#Colorado Springs Homebirth Midwife
kimosterholzer · 6 months
A Woman Twice My Age
Thirty years ago this morning, filled with my own baby, I perched precariously upon the edge of a surprisingly little bed as a woman twice my age birthed her 11 pound, 2 ounce baby… I sat there and breathed with her as she squeezed my hand with all of her might… Two months later to almost the day, the woman’s oldest daughter gave birth to her first baby as I breathed with her and held her…
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kimosterholzer · 1 year
legacy /ˈleɡəsē/ …the long-lasting affect of a particular set of events, actions, etcetera that occurred in the past, or the impact of a person’s life… …something imparted by or received from someone or something from the past… I recently learned when a midwife attends to a birthing woman whose birth she also attended, it’s called a legacy birth… Ever since learning that, the idea of legacy has…
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kimosterholzer · 1 year
A Springful of Babies
It’s Sunday afternoon—it’s a granddaughter’s first birthday, my son and his wife’s seventh wedding anniversary, and Father’s Day! I updated this three days later on the first day of summer so I could capture our final spring birth ♥ I’ve held off updating my statistics as I’m sooo close to attending my 700th birth, but this spring has really been so sweet and so interesting I wanted to share just…
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kimosterholzer · 1 year
To Facilitate an Unwinding
There’s little in life that means more than to be able to be part of soothing and healing those who need to be soothed and healed ♥ Those who practice CFT do just that ♥♥♥ I shared a post recently about The Gillespie Approach’s Craniosacral Fascial Therapy commonly known as CFT. It was penned by Betsy Richards, our practice’s senior student and wonderfully gifted CFT practitioner. Betsy…
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kimosterholzer · 1 year
Five Years!
“There it is! Oh, God, thank you. I found the stone farmhouse easily enough. It was the only one along that isolated stretch of gravel. But it was the isolated stretch of gravel I had troubling finding in the gloom of the rain-splattered night. My nerves and stomach were coiled into a knot so tight I found it hard to think clearly, and then, just as I reached the intersection of what I thought…
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kimosterholzer · 2 years
200 Reviews!
Friends! A Midwife in Amish Country now has 200 reviews on Amazon!!!!!!! A midwife in Missouri stumbled across the book and reached out to me on Facebook to tell me she was reading it and enjoying it! I was so blessed! I truly do love hearing from those of you who’ve read and enjoyed the books I’ve written! And this time I remembered to ask if she’d consider leaving a review of it, and she did!…
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kimosterholzer · 2 years
E Book Time! Homebirth—Safe & Sacred
Thanks to our most wonderful office manager (incidentally, also my most wonderful daughter-in-law) Homebirth—Safe & Sacred is now available digitally on virtually every platform in existence! On Amazon! On Apple! On Barnes & Noble! On Kobo! On Smashwords! May we continue to enlighten our communities as to the viability and vitality of homebirthing ♥♥♥ Kim Woodard Osterholzer, Colorado Springs…
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kimosterholzer · 2 years
We're Ready to Receive a Student!
We’re Ready to Receive a Student!
Birth at Home Midwifery Services is ready to receive a new midwifery student! If you’re interested in the opportunity, email Megan at [email protected] by Sunday, May 15! Megan will respond to all queries with further information by May 18! Kim Woodard Osterholzer, Colorado Springs Homebirth Midwife and Author. And Grandma ♥ Books by Kim: Homebirth: Safe & Sacred Homebirth:…
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kimosterholzer · 2 years
And We're Live!
And We’re Live!
What more do I need to say? Besides I can’t believe I read my own book out loud and it makes my knees a little wobbly to actually have it out there and available… Gulp! Anyhow. It’s only six bucks, eight cents and two hours, one minute long! Get it! Listen to it! Review it! Share it! Let’s make sure the folks who’d want to know homebirth is safe AND gloriously sacred get the chance to…
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kimosterholzer · 3 years
Hey! Guess What's Happening!
Hey! Guess What’s Happening!
Homebirth—Safe & Sacred’s been recorded and is ALMOST available on Audible! Stay tuned in for updates! Kim Woodard Osterholzer, Colorado Springs Homebirth Midwife and Author. And Grandma ♥ Books by Kim: Homebirth: Safe & Sacred Homebirth: Commonly Asked Questions A Midwife in Amish Country: Celebrating God’s Gift of Life Nourish + Thrive: Happy, Healthy Childbearing One Little Life at a Time:…
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kimosterholzer · 5 years
A Midwife in Amish Country in Paperback
A Midwife in Amish Country in Paperback
Today’s the day the paperback version of A Midwife in Amish Country is released!
What a wonderful way to celebrate the actual 17th anniversary of its last chapter! I became a NARM certified midwife on November 12th, 2002!
Here’s how that chapter begins.
A few days after Joshua’s birth, I spent a day working in the south with Jean. The next morning, I wrote a few lines about it my journal.
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kimosterholzer · 5 years
“I’ve been criticized for my habit of posting ‘baby’ every time I attend a birth and I’ve been questioned as to the appropriateness of sharing birth photographs and films in public as well, but as long as so much misinformation and misunderstanding regarding homebirth exists—especially among the medical community and ESPECIALLY the way this misinformation and misunderstanding threatens families’…
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kimosterholzer · 5 years
Perspective, Perception, Prejudice
As I continue to share my reasons for writing Homebirth: Safe & Sacred, I’d like to visit the idea of perspective, perception, and prejudice.
I mentioned in a post I shared in August about a conversation I had with a hospital-based birthworker about our transfers.
I described our encounter this way:
She shared a bit about a spat of recent transfers from home that had set her and her…
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kimosterholzer · 5 years
I’d like to spend the next few weeks sharing some of the reasons behind the creation of Homebirth: Safe & Sacred with you.
We’ll begin with this one.
A reader commented on a Facebook post recently that she wonders if the overuse of birth interventions in American hospitals might be inspired by a desire for financial gain.
I honestly doubt that.
I wrote it in the book, and I’ll say it…
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kimosterholzer · 5 years
Time With a Teacher
Time With a Teacher
Life recently surprised me with an unexpected gift — a bit of time with a masterful teacher.
I spent the entire first week of September doing one of the things people do but dread to do when they’ve written a book.
They make a list of people they hope will be willing to endorse it, write up a (hopefully enticing) letter introducing their book — then they swallow their pride, gulp back…
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kimosterholzer · 5 years
Group B Strep Explained!
Group B Strep Explained!
I was still a student when I first sat through a Sara Wickham lecture. In the twenty years or so since that enlightening day, I’ve come to ever and increasingly treasure her smarts, her insights, her ability to communicate, and her abundantly warm heart.
Sara’s blessed us again with her newest publication!
In Group B Strep Explained,Sara shares a great many facts and figures but, I feel…
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