Today I learned
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
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Indefinite hiatus
Hey all.
I’m sorry for the prolonged silence. Honestly my mental health is just collapsing and running slow burn text RPs isn’t something I can manage.  I love you all, and this community has been wonderful. But I don’t know when I’ll be back, or even if I’ll be back. Doesn’t help that the “Conversations you’re participating in” update has basically made keeping track of anything, and I’ve only just figured out how to turn that off, and my anxiety is through the roof so...  I’m really sorry. DM me for my Discord or for my main tumblr. Thanks you.
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Despite the grim events that surrounded their meeting, Evren smiled slightly to hear the voice across the vox. Perhaps because the thrill of a promised hunt was beginning to sing through her veins. The chance to hunt down the Emperor’s enemies and her sworn foes. Oh, the looks on their faces when they saw who had come to hunt them down… It really would be delicious.
“Lady Aleanbh, please. There’s no debt to be paid here - ridding the galaxy of traitorous heretics is both our duty and it’s own reward.” she assured the Inquisitor; beside her, Captain Erik rolled his eyes. “Whichever would be more convenient for you. Perhaps the Amber Light, since I imagine you’d have the materials needed for the briefing on board already. And our equipment is… Antiquititated, to say the least. We haven’t upgraded since the Crusade.”
“Come aboard then Lady Anubis. I’ll meet you in the hanger myself, we’ve a great deal to discuss, and I’ll see if we can’t sort some upgrades for you... though I won’t lie, I’m fairly certain half the Great Crusade Era kit you have is much better than our modern Imperium’s, from what little fragments I gathere dover the eyars, it sounds like our technology has decayed greatly since the heights of the Crusade.”
She muted her mic briefly. “Captain Akande, have the briefing room prepared, and pulse the rest of the conclave, tell them they can attend in person or we can holo-conference.”
Then unmutes her mic. “Ready when you are, Lady Anubis.”
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The journey out to the Goul Stars took six months, including a stop to pick up additional Tempestus Scions and requisition necessary supplies. Elin had spent the vast majority of the journey digging up every shred of information she could find on the Ghoul Stars, and communicating back and forth with Fays to see if he could get her anything new on the region. 
The Mechanicum data hadn’t augmented her understanding much, but as Stormljusarkivet dropped out begins the transition back to realspace near Fort Pykman, Elin, now on the bridge of her vessel, feels quietly confident in her abilities, and those of her crew. 
Alarms blare as the ship’s systems picksup massive numbers of target locks from the Watch Fortress, before the auto-broadcasts of Elin’s Inquisitorial ID kick in. 
She remains a silent observer as Captain De La Heye, stood, cables trailing from himself to his Command Throne, gives orders, watching through the ship’s armoured windows as the station gradually grows larger and larger.
“Lady Elin, we’ll be docking with Fort Pykman in one hour.”
“Thank you Captain. Please request permission of the Watch Master for myself and the Ars Arcanum to board the Fortress, I’ll await the response in my study.”
She turned on her heal and left the bridge, mentally preparing herself for the task that was meeting and discussing operations and intelligence with the Death Watch.
She’d only worked with them once in the past, but still that had been ordeal enough. 
"Sleep already!" - Says a concerned acolyte to Inquisitor Elin.
Elin glowers at the Acolyte in question. 
“Can you magic up actual proper data from an entire subsector for the last two thousand years? Can you? Because if you can find and crunch that much fucking data, then I’ll consider sleeping.”
She returned her focus to the cogitator banks infront of her. She’d already burned out two Data Analysis Servitors, in the three days since she’d last slept.
“How the fuck has an entire subsector of space, which rogue traders fly into and out of, with extreme regularity, have absolutely no exploration records?”
Scrubbing a hand across her eyes, she glances up. “If you want me to sleep, then consider getting me more recaff… and find out which Rogue Trader running into and out of that region I can interdict without causing too much of a fuss. After that, tell Captain De La Heye, to plot that interdiction course, and begin working on it.”
Her eyes lock back onto the screen as at last, some threads began to pop up, disconjoined and heavily encrypted… but a start, maybe.
“Scratch that… I think I may actually take a nap after all.”
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"Sleep already!" - Says a concerned acolyte to Inquisitor Elin.
