#Coalition To Stop Gun Violence
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Steve Brodner
* * * *
July 24, 2024
JUL 25, 2024
Tonight, President Joe Biden explained to the American people why he decided to refuse the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination and hand the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris. 
Speaking from the Oval Office from his seat behind the Resolute Desk, a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880, Biden recalled the nation’s history. He invoked Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence; George Washington, who “showed us presidents are not kings”; Abraham Lincoln, who “implored us to reject malice”; and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who “inspired us to reject fear.”
And then he turned to himself. “I revere this office, but I love my country more,” he said. “It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president.” But, he said, the defense of democracy is more important than any title, and democracy is “larger than any one of us.” We must unite to protect it. 
“In recent weeks, it has become clear to me that I need to unite my party in this critical endeavor,” he said. “I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future, all merited a second term. But nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition. So I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. It’s the best way to unite our nation.”
There is “a time and a place for long years of experience in public life,” Biden said. “There’s also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is now.”
Biden reminded listeners that he is not leaving the presidency and will be continuing to use its power for the American people. In outlining what that means, he summed up his presidency. 
For the next six months, he said, he will “continue to lower costs for hard-working families [and] grow our economy. I will keep defending our personal freedoms and civil rights, from the right to vote to the right to choose. I will keep calling out hate and extremism, making it clear there is…no place in America for political violence or any violence ever, period. I’m going to keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence [and] our planet from [the] climate crisis.”
Biden reiterated his support for his Cancer Moonshot to end cancer—a personal cause for him since the 2015 death of his son Beau from brain cancer—and says he will fight for it, (although House Republicans have recently slashed funding for the program). He said he will call for reforming the Supreme Court “because this is critical to our democracy.”
He promised to continue “working to ensure America remains strong, secure and the leader of the free world,” and pointed out that he is “the first president of this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.” He promised to continue rallying a coalition of nations to stop Putin’s attempt to take over Ukraine, and vowed to continue to build the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He reminded listeners that when he took office, the conventional wisdom was that China would inevitably surpass the United States, but that is no longer the case, and he said he would continue to strengthen allies and partners in the Pacific. 
Biden promised to continue to work to “end the war in Gaza, bring home all the hostages and bring peace and security to the Middle East and end this war,” as well as “to bring home Americans being unjustly detained all around the world.”
The president reminded people how far the nation has come since he took office on January 20, 2021, a day when, although he didn’t mention it tonight, he went directly to work after taking the oath of office. “On that day,” he recalled, “we…stood in a winter of peril and winter of possibilities.” The United States was “in the grip of the worst pandemic in the century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” But, Biden said, “We came together as Americans. We got through it. We emerged stronger, more prosperous and more secure.”
“Today we have the strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16 million new jobs—a record. Wages are up, inflation continues to come down, the racial wealth gap is the lowest it’s been in 20 years. We are literally rebuilding our entire nation—urban, suburban and rural and tribal communities. Manufacturing has come back to America. We are leading the world again in chips and science and innovation. We finally beat Big Pharma after all these years to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors…. More people have health care today in America than ever before.” Biden noted that he signed the PACT Act to help millions of veterans and their families who were exposed to toxic materials, as well as the “most significant climate law…in the history of the world” and “the first major gun safety law in 30 years.”
The “violent crime rate is at a 50-year low,” he said, and “[b]order crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. I’ve kept my commitment to appoint the first Black woman to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I also kept my commitment to have an administration that looks like America and [to] be a president for all Americans.”
Then Biden turned from his own record to the larger meaning of America.
“I ran for president four years ago because I believed…that the soul of America was at stake,” he said. “America is an idea. An idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It’s the most powerful idea in the history of the world.” 
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” he said. “We are all created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. We’ve never fully lived up to…this sacred idea—but we’ve never walked away from it either. And I do not believe the American people will walk away from it now.
“In just a few months, the American people will choose the course of America’s future. I made my choice…. “[O]ur great vice president, Kamala Harris… is experienced, she is tough, she is capable. She’s been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country.
“Now the choice is up to you, the American people. When you make that choice, remember the words of Benjamin Franklin hanging on my wall here in the Oval Office, alongside the busts of Dr. [Martin Luther] King and Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez. When Ben Franklin was asked, as he emerged from the [constitutional] convention…, whether the founders [had] given America a monarchy or a republic, Franklin’s response was: ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’... Whether we keep our republic is now in your hands.” 
“My fellow Americans, it’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years,” President Biden told the American people. “Nowhere else on Earth could a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and in Claymont, Delaware, one day sit behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office as the president of the United States, but here I am.
“That’s what’s so special about America. We are a nation of promise and possibilities. Of dreamers and doers. Of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. I’ve given my heart and my soul to our nation, like so many others. And I’ve been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the American people. I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you.
The great thing about America is, here kings and dictators do not rule—the people do. History is in your hands. The power’s in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. You just have to keep faith—keep the faith—and remember who we are. We are the United States of America, and there is simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. So let’s act together, [and] preserve our democracy. God bless you all and may God protect our troops. 
“Thank you.”
And with that, President Joe Biden followed the example of the nation’s first president, George Washington, who declined to run for a third term to demonstrate that the United States of America would not have a king, and of its second president, John Adams, who handed the power of the presidency over to his rival Thomas Jefferson and thus established the nation’s tradition of the peaceful transition of power. Like them, Biden gave up the pursuit of power for himself in order to demonstrate the importance of democracy. 
After the speech, the White House served ice cream to the Bidens and hundreds of White House staffers in the Rose Garden.
And when the evening was over, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden posted an image of a handwritten note on social media. It read: “To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude. Thank you for the trust you put in Joe—now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala.” 
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Isn’t that what he wanted? Part two
part one | part two | part three
Tags: @the-flaminhos @zer0brainc3lls
Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide, Violence, character death, sad, a bit gory, guns are mentioned.
(I have quoted parts from the death cure)
The Flare, medical name Virus VC321xb47 was a man-made disease created by the Post-Flares Coalition after the Sun Flares. The idea was to decrease the population to a point where the remaining food supplies would be steady by systematically infecting people with the virus.
However the plan had its flaws. The disease was easily able to mutate and spread, causing a pandemic, and a desperate need for a cure, or some sort of treatment to handle it because otherwise, fatalities would outnumber those born, and humanity would risk extinction.
