph lunges forward again, Atlas springs up off of the couch. Using his wings, he scrambles up past the TV and into the kitchen. Orph is barely a second behind him, wielding one of his daggers. “Play bitch games, get bitch prizes!”
Nobody seems so much as bothered by the attack.
Though Perce does lean forward and say, “My money’s on Atlas.” Dee scoffs. “You kidding? Orph has righteous fury on his side.” “Yeah, exactly. It’s funnier if he loses despite that. So, Atlas will win.”
“I want Atts to win because he’ll sulk for days otherwise,” Quizzy comments. “But do you bet on it,” Dee presses. “No, because I like having money. I’ve made too many dumb bets with all of you to get tricked into this one.” 
“In my defense, I usually can make jumps like that,” Perce mutters. Theo reaches over and pats his head. “Usually pretty kickass, yeah. N’ that just makes you cockier n’ you hit the ground even fuckin’ harder.”
Perce huffs, but he’s grinning too much to even fake annoyance. As much as they can get on his nerves, he does love his family.
“Five emeralds on Attie. S’ vicious when he wants to be,” Theo says. 
After a moment of thought, Aster asks, “Is this a binary choice or can we add a third option?”
“No, you can’t go bet for yourself, kill them both, and take the pot,” Perce answers.
The heavily scarred Tommy hums to himself. “...And if I did it anyway, just for fun?” “Bets are invalidated.” “And I stab you, fuckin’ wrong’un,” Theo adds, affronted.
He knows all too well exactly what his friend is considering doing.
“We’ve established you can’t actually do that, actually– both literally and without Lee getting mad, soooo–” “I dunno, you’re kind of being a jerk right now. Pretty sure I made my stance on that clear,” said ten year old points out.
Theo grins, wings ruffling with more than a little smugness. “Still want to talk shit, bitch?”
Aster rolls his eyes, flicking a piece of popcorn at him. “Fine, fine. You have to admit it’d be funny, though.”
“I feel like that’s a worrying stance for the leader of the Swords and Shields to take,” Damon says. “I usually have to be the voice of reason. If I don’t take chances during my free time to be a little unhinged, it’ll leak out when I need to have my head on straight.”
Perce makes a face. “You’re never unhinged, though?” “No, you just don’t see or hear about the boring parts of my life. You get adoring fans, I get to figure out who should be on rotation during your events and who’s able to be backup if the first, second, and third stringers fall through.”
Theo bumps Aster’s side with one of his wings. “Isn’t there a fuckin’ chart or something?” 
Something alarmingly like despair creeps into Aster’s voice. “Spreadsheets. Plural. I’m not– I dream of those fucking things, I’m not talking about them right now.”
Lee leans around his eldest brother to reassuringly pat Aster’s arm. “I appreciate your hard work. And also how good of a friend you are to Theo.”
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infinitethree · 2 years
This is a question for the T3, though mostly Day. Have you ever encountered others who normally isn’t part of the Dream SMP but is in other realities? Meaning those who usually belong to other servers but in this one reality are part of the Dream SMP?
Day has, at this point, mostly learned how not to flinch slightly when a question pops into his head.
This is a handy thing to have learned, because it lets him seamlessly make excuses to whoever he might be talking to and exit a conversation. It’s easier to say that he has to start dinner or forgot about taking care of some minor task rather than deal with having people be nosy about whatever he’d been asked.
That’s less the case for questions that dig at his trauma, of course. He’s still working on smothering his tells for those.
Sure, it’s not a super healthy mentality. But he’s also aware that a big chunk of his thought processes are deeply fucked up.
He waits until he’s gotten back home to begin to answer the new question. If Theo is around, he’s not anywhere in earshot.
…Though he’s pretty sure his eldest has been getting slightly better at stealth. It can be hard to judge, sometimes; Theo rarely bothers with being sneaky when he can instead bulldoze his way through whatever was stupid enough to stand in his path.
The flight back had given him time to consider the question. “There’s been a few cases like that,” Day starts with. “The one that comes up the most is someone named Grian. I have no idea why he just seems to show up every so often. If he’s there, we know it’s a more or less peaceful world. Other than that…”
He tries to remember some of the others, though can’t recall anyone else who appears with any sort of frequency in the Dream SMP. Sometimes people who are usually present are missing, but it’s much rarer that the reverse is true.
The question is complicated by what exactly counts as the Dream SMP being an unexpectedly murky issue.
When he, Theo, and Vio get the pull, they don’t always end up in anything Day can definitively say is a server at all. Whatever causes their ender chests to remain static doesn’t seem like it discriminates; the contents have yet to change, no matter how many non-server realities or places that otherwise definitely aren’t the Dream SMP they wind up in.
At this point, all they can do is shrug and call it a weird quirk of the multiverse or executive meddling to make their job marginally easier.
“...I’d count Time, but I try not to potentially insult the entity who controls time and probably reality. We’re still not positive about that, and aren’t willing to stick our nose into their business to find out for sure. None of us are interested in pissing off someone who can unmake everything we know and love.” 
Idly, he raps his knuckles against the oak plank wall he’s passing next to. It’s a familiar superstition borne of a bone-deep terror at the idea of angering the deity. “In the event that they can see everything or are otherwise observing, that was meant as respectfully as possible.”
He shudders at the idea of invoking the wrath of a god who he still suspects created a reality from the tattered remnants of his own admin access.
For just a moment, his unease crests in a way he chalks up to the tangled knot of emotions around everything tied to his first life.
Things are better now, even if he wants to stop being one of the ones who has to shoulder the burden of keeping things that way.
Which is only going to get worse now that he has to try and navigate the idea of teaching Lee code. The idea of leaving any sort of vital education to Lucid makes Day break out in a cold sweat. The idea of leaving such an important part of his youngest son's education in his hands, though, adds near literal hives and roiling nausea to the mix.
Better is not perfect. Remorseful doesn't mean good. Day has sacrificed far too much to risk Lee being hurt in any capacity.
Given that nobody else knows code, that means that Day will have to try to figure out how the hell to teach it to a ten year old. It's not that he resents or even dislikes the thought of teaching his kids; hell, in most cases it serves as a good chance to bond with them.
It's just that code is incredibly complicated. Most of what Day knows is instinctual. Exposure to a wealth of new items, concepts, and needing to figure out how to fix crimes against morality have done a lot to increase his understanding, but…
Not for the first time, he wishes he had a sounding board for this sort of thing.
Wherever it is that Theo is, it looks like some sort of workshop dedicated to bookbinding. The eldest Was-Taken sibling is slowly and methodically assembling a book with lovely, elaborate calligraphy and art.
While he's been caught off guard before, whatever it is he's making seems important enough that his only reaction for several moments is a soft twitch of his wings.
He gently sets his work down once he's at a good stopping point, and gives a long, steady exhale.
The sound makes Perce raise his head curiously. It's clear that he’s the one who did the calligraphy, though the art seems to have been by a third party.
