#aidan campbell
filministic · 24 days
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013) dir. Harald Zwart
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Actors/characters I am extremely gay for with little to no context
Aidan Gallagher/Five Hargreeves
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George Sear/Benji Campbell
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Omar Rudberg/Simon Eriksson
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Anthony Turpel/Felix Weston
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Matthew Knight/Ethan Morgan
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corrodedseraphine · 2 years
4th of july | hughie campbell x fem!reader | one shot
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Pairing: hughie campbell x fem!reader
Summary: As a Frenchie's sister, your place in the group was automatically assigned. From the very beginning, a relationship between you and Hughie was different from the rest. Shy glances and smiles awakened little butterflies in your bellies, which exploded like fireworks in the sky on the evening of July 4th.
The one shot is also avaliable on Ao3
5 693 words
I got inspired while listening to the song "4th of July" by Aidan Gallagher. I also used "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" by Aerosmith.
hughie campbell masterlist | general masterlist
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"So what are we actually supposed to do here?" you asked, looking around through the car window. Colorful stalls and decorations stretched across the square attracting more and more people. Today was the Fourth of July, and on this occasion Vought decided to hold a huge event to which all residents of New York were invited. Of course, the entire Seven was also present there. Butcher immediately saw this as an opportunity to steal some documents from the tower. He wanted to take advantage of their lack of attention so together with Kimiko, Marvin and Frenchie they decided to break in there this evening. You and Hughie fell into the role of observers. You had to go to the festival and monitor all the time to make sure nothing suspicious was going on and that none of the supes were leaving it. The task seemed all too easy, but you both knew it could only be the calm before the storm.
"Pray that suddenly a friendly family festival doesn't become a bloody massacre." Hughie laughed. "We wouldn't even be able to stop it all."
"What if we were?"
"What?" Without answering, you pulled from your bag a small box containing two vials of green liquid and two syringes. "Shit, y/n. How did you get it?" he asked moving closer to you. You ignored the shiver that went through you.
"You could say that Billy has a very dead sleep." you shrugged your shoulders. "I thought it might be better to be prepared if they suddenly needed our help, or if something went wrong here."
"Forewarned is forearmed, right?" From the moment you first stole Butcher's temporary V, you had to admit that the power you felt then was addictive. It was pleasant not to feel fear, at least for a while. You knew that Hughie felt exactly the same. "But you promised Frenchie that you would never take it again," he said.
"So hopefully we won't have to use the power and then no one will know anything, right? You're not going to blurt out to my brother, are you?" You knew you shouldn't take it, but the desire to feel powerful was much stronger.
"It will be our dirty little secret." he smiled and took one of the vials from you.
The surge of power and energy you felt when the V started coursing through your veins was indescribable. You felt you had something you had always lacked. Control.
"So... are we going to sit here for a few hours or do you feel like wandering around the stalls and pretending we're there completely by accident?"
"Sounds like a plan." You smiled and got out of the car.
People were swarming everywhere, you had the feeling as if the entire population of New York and the surrounding area was right there. Suddenly you felt someone grab your hand. When you looked back you saw Hughie smiling shyly in your direction. "I can't let you get lost in this crowd." he said somewhat nervously. He was glad that your post-V superpower was not incredibly sharpened hearing because if you had heard his heartbeat you would have guessed right away that this was just an excuse to get closer to you. From the very beginning when you appeared with the team he looked for every possible opportunity to be close to you. From the very beginning there was something between you that made you always find your way to each other, even unconsciously. Despite knowing that you liked each other a little more than you should have, neither of you wanted to take the first step. You preferred to dance around each other and let your feelings lead you freely to the rhythm of uncertainty and tension that was building between you.
The day flew by very quickly, nothing suspicious was happening, so you let both of you enjoy yourselves for a while, forgetting why you were really there. You ate cotton candy, took a ride on the ferris wheel, listened to concerts by small local bands, all the while letting your fingers intertwine from time to time, feeling the butterflies in your stomach awaken with every single touch. Leaving aside the real purpose of your visit to this event and the fact that there was a substance running through your veins giving you superpowers you would have been an ordinary couple carelessly enjoying a date. As it began to get dark you got a text message from the rest of them that everything had gone according to plan and they were just going home, so you also reluctantly headed for the exit.
"What a lovely sight!" an elderly man standing at the dart-throwing stand suddenly exclaimed. "Young man, maybe you'd like to win one of these adorable plushies for your beautiful sweetheart?" Before you had time to say that you are not a couple Hughie was already standing in front of the target and aiming at it. You looked with amusement at the surprise of the man, who could not believe that all the darts hit perfectly in the very center. The smile never left Hughie's face.
"You can choose whichever one you want," he said with satisfaction in his voice.
"Hm... that one looks good." said pointing a finger at a small plush dog.
"Are you sure? Don't you want anything bigger?"
"No, I love it." you said while taking the award from the man's hands. "I'll call him Hughie, how about that?" you laughed.
"As long as it's not your favorite Hughie it can be," he said.
"But just look at him, he's so cute! How can he not be my favorite?" you asked teasingly.
"A kick in the teeth, y/n," he said putting his hand on his chest. "I'll forgive you on the condition that you stay here with me for the fireworks show, how about that?"
"I'd love to, but I have an idea for a better place."
"What kind?"
"I'll tell you in the car, come on."
When you got into the old pick up you started giving him directions and after less than 10 minutes you were at a viewpoint from which you could see the whole festival. The view from the top was beautiful. Thousands of little twinkling lights were spilling below you, and the crowds you were in not long ago seemed incredibly far away. You parked near a small bench and fortunately there was no one else there. You left the car windows open so that you could hear the radio and sat down on the bench close enough that your shoulders were touching. There was an awkward, tense silence between you, which neither of you dared to break. Now all the confidence you felt down there was gone. Your heart was beating harder and harder, and your hands were covered with an unpleasant sweat. You felt a strange tingling in them as if your hand was demanding his touch.
"Dear listeners, now a special dedication to all those who have not yet dared to make the first move. May Steven Tyler's beautiful voice awaken your courage on this beautiful magical evening and make you realize that none of you want to miss a thing." Hearing this, Hughie laughed quietly, feeling as if these words were directed straight to him.
 I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure
"I love this song." you said quietly however you didn't dare to look at him. You stared ahead admiring the landscape, but he was watching you carefully paying special attention to your lips wondering what it would be like to kiss you. Many times this thought had crossed his mind but now it was a thousand times more intense.
Don't want to close my eyes
I don't want to fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you baby
And I don't want to miss a thing
How many times did you appear in his dreams? He couldn't count anymore. Every time he woke up from one, he desperately tried to fall back asleep hoping that you would appear in them once again.
"Hey, y/n..." he began uncertainly. When you looked at him he suddenly felt as if he had completely lost the ability to speak.
"Yes?" your voice was quiet, but it reached his heart causing his heartbeat to be comparable to A-Train's during a heart attack. He was unable to mumble anything. He sat like that and, looking into your eyes, begged in soul that you would read from his everything that was going on inside him right now.
Lying close to you, feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes
And thank God we're together
And I just want to stay with you in this moment forever
Forever and ever
"I really want to stay with you in this moment forever." he whispered. Seeing a smile forming on your face he dared to touch your cheek gently. You, without thinking, cuddled your face into his large hand and closed your eyes relishing the moment. Hughie slowly moved closer to you and rested his forehead against yours. Your breaths sped up, and as colorful streaks splashed across the sky he brought your lips together causing you to feel as if those fireworks were exploding inside you. You had waited so long for this moment that with each kiss you desperately wanted more, as if you wanted to make up for all the lost time.
I don't want to miss one smile
And I don't want to miss one kiss
And I just want to be with you
Right here with you, just like this
And I just want to hold you close
I feel your heart so close to mine
And just stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time
"I would definitely want to stop time right now and stay here in this moment for the rest of my life." he said as you pulled away from each other to catch your breath.
