#Collateral 4.1
trailmixtime · 10 months
the chicken reviews
after time war 3 i began rating gallifrey episodes based on how many chickens appeared in them. last night i found the reviews again, so i figured i'd post them here so i can continue the tradition when war room 2 comes out :D
(quick disclaimer: these are just fun reviews, not to be taken too seriously)
enjoy :)
time war 4
time war 4.1: deception
no actual chickens, but there is a reference to a Large Beast when leela's trying to get back to the tardis. no description is given, so it is entirely possible it was a Very Large Chicken. but, given the lack of description, we can't know for sure. 1/10.
time war 4.2: dissolution
once again, no chickens, despite them being on a luscious green planet. no chickens are mentioned. if you listen carefully, you can hear some birds chirping in the background, but none of them are chickens. disappointing. 0/10.
time war 4.3: beyond
no physical chickens yet. however, it's made clear the ravenous can possess characteristics of that which they eat, so it's possible a ravenous that ate a chicken has characteristics of a chicken, but we don't know for sure. 0.5/10
time war 4.4: homecoming
no chickens appear. no chickens are mentioned. there aren't even any animals i could try to headcanon as chickens. rassilon probably killed all the chickens. -100/10.
war room 1
the last days of freme: -100/10
no chickens, and whatever chickens may have been there previously, died. very disappointing.
the passenger: 0/10
no chickens. no places there could plausibly have been chickens :( once again left disappointed.
collateral victim: 0.01/10
once again, no chickens :( however, there was the POTENTIAL for chickens, and i will give it .01 points for that.
the first days of phaidon: 0.01/10
same as the previous story: no chickens, but there is potential for chickens, and therefore it gets the .01 points.
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drewssam · 2 months
Marathon Repaid $30m to Silvergate, Freeing up BTC Pledged as Collateral
Marathon Digital Holdings, a prominent player in digital asset mining, recently announced the full repayment of a $30 million loan obtained from Silvergate Bank in December 2022. The loan, secured by BTC pledged as collateral, has been promptly settled, thereby freeing up these funds for Marathon's discretionary use.
This repayment reflects Marathon's proactive approach to managing its debt obligations amidst ongoing challenges in the cryptocurrency industry due to the prevailing bear market. The company's strategy includes reducing debt through timely payments or restructuring, aligning with similar initiatives undertaken by fellow bitcoin miners.
Marathon currently holds a substantial portfolio of 12,232 bitcoins, with 7,815 available for unrestricted sale. Additionally, the company mined an additional 475 bitcoins in December 2022, significantly increasing its holdings compared to the period before the FTX collapse in November 2022.
Despite these developments, Marathon's shares have experienced a 4.1% decline. Nevertheless, the company remains committed to expanding its mining operations, boasting a fleet of 69,000 mining rigs with a computing power of 7 exahashes per second. Anticipating further growth, Marathon aims to achieve 23 exahashes of installed computing power by mid-2023.
Notably, Silvergate Bank's involvement with Marathon traces back to prior financing arrangements, including a revolving credit agreement and a longer-term loan, with ties to the now-defunct crypto exchange, FTX. These debt securities have played a pivotal role in Marathon's operational and financial strategies.
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saurabhbeyourself · 4 months
Catalogue vs Brochure: Making the Right Marketing Choice
In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, businesses face the constant challenge of choosing the most effective tools to showcase their products or services. Among the myriad options available, catalogues and brochures stand out as popular choices. But which is better? Let’s delve into the details to help you make an informed decision about your marketing strategy.
1. Introduction
Understanding the fundamental differences between catalogues and brochures.
2. Purpose of Catalogues and Brochures
Exploring the distinct purposes each serves in marketing campaigns.
2.1 Catalogue Purpose
Catalogs are comprehensive product showcases for detailed product information.
2.2 Brochure Purpose
Brochures are concise promotional materials for quick overviews.
3. Design Elements
Analyzing the visual and design aspects is crucial for both catalogues and brochures.
3.1 Catalogue Design
Focus on layout, images, and comprehensive product details.
3.2 Brochure Design
Emphasis on eye-catching visuals, brief content, and a call-to-action.
4. Target Audience
Understanding the audience preferences for each piece of marketing collateral.
4.1 Catalogue Audience
Appealing to customers seeking in-depth product knowledge.
4.2 Brochure Audience
Catering to individuals looking for a quick snapshot of products or services.
5. Printing Costs
Comparing the costs associated with printing catalogues and brochures.
5.1 Catalogue Printing
Factors influencing costs and strategies to optimize expenses.
5.2 Brochure Printing
Understanding cost-effective printing solutions for brochures.
6. Distribution Channels
Exploring the distribution options for both catalogues and brochures.
6.1 Catalogue Distribution
Leveraging physical and digital channels for maximum reach.
6.2 Brochure Distribution
Strategies for distributing brochures efficiently to target audiences.
7. Impact on Brand Image
Assessing how catalogues and brochures contribute to brand perception.
7.1 Catalogue Brand Impact
Building a reputable image through detailed and informative content.
7.2 Brochure Brand Impact
Creating a lasting impression with concise and visually appealing material.
8. Environmental Considerations
Evaluating the ecological footprint of catalogues and brochures.
8.1 Catalogue Sustainability
Exploring eco-friendly options for catalogue production.
8.2 Brochure Sustainability
Minimizing environmental impact in brochure creation.
9. Case Studies
Real-world examples showcasing successful marketing campaigns with catalogues and brochures.
9.1 Catalogue Success Stories
Highlighting businesses that thrived with a catalogue-centric approach.
9.2 Brochure Success Stories
Examining brands that excelled through strategic brochure usage.
10. Making Your Decision
Summarizing key factors to consider when choosing between a catalogue and a brochure.
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msmeregin · 6 months
Empowering Growth through MSME Registration in India
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) form the backbone of the Indian economy, contributing significantly to employment generation and industrial growth. Recognizing the pivotal role of MSMEs, the Indian government has designed various schemes and subsidies to foster their development. This guide explores how MSMEs can unlock a plethora of opportunities by registering and strategically leveraging government initiatives.
