#Club Vostok
elcorreografico · 2 years
Entrega a la Colectividad Belarusa la ordenanza de donación de las tierras al Club Vostok
#Berisso #Clectividades | Entrega a la #ColectividadBelarusa la ordenanza de donación de las tierras al #ClubVostok
El intendente de Berisso, Fabián Cagliardi encabezó junto al encargado de Negocios de Belarús, Andrei Litvin, el acto conmemorativo por un nuevo aniversario de la independencia de la República Belarusa, que tuvo lugar en el Puente 3 de Abril.Durante el acto, Cagliardi hizo entrega de la ordenanza Municipal que autoriza la donación de las tierras al “Club Social, Cultural y Deportiva Vostok…
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tacomanarrows · 14 days
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Have a Day! (2024 Version)
You know it's a big day in the Tacoma Nation when Tac draws his WoF-sona lmao.
Today, May 23rd, 2024, marks 7 years since I first got my drawing tablet, so I decided to draw my first ever digital art piece (which is below the cut if you wanna see it)! Of course, as I was way deep into the WoF fandom at the time, it's of Vostok! It's nothing spectacular, but I think it does a good job at showing how my style has evolved over the years.
I think you can definitely see traces of my current style in the original piece [below]. Mainly I think you can see it in the head shape and the way I do the scales. This is also the first time I've drawn Vostok in about a year and a half, the first time I've drawn a dragon from a profile view since June of 2021, and the first time I've drawn Vos outside of a group piece since October of 2020! This is also Vostok's 199th Toyhouse gallery image, so after over 7 years, this mans might soon join Shep in the 200+ TH images club :3
Also to be fair, if you were to see him from this angle, usually the top sides of his wings would be a solid dark blue, but for the sake of this piece, I wanted to make it so you could see his wing membranes :]
Getting this drawing tablet was probably the biggest thing that ever happened in my art life, since it opened up SO many new doors for me, and to think I still use the same little Wacom Intuos after all these years. It's been with me through a lot, that's for sure lmao.
The title here, which I also used for the original piece, came from a line that a friend of mine in high school said all the time, saying that even if your day is good or bad, just try to live in the moment. It's not really connected to the piece itself, but I like the sentiment of it :]
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Here's the original, from May 23, 2017! When I made this, plainly I had not yet figured out some key things like lineart stabilization and how I wanted his colors and scales to work lmao. Eventually I figured out how I like to draw him and he stabilized into his current design haha. This was actually traced over another drawing that I had done traditionally prior to getting my drawing tablet. I figured for my first time using it, tracing over one of my pre-existing drawings would be a better way of starting than just a blank slate lol.
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outpost51 · 7 months
I know I’m late to the party for this ask game, but in the spirit of Halloween, I simply couldn’t miss out! So…
Trick 👻 or Treat 🎃?
I didn’t even flip a coin for this one, it’s Halloween, I’ve literally spent all day building these, happy spooky, ella <3
>> smth wckd <<
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>> smth wckd vol. ii <<
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tracklists pasted below the cut
smth wckd
halloweenie iii: seven days // ashnikko
luci // zand
black magic // zolita
where the dark things are // kerli
massacre // kim petras
spell on you // chester lockhart
trick or treat // grace
abracadabra // qveen herby
halloweenie iv: innards // ashnikko
cellar // char
sad ghost // ari hicks
prolly my spookiest beat // prodby668
monster // slayyyter
ghost // au/ra, alan walker
elvira // tezatalks
american horror show // snow wife
halloweenie v: the moss king // ashnikko
ur a zombie // jessie paege
vampires // night club
ferocious // lvcrft, bonnie mckee
devil // scarlett rose
witch // fløre
smth wckd vol. ii
welcome to the show // vostok
as above, so below // in this moment
devil’s worst nightmare // fjøra
season of the wxtch // gina and the eastern block
teeth // 5 seconds of summer
pet sematary // kaleido
the girl // p13rce
haunt me //johnny goth
frankenstein // rina sawayama
praying mantis // fka rayne
baddest witch in town // rosey reign
zombie // siiickbrain
sally’s song // clovet mae, brendon bolt
morbid curiosity // anne october
hex girl // dreadlight, maiah wynne
night crawling // corvyx, joey dean
skeleton // anavae
witchy woman // the haxans
goosebumps // fjøra
i put a spell on you // izzy reign
zodiac killer // nightmær
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isabelinrussia · 2 years
ВДНХ (”Выставка достижений народного хозяйства/Exhibition of Achievements of National Economy”) was suggested to me as a place of interest by a friend, and was a place that I didn’t even know existed in Moscow. Now, it is one of the places that I would recommend most for any visitor of the city. This place is so cool - it’s a giant park with fountains, greenery, food stalls, etc - but with buildings lining the roads dedicated to each of the former soviet republics. For example, you can find buildings dedicated to countries such as Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, etc, each containing information, art, artifacts, and even regional cuisine. I went inside the building for Azerbaijan and was entered into a space of Azeri carpet and rug making, famous Azeri art, Azeri food, and information about the country’s past and present. In this aspect, ВДНХ is an excellent way to learn about not only Russia, but all the countries surrounding Russia and their cultures in one single trip. ВДНХ also is home to interesting sights such as a full-sized airplane, a replica of the soviet Vostok rocket, and other points of interest such as the Moscvarium - Moscow’s main aquarium. Groups around Moscow also hold events here, as I saw when I walked through the gates and was surprised by a local Thai club performance. 
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Info about the Indian Spitz dog breed
The Indian Spitz is a little to medium-sized canine. It has a wedge-formed head with pricked-up ears and almond-molded eyes that are dull in variety. The nose and lips ought to match the shade of the coat, either dark or brown contingent upon whether it is dark, white, brilliant, or cream-hued.
The neck is solid and somewhat angled. The back is level with a profound, expansive chest. The tail is set somewhat high, persisted the back, and has a slight twist toward the end. It shouldn't reach underneath the hocks.The front legs are straight. Rump are solid with balanced thighs that are let down to level feet. Dewclaws on the rear legs are typically taken out.
Indian Spitz puppy is a flexible, fiery variety that is not difficult to prepare and makes a remarkable friend. It has a blissful demeanor and coexists well with youngsters and different canines.
It very well may be free however is friendly with its loved ones. This spitz loves human consideration and hungers for exercises like games, strolls, or deceives to keep it occupied. It makes a ready guard dog yet isn't forceful with outsiders.
The Indian Spitz has a layer of medium length that comes in strong shades of dark, white, gold, and cream, once in a while spotted or particolored. This breed doesn't have an undercoat.
The coat ought to be delicate and sleek with a full ruff around the neck, mane in guys, and padding on legs, ears, and tail. It sheds very little whenever brushed everyday or week by week for around fifteen to twenty minutes. Indian Spitz canines are brought into the world with grown-up coats that require a few months to come in.
The preparing routine for the Indian Spitz comprises of a week by week brush, shower when it is required, and customary nail managing. Dry cleanser can be utilized assuming there are no showers accessible. Teeth ought to be cleaned no less than a few times every week, and ears should be cleaned day to day or as frequently as exhorted by a veterinarian.
Eyes ought to be cleaned consistently with a clammy fabric to forestall tearing, and hair from the corners should be culled out each week.
The future of an Indian Spitz is 12-16 years. The most widely recognized issues can incorporate hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, cryptorchidism, and moderate retinal decay (PRA).
The typical level of a grown-up Indian Spitz is 12-18 inches, and the typical weight is 7-16 pounds.A solid Indian Spitz ought to have clear, splendid eyes liberated from release. The nose ought to be quiet and soggy with little, adjusted ears that crease over marginally. The coat ought to be perfect, gleaming, and liberated from tangles. The gums ought to be pink with teeth meeting in a scissors nibble.
The Indian Spitz is perceived by most significant pet hotel clubs, including the American Pet hotel Club (AKC), Joined Pet hotel Club (UKC), and the Canadian Pet hotel Club (CKC). Since it is a somewhat obscure variety, it isn't yet important for the American Interesting Variety Affiliation (ARBA) or the Establishment Stock Help of the Creature Wellbeing Trust.