Elin glowers at the Acolyte in question. 
“Can you magic up actual proper data from an entire subsector for the last two thousand years? Can you? Because if you can find and crunch that much fucking data, then I’ll consider sleeping.”
She returned her focus to the cogitator banks infront of her. She’d already burned out two Data Analysis Servitors, in the three days since she’d last slept.
“How the fuck has an entire subsector of space, which rogue traders fly into and out of, with extreme regularity, have absolutely no exploration records?”
Scrubbing a hand across her eyes, she glances up. “If you want me to sleep, then consider getting me more recaff… and find out which Rogue Trader running into and out of that region I can interdict without causing too much of a fuss. After that, tell Captain De La Heye, to plot that interdiction course, and begin working on it.”
Her eyes lock back onto the screen as at last, some threads began to pop up, disconjoined and heavily encrypted... but a start, maybe.
“Scratch that... I think I may actually take a nap after all.”
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Send “Sleep already!” for a starter where my muse is very clearly sleep-deprived, but refuses to sleep.
Send “refuse to snooze” for your muse to be the sleep-deprived one. 
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The Weigher of Souls dropped out of the Warp like a new planet, orbited by the smaller ships of their allied forces; they were painted a dozen colours, displaying the badges of many Chapters and Guard regiments. The ship itself was the smallest of the original twenty Gloriana-class built for the Legions, which meant that it was a ‘mere’ fifteen kilometres long and just over three high. 
The warship dwarfed all around it, looking like a shark amongst minnows. And there was no mistaking it for anything else - from the size to the peeling paint and tarnished metal of the vast Tomb Jackals symbol on each flank.
Once more Evren stood on the bridge, flanked by the Captains Erik and Apes. One commanded the ship’s crew, the other the Jackals themselves. Two steps behind and one to the right stood Lady Wapset, Commander of the Tomb Shadows, in her jackal mask and uniform. Like the position of Lord Cypher in the Dark Angels, there was no one Wapset. The name and mask were passed down on death, their true name and face lost to the ages. Except, of course, to Evren herself. The tradition was born of typical Esceapian superstition and pragmatic tactical thinking both. The current Wapset was the 367th of the name.
They opened their vox channels at once and hailed the Amber Light. A holo-message could follow, if the other party so wished, though she’d much rather speak face-to-face. Evren sent out a friendly but businesslike greeting, knowing that neither of them wanted to beat around the bush or waste time.
Aleanbh stood on the bridge, Elin had returned to her ship to start gearing up as soon as long range sensors had detected a large mass coming in through the warp.
Staring through the fore vewing ports she still never failed to be awed by the sheer size of the vessel compared to her Amber Light. 
“Lady Aleanbh, we’re being hailed by the Weigher of Souls.”
“Thank you Ensign, request initial holo link, in the interim, put them on Vox.”
“Aye Lady, Vox link established ma’am.”
“Lady Anubis, it is good to see your vessel once more. Thank you for coming to our aid, we owe you a debt I doubt we’ll be able to repay any time soon. I apologise, but I’ll be skipping the full pleasantries for now. do you wish to hold the briefing aboard your own vessel, or aboard the Amber Light?”
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I’m alive, I swear. Apologies for my uselessness, life has been hectic (the past month has just been... I don’t even know where the hell to begin). I’m back now, as things have finally, finally begun to settle down.
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Elin smiled, returning the salute, and shutting behind her as she walked n, taking the proffered seat. 
“I am well thank you Tempestor, as for why I’m here... well, why don’t we wait on those refreshments, we need to have a little chat about some of your recent... operations behind enemy lines.”
The warm smile didn’t fade, as she placed a particular,  emphasis on the last part of her statement, watching the Tempestor carefully for his reaction, at this time not opening herself to the warp.
A knock on the door
Elin walked through the relatively quiet barracks, two members of her personal retinue the Ars Arcanum in their white carapace armour, with raised hoods following close behind her. Elin herself wore a comfortable riding dress, some light weight mesh armour, and her personal refractor field, her braided her snaking over one shoulder. A strange pistol was holstered on one hip, but other than that she carried no visible weapons.
She counted off doors a long the hall way, pausing at last outside one of them, bearing “Tempestor Prime Barran” on it.