He tilts his head slightly at his eldest brother. "...Something happen?" Theo’s wings ruffle slightly as he says, "Question about if we see people during fuckin’ travels that shouldn't be there. Which, yeah, sometimes. Multiverse is weird n’ whatnot. Still have trouble wrapping my head around how fuckin isolated shit is. SMPza was a shit place, but at least if you walked long enough, you'd end up in a different territory.”
Cosmic outlier cosmic outlier It was SO hard trying to act like we understood the weird stuff there– Yeah but D3 was technically an admin like, what, ten times over? Territory management, our beloathed.
“Dad was only admin ‘cause I didn’t want to deal with that shit. Besides, s’not the same as admins like Lucid is. Or…Lee, apparently,” Theo adds, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth.
Perce, who at this point is used to only hearing half of a conversation, picks up on the general direction that the Fates are going in. “Or Daz,” he points out. Theo snaps his fingers and points at him. “Yeah, him too. Fuckin’ weird that he’s another one. Makes me wonder…” His thoughts trail off, brow creasing as he mentally goes back over when he had first met the now-obnoxiously bubbly Tommy.
Between what Daz had said and how the local Dream had acted, Theo now suspects that the later had not just known about Daz’s capacity for being an admin, but had needed it, somehow.
He hadn’t just been afraid, he had been terrified to the point of tears.
At the time, Theo had written it off as another instance of the unhealthy, unhinged obsession that has cropped up more often than he cared to dwell on during his traveling.
He mutters, mostly to himself, “Dunno why they aren’t both being trained, seems fuckin’ obvious.”
There’s a noise of disagreement from Perce, who flicks his wings slightly. “Too many cooks can fuck things up, especially if those cooks ever disagree. That’s even before you get into how easily things can get messed up, or that Daz can be talked into just about anything.”
But he’s a golden retriever! He just wants to make everyone happy! Yeah, exactly. If someone seemed upset enough, he’d go along with whatever they wanted him to do He’d summon infinite items for everyone He’d make it rain candy because that seemed like a thing people might like He’s not THAT dumb– Who have YOU been watching? He’s an idiot. Idiot is harsh. He’s just a bit… He’s got a different kind of smart, stop being mean–
“If you’re all gonna bicker about the guy, do it more fuckin’ quietly,” Theo says, rolling his eyes at the chorus of grumbled not-quite apologies from the cluster of voices in his head.
Or…the old voices, anyway. He’s still not sure what the deal is with the new ones.
His little brother snorts softly, hiding a grin at the exasperated annoyance Theo has for the Fates.
Which just makes him point threateningly, but otherwise not mention it. “People who aren’t usually part of the Dream SMP…the fuck is your criteria for that, anyway? If you mean fuckin’ baseline, we all see tons of fuckin’ worlds with oodles n’ oodles more people in ‘em. Servers aren’t always a thing, or sometimes they’re weird as shit. Other times people’re just fuckin’...there. One dude pops up every so often, uhh…Wheat or Bran or something like that. Flown with a few of ‘em ‘cause sometimes they have fuckin’ wings, usually help him pull off a prank or two, have acted as a middleman for Caper n’ Spark to sell some of them the schematics for glitter TnT n’ for him to sell them some shit I don’t remember the purpose of. Always a new one, always too much technical shit for my taste.”
He racks his brain for other instances of repeated but non-baseline players, but draws a blank. Perce points out, “Haven’t there been competition worlds?”
Tournament worlds are fun! Vio subbing in for a last minute injury was amazing– I still can’t believe they looked at THAT bastard, then at Day and Theo, and really thought he’d be the least OP out of all of us–
“First of all, we all fuckin’ agreed that he needed a world to let off steam. Second of all, he is not more fuckin’ OP than me–” “Dunno, he sure seems to kick your ass a lot–” Theo abruptly grabs a thick rubber pad and chucks it at his little brother, who leans out of the way of it.
Smugly, Perce tells him, “You’re too obvious. Gotta be faster if you want to win against the reigning king of manhunts–” “Oh, I’ll show you fuckin’ fast–!”
Theo launches himself over the table, but his little brother is already darting away and out the door of their joint workshop. Both of them sport wide, toothy grins that make it clear they’re using the bickering as an excuse to take part in the familiar bonding ritual of mostly friendly fratricide.
The last of the trio pauses in the act of reading out loud. He, along with Aver, are in Aver’s workroom. A sleeveless navy hoodie is being embroidered with dozens of tiny, shimmering stars in shades of silvery white and light blue.
There’s a noise of curiosity from Aver, but he doesn’t look up from the tiny, sure stitches he’s making. It’s not common that he does this sort of work himself any more, but Khons refused to let anyone but Aver have the thread spun from his wool.
Sure, the finished piece will be for Aster, and the thread was offered freely to him as a sign of Khons and Alephs’ friendship. Those didn’t magically erase his trauma.
Even now, Aver is always extremely careful to return any excess and to secure it in the meantime.
It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t think anyone would be stupid or greedy enough to take it even as a joke; the fact is that Khons, and by extension Aleph, have had issues with it being stolen in the past.
Aver, despite his fondness for causing light to moderate headaches, does genuinely want to help people learn to overcome, or at least learn to live with, the strife and misery that led them to end up in Sanctuary.
For all that Lucid is its admin, and all that the T3 are its shepherds, Aver will always be one of those who decided to dig his heels in to make it a home instead of a living hellscape.
The leader of that charge has been quiet for a few moments before he speaks again. “...A question about non-baseline people who show up in the Dream SMP,” he murmurs, looking thoughtful.
Aver is more than familiar with the faint crease of his brow, slightly narrowed eyes, and idle flicks of his tail.
His not-dad is trying to figure something out, but this is one of the rare times when he has no idea what he’s tripped up on.
“Talk to me, big man. You know I’m a good fuckin’ sounding board.” “...It feels like a weird question,” Vio says slowly, that furrow increasing.
“...Seems fuckin’ normal to me? Or not any weirder than any of the others you’ve mentioned.” “Yeah, exactly. I don’t understand why it feels so off.”
Aver hums, his stitching pausing for a few moments. Looking up at Vio without moving his head, he points out, “Might be weird eldritch radar. Dunno what you’d be picking up. God vibes?”
Vio visibly grimaces at the idea. “I don’t want to meddle in the affairs of the divine. I’ve heard enough horror stories from Theo to want nothing to do with any of that.” “Maybe you’re getting scoped out to be a fuckin’ prophet or some shit,” Aver says, mostly to see the way his not-dad’s face contorts in absolute horror.
If the alien had fur, Aver has no doubt it would be standing on end. As it is, he shudders violently. “Nope, no, do not tempt the universe with that sort of talk–” “Not that fuckin’ big of a deal, some of them are chill–” “Your experiences are not only not universal, but entirely unhelpful. Just because Lady Death looks kindly on you–” “Hey, Mumza is pog! Fuckin’ loves hearing about you, too, n’ is still bummed she can’t talk to you directly–”
“I wanted to molt a dozen times in a row being near Philza when he was used as her vessel. I don’t want to revisit that experience. I didn’t even know I could break out in hives, but damn if that isn’t what happened!”
