#Congratulations Frye :)
shionxion · 18 days
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(Edit: okay, I've calmed down and realized that I forgot two screenshots, so I fixed it. Can you really blame me for being excited? This W was earned lol! Now, it's pizza time! :3c
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missnatzooie · 10 months
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Team Love's reaction to Team Money's win
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saltynsassy31 · 9 months
My friend told me
This is....
WHATS THE POINT!?!?!? What's the point of even trying if every splatfest it's the same thing!?!?!?
You people in shivers team don't get how hopeless it feels because you guys keep winning, how soul crushing it is that no matter how hard you try you know your labour will be fruitless
It's awful, I don't even know why I keep coming back, maybe cuz I'm delulu and think something will change when it won't
The biggest trouble is the votes, how do they keep getting so uneven!?!? This isn't fair at all! We had no chance to begin with
I love shiver, she's not my favourite character but I love her a lot like I do with the rest, shiver isn't who I have beef with, its the people representing her
What's the point of splatfest if it doesn't matter what team you pick? This isn't fair!
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kuswanrudi · 1 year
And it's Sweet, Sweet, Sweet Victory!
it's ours for the taking, it's ours for the fight(SpongeBob reference)
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Congratulations, to Team Sweet for winning the splatfest and I'm happy that Frye finally got a win! Even though I kinda predicted it from this post.
This took a week to finish (it was made right after the announcement :'D) not only that but I'm using my new iPad when making this...so yeah I think it turned out great :)
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crystalcat321 · 9 months
Shiver has won....the Frye fans must rise up in anarchy to retrieve that spot back. For Eel though!!
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thekingofchungus · 1 year
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dandelion-idk · 10 months
Love lost :( what have you guys done /j
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The Splatfest Results Are In
You're not going to believe this.
After 496 Days, Frye won another [Non-Japanese] Splatfest [180 Days for Japanese Splatfests]
Congratulations to everyone who participated
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 9 months
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Big Manta Hugs For Our Team, Big Man 😔
I did NOT expect the popularity to be so drastic, given I was thrown into quite a few Tricolor mirrors! Regardless, there's nothing that can be done now
Team Shiver, a genuine congratulations! Your side definitely wanted it bad enough, and fought hard for it!
Team Frye, you had 17% of the vote and somehow STILL managed to farm the most Conch Shells! That's actually VERY remarkable; you beat the DRASTICALLY more popular team in sheer willpower!
TEAM BIG MAN...WE TRIED... Us getting the Pro win was definitely awesome!! It's one of the most hellish modes so I give us props for our strength!
Good games to all, and we'll see you next time, hopefully for a fun Splatoween fest!!
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dokidokitsuna · 4 months
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The Eel Deal
This was my first time drawing Frye’s face, and it was honestly one of the most rewarding fan art experiences of my life. She has such a good design!! OMG she has such an amazing design and I never really realized it until now…!
…I think it’s because I’ve never really seen her design rendered in a ‘hybrid-toon’ style like this, with her features ever so slightly exaggerated for effect. Tbh, I’m one of the very few Splatoon artists I’ve seen who draws like this; most artists either do ‘chibi-anime’, ‘semi-realism’ (there are SO many semi-realistic Splatoon artists; and it’s hilarious because you’d think it’d be the opposite), or something reflective of their own unique style that’s not really ‘on model’. And all that is fine, but with a design as unusual as Frye’s it means you never get to see how well it works in 2D all on its own. And it works SO WELL
Anyway, speaking of design: you may have noticed my final ‘bandit’ design for Frye changed a lot from its first draft, just like Shiver’s. I did like the original jacket, but I felt like I needed something less generic for the real thing. So I came up with this abstract shawl-looking thing, designed to resemble the pallu of the Indian saree. The long drape at the back kinda mirrors the shape of Shiver’s kimono-sleeves, which I’m very happy about. ^^
So in this re-concept, Frye’s eels have a job just like Master Mega does, albeit a less-mandatory one: if you feed them Power Eggs, they will accompany you into the lab spaces to search for things: secret rooms, locker decorations, and other hidden collectibles that contribute to your “percent completion” of the game. I imagine this as something you set up before entering a level, like the weapon select screen…maybe it could even be semi-interactive; like Agent 3 holding up different items for the eels to sniff, each one corresponding to something you can tell them to find for you. ^^
I also think it would be cool if, the more times you borrow the eels this way, the lower their Power Egg price becomes, as if you’re gradually ‘training’ them to help you. Maybe once you get down to the lowest possible price, Frye could congratulate you on becoming an ‘Honorary Eel-Charmer’ and give you a prize; something like that~
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hwljpg · 1 year
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ik this month’s splatfest is over but i’ve been wanting to draw frye in this outfit for so long now.. congratulations to team white chocolate for winning!! we did it team ^^
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void-in-the-sky · 18 days
Splatoon and Splatfest Tags are TRENDING!
