#Congratulations Amaury
ma-du · 9 months
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👉 Congratulation Amauri 😄 on achieving your 2-year commitment and dedication award. 🥋
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aka-ipfs · 3 years
The computing power war has triggered a consensus crisis, and the decentralization of the blockchain is held hostage by "centralization"?
Since the end of 2017, ViaBTC, a mining pool invested by Bitmain, has dug the first block of BCH. BCH is forked from BTC, and a hard fork is carried out every 6 months. The BCH official website issued an announcement some time ago: The Bitcoin Cash network will undergo a hard fork at 00:40:00 on November 16, 2018. However, this hard fork has evolved into a computing power war due to the "declaration of war" by "Ao Ben Satoshi".
The origin of the war comes from the disagreement of opinions: Bitmain, led by Wu Jihan, hopes that BCH will develop in the direction of an infrastructure public chain similar to Ethereum while maintaining a block size of 32M, so that BCH will have more Function; the community led by "Ao Ben Satoshi" hopes that BCH will maintain Satoshi Nakamoto's original vision, advocating to change the block size to 128M without making other changes.
The two parties began to gather their settlement power, and Satoshi Oben said: "If you dig BCH, I will smash BTC. Don't blame me for smashing 1000."
At 02:16 on November 16th, the BCH hard fork war came to an end. BCH ABC, led by Bitmain and Antpool, and BCH SV, led by CoinGeek and nChain, officially separated.
Subsequently, Wu Jihan tweeted that: after this new block, there will be no more troublemakers in the BCH community! congratulate!
The supporter of Ao Ben Satoshi believes that BCH has successfully branched out of BCH SV, which is considered a victory. Satoshi Oben personally said on Twitter: Please remember that computing power is a marathon, not a sprint. Don't judge the outcome prematurely.
What Oben Cong said is true. Whether the two forked chains are successful, the key is to look at BCH ABC and BCH
Whether SV can produce blocks stably, and whether there is a massive retracement of blocks between the two chains. After the Bitcoin Cash hard fork, blocks on the Bitcoin ABC chain immediately began to fill in meaningless small transactions. ABC lead developer Amaury
Séchet said that according to public data, the BCH mining pool CoinGeek is now likely to be preparing to launch an attack on the ABC chain. After the fork, they still have 2
The computing power of exahash has not yet been put into use. So as long as Satoshi Aoben doesn't give up, this guerrilla warfare will continue to be fought. How long is this time? It may be clear in a few days, or it may last for several months.
After the BCH hard fork, as of 14:40 on the 16th, BCH ABC and BCH will be listed
There are three SV exchanges, namely Bitfinex, Poloniex and HitBTC, and then Binance and Gate.io announced that they will list BCH ABC and BCH
SV. The price of BCH ABC is generally about four times that of BCH SV.
Compared with exchanges and "mining tyrants" who are either neutral or support Bitmain's position, most believers are relatively "pessimistic."
The characteristics of Bitcoin's decentralization, immutability of information, and anonymity endow its currency attributes, and the material rewards for miners attract miners to maintain the network with computing power and build communities together.
Bitcoin Cash inherits the transaction function of Bitcoin digital currency, but it is becoming more and more centralized.
The advantages of centralization are of course obvious. “Concentrate on doing big things” shortens the process of matching opinions, promotes faster iteration, more efficient, and more powerful functions, and further expansion will advance faster. But is this still something we reached a consensus on? In addition to the above features, does Bitcoin have trustlessness, openness, and autonomy?
Someone pointed out that this battle of computing power of BCH is just a performance by Wu Jihan and Ao Bencong.
According to Bitcoin Core developer Jimmy Song, BCH ABC and BCH SV are mining at a loss. The mining cost of BCH ABC is 3 times higher than that of BTC, and BCH
SV mining costs are 5 times higher than BTC. Unless the gains of BCH ABC and BCH SV far exceed those of BTC, the miners of these two chains will lose their money. According to BitMEX
According to the news released by Research today, since the BCH hard fork "Hash Power Battle", most of the computing power of the two parties has been rented. The estimated rent is 8.1 million U.S. dollars, and the total income loss of BCH miners is as high as 6.1 million U.S. dollars.
Coupled with the decline in prices of almost all currencies, according to Huobi's data today, BTC has fallen rapidly and has fallen below 4800.