Aver rolls his eyes. “Fuckin’ drama queen. For someone who talks to gods semi-regularly, you’re awfully fuckin’ anti-divine.” “I’m not against divinity, because I’m not suicidal, I just want to remove every layer of my skin and disinfect it in lava by being near them. My body evidently decided that gods are too close to magic, which I am allergic to.”
“Your fatal fuckin’ flaw. That, or being a stubborn bastard.” Vio’s eyes narrow, and he points a finger at him. “Pot, kettle. You wouldn’t keep calling me your dad if you weren’t just as bad–” “Not-dad, get it right,” Aver chirps smugly.
“Fuck you,” Vio retorts flatly. Aver’s smugness only grows as he says, “Not my fault you can’t remember the joke.” “I’m physically incapable of forgetting the joke without severe memory loss, because Day and Theo take every possible chance to tell everyone we meet about it!”
The reminder makes Aver cackle with laughter. “Yeah, Theo thinks it’s fuckin’ hysterical. Can’t blame him there, ‘cause it is. N’ now you have to vanish for the week around fuckin’ Father’s Day, otherwise the whole fuckin’ server lines up to dunk on you.”
An exasperated sigh comes from the weird purple alien who has become such a bafflingly massive part of his life. “I regret my life choices.” “No you don’t. You’ve never been happier.” “Funny, I didn’t know wanting to beat my head against the nearest obsidian block counts as happiness.”
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infinitethree · 2 years
WasTaken family, what worlds do you like going to best?
Unlike the last time a question was directed towards the entire family, this time they're split into groups.
Theo, Perce, and Lee are once again in the arena, though they’re joined by three of the Council members–Aster, Aleph, and Khons.
Lee sits attentively in the stands with Khons and Perce, attention zeroed in on the other three. They're having some sort of three-way spar and it's...fast. Very, very fast; so fast it's easy to miss the identical, feral grins that Theo and Aster have. Aleph doesn't seem as blatantly enthused, nor quite as speedy, but seems to be enjoying himself and holding his own just fine.
Especially when Theo falters for a fraction of a second and gets a sword through his chest for it.
Almost immediately he starts shouting, darting back into the arena from the respawn room. "That didn't fuckin' count! Interference!" The other two disengage, glance at each other, and then over to Theo. "...Are you sure you aren't just being a sore loser? There wasn't anything that I saw," The piglin hybrid's mostly monotone voice carries a bit of amusement, even if he knows damn well what's going on. All of the Council members do, actually.
Observers are present and almost certainly have asked something.
Theo scowls at him. "Fuckin' question popped up! S' still weird as shit!"
Aster, still catching his breath, squints at him. "...How is it any different from the Fates? Isn't it just one more voice?" The warrior rolls his eyes, flopping down near his brothers in the stands. "No, n’ it's hard to explain why it's not the same," he grumbles, “It just is.” Aleph and Aster both take seats nearby, since there wasn't much point in continuing without him. They had plenty of time to spar just the two of them.
Perce speaks up from his place next to Khons. "As funny as it would be if Theo was just making excuses for fucking up," he says, ignoring the indignant squawk from said brother, "I got it, too. I'm sort of surprised, though–and a little confused about how much they all know. Theo and Dad are the ones in the family who travel a lot--the rest of us only occasionally go elsewhere. For me, it's less of a 'kind' and more a specific one. I like visiting my original world. It's nice meeting up with my friends and seeing how things have been. I don’t regret moving here, but...I still miss them sometimes."
Lee grins, elbowing him. "I was too adorable to not move here for, right?" Perce laughs, reaching over to ruffle his younger brother's hair. "Of course. You'll only be tiny for so long. Plus I thought it would be good to give the rest of them more space. I'm not even the admin any more--and before I get asked, I was...different, from how Dad and Dream Prime. I just kept things running smoothly, no world-talking or link to it like they have. Had, in Dad’s case. From what everyone back on my original world has told me, Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo are doing a great job. I figured they would–wouldn’t have given them control otherwise– but…it’s still nice to be proven right."
There's a grin from the eldest brother at that. He extends a fist towards Aster as he says, "Tommys are just fuckin' pog like that." The Sword bumps his fist back, smiling a little. "We're pretty capable, given the right motivation."
"Best world is Opinionated Ranboo's. Cookie Dream n’ the rest of the cookie team are awesome! Even Ranboo is funny, if a little...likely to give me a headache. The cookies are worth it though! Nothing beats getting one right out of the oven," Lee declares, earning a few smiles. "Capitalist Tommy is another very pog one of us,” Theo comments, “Pretty fuckin’ sure we’d end up signing our souls over if he, Tommy Prime, n’ Caper ever went into business together. We’re just real fuckin’ lucky that Capitalist Tommy is more focused on his own world.”
Khons adds mildly, “And that Caper is more focused on the Prank Guild. Most Tommys are…pretty scary, when they want to be.” Really, though, Khons had his own opinion of who the most terrifying Tommy was. It took a special kind of person to quietly create an entire organization with a secret council at the helm, hide all evidence of said council’s existence from someone who could be shown anything that happened in the world and seamlessly lie to countless people for three years. It took an even more special person to do that for the defense of an admittedly already very safe child, and to then thrive on the deception.
There were a lot of things about Daz that were baffling. Most of them tied back to whatever the hell his original world had been like. A lot of the details of that were withheld even from the other Council members. Though, to be fair, the rest of them weren't exactly open books about their own first worlds either.
“And you, Theo? Favorite kind of world?” It only takes a few moments after Perce looks to his eldest brother before the answer comes. “Probably peaceful-weird ones. Y’know, where shit’s fuckin’ strange but there’s not any real danger. Or, if there is, s’ more like we need to bring people back ‘cause the world is fucked, but not in an insta-death way. More like, uh…there was one with fuckin’--Dream on a little island, n’ the world had flooded, right? But he refused to go unless his friend–fuckin’ merman Quackity, which was wild for a few fuckin’ reasons–could go with him. S’ you might be able to guess, was sorta hard to bring a person who doesn’t have legs n’ can’t breathe air through a portal with us!”
Perce’s eyes narrow slightly. “...Wasn’t that the one where Vio reverse engineered a water breathing potion out of spite? Even though he has basically a magic allergy?” Theo laughs cheerfully, “Yeah! Fucker scared the shit out of the two we were fuckin’ there to help, ‘cause he flat out didn’t sleep for about four days. Dream asked at one point what was up with him, and Dad fuckin’ said that Vio has a personal grudge against water. Fucker then shouted back that water had a personal grudge against him, n’ I think I laughed so hard I blacked out for a few seconds.”
“Sounds about right,” Aleph says, smiling faintly. “He was…interesting. In the world Moons and I came from, he decided to leave a message for the group we were running from that time.” Khons has stilled, an uneasy expression on his face. Aleph carefully leans against him ever so slightly, a gentle reminder of his presence. Theo watches them for a moment, then says helpfully, “So, yeah–that kind of place. Or just…ones without all the real fucked up shit. I’m real fuckin’ sick of finding another fuckin’ Protege Tommy world. No offense, Aster, but–”
A shrug meets the apology. Aster says mildly, “None taken. It’s depressing to see how common they are, anyway. Granted, a lot of them do end up in the Swords and Shields because…well. Lee is a sweet kid and one of the least threatening Dreams we have.” He looks at the kid in question, whose smile falters a bit. “...Would be nice if nobody was hurt at all, but…if they end up here, bad stuff happened to them or their world. I didn’t really…deal with any of that. Or, at least–I don’t remember it. I’ve gotten a lot of kindness from everyone here. It’s sort of…the least I can do, to try to make the really messed up people feel a little safer.”
