#Conclave Member: Elin Falk
The Sanguine Repose [pt 1]
The Pict screen flickered to life, revealing the heavily scarred Visage of a space marine with flame red hair, blue eyes and dark skin, then the words crackled from the speaker.
“This Captain Moiran, of the Avengers Sanguine battle barge Sanguine Repose. This will be my last log, for the beasts shall return soon, and they are numerous beyond belief. We have set the charges, and some of our Number have been taken by the Fury. I envy them, for at least they will not see my failure, and shall stand at our Father’s side, in glory.
Chaplain Matrusha has sealed the vaults, and raised the ancient wards. The Chapter Relics are safe, and the Ancients have sworn to protect them.
We have put the last of the chapter serfs to the sword, that they may not suffer the fate we have seen to many of our loyal servants suffer.
May the Emperor curse the warp storm that flung us into this nightmare zone.  The beasts tore through the Navigator’s Sanctum, and the Astropath’s cloisters. We commend our souls to Sanguinus and the God Emperor.
I have failed them. I have failed my brothers, I have failed my Chapter, I have failed the Emperor, and I have failed our Father. May he and the Emperor forgive me, though I fear I do not deserve it.
Brothers if you have found our final resting place, then know that all those who fought beside me did so with great honour, and shed the blood of the foe a thousand times their number. Every batte-brother who fell did so having made our foes pay with dozens of their own, every millimetre of this Sacred ship bathed in the blood of xenos filth, washed clean by the shed blood of our martyrs. Let all the shame of this nightmare fall upon my head for leading us into the Warp Stor that lead us to ruin.”
The space marine paused as the thud of an explosion briefly turned the audio to a fizzling pop, he then returned his gaze to the pict captor.
“Now, I go. For the Emperor, for Sanguinius. BLOOD AND VENGEANCE!”
The image froze and Elin stared at the screen, drumming her fingers upon her desk, then looked up from it, to the man in armoured white and blue robes before her, his force sword hanging from his hip, even here, in her inner sanctum.
“A strange thing for a rogue trader to have in his possession, given the rest of his collection. Tulin, is he capable of answering more questions?”
“No my lady, Doctor Nagoya informs me that the strain of the last interrogation was too much for him, he went into cardiac arrest shortly after you finished with him, and could not be resuscitated.”
“A pity, his input would have been useful. Have the body incinerated. Pass his details on to Lady Aleanbh, and suggest she take a closer look at them, I suspect that family are hiding something, and given what we found here, it does not bode well.”
“At once my Lady, is there anything else?”
“Yes, have the Traitor’s navigator and XO prepared for interrogation. I’ll have questions for them shortly.”
“Of course my Lady, Ave Imperator.”
Tulin bowed, and turned, striding from her study, sealing the door behind hi, as the Scions outside her quarters saluted him. 
The door slid shut with a hiss, and she tapped a series of runes, setting it to do not disturb. She slid her chair back and rose, wondering round it, and over to the window, at the enormous vessel that dwarfed her own, its’ black, dark blue and scarlet hull pock marked by debris impacts, and the deep rents and gouges from some ancient battle.
Somehow, even after nearly two whole millennia, the vast white winged blue tear drop of the Chapter’s insignia glittered as bright as though it had been finished that very day.
She cocked her head slightly. “I wonder, if you could tell stories, what tales would you speak? What ancient secrets could you reveal? Could you tell me of my prize?” She returned to her desk, settling into it. Her Astropaths had already contacted the Avengers Sanguine, and the communique she had received in return had been quite something. The Chapter Master himself had responded, and all the chapter were coming to reclaim the pride of their fleet, and the very heart of the Chapter. 
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New meetings
The Telarian Cloister was a large Inqusitorial Fortress hidden within an asteroid cloud within the Chonma sector. The Cloister formed both a bastion and a base of operations for all Ordos of the Inquisition operating within the sector. Around it Inquisitorial black ships of varying sizes flit and ponder, some docking to rearm, other simply hanging in the void, away from the station, whilst their masters conducted business within, and some powered away, departing to destinations unknown. Lady Elin Falk, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordos Malleus, was at the station for a break, and to rearm her ship and her teams. She also wanted to finish one of her more esoteric projects and so had claimed one of the smaller workshops on the station, one of her Ars Arcanum Psykers stood by the door, both to protect his mistress as she worked, and to assist her should she require it.
