heavypressure · 2 months
Sooo constipated again, my gut is ballooning out out of most of my clothes🥲... I feel so heavy and inflated at the same time, but i got used to that pretty quickly, so i just forget that i look like this sometimes
The bubbling that sometimes occures is so intense, i can feel my swollen gut shaking from all of the stirred gas inside..
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I have a fun idea though... Chugging a 1.5 ml bottle of seltzer without burping always helps me when I'm constipated 🤭
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notgwad · 3 months
Another portion of belly sfuffing and bloating. Another portion of belly aches and cramps.
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robinspinknest · 2 months
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classycookiexo · 11 months
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tummyobsessed · 6 months
Belly check
I am now on day 7 of constipation.
My lower belly is so tight and heavy but now I'm starting to feel the urge to go. I'm holding it as long as possible so when I do go, it'll be easier
My tummy is bubbly and super active/vocal right now
Here's what my belly looks like rn:
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Here's an update of what's in my tummy right now.
3 steaks
1 pot of mashed potato
15 cups of coffee
1 bag of frozen berries
One bowl of Alfredo's pasta
10 cups of tea
12 bags of popcorn
2 cake shakes
1 bottle of sprite
2 bottles of cola
Half a bannana
10 mentos
15 laxatives
2 cups of cooking oil
5 big macs
2 large chips
3 milkshakes (drank another one successfully)
3 bags of sugar free gummies
2 fibre one bars
One bottle of prune juice
3 teaspoons of castor oil
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phattiepheeder · 3 months
I posted on Reddit but I’m curious about a Mukbang aftermath shit
I’ve been thinking about these creators that stuff for the camera, or do mukbangs and eat an astonishing amount of food. Or feedees who are constantly being fed and you see their swollen tight bellies after. These girls with huge bellies and probably an insane capacity to fill themselves eating 15 burgers or 20 burritos or 10lbs of spicy noodles.
But I never see any videos of the aftermath after taking in thousands of calories of dense and fattening and greasy food. Their bloated overpacked bowels struggling to empty in time so that they can continue to eat and digest the neverending onslaught of food. I just know they’re shitting a mountain, clogging toilets. Those that have gainer shake after gainer shake (read about a gainer who had 12 in a row through a funnel) must have the most explosive, sloppy , muddy shits. I can just imagine how their relief is short lived as they quickly refill their bellies. And their feeders must be hearing their loud frequent bathroom trips, already preparing their feeder’s next fattening gut wrecking meal.
I’m saying this because my ex-bf was a feeder and also into scat. Though I’ve lost all the weight for my health, during our relationship he helped me pack on 55lbs in 6months by stuffing me. I loved eating for him and he loved watching me take enormous shits after our feeding sessions, multiple times a day due to all the stuffing.
For those 6 months, my guts were being assaulted daily with thousands of calories. Some days he’s feed me so much, 10k calories. I’d shit 4-5x and still feel like I had more to unload, each time with a huge pile. Our plunger was working overtime so we ended up designating a bucket for me to empty into after feedings.
Sometimes after a heavy day of eating particularly greasy food, I’d empty a huge load of greasy sludge two or three times, and still my guts would be such a mess that I couldn’t leave our place without fear of having an accident. And they were the greasy kind of shits where they’d leave skid marks even after the powerful flush of a public toilet. My farts were often wet and we always needed to be close to a bathroom or have extra panties in the car. I’d just always feel like I had a stomach ache and either needed to fart or destroy a toilet.
The gainer shakes were the worst on my system. They were so yummy and made my ass get so plump and juicy , and my belly so doughy. Plus they’d go down easy when I was already stuffed. But they gave me such bad diarrhea I needed to bare down on my slop bucket with all my weight , hole spraying against the sides of the bucket. The pressure behind it was so intense that I’d get up with a circle of liquid in my ass..
For my gainer shake days, I’d sit my bare ass in the bucket while my ex fed me , knowing that shortly after I’d have to empty myself again anyways. Gainer shake in via funnel, and emptied half an hour later desperately in the same spot. I’d already have another wave of slop screaming at me for release, so as soon as I’d wipe, I’d already need to slap my fat ass back on the bucket and unleash.
Another thing we’d do is stuff me for a few days with the help of anti diarrhea meds until I was absolutely packed solid with shit. Then I’d take a stool softener to ease the turd out without ripping me in two and I’d relieve my hugely swollen gut. When my poor hole couldn’t stop desperately trying to get rid of all that waste, He’d have me on all fours with a trough in front of me and the bucket behind me so that I could refill myself as my puffy sore asshole kept sputtering wet farts and emptying. Then when my trough was empty and the bucket was full he’d refill my trough and empty the bucket and put them back in place. And it was always filled again.
Anyways, the relationship ended but it made me think of all of these feedees and if they shit as much as I used to. Or more.