One hand goes to touch the brooch worn over his heart. “...I just want everyone to be safe and happy. They deserve that much.” The quiet words linger for only a moment, and then he feels a hand settle gently on his head. When he looks up, Aster is smiling softly at him. “You’ve got a big heart. It’s what made all of us decide to stick by your side–we don’t want you to stop being that kind.”
The sheer weight of that draws a tiny frown from Lee. “I know, I know. It’s…” he trails off, struggling to put the feeling into words. After a few moments Khons gently offers, “It feels like you’re being given too much, right? Like you haven’t done enough to earn that sort of loyalty?” Lee nods a little. “Mhm. That’s how we all felt, you know. What had we done, to make us worthy of being taken back here? What had we done, to merit the kindness and empathy we’d been given? What made it okay for us to finally be safe?”
The rhetorical questions make Lee look a little offended. Feathers puffing in outrage, he protests, “Nobody has to earn–” “We know that, now. But at first…it’s hard to believe that. It’s easier to accept flower crowns and scrawled drawings and disarmingly sweet compliments from a little kid than it is to believe that the world really is safe. ‘Leph and I would probably never have gotten as involved in things if you hadn’t opened that door. It might not have been your intention to start anything bigger…but you did. We’re glad for it.”
Aleph inclines his head a little. “All of the Swords and Shields are behind you because of that. You didn’t say anything about Khons’ wool or my fur–you just said that his eyes are kind and that I looked like a good friend. It’s still not what we’re used to; a lot of new people will make comments about what we look like.”
Silence falls over them for a few moments, Lee clearly considering all of it. “...Okay,” he says with quiet reluctance. “Baby brother, just accept that you’re pog. S’ just a fact. Can’t turn the sky green or the fuckin’ grass blue, can’t change that you’re the best tiny brother I’ve ever had. None of the others fuckin’ compare,” Theo declares. Perce rolls his eyes, and elbows his elder brother. “Don’t rank us; I’ll tell Dad.” “Don’t be a sore loser, Perce. I can still kick your ass,” Theo retorts.
Perce grins at him, a toothiness to it that spoke of mischief and the innate competitive drive he had. “That really depends on what we’re going against each other in, but sure. Tell yourself you’re the best–if you say it enough times it might become true.” There’s a scoff from the elder brother, who ruffles his wings a little. “I can come out on top in anything–” “Manhunts, trivia nights, ability to keep my fucking mouth shut for more than five seconds–” “Fuck you! I could beat you if I wanted to–”
It quickly devolves into petty bickering, though there’s still that ever-present affectionate edge to it. Then Lee jumps into the verbal fray, which drags the two Swords and the Shield with him, and…it’s unlikely that the sparring will resume any time soon.
Over in the flower fields next to Summer Hills, the second eldest of the family barely has to stop and think about the question. “Best worlds to visit are any of the peaceful ones with big societies and a lot of advanced tech. New things to take apart, new media, new internet to dive into. There’s always something unique in those worlds and I fucking love them.”
The two with him–Raine and Tubbo Prime–both stare at him. The other Tubbo looks confused. “Uh…Dee, who are you…oh.” He stops, realization dawning. “Did you get another question?” “Mm. Wanted to know the family’s favorite kind of world to visit,” Dee says, idly watching as bees float by them.
“...The whole…question thing unsettles me,” Raine admits quietly. “Yeah, shit’s weird. It’s just one more to add to the pile, though, and we can’t do much about it. Better to answer than be stubborn and piss whatever or whoever is asking off, right? Unless they’re assholes. In which case, I’ll meet that assholery in spades.”
Tubbo Prime grins a little. “Oh, definitely. Vee was pretty annoyed about the first few–last time I saw him go all eye twitchy like that was when he heard the names of Boo’s picks. Which was fair, because he’s been stabbed for those.” Raine’s expression turns deadpan. “His axe is bad, too. Not as bad as some of the other names I’ve heard, but…” “It’s okay,” Dee says earnestly, though with a mischievous grin. Putting a hand on his shoulder he continues, “This is a safe place. You can tell us how terrible Dream Prime’s equipment names are. We understand. We feel your pain.”
The three of them all crack up, Raine being the first to break. He wheezes out, “I still can’t believe he went from naming everything Nightmare to–whatever the fuck his current ones are–” Dee scowls, gesturing with his hands as he talks. “Dad knows what they mean. He refuses to explain beyond saying that they’re melodramatic and dumb as hell. I keep trying to get him to fucking crack, but…he’s him. So, you know, he’s a stubborn asshole who refuses to let me have any fun–”
Tubbo Prime shakes his head sympathetically. “Truly, he’s the head of the Fun Police.” “Yeah, but he’s pretty alright. And…a little scary,” Raine says as he lays back against the grass. “Oh yeah, no, you didn’t see him fight a fucking god with Theo, Techno, and Vee. He’s weird, but good weird. Like everyone else from that world!”
Dee makes a face. “No, there were assholes. There were a lot of assholes, actually. Hell, Vio used to be one of them. Still is, a little bit! I could start listing them off, but that’s fucking depressing. I’d rather watch the bees.” “Bees are superior to most things,” Tubbo Prime agrees, watching two of them drift by.
Day sighs softly at the sound of a question. He’s in his living room with both Atlas and Orpheus, all three involved in their own projects. Day is in a chair and knitting a sweater in dark green, white, and light blue yarn. Atlas is positioned sideways on the couch with some sort of odd-looking board that he’s deftly knotting thin wire and beads onto in a complex pattern. Orpheus is…well. He’s got a ton of papers with notes and music on them spread out across the floor, his com propped up off to one side, a guitar halfway in his lap, and is chewing on a pencil.
“You two get that one, too?” “Yup,” Atlas says, not looking up from his project. Orph makes a noise of distracted agreement, eyes narrowed as he stares down at one of the pieces of paper like it personally offended him.
“Any of them I can go see musicals in,” Orph mutters after a moment. Atlas nods in agreement. “Yeah, those ones usually have good stuff for jewelry. It’s a pain to put away our wings, but worth it to just…go have a day of fun.”
“I keep getting mistaken for their brother. It’s funny,” Day cheerfully adds. Orpheus makes a face, finally looking up at him. “You get smug about it. It’s not their fault immortality isn’t a thing for most people–” “He gets so smug,” Atlas groans, glaring at their dad.
Day is entirely unrepentant. “Yes, well…it’s still very funny.” Orph points his pencil at him. “Hypocrite!” “Mmm, special Dad privileges. I’ve earned being a chaotic asshole from time to time,” Day says with a little shrug.