The Indian Spitz can be found in canine shows and is at times found in dutifulness contests. This breed makes a superb friend, however it is additionally prepared to contend in different exercises, for example, flyball and dexterity.
It is likewise reared for work in the military and police powers because of its knowledge, dutifulness, and physicality. This spitz has been utilized as a sled canine, hunting dog, and ratter.
The Indian Spitz was created in India by the Maharajas, who searched out unambiguous characteristics to suit their dispositions and way of life. They were accustomed to partaking in nearby canine shows held every year. A few names have known this spitz, the Indian Spitz, the Pomeranian Imposing, and the Vostok Spitz.
The variety was found by English vendor mariners who took them back with them to Europe, and it turned into a renowned show canine there in the mid 1900s. The Indian Spitz was separated into two assortments during the 1960s; one with a tail and one without. Presently, they are as yet separated, yet there is likewise at this point not any contrast between them.
The primary canines to come to North America came over with Canadian officers during The Second Great War, yet it was only after the mid 1990s that the variety truly became famous.
This breed is shrewd, energetic, friendly with its family, and extremely athletic. It loves to run, hop, play with different canines, and take part in canine games like deftness. This spitz is easy going, mentally calm, and faithful to their proprietor yet should be mingled when it is youthful so they are not forceful towards different creatures or outsiders.
The Indian Spitz was created in India by the Maharajas. It is a little, dynamic spitz utilized as a friend and guard dog on their huge homes. A few unique names have known this variety, including the Indian Spitz, the Pomeranian Imposing, and Vostok Spitz.
The variety was brought to England during the 1930s and became popular as a show canine and friend. The Indian Spitz was separated into two assortments during the 1960s; one with a tail and one without. Presently, they are as yet partitioned, yet there is no contrast between them.
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therealuniverse · 4 years
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THE FIRST WOMAN IN SPACE: VALENTINA TERESHKOVA Tereshkova became the first woman in space aboard Vostok 6. She was born on March 6, 1937 and raised in Maslennikovo, a small town in the Yaroslavl Region. Her family included a younger brother and an elder sister; her father was a tractor driver who was declared missing in action in the Finno-Russian War of 1939-1940. Her mother raised the three children on her own whilst also working in a textile plant.
Tereshkova did not start school until she was eight, once the war was over. At the age of 17 she had to leave school so she could start working at the textile factory, to help support her family. She continued her education via correspondence course and learned to sky dive through the DOSAAF Aviation Club in Yaroslavl, an auxiliary organization of the Soviet Air Force. Tereshkova’s first sky dive was on 21 May 1959 and afterwards she set up the Textile Mill Workers Parachute Club and became its first head. Two years after that, she became secretary of her local Komsomol (Young Communist League) and earned certification as a cotton-spinning technology expert. A month after she turned 24, in April 1961, Yuri Gagarin officially became the first man in space when the Soviet Union launched the Vostok-1 spacecraft (http://on.fb.me/WtbCqM). Kamanin, the cosmonaut chief, believed it was the patriotic duty of the Soviet Union to beat the Americans to put a woman in space. He went to the Soviet Air Force and Chief Designer Korolev straight after Gagarin’s flight, proposing they find a female cosmonaut who would also be a dedicated Communist. With Korolev’s agreement, in October 1961 Kamanin ensured five women were among the 50 new cosmonauts recruited. Piloting was not a requirement for the recruits, as the Vostok was completely automated. Parachuting experience was essential however, as the cosmonaut within the Vostok would be ejected from the capsule after re-entry and would land on the Earth’s surface using a personal parachute. The qualifications were: females under 30 years of age; under 170 cm tall; under 70 kg in weight; physically fit; ideologically pure; who had completed parachute training of at least five to six months duration. Kamanin was one of the founders of DOSAAF so searched for girls matching his criteria among the Soviet Union’s aero clubs. There were 58 potential candidates within the DOSAAF and 40 of these passed the paper review and were sent to Moscow for interviews and physical examinations in January 1962. Tereshkova met all the requirements; though the fact that her father was missing in action rather than killed in action raised the possibility, though remote, that he had deserted or fled. As she was a Komsomol leader this hurdle was overlooked and she became one of five women selected as cosmonaut-candidates on 16 February 1962. Of the five, she was the least qualified and held no higher education; the others were test pilots, world-class parachutists, and engineers. The five women underwent training including weightless flights, parachute jumps, isolation tests and centrifuge tests. Kamanin considered Tereshkova, Solovyova and Kuznetsova to be the leading candidates for the first female flight to space. Tereshkova was very strong in the physical training, but struggled more than the others with rocket theory and spacecraft engineering. The training next included 120 parachute jumps as well as pilot training in MiG-15UTI jet trainers. All women were commissioned as lieutenants in the Soviet Air Force; Tereshkova also became a full member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. In May 1962 cosmonaut Gherman Titov and Kamanin joined a Soviet delegation to Washington. They went to a barbecue at the home of astronaut John Glenn, who led them to believe that the first American woman would make a three-orbit Mercury flight by the end of 1962. Kamanin managed to convince Soviet authorities that America may beat them to get the first woman into space, so the decision was made to approve the first flight of a Soviet woman within weeks of the delegates’ return to the Soviet Union. In August of that year the Soviets also achieved the first dual manned spaceflight, when Vostok 3 and 4 orbited in space together, each carrying a cosmonaut. Kamanin proposed that Vostok 5 and 6 should orbit two women in space together; this was the official plan for 1963. Selection for the flights took place on 19 November 1962; it was between Tereshkova and Ponomaryova. While Ponomaryova had the best test results, she did not tow the party line as well as Tereshkova did; when asked 'what do you want from life?' Tereshkova replied 'I want to support irrevocably the Komsomol and Communist Party' whereas Ponomaryova said 'I want to take everything it can offer'. Ponomaryova also maintained that a woman could smoke and still be a decent person, and had gone unescorted into the town of Fedosiya while there for parachute training (a scandal). The plan for a dual female flight was approved right until the last moment, when party ideologue Kozlov and Ministry of Defense Chief Ustinov quashed the idea on 21 March 1963. For propaganda purposes, only one female would fly. There would be a dual flight, but the other cosmonaut was to be a male: Bykovsky. This last minute training for Bykovsky delayed the dual flights for two months. Because Tereshkova was less qualified than Ponomaryova, she was chosen for the mission. Korolev planned a more complex mission for two women, which would involve space piloting skills and a spacewalk. Korolev planned to use Ponomaryova and Solovyova for the more complex mission, so Tereshkova was chosen for the ‘easier’ mission as she was the least skilled of the three potential cosmonauts. It was Premier Khrushchev who ultimately made the final crew selection however; Tereshkova was chosen as she was seen as a reliable communist, a factory worker from a humble background, and a 'good' girl. Kamanin later referred to her as 'Gagarin in a skirt'. Vostok 5 was launched June 14, 1963 with Bykovsky aboard. Two days later Tereshkova became the first woman in space aboard Vostok 6; she had the call sign 'Chaika' (Seagull). Kamanin, Korolev, and Mishin published their memoirs after the fall of the Soviet Union, discussing the problems of the flight. Korolev and Mishin both blamed Tereshkova for ‘psychological instability’. Kamanin claimed they exaggerated her difficulties during the flight and that she only had tasks assigned for the first day. When the flight was extended for a second, and then a third day, she had little to do and the ground command offered little support. Tereshkova did not release her version of events until 2007. She claimed the automatic orientation system of her Vostok capsule was incorrectly set up and that her capsule was oriented 90 degrees from the intended direction on orbit