"I may not be able to stop time, but I can make you feel that way for a while." you replied while looking toward the sky. Your superpower after taking V turned out to be slowing down everything nearby. You discovered this when, during a trip to Russia, you slowed down bullets that were fired straight at you and your brother. Now everything around you froze. The colors in the sky stopped looking as if they were painted.
"They froze like the stars in the sky." he said. "They reflect in your eyes in a beautiful way."
"Yeah, but I can't keep them like that any longer," you replied laughing.
"It's fine." he said. "Can I..."
"Yes." you said interrupting him. You knew perfectly well what he wanted to ask. Hearing this, he brought your lips together again in a sweet kiss.
"Can you promise me that when we return to the gray reality again and we will be consumed by another mission you will not forget what happened today?"
"Why should I forget?"
"Memories like to fade," he said.
"The best ones always last. Besides, I have a feeling that there are many more similarly beautiful memories ahead, y/n."
"Even if time moves on, I will keep lookin' back to tonight," you sighed. "I will always go back to it."
"Me too." He replied quietly kissing the top of your head. You felt a smile creep onto his face again immediately after.
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When, unfortunately, your time together came to an end Hughie drove you back to the place where you lived with your brother and Kimiko, and he himself returned to his apartment. When you opened the door you almost tripped over the bag that stood by it. When you looked closer you saw that it was filled with your belongings.
"Serge? Kimiko?" you called out going deeper. At the sound of your voice they both left the room. Kimiko had tears in her eyes and your brother barely looked at you. He was furious. You had already guessed what had happened. Wordlessly, he handed you a phone that showed a video of how fireworks suddenly froze in the sky.
"Why?" he asked.
"Serge... I can explain." you felt panic rising in your body.
"You promised! You promised never to take that shit again in your life!" he shouted. "Why the hell did you do that?!"
"I wanted to feel better! That I had control over something!"
"What fucking control are you talking about?! The only thing you had control over was whether that shit got into your system or not!"
"What if something had happened there? What if one of the seven had done something?! What if you guys suddenly needed help? If something happened in the tower!"
"But nothing happened! Everything went according to plan! Also, that's still not enough reason to take it!"
"I know! But if you took it you would understand what I'm talking about, Serge!" you felt tears running down your cheeks. "All our lives we are afraid of something, we are constantly running away from something because we are never safe! Do you remember what happened when our father was getting drunk? He would beat you into unconsciousness, and all I could do was look at it and beg him to stop! And the moments when we had to sell ourselves to the sleazy rich to have anything to eat at all? When Nina forced us to kill all those people? If only I could have had those powers back then believe me our lives wouldn't be so fucked up now! Maybe it would be at least a little... normal."
"But you didn't have them and the fact that you have them now won't change anything. Nothing will ever change our past y/n, but it will change the future because I don't want to see you anymore." his voice was becoming calmer, and that scared you even more. You felt as if barbed wire was wrapping around your heart and tightening, driving straight into it.
"Serge..." saying his name your voice faltered.
"You have betrayed my trust y/n, once again you have done it. Now Vought knows there's some supe with the power to slow down time wandering around somewhere, and they'll definitely be looking for them. You can't stay here, for the near term it's too dangerous. And I can't even look at you." Although his gaze was glued to the window you could see tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. From the very beginning, the two of you were inseparable. Growing up with an unbalanced alcoholic father from an early age, you had to learn how to take care of each other, so you went through every worst situation in life together. You could always count on each other, and now suddenly you were supposed to disappear from his life?
"I've done so many awful things in my life, and it never bothered you..."
"Taking V is the worst thing you've done."
"Bullshit! You took much worse things yourself, after which you almost died more than once you asshole! You took things that could kill you in seconds!" you didn't know how you felt. You were furious that he didn't even try to understand you. You were hurt that after all you've been through together he just so simply wants to remove you from his life. He saw you murdering people and never hated you because of it. He was always there for you and helped you cope with all the darkness that engulfed your life. He did everything to be the best big brother to you. You both were each other's support and motivation to stay alive. Now that was about to change. Now you would be left all alone like a country dunny.
"And I'd rather die than take V!" he yelled. "In your bag are the keys to the apartment in Larchmont and a bus ticket." he added more calmly. "Leave your old phone here, you need to find something new."
Feeling resigned, you picked up the bag and turned to leave. Before you could grab the door knob you felt someone grab your wrist. It was Kimiko, whose eyes were shining with tears. You hugged her tightly.
"Hughie didn't know anything." you said before leaving. "He didn't know I took V." you lied. You could no longer be saved by anything though, you could save him from all this.
With pain in your heart, you left the apartment and headed for the bus stop. Sitting there, you looked at the little plush dog you held in your hands. You wondered how such a beautiful evening could have turned into the worst of your life. As soon as you gained something beautiful you immediately had to lose it along with everything else you loved. You had never really been alone in your life. Now you had to face it at a frighteningly fast pace.
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It's been a week since you left, at first Hughie thought you were avoiding him after everything that happened at the festival, but he knew you weren't the kind of person who just disappears like that. He tried to contact you many times but each time was met with no response. He explained to himself that if you had made up your mind and decided that you didn't feel anything more than friendship for him after all, you would surely have told him. He also wondered if maybe he scared you then? Did it all happen too fast?
"Does anyone know what happened to y/n? She hasn't been here in a long time." He finally couldn't stand it during one of the meetings. Taking the opportunity that Serge was out of the apartment he decided to find out as much as possible.
"Frenchie decided to send her to a little rehab from temporary V." Butcher replied.
"On the 4th of July, she stole my V and took it. Frenchie found out, got mad and kicked her out of the house. He made her leave the phone and sent her outside New York." he summarized. Hughie felt like someone had just kicked him in the stomach. He probably preferred to believe that he was simply being avoided, rather than what really happened.
"I never thought something would happen that could divide them." sighed MM "I don't know how you couldn't see that he was under the influence of this crap."
"I..." he was in such shock that he had no idea what to say. Didn't you admit that you both took it?
"No more chitchat, we have a mission to talk about." interrupted Butcher starting to explain the strategy. However, for Hughie, these were just indistinct words clumped together into one long sound. His thoughts were completely absorbed in something else.
When Butcher finished speaking, burdened by a barrage of information and feelings, Hughie sat down heavily on the couch right next to Kimiko, who was drawing something. He could see that she had been withdrawn more than usual for the past few days.
"You okay?" he asked.
She picked up her phone and began to text. I miss her.
"Me too." He replied sending her a sad smile.
She told Frenchie that you didn't know she had taken V.
This hurt him even more. The fact that even as your life was collapsing you decided to protect him, and he couldn't do anything to help you. He felt like a damn coward for not being able to tell them the truth.
She said she took it because she wanted to have control. She was talking about all the terrible things that had happened to them.
Suddenly it dawned on him how much pain you must have experienced in your life, and he didn't know most of those stories yet. He wanted to know everything about you, he wanted to know you inside out and accept it fully, because what you had done in the past didn't affect his feelings for you.
"Do you have any contact with her? Do you know where she is now?" he asked. However, Kimiko only shook her head negatively in response and went back to drawing.
He couldn't stand the pain that was spreading throughout his body. The mental was turning into physical. He was furious. Angry at Frenchie, who made the decision that you must disappear from their lives. He was furious at himself for letting you take V. That he didn't stop you. He cursed in his soul that he needed it to feel confident enough to finally take a step toward you. He blamed himself for this and couldn't forgive himself for not telling you to put those damned vials away then.
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It's been two months since you disappeared suddenly and very painfully. It is said that time heals wounds, however, Hughie had the impression that his wounds grew even larger and fate sprinkled salt on them every now and then. Every day he looked for your face in the crowd, but to no effect. Whenever the opportunity arose he would rummage through your brother's things hoping to find any contact or address information about you, but he never managed to find anything that would help. He spent whole nights thinking up ways he could reach you, but nothing ever worked out. It was as if you suddenly vanished. Collapsed into the ground and disappeared forever. Thoughts of you being somewhere all alone now haunted him and bit into his brain causing him even more pain. With your absence, happiness was also gone. Nothing gave him pleasure, nothing made him happy. The only emotions he felt were grief, sadness and anger. They consumed him completely. From time to time, he wondered if maybe you had already met someone new and were actually putting your life back together? Maybe you have found someone with whom you feel happy and safe? The jealousy that gripped him at the time made him feel like screaming. He was the one who wanted to be the person who made you smile. He loved your smile. He loved the sound of your voice and laughter. He loved watching you teach Kimiko new things or patiently learn her language. After losing Robin, you brought brightness back into his life. You were the sunshine that chased away the dark clouds.
