#Connor “I am an actual murder bot” RK800
pastelaeqy · 9 months
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two versions because I couldn’t decide. Hi.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
I want to tell the world I love you
This was prompted by a wonderful anon! Enjoy! It is very angst but it has a happy ending, don’t worry!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 (Warnings: Overprotectiveness, panic attack, internalised homophobia (+struggle to overcome it))
It was a slow day at the precinct and Gavin hated it. Sure it was nice not having to work every single second of your shift and still leave something for the next day, but the opposite wasn’t that nice either. He spent his day resisting the temptation to play on his phone, looked over his reports to find errors or change a sentence to better convey the message. He filed the pictures he had taken for evidence. He watered the lone cactus on his desk. He got himself a coffee. He watched Nines, who caught his drift and smiled back. That had made it a bit better, but still frustration and boredom settled in. He just wanted something to do or go home and the more he looked around the precinct aimlessly, the more random things annoyed him. The way he could hear Chris’ nose whistle barely audible, but being unable to not focus on that now that he caught on. The way Tina brushed through her hair the fifth time in a minute. The ringing of somebodies telephone for at least two rings too many… Gavin knew it himself, this was one of the days he would randomly explode on people again. And that made him even angrier. ‘Phhhck’, he sighed silently to himself and massaged his temples trying to force himself to relax. But the tension stayed and the frustration continued to nibble at him and he was seconds away from screaming at someone, something, anything to make it stop and have something to work on.
And apparently the universe had decided to throw Connor his way. Gavin looked up if only in the hope that the change would mean the bot got something for them, but the RK800 didn’t even look at him walking straight up to Nines and banging his hands on his table. Nines looked at them, then at Connor and turned in his rolling chair. ‘Is it true?’, Connor asked. Nines looked at him questioning. That one sleek brow lifted over stern eyes. ‘You’, Connor jerked his head in Gavin’s general direction. ‘and him?’ ‘What?’ Nines was now sitting ram-rod straight, glancing over to Gavin, who had simply froze for lack of better word. ‘Err… What do you mean? Con, I-‘ But Connor wasn’t taking it, stepping beside the table and grabbing Nines wrist, pulling his hand from the keyboard in the process. Gavin reeled back as he saw Nines’ LED dip to red and stay there while his skin was pushed away from where Connor’s hand connected.
A forced interface. Gavin knew what he was seeing, Nines had done this a few times with unresponsive androids. The way the other’s skin didn’t retract but was forcefully shoved aside. This… This wasn’t right, Connor had no right to do this and Nines wouldn’t allow him- ‘So it is true!’ Seldomly had Connor been this loud or angry. ‘You and this wretched human! This robophobic piece of shit, who held me at gunpoint twice and punched me on the first day? Really? Did you forget how he treated you? Did you?’ ‘Connor, I-‘ ‘What are you two doing, hmm?’ Connor leaned forwards and his grip on Nines was like a vice. His face went blank. ‘So you two are already fucking? Nines, I can’t believe it. How on earth could you let him use you like that? Do you think he loves you? Nines, he is playing with you, can’t you see that? There is no way someone like him will ever change and you should really know better than-‘ Nines didn’t allow him to speak any further. His free hand slapped on top of Connor’s and closed around his hull strong enough to indent it with an ugly crunch. ‘Don’t you dare say that’, he hissed. ‘Don’t you dare say that if you know nothing about us. When was the last time you two spoke a word with each other? When was the last time you re-evaluated your picture of Gav-‘
Right. Gavin. Gavin, who had told him to keep their relationship a secret at all costs. Gavin who had only recently had started showing his emotions, who had taken more than one night spent talking that it was okay to be friends, that it was okay to be more than friends even, that loving a man wasn’t wrong like his family had taught him, that Nines would be there for him and that a slow pace was fine, that… That it was completely fine if their relationship stayed at home, that they didn’t openly show affection and that both of them feeling safe and comfortable was more important than all expectations.
Nines let go of Connor, his priorities changing to see if his partner was alright. But Gavin’s chair was empty. His jacket was hanging over the back of his seat, that had turned as if left in a quick escape. The keys to his bike were gone from their usual spot and Nines didn’t need more information than that to leave his predecessor – because brother really didn’t fit right now – behind and go after his human.
