castlewyvern · 1 month
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shellsweet · 1 year
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I'm stoked to see more Gargoyles soon, like Desdemona! First issue of Gargoyles: Dark Ages is now at your local comic shops!!
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khlegacynexus · 2 months
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I want to send this off to get dubbed by ShadicX250 on YouTube But for now you can see it here
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ultimatefangirl-exe · 2 years
Released pages for Gargoyles #3
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idkisaccmoon · 2 months
Rahhhh idk how to do mannnn >:[
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geraldtarrant · 6 months
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The Coldfire Shipyard is an 18+ unofficial discord for fans of CS Friedman's Coldfire Trilogy. If you're looking for fanart, fanfics, a place to shout your Gerald/Damien thoughts outside the tumblr void, or just a friendly Coldfire fandom community to lurk in, please join us!
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fandomsandshipping1 · 9 months
Christmas/Holiday Story #1: A Blue Christmas
It was a few days before Christmas. Everyone, the clan included, in Eyrie building had been getting ready for the holiday.
Out of everyone, Peggy had been the most instant on getting decorations up, getting gifts wrapped, and everything else.
While keeping an eye on his partner, Goliath noticed that Blue wasn't around. This was the fourth night in a row, which was... concerning, to say the least. He knew Blue. Unless something was wrong, they never stayed away from the castle and the clan this long.
He stopped ColdFire and ColdStone as they passed by.
"Have either of you two seen Blue recently?" He asked. ColdFire shook her head.
"No, we haven't." She replied.
"We were just about to go check on them." ColdStone added. Goliath nodded.
"Good. I am a bit worried about them."
"So are we." ColdStone agreed, as the two left for Blue's place.
When they got there, Blue was out on the balcony, quietly staring at a picture in their hands.
"Blue." ColdFire softly stated, as she and ColdStone landed. Blue looked up at their partners.
"What are you two doing here?"
"We were worried about you." ColdStone replied. "You haven't been to the castle in a few days." This prompted a sigh from Blue. "Is everything alright?" He asked, as the two gargoyles settled on either side of their partner. Blue looked down at the photograph, one of three smiling young kids, a boy and a girl, both the same age and likely twins, and a slightly older girl, and sighed.
"No..." They admitted. ColdFire gently set a hand on their shoulder.
"What is it?" She asked.
"I'm just... not looking forwards to Christmas." Blue admitted. "Then again I haven't for a while." They looked down at the picture again.
"Who are the children in that picture?" ColdStone asked.
"My siblings and I." Blue replied, holding the picture up more. "I'm worried about them." They stated. "We were really close as kids, and... we remained close, up until dad kicked me out." They rubbed at a corner of their eye. "I'd love to see them again, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon."
ColdStone and ColdFire looked at each other, then back at Blue.
"Can you contact them?" ColdFire asked. Blue shook their head.
"Nope. Dad made sure they blocked me." They frowned. Suddenly their phone rang, causing them to slightly frown in confusion and pull it out of their pocket. "Huh, I don't recognize this number." They muttered, stepping away to answer the phone. "Hello, Blue Dunn speaking."
There was a pause of silence, before Blue's face split into a bright grin.
"T-Theo! Oh my gosh, is this really you?" They asked, then nodded. "How did you get my number? ... You and Thea moved away from dad? ... That's fantastic! ... What? Really?!" Blue grinned more. "Yeah, that'd be great! ... Oh, yeah, totally, you two could stay here. ... Yeah. ... That sounds great, I'll see you then." Blue bid their caller goodbye and hung up, putting the phone back in their pocket.
"And who was that?" ColdStone asked.
"My brother, Theo. He and my sister are going to be here for Christmas! They'll get here tomorrow." Blue happily stated. Their partners looked at each other.
"And... are you going to be able to introduce us to them?" ColdFire asked. Blue nodded.