The last city, 23:19PM, Thomas and Newt had just found and rescued Minho from the WICKED facility. And now they could be safe and happy, just the three of them reunited and Bubbles together with no WICKED to worry or run from again, right?
If only it was that easy and simple. But life’s not fair, easy or simple, they’d learnt that the hard way.
They ran together, trying to reach the tunnels to join everyone as they went to evacuate the progressively breaking city.
Newt, however, fell behind. He couldn’t keep up, his body slowly deteriorated as the virus moved up further. Blackened, dying veins made their way up to his porcelain skin, making his features look like cracking pottery. He coughed and moved against a wall, struggling.
The others were long gone, but Thomas stayed put. He was struggling to walk or support his frame, the black liquid spilling his mouth “Tommy.. please.. I..”
It seemed like a light switch, flicked on every time the flare took a hold of Newt, he’d become aggressive and seem more like a monster. Thomas tried to grab him to carry him to the others but he pushed him away, grabbing the gun from him, more of that vile liquid spilling, he pointed it at the boy he did love so so dearly. Then the switch flicked off and he noticed what he was doing, instantly turning the barrel to face himself. He hated this creature inside him.
The brunette pushed him down, taking the gun off him so he couldn’t hurt himself. Newt frantically took his capsule necklace off, almost snapping it “Take it..” he said breathlessly, barely audible. Thomas was trying to calm him but his attempts were futile.
That switch was flicked on once more.
“TAKE IT!” He yelled at Thomas desperately, snatching his hand to give him it. He tried to find Thomas’ eyes for some clarification he was real. The switch turned off “Tommy.. please do it..” the eyes Thomas found utter comfort in we’re now pleading him to pull the trigger.
Thomas refused.
“Kill me Tommy, if you’ve ever loved me, kill me, please.” The blonde begged, the pleas became more intense “KILL ME! Please! Put me out my misery before I become like them! I don’t wanna become one..” he sobbed, he was quite literally begging for death. For that sick, twisted peace he’d sought for many years before on the maze walls. The pain he felt currently, brought back those all too familiar feelings of loneliness and despair.
Thomas refused once more.
“Do it! Kill me or I kill you!”
“Do it before I become one of them!”
“KILL ME!” And then newt’s eyes cleared, filled with a familiarity, a last gasp of sanity and the aggression stopped, voice soft “please Tommy please.”
And then with his heart falling into the black abyss, Thomas pulled the trigger.
He felt guilty the second he heard the gunshot. He couldn’t even find the tears to cry, he’d just killed the one he loved, Newt, the one he did all this for, he’d just killed him.
The last city, 23:57PM, Thomas and Minho sat over the cold, cold corpse of their beloved friend. Minho closed Newt’s eyes to make it more peaceful for him, like he was sleeping.
There was movement in Newt’s satchel, a small fluffy cat crawled out, walking to her owner in confusion. The poor thing didn’t understand what had happened to her friend. She pawed at Thomas. After noticing that he was crying, she realised.
Her owner was dead.
right so the bubbles mention at the end, I feel so bad for doing that I’d like to formally apologise to specifically @the-flaminhos and @zer0brainc3lls I will get some fluffy Bubbles content for you seen.
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lhs3020b · 3 months
The General Election Fallout Post
Hello again; I, uh, forgot to visit Tumble Dot Com for a bit.
Anyway, I'm back. For now, at least.
And yes, Election Day has been and gone. So let's start with some anti-Tory schadenfreude: ROFL, LMAO, LOL, get fucked, idiots. Good riddance, rust in pieces, you will not be missed.
Unfortunately, the overall political picture is - well, let's be honest, for a massive anti-Tory defeat it's ended up more bleak than I would have considered likely.
Unfortunately, the Tories didn't quite collapse in the way I hoped - they had a very bad night, but they're still the official Opposition, so the party will survive as a corporate entity. And that means we'll probably get it back at some point, which I'm not exactly thrilled about.
Meanwhile Labour managed to produce the most flimsy landslide anyone's ever seen. I say flimsy because actually, they took fewer votes than they did in 2019 - remember how our good friends the wise and all-knowing centrists assured us that that was a true sin unto the ages, and we should all hang our heads in shame and never be seen in public again? Yeeeeaaaaah. Your boy Keith did worse, guys. Meanwhile, Labour's fraction of the actual vote-that-was-cast was ... actually not great, either, at 34%. While he won, it's clear he's not loved.
Yes, that's right, their performance is barely a percentage-point better than 2019. And, uh, about 10 percentage-points down on what the Very Serious And All-Knowing Opinion Pollsters claimed it would be. So yes, there's been another fuckie-wuckie from the pollsters; unfortunately, as they technically got the headline result right (if none of the details), I suppose they'll get away with it :(
(Rewards for failure; it's very on-brand for the 2020s, isn't it?)
The only reason last night's landslide happened was because the Tory 2019 voter-coalition disintegrated (though, not as far as the pollsters claimed it would - honestly, we're overdue a period of silence from those guys).
In fairness yes, Labour get to form a government and yes they have a huge majority. But, what they pulled off yesterday will only work once - there will be no second Tory collapse - and their economic plans in particular have some ticking timebombs under them. A hint: what if the GDP Growth Fairy doesn't visit these sceptred isles after all ... ? How will Starmer's leadership ratings cope once their fiscal rules force them to deliver another austerity budget? What will they cut? What public services or government departments will simply stop?
TBH I wouldn't be even slightly surprised if, even one year in the future, Starmer's ratings and his party's have imploded. Yes, I'm fallible and I could be wrong, maybe they'll land another massive landslide in 2029 - but I'm worried about the future.
This brings us to Reform, Nigel Farage's latest vanity vehicle/puppet party-shaped object.
Unfortunately, a lot of the ex-Tory vote went to Reform UK, and if there was any question that Refuck are actual full-fat fascists, then I think the recent mini-scandal put paid to that. (For those who don't know, some Refuck activists were recently caught on camera by Channel 4 News, literally calling for asylum seekers to be machine-gunned, demanding a police pogrom against LGBTQ people, and so on. In as many words. No dog whistles, no coded remarks or anything like that. It was literally - and horrifyingly - what it sounded like. A call for deliberate, directed State violence against minority groups. Centrists, please, if you can't see that for what it is, then please consider why that might be!)
So, given that Refuck have won 5 seats, we now have actual, unambiguous fascists in Parliament. And that was something that had never quite happened before - our politics could often be an awful cesspit but even during the worst parts of the post-2016 crisis we hadn't quite tipped off that ledge.