He managed to intercept him on his way out of the parking lot. ‘Gavin!’, he called out. ‘Gavin, please!’ And the man stopped. The engine was still running, gently chugging along without a care in the world, making Nines all the more desperate. ‘Nines.’ His eyes were still wide and unfocussed, it would be irresponsible for Nines to let him drive, but it would be even more detrimental to make him stay. ‘Nines, I-I-I… I can’t.’ His breath was quick and irregular, barely enough to sustain him. He must feel like suffocating right now. ‘Gavin, I didn’t want to. He forced it. I. I would never tell anyone. I promised you!’ ‘I know’, Gavin breathed out, his voice nearly drowned out by the engine sounds. ‘I know and I… I trust you still but… I can’t. I can’t take it. I shouldn’t want it, it’s wrong and I… Con is right and…’ ‘Breathe’, Nines said calmly despite his own stress. Gavin needed him. And he breathed. ‘We can’t be together’, unfortunately were the next words that left his mouth as he had enough air again to talk. ‘We just can’t. I can’t. I want but I… It’s better that way.’ It is not, Nines wanted to say but didn’t. ‘I love you’, was what he said instead, disappointed, knowing it wouldn’t change anything. ‘I know.’ There were the tears. ‘I… I love you, too. But I can’t. I… You shouldn’t have to wait for me, you deserve someone nice, someone less broken and wrong and-‘ ‘Gavin!’ Nines couldn’t help but make him stop. He wouldn’t let him say it. ‘Gavin, you are perfect. You are. Please. Please, I beg you, stay and let’s talk!’ The man looked up at him out of swollen eyes and Nines would never be able to forget the way he looked at him, sad, grieving and worst of all believing everything he had said about himself.
And then he let the engine roar up and drive him away, leaving Nines standing alone in the parking lot.
He didn’t know how long he had stayed there. He just remembered eventually walking back inside the building, because really, there was no reason for him to stand there any longer, was there? It’s not like that motorcycle would reappear magically, that Gavin would come back and kiss him like he had so many times at home. Would they ever do that again? He didn’t dare to think such thoughts. No. Work. Work was what he needed. Something to keep him occupied, because if he had a free minute, he would think and thinking lead to ideas and Nines knew they wouldn’t be good at all. No, Nines couldn’t afford himself to be himself right now, else he would likely self-destruct on the spot. No, he went inside, ignored the looks and quiet questions, sat down at their – his - desk and interfaced with his terminal, concentrating on being RK900 only and digging up every unsolved case from their databanks.
The numbness was a blessing. Overworking his processors with wild pre-constructions that would ultimately lead to nothing left no room for Gavin. For his concerns whether he had made it home safely. For stray thoughts imagining him sitting at home alone, crying. Maybe drinking. Maybe worse. No, there were only murders and Red Ice and kidnappings and no end in sight. So, when Connor approached him and said something it took a while for the message to reach his systems. ‘/’m s0rry-.+’’#..||- I dIdn’t me@n t..-~ I c0uldn’t knw{-=-_.. I sh0uldn’t h@ve. I want t# apologise. Nines please listen to me.’ ‘I believe you said enough’, Nines spoke without intonation through heavy static. ‘Really, you can’t imagine-‘ His voicebox cut out and Nines laid all of his anger, sadness and fury into his stare while it restarted. ‘Don’t you dare talk to me like a simple apology could bring you absolution!’ With that he stormed off to the evidence room and locked himself in. This way there would be no further disturbances and he could again dive deep into the systems. Time didn’t matter, it’s not like he had anyone to go home to anymore. Their shift ended, the next had begun and Gavin had called in sick for the next day somewhere around 2 AM. Nines didn’t care. He simply pushed deeper, the clear orderly systems of the precinct a welcoming blanket to wrap his own chaos into.
Connor sat on the couch, mindlessly petting Sumo. He had never seen Nines like this. They had argued before. They had yelled at each other. It was normal. But this time something had changed. He had messed up badly. Even Hank ghosted him, telling him to set it right or not, but not to involve him in their fights as he would refuse to pick a side. He had just wanted to protect his brother! When he had overheard Nines and Hank talk about it, he had simply been concerned. He had only ever seen Gavin as the anti-android nuisance that couldn’t stay in his own lane. The arrogant man that only cared for his career. The guy without many friends because he never let anyone close enough to actually see beyond what was clearly your typical schoolyard bully grown up and misplaced in the police force. he didn’t want his brother to be pulled in for a prank. He hadn’t wanted his brother’s feelings to be run over by the truck that was human rottenness. He hadn’t – not even for a single moment – thought about the possibility that it was something genuine. That Nines really did love that man and that Gavin returned it. He hadn’t even taken into account it could be a chance. And he had hurt not only Nines’ feelings, but seemingly also ruined what had made them both happy. Some kind of brother he was… RA9, how could he set this right? He had to do something, it was his own fault, his doing alone. But how would he even begin? Nines didn’t let himself be talked to, Connor couldn’t even blame him for it. But Gavin… he couldn’t imagine the human to let him in, much less to actually listen or even consider his apology. But he had to do something and maybe even something as futile as this was better than doing nothing at all.