USDT hit a new low this year, and ETH also fell sharply, falling below US$150. Haru Capital partner Wu Yanjun said: According to calculations, S7 has been unable to make ends meet. In fact, after excluding network connection loss, mining machine failures, and mining pool commissions, S9 has basically no revenue, and a large number of ETH mining machines are shutting down.
This "fairy fight" not only consumes consensus, but also harms the interests of miners
: Not to mention the high cost of mining, one of the two chains is likely to be eliminated, then the miners on this chain can be described as a waste of water, even if elimination is not considered, the instability of the chain will lead to data confusion And lost.
As an IPFS community, the editor can't help thinking, what would happen if the same situation happened on Filecoin?
Filecoin is the official incentive layer of IPFS and a blockchain project. But unlike BCH, Filecoin is not a chain-like structure, but a network-like structure.
Filecoin's block data structure adopts the DAG structure, abandoning the consensus mechanism formed by the previous blockchain that is highly dependent on computing resources and energy consumption, and reusing meaningful work to form a consensus mechanism. This is PFT (power
tolerance), an evolutionary version of the Byzantine fault tolerance mechanism. The storage capacity currently used by the miners in the network and the generated space-time proofs are converted into voting weights, and then nodes use this weight to elect one or more leader nodes, and the leader nodes create new blocks and spread them to the network.
This means that Filecoin's network is not impossible to fork, but its fork is to determine the main chain in the form of the "heaviest chain" rather than the "longest chain"
. At the same time, even if Filecoin has a fork, its impact is that the mechanism and method of accounting by miners will change. It will not affect the storage and retrieval functions of the Filecoin network. You can still find what you want through the hash value. (However, it may be necessary to switch the chain), the previously stored content will still not disappear. For Filecoin,
The goal of its existence is to allow everyone to participate in the IPFS distributed storage, enjoy a distributed and decentralized storage experience, and make the dissemination and acquisition of information faster and safer, rather than just a public ledger.
I remember that when we first came into contact with Bitcoin, we always used Alipay as an analogy: Bitcoin transaction is that we remove third parties like Alipay and conduct transactions on the standpoint of trustlessness and decentralization. It is a pity that after this battle of computing power, a completely decentralized system seems to have only achieved disintermediation.
The centralization of BCH is becoming more and more obvious, and BTC now shows a high degree of concentration in terms of currency holdings and computing power, and even most digital currencies are games between big players.
We can only rely on the development of blockchain technology to integrate blockchain with reality more. The method of decentralization, in addition to eliminating centralization, is to let more people participate.
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mikestewartblog · 2 years
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All smiles as us Boogie freaks reunite for a dawn patrol in Arica Chile. The stoke from riding waves always seems to make for better persons and when returning back to land, this must certainly benefitt all they come in contact with. Image 1 by @gopro #goprohero10 Image 2 by @pablojimenez_photo Congratulation @amuray for a Historic performance at the event. Someone prove me wrong but I think his total combined wave scores in one heat might be the highest ever recorded in professional wave riding 53.7 I believe Shane Beschen onced scored three 10s does anyone know what were his backup scores? Image three: Amaury’s freakishly synced heat scores 53.7 (there might actually be a couple high scores missing) (at Arica, Chile) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdXB1u8rbhD/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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celticbarb · 2 years
📚📖Just Released! 📖📚
Congratulations  Deb Cooke sure this book will be flying off the book shelves! Have an amazing book release week!
The Hunter & The Heiress by Claire Delacroix Series: Blood Brothers, Book #2
Release Date: 2/15/2022
Page Amount: 410
Publisher: Deborah A. Cooke
Nothing could be further from Amaury de Vries’ expectations than joining his half-brother’s company of mercenaries in the wilds of Scotland. A knight and a champion at the joust, he expected to inherit a holding—until the man he has known as his father revealed a terrible truth and disavowed him. Left with nothing, Amaury rides to Kilderrick, where he loses his heart to a beautiful noblewoman in the forest. A practical man, he knows he has no right to court the lady, but when she is abducted, Amaury follows, determined to fulfill his knightly duty by aiding a damsel in distress.