Understanding MSME Classification:
1.1 Significance of MSME Classification
Before delving into government schemes, it's essential to comprehend the criteria for classifying businesses as micro, small, or medium enterprises. These classifications are based on the amount invested in plant and machinery or equipment and the turnover of the enterprise. Accurate classification is crucial as it determines eligibility for specific benefits.
The MSME Registration Process:
2.1 Online Registration on the Udyam Portal
The Udyam Registration portal (https://msme-registration.in/) is the gateway for MSME registration. Business owners can navigate the user-friendly interface and provide necessary details, including PAN, Aadhaar, and other relevant information. The online registration process is streamlined, making it accessible for entrepreneurs across the country.
2.2 Offline Registration at District Industries Centres (DIC)
For those who prefer traditional methods, offline registration can be pursued at District Industries Centres (DIC) or local MSME offices. Business owners can obtain the required forms, submit a duly filled application, and provide supporting documents for verification.
2.3 Documentation for MSME Registration
Critical documentation includes the Aadhaar card of the business owner(s), PAN card of the business, address proof, and details of plant and machinery or equipment. Ensuring the completeness and accuracy of these documents is crucial for a smooth registration process.
Benefits of MSME Registration:
3.1 Financial Assistance and Credit Facilities
MSME registration opens doors to financial assistance and credit facilities at favorable terms. Recognizing the importance of these enterprises, financial institutions offer loans with lower interest rates, easing the financial burden on entrepreneurs.
3.2 Market Access and Government Procurement Preferences
One of the significant advantages of MSME registration is the preferential treatment in government procurement. MSMEs are often given priority in government tenders, providing them with a valuable opportunity to secure contracts and expand their market reach.
3.3 Technology Upgradation and Subsidies
MSMEs are the driving force behind innovation and technology adoption. The government, through various schemes, encourages MSMEs to upgrade their technology by offering subsidies for the adoption of new and advanced processes. This not only enhances the efficiency of the enterprises but also contributes to the overall growth of the sector.
Key Government Schemes and Subsidies
4.1 Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)
The CLCSS is a flagship scheme aimed at promoting technology upgradation by providing capital subsidies to MSMEs. This scheme facilitates access to credit for purchasing new machinery and equipment, thereby enhancing productivity and competitiveness.
4.2 Pradhan Mantri Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
Designed to promote self-employment, the PMEGP is a credit-linked subsidy program that encourages entrepreneurs to set up micro-enterprises by providing financial assistance. This scheme not only creates employment opportunities but also fuels economic growth at the grassroots level.
4.3 Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGMSE)
The CGMSE is a game-changer for MSMEs, offering collateral-free credit facilities. Entrepreneurs can avail of loans without providing traditional collateral, making it easier for them to access the much-needed capital for business expansion.
Udyam Registration: Revised Criteria
5.1 Micro, Small, and Medium Classifications
As of July 1, 2020, the government revised the criteria for classifying enterprises. Micro-enterprises are those with investments up to Rs. 1 crore and turnover up to Rs. 5 crore. Small enterprises can have investments up to Rs. 10 crore and turnover up to Rs. 50 crore, while medium enterprises can have investments up to Rs. 50 crore and turnover up to Rs. 250 crore. Adhering to these classifications is vital for accessing various schemes and subsidies.
Supportive Institutions
6.1 District Industries Centres (DIC)
District Industries Centres play a pivotal role in supporting MSME development. They act as local agencies that provide guidance, information, and assistance in navigating the intricacies of government schemes. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to engage with their local DIC for personalized support.
6.2 National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)
The NSIC is another key institution dedicated to fostering the growth of MSMEs. It offers a range of support services, including marketing assistance, raw material assistance, and credit facilitation. MSMEs can leverage the expertise of the NSIC to enhance their competitiveness in the market.
Technology and Quality Upgradation Support
7.1 Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS)
To boost competitiveness, the government introduced the LMCS, focusing on promoting lean manufacturing techniques. MSMEs can avail of financial support to implement these techniques, leading to improved efficiency and reduced operational costs.
7.2 Quality Management Standards & Quality Technology Tools (QMS/QTT)
Attaining product certifications is crucial for gaining consumer trust and accessing new markets. The government supports MSMEs in obtaining certifications through the QMS/QTT scheme, emphasizing the importance of quality in manufacturing processes.
Research and Development (R&D) Support
8.1 Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSMEs
Recognizing the need for continuous learning and skill development, the government provides support for entrepreneurial and managerial development. MSMEs can access training programs to enhance their leadership and management skills, fostering sustainable growth.
8.2 Financial Support to MSMEs in ZED Certification Scheme
The Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) Certification Scheme encourages MSMEs to adopt environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. Financial support is provided to enterprises striving for ZED certification, aligning business practices with global sustainability standards.
Digital MSME Scheme
9.1 Assistance for Technology Upgradation
In the digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in the success of businesses. The Digital MSME scheme aims to assist MSMEs in adopting information and communication technology (ICT). Financial support is provided to encourage the integration of digital tools for improved operational efficiency.
9.2 Importance of Digital Transformation
Embracing digital transformation is not just a trend but a necessity for MSMEs looking to stay competitive. The Digital MSME scheme empowers businesses to streamline processes, reach a wider audience, and adapt to the changing business landscape.
Export Promotion and Market Development
10.1 Market Development Assistance Scheme for MSMEs
Global markets offer immense opportunities for MSMEs to expand their reach. The Market Development Assistance Scheme provides financial support for participating in international trade fairs and exhibitions. This exposure facilitates networking, collaboration, and the exploration of new business avenues.
10.2 Strategies for Market Expansion
Entering international markets requires strategic planning. MSMEs can leverage the Market Development Assistance Scheme to devise and execute market expansion strategies, ensuring a sustainable presence on the global stage.
Skill Development Initiatives
11.1 Technology and Quality Upgradation Support under CLCSS
Skill development is at the core of sustainable business growth. The CLCSS not only provides financial support for technology upgradation but also emphasizes skill development. MSMEs can invest in training programs to enhance the capabilities of their workforce.