Statistically speaking there’s always a chance for unlikely events to take place. He remembered thinking like this during the revolution. He prayed to whoever was listening that it would prove true another time as he knocked at the door. To his surprise the wood gave way at the impact and opened a fraction. The lock was broken, a footprint underneath telling him everything he needed to know. ‘Gavin?’, he asked as he tentatively opened the front door a little more and stepped in. ‘It’s me… Connor.’ He winced, bracing for the human to come running at him with something sharp. But his only response was a very weak, very drunken: ‘Phck off.’ So no threat at least. And he was a lot further down his plan as he had ever thought to come. ‘Gavin, I came to apologise. ‘Phhhhck oooff. Don wanna talk with ya plastic shit ass.’ ‘Very eloquently put’, Connor commented, before he could catch himself. He had made it to the kitchen, where Gavin sat next to the open fridge wrapped in Nines’ old Cyberlife jacket and multiple bottles – all of them empty, one of them shattered - to his side. ‘I sssay whatIwant, thisis my houssse.’ ‘I get it.’ Gavin blinked against the clearly too bright kitchen light and furrowed his brows in tired anger. ‘Get. Out.’ He prepared to throw the bottle in his hand at Connor, who quickly lifted his hands. ‘Hey, watch out, this one’s still full. I guess you wouldn’t want to waste perfectly good alcohol on me.’ He hadn’t known it would work, but it did, as Gavin looked at the bottle then to the empty stack next to him, apparently deciding it wasn’t worth the effort as he took another chug. ‘Fine. Whaddaya want?’
‘Apologise. It wasn’t my right to say that.’ ‘Yer damn right, asshole.’ ‘I didn’t believe you two really were in love.’ ‘Didn’t believe it either’, Gavin slurred. And as Connor didn’t respond, he continued. ‘I mean me? With a guy like him? God, I thought I was dreaming.’ ‘Really?’ Connor dared to sit down on the floor opposite of the man that had leaned back his head against the wall, smiling completely lovelorn. ‘Of course. I’m n asshole. I can’t keep friends. Think they don’t really like me, just pretend. Destroyed every single one so far. Forced myself to be with girls, y’know, thought that I’d learn with time. So then, Nines comes up and is perfect, feels perfect, cares and… Nah, didn’t believe it. Told him upfront he would get factory second. Y’know, like a decent man. Told him all my problems and stuff and he still stayed. Agreed to all. First time in my life someone heard that and stuck around.’ ‘And I messed it up?’ ‘Yeah. Big time.’
Connor shuffled uncomfortably. The open refrigerator made it far colder than it needed to be. ‘How can I repair the damage?’ ‘You can’t. You… You were the source but I… I panicked and broke up with him.’ ‘But maybe I could-‘ ‘No. I have to man up, go there and tell him I love him still. That I will phcking commit, that I’ll send my parents to hell and my childhood memories right with them. That this is me and only me and that I want him like my gay ass should. But I can’t. I am phcking drunk and that’s the only way I can say that without freezing or panicking or building up walls or-‘ ‘What if I drive you to the precinct right now?’ That seemed to be too much for Gavin’s inebriated brain and Connor waited for an answer. ‘Nines is still at work?’, he slurred, obviously confused. ‘Yes.’ ‘Yess… That’s… That’s a good idea… Just… Phck…’ Gavin made it surprisingly fast to his feet and to the kitchen sink before emptying his stomach into it. Connor was next to him in an instant, holding him upright and helping him clean up afterwards. Maybe it wasn’t a good idea to drive Gavin back to the precinct like this, but if this was the only way to right his mistakes, he would gladly do it. And besides, the night shift likely had seen worse already.
Gavin was still in Nines jacket as Connor helped him out of the car and guided him to the back entrance meant for supplies and smoke breaks. It wasn’t that far to the evidence rooms from there and Connor managed to get him inside without anyone really noticing. He tried to open the door to where Nines had locked himself in but was declined. ‘Go away Connor.’ The voice alone was what let Gavin next to him perk up and brace against the wall. ‘Nines? Nines, please, can you hear me? I love you. And I was an idiot, I panicked and I-‘ The door was ripped open in a heartbeat and there was Nines, catching Gavin by the shoulders and pressing him in a close hug. ‘Gavin!’ ‘I’m so sorry, I love you and I didn’t mean what I said, I panicked, and you know I say shitty things then, I need… I need you and I want you and phck everyone’s opinion, I am allowed to have you and I can do whatever the hell I want!’ ‘Yes’, Nines gently whispered. ‘Yes, of course. Don’t be sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have told-‘ ‘No. Phck this! I want to tell everyone, and they will have to accept this shit! God pcking damnit!’ ‘Okay, but let’s wait with that until you are sober, okay? Come here.’ Nines drew gentle circles on his back and relished in the feeling of having his human – his – here in his arms and hold him and tell him he was safe and loved and cherished. He didn’t even know what he had murmured n the end of it, but it had made Gavin slump against him and fall half asleep in his arms. Nines decided then to retreat back into the evidence room. He did shoot Connor one last glance, grateful for bringing Gavin back to him, but also implying this would have repercussions as soon as their minds had settled.