She sat in a set of overalls, the shaved sides of her head left visible by the ponytail that kept her hair from her face. A massive tome lay open beside her, which she occasionally glanced down at, to check her work before returning her attention to the microscope and the bolt casing beneath it that she was carefully etching. Her beautifully crafted twin-barreled bolt pistol sat in easy reach. “More recaff my lady?“
“If you’d be so kind, Matthias, I’d appreciate it. Thank you.“
“Of Course My Lady, I’ll be right back.” 
Matthias left his mistress, and she continued her work, the door to the workshop open. @inquisitorjenn
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Aftermath: The Survivors (updated OC list)
The Word Bearer Assault on the Silent Conclave left many of the conclave’s members dead, and several others missing, others have left the conclave to go else where, as such only six Inquisitors remain members of the Conclave at this time. 
Those Inquisitors who have survived and remained an active part of the conclave are: Lady Aleanbh O Frighil, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus Lady Elin Falk, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus Lady Natalia Laroe, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Horace Blegg of the Ordo Sicarian Inquisitor Melodia Falk of the Ordos Xenos Inquisitor Faze Al Ramadi of the Ordo Machinum.
Those known to have died in the assault are: Lord Inquisitor Trask Townsend, Lord Inquisitor Piotr Mikhaelovich Inquisitor William Mograine Inquisitor Dominque Allard Inquisitor Calamity Veralstraz
Those who are missing or have left the Conclave: in the aftermath: Inquisitor Akarachi Okafor, left, reasons for his departure are unkown. Inquisitor Ulawazi Naidoo, left after being called upon to work with a newly founded crusade, remains an ally, but unable to do much from current assignment. Inquisitor Caitlin Rodriguez, Missing, status unknown, suspected deep cover operation. Inquisitor Zhou Fāng, left to investigate increase in plague outbreaks and to work to counter them. Remains in touch and an ally of the conclave.
Further information to follow.
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Announcing the Members of the Conclave
The Conclave Room is a vast circular chamber some fifty meters across. To the south of the room sit the vast Obsidian doors, the twin seals of the Inquisition inlayed into them in silver. From these doors, set into the wall some four metres up are 25 recessed balconies, each containing a throne, barely visible in the shadowed depths. The balcony facing the doors juts fourth from the wall somewhat, yet the throne set within it remains shrouded in by the darkness.
A further two sets of double doors are set into the east and west points of the room. The eastern doors are white and contain soaring choirs of angels, joyous people and a rising sun. The Western door is decorated with weeping people, angels with blazing swordss sweeping down upon them, and as the sun sets.
A small man in the plain robes of an adeptus administratum clerk steps forward within his small balcony, set slightly below and to the east of the central balcony. As he does so the massive main doors open. Allowing those beyond to step inside the chamber. He waits a few moments to allow everyone to enter, and then clears his throat.
“This session of this Holy Conclave of the God-Emperor’s Inquisition is hereby called to order. The Records shall show this to be the Silent Conclave. The members of the Conclave shall now be announced.”
He gazes at those assembled on the chamber floor.
“Inquisitor Dominque Allard, of the Ordo Astartes.”
A dark haired woman in sleek white carapace armour, a plasma pistol holstered on her left thigh, just below a beautiful power sword, steps from behind the south eastern most throne, and settles into her seat. 
“Inquisitor William Mograine, of the Ordo Barbarus!”
A light haired man in red Carapace armour, trimmed with silver, a power axe and bolt pistol at his hip, steps from the shadows of the south-western most balcony, and calmly sits in his chair.
“Inquisitor Seth Wilson, of the Ordo Hereticus.” 
The person who steps from the shadows of the next balcony’s face is hidden by a raised black hood. The faint green glow of an augmetic eye peaks from within the hood, offering no clue as to the features within. Their armour is pale blue, a gold Aquila set across their chest. An infernus pistol is holstered at their right hip, and one hand encased in some form of gauntlet. They take their seat in utter silence
“Inquisitor Melodia Falk, of the Ordos Xenos.”
Striding from the shadows of her balcony comes a woman in black and green power armour, a set of lightning claws retracted into the vambraces of her armour. A combi-melta hangs on a strap and a strange pistol is holstered on her right thigh. She settles into her seat with an audible thump.
“Inquisitor Zhou Fāng, of the Ordo Sepulturum.”