Congratulations to team Bucket List and Frye lovers worldwide on the absolute win! The Splatcast announcing was so wholesome and Frye finally won a worldwide Splatfest so I can't be upset about loosing. Y'all are RAISING THE ROOF OVER IT TOO- my DAD SAW IT TRENDING ON TWITTER. I'm impressed. Please update me what's going on over there.
My personal Splatfest was pretty good, though I didn't get to play too much of it. I was on team Save the World! Not that'd I be able to save the world but I'd try. The tricolor map was challenge but really good! Defending was such an onslaught but very rewarding when you got it. I only got to Champion. I got to play with some folks to close it out so that was nice. Got one 10x and lost it and no 100x or 333x.
Nice work everyone on the Splatfest and making some noise about it and don't be toxic! <3
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missnatzooie · 18 days
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Congratulations to Frye on her Splatfest win!!
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avixenk · 19 days
Congratulations Team Bucket List! Frye finally won another, HUGE congrats y'all needed it.
Shiver: 9
Frye: 3
Big Man: 7
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thatcrazycrowgirl · 11 months
How u doing! Do you still write fics/headcanons?
If so I’ve had this idea pop into my mind recently
Jacob freaking out while his girl is in labor And then getting drunk with his rooks to celebrate the birth of his baby?
Hi there! I'm so sorry for the delay in responding to this - it was sitting half-finished in my drafts for a while, but I finally had an opportunity to sit down and complete it! Hope you enjoy! ^_^
Jacob Frye - New Birth Headcanons
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- Try as he might, Jacob Frye was never good at hiding his emotions.
- This meant that when he found out his beloved was in labor, he instantly panicked - first on the inside, but it quickly slipped out into the open.
- However, what he didn’t tell anyone was that a good deal of the panic and fear came from losing his own mother to childbirth - something he sometimes still feels like is his fault, despite having no control over something like that.
- And given that Evie was the only person present and available who was aware of Jacob’s most secret fears, she’s the only one who can console him and bring him down from his emotional high to some degree.
- But even then, he gets no catharsis until the moment he hears the soft wailing of the newborn babe from upstairs.
- It was a wonder he had any strength left in his legs, wobbly and achy from the tension he previously held in them, when he headed up those stairs to the bedroom he shared with his wife.
- And yes, the moment he saw she was alright and holding a healthy baby in her arms, he teared up a little.
- Here he is, actually a father now. This is real.
- He also privately swore to himself that he would try his damnedest to be the best father he could be.
- And when it came to the celebration of that birth? Hoo boy, the festivities happened on and off daily for almost a week. Toasting, singing, repeated congratulating - the works.
- Jacob was tempted to invite his Rooks into his home, but quickly realized how bad of an idea that was, so he chose to celebrate at the pub nearest to his house instead, just so he was never too far away from his recovering wife and their new baby.
- Of course, though, not too long after the birth, the baby ended up at the pub one afternoon with their father anyway...well, only for a very short time, before the mother showed up, incredibly miffed at Jacob spiriting away the child like that, while she was napping. (At least, he had the decency to leave a note?)
- She softened, however, when she saw how gently and kindly the baby was being treated as they were being passed around.
- Didn’t mean she still didn’t have a few choice words for Jacob, though - that frustrating, yet lovable man, who only innocently wanted to share his good fortune with his loyal gang. (Why is it always so difficult to remain angry with him?)
- That being said, Jacob better be careful not to bring anything up to her about having another child around the Rooks, because many of the gang members quickly discovered how much they loved the idea of being unofficial aunts and uncles to their boss’ child.
- Oh, wait...did Jacob let that idea slip out in a flirty comment to his wife, after having one too many drinks...?
- And did she actually coyly smile back in approval...?
- Well, guess the gang is going to get their wish after all. ;)
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xxgothchatonxx · 1 year
Saw Renfield in cinemas again today because I had a mighty need to see the three different flavours of Puppy Eyes (sad cat, coked-up wolf, and Elder Goth) on the big-screen again, and had some more observations.
The sound design is wonderful. Especially when Cagula is in stage 2 of his rejuvenation, the squelching noises are so gross, I love it!
I missed Nic Hoult’s Dwight Frye laugh the first time! That was lovely, good job Nic!
Noticed a parallel between Rebecca confronting Teddy in Mulates, and then later when she’s confronting Drac - “congratulations”
It doesn’t matter how many times I hear it, Brandon Scott Jones’ delivery of “whaaaaat that is SO WEIRD why would you phrase it like that but YES!” makes me laugh every. single. time.
I LOVE THIS SUPPORT GROUP! Talk about a scene-stealing group of actors!
Ah, so the support group was in a gym. Ok, see I thought it was in an old church. So I was like “...how the hell can Drac enter there? Consecrated ground and all that? Shouldn’t he be hopping around like Crowley?”
So... Cagula looks like he’s tearing up in some scenes..
“I am the dark poetry in the hearts of all mankind.” ...that’s hot.
In case it’s not obvious, I love this film :D
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