insertion. If retrofire was initiated, this would have sent her to her death in a higher orbit, rather than braked for a return to the Earth's atmosphere. It took a day for the ground crew to verify this and rectify the problem. She did vomit in space, and Korolev wanted to bring her down early because of this. She claimed it was due to the food, and not space-sickness. To combat her ‘space-sickness’, she was ordered to stay strapped to her seat and she developed a cramp in her right shin on the third day. She also developed a sore pressure point where her helmet’s ring pressed on her shoulder. Once ejected from the capsule, Tereshkova nearly ended up in a splashdown in a large lake before a high wind blew her to the shore. This resulted in a landing so heavy that she hit her nose on her helmet, giving her a large bruise. For public appearances after the landing, she needed heavy makeup. She worried this makeup would detract from her image as a pure worker girl. Tereshkova completed three days in space aboard Vostok 6. Bykovsky's Vostok 5 landed after five days in space, three hours after Vostok 6. A few people in the Soviet Air Force attempted to discredit her after her historic flight. Some charged that she was drunk when she reported to the launch pad and that she was insubordinate in orbit and deliberately disregarding orders from the Center. It appears those in charge thought she should have accepted death from the incorrect spacecraft orientation rather than embarrass the managers on the ground. In September 1963, 3 months after the flight, the militia alleged she was drunk and had created a scandal with a militia officer in Gorkiy. She denied the drunkenness but admitted to a confrontation with a militia captain. Kamanin defended her against all charges and it was Tereshkova’s opponents who were dismissed. There had been a joke that Tereshkova should marry Andrian Nikolayev, the only bachelor cosmonaut to have flown. The joke escalated into rumours of a relationship; these rumours reached Premier Khrushchev, who thought it would be a great idea for them to marry and applied pressure through Kamanin. On 3 November 1963 at the Moscow Wedding Palace, Tereshkova and Nikolayev married. The wedding party was held at a governmental mansion and Khrushchev presided, with top government and space leaders in attendance. Tereshkova gave birth to her daughter, Elena Andrianovna, on 8 June 1964. By most accounts however the marriage was not a happy one, though divorcing would mean the end of their careers. The couple were forced to remain together. Tereshkova and the other female cosmonauts were never considered for flight assignments on an equal basis with their male counterparts. Flights by women into space were considered only for propaganda purposes during the Soviet era. The number of flight slots was always fewer than the number of cosmonauts so any woman who flew in space was considered to be taking the place of a man. The proposed all-female Voskhod flight was cancelled; in part due to the pressure from Gagarin and the other male cosmonauts, also to allow the space agency to concentrate on the development of the Soyuz spacecraft. Tereshkova gained a graduate level engineering education at the Zhukovskiy Military Air Academy from 1964 to 1969, after which the female cosmonaut detachment was disbanded. Tereshkova became a Communist politician and international representative. In the late 1970’s the Soviet space agency again recruited female cosmonauts, due to impending flights by American women. Tereshkova hoped to be included and submitted to a medical review in 1978. Though Tereshkova did not pass the tests and was not allowed to fly again, she had fallen in love with a physician, Yuliy Shaposhnikov, at the military medical academy. Tereshkova separated from Nikolayev in 1979 and applied for divorce, but the divorce required the special permission of Soviet Premier Brezhnev, which came in 1982. Tereshkova and Shaposhnikov remained happily married for twenty years until his death in 1999. Tereshkova always dreamed of going back to space and particularly wanted to be part of the first expedition to Mars. She was one of many cosmonauts who were prepared to go on a one-way mission if it meant they could reach the Red Planet. Though Tereshkova never flew in space after 1962, she lent her support to many women’s organisations and worked tirelessly for the Communist Party. Among her many accomplishments include: member of the World Peace Council in 1966; a member of the Yaroslavl Supreme Soviet in 1967; a member of the council of the Union of the Supreme Soviet in 1966-1970 and 1970-1974. In 1974 she was elected to the presidium of the Supreme Soviet and was the Soviet representative to the UN Conference for the International Women's Year in Mexico City in 1975. In the 1980's she continued as a Deputy to the Supreme Soviet, Vice President of the International Women's Federation; and several other international positions. She holds two Orders of Lenin; recognition as a Hero of the Soviet Union; the United Nation Gold Medal of Peace; the Simba International Women's Movement Award; and the Joliot-Curie Gold Medal. In the year 2000, Valentina Tereshkova was named “Greatest Woman Achiever of the Century” by the British Women of the Year Association. In 2011, she was elected to serve in the Russian state Duma, where she continues to serve to this day. Tereshkova lives in a brick dacha on the outskirts of Star City; the house has a seagull weathervane on top, to commemorate her call sign. She has two grandsons, Andrei and Aleksei. In 1982 Svetlana Savitskaya became the second woman in space and in 1984 became the first woman to walk in space. There was a planned all-female Soyuz flight to coincide with International Women's Day in 1985, which was cancelled due to problems with the Salyut 7 space station. After the fall of the Soviet Union, Russian women flew to the Mir and ISS as regular crew members, not for propaganda purposes. “Once you've been in space, you appreciate how small and fragile the Earth is.” Valentina Tereshkova -TEL Read more about Yuri Gagarin here: http://on.fb.me/WtbCqM http://www.astronautix.com/t/tereshkova.html https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/valentina-tereshkova-quotes Image credit: https://www.esa.int/About_Us/ESA_history/50_years_of_humans_in_space/First_woman_in_space_Valentina
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gjhtfjry · 3 years
to keep the stragglers moving
That was as good as being a knight. Roose Bolton lies about his part in the Red Wedding, and his bastard lies about the fall of Winterfell. The grass concealed her, and he was looking elsewhere. Asha held her horsemen back as a rear guard, to keep the stragglers moving and see that no one was left behind. I’m by no means fond of them, except in certain cases,” he added with a loathsome laugh. A very special bequest was the wall clock my paternal grandmother got as a wedding present. Meanwhile, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was measured at the Soviet Vostok Station on the Antarctic Plateau. Because of that, they heard about Muskogee, Oklahoma, and the great airport we have just to be able to host an air show. bottines cloutees femme There must have been a blizzard the day she and Stannis wed. The wasps only buzzed the louder. Ilkay Gundogan starts in his usual holding role, in what could be his last game with the club, alongside Sebastian Kehl who remains in ahead of Sven Bender.. As I said, the people in this town are not spendthrifts. We do not say that Mrs. “You pretend very well,” said Tyrion, examining a shirt of heavy iron mail so full of holes that it almost looked moth-eaten. If they are, we'll see how we can move that forward," said Sullivan. sandalias doradas gioseppo Davis (Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom; ESO, ghete galbene piele Garching, Germany), Michael A. :)TrogdorJW Monday, July 19, 2004 link14 Oh, yeah, I get blue screens ALL the time while gaming on XP. The rooms have six doors altogether, with one being a swinging door to a kitchen (so potentially there could have been more door slams). It is an injury to the cause of freedom to ground the argument against slavery upon the frequency with which such scenes as these occur. Hike to a waterfall at Cunningham Falls State Park in Thurmont, explore the sandy beaches of Assateague Island or, maybe if you're quiet bikes btt usadas enough, catch a glimpse of a groundhog or the pair of bald eagles at Greenwell State Park in St. catalog cercei aur turcia Tomorrow is my wedding day.”