Connor just swallowed, nodded and left them to it. He guessed he had deserved that.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
The daring date
This was prompted by an awesome anon! Enjoy some long overdue Allen60!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Allen60
Allen sat in his office, absent-mindedly staring through the blinds. It has been a week now and still he hadn’t gotten used to the new face in the force. The new familiar face. A RK800 unit, dubbed Sixty not to confuse him with his exact twin in the building next door. To be honest, the SWAT Captain had no idea what to think of the android. Normally he would at least try to keep his prejudices against them at bay. They were people now and Allen had no problems accepting the fact once he had spoken to a few of them. But this specific one… He simply didn’t trust him and still searched for reasons to get him out of his team.
The official file for the bot was spotless. But of course, rumours had spread still and being part of the raid on Cyberlife tower, the SWAT team could confirm them. Sixty had threatened Lieutenant Anderson and would have without doubt killed him, had the android not been shot himself. Right in the middle of his forehead. He was supposed to be dead - every human would be. But no, he was repaired and deviated and thrown into society. Deviancy was supposed to be the wondrous medicine to every wrong an android could possibly commit. But Allen wasn’t so sure when androids had had a certain programmed freedom even before deviation and this specific android had still decided to shoot Hank when there must have been other possibilities to fulfil his mission. And who said androids weren’t capable of committing crimes, just like humans? Who said that Sixty, just because he deviated, wasn’t still loyal to Amanda or a certain belief? And now he was infiltrating SWAT, possibly trying to gain their trust just to betray them later. He knew he had no evidence for his theory, but his gut had proven themselves to be correct almost every time, so Allen would keep an eye on the new android. Who knew, maybe-
‘Captain?’ He looked up to the door, where Frank had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Without knocking, as always. ‘Err… Yes?’ ‘You joining game night this evening?’ ‘Whose turn is it?’, he asked caught off guard. ‘Jensen’s! I think he decided on starting with poker, but I haven’t asked.’ ‘Yeah, I’m in. I think I can manage 7pm.’ ‘Great! I’ll let him know.’
Allen sighed, as soon as he was alone in his office again and decided to try and do some actual work today. In all his paranoia about the new android, he had almost forgotten it was the last Friday of the month – game night. He usually enjoyed them. It was one of these team-building exercises that actually worked as it wasn’t obligatory. Although normally most attended them. The SWAT team really was a team, working atmosphere good enough pulling rank wasn’t necessary most of the time. Allen really hoped the android wasn’t invited. But he guessed not. As in many other points, his team was pretty uniformly suspicious of the RK800 too.
It was raining as he parked his car in front of Jensen’s house later that evening. He was a bit late as it seemed, but he was greeted with enthusiasm nonetheless and a coke was pushed into his hand. Most others were already sitting at the table with beer and other beverages and someone hastily gave Allen his seat and poker chips as he was clearly loosing already. A few pleasant hours and rounds later that was a thing of the past as most of the other players were too drunk to remember the rules or keep up a pokerface. Allen had already driven quite a few into surrender and at some point, as if on a hidden signal, they decided to stop playing. What unfortunately meant they settled on the incredibly uncreative idea to play truth or dare.
Allen sighed, regretting his decision to stay sober tonight, but played along. It could still be fun after all. It started quite simple with everyday questions and mostly silly chores to do on dare. Unfortunately, it didn’t stay that way. ‘Are you single?’, was the first question in the truth-category, Allen sighed deeply over. ‘Why? Are you searching for someone?’, he returned hoping to embarrass the man and be able to skip answering. The other’s laughed, but the one that had asked him just shrugged. ‘Yes, actually, but you’re not my type, no offense there.’ It continued on and Allen felt relatively save, having passed the first awkward question. When it was his turn again, he groaned and demanded “truth” again. He could live with his team knowing intimate details about him. He didn’t like giving them blackmailing material in the form of videos or pictures of him doing something ridiculous though.