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yourlocallovesickie · 6 months
A character that usually isnt really the nicest person, but today theyre being exceptionally grumpy and irritable. No one can figure out why, and no one wants to ask in fear of experiencing their shortened temper, until suddenly it dawns on someone close to them that they hadnt been to the bathroom in well over a week. Immediately after, it all makes sense; how they spent most of their time hiding out in their room, their irritability, how bloated their stomach now looked and the embarrassment that they felt anytime anyone did muster up the courage to ask them what was the matter. It seems their emotions arent the only thing thats constipated….
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zoomar · 8 months
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Childhood Constipation
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yrsogross · 4 months
I’ve been dealing with the worst belly ache and constipation my belly is swollen up like I’m pregnant and my outie is sticking out from the pressure of my full bowels I’ve been eating normally and 4 bananas a night cause someone said that would help but oh it hurts every night the bananas making my already swollen belly even bigger and makes me burp a lot it takes me so long to get them down cause I’m usually overfull from dinner and the back up in my belly the gases it causes is insane I spend about an hour rolling around in bed from the pain I’m not sure what day of this I’m at but I feel huge sadly I think I’m not going to go tonight my belly is uncomfortable but there’s no urgency so it’s probably just banana gas or literally anything else in my belly
So I thought I was having movement just a minute ago I waddle my belly to the bathroom and nothing😔 banana gases I’m really disappointed I thought my 12 bananas over the last few days was doing something but no just distention of this belly I need I think tomorrow I’ll up the bananas and see if I can get them all down and help my belly move this stuff and I’m tired of carrying it around along with being painful it’s been so heavy
*thanks for hearing so much about my tummy
something about eating one specific food to try to induce a bowel movement but if not working & just bloating you up more & more is….. wow. wish i could rub that taut belly for you anon <3
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one-time-i-dreamt · 1 year
There was a toothpaste commercial based on the Little Bear toothpaste commercial. But instead of Little Bear, it was Dr. Phil, and the toothpaste also helped with constipation somehow.
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heavypressure · 26 days
What difference being constipated for 2 days with guts so clogged you can't even fart makes...
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My shirt is pretty accurate to how i feel though
My belly is almost rock solid, so much gas inside.. going out for garlic pasta earlier was a big mistake, i feel like there's an overinflated basketball in my guts 😶 who knows how much longer i need to keep this in...
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notgwad · 6 months
Constipation discomfort belly movement.
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houstonxbreed · 28 days
Sooooo I was recently diagnosed with gastroparesis and I’m not sure what to do or eat. Everything I eat makes me uncomfortably full for hours. I do have an appointment with a dietitian next week. Does anybody on here have experience with this?!
My safe foods right now are only:
A sandwich with chips
Small bowls of pasta
4 with a few fries
I only eat once a day. And it’s usually something from the list above. I am severely underweight and malnourished on top of already having muscular dystrophy. I really don’t want a feeding tube but my body won’t let me consume much without feeling tooo full 😭😭😭
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tummyobsessed · 6 months
Imagine A and B at a dinner party but A has been constipated for a week so while A eats another meal to their already stuffed guts, B is handing them laxative after laxative in an attempt to force their belly to empty.
Imagine A sitting there squirming as they try to hide their horribly upset tummy and the effects the constipation is having on their digestive system.
Imagine B making it worse by teasing A quietly. Not enough that anyone else hears but loud enough that A can't ignore it and that they turn bright red.
Imagine A squirming in place as they try in vain to hold in their churning and bubbling guts.
Imagine B telling A that they aren't allowed to use the bathroom until after they leave the party. And A obeying because they want to be good.
Imagine A squirming in place as they try in vain to hold in their churning and bubbling guts and their gas.
Imagine B slowly rubbing A's upset tummy. B's words challenging A to hold it all in while B's slow and gentle rubs challenge A to let it all out.
Imagine A loosing control and letting out 6 days of backed up meals in their seat.
Imagine B telling A that they did so good and taking them to the car, showing off their bloated tummy and their failed attempt at holding it all in.
Imagine A pretending that they hate it but not-so-secretely loving it
Fuck, I think that's as far as I'm getting. Anyone wanna add on?
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whumpster-dumpster · 11 months
It's not pretty aesthetic whump, it's icky, so I can see why a lot of us don't bother with it but constipation really is underutilized in whump content
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sometimes chronic gastro illness culture is taking a while in the bathroom bc ur constipated sometimes chronic gastro illness culture is taking a while in the bathroom bc ur having diarrhea sometimes chronic gastro illness culture is taking a while in the bathroom bc ur having cramps but r not rlly sure what ur body is doing n sometimes chronic gastro illness culture is taking a while in the bathroom bc u had to fight for ur life on the toilet n u just need time to recover hahaha
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