. The emergence of tweens has already been noted with alarm in the United States, where some commentators have talked about the death of childhood as 10 year old girls are shopping for cosmetics, miniskirts and designer sunglasses. This is a two part system that increases the contact area between the fork dropouts and the hubs. Every one of her advisors had argued fervently against it, from Reznak and the Shavepate to Ser Barristan, but Daenerys would not be moved. Her bread is stale and her stew is unspeakable. District Judge James K. The idea of bringing back a plan that was vetoed by President Obama last year does not have legs in the Senate right now, as at least four Republicans have made clear they will not support the idea even though some of them voted for it back in 2015. I hope you understand that. Admission, which includes tram ride, petting zoo and pony rides, is $8.95; $5.50 for children. The Pirates and Giants were basically the same team during the season, with both having 88 wins and their phythagorean both at 87 wins. A host of Freys came with him.. As on Tuesday evening your father himself asked Natasha to do you the honour of becoming your wife, and you were delighted at his doing so, as I saw myself, you must admit that your behaviour is somewhat strange. After all, how many other five door hatchbacks come with slabs of giant bubblewrap along their flanks and bumpers? Those lumpen panels are the car's signature feature. "It like packing a suitcase," Simon explained. They taught me a lesson; a very effective lesson.. Less significantly, this horrendous act could besmirch a franchise that comic book fans and movie geeks hold dear. WMCA is a collaborative effort of businesses, academic institutions, government agencies, industries, and nonprofit organizations in Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, and Kalamazoo that all work to educate the public and promote clean air choices within their own communities.. But can the ease with which you get up and down from the floor really predict how long you are going to live?. Univ. Americans spent more too: The average holiday shopper spent $423 gotcha karkötő over the entire weekend, up from $398. The 16 year old student from Omagh says she finds singing much more natural than talking. Skeleton was universally lauded sandisk mp3 mode d emploi as the most innovative chassis ever. Asha had begun to hate the sound of horns. Director: Foster. This was done in a spirit of such simplicity and brotherly love that very few resisted the appeal. My brother said it was for the best, before someone wondered if we’d had some part in the king’s death and decided to torture us to find out. But frustration around EPA compliant engines post 2007 is understandable. Old Flint and The Norrey had been given places of high honor just below the dais. Hizdahr may fail. Someday.. Blake says they can constrict air flow, causing stinky feet. No classes, no exams, no pressure. Stay tuned, folks. Baynard finished first, Harrison took second and Rivera finished third. I looked at him stealthily. Sleep strategy Apply a lightweight salicylic acid serum after washing your face. The sellswords were a different matter. "I started to look into Turner having known the paintings, " the director says, "and once I started to investigate Turner the character, I thought, this world is absolutely meant to be dramatized." Turner was a man, for example, who had himself tied to the mast of a ship during a huge storm, in order to better understand the force of nature at sea a scene recreated in "Mr. He continue to improve izraeli kézműves ékszerek and izraeli kézműves ékszerek I do think he be a top player in this league for a long time . And they came. Maester Aemon used to say that lime juice and fresh meat would remedy that, but our limes were gone a year ago and we do not have enough fodder to keep herds afoot for fresh meat. In fact, it Mens JORDAN Hoodie barely feels any less agile than a Qashqai unless really pushed. It may be thought of as the ratio of the actual volume of a real gas to the volume predicted by the ideal gas at the same temperature and pressure as the actual volume.. Your freedmen are half-trained and unblooded. He was naked from the waist up, red and peeling, and seemed to be digging a hole.”. and he applies no product."Desired Hairstyle: THE RONNIERonnie gets a high fade. These are new systems popping up.. "I feel that should be available to any student athlete who earns their degree. I am the most Blessed man you know.". They fought in the predawn gloom, shadow against shadow, stumbling over roots and rocks, with mud and rotting leaves beneath their feet. I want to walk among the people that have less. Only a dozen of the big black birds remained with them. Dany wondered how many men thirteen galleys could hold. He felt this, and so Katya attracted him more and more.. No dish so much as touches Roose’s lips until he sees Lord Wyman eat of it first. Why would I want a rock? My manse is large enough for any man, and more comfortable than your drafty Westerosi castles.
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elbiotipo · 4 years
*Te pasa un billete de 100, de los de Evita, de Roca no.* Cuéntenos de Marcos, que lo amo.
gracias por la aclaración (y los 100 pe, me compro un alfajor con eso)
MARCOSSSS my boy marquitos, algunas de estas cosas las dije ya en posts dispersos pero los repito de vuelta:
Es de River Plate (punto en común con Pancho, que literalmente vive en el Río de La Plata)
La primera cosa que bioprogamó de chico fue un árbol de mandarinas que diera fruta en verano en vez de invierno. Desafortunadamente, eso significaba que SOLAMENTE daba frutas en verano.
Estudia biosistemática aplicada en el Instituto Biotecnologíco del Tigre (fundado a fines del siglo XXI), pero más que nada para conseguir el título; la mayor parte de su experiencia con bioprogramación es por práctica en el bioclub. Ha considerado varias veces poner su propio taller, pero no sabe que podría hacer.
Es uno de los miembros más viejos del bioclub Mariposa Tecnicolor, junto con Florencia, se unieron en el mismo año cuando eran adolescentes y son amigos desde entonces.
Marcos le quiso invitar a salir a Florencia un tiempo después de conocerse. Florencia es lesbiana, y hasta ahora no pierde un momento para cargarle por eso.
Tiene cabello (y pelo en general) flourescente, o sea, que no se nota a la luz del día, pero en la oscuridad brilla de un patrón entre el cian y el verde fluor. Ha habido varios chistes al respecto.
También tiene un tatuaje de un árbol evolutivo en su brazo, que tiene el equivalente de un puerto USB para conectarse con máquinas genéticas. Los nodos del tatuaje tienen biochips que son capaces de analizar, almacenar, e incluso modificar, secuencias individuales, patrones genéticos, y una leve capacidad de predicciones ecológicas. Es una maquinaria biocibernética extremadamente compleja e intrincada que fue implantada a lo largo de varias sesiones, y aunque muchos biopunks prefieren bioprogramar ‘a máquina’, tener esa perspectiva es muy valiosa.
También almacenan música, sobre todo biopunk argentino. Si lo enchufás a un parlante te haces alta joda.
Sí, lo usan de disco externo a veces.
Un running gag es que todo el mundo le pone apodos diferentes todo el tiempo. Marqués, Marquitos, Marx, Marcus, Marco Antonio, y la lista sigue y sigue. Hasta ahora no ha podido hacer nada al respecto.
Marcos tiene una moto Yamaha antigua del año 2030yalgo, aunque a estas alturas es más repuestos que original, y anda a biodiesel. No es muy buen mecánico, pero es una herencia del bisabuelo que se comprometío a cuidar.
Sabe un montón del espacio y de astronaútica, más que nada de lo que aprendió de chico cuando quería ser astronauta. Viste el meme ese de “oh so you like space? name every spaceship” bueno Marcos te PUEDE nombrar todas las naves espaciales del Vostok 1 en adelante.
Tiene la perspectiva de que la ciencia y la tecnología pueden solucionar la mayoría de los problemas del mundo, que mientras más libres sea la sociedad de utilizar la biotecnología más capaces seremos de hacerlo responsablemente, y que el destino de la humanidad está en el espacio. Esa perspectiva no suele encajar con el mundo en el que vive...
Tiene ascendencia peruano-argentina por parte de su padre, y italo-argentina por parte de su madre.
Marcos es católico (del estilo “uy che hace mil que no voy a la iglesia...”) y tiene creencias del catolicismo andino, sobre todo por parte de su abuela paterna y su tía. Sabe unas pocas palabras y rezos en quechua.
El padre de Marcos fue marinero en la Armada Argentina, y murió en una de las misiones de paz de la ONU. La madre de Marcos es profesora de programación y sistemas (programación “nomal”, no biológica)
El hermano mayor de Marcos, Martín, es oficial en el Servicio Ecológico Nacional (la famosa Genedarmería) y es más alto que él, y no pierde un momento para cargarle por eso. Se llevan como uno se podría imaginar, siendo hermanos.
Tiene insomnio. Trata de aprovechar esas horas para bioprogramar. Sus códigos terminan siendo una maraña de spagethi sin comentarios que no tiene ningún sentido al otro día.
Es el cocinero del grupo, pero no porque sea demasiado bueno en eso, simplemente por lo que aprendió de los días que tenía que cuidar la casa solo. Le salen bien las cosas simples; pizzas, fideos con salsa, asado...
Es peronista (o mejor dicho su equivalente en 2143). Obviamente. Un poco fanático a veces...
No tiene mascotas propiamente dichas (Fito no cuenta como mascota, es un ciudadano che) pero si se encarga del sistema acuapónico del club, así que sabe más de peces de lo que uno podría pensar. También sabe cocinar pacú gracias a eso.
