#Compostela 2023
vicolashurts · 5 months
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mariaxmarino · 7 months
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happywebdesign · 1 year
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allesgold · 1 year
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santiago de compostela 2023
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jkrikis · 6 months
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camino frances / santiago de compostela
© 2023  Yiannis Krikis
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i decided to unite my love for maps and for OT and make a map of the distribution of OT contestants from OT 2017 - 2023 in regards to their residence* because i find it so fascinating, like yeah it does kinda follow where major urban centers concentrate but also why is there so little people in valència? so many in iruña specifically? how is that outside madrid the only other OT contestant from castile is from guadalajara from all places???
*I followed the locations from the wikipedia page; in OT it's necessary to reside in spain but you don't need to have the spanish nationality to participate so i'll add the nationalities when needed!
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below the cut i'll specify where each contestant is from, province by province, with pics of all the towns and cities !!!
OT 2017: Pontedeume (Miriam Rodríguez), Santiago de Compostela (Roi Méndez)
OT 2018: As Pontes de García Rodríguez (Sabela Ramil)
OT 2020: Sada (Eva Barreiro)
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OT 2017: Ourense (Luis Cepeda)
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OT 2017: Bilbo (Juan Antonio Cortés)
OT 2023: Getxo (Martin Urrutia)
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OT 2017: Iruña (Amaia Romero)
OT 2018: Iruña (Natalia Lacunza)
OT 2020: Iruña (Anne Lukin, Maialen Gurbindo)
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OT 2023: Zaragoza (Naiara Moreno), Magallón (Juanjo Bona)
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OT 2020: Alcañiz (Anaju Calavia)
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OT 2017: Sant Climent de Llobregat (Aitana Ocaña), El Prat de Llobregat (Alfred García), Gavà (Nerea Rodríguez), Montgat (Raoul Vázquez), Terrassa (Miki Núñez)
OT 2018: Esplugues de Llobregat (Carlos Right)
OT 2020: Sant Cugat del Vallès (Nick Maylo), Sant Joan Despí (Ariadna Tortosa)
OT 2023: Vallirana (Lucas Curotto, he's Uruguayan)
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OT 2017: Palma (Ricky Merino)
OT 2018: Bunyola (Joan Garrido)
OT 2023: Ciutadella de Menorca (Chiara Oliver, she's half British)
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OT 2023: Yunquera de Henares (Omar Samba, he's half Senegalese)
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OT 2018: Madrid (María Villar, África Adalia, Alfonso La Cruz - he's Venezuelan)
OT 2020: Alcalá de Henares (Bruno Alves, he's Uruguayan)
OT 2023: San Fernando de Henares (Bea Fernández), Madrid (Ruslana Panchyshyna, she's Ukranian and has lived several years in the Canary Islands; in fact her accent is Canarian. I do not know which island / town and in the wikipedia page it listed her as a Madrid resident, that's why she's included here)
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OT 2017: Malpartida de Plasencia (Thalía Garrido)
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OT 2018: Elx (Alba Reche)
OT 2020: Beniarrés (Samantha Gilabert)
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OT 2020: Murcia (Flavio Fernández)
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OT 2017: Huétor Tájar (Mimi Doblas)
OT 2023: Armilla (Paul Thin), Motril (Violeta Hódar), Ogíjares (Denna Ruiz)
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OT 2017: Alhaurín de la Torre (Mireya Bravo)
OT 2018: Torre del Mar (Marta Sango), Málaga (Noelia Franco)
OT 2023: Mijas (Salma Díaz)
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OT 2020: Córdoba (Hugo Cobo), Adamuz (Rafa Romera)
OT 2023: Córdoba (Álex Márquez)
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OT 2017: Dos Hermanas (Marina Rodríguez)
OT 2018: Bormujos (Famous Oberogo, he's Nigerian)
OT 2023: Sevilla (Álvaro Mayo)
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OT 2018: San Fernando (Julia Medina), Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Dave Zulueta)
OT 2020: Barbate (Jesús Rendón, Javy Ramírez)
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OT 2020: Ceuta (Gèrard Rodríguez)
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OT 2018: Gáldar (Marilia Monzón)
OT 2020: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Eli Rosex, Nia Correia - she's half Cape Verdian)
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OT 2017: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Ana Guerra), Adeje (Agoney Hernández)
OT 2018: Adeje (Damion Frost, he's German)
OT 2023: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Cris Bartolomé, he's half Equatorial Guinean), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Suzete Correia, she's Sao Tomean)
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sprint95 · 1 year
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santiago de compostela 2023
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barbarapicci · 9 months
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Streetart by Miguel Peralta + Xoana Almar @ Santiago de Compostela, Spain, for Anpa Ceip Apóstolo Santiago
More pics at: https://barbarapicci.com/2023/09/29/streetart-cestola-santiago-de-compostela-spain/
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kp777 · 9 months
By Belén Carreño
Sept. 15, 2023
SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Spain, Sept 15 (Reuters) - The European Union on Friday threw its weight behind a plan to protect the Amazon rainforest, pledging to coordinate financial contributions from EU members and making sure the money was spent as intended under its Global Gateway investment scheme. Team Europe, which includes EU members states and institutions such as the European Investment Bank, will coordinate 260 million euros ($277 million) already pledged by Spain, Italy, Sweden, France, Germany and the Netherlands to curb deforestation in the Amazon.
Read more.