Not now. Yay us, I guess?
You can tell I'm not enjoying this post anywhere near as much as I wanted to, can't you?
Anyway, fuck the Tories, fuck their ex-MPs, fuck their remaining ones and as for the people who still voted for them in spite of everything, honestly, what's wrong with you? (Seriously - why? What do you see in them? They've done nothing for you. They spent lockdown pissed on expensive wine and laughing at you. Why are you still supporting them?)
The other news is that the Lib Dems are back. They've done a surprisingly-efficient job of turning votes into seats - in fact it looks like they barely wasted any votes anywhere, and so have managed to get from 12 seats to 71 - yes, 71! - while taking only about 12% of the vote. Well, credit where it's due, I suppose. And much as I will never forgive the Coalition for setting us onto the path of ruin that we're on, nonetheless during the campaign Ed Davey was the only person who actually seemed to be enjoying himself. It seems to have worked out - the LDs have had their best election result since the 1920s.
If you want to look for some (possible) rays of light in this mess ... well, the Green Party did relatively well. Their vote went up, and they now have four MPs, vserus 1 in the previous Parliament. (Full disclosure: I voted Green. I don't think they're perfect, I'm not a stan, but Sir Keith's "changed" Labour Party has obvious contempt and loathing for people like me so ... fine? We'll go our separate ways, then.) Much to my surprise, they came second in my constituency, which I genuinely hadn't expected. Apparently my vote was less wasted than usual, it would seem. And the Greens' growth happened in spite of them being resolutely ignored by the entire print and broadcast media, so apparently they don't need the media to keep making progress. It is possible that their growth could continue, and maybe another election-cycle might give us back a semi-worthwhile left-of-center opposition party ... but here I am committing the Sin of Optimism, aren't I?
Also, well, lots and lots of Tories are miserable today. Grant Shapps has had a case of the slaps, Rees-Mogg has been time-warped back to the 18th Century (honestly he'll probably be happier there, it's for the best for everyone) and Liz Truss got yeeted feet-first into the Sun. (Sorry, Sol.)
Also a lot of bootlicking newspaper opinion columnists are having a proper meltdown today, and that is genuinely funny. They certainly deserve no sympathy.
So yeah, the overall picture is a) good riddance to Sunak, b) fuck the Tories and c) oh dear goodness, it's somehow all still a mess.
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lboogie1906 · 5 months
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The Watts Truce was a peace agreement among rival Blood and Crips street gangs mainly in the neighborhood of Watts. The Watts Truce occurred days before the Rodney King Riots. This truce was a significant factor in the decline of street violence in Los Angeles after the 1990s. The Crips Street Gang was founded by Raymond Lee Washington and Stanley Tookie Williams. Several independent gangs, including the Brims, Pirus, Bishops, Bounty Hunters, Athens Park Gang, and Denver Lanes, created a coalition to fight back against them. That coalition became the Bloods.
Both groups recruited members heavily in South Central Los Angeles, Watts, and in neighboring Compton. As both gangs grew into thousands of members, the war between the two gangs intensified, going from fist fighting to using guns during gang feuds. The introduction of crack cocaine and the gangs’ access to high-power weapons intensified the conflict. The two gangs had a combined membership of more than 50,000.
A peace summit was organized by Rev. Charles Mims Jr. Nation of Islam leader Louis Abdul Farrakhan came to Los Angeles and made his “Stop the Killing” speech. He made a second speech at the Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, where hundreds of Bloods and Crips members were in attendance, but the intergang violence continued.
Blood and Crip gangs from the Watts neighborhood came together to negotiate a peace. Four gangs had significant involvement in the truce. The Bounty Hunters Bloods from the Nickerson Gardens Housing Projects, Grape Street Watts Crips from the Jordan Downs Housing Projects, Hacienda Village Bloods from the Hacienda Village Projects, and PJ Watts Crips from the Imperial Courts Housing Projects. On April 28, 1992, a peace treaty was established among the gangs. The rival gangs vowed to challenge police brutality and reduce violence in their communities.
Richard “Tweedy Bird Loc” Johnson and Ron “Ronnie Ron” Phillps produced a hip hop studio album, Bangin on Wax by Bloods and Crips. The album features the singles “Piru Love,” “Steady Dippin,” and “Bangin on Wax.” Bangin on Wax sold over 500,000 units and was certified gold. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Christopher Wiggins at The Advocate:
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the first lesbian to hold the position, reaffirmed the Biden-Harris administration’s support for the LGBTQ+ community during Monday’s press briefing, highlighting the president's efforts to advance equality and justice as part of Pride Month celebrations. “In recognition of Pride Month, the Biden-Harris administration joins Americans across the country to celebrate the extraordinary courage and contributions of the LGBTQI+ community,” Jean-Pierre said at the top of the briefing. “This month is a time to reflect on the progress we have made in pursuit of equality, justice, and inclusion, and it’s time to recommit ourselves to do more to support LGBTQI+ rights at home and around the world.”
Jean-Pierre underscored the administration’s response to the rise in anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, noting that over 600 such bills were introduced last year, many targeting transgender youth. “As President Biden says, these young people are some of the bravest people he knows, but no one should have to be brave just to be themselves.” Jean-Pierre touted a notable achievement with the administration’s 2022 introduction of the 988 lifeline, which includes a dedicated line for LGBTQ+ youth. “The Biden-Harris administration launched the 988 line to help, and we have a line dedicated to serving LGBTQI+ young people that can be reached by dialing 9-8-8 and pressing three,” Jean-Pierre said.
The administration has been active in Pride Month events, with First Lady Dr. Jill Biden making a surprise appearance at Pittsburgh’s annual LGBTQ+ Pride festival on June 1, condemning former President Donald Trump’s policies as detrimental to the community. The First Lady’s presence set a dynamic tone for the month’s celebrations, emphasizing the administration’s commitment to LGBTQ+ rights.
Vice President Kamala Harris hosted a Pride Month reception at the Naval Observatory last Wednesday. The event, in partnership with the Human Rights Campaign and GIFFORDS, honored the progress made by the LGBTQ+ community and remembered those lost to gun violence, including the victims of the Pulse nightclub massacre. Harris emphasized the importance of coalition-building in the face of rising attacks against the community.