Tema favorito: Cuando Seas Grande - Miguel Mateos
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moonwatchuniverse · 4 years
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June 16, 1963... First female spacefarer on Vostok-6 Tchaika mission ! The 26-year young Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkova became the first female cosmonaut and the very first woman to fly in space. In the 1950, Tereshkova was employed as a textile worker but was a competitive parachutist at her local Aero club. Her skydiving experience was a requirement for female cosmonauts as potential cosmonauts had to have pilot and/or parachutist experience and be under 30 years of age. Tereshokova’s Vostok-6 mission lasted 2 days 22 hours and made 48 orbits around Earth. Note the little white-cream dial Shturmanskie pilot wristwatch strapped over the left forearm of her SK-series “Skafandr Kosmicheskiy” spacesuit. Alexei Leonov is also in the right photo. Tereshkova retired from the Russian Air Force in 1997 having attained the rank of Major-General and is nowadays 83 years old... (Photo: scan MoonwatchUniverse collection)
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loppis · 5 years
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 7回目のイコロプラントフェア✖LOPPISまであと2か月。  焦る気持ちをビールごと飲みこむ怠惰なわたしです。  事後報告となりましたが、2週間前より先行チラシを配布しております。 来月には本フライヤーが完成予定です。  デザイナーは寺田侑司さん。  どんなフライヤーになるのか楽しみです。
 今年は厚岸在住N村の課外活動で出会ったお店も数店、参加されます。   (私にとって)居心地の良さ増し増しのLOPPIS、ぜひみなさまにも愉しんでいただけたら幸いです。  夏のおわり、秋のはじまり。  山下達郎先生の「さよなら夏の日」を聞きながら、イコロの森でお待ちしております。
\ イコロプランフェア&LOPPIS2019 /  ≪日時≫  8月31日(土)・9月1日(日)9:00~16:00 ≪場所≫  イコロの森 苫小牧市植苗565-1 ≪入場料≫ 300円(小学生以下無料)  *通常600円の有料エリアも入場料300円でお楽しみいただけます  *入場料の一部は震災関係の寄付となります。  *駐車場無料(約300台) ーLOPPIS参加店ー 〈家具・雑貨・洋服〉 unplugged pluie zuccaco ANJUNK Doggie Do!! トロニカ vue.  /  sinsin 北風works and ordinary ネクタイ 621 vaasä 小西木材 cava craft yukimichi po-to-bo pecoranera craft×craft かごあみ 絲 フプの森 Takechas Records METROCS Sapporo piccolina presse Anorakcity ILE ( MILL / TAMI) キムラヤ MEDO  ドロッピェ mori+ ayaco yoshioka ito‐made SORRY KOUBOU+臼田健二 nido kao TAKKU 35design Ânon hakop KIMAMA(丹野製作所+tek) *31日 クドウテツト ランベント SALVAGE YARD HITOHARI MUNIEQ 森のピタゴラス ヒシガタ文庫
<菓子・パン・食品> CAPSULE MONSTER SEED BAGEL & COFFEE COMPANY  エシナエトロ 桜楓堂 *31日 けんちくとカフェ kanna *31日 Le Calme LaLaLaFarm Canvas Cakes POTORI BAKERY *31日 VOSTOK labo *31日 ちょびりこ。ジャム研究所 ildono たべるとくらしの研究所 ラムヤート+toita 吉川農園 *31日
<フード> ポムメリィ チムチム ポロンノ コトキッチン×パティスリーラネージュ curry WALTZ(otocam) DELI DELI KINGYO さらもじ×AKKESHI Komp Beach KAMOME × KAMOME COFFEE スパイスの穴ムジナ pippin FORK minotake NORTHISLAND BEER  THE BIRD WATCHING CAFÉ 寿珈琲
ープラントフェア参加店ー Baranaka Club  La table verte  LaZy Daisy by HANAMURA  イコロファーム  いわみざわ公園バラ園  えこりん村 銀河庭園  G.A.A.L *1日  百姓のいえ *31日  ひろいと *1日  フロンティアプランツ  十勝ヒルズ  湯沢園芸  百合が原公園  北海道千歳ハム株式会社 *31日 ーOTHERSー イコロの森を育てる会 イコロの森YOGA ガーデンカフェ チセ
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elcorreografico · 3 years
Presentación de las Representantes Culturales Belarusa y Yugoslava
Presentación de las Representantes Culturales #Belarusa y #Yugoslava #Berisso #Colectividades #Institucionales #FiestaProvincialdelInmigrante
El fin de semana último, el intendente de Berisso, Fabián Cagliardi, participó de la presentación de las Representantes Culturales de las Colectividades Belarusa y Yugoslava.En primer lugar, asistieron a la jornada que llevó a cabo en Colectividad Belarusa, en el Club Vostok, en la que presentaron a Irina Oslovsky como la nueva Representante Cultural e Irene Roque como Representante Cultural…
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levysoft · 5 years
«La Terra è blu. Che meraviglia. È incredibile.»
Jurij Alekseevic Gagarin trascorse appena 1 ora e 48 minuti nello spazio, nel 1961. Avrebbe dovuto tornarci ancora, dopo qualche anno dalla storica missione Vostok 1, ma si schiantò a bordo di un piccolo caccia MiG-15UTI, il 27 marzo 1968, a soli 34 anni.
Pur non facendo parte in senso stretto del cosiddetto “club dei 27”, Gagarin resterà per sempre una vera rock star dello Spazio. Un eroe, ventisettenne all’epoca della missione Vostok 1, che deve la sua fama al coraggio di affrontare l’ignoto. Fu il primo uomo di sempre a volare nello Spazio, con un’attrezzatura che non garantiva affatto la certezza del rientro sulla Terra e senza avere un computer a bordo.
Alle 9:07 ora di Mosca del 12 aprile 1961 il maggiore Gagarin disse in radio “!” (andiamo!), spiccò il volo e compì un’intera orbita attorno alla Terra. Nel tragitto ellittico toccò un’altitudine massima di 302 km e una minima di 175 km, alla velocità di 27.400 km/h. Fu paracadutato di nuovo a terra alle 10:55, dopo un viaggio da “semplice” passeggero, interamente controllato attraverso un computer a terra.
La Vostok 1 non poteva essere comandata dal cosmonauta perché i test fatti precedentemente, con animali a bordo di navicelle analoghe, avevano evidenziato rischi connessi agli effetti negativi dell’assenza di gravità, che non garantivano il mantenimento delle capacità di pilotaggio. In caso caso di perdita di comunicazione radio a Terra, tuttavia, Gagarin avrebbe potuto sbloccare il sistema di controllo manuale e tentare il rientro.
Il computer dell’Apollo 11
Nella missione dell’Apollo 11 del 1969, invece, l’equipaggio ha potuto contare sull’aiuto dell’Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), sviluppato dal MIT, oltre che sull’efficienza di un voluminoso computer IBM a terra, con una potenza di calcolo notevolmente inferiore a quella di un moderno smartphone, ma all’epoca assolutamente all’avanguardia e capace di gestire il razzo Saturn V, le operazioni a Terra e le comunicazioni.
A cinque computer System/360 Model 75 installati al Mission Control del Manned Spacecraft Center di Houston erano inoltre affidati, nei momenti che hanno preceduto l’allunaggio, il monitoraggio e i calcoli di tutti i dati necessari per il volo, per la traiettoria di rientro in orbita, che è stata ricalcolata 400 volte nel corso della missione. Negli anni successivi IBM tornò nello spazio anche nel film “2001 Odissea nello Spazio”: nella finzione cinematografica il computer HAL 9000 faceva il verso all’acronimo dell’azienda statunitense, utilizzando le tre lettere precedenti, una traslitterazione per indicare appunto IBM.
