#Colin and pen
admireforever · 9 days
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Colin & Penelope
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This is one of Luke Newtons most underrated looks of season 3. When they’re at the ball after he cuts his hand and Pens breath kinda gets taken away and he looks at her like THIS! Pen girl I don’t know how you didn’t jump on him.
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martharaccoon · 1 month
Me when my pookie bear Colin turns into a F-boy:
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That’s not my Colin your Honor! Somebody save him!
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blueysbookshelf · 24 days
2024: Book 15 - Romancing Mr. Bridgerton
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Romancing Mister Bridgerton by Julia Quinn My rating: 3 of 5 stars Why is everyone swooning over this man? Can someone please explain? Colin Bridgerton is NOT my kind of book boyfriend and the show isn't helping him at all. I reread this because I knew the new season was coming out and I wanted a refresher and I swear it almost put me off the show…which wouldn't be hard because it's so camp I can't handle it…literally the only thing I enjoyed in the first half of the season was Franny's plot and Cressida…and I SHOULD NOT be liking Cressida Cowper…but I digress. I'd hoped that I'd forgotten more about Colin but alas…I was wrong. He was still just as much of an overbearing, jealous, absolute shitpile on the reread as he was when I read it the first time…only I think I hated him more this time. He does NOT deserve Penelope. FULL STOP. That being said…I do really love the characterization of Pen in the book and actually prefer Book!Pen to Show!Pen in so many ways. Show!Pen is angry…all the time. She's not sweet or gentle or kind the way Book!Pen is. Book!Pen is strong and determined but she has a gorgeous core of love and decency that Show!Pen is sorely missing. I'd almost prefer Show!Colin with Book!Pen. Anyway…I didn't like Colin…but I did like the rest of the book and it's not badly written. The moments between Pen and Lady Danbury were lovely and sweet and I'm very thankful that Pen and Eloise weren't estranged (again…WTF SHOW?!) in the book. And I guess I'll reread it when and if I decide to reread the whole series. But this is probably my least favorite of the entire series…and that's saying something. I use the CAWPILE Review method for my reviews (see explanation here), just to keep me honest and help me understand what exactly I liked/didn't like. My ratings are below. Characters: 7/10 Atmosphere/Setting: 8/10 Writing: 8/10 Plot: 7/10 Intrigue: 6/10 Logic/Relationships: 6/10 Enjoyment: 6/10 Total rating 49/70 divided by 7 = 7.0 ⭐⭐⭐ 🌶️ View all my reviews
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polin-ista · 8 days
When he said "plan to entrap me" i actually laughed like baby boy i know you're mad but your gurl was five seconds away from a proposal before you gatecrashed it and when she actively tried to escape you. you ran her carriage down, finger banged her in the back of it and then proposed of your own volition.
What exactly did she do? Eat cake? Actively stay away from you? Engage in courtship with someone else?
Sorry its so funny 😂🤣
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Because Cressida discovered my secret. And she demands £10,000 to keep it. Bridgerton 3.08 - “Into the Light”
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inklore · 1 month
come for me if you must but colin and penelope’s first kiss was way more hard hitting than any of the other kisses in bridgerton. it wasn’t fast and wild or trying to prove something. it was slow. gentle. a friend helping out another friend with just a simple peck that could have ended there. but no they pulled back and looked at each other and got lost in with another and kissed again. deepened it. both acting as if it would be the only and last time. colin panting into her mouth. his fingers on her cheek. we have been waiting to see this kiss for two seasons. eighteen episodes. penelope has been waiting for this kiss since they were kids. like!! their kiss holds so much more meaning!! hits harder!! i’m sorry but nothing can top it.
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Colin: stalks Penelope at all social events
Colin: sneaks her into his house for “private lessons”
Colin: bribes a maid to let them hang out unchaperoned. In the garden. At night
Colin: shushes Debling away to dance/talk with Penelope in direct view of, oh, I dunno, EVERYONE
Colin: sprints after Penelope’s carriage and demands to be let in
The Ton: Yep, looks platonic to us.
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seeleybooth · 25 days
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Penelope & Colin + Height Difference - Season 3 part 1
smol and tol TM
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bonus: she's so little she can duck under his arm
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admireforever · 1 month
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Colin & Penelope
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Did anyone else notice that Francesca and John were sitting next to each other in this scene? Unbetrothed. And then Lord Cho and his fiancé side by side. While Polin is like a million miles away. I mean I’m grateful for the looks and Colin being a total goofball but like could you imagine them sitting side by side playing footsies, whispering and giggling or playing with each others hands while the minister is preaching and reading the banns. Regardless I love our two adorable dorks.
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waltricia · 2 months
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This man wants to be a father so bad.
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Look at him in the background here. I don’t know if you can tell, but he’s bouncing. HE’S BOUNCING.
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😭 🤗🫠
Pen, you’re needed.
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martharaccoon · 1 year
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STOP THIS RN!!! They can’t just tease me with this photo and then say the release date is in DECEMBER! I can’t wait that long! 😭😭
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iheartbookbran · 1 month
My favorite part about the Debling plot was Penelope and Cressida doing the most over there top cat-fighting in order to win him over, not because they genuinely liked the guy, but because they wanted to escape their families and also lowkey just hate each other.
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polin-ista · 1 month
The fact that it's canon that Violet met the love of her life after getting covered in flour by him and laughed at and Colin met his after getting covered in mud and laughed at by her is just weirdly hilarious to me
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vocallywritten · 1 month
Absolutely hilarious that, upon approaching Penelope at that first garden party right after he arrived back, Penelope makes a cold, noncommittal comment about "much changing" and Colin "Cannot Read The Room" Bridgerton starts giggling and twisting around going, "Oh I see you've noticed my new outfit."
Like no dude. In no way is that what she is saying. He wanted her to compliment him so bad it's embarrassing 😭
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