The woman who slides from within the depths of the next balcony has cropped dark hair, a half respirator hangs at her throat, whilst a weapon of strange and esoteric design is mounted upon her left forearm. A power mace bounces against her right hip. Her armour is white and clearly designed for work in hostile environments.
“Inquisitor Akarachi Okafor, of the Ordo Malleus.”
The powerfully built man steps from back of his balcony into the light. His brown eyes sweeping the floor of the chamber, as he steps to the front of his box, a massive force maul resting on one ivory-coloured power armour clad shoulder, a boltgun strapped into a holster on one thigh. A huge grin splits his face before he steps back and settles into his seat with a thump.
“Inquisitor Caitlin Rodriguez, of the Ordo Excorium.” This time a hologram flickers into life in the seat, glowing green. The woman appears to be in smart robes. Subdermal circuitry is visible beneath her skin, with a set of 4 matched implants tracing the flanks of her undercut. 
“Inquisitor Faysl Al Ramadi, of the Ordo Machinum.”
A man in red trimmed robes, one bionic arm and a servo harness rising from his spine steps forth and settles into his seat. 
“Inquisitor Ulawazi Naidoo, of the Ordos Militarum.” The tall woman steps forward from the rear of the box, clad in yellow carapace armour, a plasma pistol hangs at her side opposite a falchion. 
“Inquisitor Horace Blegg, of the Ordo Scriptorum.” 
A middle aged man with small paunch in exquisite scholar’s robes steps from within the box, and takes his seat. He carries no visible weapons and has a receding hairline, perhaps the man who least resembles his title of all the conclave’s varied members.
“Inquisitor Calamity Veralstraz, of the Ordo Obselutus!” The Inquisitor steps out, clad in navy blue carapace armour, very reminiscent of an Arbirtrator’s. A boltgun hangs from her shoulder alongside a power-maul, several pouches and a dataslate hang from her waist as she settles easily into her seat and looks calmly out over those assembled below.
”Lord Inquisitor Trask Townsend, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus.”
From within the depths of the box comes a slow, heavy thump of massive, armoured foot falls. Eventually the shadows yield to a lumbering figure in terminator armour, his scarred face half hidden by a respirator, his bionic eye glowing crimson, and the remaining good eye, the purple of one who has lived a long time in the shadow of the Eye of Terror. “Lord Inquisitor Elin Falk, of the Ordo Malleus”
The Inquisitor who steps out from the shadows of this booth is clad in ornate white power armour, with gold and silver work tracing the complex patterns penta- and hexagrammatic wards, as well as vines, and various angelic and blood related motifs. A beautiful angel dominates her left pauldrons, while the seal of the Inquisition dominates the right. A gold halo encircles her head and encloses the psychic hood that rises from the back of the neck, a pistol of strange design is holstered on her hip, and she rests a large nemesis force blade against the side of her throne, before taking her seat. 
“Lord Piotr Mikhailovich, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos.”
A man in dark power armour, shrouded by a chameoline cloak steps fourth, his weapons shrouded beneath it. He takes his seat with out a glance to those assembled below.”
“Lady Natalia Laroe, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus.”
Natalia strides from the back of her box, her bullpup combi-plasma, Vox Judicium, slung over one shoulder, an infernus pistol stashed in a holster on her thigh her black carapace armour reflecting that of the Harakoni warhawks. Her other hand rest on the hilt of a short powerblade, she settles Vox Judicium against the chair, and then sits in it, crossing her legs and sitting back, chin rested upon her hand.
“Lady Aleanbh O Frighil, Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Malleus, Chair of the Conclave.” The woman who steps from back of the central booth is clad in black power armour lacking anything but the simple silver-gold inlay of psychic and anti-daemonic wards, a psychic hood rises at the back of her head, a Stormbolter is mounted on her left forearm. and a pair of nemesis Falchions sheathed at her hips, below the right falchion is holstered a plasma pistol. She removes the sheathes, places them into slots on her throne and then settles into her seat. The adept, looks around one final time before proclaiming. “The Conclave is now in session! Let all who need it step, or be brought for the Emperor’s Judgement! Ave Imperator!” He retreats back out of view, and collectively the Inquisitors lean forward in their thrones. ((Introduction post the second, figured I’d get all the OCs linked in and named, I’ll get bios up for them eventually, for now, this will have to do)).
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