Everyone was convinced that his bad mood was because Annie had found herself a new boyfriend. He let them believe it because it was more convenient. He didn't even have the strength to deny it, because his heart was broken in truth, but for a completely different reason.The longer he thought about all this, the more convinced he became that he couldn't just let you disappear. He knew he was risking a lot, but you were worth it. You were worth everything.
"I knew she took it." he said when Marvin opened the door and stepped inside. "We both took V then, and I damn well wish I had stopped her from doing it!"
"She would be here with us now if I had stopped her! It's all my fault. Now she's not here and I don't know what to do with myself." He nervously walked around the room combing his hair with his hand.
"You talking about Annie?" Marvin was visibly confused.
"Holy shit MM! I'm talking about y/n! Annie and her new guy don't matter to me even a little bit! From the very beginning the only person I cared about was y/n! And now she's gone." he felt tears gather in his eyes. He couldn't help it. Emotions were pushing outward, and he couldn't hold them back. For two months he had kept them inside, but now the dam broke giving them outlet " That day when she showed me that she had picked up those damn vials from Butcher I should have somehow talked her out of the idea. But instead I agreed. I took the damn thing to feel better. To feel confident. To finally stop feeling like a complete loser in life, like a slacker. To stop being afraid and finally do something to show her that I care about her!" he tossed out word after word. "The moment when I grabbed her hand and she didn't take it? Or the one when I won that fucking teddy bear for her? If it wasn't for V I probably wouldn't have even hit the target. And that moment when the fireworks froze in the sky? It was one of the best in my hopeless life! When I kissed her she didn't move away, didn't run away. Damn, seeing her smile right after that made me feel that everything could finally work out! Fuck!"
"You kiss my sister?" through all this, he didn't even notice when Frenchie also appeared in the room.
"Yes, Frenchie, I kissed your sister and I don't regret anything." His hands were shaking with nerves, and single tears flew down his cheeks. He was ready for your brother to go at him with his fists right away, to be honest he was sure it would happen. He wouldn't even defend himself. Because at that moment he didn't care about anything anymore. He missed you and couldn't cope with your absence from his life. "All this time you thought it was Annie who broke my heart, but that's bullshit. Even if I once felt something for Annie it was never as strong as with y/n. I am in love with her, and it was you who broke my heart, Frenchie. You broke it by making her disappear from our lives." He hid his face in his hands. Silence fell between all three of them.
"You really love her?" finally Frenchie asked, sitting down next to him on the couch.
"Yes," he said without thinking. "I know I messed everything up, but I can't turn back time, no matter how much I wish I could."
"I think she needs to hear all that you've said, too." interjected MM looking at Frenchie, who was thinking intensely about something. Your brother had two choices. He could attack Hughie and probably massacre his face or rethink the situation. No matter how angry he was he knew that this anger would not go away for even if he unloaded it on the boy with his fist. But he could also try to understand and give you a second chance. Your relationship with Hughie? Frenchie knew very well that he would never hurt you. He knew from the beginning that Petit Hughie had the purest heart of you all and would be able to take good care of yours.
"I am disappointed." Serge began slowly. "But y/n is my sister and I love her with all my heart. No matter what she does I will always want the best for her." he sighed.
"I think Frenchie wants to say that he forgives you." Marvin laughed.
"I'll forgive you on the condition that this time you swear on everything that you'll never take that shit again."
"I swear." Finally, for the first time, hope awoke in him. "No More V. Never."
"My sister deserves the best, I hope you know that if you break her heart I will kill you in the most drastic way I can think of?"
"I know, but I have no intention of breaking her heart."
"I know, that's why I didn't break your nose when I found out about the kiss. You may be an idiot sometimes, but your heart is good Petit Hughie. That's why I'm able to trust you to take care of y/n the best way you can."
"Will you tell me where she is?"
"I'll take you there, come on." 
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The road passed them in silence. All this time Hughie was trying to arrange in his head what he would say once he saw you. However, he was also ready for the scenario that if he saw you with someone else he would not retreat. If necessary he would fight for you, because he knew he couldn't bear to lose you once again. When you finally arrived at your destination they parked under a small tenement.
"I want to talk to her first, so wait here." Frenchie said while turning off the car.
You were lying on the couch cuddled up with plush Hughie when you heard a knock on the door. Startled, you opened the door, and the sight of your brother completely caught you off guard.
"Can we talk?" he asked, stepping inside.
"I thought you didn't want to know me..." you were happy to see him. The last two months have been a nightmare of loneliness for you. The pain of losing all the people you cared about caused you to isolate yourself from the world and not even try to get to know anyone else. You felt as if you had lost the ability to meet new people and function in society. You cried all days and lay staring at the TV. You lost the desire to do anything. You even ate only when the hunger was already unbearable. The last two months were just existence, because it definitely couldn't be called life. You were daydreaming about what would happen if Hughie found you. You kept coming back to that night with memories of when it all started and ended.
"Y/n Listen..." Serge sighed. "I'm mad, you broke your promises, You betrayed my trust, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving you. You are my sister and even if you stab me in the back I will still love you."
"I'm so sorry frère..." your voice squawked.
"I know that sooner or later I will forgive you, but it will be a really long time before I can trust you again."
"Please let me go home. I'll do everything I can to make it right. I hate being here alone, I can't handle it Serge." You walked up to him and grabbed his hand tightly. Your heart was breaking into pieces, you felt guilty and knew that this feeling would not go away too soon, you knew that you deserved to be punished, but you were aware that you would not last a moment longer here. Your brother also knew this very well.
"Come on, we'll pack up your things, okay?" he said coming closer to you, and you threw yourself around his neck hugging him with all your might.
"I missed you so much," you sobbed into the collar of his jacket.
"Me too sœur, me too." he replied feeling a weight fall from his heart as well.
Anxious Hughie sat in the car nervously shaking his leg. Minutes passed and you were still nowhere to be seen. He began to fear that the situation had gotten out of hand and instead of getting along you would start arguing again, but as soon as he saw you leaving the building all thoughts from his head disappeared. His heart skipped a bit and without even knowing when he was standing in front of the car smiling in your direction. At the sight of him you threw the bag you were holding in your hands on the ground and ran towards him. Your bodies collided with such force that he lost his balance, causing you to land on the asphalt. But at that moment it didn't matter. All that mattered was that you were now in each other's arms. He cupped your face and looked deeply into your eyes, which were glassy. Tears began to flow into his as well. This time they were a sign of joy and emotion. Pure happiness enveloped you completely.
"Are you crying?" you asked with a giggle.
"You are crying too." he replied still smiling. He corrected his position by sitting down on the ground, and you sat across from him and close enough that your foreheads touched.
"I missed you so much." you whispered.
"I kept thinking about you, remembering everything," he said grabbing your hand. "And I know that memories fade, but the best ones will last" he placed a gentle kiss on the top of your hand. "As time moves on, I keep lookin' back,"
"Kiss me like it was the 4th of July".
"When fireworks froze like stars in the sky?" you had the feeling that your heart was about to fail. Seeing Hughie's world's cutest smile as he held your hand it was melting at an incredibly fast speed.
"I thought you had forgotten..."
"I'll always remember the 4th of July and the look in your eyes... I saw every color of the rainbow in them."
"I didn't know there was such a romantic hidden in you."
"I can tell you more, I can tell you that it was actually you who was like a rainbow that appeared in the sky after a nasty storm. Did I go too far? Too cheesy? If you don't like it tell me, I'll stop right away." His self-doubt at that moment was charming. In truth, the words he said really touched and impressed you. Even if they sounded like they were taken straight out of some cheap, cheesy romantic comedy.