The administration has consistently pushed for policies that protect LGBTQ+ individuals from discrimination and promote inclusivity. This includes the introduction of new Title IX rules to protect transgender and nonbinary students from discrimination in schools and executive orders aimed at safeguarding LGBTQ+ rights in health care, employment, and education. Republican-led states have sued the administration over the Title IX change, and several judges have temporarily stopped the implementation. The administration’s proactive stance contrasts sharply with the surge in anti-LGBTQ+ legislation across the country. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, Republicans have introduced over 500 anti-LGBTQ+ bills nationwide in 2024 alone. These measures have included restrictions on gender-affirming care, bans on transgender athletes participating in sports, and laws that limit discussions of LGBTQ+ issues in schools.
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called out Republican attacks on the LGBTQ+ community during her Monday press briefing.
See Also:
LGBTQ Nation: Karine Jean-Pierre slams Republicans’ anti-trans attacks during Pride
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Despite the lack of sufficient support in Congress to pass a new assault weapons ban, President Joe Biden on Friday said the US has “reached a tipping point” in the fight to strengthen America’s gun laws, due to the activism of the gun violence prevention movement that has gathered increasing strength in recent years.
Mr. Biden, who was delivering remarks at the National Safer Communities Summit in Hartford, Connecticut, at the invitation of Senator Chris Murphy and a coalition of gun safety groups including Everytown, Moms Demand Action and Giffords, recounted some of the more than 20 executive actions his administration has taken to stem the tide of mass shootings since he took office. He said those politicians who claim to be concerned about crime should realise that crime can’t be tackled without dealing with gun violence.
“It’s a simple proposition,” he said.
The President also lamented how since 2020, firearms have been the leading cause of death for children in the United States — more than automobile accidents or cancer.
He recalled how the assault weapons ban he wrote into the 1994 crime bill enacted under then-President Bill Clinton cut mass shootings “significantly” only to see their number triple when Mr. Clinton’s successor, George W. Bush, allowed the ban to expire with the aid of a Republican Congress, allowing military-style rifles and high-capacity magazines to “come back into vogue.”
Mr. Biden also called for a repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which immunises gun manufacturers from lawsuits filed by gun violence victims, and for the enactment of universal background checks before anyone can purchase high-powered rifles, many of which are modelled off of those issued to American soldiers, as well as safe storage requirements for such weapons.
“The United States of America has the finest fighting force in the history of the world [and] provides … service members with the most lethal weapons on Earth. We also require them to receive significant training before they’re allowed to use them. We require extensive background checks and mental health assessment that before they can … use them [and] require them to lock them up or store the weapon responsibly,” he said.
“Every gun owner should be required to have the same requirements held to him or her,” he added.
The President also hailed Governors who have taken action to strengthen state gun laws, including Connecticut’s Ned Lamont, who recently signed more than 12 separate bills to strengthen his state’s firearm regulations, and praised state governments in Illinois and Washington for passing assault weapon and ghost gun bans, as well as the 21 states that have enacted so-called “red flag” laws to allow courts to temporarily disarm people who are determined to pose a risk to the community by a judge.
Though chances of a federal assault weapons ban making it to his desk are slim to none given the composition of Congress, Mr. Biden promised the gun safety advocates that he will “never stop fighting.”
“We will ban assault weapons in this country … we will hold gun makers liable, we will beat the gun industry,” he said.
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missnobodymadness · 9 months
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Was listening to Skyfall and had a sudden urge to talk about the Silent Slayers brothers and decided to introduce Rastakah here. I've talked about this jerk here a few times but never really shared much information about him, so...why not an introduction?! Allow me to tell you more about this charismatic son of a gun (literally btw).
"Some call me greedy, others a tyrant but what I really like to hear them call me is mercy" Name: Rastakah Meaning: The one with the big mane Species: South African Lion Age: Adult Gender: Male Pronouns: He/Him Orientation: Heterosexual Height: 4'6" / 137cm Weight: 507lbs / 230kg Pride: Born in Ebusuku, currently the king of several prides, known as the sovereignty of the Silent Slayers coalition Voice Claim: Christopher Judge
Father: Dakarai Mother: Sahamara Sibilings: 2 (Ushiva and Tishala) Mate: Several, none is official Offspring: Several Illegitimate Children: None
Rastakah is one of Sahamara's three cubs. A very charismatic lion, with very high testosterone and an even bigger ego. He is the dominant male of the Silent Slayers coalition, which later became known as the sovereignty of the Silent Slayers brothers. Positive traits ✔ Proud Undoubtedly the adjective that probably defines him better, Rastakah is very proud of himself and that helps him to not be afraid of taking risks. ✔ Efficient The truth is that he has reasons to be proud of himself, he knows that he is quite competent in almost everything he does, although he depends a little on his brother’s intelligence sometimes. ✔ Charismatic Despite everything, it's not hard to fall for his ways as he is extremely charismatic. If I had to make a comparison, I would compare Rastakah to those popular boys who are worthless but everyone would love to date. ✔ Strong With a strong will to get bigger and stronger, physical strength is not the only kind of strength Rastakah has. ✔ Optimistic Rastakah is very optimistic and always hopes for the best. Being negative is just a way to lose time in his eyes and he believes that lions only attract what they are wishing for, as such, negative thoughts will only attract equally negative events. Negative traits X Opportunistic He is an expert in taking advantage of everything and everyone for his own benefit. X Possessive Extremely possessive of what he sees as his, such as his prides and territories. X Irritable It is not very hard to irritate him and make him lose his temper, sometimes he turns to violence very easily. X Flirtarious He loves to flirt with the females, even the ones that are not from his prides, which eventually is not always welcome. X Power hungry A trait passed down from his father, Dakarai. Rastakah is extremely power-hungry and his goal is to conquer as many territories as he can as well as being feared and well known by outsiders. X Imprudent Sometimes he just does whatever he wants or comes to his mind, not stopping to consider the possible consequences.
