#Cody Lisch
codylischphoto · 7 years
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Aidan Campbell - front board pop over to regular
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lets-share-neen · 7 years
Guys, if you want to listen to one of the bestwritten and well-produced audio dramas out there -  try Monster 1983! It’s a German Audible production by one of my favourite producers and as far as I know, the first season was already released with an English cast as well. 
It contains of 3 seasons, the third being the last and final one. Season 1 was released in 2015, season 2 last year and 3 just got released this Halloween! Every season has 10 episodes. The cast (obviously I can only speak for the German one) is outstandingly good. Monster 1983 is scary and emotional and I especially recommend it to people who like Stranger Things and similar shows! If you speak German or want to try out the first season in English, do it and get your free audible trial if you don’t have a subscription yet! You will love this one!
Oregon, Sommer 1983 - eine Serie mys­te­ri­öser Todes­fäl­le rüttelt das Küs­ten­städt­chen Har­mony Bay aus seinem fried­lichen Schlaf. Sheriff Cody, den es nach dem Tod seiner Frau dort­hin ver­schlagen hat, wird bereits kurz nach seiner An­kunft zur Pflicht ge­rufen. Erste Ermitt­lungen lassen auf einen Serien­killer schließen, der seine Opfer bes­ti­a­lisch im Schlaf er­mordet. Doch auf den Spuren des Killers er­öffnen sich Ab­grün­de, und hinter der idyl­lischen Fas­sa­de der Stadt lau­ert etwas Un­heim­liches. Dunkle Ge­heim­nisse bahnen sich be­droh­lich ihren Weg ans Tages­licht. Und das mons­tröse Trei­ben, das die ver­träu­mte Stadt heim­sucht, wird schließlich auch zu Sheriff Codys schlimms­tem Alb­traum.
Drawing influences from Poltergeist, Stand By Me and E.T. and other Spielberg classics, the story unfolds in the small coastal town of Harmony Bay, Oregon. Still reeling from a sudden and profound family tragedy, Sheriff Cody uproots his elder son Michael, and younger daughter Amy, from the chaos of Orlando to begin a new, more relaxed life in the Beaver State. Soon after their arrival however, this new-found tranquillity is disturbed by a succession of brutal but mysterious deaths. As the plot twists and turns its way through small-town secrecy, psychiatry wards and the supernatural, Cody comes under increasing pressure to solve each new case whilst keeping his family safe from harm.
I just finished the last season and it was an incredible ride again. I loved the characters, I feared for their lives. Some deaths were extremely emotional and I love how everything concluded. I could rant about this for ages because it’s so good ^_^ The production is A+, like a Netflix show for your ears. 10/10, loved it!
Season 1 [X] Season 2 [X] Season 3 [X]
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supercoolspaceman · 7 years
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freshman year, or maybe 8th grade. Its all a blur
PC: Cody Lisch
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romerojd · 10 years
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Tj Rogers - Nollie Back Heel by Cody Lisch 
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activerideshop · 10 years
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Jeremy Leabres – Nollie Front Nose Slide / photo: codylischphoto Toy Machine & Active Team Rider, Jeremy Leabres in the latest Active Ride Shop Ad out now!
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streetpiracy · 11 years
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Ryan Sherman // photo: Cody Lisch
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Jeremy Leabres - Lipslide
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Aidan Campbell - Frontside Wallride
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Joey Ragali - Front 5-0
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Sean Imes - kickflip
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Evan Dineen - Wallride
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Tre Williams - front board
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Dylan Witkin - Gap Crook
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codylischphoto · 8 years
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Reese Salken - Ollie
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romerojd · 10 years
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Donny Du Hadway - Wallride by Cody Lisch 
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romerojd · 10 years
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Nick Trapasso - Nollie Tre Flip by Cody Lisch 
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