"Just kiss me Hughie." you replied. And he closed the gap between you without a second thought. The world around you ceased to exist. You didn't care that you were sitting in the middle of the parking lot. What mattered was that everything seemed to be getting back on track and you had the people you loved and who loved you with you again.
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2worlds-colliding · 2 years
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IMDb’s Trending: Stars to watch, 9/24/22, featuring Aidan Gallagher.
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have R.L. Stine Goosebumps 3-Pack Thriller It has Attack of the Jack-O’-Lanterns 1996, The Headless Ghost 1996, and The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight 1996
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adamwatchesmovies · 1 year
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013)
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When you call a film a Frankenstein’s Monster, the assumption is that you've stitched together pieces of different properties to make a new thing. That doesn’t quite work with The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. If it were merely Vampire Academy (which is part Twilight) plus Harry Potter, it would have two legs, two arms and a single head. This movie is more like a teleportation accident. All the arms, legs, and heads are still there, creating a would-be franchise starter so unoriginal you can keep yourself entertained by predicting what’s coming next.
Teenaged Clary Fray (Lily Collins) worries her mother, Jocelyn (Lena Headey), when she begins drawing a strange symbol. Soon, Clary begins seeing things and people no one else can, which is when she’s introduced to the world of “Shadowhunters”. “Mundanes” cannot see them, but demons live among us. The Shadowhunters are half-human half-angel warriors who hold the forces of evil back. When the villainous Magnus Bane (Godfrey Gao) kidnaps her mother, Clary and her best friend Simon (Robert Sheehan) join Jace Wayland (Jamie Campbell) to help. Hopefully Jocelyn' abduction does not mean the Mortal Cup (one of three Mortal Instruments given to the first Shadowhunter by the angel Raziel) has fallen into the wrong hands.
The more YA novel adaptations I see, the more credit I must give to the original Twilight film. Both it and the Harry Potter series started off small, building up their love plots and world-shaking final battles. The imitators make the mistake of introducing so much in the first chapter you can hardly keep track of what’s happening. This world has angels, demons, witches, vampires and werewolves… all living among us and right under our noses. There’s the obligatory love triangle between Lily, her creepy best friend who pines for her (seriously, Simon is totally a proto incel) and the hunky, dangerous, tattoo-clad supernatural warrior who doesn’t want anything to do with the girl but can’t stay away from her. There are prophecies, magic tattoos, betrayals, revelations and so much going on this feels like two or three movies crammed into one. Well, in many ways, it is. If you haven’t seen The Maze Runner, Divergent, The Host, Eragon, Red Riding Hood, Beastly and so many others, this plot may seem novel but to the rest of us, this is a parade that makes you wonder “what’s next?!” in the worst way. Just wait until the part where they talk about Sebastian Bach. It’s so loopy I almost say it’s worth seeing this movie for it alone.
Part of what makes The City of Bones so entertaining is that it keeps finding new ways to be bad. Overall, the special effects are fine for a mid-budget production but note the way the afore-mentioned werewolves never transform on-screen because… you know, that would be expensive. As you watch and wait for the titular City of Bones to appear, keep your expectations low because the sanctuary is so unimportant it should’ve been omitted entirely. The romantic love plot is the middle of much bigger things will either infuriate you, or cause you to slip into uncontrollable laughter. I know these are teens with raging hormones but come on people. The peril outside is so much bigger than who’s kissing who! I know this is supposed to be wish-fulfilment for teenage girls. It's just that Clary makes so many wrong decisions and causes so many problems it’s a little embarrassing to watch.
Despite everything, I’m disappointed this picture never got the sequel it so desperately wanted. They drop a bomb towards the end. I want it resolved so desperately I’d sit through at least 2 to 3 more of these just to see it resolved. It’s another thing to make fun of. This is the embodiment of teenage angst in the middle of much bigger things, which means I had a great time watching The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. (August 30, 2019)
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footballmanageraddict · 8 months
For Sparta! | Part 6 | Second Season Syndrome
#FM24 #ForSparta! Part 6: Second Season Syndrome. King Leonidas' young @SpartansFC side face a season of struggle as they face a relegation battle in the cinch Championship. But another stellar youth intake delivers even more potential. Read here:
The Spartans FC yet again proved their doubters wrong as they secured a mid-table finish in their first season in the cinch Championship. The challenge now was for King Leonidas and his young charges to start challenging the division’s bigger sides, while remaining a semi-professional club. The transfer window again proved a struggle as very few players live up to Leonidas’ attribute…
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Red Magazine October 2024
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I here’s a moment in Rivals, the new television adaptation of Jilly Cooper’s bestselling novel, when Aidan Turner’s character recites WB Yeats’ famous poem When You Are Old. It’s a moment of peak Irishness, and, for Turner, who has long cherished a yearning to play a literary Irish character, the scene was joyous. ‘I loved it!’ he exclaims over Zoom, grin wide across his face. ‘I think I was enjoying it way too much. I could smell the classroom again when I started reading that. I was going, “Oh, my god, I remember all of these poems!”’
Turner is trying hard right now not to use the word ‘fun’ when describing Rivals, but he tells me that it’s proving rather impossible. ‘It was the most fun I think I’ve ever had on a production,’ he declares. Watching the show, I can’t say that I doubt him for a second. Set in the fictional upper-class county of Rutshire, Disney’s raunchy new series delves into the cut-throat world of independent television in 1986, in which a long-simmering rivalry between Lord Tony Baddingham (David Tennant), controller of Corinium Television, and notorious womaniser Rupert Campbell-Black (Alex Hassell) is threatening to boil over. Against a backdrop of sex, scandals and scheming, Irishman Declan O’Hara (Turner), a talented talkshow star who is wooed to the countryside to join Corinium, vows to get his revenge.
‘It happens once in a while when all the stars align,’ enthuses Turner, ‘and you get a bunch of really great actors who want to work with each other, want to work on this material and who want to be in this particular place at this particular time.’ Reading the script, he could immediately understand O’Hara’s sense of alienation as he steps into a quintessentially British world obsessed with class. ‘Because I’m Irish, I didn’t have to try too hard to put those glasses on,’ he explains. ‘It seems to me very much like he is the outsider. He doesn't really like the people or what they’re trying to achieve. He sort of has a bohemian sensibility. He’s a literate person, a more serious person. He’s a journalist. He likes things black and white, straight and clear, and this world I think he finds a bit gross.’
As you’d expect from a Jilly Cooper adaptation, Rivals is a rollickingly entertaining romp, full to the brim with helicopters, horse riding, lavish parties and romantic entanglements. But the show has political shades, too, examining questions of race, gender, class and sexual liberation through a 2020s lens. ‘I think it feels really truthful and honest,’ Turner says with sincerity. ‘I think we’re showing a world that, I think in some ways, still does exist, but very much existed in a different way back then. And I think we show it in a kind of no-frills approach to it.’ With the exception of high-powered executive Cameron Cook (Nafessa Williams), Turner notes that the majority of the women in the show don’t hold positions of power. ‘We show the hypocrisy and the bigotry in that,’ he adds passionately. ‘It’s not just like, “Here’s what it was like, let’s move on,” you know? It’s not just a museum piece. I think we’re showing how wrong that was, how difficult that was, and I think how we’ve made improvements in the years gone by.’
He suspects that some viewers won’t expect that commentary from a show like Rivals. ‘They may think it’s fluffy, or it’s just a comedy,’ he says. ‘I mean, it’s very much not. I don’t think you get the calibre of actors involved in the show if it was just that, either.’ The cast became like a family unit, he says, and for actors of a similar age to himself, some of whom are parents, filming the show in the Cotswolds offered a unique opportunity to bond. ‘You know, we’re getting out of London for a week or two, and we’re getting to hang out in Bristol and have cocktails at night and talk about the show and do all these things,’ he explains. ‘We quickly realised that this is quite special, and we’re going to lean right into it.’ Did that involve getting into the party spirit, I ask? ‘I don’t want to start getting in trouble,’ he chuckles. ‘But there was a sprinkle of hedonism over the production, for sure. It makes the show better.’