11.2 The Role of Skill Enhancement
A skilled workforce is an invaluable asset for any business. MSMEs can benefit from government support by focusing on skill enhancement, creating a workforce that is adaptable, efficient, and capable of driving innovation.
Challenges and Solutions
12.1 Lack of Awareness
Challenge: Many MSMEs are unaware of the numerous government schemes available to them.
Solution: Conduct awareness campaigns through government agencies, industry associations, and digital platforms. Establish a dedicated information dissemination system to keep MSMEs informed about the latest opportunities.
12.2 Complex Application Processes
Challenge: Cumbersome application procedures can discourage MSMEs from applying for schemes.
Solution: Simplify application processes by introducing user-friendly online platforms, providing step-by-step guides, and offering dedicated helplines or assistance centers to address queries.
Monitoring and Evaluation
13.1 Performance and Credit Rating Scheme for MSMEs
To enhance creditworthiness, the government has introduced the Performance and Credit Rating Scheme. MSMEs can undergo credit rating assessments, showcasing their financial stability and reliability to potential investors and lenders.
13.2 Importance of Continuous Evaluation
MSMEs should view monitoring and evaluation as ongoing processes. Regularly assess the impact of government schemes on business operations, make necessary adjustments, and stay informed about updates and changes to maximize benefits.
In conclusion, MSME registration in India is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a gateway to a myriad of opportunities provided by the government. By understanding the classifications, navigating the registration process, and strategically leveraging the array of schemes and subsidies available, MSMEs can position themselves for sustainable growth. The key lies in staying informed, actively participating in supportive networks, and embracing the spirit of innovation and continuous improvement that defines successful MSMEs in India. The government's commitment to fostering the growth of these enterprises reflects a collective effort to build a robust and resilient economic foundation for the nation.
Learn more from:  https://msme-registration.in/
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birdzflycom · 9 months
What is a Loan Term? - Guide to Loan Terms
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what is loan term policy In today's financial landscape, loans are a common way for individuals and businesses to access funds. But understanding the intricacies of loans, including the loan term, is crucial before you dive into the borrowing process. In this comprehensive guide, we'll break down everything you need to know about loan terms, from the basics to the fine details.
1. Introduction
Welcome to our comprehensive guide on loan terms! If you've ever wondered what loan terms are, how they work, and how to choose the right ones, you're in the right place. Whether you're considering a personal loan, a mortgage, or a business loan, understanding loan terms is essential for making informed financial decisions. In this article, we'll dive deep into loan terms, exploring their significance, various types, factors influencing them, and how to negotiate and select the most suitable terms for your needs.
2. Understanding Loan Terms
2.1 What Are Loan Terms? Loan terms refer to the specific conditions and parameters set by lenders when borrowing money. These terms dictate the interest rate, duration, repayment schedule, and other crucial aspects of the loan. Essentially, they outline the rules of the borrowing agreement between the lender and borrower. 2.2 Importance of Loan Terms Understanding loan terms is vital because they directly impact your financial commitments. Properly structured loan terms can save you money and make loan repayment manageable. On the other hand, unfavorable terms can lead to financial stress and even default. 2.3 Common Loan Terminology Before we delve further, let's familiarize ourselves with some common loan terminology: - Principal: The initial amount borrowed. - Interest Rate: The cost of borrowing money, expressed as a percentage. - Loan Duration: The period over which you'll repay the loan. - Amortization: The process of gradually paying off both principal and interest. - Collateral: An asset used to secure a loan.
3. Types of Loan Terms
There are different loan term options available, each catering to specific financial needs and goals. 3.1 Short-Term Loans Short-term loans typically have a duration of less than one year. They are ideal for covering immediate expenses or seizing short-lived opportunities. Examples include payday loans and bridge loans. 3.2 Medium-Term Loans Medium-term loans have durations ranging from one to five years. They are often used for business expansion, equipment purchases, or debt consolidation. 3.3 Long-Term Loans Long-term loans extend beyond five years and are common in mortgages and business loans. They provide lower monthly payments but result in higher overall interest costs.
4. Factors Influencing Loan Terms
Several factors come into play when lenders determine the terms of a loan. 4.1 Credit Score Your credit score significantly influences the interest rate and loan approval. A higher credit score generally leads to more favorable terms. 4.2 Interest Rates Interest rates are a critical component of loan terms. They can be fixed or variable, affecting the predictability of your payments. 4.3 Loan Amount The amount you borrow can impact the terms. Larger loans may come with more stringent conditions. 4.4 Collateral Secured loans, backed by collateral, often have more flexible terms and lower interest rates.
5. Choosing the Right Loan Terms
Selecting the appropriate loan terms requires careful consideration of your financial situation and goals. 5.1 Assessing Your Financial Situation Evaluate your income, expenses, and financial stability to determine what you can afford. 5.2 Understanding Your Goals Consider whether you want to minimize monthly payments, pay off the loan quickly, or balance both. 5.3 Consulting with Financial Experts Seek advice from financial advisors or loan specialists to make informed decisions.
6. Negotiating Loan Terms
Negotiating loan terms can lead to more favorable conditions. 6.1 Interest Rate Negotiation Explore opportunities to lower the interest rate based on your creditworthiness. 6.2 Loan Duration Negotiation Negotiate the loan duration to align with your repayment capabilities. 6.3 Repayment Options Negotiation Discuss flexible repayment options, such as bi-weekly payments or interest-only periods.
7. Loan Term FAQs
Let's address some common questions about loan terms. 7.1 What Is an Amortization Period? The amortization period is the time it takes to fully repay the loan through regular installments. 7.2 Can Loan Terms Be Modified? In some cases, loan terms can be modified through refinancing or loan modifications. 7.3 How Do I Calculate Loan Payments? You can calculate loan payments using loan calculators or formulas that take into account the principal, interest rate, and loan duration.