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Elizabeth d’Acron has been a pawn and a prize, pursued for her father’s wealthy holding, and wants only to be desired for herself. Seized again, she vows she will surrender to no man—even the handsome knight who comes to her rescue. And truly, there could be no one more vexing than this confident yet inscrutable man, so concerned with duty that he could be wrought of stone—but Elizabeth soon learns that she can trust Amaury to defend her at any cost. She does not expect the seductive fire awakened by his touch, much less his conquest of her wary heart—but has she fallen in love with a man whose affections are already claimed?
Snared between duty and passion, Amaury finds himself beguiled by the lady who challenges his every expectation, but knows he has little to offer her. But when Elizabeth is threatened by a former suitor who will not be refused, Amaury risks his all in her defense, hoping it will be enough. But can he intervene in time? And will love alone convince Elizabeth to place her hand in his for all time?
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en24news · 4 years
Chivas made fun of America for the Lost Final against Rayados
Chivas made fun of America for the Lost Final against Rayados
Editorial Half time
Mexico City / 12-30-2019 00:01:11
Just a couple of minutes passed after the definition of Monterrey title against America in a penalty shootout and Chivas congratulated the champion.
Ironically, the rojiblanco club published a message in which he recalled the “prediction” made by Amaury Vergara, president of the institution, who said that the Eagles…
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cryptswahili · 5 years
Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase
In today’s roundup of crypto chatter, Jonathan Silverblood responds to Amaury Sechet’s privacy concerns with Cashaccount. Erik Voorhees defends Brian Armstrong from criticism on the latter’s 10 year Bitcoin anniversary tweets. Also, Nikita Zhavoronkov congratulates Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.
Also read: The Cashaccount.info Platform Tethers Names to Bitcoin Cash Addresses  
Amaury Sechet’s Privacy Concerns With Cashaccount
Bitcoin ABC lead developer Amaury Sechet took to Twitter recently, proclaiming that the new BCH-powered alias-address system Cashaccount will be a privacy disaster. Surprisingly, Cashaccount creator Jonathan Silverblood agreed with Sechet, as the founder believes his project will lead to more BCH users reusing Bitcoin addresses. This would be bad for privacy, as reused addresses can be used to discover financial information that users may not wish to disclose.
I agree – it will undoubtedly increase the number of people that will reuse addresses.
Perhaps you can spend some time and help get those stealth keys that @ChrisPacia was working on more widely supported, or help progress the BIP-47 support?
— Jonathan Silverblood (@monsterbitar) January 3, 2019
To resolve the potential lack of privacy, Silverblood asked Sechet to collaborate with Openbazaar developer Chris Pacia on stealth keys, or to assist with the development of BIP-47.
However, other commentators like Crypto Pelé were not as concerned with a lack of privacy. Pelé pointed out that some BCH users are fine with the transparency that comes with reusing addresses.
Erik Voorhees Defends Brian Armstrong From Criticism
To commemorate Bitcoin’s 10th year anniversary of the Genesis Block, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong posted a series of tweets reminiscing how he first got into bitcoin.
1/ Today is a big day for Bitcoin, as it marks 10 years since the Genesis Block. Some people think I don’t like to talk about Bitcoin (
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), but today I have a few words to say
— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) January 3, 2019
In the thread, Armstrong recounts reading the Bitcoin white paper in 2010 and becoming obsessed about Bitcoin for the subsequent 6 months. He began building a bitcoin wallet for Android devices as a side project, but then pivoted to a hosted wallet and a custom Bitcoin node. After securing funding from Ycombinator, Armstrong started working on his business idea full time and settled on the company name Coinbase. He then ended the tweet-storm on a positive note, boldly proclaiming that he has “never had more conviction” on the future of cryptocurrencies.
Not everyone responded positively to Armstrong’s tweets. Commentator Simon Moon called Armstrong out for being a fake libertarian, arguing that Coinbase is a government-backed monopoly.
Hah… as if their business just “appeared” and had a moat of regulation around it. The regulation isn’t their fault, and they have to walk a very delicate line. Yet millions enter the ecosystem because of the tools (read: bridge) that CoinBase has built.
— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) January 4, 2019
Shapeshift CEO Erik Voorhees quickly stepped in to defend Coinbase’s CEO. Voorhees pointed out that regulation was not Coinbase’s fault and that Coinbase has helped introduce millions of people to cryptocurrency.