If Rivals offered Turner a little escapism, it’s also further proof that as an actor, he can’t be neatly categorised. Since galloping onto our screens as the swashbuckling, scythe-swinging protagonist in Poldark, he’s resisted being pigeonholed as a romantic lead, winning plaudits playing a top coach accused of abuse in tennis drama Fifteen-Love, and a chilling clinical psychologist in crime thriller The Suspect. ‘It was nice to do a couple of shows that were in contemporary worlds, you know, wearing suits and jeans and shoes and carrying iPhones,’ he says modestly. ‘And not riding around in horses and carriages, or in a world of goblins and orcs or whatever. So yeah, it’s good to mix it up, but you never know what’s around the corner.’
Let it be known, though, that if the occasion calls for Turner to jump on a horse, he’s more than up to the task. As well as riding, he boasts an impressive range of talents, including being a champion ballroom dancer. What skills did he learn on the set of Rivals? ‘I can drink whiskey like nobody’s business,’ he laughs. That, and drive O’Hara’s yellow Mini. ‘That Mini was almost impossible to drive, and I’m pretty good at it now.’ He did also grow a statement moustache. ‘For the first time in my life as an actor, I felt a little bit sad to get rid of it,’ he says ruefully. ‘I had it for so long. We’ll see if it comes back’. 
He’s excited for Rivals to make its way out into the world. ‘We’re all just really happy and proud, he says. ‘You know, it’s the show that we set out to make, which is also a rare thing.’ That said, he’s not in a rush to find his next project. ‘Sometimes you also just need to step back for a while and not work all the time, and wait for the good thing to come along,’ he muses. ‘I’m a better person when I do the work that I really want to do.’ When we speak, he’s in Canada with his wife, Succession star Caitlin FitzGerald, who is filming, and his two-year-old son. They navigate who takes on the next project, he explains, by having an open dialogue. ‘I mean, our lives have changed a lot and not a lot at the same time, if you know what I mean. We’re still both working. We’re still both lucky that way. We can keep working and keep our family life together, and everything is just great and happy.’
Turner’s not at liberty to discuss his next project, but he’s very excited for it. ‘It’s a very different type of show than anything I’ve done before,’ he smiles. In the future, he envisages working more with friends and hopes to turn his hand to producing. ‘I love being an actor. But I think there’s also some other hats I can put on that I can be equally as good at, if not better.’ In the meantime, he says, his roles are only getting more interesting. ‘It’s the best thing!’ he exclaims. ‘I mean, I sort of knew it was gonna happen.’ With the benefit of life experience, he explains, his characters are naturally getting more layered. ‘I think that matters you know? I want to listen to a 41-year-old man, over a 21-year-old man. I just do,’ he says emphatically. ‘For me, that’s more interesting.’ 
Twenty years after breaking into the industry, he’s lost the ‘cacophony of nerves’ that came with trying to impress as a young actor. ‘I’ve learned that it’s okay to find the thing, or to not know the thing, to get on set and go, “Okay, I have no idea how we’re going to do this.”’ It’s been freeing, he says, learning to let go. ‘Now it’s fun and creative and it feels more relaxed, and then the work is better through all that, too. So I guess if I could say something to the younger actor, it would just be, breathe. Everything’s gonna be fine. You know the lines, you know the work. Just get in there and have fun. And don’t worry so much about the work itself. The work will happen. Just let you happen first.’ 
Rivals is streaming on Disney+ this autumn 
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princeloww · 1 month
So you've read the Rivals novel. Does David play the bad guy.
I'm too lazy to read it myself. Also part of me wants to read it AFTER watching the series for unspecified reasons 🤷😛
I'm going to try answer this with as little spoilers as possible, but yes, pretty much. He plays an asshole rich guy who owns a television company and treats his employees poorly. He's got a really bad temper and only really cares about himself - he also cheats on his wife regularly and is a dick to the person he cheats on her with.
I wouldn't say he's exactly a plain-cut 'villain', he doesn't have evil plans and laugh maniacally, but you're definitely not supposed to root for him. He treats the other characters - Aidan Turner's character, Declan O'Hara, most notably - like shit and is a mean, manipulative boss who just cares about himself and money.
Although his long-term enemy and rival (Rupert Campbell-Black, who I think we're supposed to find hot and like?? but I hate him so much) is a Tory MP, which is kind of a win and ironic considering DT's recent activities (by that I mean the tory-twitter-beef)
I suspect DT will play him with charm and make him slightly more likeable than he is in the book, so I'm looking forward to that
Hope this help!! If anyone has other rivals-related questions I would be delighted to help
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thecampbellowl · 3 months
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No dia 4 de fevereiro, Charlie é entregue à sua mãe mortal, a professora universitária de filosofia Eva Campbell, pela deusa Atena, na cidade de Nova York. Ela havia sido planejada cuidadosamente pelas duas para ser movida integralmente por seu formidável intelecto.
Um mês antes de completar seu terceiro ano de vida, Charlie aprende a ler. Ela passará os anos seguintes de sua infância aprendendo obedientemente tudo o que sua mãe lhe ensinava, trancada dentro de casa e sem contato com ninguém além de Eva. Charlie não fazia ideia de sua parentagem olimpiana, apesar de ter um conhecimento de cultura clássica e mitologia grega invejáveis.
Quando a guerra contra os titãs se tornou evidente, Atena alertou Eva e orientou que a mulher tirasse Charlie da cidade. Até o fim da guerra, as duas viveram em um motel no interior do estado. Charlie não fazia ideia do motivo, mas sempre havia sido ensinada a obedecer sua mãe incondicionalmente, e foi o que fez.
No mesmo ano, Eva Campbell sofre um infarto enquanto lecionava na NYU e, como não possuía parentes próximos vivos, Charlie foi entregue nas mãos do Estado. Essa seria a primeira vez que ela interagiria com outras crianças e, por sua personalidade silenciosa e isolada, se tornou vítima de bullying frequente, não conseguindo fazer amigos.
Charlie é encontrada por um sátiro no orfanato e levada ao Acampamento Meio-Sangue. Ela é levada ao chalé de Hermes, onde residirá nos anos seguintes, apesar da desconfiança geral de sua mãe olimpiana, graças à sua imensa inteligência. Ela começa a treinar arco-e-flecha e mostra facilidade com a arma.
Foi ainda nesse ano que fez três amigos que levaria para a vida: Sebastian, que chegou no Acampamento na mesma época que ela e foi seu primeiro amigo; Kit, que forjou o arco que Charlie usa até hoje e a colocou embaixo de sua asa; e Yasemin, que a defendeu de um grupo de bullies e se manteve ao seu lado desde então.
Aidan começa a praticar bullying contra Charlie. Ela já está acostumada com esse tipo de situação, mas o tamanho de Aidan e a força do filho de Ares em comparação à própria fez com que Charlie desenvolvesse grande apreensão em relação a ele.
Após o seu desempenho na guerra contra Gaia usando seu poder para ajudar o time de estrategistas, Atena finalmente reclama Charlie como sua filha e a garota se muda para o chalé 6. Charlie passa os anos seguintes fazendo o possível para se tornar invisível para os olhos alheios, com a exceção de seus poucos amigos.
Para variar, mais uma filha de Ares começa a implicar com Charlie: Daphne Gracewood. Essa implicância, porém, dura apenas até as duas serem obrigadas a saírem em missão juntas e salvam a vida uma da outra múltiplas vezes. Depois disso, acabam por construir uma linda amizade.
Charlie se torna instrutora de estratégia no Acampamento. Foi nessa mesma época que fez amizade com Candy e, ela podia não saber no momento, mas a filha de Eros se tornaria uma de suas melhores amigas.
Charlie estava no anfiteatro durante o jantar quando Rachel Elizabeth Dare anunciou a Profecia.