8. Conclusion
In this comprehensive guide, we've explored the intricacies of loan terms, from their definition to the factors that influence them. Armed with this knowledge, you can confidently navigate the world of borrowing, making informed choices that align with your financial goals. Remember that loan terms play a significant role in your financial well-being, so take the time to research, analyze, and negotiate for the best terms possible. Whether you're a first-time borrower or a seasoned investor, understanding loan terms is key to financial success. Read the full article
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crypto-exchange-trends · 11 months
Trade LINA before it's too late on KoinBX’s Crypto Trading App!
Lina on Crypto Trading App
LINA is a functional multi-utility governance token used in a Crypto Trading App and a  native token and economic incentives that are distributed to encourage users to contribute and participate in the Linear ecosystem. This creates a conjointly beneficial system where every participant is fairly compensated for their efforts. LINA is an integral and indispensable part of Linear as without LINA, there would be no incentive for users to disburse resources to participate in activities or provide services for the benefit of the whole ecosystem on Linear. 
In addition, LINA will be awarded to a user based on their actual usage, and contribution efforts and/or equivalent to the frequency and volume of transactions, users and holders who did not actively participate will not receive any LINA incentives. LINA is an ERC-20 token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The main purpose of LINA is it can be used as collateral and also used for community control of the Linear Network protocol. All LINA holders are allowed to access the Linear DAO and vote on various proposals and initiatives, assisting to shape the development of the Linear ecosystem.
In 2020, Drey Ng and Kevin Tai co founded Linear Finance with a small team. Drey Ng is the Chief Product Officer of Liquefy, a crypto platform providing access to tokenized collaterals with lower barriers. Holding several years of experience in the fintech industry, Drey is also a blockchain instructor in Hong Kong. Kevin Tai was the vice president of Credit Suisse Bank in Hong Kong and an investment banker. Graduated from Harvard Business School, Kevin holds more than a decade of experience in the economy sector.
In addition to digital assets, Linear enables customers to access traditional assets through dynamic price feeds to solve the systemic issues with Decentralized Exchange (DEX) protocols. LINA tokens serve as the base collateral for minting Liquids. But, customers can also use other digital assets to cover 20% of this base collateral. The Linear Exchange provides unlimited liquidity for Liquids and reduces the settlement timeframe to one second per block making it suitable for high-frequency traders and users running algorithmic trading software. Users of Linear Finance could access synthetic traditional assets and equities in the near term. The cross-chain technique aids Linear networks to reduce fees and solves the Oracle frontrunning issue happening with existing protocols on the Ethereum network.
The unique feature of Linear Finance is its proposed liquidation mechanism operating based on community governance. LINA holders can select the transaction fees and the amount to be owed to the insurance fund, through voting.
Linear uses Proof-of-Work (POW) mining networks to protect its tokens as an ERC-20 token established on the Ethereum Network. The LinearDAO was created to empower LINA holders to vote on proposals that ensure the development of the Linear Finance ecosystem along the path desired by its users. The actual Linear Finance protocol is trustless and can be updated based on Ethereum smart contracts whenever required.
Token Name: Linear Finance
Ticker Name: LINA
Total Supply: 10 Billion
Circulating Supply: 4.1 Billion
Max Supply: 10 Billion
Market Cap: 6.5 Billion
The main objective of the LINA token is to provide a superior user experience with high speed and scalability due to the cross-chain capabilities of the Linear Finance protocol. Linear Finance aims to provide a simple solution for users looking for acquaintance with traditional assets while benefiting from blockchain technology.
How to Buy LINA?
Follow the below steps to buy LINA coins,
1. Signup with KoinBX.
2. Fill in the required details to create an account.
3. Complete your KYC verification process.
4. Add your bank account.
5. Deposit Fiat to your KoinBX account.
6. Click Buy LINA to start buying LINA with Indian rupees (INR) & Tether (USDT).
How to Sell LINA?
Follow the below steps to sell LINA coins,
1. Signup with KoinBX IOS App.
2. Complete your KYC verification process.
3. Add your bank account. 
4. Click the Sell option to find a buyer for LINA.  
Once a buyer for LINA is found, you can start selling LINA with Indian rupees (INR) & Tether (USDT).
How to Trade LINA?
Buy LINA with INR Buy LINA with USDT
To make your LINA trade anywhere, anytime with the great trading experience with KoinBX Android and iOS app.
Download here >> KoinBX Android App
Download here >> KoinBX IOS App
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vivacapital19 · 1 year
Asset-Based Lending: Unlocking Financial Opportunities for Businesses
In the world of business financing, asset-based lending (ABL) has emerged as a valuable financial solution for companies looking to leverage their assets to secure funding. This article will delve into the concept of asset-based lending, its workings, the benefits it offers to businesses, and the role of asset-based financing companies. We will also explore the landscape of ABL financing in Texas, showcasing the opportunities it presents for businesses in the region.
2. What is Asset-Based Lending
Asset-based lending is a type of financing where businesses use their assets, such as accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, or real estate, as collateral to obtain a loan. Unlike traditional forms of lending that primarily rely on creditworthiness, ABL focuses on the value and quality of the assets being pledged. It allows businesses to unlock the inherent value in their assets to secure funding.
3. How Asset-Based Lending Works
The process of asset-based lending typically involves the following steps:
Evaluation of Assets: The asset-based lender assesses the value, quality, and marketability of the assets being offered as collateral. This evaluation helps determine the loan amount that can be extended to the business.
Loan Agreement: Once the assets are evaluated, the lender and the borrower enter into a loan agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of the loan, including the loan amount, interest rate, repayment schedule, and any additional fees or requirements.
Collateral Monitoring: Throughout the duration of the loan, the lender actively monitors the collateral. This may involve periodic audits, inventory appraisals, and accounts receivable verifications to ensure the value of the collateral remains sufficient to support the loan.
Loan Advances: As the business requires funds, it can request loan advances based on the value of the eligible collateral. The lender disburses the approved amount, providing the business with the necessary working capital.
Repayment: The borrower repays the loan according to the agreed-upon schedule, which may include regular principal and interest payments. As the loan is repaid, the borrowing capacity against the collateral is replenished.