L’interno della navicella Apollo 11 con i sistemi computerizzati, non arrivavano alla potenza di un moderno smartphone
Giornalista esperto di tecnologia, da oltre 20 anni si occupa di innovazione, mondo digitale, hardware, software e social. È stato direttore editoriale della rivista scientifica Newton e ha lavorato per 11 anni al Gruppo Sole 24 Ore. È il fondatore e direttore responsabile di Digitalic
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madeinpop · 5 years
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 14 al 20 Marzo 2019 ǁ stagione 16 ǁ
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, anche questa volta ce l'abbiamo fatta, ma non sappiamo se nelle settimane a venire riusciremo ad essere ancora presenti costantemente per aggiornarvi. CHECcO & LoRIS «Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti» ► Made In PoP segnala ◄ ᴥ ᴥᴥ prossimamente ᴥ ᴥᴥ SABATO 23 Marzo >>> BABY SHAKES al NOVAK https://www.facebook.com/events/1001943393348738/ SABATO 30 Marzo >>> ROLLERCOASTER Festival al Csa ARCADIA https://www.facebook.com/events/1202668083221383/ ► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 14 Marzo ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS. Fabiano Sebastiano 13 PADOVA in collaborazione con l'associazione YaBasta serata a sostegno del progetto "Sostieni un Uliveto a KOBANE", ne parleranno i grandi IVAN GROZNY e AURORA d'AGOSTINO. ᴥ BOSKETTO Ristorante viale Fratelli Bandiera 8 TREVISO per la serata live ospite il cantautore Giorgio BARBAROTTA in trio. ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) in collaborazione con EMERGENCY Venezia, proiezione del documentario "ISIS TOMORROW the Last Souls of MOSUL" e dibattito a seguire. ᴥ DRAGON FLY via del Lavoro 11 SALZANO (Ve) indie-pop con i SUNICO capitanati dall'energica Susanna. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) dalla Francia il blues shamanico di YOURI DEFRANCE. ᴥ MALACARNE via San Vitale 14a VERONA concertino in versione ridotta per la sperimentale LITE ORCHESTRA. ► VENERDÌ 15 Marzo ᴥ FISHMARKET via Frà Paolo Sarpi 37 PADOVA per gli extradate sarà qui il divertentissimo PARTY SUDOSO attitudine al divertimento e tanti balli in pista, ci sarà il live per The CONSULTANTS indiepunk e a seguire djset WET HOT ROOKIE + JULIE. ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA serata di musica indiependente con i VOSTOK stoner rock da Cecina e i locals POST NEBBIA tra psychedelia e indietronica. ᴥ GRIND HOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA tornati recentemente sulle scene, danno alle stampe un nuovi disco gli ACAJOU stoner/wave, in apertura i frizzanti FLAT FIFTY. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13/L San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) il rock alternativo con influenze grunge per i vicentini LÄSER. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) si festeggia San Patrizio  con l'irish folk acustico dei PATRICKS (Verona). ᴥ BRUS Bar via Roma 162 FOSSONA di Cervarese Santa Croce (Pd) in occasione del weekend di San Patrizio si fa festa con l'irish folk per The WHISKERY ROVERS. ᴥ HALL via Nona Strada 11b PADOVA tornano nella città patavina con un nuovo disco da presentare i C'MON TIGRE band multicolore afrobeat funk. ᴥ Osteria DA LAURO via Calcada 57 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) dalle 21 seconda serata della rassegna "Senza Corrente" con le esibizioni di Stefano ZANCHETTA, LUELO e la LOCANDA de BARDI, in collaborazione con ROCK4AIL. ᴥ HOCH HOLLE via S.Andrea PADERNO del Grappa (Tv) rock sperimentale e strumentale tra funk e metal per gli ALPHARD. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO da Berlino un combo multinazionale (Cile, Stati Uniti e altro) dedito al folk bluegrass, St.BEAUFORT tra tradizionale e comtemporaneità. ᴥ La STAZIONETTA via borgo Pieve 109 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) Sweet Noise propone il concerto per LA RANA di LEGNO cantautorato folk. ᴥ ROCK'n'ROLL via Galdola 26 FONTE (Tv) serata hard'n'heavy con i live delle band BROTHERS of NO ONE e KAMION. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave  108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) da Londra il coinvolgente show per TANKUS the HENGE e il suo mix stravagante di generi musicali. ᴥ OUTSIDER Pub via S.Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) sul palco il mitico LELE CROCE che festeggia anche i propri cinquant'anni. ᴥ Teatro DARIO FO piazza Castellaro 36 CAMPONOGARA (Ve) fine stagione concertistica con il jazz&pop di FRANCO NESTI & MATTIA D.P. duo, a seguire gli ottimi ROMEA combo indie-trocnico e visual. ᴥ ABOUT lista vecchia dei Bari 1165 Santa Croce VENEZIA ospite di Another Green questa sera qui GLAUCO SALVO (banjo e barba nei Comaneci) tra sentimento folk e traittorie avant. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) Synthetica e BSIDE ospitano il live di ALBERTO ALMAS, no wave synth punk, in giro a presentare il nuovo disco uscito via Slimer Records, in apertura REICHSSTELLE FÜR combo postpunk, a seguire djset DjB. ᴥ AL BARCO Cooperativa Insieme via Basilio dalla Scola 255 VICENZA girls rock band a kilometri zero, le frizzanti BLUE RIMMEL alternative rock, in apertura i RPOVINCIALE. ᴥ Teatro BUSNELLI via Dante 30 DUEVILLE (Vi) ore 21 per la rassegna IndiEsciplinata saliranno sul palco Valentina CACCO nel progetto "Violoncello Take-Away" e poi il grande SILVA CANTELE aka Phill REYNOLDS con il nuovo repertorio in italiano. ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) grande evento "391VENETO" progetto che racchiude le band della scena veneta degli anni '80, si esibiranno FRIGIDAIRE TANGO, PLASTICOST, WAX HEROES, DEGADA SAF e molte altre. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA a presentare il suo disco solista sarà qui EDOARDO MAGGIOLO batterista e field recordist. ᴥ Osteria Ai PRETI interrato Acqua Morta 27 VERONA country rock per i RED VALPO ROOSTERS. ᴥ IL TRENTA feelgood bar via XXX Maggio 21 PESCHIERA del Garda (Vr) rockabilly e non solo per il combo TRIPLE ROCK. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) spazio alle realtà indipendenti locali, GAMBLERS pop rock alternativo per la band metà vicentina e metà veronese. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) release party per la rock band veronese OVERKIND, in apertura GINEVRA ABRIGNANI. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) rock'n'roll/rockabilly per il power trio The JANCEE PORNICK CASINO (Us/Rus). ᴥ La FABBRICA degli ARTISTI via Oberdan 10 CEREA (Vr) una serata di grande hardrock con i furiosi locals The BROKENDOLLS e i grandi romagnoli SMALL JACKETS. ► SABATO 16 Marzo ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) serata in collaborazione con THREE BLACKBIRDS che ospita i giovani e freschi CACTUS?, indierock lo-fi molto divertente, che presentano il loro ultimo lavoro uscito per Costello's. ᴥ Cso PEDRO via Ticino 5 PADOVA dalle 21 festa con i SOTTERRANEI Dischi, due palchi e i live per JESSE the FACCIO, RONCEA, WINTER DUST, LaSCIMMIA e ALBERTO ALMAS a seguire djset The MOJOS. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA live intimo con GALEN ABBOTT (Us) alla chitarra e PIETRO SCONZA al contrabbasso, blues mescolato al jazz. ᴥ GEKYGIO via Alberese TREMIGNON di Piazzola sul Brenta (Pd) cantaurato controcorrente ed irriverente per ONE MAN PIER il cantabarista. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI di Villa del Conte (Pd) serata metallosa con le band KROSS of KHAOSS e BLACKDUST, djset sferragliante per Pippo City Rocker. ᴥ TRAVERTINO Pub via Firenze 74g PADOVA serata di musica indiependente in cui suoneranno i CAPOBRANCO rock e gli ELIZABETH II punk/grunge. ᴥ BERLINO beer fod & music via Ognissanti 83 PADOVA in occasione del weekend di San Patrizio si fa festa con l'irish folk per The WHISKERY ROVERS. ᴥ GREENWICH Pub via Marconi 104 FONTANIVA (Pd) funk'n'roll irriverente con testi demenziali per chioggiotti JOHN SEE A DAY. ᴥ SPIKIZY via Zuccherificio 41 BADIA Polesine (Ro) accattivante e coinvolgente rock'n'roll mescolato a swing e garage per gli ottimi TIJUANA HORROR CLUB (Brescia). ᴥ IL PRINCIPE in BICICLETTA via Castellana San VITO d'Altivole (Tv) Bassano Hardcore organizza qui i concerti per SUNPOCRISY post-prog e SCAVENGER deathmetal. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) festa di San Patrizio con il live dei MANODOPERA storica band combact folk rock. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciao 4 TREVISO rock'n'roll/rockabilly per il power trio The JANCEE PORNICK CASINO (Us/Rus). ᴥ NAPOLEONE Birreria via Martiri Libertà 46 RESANA (Tv) all'interno del weekend irlandese, buone birre e il combact folk dei DAUSHASHA. ᴥ HOME Rock Bar via Fonderia 73 TREVISO festa di presentazione disco con i live degli FGMD irish combact folk, in apertura Luca SQUEGLIA. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA serata garage/surf/hc con due giovani terzetti, i locals CODEINA SHEMALE e  venexiani SUPERTEMPO. ᴥ TOTEM Club via Vecchia Ferriera 135 VICENZA un protagonista della scena alternative dagli anni'80, GIOVANNI LINDO FERRARI, ex leader dei CCCP/CSI/PRG che ripercorrerà la sua lunga carriera, after show con il KING Max (Vinile Club). ᴥ VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) serata it-pop con il giovane artista AINÉ (Virgin dischi) in apertura il bravissimo Alessandro RAGAZZO a seguire djset Ordinary Noise e Caste. ᴥ Sala della COMUNITÀ via Carbonara 28 BRENDOLA (Vi) prende il via la XXIVª edizione della rassegna World Music, in collaborazione con Vo'on the Folks, suoneranno MICK O'BRIEN & BIRKIN TREE irlandesi che porteranno un progetto di suoni ancestrali delle uilleann pipes. ᴥ Csa ARCADIA via Lago di Tovel 18 SCHIO (Vi) festa di San Patrizio con il punk dei CETOMEDIO e il folkrock irlandese dei INISGLAS + djset tematico. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 ALTE di Montecchio Maggiore (Vi) punk stradaiolo per le band 40127 ShikHeads OI! Bologna e LENDERS OI! Roma + djset ska rocksteady. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà Barche 14 VICENZA racconti musica arte spettacolo e psychedelia per l'artista ANDREA TICH. ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 S.VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) balli e musiche popolari irlandesi per la festa di San Patrizio, suonerà il GOLOKA Folk Project. ᴥ MAMALOCA strada del Pasubio 421 COSTABISSARA (Vi) festa di San Patrizio con il live dei BALT HÜTTAR musica irlandese dal folk metal alla tradizionale. ᴥ BRÄUSTÜBERL MÜNCHEN via Aroldi 35 MONTEFROTE d'Alpone (Vr) festa irlandese allora punkrock, con i live per FLEASE e i mitici PLETYPUS. ᴥ CICLONE Cafè viale Martiri della Libertà CASALEONE (Vr) giovane rock indipendente in versione acustica con le band RED SUNSET RIVERSIDE e ZERO CALIBRO. ᴥ Bar the BROTHERS via Olimpia GREZZANA (Vr) torna in Italia a presentare il nuovo disco il songwrinter scandinavo BUFORD POPE in compagnia del chiterrista romagnolo J.SANTONI. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) si festeggia San Patrizio con gli amici HELL SPET country punk bresciani. ᴥ The FACTORY via Garibaldi 37 CASTEL d'AZZANO (Vr) serata di sonorità veementi con ospite il duo avant/retrò BOLOGNA VIOLENTA tra grindcore e soundtrack, in apertura gli ERGASTOLO metal/grindcore e i grandi CAROGNA VENETA noise/post-hardcore. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA serata goth/wave/synth/postpunk DANCE of YOUTH con ospite live il duo romagnolo SHAD SHADOWS dark/sythwave con alla voce l'emozionante Alessandra, a seguire djset tematici con PHERDY J e i suoi ospiti. ► DOMENICA 17 Marzo ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di S.Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17:00 aperitivo rock'n'roll/punk/hc/stoner e altro, non sappiamo chi suonerà, ma qualcuno ci sarà, sicuro. ᴥ OLD SALOON Birreria via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) aperitivo rock con le band VETRIOLICA grunge/rock, DEAD AFTER WEEKEND punk'n'roll, VIRIDIAN AURA prog/metal e ALICE for PRESIDENT rock/metal. ᴥ BOCCIODROMO via A.Rossi 198 VICENZA aperitivo cantautorale con la rassegna Boccio Tiny Desk con protagonisti il DIPLOMATICO & il Collettivo NINCO NANCO. ᴥ KRACH Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) aperitivo con il rockabilly freestyle degli ANT ABUSERS. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte Cultura via SS. Fabiano Sebastiano 13 PADOVA dalle 21 dagli States cantautorato blues mescolato al jazz per GALEN ABBOTT, Pietro SCONZA & Saint PETER. ᴥ NAPOLEONE Birreria via Martiri Libertà 46 RESANA (Tv) si chiude il St.Patrick's week con il concerto del duo PSYCHOOSTERIA voce e piano con un orecchio agli anni '20. ᴥ DUMP galleria Bailo TREVISO per i live della domenica salirà sul palco la PIAGGIO Soul Combination a presentare l'ultimo disco uscito per Irma Records, latin soul, boogaloo northern soul. ᴥ PANIC Jazz Club piazza Castello 42 MAROSTICA (Vi) qui serata psychedelia jazz/funk con il collettivo AL DOUM & the FARYDS. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastrengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) rock'n'roll/rockabilly per il power trio The JANCEE PORNICK CASINO (Us/Rus). ► LUNEDÌ 18 Marzo ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) in collaborazione con GoDown records saranno ospiti quattro ragazzi dalla provincia di Benevento, i 23 & BEYOND the INFINITE postpunk/shoegaze/psychedelia. ᴥ Il MONDO che NON VEDO via Beato Pellegrino 37 PADOVA dalle 19 ascolto guidato al disco "Zombie" di FELA KUTI presentato, e cantato, dalla bravissima FOLAKE OLADUN (Hit-Kunle) ► MARTEDÌ 19 Marzo ᴥ ARGO16 via delle Industrie 27 parco tecnologico VEGA MARGHERA (Ve) in collaborazione con PULSE farà tappa qui il tour degli XIU XIU avant-art-poprock con la partecipazione di Thor HARRIS degli Swans. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) ospite speciale BOB MALONE tastierista dalla band di John Fogherty. ► MERCOLEDÌ 20 Marzo ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) dal Brazile una delle più importanti band della scena attuale, The BAGGIOS duo che mescola riff blues e sperimentazione. ᴥ RETRÒGUSTO Bistrot via del Portello 22 PADOVA questa sera potrete trovare lo stravaganete e teatrale popfolk de L'ISTRICE. ᴥ Csa ARCADIA via Lago di Tovel 18 SCHIO (Vi) dalle 20 cena benefit da ostaria, menù ad hoc, canzoni ad hoc con il trio LA FORTUNA, raccolta fondi per sostenere la trasferta a Roma per la marcia per il clima. ᴥ Colorificio KROEN via Pacinotti 19 Zai VERONA workshop per batteristi con KID MILLIONS fondatore degli ONEIDA e altre band, aperta a tutti, portate gli strumenti. • https://telegram.me/madeinpop/ • https://www.facebook.com/Shyrec/ • https://www.facebook.com/threeblackbirdsfree/ • https://www.facebook.com/NewsletterMadeinpop/ • http://shyrec.bandcamp.com/
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The Indian Spitz dog is a little to medium-sized canine. It has a wedge-formed head with pricked-up ears and almond-molded eyes that are dull in variety. The nose and lips ought to match the shade of the coat, either dark or brown contingent upon whether it is dark, white, brilliant, or cream-hued.
The neck is solid and somewhat angled. The back is level with a profound, expansive chest. The tail is set somewhat high, persisted the back, and has a slight twist toward the end. It shouldn’t reach beneath the hocks .The front legs are straight. Rump are strong with balanced thighs that are let down to level feet. Dewclaws on the rear legs are generally taken out.
The Indian Spitz is a flexible, vigorous variety that is not difficult to prepare and makes an outstanding sidekick. It has a cheerful demeanor and coexists well with youngsters and different canines.
It tends to be free however is friendly with its loved ones. This Spitz dog loves human consideration and needs exercises like games, strolls, or deceives to keep it occupied. It makes a ready guard dog however isn’t forceful with outsiders.
The Indian Spitz has a layer of medium length that comes in strong shades of dark, white, gold, and cream, in some cases spotted or particolored. This breed doesn’t have an undercoat.
The coat ought to be delicate and satiny with a full ruff around the neck, mane in guys, and padding on legs, ears, and tail. It sheds very little whenever brushed everyday or week by week for around fifteen to twenty minutes. Indian Spitz canines are brought into the world with grown-up coats that require a few months to come in.