05/04/2024: Charlie ganha vida no @silencehq
Charlie retorna da missão com Kit e Josh para exterminar uma forja de Telequines. A missão é um sucesso e fortalece ainda mais sua amizade com Kit, além de criar uma improvável amizade com Josh. Como recompensa de sua missão bem-sucedida, ela ganha um par de pulseiras de cura. Após perceber o quanto o uso de seu poder e de sua mente estratégica foram necessários na missão, Charlie decide se unir à equipe de Estrategistas. Assim que chega ao seu chalé, Charlie é obrigada a reviver a missão que acabou de participar na tarefa passada por Quíron. Ao menos isso a faz perceber que fez tudo o que podia e, como recompensa por completar a tarefa, ganha flechas que têm o poder de causar feridas e doenças em semideuses.
Candace convence Charlie, com muito esforço, a participar do Amor Divino Estilo Semideuses. Para seu azar, seu encontro caiu no mesmo dia em que um Drakon atacou o Acampamento. Acabou se machucando na coxa, mas mesmo assim decidiu ir ao encontro na torre de observação... apenas para levar um bolo.
Charlie aceita o desafio de se tornar Conselheira do chalé 6. Em outro momento jamais acreditaria ser capaz de tanta responsabilidade, mas tudo o que passou nos últimos tempos a fez perceber que ela tinha sim o que era necessário para cuidar de si mesma e de seus irmãos. Como recompensa por seu novo cargo, ganhou uma lança de bronze celestial.
Charlie se divertiu muito com seus amigos no Waterland, onde fez para si um escudo com o símbolo de uma coruja na oficina de Hefesto com a ajuda de Stevie. Além disso, firmou um estranho acordo com Aidan: ela vai ensiná-lo técnicas de meditação, enquanto ele vai lhe dar umas aulas para usar a lança nova. Foi para o baile de Afrodite com Kit e estava se divertindo muito até o ataque do traidor e dos ursinhos assassinos. Conseguiu bolar um plano para acabar com eles usando o fogo, mas acabou queimando a perna de leve no caminho. Nada que um pouco de néctar não resolva.
Semideuses citados: @oceanhcir @misshcrror @kitdeferramentas @aidankeef @deathpoiscn @eroscandy @wrxthbornx @vitorialada
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turneradora · 10 days
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New article in the Harper's Bazaar UK, October Issue, to promote "Rivals"!
Amazing photoshoot !
Here is the article of the Harper's Bazaar Uk magazine !!
Thanks to Emma Jones for the written transcription ! 🙏👍🌺
Harpers Bazaar - October 2024
Bazaar recreates the fictional county of Rutshire to meet the cast of Rivals, a new TV adaptation of Jilly Cooper’s racy 1980s blockbuster
As Jilly Cooper’s Rivals leaps rambunctiously to our screens, we meet the cast of the saucy new show
It’s 1986 and, high over the Atlantic, a London-bound Concorde is about to break the sound barrier. Most passengers continue smoking, flicking through magazines and ordering martinis, while the rattling WC door indicates that two are currently joining the mile-high club. Moments later, an unruffled, glamorous couple emerge triumphantly from the loo and the tannoy announces that supersonic speed has been reached: everyone whoops; glasses are clinked; and the thumping chorus of ‘You might as well face it/you’re addicted to love’ is amped up. This is the opening scene of Rivals, the much-anticipated new television adaptation of Jilly Cooper’s bestselling novel, and it’s so unsubtle that, even alone in a dark screening bunker below the streets of Soho, it makes me splutter with laughter. It is also irresistible.
The 1988 book is a classic of the Cooper canon and part of the Rutshire Chronicles, a series based in a fictional Cotswolds county that follows the lives and loves of the affluent elite – an area the team behind its new, and first, on-screen adaptation are well-versed in bringing to life. Produced by A Very English Scandal ’s Dominic Treadwell-Collins and written by Laura Wade, who was behind The Riot Club, Disney+’s eight-part drama is also executivelyproduced by both Cooper and her literary agent Felicity Blunt. It is largely faithful to the novel but, as that has 700 pages and 79 characters listed by name and personality trait in an A-Z at the front, the show necessarily homes in on the central plot lines.
The two main protagonists are Rupert Campbell-Black (played by Alex Hassell), a former Olympic-gold show jumper turned Conservative MP (and, incidentally, the ‘best-looking man in England’); and Declan O’Hara (Aidan Turner), an Irish broadcasting star who leaves the BBC to move to Rutshire with his actress wife Maud and children Taggie, Caitlin and Patrick. Declan’s new employer, Corinium Television, is run by David Tennant’s vile Lord Tony Baddingham and his sidekick Cameron Cook, an American producer he has lured over from New York, depicted by the US native Nafessa Williams. They are joined by a large supporting cast that includes Danny Dyer and Emily Atack.
The titular rivalries are many and varied, primarily centred on the struggle to win the local TV franchise; simultaneously, characters lock horns over love, money, class, pets, politics and property, while presenting chat shows, throwing parties and playing nude tennis. The resulting viewing experience is both a period drama that seems set on another planet and a series exploring themes that still resonate today.
Cooper – who, at 87, is still in full ownership of her signature cloud of coiffed hair, inimitable charisma and a hundred-mile-an hour conversation – loved working on the project. ‘It’s terribly exciting,’ she tells me, with an amazed shake of the head. ‘Other books of mine have been televised and it was awful – but with this, we took casting very seriously and I can’t fault any of them.’
During a break on Bazaar ’s shoot, Turner tells me how Cooper gave a cocktail party for the cast in her garden, and what a ball they all had filming in the West Country last summer. (The latter is clear: he’s delighted to see his co-stars, including the mongrel Pontie, who plays Gertrude, the O’Hara family dog, and some of her canine colleagues brought along for a day in front of the camera.)
The series appealed to the Poldark star immediately. ‘I thought the scripts were really, really funny – line-wise, I have some crackers,’ he says. Turner’s Declan is a big-hearted if self involved journalist, wrestling to reconcile his bosses’ desire to monetise his charm, his own dream of writing a Yeats documentary and the need to bread-win for his profligate family. Although this push and pull between being commercial and creative, between the professional and the personal, plays out in a larger-than-life fashion, it still somehow feels familiar to a modern viewer. ‘That’s the sign of really good television, isn’t it, when it holds the mirror up to our present,’ says the actor. ‘What have we thrown in the trash? What still needs to change?’
The ways in which prejudices have evolved in the past 40 years are thrown into quite harsh relief in the show. Casting a Black actress to play Cameron Cook, the damaged but resilient hot-shot American producer, gives the series an opportunity to delicately include a glimpse of the regularity of what we’d now recognise as racist micro aggressions. Equally, Cameron’s strength is joyful to witness. ‘Such a spicy, smart character – especially a Black woman, who can carry her own and get her way in the male-dominated world of that time – I wanted to sink my teeth into that,’ Williams says. ‘I also love the glamour: the red lip, the red nails.’ (The cast have embraced the scarlet-stiletto emoji – a replica of the original image on the classic book cover – as their unofficial series motif when posting on social media.)
The changing dynamics between men and women are portrayed with a light touch. Victoria Smurfit read Cooper as a teenager, and has now adored playing Declan’s wife Maud O’Hara – an insecure, attentionseeking former actress, the kind of mother who arrives at her son’s New Year’s Eve 21st-birthday party in the Cotswolds on a camel. ‘There are aspects of Rivals that make you think, “Oh my Lord, can you believe they got away with this back then?”’ the Irish actress says. ‘But in the show, it’s delivered in such a clear, fun, gentle, appalled way that a 2024 audience can digest it very easily.’ When I suggest the series has made more of the women and ensured they have three dimensions, perhaps to modernise the story a little, she makes a good point: that Cooper’s male characters – be it the rakish Rupert Campbell-Black or the angelic Lysander Hawkley of The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous – may seem the most famous because it was mostly women reading the books, and the author had designed her heroes – or antiheroes – to be ‘their perfect man’. ‘But look closely, and the women are not less than the men,’ she says. ‘Essentially, every character wants something they don’t have – usually love and safety – whether from their partners, animals or colleagues. Women in this world are entering the era of “having it all” and are learning to be open about what they want – and, by the same token, we are starting to see a softer side to the men.’