4. Benefits of Asset-Based Lending
Asset-based financing companies offers several benefits to businesses, including:
4.1. Increased Access to Funding
ABL provides businesses with an alternative financing option, especially for those with limited credit history or facing challenges in obtaining traditional loans. By leveraging their assets, businesses can access the funding they need to support operations, growth initiatives, and strategic investments.
4.2. Flexible Financing
Asset-based lending offers flexibility in terms of loan amounts and repayment structures. The loan amount is based on the value of the assets, allowing businesses to access a higher loan value compared to traditional lending. Additionally, repayment terms can be tailored to align with the business's cash flow, ensuring manageable repayments.
4.3. Working Capital Optimization
By using assets as collateral, businesses can unlock the value tied up in their accounts receivable, inventory, or equipment. This influx of working capital can be used to cover operational expenses, invest in new projects, seize growth opportunities, or manage cash flow fluctuations.
4.4. Improved Cash Flow Management
ABL financing can help businesses improve cash flow by converting illiquid assets into immediate funds. This enables businesses to meet their financial obligations, pay suppliers, and seize business opportunities without delays caused by lengthy payment cycles.
5. Asset-Based Financing Companies
Asset-based financing companies specialize in providing ABL solutions to businesses. These companies have expertise in evaluating assets, structuring loan agreements, and offering customized financing options. When choosing an asset-based financing company, businesses should consider factors such as industry experience, reputation, customer service, and the range of financing options available.
6. Asset-Based Lending in Texas
Texas, known for its vibrant business landscape, offers ample opportunities for asset-based lending. Many asset-based financing companies operate in Texas, providing businesses across various industries with access to flexible financing solutions. Whether it's manufacturing, energy, technology, or agriculture, businesses in Texas can leverage ABL to unlock the value of their assets and fuel their growth.
7. ABL Financing: Empowering Businesses
Asset-based lending serves as a powerful financial tool for businesses of all sizes and industries. By utilizing their assets as collateral, businesses can secure the funding they need to thrive and succeed. With increased access to funding, flexibility in loan structures, optimized working capital, and improved cash flow management, businesses can seize growth opportunities and navigate financial challenges with confidence.
8. Conclusion
Asset-based lending texas offers businesses a strategic approach to financing by leveraging their valuable assets. Through ABL, businesses can unlock the potential in their accounts receivable, inventory, equipment, or real estate to access working capital, support growth initiatives, and manage cash flow. With the support of asset-based financing companies and the opportunities available in regions like Texas, businesses can harness the power of asset-based lending to fuel their success and achieve their financial goals.
0 notes
It has been brutal week for oil costs, regardless of a Friday rebound. Slides in earlier periods led crude futures to shut out their third straight week of losses.The S&P 500 Power Choose Sector ETF (XLE) additionally rebounded throughout Friday's buying and selling day, but it ended the week down 5.7%.Recession fears drove a lot of the the downward motion in prior periods. On Wednesday, the Federal Reserve raised rates of interest by 25 foundation factors. The transfer is predicted to additional press the brakes on the financial system.This week's slide performed out in tandem with the regional banking turmoil. As regional banks got here beneath stress, oil costs tanked."If we get a debacle within the monetary markets, it would undoubtedly have collateral injury in oil," OPIS international head of power evaluation Tom Kloza just lately informed Yahoo Finance Stay. Drilling rigs function at sundown in Midland, Texas, U.S., February 13, 2019. Image taken February 13, 2019. REUTERS/Nick Oxford"Power worth actions are in line with rising market expectations for a recession," Will Compernolle, FHN Macro Strategist wrote in a notice to buyers this week.The EIA’s just lately launched Weekly petroleum Standing Report confirmed declining demand for gasoline and jet gasoline within the week ending April twenty eighth.Whereas China reopening is predicted to be a optimistic for oil, the demand hasn't been linear. China manufacturing unit exercise unexpectedly cooled in April, decreasing demand expectations."I feel from a requirement facet perspective, the Chinese language story from an industrial capability perspective continues to be to play out all year long," Murray Auchincloss, chief monetary officer of BP (BP), mentioned throughout the power large's earnings name earlier this week."It is why we're constructive on oil costs searching by means of the remainder of the yr," he added.On Friday, West Texas Intermediate (CL=F) rose 4.1% whereas Brent (BZ=F) crude gained 3.9%. WTI and Brent closed out the week with a decline of seven.1% and 5.3% respectively.Ines is a senior enterprise reporter for Yahoo Finance. Observe her on Twitter at @ines_ferreClick on right here for the newest inventory market information and in-depth evaluation, together with occasions that transfer sharesLearn the newest monetary and business news from Yahoo Finance https://guesthype.co.uk/?p=5662&feed_id=13174&cld=645594ba1e339
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Studio – 4.1
Today Marcos gave us a presentation about semiotics and visual literacy. Designers are often communicating through image. Images represent meaning, and they miss the syntactical structure of spoken and written language.
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We worked as a group to break down the semantics of an advertisement from a slideshow presentation. Our group chose to analyse the ad by WWF advocating for awarenesss about the endangered status of the Bluefin Tuna (Shown above). 
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We discussed some really interesting points after deeply observing and reading into the meaning of the advertisement above. We came to conclusions such as a sense of disconnection and isolation shown through the ad. Also use of colour is important as it is a dark mysterious teal colour with a strong vingette which is often associated with hollywood or horror movies. 
There is also a contrast between the smile on the panda mask and the frowning or deadpan expressions of the fish swimming around it. 
We learned about the 4th wall which is direct eye contact through collateral. However, in this instance all of the fish are avoiding eye contact with the viewer. They are swimming past the human and avoiding them at all costs. 
We made a connection that the plastic panda mask was likely a consumer good which was purchased from a zoo and ended up in the ocean due to human disregard for the environment. This demonstrates human interference and strengthens the message that tuna in this instance are just as much a consumer good as the panda mask and are being consumed themselves like objects. We would care if it was a panda but we don’t care if it’s a fish. 