<Antonidus, Carina, guard the door while the Tempestor and I have our chat> Elin reached out and lightly wrapped the door. @tempestor-prime-barran
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”Emperor’s teeth...” Elin’s eyes went wide as she read the communique. Aleanbh had spoken to her of the negotiations with the leader of the Tomb Jackals, and she’d known that the whole thing had gone well, but still... and the communique was strange indeed, its signature didn’t fit anything she recognised. 
Aleanbh turned to Halan, the member of her retinue, the Ars Arcanum, assigned to be her equerry that day.
“Go, inform Lady Aleanbh we’ve received a response. The Emperor and the Jackal smile on us today apparently, cos we’ve got some serious help coming our way...”
Hallan nodded and left as Elin activated the short range communication console and broadcast an encrypted message of confirmation to the ragtag fleet that was all that remained of the Silent Conclave.
“Oh Lady Anubis, you and your troops will be a hell of a sight for sore eyes.”
She muttered, waiting patiently for Aleanbh’s return, and for the others to arrive aboard the ship.
Aleanbh sighs, heavily, staring at the hololith recorder in front of her, then glances to a full astropathic choir stood ready to broadcast the call out across the warp.
Of the surviving members of the Conclave, only Elin remained aboard the Amber Light, eschewing returning to her own vessel in favour of further time with her former mentor. She catches Elin’s eye for a brief moment, then nods, returning her gaze to the recorder.
“Begin Broadcast, High Encryption.”
She take another deep breath, and begins.
“Lady Anubis, I need the aid of you and your tomb Jackals, the Conclave as a whole needs your aid. The Arch Enemy has struck at our base… the majority of my colleagues are dead, missing or have abandoned the conclave, and we do not have the resources to retake our base of operations. We have however, managed to identify our attackers; Traitor Marines of Lorgar’s brood, Word Bearers. They managed to breach our vault, and we suspect seized much there in… and left us a little gift, whilst we have the expertise to deal with the gift… we have not the man power to retake the Conclave and deal with the gift as well. We would be eternally in your debt… and I won’t lie, we’re desperate. Ave Imperator. End Broadcast.
Aleanbh closes her eyes, her breath escaping her in a long rush. She’s exhausted, and she knows she looks it. Elin rises from her seat, walks over, and embraces her.
“Never thought it’d come to this did we Aleanbh?”
“No El, no we did not… I… I think I’m going to retire, spend some time with Inara… this… it’s been a lot to process.”
“It certainly has, go, I’ll keep watch and handle Lady Evren if she responds.” “Thank you…” Aleanbh presses her forehead to Elins, before breaking the embrace and heading to her quarters, and her waiting wife. @askevrenanubis
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A knock on the door
Elin walked through the relatively quiet barracks, two members of her personal retinue the Ars Arcanum in their white carapace armour, with raised hoods following close behind her. Elin herself wore a comfortable riding dress, some light weight mesh armour, and her personal refractor field, her braided her snaking over one shoulder. A strange pistol was holstered on one hip, but other than that she carried no visible weapons.
She counted off doors a long the hall way, pausing at last outside one of them, bearing “Tempestor Prime Barran” on it.
<Antonidus, Carina, guard the door while the Tempestor and I have our chat> Elin reached out and lightly wrapped the door. @tempestor-prime-barran
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OOC post regard the Eisenhorn: Has anyone else noticed that Gregor and Cherubael spend chunks of their time almost flirting with each other in really screwed up ways? Like... what the hell Gregor? That’s a literal daemon. Fucking Eisenhorn.
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Aleanbh sighs, heavily, staring at the hololith recorder in front of her, then glances to a full astropathic choir stood ready to broadcast the call out across the warp.
Of the surviving members of the Conclave, only Elin remained aboard the Amber Light, eschewing returning to her own vessel in favour of further time with her former mentor. She catches Elin’s eye for a brief moment, then nods, returning her gaze to the recorder.
“Begin Broadcast, High Encryption.”
She take another deep breath, and begins.