One of the three children of Sahamara. Lives with his brother Ushiva and an older unrelated male that left the pride with them, together they are a coalition. Rastakah is the dominant one. Just like any lioness, Sahamara gave birth away from the pride at the safest place she could find, she was totally alone and to her these cubs were some sort of abomination, fruit of the most traumatic moment of her life, besides, they also had her father's blood running through their veins. She was going through a very depressive time and hate had already consumed most of her heart and mind by then, if there was something she didn't want to do was making her father happy by giving him what he always wished for: An heir. Determined to not give him what he most desired, Sahamara started by the only female of a litter of three cubs, she broke her little neck, making sure her death was fast as she knew nothing of what was happening was their fault and that it was the least she could do for her cubs, however, right when she was gonna grab the second one, a strange smell came to her nose, she recognized it to be the smell of a mature male and went off to have a look around, seeing a strong adult male with some of his females, for a second she didn't know what to do but once the fear and the realization that she was all alone and could never fight a possible hostile male and his females sunk in, Sahamara decided to just run away and leave her two remaining cubs to death. She has no idea that her two male cubs are actually still around and only finds about them during the big war when they are already adults and start taking advantage of the chaos to conquer more lands. The brothers were eventually adopted by that strong unknown lion and his females, luckily for them he was the king of a pride who also followed the new ways instead of the old ones. They were raised with love and care by the king's mate along with their biological son, who was 6 months older than the brothers. They lived in harmony until a coalition of three young adult males who still followed the old ways showed up and killed the king, taking the pride for themselves, just like the other cubs, they also tried to kill the brothers and the king's son but they were already too old (about the same age of a 16 years old human) and ended up being exiled instead, running away until they were safe. The three together formed a coalition and stayed together for the next months until they were noticed by the males of the local pride from where they were staying for a while, the males ambushed and isolated the older male, attacking him by surprise during the night, torturing him until he finally took his last breath. The brother were now by themselves and once they realized the death of their older brother, they ran from the males as fast as they could. Once the brothers reached the maturity they started to resort to the old ways, looking for their own lands and lionesses to conquer, Rastakah took the place of their older brother as the dominant male and Ushiva was okay with being the timid one as he had no interest in the females. Later they'd be known as the Silent Slayers as they developed an exceptional technique to approach without being noticed, once the enemies saw them, it was already too late, their destiny was already traced.
Even though Rastakah succumbed to the old ways, he doesn't force any females to mate with him and will leave them alone if they are not into it, he enjoys the flirting game and to be desired by them.
He loves cubs, even though babysitting is a bit annoying, he likes to spend time with them to pass down all his knownledge and ideals but doesn't exactly like to keep an eye on them all the time. 
He doesn't admit it but he thinks a lot about his adoptive family, he feels guilty for running away with his brothers and his goal is to get his revenge on the invaders and free everyone.
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Artworks by StarWolff, Tigress_, Spotty Greenlands and Mysteriousharu respectively. This character is from my original story, it is not from the TLK world, I'm using these tags just to get some engagement.
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misfitwashere · 2 months
July 24, 2024
Heather Cox Richardson
Jul 25, 2024
Tonight, President Joe Biden explained to the American people why he decided to refuse the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination and hand the torch to Vice President Kamala Harris. 
Speaking from the Oval Office from his seat behind the Resolute Desk, a gift from Queen Victoria to President Rutherford B. Hayes in 1880, Biden recalled the nation’s history. He invoked Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration of Independence; George Washington, who “showed us presidents are not kings”; Abraham Lincoln, who “implored us to reject malice”; and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who “inspired us to reject fear.”
And then he turned to himself. “I revere this office, but I love my country more,” he said. “It’s been the honor of my life to serve as your president.” But, he said, the defense of democracy is more important than any title, and democracy is “larger than any one of us.” We must unite to protect it. 
“In recent weeks, it has become clear to me that I need to unite my party in this critical endeavor,” he said. “I believe my record as president, my leadership in the world, my vision for America’s future, all merited a second term. But nothing, nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy. That includes personal ambition. So I’ve decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. It’s the best way to unite our nation.”
There is “a time and a place for long years of experience in public life,” Biden said. “There’s also a time and a place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices. And that time and place is now.”
Biden reminded listeners that he is not leaving the presidency and will be continuing to use its power for the American people. In outlining what that means, he summed up his presidency. 
For the next six months, he said, he will “continue to lower costs for hard-working families [and] grow our economy. I will keep defending our personal freedoms and civil rights, from the right to vote to the right to choose. I will keep calling out hate and extremism, making it clear there is…no place in America for political violence or any violence ever, period. I’m going to keep speaking out to protect our kids from gun violence [and] our planet from [the] climate crisis.”
Biden reiterated his support for his Cancer Moonshot to end cancer—a personal cause for him since the 2015 death of his son Beau from brain cancer—and says he will fight for it, (although House Republicans have recently slashed funding for the program). He said he will call for reforming the Supreme Court “because this is critical to our democracy.”
He promised to continue “working to ensure America remains strong, secure and the leader of the free world,” and pointed out that he is “the first president of this century to report to the American people that the United States is not at war anywhere in the world.” He promised to continue rallying a coalition of nations to stop Putin’s attempt to take over Ukraine, and vowed to continue to build the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). He reminded listeners that when he took office, the conventional wisdom was that China would inevitably surpass the United States, but that is no longer the case, and he said he would continue to strengthen allies and partners in the Pacific. 
Biden promised to continue to work to “end the war in Gaza, bring home all the hostages and bring peace and security to the Middle East and end this war,” as well as “to bring home Americans being unjustly detained all around the world.”
The president reminded people how far the nation has come since he took office on January 20, 2021, a day when, although he didn’t mention it tonight, he went directly to work after taking the oath of office. “On that day,” he recalled, “we…stood in a winter of peril and winter of possibilities.” The United States was “in the grip of the worst pandemic in the century, the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.” But, Biden said, “We came together as Americans. We got through it. We emerged stronger, more prosperous and more secure.”
“Today we have the strongest economy in the world, creating nearly 16 million new jobs—a record. Wages are up, inflation continues to come down, the racial wealth gap is the lowest it’s been in 20 years. We are literally rebuilding our entire nation—urban, suburban and rural and tribal communities. Manufacturing has come back to America. We are leading the world again in chips and science and innovation. We finally beat Big Pharma after all these years to lower the cost of prescription drugs for seniors…. More people have health care today in America than ever before.” Biden noted that he signed the PACT Act to help millions of veterans and their families who were exposed to toxic materials, as well as the “most significant climate law…in the history of the world” and “the first major gun safety law in 30 years.”
The “violent crime rate is at a 50-year low,” he said, and “[b]order crossings are lower today than when the previous administration left office. I’ve kept my commitment to appoint the first Black woman to the Supreme Court of the United States of America. I also kept my commitment to have an administration that looks like America and [to] be a president for all Americans.”