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indexuniverse-eu · 2 years
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msmeregin · 7 months
Empowering Growth: A Guide to Harnessing Government Schemes and Subsidies through MSME Registration in India
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) form the backbone of the Indian economy, contributing significantly to employment generation and industrial growth. Recognizing the pivotal role of MSMEs, the Indian government has designed various schemes and subsidies to foster their development. This guide explores how MSMEs can unlock a plethora of opportunities by registering and strategically leveraging government initiatives.
Understanding MSME Classification:
1.1 Significance of MSME Classification
Before delving into government schemes, it's essential to comprehend the criteria for classifying businesses as micro, small, or medium enterprises. These classifications are based on the amount invested in plant and machinery or equipment and the turnover of the enterprise. Accurate classification is crucial as it determines eligibility for specific benefits.
The MSME Registration Process:
2.1 Online Registration on the Udyam Portal
The Udyam Registration portal (https://udyamregistration.gov.in/) is the gateway for MSME registration. Business owners can navigate the user-friendly interface and provide necessary details, including PAN, Aadhaar, and other relevant information. The online registration process is streamlined, making it accessible for entrepreneurs across the country.
2.2 Offline Registration at District Industries Centres (DIC)
For those who prefer traditional methods, offline registration can be pursued at District Industries Centres (DIC) or local MSME offices. Business owners can obtain the required forms, submit a duly filled application, and provide supporting documents for verification.
2.3 Documentation for MSME Registration
Critical documentation includes the Aadhaar card of the business owner(s), PAN card of the business, address proof, and details of plant and machinery or equipment. Ensuring the completeness and accuracy of these documents is crucial for a smooth registration process.
Benefits of MSME Registration:
3.1 Financial Assistance and Credit Facilities
MSME registration opens doors to financial assistance and credit facilities at favorable terms. Recognizing the importance of these enterprises, financial institutions offer loans with lower interest rates, easing the financial burden on entrepreneurs.
3.2 Market Access and Government Procurement Preferences
One of the significant advantages of MSME registration is the preferential treatment in government procurement. MSMEs are often given priority in government tenders, providing them with a valuable opportunity to secure contracts and expand their market reach.
3.3 Technology Upgradation and Subsidies
MSMEs are the driving force behind innovation and technology adoption. The government, through various schemes, encourages MSMEs to upgrade their technology by offering subsidies for the adoption of new and advanced processes. This not only enhances the efficiency of the enterprises but also contributes to the overall growth of the sector.
Key Government Schemes and Subsidies
4.1 Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS)
The CLCSS is a flagship scheme aimed at promoting technology upgradation by providing capital subsidies to MSMEs. This scheme facilitates access to credit for purchasing new machinery and equipment, thereby enhancing productivity and competitiveness.
4.2 Pradhan Mantri Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP)
Designed to promote self-employment, the PMEGP is a credit-linked subsidy program that encourages entrepreneurs to set up micro-enterprises by providing financial assistance. This scheme not only creates employment opportunities but also fuels economic growth at the grassroots level.
4.3 Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGMSE)
The CGMSE is a game-changer for MSMEs, offering collateral-free credit facilities. Entrepreneurs can avail of loans without providing traditional collateral, making it easier for them to access the much-needed capital for business expansion.
Udyam Registration: Revised Criteria
5.1 Micro, Small, and Medium Classifications
As of July 1, 2020, the government revised the criteria for classifying enterprises. Micro-enterprises are those with investments up to Rs. 1 crore and turnover up to Rs. 5 crore. Small enterprises can have investments up to Rs. 10 crore and turnover up to Rs. 50 crore, while medium enterprises can have investments up to Rs. 50 crore and turnover up to Rs. 250 crore. Adhering to these classifications is vital for accessing various schemes and subsidies.
Supportive Institutions
6.1 District Industries Centres (DIC)
District Industries Centres play a pivotal role in supporting MSME development. They act as local agencies that provide guidance, information, and assistance in navigating the intricacies of government schemes. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to engage with their local DIC for personalized support.
6.2 National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC)
The NSIC is another key institution dedicated to fostering the growth of MSMEs. It offers a range of support services, including marketing assistance, raw material assistance, and credit facilitation. MSMEs can leverage the expertise of the NSIC to enhance their competitiveness in the market.
Technology and Quality Upgradation Support
7.1 Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme (LMCS)
To boost competitiveness, the government introduced the LMCS, focusing on promoting lean manufacturing techniques. MSMEs can avail of financial support to implement these techniques, leading to improved efficiency and reduced operational costs.
7.2 Quality Management Standards & Quality Technology Tools (QMS/QTT)
Attaining product certifications is crucial for gaining consumer trust and accessing new markets. The government supports MSMEs in obtaining certifications through the QMS/QTT scheme, emphasizing the importance of quality in manufacturing processes.
Research and Development (R&D) Support
8.1 Support for Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of MSMEs
Recognizing the need for continuous learning and skill development, the government provides support for entrepreneurial and managerial development. MSMEs can access training programs to enhance their leadership and management skills, fostering sustainable growth.
8.2 Financial Support to MSMEs in ZED Certification Scheme
The Zero Defect Zero Effect (ZED) Certification Scheme encourages MSMEs to adopt environmentally friendly manufacturing processes. Financial support is provided to enterprises striving for ZED certification, aligning business practices with global sustainability standards.
Digital MSME Scheme
9.1 Assistance for Technology Upgradation
In the digital age, technology plays a pivotal role in the success of businesses. The Digital MSME scheme aims to assist MSMEs in adopting information and communication technology (ICT). Financial support is provided to encourage the integration of digital tools for improved operational efficiency.
9.2 Importance of Digital Transformation
Embracing digital transformation is not just a trend but a necessity for MSMEs looking to stay competitive. The Digital MSME scheme empowers businesses to streamline processes, reach a wider audience, and adapt to the changing business landscape.
Export Promotion and Market Development
10.1 Market Development Assistance Scheme for MSMEs
Global markets offer immense opportunities for MSMEs to expand their reach. The Market Development Assistance Scheme provides financial support for participating in international trade fairs and exhibitions. This exposure facilitates networking, collaboration, and the exploration of new business avenues.