Unfortunately, his team had other plans: ‘Come on, you picked that so often already. Choose dare, come on. Would be unfair!’ He rolled his eyes, but caved in quickly as others joined the chorus. ‘Fine. Dare.’ ‘Oh, I actually didn’t think you would allow us’, the other chuckled. ‘I have nothing. You got something guys?’ Oh no. Everyone talked over each other, but it was one, Allen would have guessed Jensen himself, who screamed louder than everyone else: ‘Go on a date with the new android!’ It went dead quiet immediately, but soon they were laughing at Allen’s shocked expression. ‘No. No way!’, he protested, but the rest of his team instantly shook their heads. ‘You have to now! No going back on that!’ ‘I… Fuck, fine, I will ask him on a date, you lunatics. But that’s it, if he says no, that’s out of my hands.’ ‘Deal.’
Monday came far too soon, and Allen sat in his office once again, watching the android. He swore then and there to never attend another game night ever again. But well, better to get this over soon else they would bug him for weeks. He guessed the chance of the android agreeing was close to zero anyways. The whole week he had never seen him near any other member of SWAT if it wasn’t needed for work and seldomly speaking more than strictly necessary with his colleagues. He would just go there, ask him and then the android would decline and go on with his business. Simple as that.
He approached Sixty’s desk and the android immediately looked up, seemingly preparing to stand up. Allen gestured to remain seated and he relaxed but nodded at him in greeting. ‘Captain. Anything I can do for you?’ His voice eerily sounded like Connor’s, maybe with a little less intonation. ‘Err… yeah, weird question maybe, but are you free tonight?’ God, this was embarrassing. ‘Oh. Sure. Planning a mission?’ ‘Uhm… No, actually it’s rather personal.’ ‘Personal?’ ‘Dinner?’ ‘Oh’, the android blinked, face unmoving. ‘Sure, what time?’ Fuck. Allen had not expected the android to actually agree. Shit. That was bad. ‘At seven?’ ‘Fine with me. Where?’ ‘Err… I’ll send you the address.’ ‘Okay. Looking forward to it.’
Allen turned around and grimaced as soon as he was out of sight of the android. He glared at Jensen who was barely containing his laughter and entered his office to remain there for the rest of the day. Fuck, now he had to come up with a place to go on a date with the murder bot.
He drove up to the sole restaurant in all of Detroit that served both android and human food. He had been lucky to get a table for today. He still didn’t know what the hell he was doing here, but well, worst case he would have to be here for a few hours and call it done. He saw the android already waiting at the entrance and tried to at least fake the polite smile. ‘Hello, Sixty.’ ‘Hello, Captain.’ ‘Err… Allen’s fine’, he commented. Shit, even his team didn’t call him Captain unless outsiders were around, or it was a work issue. ‘We’re not at work after all.’ ‘Okay, then hello Mr. Allen.’ ‘Uh, yeah, okay, let’s go in.’ Awkward.
They entered and were shown their table. The waiter spared them any more small talk, taking their orders for drinks and handing them the menus. A few minutes passed as they both chose their food, but after that they had to wait again until the waiter would come back. And the silence that caused was as uncomfortable as it could get. ‘So…’, Sixty spoke up in the end. ‘What exactly is this?’ Allen’s shoulders sagged a little. ‘Do you want the honest truth?’, he sighed in defeat. The android nodded, and Allen answered: ‘We played truth or dare. They dared me to ask you on a “date”.’ The android huffed with a humorless smile. ‘Well, it’s nice being a part of something I guess, even if it means being part of a joke.’ Allen frowned. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Okay, here are your drinks, what can I get you?’ Allen flinched, he hadn’t even noticed the waiter appearing. Sixty wasn’t as bothered, ordering for himself and Allen caught himself to follow short. Once the man was gone again, the android sat up. ‘I mean that I know you and your team could do well without me.’ ‘That obvious, huh?’, Allen asked, embarrassed about their sentiment being this obvious. ‘I mean, In the last week I barely spoke to anyone and no one even approached me.’ Sixty shrugged. ‘But that’s fine, I get you are close with each other, going on dangerous missions. I guessed as much as I got assigned the job. I hope I can prove my worth to you in action.’
‘I’m sorry’, Allen mumbled in all honesty. ‘It’s just…’ Sixty waited for him to continue, but nothing came. ‘Just what?’ ‘It’s hard to trust you when all we know about you is that you held our colleague at gunpoint and the only thing keeping you from pulling the trigger was getting shot.’ The android smirked. ‘Yeah, I get that. I could explain to you how I was under Amanda’s full control that time, being ordered to stop Connor by any means necessary, or be permanently deactivated myself. But I guess it wouldn’t change a thing, am I right?’