Then Biden turned from his own record to the larger meaning of America.
“I ran for president four years ago because I believed…that the soul of America was at stake,” he said. “America is an idea. An idea stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator or tyrant. It’s the most powerful idea in the history of the world.” 
“We hold these truths to be self-evident,” he said. “We are all created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights: life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness. We’ve never fully lived up to…this sacred idea—but we’ve never walked away from it either. And I do not believe the American people will walk away from it now.
“In just a few months, the American people will choose the course of America’s future. I made my choice…. “[O]ur great vice president, Kamala Harris… is experienced, she is tough, she is capable. She’s been an incredible partner to me and a leader for our country.
“Now the choice is up to you, the American people. When you make that choice, remember the words of Benjamin Franklin hanging on my wall here in the Oval Office, alongside the busts of Dr. [Martin Luther] King and Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez. When Ben Franklin was asked, as he emerged from the [constitutional] convention…, whether the founders [had] given America a monarchy or a republic, Franklin’s response was: ‘A republic, if you can keep it.’... Whether we keep our republic is now in your hands.” 
“My fellow Americans, it’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years,” President Biden told the American people. “Nowhere else on Earth could a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and in Claymont, Delaware, one day sit behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office as the president of the United States, but here I am.
“That’s what’s so special about America. We are a nation of promise and possibilities. Of dreamers and doers. Of ordinary Americans doing extraordinary things. I’ve given my heart and my soul to our nation, like so many others. And I’ve been blessed a million times in return with the love and support of the American people. I hope you have some idea how grateful I am to all of you.
The great thing about America is, here kings and dictators do not rule—the people do. History is in your hands. The power’s in your hands. The idea of America lies in your hands. You just have to keep faith—keep the faith—and remember who we are. We are the United States of America, and there is simply nothing, nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. So let’s act together, [and] preserve our democracy. God bless you all and may God protect our troops. 
“Thank you.”
And with that, President Joe Biden followed the example of the nation’s first president, George Washington, who declined to run for a third term to demonstrate that the United States of America would not have a king, and of its second president, John Adams, who handed the power of the presidency over to his rival Thomas Jefferson and thus established the nation’s tradition of the peaceful transition of power. Like them, Biden gave up the pursuit of power for himself in order to demonstrate the importance of democracy. 
After the speech, the White House served ice cream to the Bidens and hundreds of White House staffers in the Rose Garden.
And when the evening was over, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden posted an image of a handwritten note on social media. It read: “To those who never wavered, to those who refused to doubt, to those who always believed, my heart is full of gratitude. Thank you for the trust you put in Joe—now it’s time to put that trust in Kamala.” 
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hoursofreading · 9 months
Going forward, Israel needs a new strategy and new leadership. Instead of the current ultra-right-wing government, it will need a government of national unity that’s rooted in the center of Israeli politics and can make the hard choices ahead. At home, it will have to reaffirm Israeli democracy after a tumultuous period. In Gaza, it should resist the urge to reoccupy the territory after the war, accept an internationally mandated interim administration for governing the Strip, and support regional efforts to reform and revive the Palestinian Authority so it has the credibility and the means to reassume control of Gaza. In the West Bank, it must clamp down on the violence perpetrated by extremist Israeli settlers and stop building new settlements that make it harder to imagine a future Palestinian state. Ultimately, the only way to ensure Israel’s future as a secure, democratic, Jewish state is by achieving two states for two peoples. And in the region, Israel should resume serious negotiations with Saudi Arabia and others to normalize relations and build a broad coalition to counter Iran. For now, Israel should focus on freeing the hostages, increasing humanitarian aid, protecting civilians, and ensuring that Hamas terrorists can no longer murder families, abduct children, exploit civilians as human shields, or start new wars. But when the guns fall silent, the hard work of peace building must begin. There is no other choice.
Hamas Must Go
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risinggunviolence · 11 months
Deliverable #2
Deliverable #2
America suffers greatly from community gun violence, especially in underserved Black and Hispanic/Latino neighborhoods. Community gun violence is a common occurrence in many impoverished metropolitan areas. There are negative effects on almost everyone's health and well-being who lives in these neighborhoods. Thus, the cycles of concentrated poverty, structural disadvantage, and health disparities that already exist in many areas are further reinforced by community gun violence. To combat public health equality, policies and initiatives that target neighborhood gun violence are crucial. 
The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (EFSGV)
"The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence (Ed Fund) is a 501(c)(3) affiliate organization of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. We use a public health and equity lens to identify and implement evidence-based policy solutions and programs to reduce gun violence in all its forms. We seek to make gun violence rare and abnormal."
Gun violence is the leading cause of death for black males under the age of 55, and the second leading cause of death for Hispanic/Latino males under the age of 34. 
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Community gun violence is a form of interpersonal gun violence (assaults) that:
Takes place in under-resourced city neighborhoods
Disproportionately impacts Black and Hispanic/Latino communities — specifically young Black and Hispanic/Latino men
Usually occurs outside of the home in a public setting
Occurs between individuals who are not intimately related (not domestic violence)
Often is sparked by a dispute between individuals or groups and may be retaliatory as a result of long-standing conflicts
Sometimes referred to as “urban violence” or “group violence”
Gun violence in communities is typically a result of social and economic inequality. Racist practices that discriminate against communities of color and produce underinvested and segregated areas, such as redlining and restrictive zoning regulations, are to blame for these disparities. The same communities that are afflicted by gun violence in the community also struggle economically, with less employment, few prospects, poor education, scarce access to healthful food, and a lack of affordable housing.
Impact on health and wellbeing.
Gun violence exposure has lasting impacts on health, wellbeing, and development if left untreated. Research suggests that gun violence exposure among children and teens can change the chemistry in the brain, severely impacting cognitive and emotional development. For example, one study found that 65% of youth indirectly exposed to community gun violence, by hearing gunshots or witnessing a shooting, reported being extremely distressed. The majority of those exposed reported negative changes to their behavior as a result of this violence, such as being less likely to travel outside alone, avoiding certain locations, staying home from school, and carrying guns for protection.