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clivemwilliams · 11 months
Spain 2023
What an amazing day! Set off from Lugo after breakfast for 1 hour drive to Santiago de Compostela - one of the great pilgrimage sites in the world and the 3rd most revered Christian site after Jerusalem and the Vatican in Rome. The cathedral itself was truly spectacular with a dazzling golden altar and huge decorated columns rising high to the ceiling. It is reputed to be the burial place of St James and catholics queue for ages just to be able to touch the base of his statue’s cloak. As Methodists we didn’t see the point.
It was also fascinating to see many of the pilgrims that had walked from various places to the cathedral - we had passed hundreds in the car on the way. Most do one of the shorter walks - still over 100kms- but some do the whole journey from the Pyrenees, over 800 kms. I can confirm that 2785 pilgrims arrived today!!
After the visit, which was free by the way, we enjoyed lunch in one of the many restaurants surrounding the cathedral and then strolled around the narrow streets enjoying the ambiance and an ice cream!
I know that Christine and John enjoyed their visit here and I’d thoroughly recommend it to anyone else!
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gonzalo-obes · 11 months
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Día Internacional del Autocuidado, Día Internacional del Tequila, Año Internacional del Mijo y Año Internacional del Diálogo como Garantía de Paz.
San Boris, Santa Cristina y Santa Niceta.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1895: Sigmund Freud, psicoanalista austriaco, realiza la primera interpretación completa de uno de sus sueños: el 'sueño de la inyección a Irma'.
En 1911: El explorador estadounidense Hiram Bingham redescubre Machu Picchu (Perú), pero se tiene la certeza de que el peruano Agustín Lizárraga ya lo conocía en 1902 (así consta en una inscripción en el poblado) pero tuvo intentos fallidos de darlo conocer al mundo.
En 1917: Mata Hari, espía y bailarina neerlandesa, es condenada a muerte por un tribunal militar del ejército francés, acusada de espionaje.
En 1930: Ocurre un violento tornado de fuerza F5, en el área de Treviso-Údine (Italia), en la que realiza un recorrido de 80 kilómetros y causa la muerte a 23 personas.
En 1969: La tripulación del Apolo 11, compuesta por Neil Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin y Michael Collins, ameriza y concluye su viaje de regreso tras realizar el primer alunizaje tripulado por humanos en la Luna.
En 1973: Un avión Boeing 747 (Jumbo) de la compañía Japan Airlines estalla en el aeropuerto de Bengasi (Libia), justo después de que sus ocupantes fueran liberados por secuestradores palestinos y japoneses.
En 1994: El ciclista español Miguel Induráin gana el Tour de Francia por cuarta vez consecutiva.
En 2002: Las lluvias intensas por el monzón caídas en Nepal causan más de cien muertos en los últimos cuatro días.
En 2013: Un tren Alvia que viajaba de Madrid a Ferrol descarrila en la curva A Grandeira del barrio de Angrois, cerca de Santiago de Compostela, España. De los 218 pasajeros que iban en el tren mueren 80 y 144 resultan heridos. Es uno de los accidentes ferroviarios más graves de España.
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hectorino1 · 1 year
Camino a Santiago 2023
Day 34: Santiago de Compostela
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alain-keler · 1 year
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Mercredi 22 février 2023.
  Santiago de Compostela, Saint-Jacques de Compostelle, capitale de la Galice, arrivée du chemin de pèlerinage de Compostelle et le site du tombeau de l’apôtre Saint_Jacques.
Il pluviote. Pas de touristes. La ville est magnifique.
 Un ami me parle d’un chemin de la drague. Je suis surpris. J’avais entendu parler de  ce pèlerinage comme un chemin d’amour, dans le sens religieux du terme. Une chaine de télévision a lancée un appel à témoins « histoires d’amour à Compostelle ».
 L’histoire ne parle pas de drague, mais de reliques : « Créé et instauré après la découverte des reliques de Jacques de Zébédée au début du IXe siècle, le pèlerinage de Compostelle devient à partir du XIe siècle un grand pèlerinage de la chrétienté médiévale mais c'est seulement après la prise de Grenade en 1492, sous le règne de Ferdinand d'Aragon et d'Isabelle la Catholique, que le pape Alexandre VI déclare officiellement Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle lieu d'un des « trois grands pèlerinages de la Chrétienté », avec ceux de Jérusalem et de Rome ».
Dîner avec Eutropio, un ami photographe de Santiago. Il nous emmène dans un bar où les touristes ne vont pas. « Pulpo a feira », poulpe à la galicienne, un Rioja génial. Fin de voyage demain.
Un peu déçu de mes carnavals. Il y a vingt ans j’étais revenu enthousiaste. Impression de « déjà vu ». Peut-être qu’avant c’était mieux, c’est ce que l’on dit souvent en vieillissant. Les traditions perdurent peut-être avec le temps, mais elles s’adaptent aussi. Participants plus jeunes, bière et alcool à flot, violence.
Les photos resteront, mémoire éternelle de nos voyages, de nos rencontres. On oubliera le reste, ce que l’on ne veut pas voir.
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agustivm · 10 months
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Louro. Ría de Muros. Monte Louro. Santiago de Compostela. Catedral. Plaza del Obradoiro. Plaza Quintana. 11 y 12 de agosto de 2023.
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allesgold · 1 year
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santiago de compostela 2023
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jkrikis · 6 months
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camino frances / santiago de compostela
© 2023  Yiannis Krikis
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