He smiled sadly at Allen, who couldn’t help but feel like a total asshole.  ‘Sorry.’ ‘It’s fine, really’, Sixty reassured him. ‘I guess it just needs time of us working together for you and your team to realise I won’t suddenly go full terminator on you.’ ‘So you were forced to nearly shoot Hank?’ ‘I mean, I was forced to end the revolution or die. I had to stop Connor for that. And Lieutenant Anderson was his weakness. His partner and only emotional support in this world. I guess if you ask if I was forced to kill him, then no, I wasn’t. But it really is a question of how far you are willing to go to protect your own life when you have only lived for a few hours at that point and don’t know what that even means yet.’ Allen stared at the tablecloth, trying to process what he’d just heard. ‘I don’t plan on holding the Lieutenant at gunpoint ever again, if that means anything’, Sixty carefully stated then. ‘Or put my own life about anyone else’s for that matter. I’ve learned my lesson staying with New Jericho, listening to all these android’s life stories and learning what life could eventually be.’
Allen looked up into the android’s eyes, realising to what extend he had misjudged him. ‘What made you chose police work then?’, he asked with honest interest. ‘Honestly? It was a heat of the moment decision. The DPD was hiring and I knew Connor worked with them. I thought maybe that would make it easier for me. Following my initial purpose and living with people that accepted him despite his crimes.’ ‘Crimes?’ ‘Well, he was a spy for Cyberlife initially before he switched sides. And he did kill at least two humans at Cyberlife tower. If you think about it, he actually did worse things than I have. But maybe I misjudged that.’
The waiter reappeared with their food, giving Allen time to make a decision. ‘I will talk with my team’, he stated as he had disappeared again. ‘I believe we all fell for prejudice here. I’ll tell them to give you a chance.’ Sixty eyed him lifting a brow. ‘Captain, do you really think this is necessary?’ ‘Yes, I think so. I don’t think you should be held accountable for something you couldn’t control.’ ‘I…’ The android looked at what looked like blue pudding in front of him. ‘Thank you, Captain. That really means a lot to me.’
They began eating mostly to play down the serious talk, but the silence really didn’t help making the whole thing feel less awkward and unnatural. Allen thought about what to talk about with someone he basically knew nothing about, but only one thing came to his mind. He tried to find something more fitting, but ultimately, everything was better than the silence. So, he spoke up again: ‘Okay, let’s stop talking about work for a while. Let’s talk about you, if you want, of course. What do you like? Any hobbies?’ That seemed to catch the android off guard. ‘I like… music?’ ‘Really? What kind of music? Favourite genre?’ ‘Err… No. I haven’t listened to a lot yet. Any recommendations?’ Allen chuckled, knowing this was a dangerous question as he liked to ramble. ‘Oh, were to start? I have a whole list…’ ‘Just give me a song, I will listen to it.’ ‘Right now?’
Sixty tapped his temple. ‘Android, remember? Can listen to it in my head.’ ‘Okay, not how you are supposed to hear music, but fine.’ He continued to list off a few of his favourite songs and stopped after he thought to have supplied the android with the essentials for now. Then he continued to eat, coughing when Sixty spoke up again: ‘Okay, I listened to them.’ ‘What?’ ‘I can listen to them simultaneously. I liked them.’ Allen stared at him. ‘Okay, that really isn’t how you listen to music.’ ‘Then teach me: How do humans listen to music?’ ‘One song at a time?’, Allen begun, not having imagined to ever need to explain that. ‘And normally coming from a speaker.’ ‘Inefficient’, Sixty commented. ‘But-‘ ‘If you hear one song at a time, you will never have listened to all of them in your whole lifetime.’ ‘I mean, it’s true, but-‘ ‘And you never get to see the similarities in between them. Analysing all the small changes in frequencies and subtle differences in between genres.’ Allen sat there staring. ‘Okay, I think we enjoy music on a very different level then.’ Sixty laughed. ‘I guess so, yes. But humans are inefficient at most tasks, so I don’t blame you.’ ‘Thank you?’, the SWAT Captain tried, but couldn’t help but smile too. ‘Okay then, what else are androids so much better at?’ Sixty smirked. ‘I have a list. It’s alphabetised.’
The evening was actually quite fun after its initial difficulties. Sixty just seemed to need a jump start to get over his hesitant demeaner. Once they had initiated their personal talk, he ended up unveiling he was actually a quite cocky person, sure of himself and almost stubbornly ambitious. But despite that, he really seemed to care for others, wanting to use his strong suits to help those that needed it. Somehow, despite Allen’s previous impression of the android, he ended up liking him and wanting to get to know him better than possible in one evening.