This is embodied perfectly in Bella Maclean’s Taggie O’Hara, the delightful, very dyslexic cook and daughter of Declan and Maud: on screen, she has slightly more twinkle in her eye than in the book – a good decision, as otherwise Taggie could be seen as almost too virtuous to be true to a modern audience. ‘But it’s so nice playing someone with a really strong backbone – it slightly rubs off on you,’ says the actress, who appeared in the latest Sex Education series and has just shone as the lead at the National Theatre’s London Tide. ‘Among all the silliness, the shoulder pads and mad hairdos, there’s always an undercurrent of something thought-provoking,’ she says of the show that could prove to be her career’s turning point. ‘There’s a love story that blossoms out of something really unpleasant. There’s light and shade.’
But the figure with perhaps the most chiaroscuro is Rupert Campbell-Black, Cooper’s number-one character, into whose shoes Alex Hassell is amazed to be stepping. Hassell is a seasoned RSC actor, with turns in The Miniaturist and His Dark Materials, whose theatre company The Factory counts Mark Rylance and Emma Thompson among its patrons. ‘I’m also from Essex, with dark features,’ he points out wryly, in reference to the white-blond locks and blue eyes of his new alter-ego, both of which are oft-alluded to in the books, and about which many young women dreamed in the 1980s and 90s. (Cooper was initially appalled.) ‘Rupert exudes privilege and confidence, so I had to learn a loucheness. It was helpful that everyone was told to treat me as if I was extremely attractive,’ he continues, laughing. ‘When you walk into a room of supporting artists who’ve been briefed to fall over themselves looking at you, smouldering becomes a lot easier. They imbued me with a certain power.’
In the Rivals prequel Riders, there are some pretty unpalatable aspects of Rupert’s personality – particularly the way he treats women and animals – that haven’t aged well. ‘We never explicitly had this conversation, but for my portrayal of Rupert, we’ve kept some parts of that history and taken out others. In our version, there’s a loneliness to him: he is a shit, but he has a kindness.’
However, there are two elements of Cooper’s storytelling to which the show stays steadfastly loyal: the abundance of sex and wordplay. Rupert’s dialogue is riddled with quips – some very clever, some very… Eighties. Hassell’s favourite is delivered just as Rupert is getting down to it, and involves a pun that combines Tories and the clitoris. ‘It was a hard sell,’ he says, laughing.
His character and storyline – which takes Rupert on, dare I say, a journey – are key to the show’s charm, pace, plot and sociopolitical signposting. What would Hassell like viewers to make of the series? ‘I hope people enjoy it, have conversations about the knottier topics it raises, and maybe have sex later,’ he says. ‘I say that jokingly, but – and maybe this is high hopes – perhaps for people who don’t talk to one another that much, as the series goes on, watching it with someone else might allow certain things to come to light.’
Cooper is delighted by this possibility. ‘Well, we’re philanthropists, aren’t we? I keep reading that the birth rate is going down like mad. Putting Rivals on the telly may help,’ she says, with the enthusiasm of a writer who has long had one foot in showbusiness: in her forties, she appeared in her capacity as a celebrity columnist on the BBC game show What’s My Line, and wrote a sitcom about a four-girl flat-share with Joanna Lumley in the lead role.
Revisiting the world she created – and partially lived in herself – 40 years ago has been bittersweet: it made her miss the era (‘it was much more naughty’), but also her late husband (‘there’s a lot of darling Leo and his jokes in the book’). Indeed, what today’s viewers may not clock is the real people Cooper drew on to shape several fictional figures, namely the ‘glamorous aristocratic types who were floating about when I, middle-class Jilly, moved to the country in ’82’. Rupert Campbell-Black, for example, is a patchwork of Andrew Parker Bowles, the late Earl of Suffolk and the fashion designer Rupert Lycett-Green. Her ‘beloved’ Taggie is entirely made up, but the scruffy Lizzie Vereker – a novelist whose husband cheats on her – is, she admits, based on herself: ‘She is nicer than me, though. I love her – that’s terribly narcissistic to say, but I do.’
Like her conversation, Cooper herself still rattles along at a good clip – last year, she released a bonkbuster about football inevitably titled Tackle!; this May, the King presented her with a damehood for services to charity and literature, and she’ll be tapping away at her typewriter on various secret projects right up to the very moment she is dragged out of rural Gloucestershire to the premiere of Rivals.
To all these endeavours, Dame Jilly continues to bring the same philosophies she always has: a disregard for snobbery (like many great minds, she rereads Proust and loves Helen Fielding) and a straightforward goal of contributing to the gaiety of the nation. ‘Maybe one day I’ll write something serious,’ she says. ‘But, at the moment, there’s some terrible sadness and loneliness, isn’t there? So, more than ever, and more than anything, I’d like to cheer people up.’
‘Rivals’ is released on Disney+ in October.
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filministic · 10 months
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The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (2013) dir. Harald Zwart
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just-b-wilde · 4 months
List of Funko Pop figures I want to see released…
Elly Conway with Alfie in the backpack (Argylle)
Rachel Kylle - golden dress (Argylle)
Aidan Wilde - scene from the train (Argylle)
Aidan Wilde - in a leather jacket (Argylle)
Aidan Wilde - in suit (Argylle)
Movie moments: Aidan and Elly, dancing (Argylle)
Alfie, the cat (Argylle)
Colt Seavers (The Fall Guy)
Colt Seavers with Jean-Claude ​​​(The Fall Guy)
Jody Moreno (The Fall Guy)
Hayes Campbell (The Idea of You)
Solène Marchand (The Idea of You)
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brian-in-finance · 2 years
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Apple TV+
Irish Film, TV Nominations 2023: ‘The Banshees of Inisherin,’ ‘Bad Sisters’ Lead With Most Nods
“The Banshees of Inisherin,” starring Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson, led the nominations for the Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTAs) as the full list of nominees was unveiled on Monday night local time, picking up 11 nods in the film category.
“Bad Sisters” – Sharon Horgan’s Apple TV+ mystery series – led the pack in the drama category with 12 noms.
Coming off the back of a stellar year for Irish film and television, the nominations include a number of familiar names and titles, including Paul Mescal, who has been nominated for best lead actor in a film for “Aftersun” and best supporting actor in a film for “God’s Creatures” while Farrell is also competing in both categories, both for his star turn in “Banshees” and his supporting role as Penguin in “The Batman.”
“Conversations with Friends” has also scored noms in multiple categories while Aoife McArdle is up for best drama director for Apple TV+ series “Severance.” Sinead O’Connor doc “Nothing Compares” is up for best feature documentary.
The IFTAs are set to take place at the Dublin Royal Convention Centre on May 7. They will be broadcast on local network RTÉ.