"Yeah, don't worry. Thea has a major in mythology, and Theo's always been interested in the non-human, so you'd have to worry more about a ton of questions than anything." They chuckled, then looked down at the picture in their hand. "I'm just glad I get to see them again."
"And we're happy for you." ColdStone agreed. Blue smiled at their partners.
"I can't wait for you two to meet them, you'll get along so great!"
"And we can't wait to meet them too." ColdStone agreed.
(Tagging under the cut.)
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lemrent · 1 year
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This is how I imagined the drop pods looking when I read Nightborn, with the core behind them.
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just-hunterthings · 2 years
I think it would be funny if Tarrant shapeshifted into a really really unnaturally large bird and just picked up Damien and carried him away, screaming, in his claws.
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kaijennex · 1 year
Hunter was born to destroy the world—but he can’t get the dragon shifter with silver eyes out of his head.
Ace doesn’t think he is worthy of love—but he was born with a mark on his soul that will prove him wrong.
Asher believes that he is an apathetic monster—but his greatest downfall will always be that he cares too much.
Zane thinks that he is weak and useless—but he has no idea that he has the strength to save them all.
💙🖤Cold Fire🖤💙
💜🤍Silver Magic🤍💜
A duology with slow burn, found family, dragon shifters, warlocks, angels and demons. Ends with a poly foursome of men. Each book is dense and long (over 700 pages!) and full of spice. Enjoy!
Free on Kindle Unlimited!
Cold Fire (The Whispers of Shadows Book 1) https://a.co/d/enOXIM8
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daletraeng · 4 months
Lyrics for the song “Cold Fire” by Rush
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shellsweet · 2 years
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At a family ski trip and I actually finished a drawing in my sketch book!
Desdemona/Coldfire doesn't get enough love. Her design is so pretty!
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khlegacynexus · 9 months
Got a little one Shot from @beebopurr’s light house AU featuring my version of Alopex’s human form Krysta Marino
Krysta could feel the crisp morning air as blue hair fell into her teal eyes. The eighteen year old wearing a swimmer’s outfit with pants stretched out. She then suddenly heard a high pitched squeal like a child’s cry.
She jumped up it kept happening as she rushes towards it.
As she did the sounds got louder more screeching that even began to sound like a boy’s cry she ran fast to the sight before her that horrified her.
There was someone making the noise that looked both like a boy and a Turtle struggling to get a ring catcher off he was forced down by several men that then strapped a muzzle that looked like two parts a net like muzzle underneath and a metal cage over that.
Krysta couldn’t watch anymore she jumped in elbowing the guy with the catcher before getting it off the ‘boy’s’ neck the minute she got a close look at him and heard a fearful hiss directed to her she saw what he was a Turtle.
“The Hell?!” Krysta yelped surprised as she heard a gun cock behind her. “Bishop.”
“Hand over the creature nice and slow.” Bishop muttered as Krysta felt a tinge of cold steel press against her neck. Krysta heard a quiet sob. The turtle was sobbing shaking. “Why do you want it?
“That’s none of your concern although maybe we should take you in as well you’re that agent that went rogue.”
“So what if I am?” Krysta growled.
“So you’re a freak can’t go back to society can’t come back to the organization. Who are you useful too?”
“Him!” Krysta shouted tripping Bishop as he yelped shooting the gun into the air immediately she turned scooping up the Turtle who let out a muffled scream pounding on her head and shoulders as she pinned him to her chest and ran as fast as she could hearing bishop and his men shout to go after her.
“Leff mmmm gmmm!” The Turtle screamed making Krysta Yelp.
“You talk?!” She cried only for the rocks broke under her as they both fell. Krysta yelped as she slid the turtle screamed but she swung around to make sure he didn’t take the impact of the ground behind them. She felt pain blossom into her back as she groaned but she could see the latch of the muzzle and quickly undid it. She threw it away. She was suddenly elbowed hard in the nose as the turtle went to run but turned and stared at her as she yelped holding her nose which wasn’t broken thankfully.