1 Billion Outputs on the BTC Blockchain
Blockchair lead developer Nikita Zhavoronkov also took to social media to wish Bitcoin a happy 10th birthday. While many congratulated Bitcoin on it’s Genesis Block, Zhavoronkov took the opportunity to congratulate Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.
Not only it’s the 10th Bitcoin birthday today, but also a new landmark has been achieved — now there are more than 1 billion outputs created on the Bitcoin blockchain (see https://t.co/bKMI1xgYsf for stats) — what an interesting coincidence! pic.twitter.com/jeWJwLkVQ1
— Nikita Zhavoronkov (@nikzh) January 3, 2019
What do you think of privacy issues surrounding the Cashaccount’s identification system? Let us know in the comments below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
Need to know the price of bitcoin? Check this chart.
The post Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase appeared first on Bitcoin News.
[Telegram Channel | Original Article ]
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😀Congratulation Amauri 👀 on achieving your red belt. 🥷
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coin-river-blog · 5 years
In today’s roundup of crypto chatter, Jonathan Silverblood responds to Amaury Sechet’s privacy concerns with Cashaccount. Erik Voorhees defends Brian Armstrong from criticism on the latter’s 10 year Bitcoin anniversary tweets. Also, Nikita Zhavoronkov congratulates Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.
Also read: The Cashaccount.info Platform Tethers Names to Bitcoin Cash Addresses  
Amaury Sechet’s Privacy Concerns With Cashaccount
Bitcoin ABC lead developer Amaury Sechet took to Twitter recently, proclaiming that the new BCH-powered alias-address system Cashaccount will be a privacy disaster. Surprisingly, Cashaccount creator Jonathan Silverblood agreed with Sechet, as the founder believes his project will lead to more BCH users reusing Bitcoin addresses. This would be bad for privacy, as reused addresses can be used to discover financial information that users may not wish to disclose.
I agree – it will undoubtedly increase the number of people that will reuse addresses.
Perhaps you can spend some time and help get those stealth keys that @ChrisPacia was working on more widely supported, or help progress the BIP-47 support?
— Jonathan Silverblood (@monsterbitar) January 3, 2019
To resolve the potential lack of privacy, Silverblood asked Sechet to collaborate with Openbazaar developer Chris Pacia on stealth keys, or to assist with the development of BIP-47.
However, other commentators like Crypto Pelé were not as concerned with a lack of privacy. Pelé pointed out that some BCH users are fine with the transparency that comes with reusing addresses.
Erik Voorhees Defends Brian Armstrong From Criticism
To commemorate Bitcoin’s 10th year anniversary of the Genesis Block, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong posted a series of tweets reminiscing how he first got into bitcoin.
1/ Today is a big day for Bitcoin, as it marks 10 years since the Genesis Block. Some people think I don’t like to talk about Bitcoin (😀), but today I have a few words to say
— Brian Armstrong (@brian_armstrong) January 3, 2019
In the thread, Armstrong recounts reading the Bitcoin white paper in 2010 and becoming obsessed about Bitcoin for the subsequent 6 months. He began building a bitcoin wallet for Android devices as a side project, but then pivoted to a hosted wallet and a custom Bitcoin node. After securing funding from Ycombinator, Armstrong started working on his business idea full time and settled on the company name Coinbase. He then ended the tweet-storm on a positive note, boldly proclaiming that he has “never had more conviction” on the future of cryptocurrencies.
Not everyone responded positively to Armstrong’s tweets. Commentator Simon Moon called Armstrong out for being a fake libertarian, arguing that Coinbase is a government-backed monopoly.
Hah… as if their business just “appeared” and had a moat of regulation around it. The regulation isn’t their fault, and they have to walk a very delicate line. Yet millions enter the ecosystem because of the tools (read: bridge) that CoinBase has built.
— Erik Voorhees (@ErikVoorhees) January 4, 2019
Shapeshift CEO Erik Voorhees quickly stepped in to defend Coinbase’s CEO. Voorhees pointed out that regulation was not Coinbase’s fault and that Coinbase has helped introduce millions of people to cryptocurrency.
1 Billion Outputs on the BTC Blockchain
Blockchair lead developer Nikita Zhavoronkov also took to social media to wish Bitcoin a happy 10th birthday. While many congratulated Bitcoin on it’s Genesis Block, Zhavoronkov took the opportunity to congratulate Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.