10.2 Strategies for Market Expansion
Entering international markets requires strategic planning. MSMEs can leverage the Market Development Assistance Scheme to devise and execute market expansion strategies, ensuring a sustainable presence on the global stage.
Skill Development Initiatives
11.1 Technology and Quality Upgradation Support under CLCSS
Skill development is at the core of sustainable business growth. The CLCSS not only provides financial support for technology upgradation but also emphasizes skill development. MSMEs can invest in training programs to enhance the capabilities of their workforce.
11.2 The Role of Skill Enhancement
A skilled workforce is an invaluable asset for any business. MSMEs can benefit from government support by focusing on skill enhancement, creating a workforce that is adaptable, efficient, and capable of driving innovation.
Challenges and Solutions
12.1 Lack of Awareness
Challenge: Many MSMEs are unaware of the numerous government schemes available to them.
Solution: Conduct awareness campaigns through government agencies, industry associations, and digital platforms. Establish a dedicated information dissemination system to keep MSMEs informed about the latest opportunities.
12.2 Complex Application Processes
Challenge: Cumbersome application procedures can discourage MSMEs from applying for schemes.
Solution: Simplify application processes by introducing user-friendly online platforms, providing step-by-step guides, and offering dedicated helplines or assistance centers to address queries.
Monitoring and Evaluation
13.1 Performance and Credit Rating Scheme for MSMEs
To enhance creditworthiness, the government has introduced the Performance and Credit Rating Scheme. MSMEs can undergo credit rating assessments, showcasing their financial stability and reliability to potential investors and lenders.
13.2 Importance of Continuous Evaluation
MSMEs should view monitoring and evaluation as ongoing processes. Regularly assess the impact of government schemes on business operations, make necessary adjustments, and stay informed about updates and changes to maximize benefits.
MSME registration is a crucial step for small business owners looking to unlock a plethora of benefits and opportunities. From financial support and government incentives to market access and networking opportunities, the advantages of being a registered MSME are manifold. Governments worldwide are recognizing the significance of MSMEs in driving economic growth and employment, and as a result, initiatives and support systems for small businesses continue to evolve. Small business owners should seize the opportunity to register as an MSME to position their enterprises for sustainable growth and success in an increasingly competitive business landscape.
In conclusion, MSME registration in India is not just a regulatory requirement; it is a gateway to a myriad of opportunities provided by the government. By understanding the classifications, navigating the registration process, and strategically leveraging the array of schemes and subsidies available, MSMEs can position themselves for sustainable growth. The key lies in staying informed, actively participating in supportive networks, and embracing the spirit of innovation and continuous improvement that defines successful MSMEs in India. The government's commitment to fostering the growth of these enterprises reflects a collective effort to build a robust and resilient economic foundation for the nation.
Learn more from:  https://msme-registration.in/
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A moodboard for the Winterhawk Big Bang fic:
Tethered, by Lissadiane
Pairing: Clint/Bucky
Summary: When Clint realizes the Winter Soldier is stalking him, he runs as far and fast as he can. He doesn’t expect to survive it if the world’s best assassin has been sent to kill him, but fuck it if anyone expects him to let Natasha or anyone else be collateral damage.
He doesn’t expect the Soldier to imprint on him like a duckling - a duckling whose eyes glow like an animal’s in the dark, who swims like a dolphin, who catches fish with his bare hands, and who seems more at home in the ocean than he does on land.
A selkie AU.
This was such a good fic! It had a fantastic moody vibe, and I was so pleased to get to try capture that visually! Go give the fic a read, if this is your jam!
Original, unmodified images live: 1, 2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1, 4.2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
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Trapped in Watercolours 4.1/? [The Reality That Doesn’t Exist]
“Take it back.”
Trini blinks.
It is all fiery hot and a kind of anger she has only heard once when someone thought it would be okay to poke fun at Billy. Kim is, if anything, loyal to a tee and protective of Billy in a way Trini is of her brothers.
And it’s cute, adorable really, when Kim thinks prodding some six foot something, thousand-pound, linebacker is totally okay.
But it is a level of anger - rage - reserved for stupid and never once has Trini been on the receiving end. If she is honest, it doesn’t hurt, at least not in the way she thought it might, because it is all just confusing. Why should Trini take back anything? Does Kim not want her apology that much?
“Kim, what-”
Fingers dig into her side, desperate as they cling to her flesh.
Trini doesn’t feel the pain, in the physical sense anyways, because all she feels is the overwhelming wave of emotions and the way Kimberly’s eyes are watering. It hurts, and Trini just wants it to all go away, back to normal.
Whatever that might have been.
“Kim, I don’t understand. Please don’t cry, I really am sorry.”
Wiping away the tears feel like wiping away a part of her soul. Trini is just grateful Kim lets her because she isn’t quite sure her heart could last if Kim just walked away. It seems irrational, stupid really. But then again, Trini thought lying to Kim would be okay and this drunken blunder would stay her secret, as if that was somehow rational and remotely smart.
“T, I am only going to ask you this once and I swear to God if you lie to me… I don’t know what I’ll do but it will probably be stupid and emotional as all fuck so just don’t.”
Nodding is all Trini can really think to do. Her mouth feels drier than the Sahara and words just aren’t quite her thing.
“Was it a mistake?”
Sometimes, Trini wishes, her eyes wouldn’t sting, and her chest wouldn’t clench. And maybe, Trini thinks, just not feeling much of anything would be great because the way Kim speaks, all watery and unstable, feels like a bomb detonating somewhere in her chest and the collateral damage is simply immeasurable.
It isn’t more than a whisper but Trini thinks - knows - it is enough.
“Oh, Trini.”
The way Kim leans into her body, as if it is the only solid ground to ever exist, makes Trini’s heart flutter and her mind dare to dream.
Maybe, just maybe…
But this isn’t some cinematic production and the solid warmth leaning against her frame is nothing more than the figment her imagination is weaving. A poor means to cope with the all too real feeling of rejection and the unspoken pity Trini can see pooling in Kim’s eyes.
“If this were a movie, I think I would say I love you and we’d probably live happily ever after. But you’re my best friend, Trini, and you deserve more than some declaration of love that just isn’t true.”