She stared back but after a few seconds he fell to the ground. “Hey!” Krysta rushed over to him through the mass of black hair she could see the Turtle Shivering. She felt his forehead.
“Crap a fever!” She growled in her thoughts she had to get him to safety. She heard shouting she saw a large drifting log. “Sorry buddy…” she muttered immediately cutting his hair and tying it to the log leaving the turtle’s hair shoulder length and out of his eyes before she tied it to the log and kicked it down stream before picking him up and rushing towards the path back to her cabin. She went inside and locked the doors and closed the windows before placing him in the bed and grabbing an ice pack and placing it on his head. After covering him up he sniffled sad chirps and a distressed wail filled the air. Tears flowed from his closed feverish eyes as Krysta squeezed his hand.
“I’ll help you don’t worry….” Krysta assured quietly. For the next several hours Krysta watches over him there were moments of peace where he wasn’t whimpering and it looked like his fever broke.
She hummed eyes drooping shut as she began to Bob before she found herself falling asleep.
She suddenly heard something rip the door off she turned and screamed to see a giant humanoid snapping Turtle break in she froze he let out a Alligator like snarl at her she could see a Harpoon wound in his shoulder and cutting a Hole in the rim of his shell. His eyes were on the Turtle behind her. She slowly moved putting her hands up clearing the way between them as the Turtle she brought home with her woke up and chirped at them excitedly Krysta watched as the snapper rushed over followed by two more humanoid turtles a red Earred slider with a Blue shell and a slinky soft shell with purple markings. They chirped and hugged the little one as he began crying joyfully as Krysta found a seat to stabilize herself with.
“Wow…..” she had no idea what she had gotten herself into again… it was better than that super serum she guessed at least.
“Thanks for saving my brother Chica!”
Krysta shook her head in shock. “You talk too?!”
“Yup!” The slider said as the large snapper pulled him away they glared at Krysta who gulped. There was more chirping Krysta was beginning to feel she was among aliens she then felt a hand on her shoulder.
It was a woman a couple years older then her wearing a warm outfit for the weather “You okay?”
“Yeah just gotta process today.” Krysta muttered. “I’m Krysta.”
“Names April,” she replied. “The big one is Raphael, soft shell is Donnatello, the chatty one is Leonardo and you’ve met Mikey.”
“Yeah he’s a fighter.” Krysta noted. “Why were the EPF after him?”
April sighed bitterly. “They’ve been after these guys for years. Mikey went to get some shells for paints and never came back that’s when we realized he had been taken. But by the time we found the lab we found he had already escaped.”
“Which one?” Krysta asked.
“The one in New Hampton.” April replied.
“That’s hours away. You’re somewhere on the Maine, New Brunswick border. You’re in for a long drive when you go.”
“You’re okay being up here by yourself?” April asked concerned.
“I’m used to it….also….” Krysta pointed to Raph teeth barred staring at Krysta holding Mikey close. The Box Turtle was looking at Krysta curiously. Raph kept growling and trying to block his younger brothers line of sight. “Yeaaah,” Krysta sweat dropped.
Krysta suddenly noticed something and gasped she rushed to the window and cursed. “You guys have to go! There’s a path out the back door! It leads to a boat that will take you back to the main land.”
“But what about you?!” Asked a familar voice Mikey looked right at her worriedly.
“You guys need a distraction!” Krysta said.
“But they’ll kill you!” April added.
“I won’t let them hurry!” Krysta said grabbing a couple of Kama putting and rushing out she slinked off into the Shadows immediately grabbing their attention by killing one of the men quickly.
The men surrounded Bishop glaring as he looked to the trees. “Your code was Kitsune for your stealth is that right?”
Something shot out at them a large icicle of ice. Bishop smirked. “So your the brat made with the DNA of a criminal master mind and a mysterious crystal. And yet you’re nothing like him.