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Antisocial behavior
Stunted cognitive and emotional development
Risky alcohol and substance use
High rates of chronic disease
Increased likelihood of engaging in violence
ReferencesCommunity Gun Violence. (2020). The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. Retrieved October 22, 2023, from https://efsgv.org/learn/type-of-gun-violence/community-gun-violence/
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amirblogerov · 1 year
Repression in response to the demand for peace and freedom
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Under the pretext of fighting the ��sleeping” cells of ISIS, the Assaish security service, together with the SDF, are carrying out repressions against the Arab population of the occupied territories, suspected of organizing protests against the atrocities of the International Coalition against the civilian population. Yesterday, mass rallies were held in the city of Es-Sabha, Adel, Shhil and El-Bsera, in which about 8,000 people took part. They made a demand to the leadership of the Kurdish Autonomous Administration to stop the crimes against innocent citizens and improve the socio-economic situation in the region. The reason was the incident that occurred on Wednesday in the city of Es-Sabha. The Kurdish and American military came to the market and literally robbed the local merchants. One of the victims wrote on his social media page: “They loaded my goods into their cars, threatened me with machine guns and demanded money. The Americans were clearly “high”, they were inadequate, they behaved as if they were in a state of drug intoxication. Up to 200 Kurdish fighters were sent to disperse the demonstrations, and raids began, accompanied by brutality and violence. Peaceful Syrians can no longer tolerate this and are ready to defend their right to freedom.
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brandedcities · 1 year
Meet the Civic Coalition to Save Lives as they attempt to solve Philly's gun violence problem
Gun violence is a crisis in Philadelphia. On this special Inside Story, learn more about this unique collaboration to stop the violence - immediately.
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beatlesonline-blog · 2 years
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lboogie1906 · 25 days
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Mayor Eric Adams (September 1, 1960) grew up with adversity—and overcame it.
As one of six children, born in Brownsville and raised in South Jamaica by a single mom who cleaned houses. He was beaten by police in the basement of a precinct house at 15, he faced a life-changing act of injustice. He turned his pain into purpose and decided to change the police department from within. He joined the NYPD and became one of its most outspoken officers, calling out racism and bias in the department and pushing for major reforms.
As a founder of 100 Blacks in Law Enforcement Who Care, he would often police the streets in a bulletproof vest one day during the high-crime 1980s and 1990s and protest bad behavior by cops the next, marching side-by-side with his fellow civil rights advocates. He rose to the rank of captain, helping to build the first computerized system for tracking crime in the city, which led to historic gains in public safety.
He moved on to the State Senate, where he represented sections of central and Brownstone Brooklyn. He built winning coalitions to advance New York City’s values and goals, helping to push through measures to protect tenants and workers, combat gun violence, end the NYPD’s abuses of stop and frisk, and advance human rights — including marriage equality. He became the first person of color to chair the Senate’s Homeland Security Committee.
He was elected Brooklyn Borough President (2013) by putting together a diverse coalition of Brooklynites to become the borough’s first Black leader. He fought to grow the local economy, invest in schools, reduce inequality, improve public safety, and advocate for smart policies and better government that delivers for all New Yorkers.
He became a national leader in public health policy after learning he had developed Type 2 diabetes. He changed his diet and his body, reversing the disease and launching a personal mission to educate New Yorkers about preventative care and wellness.
He received his MPA from Marist College and is a graduate of New York City Technical College and the John Jay College of Criminal Justice. He has one son. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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Christian Paz at Vox:
Look around and you might see it: the telltale signs that the #Resistance has been born again. A-list celebs are rallying for and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris; Zoom calls of Black, Latino, female, and young voters are reaching capacity; the coconut-tree and brat memes keep coming. Even cringe and earnest #Resist merch is back — now in the form of organic Kamala Harris merch.
The political movement that materialized organically, protested policy decisions, and eventually helped end Donald Trump’s presidency may now be taking on a second political life with the goal of not just beating Trump, but electing the first woman president. None of this was a sure thing. Just a few months ago it looked a lot like the anti-Trump #Resistance was dead. Progressive organizers and activists were exhausted; Trump fatigue had settled in. And voters of all kinds were tuned out and unenthusiastic about the candidate choices they had. That dynamic has flipped — for now. But what remains uncertain is whether this energy can mobilize record numbers of voters like it did in 2020, or if it exists in a bit of an echo chamber, like the energy that fired up Hillary Clinton’s hardcore supporters but failed to produce a winning coalition.
How the #Resistance fell off
The sour vibes earlier this year were a far cry from the energy that dominated during the Trump years. The Resistance was born after the unexpected election of Trump in 2016. The pink hats marched on Washington the day after his inauguration; plenty more college-educated Americans, women, young people, suburban voters, and LGBTQ people were mobilized in those early Trump years to protest the Muslim ban, gun violence, and the separation of families at the southern border. The energy carried on. “Resist libs,” as they were sometimes derisively called by both disapproving leftists and hostile conservatives, voted in record numbers during the 2018 midterms and helped flip the House of Representatives. They rallied around special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigations into Trump and Russia, and they cheered then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi during the first Trump impeachment.
A sprawling Democratic primary field in 2019 helped to keep this cohort of liberal, college-educated, and suburban voters galvanized. By the time the 2020 election came around — and despite the pandemic hampering some of these organizing efforts — the primarily liberal movement had grown along with a loose alliance of disaffected independents and Republicans, progressive youth, and many voters of color to form a winning coalition that ousted Trump from the White House and delivered a Democratic majority in Congress. That movement quickly splintered once Biden won, and those divisions only grew as his presidency continued. The overturning of Roe v. Wade in the summer of 2022 did fuel a short-lived revival, as pro-abortion rights voters and the remnants of the Resistance turned out in that November’s midterms to stop election deniers and anti-abortion candidates, holding back a red wave. But the outbreak of the Gaza War, stubbornly high inflation, and concerns over Biden’s age all worked to tamp down that anti-Trump energy.
The vibe shift is real
Now with Harris at the top of the ticket, much of the Democratic base has reconsolidated. The enthusiasm that a lot of the media coverage has picked up on is real — specifically among Democrats. Whereas only 62 percent of Democrats were enthusiastic about voting back in February, 88 percent of Democrats say that they are now, according to a CNN comparison of polls by Ipsos and Monmouth University. The switch-up is so dramatic that Democrats are now outpacing Republicans in terms of how excited they are to vote for their party’s nominee.