Orph starts intoning, “Every day spent here is a nightmare–” “No, that’s an axe. And a set of armor. And a sword–” Day’s interruption makes his son make an infuriated noise and hiss, “You know what I meant!”
That only makes Day raise his eyebrows slightly. “Of course I did. I also know that you’re a terrible gremlin child and deserve every single terrible dad joke I make. All of you do. I’m getting belated revenge for the raccoons, Orpheus.” Day shifts his attention to Atlas, who laughs nervously. “So, uh–your favorite kind of world, Dad?”
Day shrugs. “Anywhere that’s peaceful. It’s nice to not have to immediately deal with some horrible, nightmarish crisis involving pain, suffering, and death. The solution in those cases is usually more death. Or making everyone talk. Either way, I don’t like those. Ones that are just…silly, or lighthearted, or just generally aren’t deeply depressing. Or…hurt my head. We’ve had a few of those.”
“...Wilbur being married to XD was weird to hear about,” Atlas says, and all three of them make similar faces. Orpheus’s voice is slightly higher pitched as he rants, “How do you think it felt for me?! I had to hear about an alternate self that was married to a god who my Dad created here!”
“I had to meet a version of someone I fought a war against and another of whom is my son who married a god that is, for me, little more than an admin program I created. I had to have a little scream into a pillow after that one, because it was so baffling. We didn’t even do anything; we were just there to see it existed!” Day’s voice goes from oddly flat to somewhat frustrated as he speaks. He takes a moment to set his knitting down and stare blankly up at the ceiling. “I feel like the butt of a cosmic joke sometimes.”
“Nah,” Atlas offers mildly, looking back at his project, “that would be Dream Prime.”
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infinitethree · 2 years
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I am showing perce the alcremie,, I hope it fills him with joy
Perce visibly startles much like his dad had when the little popup appears. He gasps softly, entirely distracted from the conversation he was having with his brothers. “That’s a friend,” he says, pulling out his com to try and take a picture or record it somehow.
Theo’s eyes widen as he realizes what’s happened. “Did you get it?! Tell me you can record it,” he says, trying to look at the com screen. “I want to show the rest of them, if it works like that–” The rest of their faces light up, especially Lee’s.
The smallest family member says, “They’re perfect and I love them. War cancelled, Dad will be shown mercy he doesn’t deserve.” It suddenly becomes clear that they were having a meeting of some sort, probably to try and repay Day for not even attempting to record or share the image.
“Can I make it go on my com? I want it forever,” Lee continues, gasping in delight as a soft ping sounds. “Same here,” Orph says quickly, followed by the others all agreeing. The chimes all sound at once, and Orpheus adds, “My crops are watered, my face is clear, and the fanart of Dad but as a Pokemon saved to my cloud.”
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infinitethree · 2 years
"For Day— did you know I have a Pokémon named after you?
An Alcremie named Daydreammmm
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Day is visibly startled at the little screen that appears out of nowhere right in front of his face. He looks between the thing and then over to Perce, who had just been about to take a bite out of the toast he had snagged.
Perce looks at the piece of food, then up to his dad with visible confusion of his own. “...What? Is toast not allowed now?” “...So you can’t see this, then?” Day’s question only earns a look of further confusion. “Nnnnno? I don’t think so? What are you even seeing?”
Day refocuses on the image, actually paying attention to it. “...So good news and bad news. Good news, it’s not an invasive question about our personal lives from unseen voices that I and Theo are required to answer at the behest of the deity whose dominion is time and probably reality that conscripted us to fix the problems of countless versions of our home.”
This earns a long pause. “...That is good, yes,” his son answers slowly, brow creasing in concern. “Uh…and the bad news…?”
“Said voices are able to send us pictures. It looks like a popup hovering in the air and I’m not really sure how to get it to go away,” Day replies. There’s a beat and then he adds, “...It’s of…I’m pretty sure that’s one of the Pokemon from those games you and your brothers like…?”
Perce suddenly looks a lot more interested. “Which one?” “Uh…it has clovers on its…ears? Are those ears? And looks kind of like a blob of cream. It’s apparently named after me…?” Day sounds very unsure, squinting at the image. “Alcremie,” Perce says, nodding to himself. “What color is the cream?”
“Perseus, I’m not going to describe a piece of art to you–” Day’s exasperated words are cut off by his second youngest reaching over and grabbing his shoulders. His eyes go wide. “It’s fanart?! Dad, find a way to show me and Lee needs to see it too–” “Nnno, I don’t think I’ll be doing that–” “We need to see the fanart of Pokemon you, this is injustice!” Day looks no less convinced as Perce shakes him a little.
The immortal just takes a bite of his own toast, eyebrows raising. “Nah.” He hums to himself as the image vanishes. “Oh, look, it’s gone now. A shame, it was cute.” From the look on Perce’s face you’d think this was the most grievous of offenses. “Why would you do this?! Why didn’t you try and take a picture with your com?! Orph is right, this family is a nightmare–don’t you do the stupid fucking joke with that! You haven’t earned that! Dad joke privileges revoked!”
Day grins when his behavior is accurately predicted. “I did it,” he tells his second youngest while staring him dead in the face, “Because of the cows.”
Perce narrows his eyes at him. “That wasn’t me.” “We both know it was. I’d ask how you managed to dye a herd of cows into a rainbow and get them to spell out ‘fuck you’ in color order long enough to take a picture, but quite frankly I’m not willing to damage my sanity to learn your secrets. You did earn Theo’s eternal ire, though–you know how he is with his cows,” Day replies.
“The cows were perfectly fine, and whoever did that probably did it for entirely fucking justified reasons,” Perce scoffs. He grabs an apple and starts to walk out. However he does so backwards and pointing threateningly at his dad with his piece of toast, “I’m telling all the others you got fanart of a Pokemon named after you and didn’t even try to share!”
The amusement on Day’s face vanishes in an instant. Instead he looks a little uneasy, following after his son and saying nervously, “Uh, let’s not–” “My baby brother will be very upset! You’re gonna rue this!” “Perseus Was-Taken, don’t threaten me with Lee getting upset!” “It’s your own fault, old man! Thy hubris will be thy fucking downfall!”
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infinitethree · 3 years
Hey, I'm sorry about the other asker! That was awfully fuckin rude of them. Anyway, I was wondering - what's your favourite other world you've visited so far? This is directed at all three of you, I'm curious!
It’s clear some time has passed, even if it hasn’t been much; a few hours, at most. Vio has left the location he was previously in–the house shared by Day, Theo, and Lee–and is instead talking with Tommy Prime.
Said former teen is clearly older and sports a slightly different look–namely, his baseball tee had been exchanged for a similarly patterned, quilted leather jacket, as well as a simple white polo shirt with red poppies embroidered on it. His dramatic netherite ear cuff is similarly poppy-themed, though in white rather than red.
Vio pauses mid-sentence, head tilting to the side slightly. Tommy’s eyes sharpen and he straightens up in his seat. The split black and white doctor’s coat he was working on is set aside as he turns his full attention to the alien. “The whatever the fuck you three have to listen to spoke again?”