Unfortunately, that very evening was about to end as it got late and already was dark outside. They paid for their respective meal, although Allen jokingly stated his co-workers had specifically asked him to take him on a date. Sixty just laughed and told him they wouldn’t have to know every detail. As they exited the restaurant, the android turned to him before entering the automated taxi he had called. ‘And? Enjoyed your dare?’ Allen huffed. ‘Actually, I did. Obviously, this wasn’t a date, but it was nice getting to know you. I’m looking forward to work with you and… Well, if you want to do something like this again, I would be up for it.’ ‘Really?’, the android asked. ‘I made it to the second date?’ Allen closed his eyes and sighed somehow not knowing what he had expected. ‘Be careful what you wish for, I don’t want to know what they decide to task me with next games night.’ Sixty smirked and opened the door of the taxi. ‘Maybe next time I will be there to decide myself.’ He winked at the Captain and entered the car, leaving Allen standing in front of the restaurant confused. But somehow intrigued, too.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
… Is another man’s treasure
Now to the second part for a wonderful anon! Enjoy the Feels!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900
Nines had worked hard to gain confidence in himself. All his time in New Jericho he had worked for the other people there. He didn’t spend that long at the sanctuary to accommodate to his freedom. Without a life in slavery, or at least not one he had been allowed to remember, freedom wasn’t that difficult of a concept and not that overwhelming of a treasure to him. No, he had needed time to understand what Markus had meant when he said no one was without purpose and even more to build a fragile confidence. He still doubted it sometimes. There were days when he came back from work to sit in an empty room and felt lost. When he wasn’t working, what was the point of it all? If he was just killing time, then why had he ever left the landfill where he belonged? So far, he had managed to shake the feeling off by making the small flat his home. Plants that needed him for water, furniture that needed him to stay clean. They were small things, but it helped remind him in times he felt lost that if anything, they needed him. And then the next step was thinking of the next day, when he had to head back to work with the Detective…
They got along… kind of. On good days, they stayed professional, except for the occasional curse or a discussion getting louder than strictly needed. On bad days, Nines had to try hard to contain his urge to throw something heavy at the man. They didn’t particularly liked each other for the first weeks. The Detective had still hoped he could bully him away and Nines had still hoped for someone else to scold the man. Neither did happen, so they ended up begrudgingly compromising. It still wasn’t a companionship of the kind where you would agree to meet with a co-worker after work, but they didn’t hate each other outright. At least they liked each other enough to realise they actually were a very productive team with abilities that complemented themselves. A few close calls on the job, a few examples of trusting the other and lately a huge competitive ambition towards their cases as Gavin had found out they were close behind on Connor and Hank’s closed ones, had worked wonders and Nines hoped to think that they finally made it to friends. A friendlier tone from the human and accepted shipments of coffee to his desk seemed to finally prove it and Nines was happier than he would ever thought he could be.
A friend. They hadn’t called each other that yet, but Gavin didn’t seem to be a fan of labels anyways. Still, a friend. It made his insecurities take a step back and for the first time, he thought about his decision to leave the landfill as a good one to make. He wasn’t sure yet, but he was more willing to give this new life a try and not doubt any move he made with these poisonous words in mind.
You are obsolete. You aren’t needed. You are a danger and have to be disposed of.
With every day these words were shoved further back, but Nines would never forget them. His new experiences overshadowed the few memories he was allowed to keep, but these words lingered and only waited for an opportunity to rise again. Nines hoped that when that happened, he would have someone to look out for him. To help him realise they were memories of a life he was about to leave behind completely.
Right now though he had bigger things to worry about:
‘Detective, you are speeding.’ No answer. ‘Detective, not only is this a violation of the laws you are to protect, it is also a huge safety hazard as human reaction time is-‘ ‘Shut the phck up, tin-can.’ Nines had very early decided that he disliked three major things about the human: His smoking habit, him calling him names and him interrupting him at near any given occasion. ‘I just wanted to point out that-‘ ‘And I don’t give a damn!’ Four things. ‘Gavin, I get that you are frustrated, but how will speeding through the city help us in any way?’