Of course, part of this bounce back in support can be attributed to just how unhappy Democrats and voters in general were with Biden as the nominee. But there are plenty of signs that a new kind of energy has reanimated the disparate constituencies that make up the Democratic base and were at the heart of the first incarnation of the anti-Trump resistance movement. Within days of Biden dropping out of the race and Harris becoming the presumptive nominee, tens of thousands of Americans have joined organizing calls specifically focused on mobilizing identity groups: 44,000 people joined a “Win With Black Women” Zoom call the same day Biden dropped out; 45,000 joined a “Win With Black Men” call; 164,000 joined a “White Women: Answer the Call” Zoom meeting; similar meetings were organized for white men, for Latina women, and will be held for Latino men.
A revival of the Trump-era #Resistance movement is under new management: The Kamala Harris campaign. #Harris2024 #KamalaIsBrat
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Conservatives want to make the massacre about trans people or religion—anything but the blood-soaked murder factory they’ve forced us all to live in.
By Elie Mystal
The mass shooting at Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn., on Monday, which left six people dead, including three 9-year-olds, was the 13th school shooting this year that led to injury or death. Education Week, which has been tracking these massacres since 2018, reports that there were 51 such shootings last year and 157 since they began tabulating the body counts.
Guns are now the leading cause of death for children in the United States. Over 6,000 American children were either killed or injured by guns in 2022. One 2022 study examined the data for youth mortality in 12 rich countries, including the United States. American children accounted for 97% of the total gun deaths from all 12 countries.
In a normal country, stopping this would be all we talked about. Elections to every major local, state, and federal office would turn on the single issue of which candidates have the best plan to prevent our children from being murdered. Parents of school-age children would band together in broad, multiethnic, cross-class coalitions demanding action and results. A normal country would not suffer 13 school shootings per quarter without massive social and political upheaval.
But we don’t live in a normal country. We live in a blood-soaked murder factory. We live in a country where there are more legal restrictions on where a person can bare their breasts than brandish their guns. We live in a society where people are more interested in banning books than guns. We live with state governments that will force people to give birth against their will, but shrug when actual children are killed at school.
We live like this because of the Republican Party. These school shootings are not tragedies. They are choices made by our government. Every other country on Earth has violent people with a motive to do harm to others. Every other country has people with mental health issues. Every other country has access to media and art that glorifies or trivializes violence. But these school shootings don’t happen in every other country, because every other country doesn’t have easy, nearly unfettered access to weapons of mass murder.
What’s exceptional about America is that we have sacrificed the safety of our children because letting them die helps gun sales. Republicans have reinterpreted our Constitution to make it fit an NRA marketing gimmick from the 1970s. The Republican lust for blood, as expressed through their ahistorical interpretation of the Second Amendment, is why we are here. Restricting gun ownership would save lives; removing gun regulations leads to death. Republicans have chosen the latter. Guns are the Republican Moloch, their god to which they are willing to sacrifice children.
Everyone already knew that the Nashville shooting wouldn’t change this reality. We knew that after the last mass shooting, and the one before that, and all the ones before that one. This time, though, some Republicans appear to feel even less obliged than usual to pretend that they care. In the wake of the shooting, Tennessee Representative Tim Burchett was caught on camera telling the gross truth about himself and his despicable political party.
When asked about the shooting, Burchett said, “We’re not going to fix it.” When asked what Congress could do, he said, “I don’t see any real role that we could do other than mess things up.” (This congressman, by the way, went on Newsmax to fervently defend Tennessee’s ban on drag shows, in case you needed a sense of what he thinks the government should be doing.) Finally, when asked how we are supposed to protect children like his own daughter, Burchett said, “Well, we homeschool her.”
That is the entire Republican Party in a nutshell. They won’t do anything; they will stop other people from doing something, and their grand plan is to protect their own people while leaving the rest of the country to suffer and die.
Of course, the message “we are impotent nihilists who retreat to our gated communities instead of serving the public” is not a politically viable response to mass murder. Enter the white-wing media.
Every mass shooting inspires conservative media to find literally any culprit other than the murder weapons to blame for the murders. We’ve all heard them before: mental health, violent video games, doors. They’re all stupid reasons, but the conservative base does not require good reasons to believe what they believe. But this mass shooting has given the party of literal death a ready-made scapegoat that already fits in with the conservatives’ bigoted priors: The shooter in Nashville appears to have been trans.
The conservative media firestorm has been as predictable as the reality that there will be another mass shooting soon. But if you’re looking for the worst white-wing coverage, the New York Post is always a good place to start. Its front-page headline the day after the shooting read: “TRANSGENDER KILLER TARGETS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL: ‘Manifesto’ leads to 6 dead, including three young kids.”
Everything about that headline, from its implications to its basic grammar, is wrong. For those playing along at home, let’s do a close read.
• A “transgender killer” would be a serial killer who targets trans people. This was a killer who is trans. (The Post also misgendered the shooter, for good measure.)
• It is believed that the suspect was a former student at the school, which would make the still-undetermined motive far different than a school shooter who “targets Christian school[s].” They targeted their school. Dylan Roof, by contrast, targeted a Black church. It would be a different motive if he targeted his church.
• The “manifesto” did not “lead” to six dead people. The two assault rifles and handgun the shooter brought with them led to six dead people. If the shooter had shown up to school armed with a manifesto, everybody would still be alive.
The people writing headlines for the Post are probably evil, but they’re not stupid. They know exactly what they’re doing. The Post knows what Burchett knows: that Republicans are not going to fix it. To deflect from that should-be-unacceptable reality, the Post offers up these distractions of a trans menace and threats on religious institutions.
As is usual for places where conservatives get their media, the Post takes real problems and inverts them to fit the white grievance narrative. There are, indeed, “transgender killers,” as in “people who kill trans folks.” The murder of trans people has doubled over the past four years, and 73% of those trans victims were killed by a gun. Meanwhile, mass shootings at houses of worship have been steadily on the rise all this century. People of all faiths are increasingly under threat where they pray. But again, these mass murderers are not showing up to houses of worship with hammers eager to nail their manifestos to a door. They’re showing up with guns, most “legally” obtained, and that’s why worshipers are dying.
Everybody knows what the problem is, but Republicans won’t let us fix it. And so the white-wing media has to obfuscate and try to distract people from the solution Republicans are unwilling to let the rest of us implement.
So more people will die from preventable gun violence. More children will die. Republicans have stared at the bodies of dead children and decided that their deaths are acceptable. There is no bottom. There is no tragedy so horrific that it will shock Republicans out of their death cult.
Republicans are complicit in these murders. And so is everybody who votes for them.
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