The question is met with a nod. “There are multiple ones, evidently. That, or it’s an attempt to deflect attention. They want to know what our favorite world is.” Tommy grins a little. “Wasn’t asked, but I’ll answer anyway. Opinionated Ranboo world. Capitalist Tommy is pog as fuck. He and I have an…arrangement.”
While it’s said very ominously, it only makes Vio snort with laughter. Tommy looks a little offended, protesting, “Hey! We do!” “You have plenty of better ways to underscore your power; you don’t need to imply some sort of supervillain scheme with your alternate self. He’s referring to the deal he helped make for the likenesses of the blobs. He and his team make them and Capitalist Tommy sells them in his universe. Who thought a cookie trade deal would ever be so profitable?”
Tommy huffs a little. “I wasn’t implying supervillainy. That’s your thing, not-dad.” It’s clear that Vio’s response is automatic, based on how quickly it comes. “I’m still not your dad.” Tommy’s reply is just as automatic. “S’ what I said; not-dad. You’re not our dad ‘cause you didn’t adopt me, Bee, n’ Boo and didn’t cry when we gave you the ear cuff that you always get fuckin’ sappy over. Scared the fuck out of us with that, too–thought you’d fuckin’ broke or some shit.”
Vio rolls his eyes, hands going into the pockets of his heavily embroidered, bright purple lab coat. Despite the performative annoyance, it’s clear that he likes the dynamic he has with his not-son. “You won the bet you three rigged for that, so I fail to see how that wasn’t a net win.” Tommy grins at him. “Never fuckin’ said it wasn’t. Was also great to see you realize what day it was. Dumbass kept getting called our not-dad and still didn’t think to mark when Father's Day was so he could spend it in hiding. S’ his own fault, really. We can’t be held responsible for our actions.”
“You absolutely can and will. You already have too much power; if you keep calling me your dad, eventually I’ll take that to its logical conclusion and ground you.” Vio’s light threat is met by a loud bark of laughter from Tommy. “Yeah, but then you’d have to cave about the fuckin’ joke. We all know you’d never do that. Too fuckin’ stubborn, too big of a hero complex.”
Before Vio can protest further, Tommy waves his hand a little. “Answer the question, big man. Let’s not find out what happens if you don’t answer in the middle of my fuckin’ workroom, yeah? Control for that shit if you're gonna fuckin' experiment.”
Vio glares, though there’s no heat to it. “My favorite world is likely the cat world. The results of Dream Prime adopting seven cats have been surprisingly profound.” Tommy snickers a little and comments, “Mostly ‘cause he keeps learning shit about them in the middle of doing stuff and gets so mad. It’s the best fuckin’ thing, seeing someone mention the cats around him and he suddenly gets this fuckin’--his expression every fuckin’ time! It’s the best. Only thing better is that his fuckin’ info source is the world themselves and they adore the cats. S’ why he keeps learning shit belatedly; the world keeps showing him stuff the cats did. Oh, and they keep letting chickens loose in the cat zoomies track. There's fuckin' footage of him arguing with the world over it! The best part is you can tell he didn't fuckin win; had to settle for a compromise.”
There’s a pause before he adds, “If you had told me that I’d ever see Dream with eight fuckin’ cats and as one of my many war criminal brother figures, I’d have killed you. But, well…turns out he’s surprisingly tolerable now. Asshole just needed to chill the fuck out–literally.” Vio makes a noise of agreement. “Living in the tundra does seem to suit him…no matter how much I hate the cold. Fucking snow, it’s the worst–” He seems to be far more offended at the idea of snow than anything else mentioned so far.
Tommy rolls his eyes and picks the lab coat back up, starting to work on the intricate embroidery across the back. It's easy to tune out the ensuing rant about snow and cold; it's actually sort of comforting, if Tommy was being honest. Even when he gets in the zone, a part of him still hears that grumbling and is soothed.
Maybe it's a little childish that he breathes a little easier with Vio around, or when he can see all of his family in one spot. Sometimes he wonders if maybe he's not a full blooded human, because there are times when his brain and blood and the very marrow of his bones demands that he be able to see his family--which felt too small a word to encompass how he felt; his flock, his herd, his sounder,, maybe even his heart if was feeling sappy--all in one place and protect them, defend them and make sure none of them could be hurt.
He's still grappling with how strongly he sometimes feels that drive. The others understand, though, and when it gets too bad they all pile into a well-lit, well-stocked, and surprisingly comfortable bunker under Vio’s house.
Hero often joins them. The silent show of support from the very eldritch not-dog who watched them with a far more intelligent gaze than a dog really should have was another weirdly comforting thing.
Tommy also wondered if maybe, just maybe, he was slowly eroding layers of his humanity--in the flesh and blood sense, not the morality one--simply by spending so much time with Vio and Hero. Then he would wonder if it was a little messed up that some part of him lit up with joy at the idea that his connection with Vio might be slowly seeping into his skin and bones. It feels natural, almost, that he have some manifestation of their bond--not unlike the Was-Taken family's wings.
He could also just finally be able to listen to long-burried hybrid instincts. It was hard to tell.
Thoughts drifted by as the rant shifted to narration. Vio knew about Tommy feeling soothed by the stream of background noise, so when he had free time he often spent it in here. He'd get a digital book on whatever piqued his interest (another reason to be thankful for multiverse travel; they all could get a previously unfathomable range of media and entertainment) and just...sit on the couch and read it out loud.
Affection for the weird, hooved, weird skin texture having alien burst through his heart. Vio might object to the title, but in all the ways that mattered he was Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo Prime’s dad. They all were aware of that much, at least.
It was why he had never really attempted to go back to Phil. He had been too absent twice over, and Tommy didn't trust that giving him a third shot would be anything but a mistake.
No; he had his current family, made up of those who he loved so much. They were his brothers in all but blood, the bonds he had chosen for himself. While he wasn't biologically rated to Phil, Techno, and Wil...the phrase 'the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb' resonated with him.
Family by choice, not by blood. That wasn't near enough to describe his feelings towards them, but it was a start.
Elsewhere, the Was-Taken family are loosely grouped together in the arena. Most of the brothers are in the stands, save for Daedalus, Orpheus, and Achilles. Day is perched on a nearby rock formation, carefully observing them. Evidently, Dee and Orph are helping the youngest of the family with learning the nuances of wielding dual daggers.
There are also more than a few additional people–mostly Tommys and Dreams, and nearly all of whom are heavily scarred–lingering nearby with a very watchful eye. They all have identical ear cuffs that only differ in that they either have a small sword or a shield charm dangling from them.
Day and Theo both straightening a little makes the family all pause in their training or conversations, respectively. The rest of them seem to immediately understand what’s going on, though all are curious.
Neither group is far enough away that conversation can’t easily be carried between them. Daedalus asks, “Got a question, Dad? I thought Theo and Vio were fielding those.” Day shrugs, looking thoughtful. “Maybe there’s a time limit for that. It’s not a bad one, at least; just asking what our favorite worlds are.”
Theo nods. “Same here. S’ kind of a hard question though; who could pick a single favorite? I know Dad’s answer ‘cause he’s a sappy, predictable bastard–” Day grins, looking a little smug as he cuts in, “Ah, but earlier you said my favorite was Opinionated Ranboo’s world. Has your position changed that quickly?”