“Lady Anubis, I need the aid of you and your tomb Jackals, the Conclave as a whole needs your aid. The Arch Enemy has struck at our base... the majority of my colleagues are dead, missing or have abandoned the conclave, and we do not have the resources to retake our base of operations. We have however, managed to identify our attackers; Traitor Marines of Lorgar’s brood, Word Bearers. They managed to breach our vault, and we suspect seized much there in... and left us a little gift, whilst we have the expertise to deal with the gift... we have not the man power to retake the Conclave and deal with the gift as well. We would be eternally in your debt... and I won’t lie, we’re desperate. Ave Imperator. End Broadcast.
Aleanbh closes her eyes, her breath escaping her in a long rush. She’s exhausted, and she knows she looks it. Elin rises from her seat, walks over, and embraces her.
“Never thought it’d come to this did we Aleanbh?”
“No El, no we did not... I... I think I’m going to retire, spend some time with Inara… this... it’s been a lot to process.”
“It certainly has, go, I’ll keep watch and handle Lady Evren if she responds.” “Thank you...” Aleanbh presses her forehead to Elins, before breaking the embrace and heading to her quarters, and her waiting wife. @askevrenanubis
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Aftermath: Reclamation
They stood, six tired Inquisitors watching for what felt like the thousandth time the slowed pict captures from the Servo skulls last moments.  Debate had raged for over an hour as to how to approach it, with aides, strategic advisors and various members of retinues permitted to know of such things, came up with suggestions and shooting them down until at last the Inqusitors, growing more frustrated, and dismissed all of them.
Aleanbh was the first to speak.
“We can’t retake the Station without outside aide... even ignoring the atmospheric breaches, that demonic entity in the station’s heart is horrifying. 
There were nods all round.
“The Forces of the Mechanicum might be willing to aid us, in exchange for some of the artifacts that might be recovered.” Al Ramadi’s mechanoid monotone chattered across the intervening pause.
“That... is one hell of a question.” (OOC: So... that’s as far as I’m taking the story with this blog, and now I want to open up to RPing again, so... I may use this as a starter if anyone's interested, if not I’ll build something else. Please DM me before turning it into a starter).
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What methods does the Conclave use?
“Depends on which of us is dealing with the situation. Suffice to say, our skill set are wide-ranging, some of us prefer a more hands on approach, others favour subtletly and intermediaries. Lady Laroe is rather famed for her hands on nature… particular after that time she and I kicked in the doors of a particularly heretical Bishop’s palace… I do believe there’s holo-vid footage kicking around of resulting public execution of the Bishop, and all those who were involved in his cult…”Lady Aleanbh Ó Frighil, smiles sweetly.“But alas, it does not behove an Inquisitor to reveal all of their secrets, nor the tools at their disposal, after all, even the most direct of us has hidden depths and talents.” MUN: Aleanbh herself is a politician and spy mistress, a manipulator on a somewhat terrifying scale, aided by her ample psychic capabilities as a telepath. Though she does maintain a small unit of handpicked soldiers known as the Black Company, and her personal retinue, The Fiannen for when she needs to be more direct. Elin spends much of her time roaming the galaxy in search of methods and knowledge about daemons and how to battle them effectively. She herself subscribes to a very psyker heavy approach, backed by some very skilled, hand picked scions. When she turns her mind to prosecuting heretics and daemonic cults she tends to be extremely methodical, sequestering local forces to complete her aims.Natalia is extremely direct in her methods, preferring to shock, awe and brutality to gain what she wants, though she can occasionally be more subtle. Her large personal military resources make her direct approach rather more practical.
Horace is, by nature, a person of many, many methods, trained as an Assassin-Inquisitor, they have proven themselves capable of assuming what ever guise the mission needs, though their being a non-psyker does prevent them from using all the avenues they wish they had available to them.Al Ramadi is... an odd one, as a member of the Mechanicus who subsequently joined the Inquisition’s Ordo Machinum, a lot of how he operates is built on his previous work within the Mechanicum, but now with the capacity to call upon the resources of both the wider Imperium and the Mechanicum. He is by far the oldest member of the Conclave, and is extremely logical in his approach, treating everything as though it were some scientific problem to be solved.
Melodia is very much still finding her niche, but thus far favours small scale hands on operations where her biomancy and quick wits can aid her the most. As the youngest member of the conclave, and a relatively recent riser to the rank of Inquisitor, she’s still learning and is constantly trying new methods to see if there’s one that fully fits her. 
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