Best Film
“The Banshees of Inisherin”
“God’s Creatures”
“Róise & Frank”
“The Wonder”
Director – Film
“Aisha” – Frank Berry
“The Banshees of Inisherin” – Martin McDonagh
“It Is In Us All” – Antonia Campbell Hughes
“Joyride” – Emer Reynolds
“Let the Wrong One In” – Conor McMahon
“Róise & Frank” – Rachael Moriarty & Peter Murphy
Script – Film
“Aisha” – Frank Berry
“The Banshees of Inisherin” – Martin McDonagh
“God’s Creatures” – Shane Crowley
“Joyride” – Ailbhe Keogan
“Let the Wrong One In” – Conor McMahon
“Róise & Frank” – Rachael Moriarty, Peter Murphy
Lead Actor – Film
Colin Farrell – “The Banshees of Inisherin”
Daryl McCormack – “Good Luck to You, Leo Grande”
Éanna Hardwicke – “Lakelands”
Liam Neeson – “Marlowe”
Ollie West – “The Sparrow”
Paul Mescal – “Aftersun”
Lead Actress – Film
Alisha Weir – “Roald Dahl’s Matilda The Musical”
Bríd Ní Neachtain – “Róise & Frank”
Danielle Galligan – “Lakelands”
Kelly Gough – “Tarrac”
Seána Kerslake – “Ballywalter”
Zara Devlin – “Ann”
Supporting Actor – Film
Andrew Scott – “Catherine Called Birdy”
Barry Keoghan – “The Banshees of Inisherin”
Brendan Gleeson – “The Banshees of Inisherin”
Colin Farrell – “The Batman”
Paul Mescal – “God’s Creatures”
Pierce Brosnan – “Black Adam”
Supporting Actress – Film
Aisling Franciosi – “God’s Creatures”
Eileen Walsh – “Ann”
Elaine Cassidy – “The Wonder”
Jessie Buckley – “Women Talking”
Kerry Condon – “The Banshees of Inisherin”
Kíla Lord Cassidy – “The Wonder”
Best Drama
“Bad Sisters”
“Conversations with Friends”
“Derry Girls: The Agreement (Extended Special)”
“The Dry”
“Vikings: Valhalla”
Director – Drama
“Bad Sisters” – Dearbhla Walsh
“Conversations with Friends” – Lenny Abrahamson
“Maxine” – Laura Way
“Severance” – Aoife McArdle
“Smother” – Dathaí Keane
“The Dry” – Paddy Breathnach
Script – Drama
“Bad Sisters” – Sharon Horgan
“Conversations with Friends” – Mark O’Halloran
“Derry Girls: The Agreement (Extended Special)” – Lisa McGee
“Smother” – Kate O’Riordan
“The Dry” – Nancy Harris
“Top Boy” – Ronan Bennett
Lead Actor – Drama
Aidan Turner – “The Suspect”
Conleth Hill – “Holding”
Jason O’Mara – “Smother”
Kerr Logan – “North Sea Connection”
Stephen Rea – “The English”
Vinnie McCabe – “The Noble Call”
Lead Actress – Drama
Alison Oliver – “Conversations with Friends”
Caitriona Balfe – “Outlander”
Dervla Kirwan – “Smother”
Roisin Gallagher – “The Dry”
Sharon Horgan – “Bad Sisters”
Siobhan McSweeney – “Holding”
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Supporting Actor – Drama
Brian Gleeson – “Bad Sisters”
Ciarán Hinds – “The Dry”
Daryl McCormack – “Bad Sisters”
Michael Smiley – “Bad Sisters”
Moe Dunford – “The Dry”
Tommy Tiernan – “Conversations with Friends”
Supporting Actress – Drama
Anne-Marie Duff – “Bad Sisters”
Brenda Fricker – “Holding”
Eva Birthistle – “Bad Sisters”
Eve Hewson – “Bad Sisters”
Genevieve O’Reilly – “Andor”
Sarah Greene – “Bad Sisters”
Feature Documentary
“The Artist & The Wall of Death”
“The Ghost of Richard Harris”
“How To Tell A Secret”
“Million Dollar Pigeons”
“North Circular”
“Nothing Compares”
Live-Action Short Film
“An Irish Goodbye”
“Call Me Mommy”
“Don’t Go Where I Can’t Find You”
“Wednesday’s Child”
“You’re Not Home”
Animated Short Film
“Dagda’s Harp”
“Red Rabbit”
“Soft Tissue”
“Conversations with Friends” – Suzie Lavelle
“How To Tell A Secret” – Eleanor Bowman
“It Is In Us All” – Piers McGrail
“The Dry” – Cathal Watters
“Vikings: Valhalla” – Peter Robertson
Costume Design
“Aisha” – Kathy Strachan
“The Banshees of Inisherin” – Eimer Ní Mhaoldomhnaigh
“Disenchanted” – Joan Bergin
“Enola Holmes 2” – Consolata Boyle
“Vikings: Valhalla” – Susan O’Connor Cave
Production Design
“Aisha” – Tamara Conboy
“Bad Sisters” – Mark Geraghty
“Mr. Malcolm’s List” – Ray Ball
“Róise & Frank” – Padraig O’Neill
“Vikings: Valhalla” – Tom Conroy
Hair & Make-Up
“Aisha” – Dumebi Anozie, Liz Byrne
“The Banshees of Inisherin” – Orla Carroll, Lynn Johnston, Dan Martin
“Mr. Malcolm’s List” – Eileen Buggy, Sharon Doyle
“The Wonder” – Lorri Ann King, Morna Ferguson
“Vikings: Valhalla” – Joe Whelan, Tom McInerney
“The Banshees of Inisherin”
“Conversations with Friends”
“The Sparrow”
“The Wonder”
Original Music
“Good Luck to You, Leo Grande” – Stephen Rennicks
“Lakelands” – Daithí
“Nothing Compares” – Irene Buckley, Linda Buckley
“Róise & Frank” – Colm Mac Con Iomaire
“The Dry” – Sarah Lynch
“Aisha” – Colin Campbell
“Elvis” – Jonathan Redmond, Matt Villa
“Death on the Nile” – Úna Ní Dhonghaíle
“Nocebo” – Tony Cranstoun
“Nothing Compares” – Mick Mahon
“The Banshees of Inisherin”
“Stranger Things”
“The Woman King”
Best International Film
“All Quiet on the Western Front”
“The Fabelmans”
“Top Gun: Maverick”
Best International Actor
Albrecht Schuch – “All Quiet On The Western Front”
Austin Butler – “Elvis”
Cosmo Jarvis – “It Is In Us All”
Felix Kammerer – “All Quiet On The Western Front”
Josh O’Connor – “Aisha”
Tom Cruise – “Top Gun: Maverick”
Best International Actress
Cate Blanchett – “Tár”
Emily Watson – “God’s Creatures”
Florence Pugh – “The Wonder”
Letitia Wright – “Aisha”
Michelle Williams – “The Fabelmans”
Viola Davis – “The Woman King”
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Remember the ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️th IFTA nomination?
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usertiff · 1 year
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6 notes · View notes
twistedthings · 1 year
* = bio completed
Broderick Elwood, 25-29, bisexual, construction worker, fc: Drew Starkey.
Christian Byrne, 36-40, bisexual, medical doctor, fc: Aidan Turner.
Cornelius "Connie" Darrow, 28-32, bisexual, mechanic, fc: Josh Hutcherson*
Devon "Devo" Aguilar, 31-35, bisexual, cook, fc: Tommy Martinez.
Elliot Lewis, 32-36, pansexual, professor, fc: Oliver Jackson-Cohen*
Eliora Slater, 26-30, bisexual, senators daughter, fc: Halston Sage.*
Emerald "Remy" Harris, 29-33, bisexual, dancer/roller rink owner, fc: Logan Browning.
Erica Burgos, 27-31, bisexual, private detective, fc: Adria Arjona.*
Hernando "Henry" Estrada, 40-44, bisexual, author/newspaper editor, fc: Oscar Isaac.
Jeremy Stenson, 36-42, pansexual, detective (serial killer), fc: Chris Evans. *
Jessia "Jessi" Davies, 22-26, bisexual, psychology student/empath, fc: Sydney Sweeney.
Judith " Jude" Lester, 23-27, bisexual, assassin, fc: Kat McNamara. 
Kaleb "Kale" Pendusky, 35-39, pansexual, investigative reporter, fc: Andrew Garfield. *
Lauren "Ren" Hyde, 24-28, bisexual, bartender, fc: Danielle Campbell.
Marley "Mars" Abrams, 26-30, bisexual, nurse, fc: Alycia Debnam Carey.
Michael "Mikey" Palmer, 27-31, bisexual, photographer, fc: Joe Keery. 
Missa Shen, 26-30, omnisexual, painter/artist, fc: Havana Rose Liu.
Raven Mason, 29-33, bisexual, model, fc: Laura Harrier.
Samuel Carmichael, 36-40, pansexual, architect/embezzler/con-artist, fc: Charlie Cox.
Tracy "Tray" Powell, 27-31, lesbian, tech support/alien & paranormal hunter, fc: Chloe Bennet*
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