Multiple deadpan stares meet that answer. “Your favorites are definitely the worlds you met Lee and me in. There’s no way they aren’t. You’re too much of a sucker for all of us.” Perce’s answer is met with a little laugh from his dad. “Yeah, you’re right. As far as non-son worlds, though…hmm. Probably the loop world we brought the two heads of the Prank Guild back from. It’s hard not to be charmed by them and their love of moderate chaos. That, and the wonder that is glitter TnT.”
Atlas points out, “Only because you’ve never had to deal with the cleanup. I hear a lot of complaints about that.” Day’s grin only grows. “Naturally. Nobody really wants to risk spooking anyone new, nor in earning the seven of us–and likely the Swords and Shields–starting a prank war. We’ve proven to be more than willing to hit back harder and faster than anyone else.”
The smallest member of the family has an identical grin, wings ruffling proudly at his back. “I want to do a prank war.” Day quickly shakes his head, giving a pointed look at most of the small clusters of watching guardians. “No. Not unless you get targeted first, Achilles. And if you do, you can’t get help from the Swords and Shields. I can and will ground you.”
That makes the child–who seems to be roughly around ten or so–scowl unhappily. “Fun police.” Dee quickly agrees, “He is! He’s the fucking worst! I wasn’t allowed to start a bee cult or bring over the other one!”
Day rolls his eyes at the familiar complaint. “Daedalus, your amusement isn’t worth everyone else’s sanity.” “Mmm…agree to disagree,” his second eldest says, shrugging with a little grin. “It’s really fuckn’ not,” Theo mutters. Dee flips him off, staring at him as if daring him to continue.
Theo opens his mouth to do just that. Day quickly interjects, “Answer the question, Theo.” His eldest huffs unhappily, but seems to be considering the question. He finally answers, “Dunno what my favorite is; have a few that I like the most, though. Dream teaming up with Tommy instead of Wilbur in Pogtopia was a real fuckin’ good one–Dream Prime looked like he wanted to fuckin’ die when he got shown that Dream saying that Tommy was like a brother to him. Oh, then there was the version where Prince Tommy managed to get a fuckin’ assassin army through being charming n’ fuckin’ oblivious–and because that Dream is even more oblivious. Feel bad for their Tubbo n’ Ranboo, though. And who could forget Tommy getting Mothman as a bodyguard? Fuckin’ amazing, and entirely deserved. Then the one where everyone filled in for Tommy, usually not even bothering to try to hide that, during–” He cuts himself off, glancing over at Atlas for a moment. The very human-appearing version of Techno sighs. “I can handle you mentioning Exile, Theo. I’m not that delicate.”
The eldest brother frowns a little, but nods. “Yeah, during Exile.” Perce blinks a few times. “...Are all your favorites just ones where the Dream gets dunked on, or can otherwise be used to mock Dream Prime?” “Obviously. Fucker deserves it.” Something dark flashes in the warrior’s eyes, though it’s gone as quickly as it arrived. Perce laughs, raising a hand for a high five. He says, as Theo returns the gesture, “Hell yeah he does!”
Orpheus, who thus far has been quiet, decides to speak up. “Well, as interesting as that was, we probably should–”
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He stops short, and all seven family members look between each other. Atlas furrows his brow and looks to the eldest brother. “Is that what the Fates are like?”
Theo scoffs. “Only a little. The Fates are way more pog, and there are so many more of them–” “And they like me a lot more,” Day says, grinning at the glare he gets. “Don’t encourage them.” “Don’t be mean to the voices in your head, Theo. They’re very nice,” his Dad teases back.
Lee interjects before it can devolve into another bout of bickering, though. “My Dad n’ brothers are the best. S’ why I don’t want to get big again too fast; I don’t wanna risk remembering being evil and going back to being like that. They’d be sad if I had to die ‘cause of it.”
It’s said completely and utterly matter of factly, as if every word of it is just the truth. Day looks stricken, starting to say something, but Lee cuts him off again. “That, n’ I get to learn so much like this. My brain can pick up on stuff better as a kid! I get to learn from a ton of people who are really, really good at the stuff they do, but I get to learn it without life or death stakes. Oh, and I’m less threatening like this, so I can make more people feel safe when they first get here. I’m, uh…how did it get put…” He snaps his fingers, eyes lighting up. “I’m a tiny beacon of hope n’ healing! And a source of bandaids, which are better than stickers. I will not be budged on that.”
Day looks utterly fond as he says, “You’re a tiny menace.” Lee stows his daggers and uses his wings to help him scramble onto the rock his dad is on, hugging him. Day immediately hugs him back. “Yup! I learned from the best.”
Theo barks out a loud laugh. “Hah! He’s fuckin’ got us, there! Lee is the best tiny brother, by the way–none of the rest compare.” He gets a shove, a kick, and an elbow from various brothers for that, though none of them are very forceful. Entirely unrepentant he says, “He is, though! Look at him; tiny baby brother. I would die for him–”
“Deal with your emotions in a healthy way, Theo! We’ve talked about this; stop saying you’ll die for him!” Day’s interjection is met by Theo flipping him off. “Fuck you! He’s worth it!” Lee shifts so he’s sitting beside his dad, and glares at him. “If you die I’ll cry forever, Theo! I’ll die of dehydration! You wanna murder me, huh? Gonna kill me from grief?!”
“That’s not fair, I don’t–” He gets cut off once more by the youngest of the family, who sounds exasperated in a very similar way to how Day had been. “Then don’t say you’ll die for me, dumbass! You’re supposed to be smart! Not the smartest��that goes to Dee–” The brother in question perks up a little at the compliment, even if the return to the idea of Lee’s death makes him visibly unhappy, “--or the cleverest and fastest, which goes to Perce. But, you know, generally smart.”
Theo scowls, slumping a little in his seat. “...Fine, no dying. None of die, ever. Happy?” Lee grins back, triumphant. “Yup!” Though worry still lines his eyes, Day rests a hand lightly between Lee’s wings. “You might as well mention what the rest of them are best at.”
Lee perks up at the suggestion, grinning. “Right! Attie is the most creative, ‘cause he does our jewelry, n’ Orph is the best with music n’ wood carving–he made my crossbow!” A crossbow, notably smaller than most and far more ornate, is produced from his inventory. “He’s so good with this stuff, just like Dee is great with weapons n’ armor–n’, again, Attie does all our jewelry, n’ he’s so fast with it, too! It’s so cool to see him just–speedrun through something new! Oh, and Theo…Theo is the coolest. I want to be able to beat up anyone who tries to hurt everyone I care about like he can! I can’t wait until I’m old enough to really keep up with him in spars–right now I don’t have the muscle memory to really do it.”
All of them are smiling, especially Theo. He’s visibly cheered up at the compliment, wings ruffling proudly. Orpheus points out, “You forgot Dad.” Lee blinks at him, and frowns a little in thought. “Dad is…I dunno. S’ hard to put everything he can do into words. He’s just…the best, period. Pretty sure he’s not bad at anything.”