The preparing routine for the Indian Spitz comprises of a week by week brush, shower when it is required, and standard nail managing. Dry cleanser can be utilized assuming there are no showers accessible. Teeth ought to be cleaned no less than a few times every week, and ears should be cleaned day to day or as frequently as exhorted by a veterinarian.
Eyes ought to be cleaned consistently with a sodden material to forestall tearing, and hair from the corners should be culled out each week.
The future of an Indian Spitz is 12–16 years. The most widely recognized issues can incorporate hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, cryptorchidism, and moderate retinal decay (PRA).
The typical level of a grown-up Indian Spitz is 12–18 inches, and the typical weight is 7–16 pounds. A solid Indian Spitz ought to have clear, splendid eyes liberated from release. The nose ought to be quiet and soggy with little, adjusted ears that crease over somewhat. The coat ought to be spotless, reflexive, and liberated from tangles. The gums ought to be pink with teeth meeting in a scissors nibble.
The Indian Spitz is perceived by most significant pet hotel clubs, including the American Kennel Club (AKC), United Kennel Club (UKC), and the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). Since it is a moderately obscure variety, it isn’t yet essential for the American Rare Breed Association (ARBA) or the Foundation Stock Service of the Animal Health Trust.
The Indian Spitz can be found in canine shows and is every so often found in dutifulness rivalries. This breed makes a great friend, yet it is likewise prepared to contend in different exercises, for example, flyball and nimbleness.
It is additionally reproduced for work in the military and police powers because of its knowledge, compliance, and physicality. This spitz has been utilized as a sled canine, hunting dog, and ratter.
The Indian Spitz was created in India by the Maharajas, who searched out unambiguous attributes to suit their demeanors and way of life. They were accustomed to participating in nearby canine shows held every year. A few names have known this spitz, the Indian Spitz, the Pomeranian Husky, and the Vostok Spitz.
The variety was found by British dealer mariners who took them back with them to Europe, and it turned into a renowned show canine there in the mid 1900s. The Indian Spitz was partitioned into two assortments during the 1960s; one with a tail and one without. As of now, they are as yet separated, however there is additionally at this point not any contrast between them.
The principal canines to come to North America came over with Canadian troopers during World War II, yet it was only after the mid 1990s that the variety truly became famous.
This breed is canny, vivacious, friendly with its family, and exceptionally athletic. It loves to run, hop, play with different canines, and partake in canine games like deftness. This spitz is laid back, mentally calm, and faithful to their proprietor however should be mingled when it is youthful with the goal that they are not forceful towards different creatures or outsiders.
The Indian Spitz was created in India by the Maharajas. It is a little, dynamic spitz utilized as a sidekick and guard dog on their enormous bequests. A few unique names have known this variety, including the Indian Spitz, the Pomeranian Husky, and Vostok Spitz.
The variety was brought to Britain during the 1930s and became well known as a show canine and friend. The Indian Spitz was partitioned into two assortments during the 1960s; one with a tail and one without. At present, they are as yet partitioned, yet there is no distinction between them.
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creaturecompanion07 · 3 years
Indian Spitz Dog Breed Information
The Indian Spitz dog  is a small to medium-sized dog. It has a wedge-shaped head with straight ears and dark almond-shaped eyes. The nose and lips should match the color of the coat, whether it is black or brown, depending on whether it is black, white, gold or cream.
The neck is fleshy and slightly arched. The back is flat with a broad and deep chest. The tail is relatively high, carried backward, and slightly wavy at the end. It should not go under the shackles. The front legs are straight. Hindquarters are muscular with well-rounded thighs that reduce to flat feet. The dewclaws on the hind legs are usually removed.
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The Indian Spitz is a versatile and energetic breed that is easy to train and makes an exceptional companion. They are cheerful and get on well with children and other dogs.
He can be independent but is affectionate towards his family. This Spitz loves human attention and craves activities such as play, walks, or tricks to keep them engaged. It is an attentive watchdog, but it is not aggressive towards strangers.
The Indian Spitz has a medium-length coat that comes in solid black, white, gold, and cream colors, sometimes with a mottled or solid color. This breed has no undercoat.
The coat should be smooth and silky with a full ruff, a mane on the males, and feathers on the legs, ears, and tail. You lose very little when you brush for about fifteen to twenty minutes daily or weekly. Indian Spitz dog breed are born with adult coats that take two to three months to develop.
The Indian Spitz's grooming routine includes weekly brushing, bathing if necessary, and regular nail trimming. Dry shampoo can be used if the toilet is not available. Teeth should be brushed at least two to three times a week, and ears cleaned daily or as often as recommended by the vet.
To avoid tears, the eyes should be cleaned regularly with a damp cloth and the hair in the corner of the eyes should be plucked every week.
The life expectancy of an Indian Spitz is 12 to 16 years. The most common problems may be hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, cryptorchidism, and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA).
The average height of an adult Indian Spitz is 12 to 18 inches and the average weight is 7-16 pounds. The eyes of a healthy Indian Spitz should be clear, clean with no discharge. The nose should be cool and moist with small, round ears that fold up easily. The coat should be clean, shiny, and tangle-free. The gums should be pink due to the meeting of the teeth with a scissor bite.
The Indian Spitz is recognized by most of the major dog clubs including the American Kennel Club (AKC), the United Kennel Club (UKC), and the Canadian Kennel Club (CKC). Because this is a relatively unknown breed, it is not yet part of the American Rare Breed Association (ARBA) or the Animal Health Trust Foundation Stock Service.
The Indian Spitz can be seen in dog shows and is sometimes seen in obedience shows. This breed makes an excellent companion, but it is also trained for other activities such as flyball and agility.
Because of their intelligence, obedience, and athleticism, they are also bred for military and police work. This spitz was used as a sled dog, sniffer dog, and rat.
The Indian Spitz was developed in India by Maharajas who were looking for specific traits to match their temperament and lifestyle. They were used to attending local dog shows every year. This spitz is known by various names, Indian Spitz, Pomeranian Husky, and Vostok Spitz.
The breed was discovered by British merchant sailors who brought them to Europe and they became a famous show dog there in the early 1900s. In the 1960s the Indian Spitz was divided into two varieties; One with a tail and the other without the tail. Currently, they are still divided, but there is no difference between them either.
The first dogs to arrive in North America were passed by Canadian soldiers during World War II, but the breed didn't really become popular until the early 1990s.
This breed is intelligent, lively, affectionate with family, and very athletic. He enjoys running, jumping, playing with other dogs, and participating in canine sports such as agility. This Spitz is good-natured, level-headed, and loyal to its owner, but it needs socialization at an early age, ie.
For more information visit our website Creature Companion.
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dstrachan · 3 years
‘VIEWS FROM THE EDGE’ - w/c 24th May 2021
Vostok Lake 'Abomination'
Parabola West 'Calling Your Name'
Queen & David Bowie 'Under Pressure
Storii 'Black Lives Matter'  
Unidentified String Quartet 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band – With A Little Help From My Friends'
Midnight Oil 'Beds Are Burning'  
The Humpff Family 'Love Death Divorce Prison Alcohol Prison Rivers & Trains'
The Shamen 'Move Any Mountain (Beat Edit)'
Underworld 'Pearl's Girl'
Crowded House 'Four Seasons In One Day'  
Vostok Lake 'Don't Tell The Doctor (That You're God)'
Mungo's Hi Fi x Gardna & Catching Cairo 'Back In The Dayz'
Catatonia 'Dazed Beautiful & Bruised'
Led Zeppelin 'Dazed & Confused'
Vostok Lake 'No Choice In The Matter'
Tenek 'A New Foundation'
Republica 'Christiana Obey'
Kenelis 'We Could Die Any Minute'
Sertraline 'Dead Set'
Saint Saviour 'Birdsong'
Vostok Lake 'Cut & Run'
Pale Honey 'Fiction'
Simon & Garfunkel 'America'
Vostok Lake 'For My Sister'
Vostok Lake 'Girl Without A Past'
Loud Women 'Reclaim These Streets'
Madisyn Whajne 'Summer Love'
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