Krysta glared at them. She rushed out and cut down another man.
Bishop looked over the body the notice cut wasn’t in a vital place. He laughed at her. “The mystic plant that causes Sleep like death. I’m beginning to see why you were kicked out.
He heard someone rush out at him he saw eyes glaring as he dodged before seining his leg around and kicking her in the head. She grunted landing on the ground as guns touched her shoulders she grabbed the gun muzzle and tried to pull it away from the guard she saw the other one take aim. Thinking quickly Krysta turned him around and shoved him into the other guard as the gun went off when it did something from one of the other guards splashed on her. Krysta groaned in pain as she stumbled around she felt her bones begin to shift she screamed in agony unaware of the cliff behind her as she suddenly felt a knife pierce her chest she gasped her body going numb.
With a Violet cough Krysta coughed up blood as she suddenly felt her ears grow larger she shrieked so loudly unable to hear what bishop said as he shoved her off the cliff. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head to numb to register anything. She only saw a bright burst of gold rush towards her before her world went black.
A dull pain and strange sensation filled her senses she slowly opened her eyes everything felt strange she saw a white snout and nose that looked attached to her face she touched it it was hers. She then noticed her hand she gasped she sat up and looked around and raced past a sleeping Mikey who perked up at her footsteps.
In the first full body mirror she could find. She saw an anthropomorphic Arctic Fox with a blue tipped large fluffy Tail. Her large black tipped ears and paws. She looked herself over. “What the fuck! Was this that goo that I got splashed with…..I’m not human. Or is this Hell?” She asked feeling her Torso over she felt a scar where her fur thinned around her lower chest. “How?”
“I healed you!” Said a voice Krysta gasped and turned to see Mikey looking at her looking much better he held up some Stew. It’s nice and meaty.
Krysta immediately began eating the stew ravenously. The fox part of her wanted more savoring the fibrous juicy texture of the beef. Her tail wagged at the chicken and fish she sat down taking a sigh as Mikey sat beside her. “Man you we’re hungry.”
“I feel like I haven’t eaten in weeks.” Krysta sighed.
“That’s cause you haven’t.” Mikey told her.
“WAIT WHAT?!” Krysta yelped. “How long?!”
“About a month,” Mikey explained. “We’ve been taking care of you.”
Krysta was surprised they had just met her and they had saved her. “She wasn’t sure what he was feeling, but she felt tears of gratitude prick at her eyes.”
“Are you sad because of this whole situation?” Mikey asked gesturing to her.
“Nah I was never human, just a doll. This makes no difference.” Krysta sighed.
Mikey looked at her sadly. He hugged her quickly and let go. He seemed curious about her. But still wary which was fair. She couldn’t blame them. She sighed looking at herself in the mirror in clean pajamas.
“Grrrrrrrr,” her new ears twitched to the side she turned and saw Raph glaring at her through the window. Staring at her she glared back. They heard April and Leo shoo him away outside as Krysta sighed.
“All of this is gonna take some getting used too,” she sighed overwhelmed.
“I’m sorry.” Mikey said. “Oh Uh thanks for ya know saving me.”
“You’re welcome. Also don’t worry.” Krysta sighed.
Mikey stared at her again sensing her inner shock and sadness. “Would you like a friend?”
Krysta looked back over and smiled. “Ya I think I would.”
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ultimatefangirl-exe · 2 years
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idkisaccmoon · 1 month
I so silly
I love coldfire
@your-local-arsonist1 (kaso) belongs to @thatonearoacefreak
@valluryofficial (Yukito) belongs to me
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geraldtarrant · 1 year
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Nightborn, the prequel to my all-time favorite Coldfire Trilogy by CS Friedman, is out today. It tells the story of the first settlers who arrived on Erna, and their challenges as they slowly start to figure out what exactly is different about the planet they landed on, while all their tech is failing, people are mysteriously disappearing, and nothing is going as expected.
Goodreads link
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