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cassh24sg · 3 years
Alibaba founders secure loans from global banks backed by company stock
Chinese billionaires Jack Ma and Joe Tsai have pledged part of their joint $ 35 billion stake in e-commerce group Alibaba in exchange for significant loans from investment banks, company documents show.
The stock commitments to banks like UBS, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, and others have been taken over by offshore companies that control more than half of the two billionaires’ stakes in Alibaba, which stood at 5.8 percent in December. When pledging shares, banks accept shares as collateral for loans, but the borrower retains ownership of the shares.
The amounts of most of the stock awards were not disclosed in the documents, but the pair have repeatedly borrowed against their shares since Alibaba’s listing in the US in 2014, according to documents from the Financial Times.
Ma and Tsai, Alibaba’s two largest single shareholders, have used the loans to unleash vast personal wealth tied up in the group’s shares.
Global banks have provided a variety of loans to Ma and Tsai. Tsai’s Gulfstream 650ER private jet is pledged to Credit Suisse. The Swiss bank that launched Alibaba also made loans to an offshore shell company ahead of the IPO, which later went on to buy a luxury home in Hong Kong’s Elite Peak District and a new plane of the same model as Tsais was connected.
Pledging stocks carries risk and is capped by most US companies. Any forced sale of pledged shares by executives can worsen a company’s stock price decline. This can be triggered by margin calls when borrowers have to repay loans from brokers or stocks expire.
Credit Suisse, Nomura, Morgan Stanley, UBS, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Mizuho lost more than $ 10 billion this year when they were forced to liquidate positions in US-listed Archegos family office companies after failing to make margin calls had met.
Alibaba said Ma “and its affiliates” currently have no outstanding loans backed by Alibaba shares, while Tsai’s outstanding loans, backed by shares, are “easy to use” and offer “prudent lending ratios.” [a] considerable cushion against triggering a margin call ”.
The company said pledging shares for loans was part of “ordinary financial planning to provide liquidity and diversification without having to sell Alibaba shares.”
Ma resigned as CEO of Alibaba in 2019, while Tsai continues to serve as vice chairman.
Network of offshore companies
Ma and Tsai’s shares in Alibaba are mainly held through five offshore companies: JC Properties, JSP Investment, Parufam, PMH Holding and APN Ltd.
APN has made the largest known single pledge of Alibaba stock with 400 million shares. But rather than in exchange for a loan, it was part of the guarantees for Japanese SoftBank and Yahoo after Ma Alibaba’s payment unit Alipay – now part of its fintech Ant Group – separated from the e-commerce company.
Ma’s wife, Cathy Ying Zhang, who accepted Singapore citizenship, was instrumental in its business. Records show that two offshore holding companies of which Zhang is sole director, JSP Investment and JC Properties, hold 60 percent of the couple’s Alibaba stake.
In total, Zhang’s two holding companies for Alibaba shares have made more than a dozen asset pledges to investment banks for loans made to a network of offshore companies.
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In addition, Zhang is the sole shareholder of a Hong Kong company with which Ma bought a castle and vineyards in France, and has power over the well-endowed Jack Ma Philanthropic Foundation, business records show. She has also signed cheap loans from Goldman Sachs to Enbao Asset Management, Ma’s family office.
On a deal, an investment in an online Chinese real estate platform in 2015 orchestrated by Enbao, Ma used two offshore holding companies to contribute $ 20 million. One of these was Rainbow Zone Enterprise, based in the BVI, which contributed $ 10 million while taking out a loan from Swiss bank UBS backed by unspecified securities that JSP Investment pledged to the bank.
In one day in 2019, the couple started three letterbox companies, Miracle Orchid Investment, Rising Orchid Investment, and Winning Orchid Investment. Three months later, they received loans backed by JSP Investment’s assets.
The records viewed by the FT revealed that Alibaba’s American Depositary Shares had been pledged on loans from Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse, while Goldman referred to pledged American Depositary Shares and UBS reported pledged “securities” and other assets.
Diamond Key Worldwide, based in BVI, another company that Zhang controls, has received four separate loans from UBS. Last year, the company’s Chinese subsidiary in Hangzhou, where Alibaba is based, bought Rmb 35 million (US $ 5.4 million) of land to develop for educational purposes.
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Freeing up liquidity without alarming the markets
Bankers say share pledges are a common way for Chinese executives to raise cash without losing control of their businesses or sending negative signals to the market by selling their shares.
“It’s really good business for banks, it feeds a lot of people,” said a former banker. “These founders are rich in wealth but poor in cash.”
American executives such as Tesla co-founder Elon Musk have also pledged shares in their companies against loans. But, as a US company, Tesla must disclose its commitments to shareholders under the Securities and Exchange Commission regulations.
But under the looser US disclosure requirements for “foreign private issuers,” a category that includes almost all US-listed Chinese tech companies, including Alibaba, Ma and Tsai are not required to disclose their stock awards.
According to the documents, many of Tsai, Ma and his wife Zhang’s stock and other property pledges remained in place until January, even after they began selling their Alibaba shares.
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Ma and his wife have paid out an estimated $ 11.4 billion in shares since Alibaba went public in New York, with the majority sold as of 2017. His charitable foundation sold an additional $ 4.1 billion. Tsai has sold an estimated $ 5.4 billion.
Alibaba said Ma and Tsai had “owned the company’s stock for 22 years and continue to hold significant stakes in Alibaba which make up the bulk of their assets.”
Former English teacher Jack Ma is one of China’s most famous entrepreneurs who co-founded Alibaba with Tsai in 1999 before building a Bloomberg fortune of $ 49.9 billion.
However, it largely disappeared from the public eye late last year after Beijing cracked down on the Ant Group, the fintech Ma that emerged from Alibaba in 2011.
Credit Suisse, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and UBS declined to comment.
Additional coverage from Joe Leahy in Hong Kong
source https://www.cassh24sg.com/2021/07/02/alibaba-founders-secure-loans-from-global-banks-backed-by-company-stock/
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