Not only it’s the 10th Bitcoin birthday today, but also a new landmark has been achieved — now there are more than 1 billion outputs created on the Bitcoin blockchain (see https://t.co/bKMI1xgYsf for stats) — what an interesting coincidence! pic.twitter.com/jeWJwLkVQ1
— Nikita Zhavoronkov (@nikzh) January 3, 2019
What do you think of privacy issues surrounding the Cashaccount’s identification system? Let us know in the comments below.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock.
Need to know the price of bitcoin? Check this chart.
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Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase
Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase
In today’s roundup of crypto chatter, Jonathan Silverblood responds to Amaury Sechet’s privacy concerns with Cashaccount. Erik Voorhees defends Brian Armstrong from criticism on the latter’s 10 year Bitcoin anniversary tweets. Also, Nikita Zhavoronkov congratulates Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.
Also read: The Cashaccount.info Platform Tethers Names to Bitcoin Cash…
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Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase
Chatter Report: Sechet Claims Cashaccount a Potential ‘Privacy Disaster’, Voorhees Defends Coinbase
In today’s roundup of crypto chatter, Jonathan Silverblood responds to Amaury Sechet’s privacy concerns with Cashaccount. Erik Voorhees defends Brian Armstrong from criticism on the latter’s 10 year Bitcoin anniversary tweets. Also, Nikita Zhavoronkov congratulates Bitcoin for creating 1 billion outputs on the BTC blockchain.
Also read: The Cashaccount.info Platform Tethers Names to Bitcoin Cash…
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This is what it means to win a #fortwilliamworldcup! 🏆 Fort William produced a spectacular day of racing, with excitement and uncertainty right through to the final run & What a day for COMMENCAL🥇! Congratulations @amaurypierron4 1st @reecowilson 4th @myriam_nicole 2nd @thibautdaprela 2nd @remithirion 12th @ravanel_mtb 6th @tibaldog 35th @thomasestaque 41st @gaetruff 52nd @edgar.peyra 15th 📷 @kenophotographie @kifcat Missed the race? Watch Amaury Pierron's winning run. Catch the replay on Red Bull TV >>> https://win.gs/UCIFortWilliam Full results: http://www.uci.ch/mountain-bike/ucievents/2018-mountain-bike-uci-mountain-bike-world-cup/162153118/widgets/live-timing-results-185534/ 🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹 🎯Epic Trusted Brands 🎯 #commencalbicycles #ktmbicycles #maxxis #alpinestarsprotects #evocsports #jagwire #mucoff #funnmtb #kaliprotectives #allmountainstyle #srammtb #rockshox #a2zdisc #ridealpha #brandx #zefal BUY GENUINE = BE GENUINE 🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹🔸🔹 #epicmountainbike #localbikestore #onlinestore #onlineshopping #SupportLocalBikeStore ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ www.epicmountainbike.com⠀⠀⠀ ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖⠀ SHOP | MECH | RENT | RIDE⠀⠀ ➡ World Renowned Genuine Products.⠀⠀⠀ ➡ Prepaid Bike Servicing Plan.⠀⠀⠀ ➡ Book Rental Bikes & Accessories.⠀⠀⠀ ➡ Book a Ride with us.⠀⠀⠀ ➡ Free Delivery Worldwide⠀⠀⠀ ➡ Visa/Master Card accepted⠀⠀⠀ ➡ Easy Returns⠀⠀⠀ | Worldwide Delivery | |Bank Deposits, Visa/MasterCard, IMEPay Accepted | |CashOnDelivery within Kathmandu valley ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖⠀⠀ 📧 [email protected]⠀⠀⠀ 📱+977 1 5555021⠀⠀⠀ 💻 www.epicmountainbike.com (at Fort William, Highland)
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Congratulations Helen And Amauri on your #Ford #F-150 from Jose Cardenas at Texas Nissan of Grapevine! by Texas Nissan of Grapevine Via Flickr: deliverymaxx.com/DealerReviews.aspx?DealerCode=OOIB
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😀 Congratulation Amauri 🥋 on achieving your brown/red belt.
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😀 Congratulation Amauri 👈 on achieving your new belt. 👈 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cow_AAmOUK0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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😀 Congratulation Amauri 👍 on achieving your white/brown belt. 🤛 https://www.instagram.com/p/CnzQ1PVuEZy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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