If his other sons had been happy, Day is damn near glowing with happiness and pride. “I have plenty of things I’m bad at. But I hope you remember that I’m apparently the best, period, next time you get in trouble for something.” He pulls his youngest into another hug, his wing wrapping around him as well.
Lee sticks his tongue out at him, though is obviously happy that he’s happy. “I won’t,” he promises cheerfully, earning several snorts of laughter from both his brothers and the Swords and Shields.
“I mean–Theo said it. Best baby brother,” Perce says with a little shrug. “Yup. He’s going to be so fucking scary when he’s really got fighting down,” Dee adds, tossing one of his daggers in the air and catching it idly. Theo grins, visibly excited at the current topic. “Fuck yeah–tiny assassin brother, making his own potions n’ poisons n’ shit–”
The comments make Lee beam. “Anyone who thinks I’m the weak link is very, very wrong. I got my name because even before they really knew me, my family knew I’d be important to them. But that doesn’t mean I won’t learn how to protect myself and protect everyone else. This is my home, these are my people. If anything or anyone gets in here..? They won’t use me to hurt any of them. Not now, not ever.”
Day can’t help but look proud of that, even if the idea of someone threatening him clearly makes him unhappy. “And that’s why, despite the small army and us at your back, you still get taught so many random skills. Hopefully they won’t ever be needed, but…I feel better with you learning as much as you can.” He smiles, then gives a pointed look at a few of the nearby members of said army. “And that’s why he needs to stop being helped during survival training; I don’t care if it makes you sad that he looks bored, or it’s extremely unlikely that he’ll ever need to use it.”
Several of them look guilty, though most of them don’t so much as bat an eye at the rebuke. This is evidently a familiar argument, given the long-suffering sigh that Day has. “As for how I feel about him…? Lee is my son. He’s more precious than any treasure, more important than anything else. All of my sons are. They’re my heart, my soul, and my reason to keep going. They’re everything to me.”
Orpheus and Atlas look at each other, and the former shrugs a bit. “I can’t really top that, no matter how often I’m betrayed by this mockery of a family–” With a roll of his eyes Day tells him, “Not getting the last bag of tea or being ribbed by your brothers isn’t betrayal, no matter how many dramatic speeches you give!”
He gets a glare for his troubles, and a solemn, “This is what I mean! You’re stifling my creative freedom, and you deserve to be put in a corner for it! I stay for Achilles and Achilles alone. My only true brother, the sole member of this wretched hive of scum and villainy–” “Stop being jealous about everyone but you and Atlas being war criminals, Orpheus! It’s not a thing to be proud of!”
The glare only intensifies. Day removes his arm from around Lee, who looks pleased at being singled out as the only good member of the family, to start gesturing with it. “It’s not my fault you and Atlas both decided not to do any!” “This is a cruel, merciless farce that has the sheer fucking gall to call itself a family, with the sole exception of my tiny, precious brother–”
Atlas sighs, leaning back against the seat behind him. “Achilles,” he says, as his dad and twin bicker, “is important. He’s…he doesn’t have to deal with anything the rest of us did, at least firsthand. It’s why we’re all so protective of him. There’s a lot of stuff he deals with that most adults can barely grasp. It’s almost unheard of that he doesn’t make a point to go talk with anyone new that ends up here because they don’t get here if things went well for them, and he wants to make sure they’re okay. He cares, and he cares a lot. We’d be idiots if we didn’t care just as much about him in turn.”
His brothers give signs of agreement, though they’re more focused on Orpheus’ entertaining and deeply dramatic speech-slash-rant. “That’s a good way to put it. Lee cares, so we care back. The backbone and strength of our family is love. Dad might not be related to us by blood–well, not in the usual sense, at least–but…it’s hard to argue that he doesn’t care,” Perce adds, shrugging a little. “He saw that I was upset about my mom being…well, evil, and asked me if I wanted to be a part of his family. I could tell within five words of meeting him and Theo that they were everything I ever dreamed of being a part of. I said yes, obviously.”
Theo grins, nudging him with his leg and getting nudged back in turn. Perce continues, “I’ve never regretted it, even after I moved here. I still talk to my friends, still visit them sometimes. But this is…I’m really happy here. I get siblings who laugh and tease and sometimes stab each other, I get a dad who is damn near a hero in my eyes, I just…have more than I could have dared to hope for. Lee is that happiness personified. Dad keeps getting yelled at for it, but I can’t really…disagree with him, that all of them are worth going back into the Vault for. I would take every fucking second of that place if it kept them safe.”
The smiles the others have all drop in an instant. Day notices as well, eyes narrowing at the concerned on their faces. “Perseus, what did you say?” “Nothing! And if anyone says otherwise, they’re all liars who shouldn’t tattle like assholes!”
It’s very obvious that Day doesn’t believe that for even a fraction of a second, his attention shifting slightly to stare at the others. The one to immediately break is Theo, of course. “He needs to get fuckin’ yelled at for saying he’d go back in the Vault for us!”
Day’s wings fluff up in outrage and he points a finger at the second youngest. “Perseus Dream Flint Was-Taken, you KNOW that’s not okay–” His scolding is interrupted by a protest from the son in question. “You say it too! You don’t get to be a fucking hypocrite, Dad!” “Yes I do! That’s what I swore when I adopted each and every one of you, and I will not have the idea of you going back there even be an option!”
A stubborn, mulish glare meets that statement. Day’s eyes narrow, and then he hops down from his perch to go into the stands. “Alright, nope, training on hold while Perce gets dragged to a surprise therapy appointment.” The young adult in question groans. “Dad, it’s not that–” “It very much fucking is, actually! Until you get it through your thick fucking skull that none of you will ever set foot in there as a prisoner–until that is understood, you will keep getting dragged to therapy every time you make statements like that. They’re important, yes, but so are you.”
The glare softens, and is replaced by guilt. Day leans down, gently cupping Perce's in his hands while he presses their forehead together. “You matter. You’re my son and have been from the second you agreed to be a part of this family. You are worth more than a hundred thousand worlds who tell me stories without words and send packs of wild wolves to calm me down when I get upset. Nothing is worth you suffering. Okay?”
Any remaining fight left evaporates from Perce, who shifts so he can press his face into Day’s shoulder while he hugs him. “...Okay,” he says, voice oddly small. His wings are likewise tucked pulled against his back, like he's trying to either shrink down or burrow into the comfort he's being given.
His brothers all rest a hand on him or lean against him in a show of support. “Don’t threaten my second-babiest brother,” Theo says, a gentleness to his tone that usually isn’t present. “He’s very pog, and I’d be pissed if he was put through that again.”
Sometimes it was easy to forget that Theo knew what happened in the Vault. He rarely spoke about it, only vague allusions or implications…but he had still had to witness it, same as exile, same as everything else. He had a depth of understanding that was only outmatched by his Dad.
Perce laughs a little, not even looking as he lightly shoves him. “Fuck off, asshole.” “Nah. You’d miss me if I did that,” Theo teases him. Day lets his son escape the hug, watching as the two of them start bickering. It doesn’t take long for them to drag everyone else into it, Day included.
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