The man gripped the steering wheel hard enough the leather was creaking. ‘I am frustrated, yes. And an android like you should know to leave me alone in such situations.’ He looked pointedly at him and turned into the DPD’s parking lot with far too much momentum. The Detective made a show of bringing the car to a halt abruptly, opened the door and slammed it behind himself. Nines’ LED flashed red for a moment, then followed the human, easily catching up to him with his long legs. He rushed past him to stop Gavin by pressing a hand against his chest and stepping back before the Detective could get violent. ‘What is that supposed to mean?’, he hissed, having understood the threat and not taking it. ‘I mean’, Gavin pushed back unrelenting. ‘that you are supposed to be the big bad robot that always knows how to handle a situation.’ ‘How do I get the impression you refer to more than me telling you to slow down?’ Nines knew that giving in just to avoid confrontation would never change Gavin letting his anger out on the people around him. This time he wouldn’t back down. ‘Hmm, figured that out all by yourself, did you?’, the human mocked. ‘What do you want? An A+ for phcking up an entire mission?’ Nines was honestly surprised. ‘You are blaming me for this? You are blaming me that our suspect fled the scene, our witness is dead, and the crime-scene left us with nothing because it was tempered with? You can’t be serious!’ ‘I can’t? Tell me one reason why.’ ‘Because if anyone of us is at fault at all in this, then we both are!’ ‘And that’s where you are wrong’, Gavin whispered low and dangerously enough for Nines to regret not having given in and taking the blame until the human had calmed down enough. He stepped closer, pulling at the android’s jacket to get him down on his level. ‘I am human’, he hissed in his face, near enough so Nines could feel the movement of air. ‘I make mistakes and I cannot process everything at once. But you! Aren’t you supposed to be the most advanced robot ever?’ ‘I am the superior model to the RK800, yes, but that’s no guaranty-‘ ‘Oh yeah?’, Gavin interrupted him again, letting go of his lapels and stepping back. He grinned evilly, spreading his arms to his sides. ‘So that’s why you ended up in a phcking dumpster?’
Nines went completely rigid, staring at the human as if he had physically hit him. His LED flashed brightly red and his hands were twitching in anger. In ice cold rage. How dared this mere human? How dared he shattering what he had build up just like that? Something inside him pulled the switch and the next moment, Nines had the man by the neck and threw him against the brick wall of the building. ‘You don’t know anything about me!’, he shouted, watching satisfied as Gavin groaned and pulled a grimace. That was only a fraction of the pain he himself felt right now and-
You are a danger.
Nines looked at his hands and the man on the ground. It was incredible how quickly his anger could switch to fear and panic, as the words came crushing down, incredibly red as if they were the walls of his programming that had to be broken. Walls that shouldn’t exist. Or should they?
You are obsolete and should be disposed of.
Nines ran.
‘God… phcking… toaster…’ Gavin cursed as he finally managed to get up. That would most definitely bruise. ‘Damn phcking piece of metal shit… Has one hell of a punch.’ He very well knew he coud have ended worse, if the thing actually wanted to kill him, but he doubted it. ‘Hey, Nines, you okay now? Vented your frustration?’ He looked around the parking lot, but couldn’t find a trace of the bot. ‘Alright’, Gavin sighed. ‘To everyone his own. Leaving me to write the report for this goddamn mess, of course. Like hell one of them sticks around when they are actually needed…’
He went inside, trying not to move his shoulders too much. No one had to know he had been decked by one of the RKs again. He sat down on his desk and started the terminal, pointedly ignoring the curious looks of anyone in the bullpen. He had loaded their case file so far and continued noting the events of the day.
He managed to get the first few paragraphs done until someone stepped up to his desk. ‘What do you want?’, Gavin barked, not looking up from his screen. ‘Where is Nines?’ ‘What’s it to you Connor?’ ‘Gavin.’ The other android pulled his chair towards him, so Gavin had to look at him. Gavin hadn’t forgotten how intimidating puppy-eyes here could get, but to see it again was something completely different to remembering it. ‘Gavin, what did you do? Where is he?’ ‘He went home early’, Gavin snapped at Connor, the lie flowing easily from his lips. ‘The mission went wrong. Probably wants to sleep it over or whatever you androids do instead of drowning yourself in alcohol. Because that’s what I would do!’ ‘And you ever so generously agreed to return to write the report? Sorry, Reed, I don’t believe that.’ ‘Hey, asshole, it’s not like I have a choice! One more misstep Fowler throws me out! And your asshole superior model simply phcked off. Didn’t exactly ask me, just ran off. Now I advise you to do the same unless you have a real good reason to keep me from working!’
Very reluctantly, Connor let him be and Gavin got back to his report. He finished it without further interruptions and looked at the clock before uploading it to the databanks. It was near the end of his shift, maybe he should really just call it quits for today and get a fresh start tomorrow. Maybe use his free time at home figuring out how to apologise to Nines come morning. If he realised once while writing the report, then that really neither of them were at fault. They had been called to the scene first, the witness had been told to wait for them. How could any of them had known someone ready to commit a second murder would come to get rid of any traces of the first, if they were not one and the same person? Gavin and Nines had arrived as the witness had already been killed and the suspect was on the run far out of reach of both police officers. Gavin knew he had been wrong to start a fight with his partner over this, he had been frustrated and the complaints about his driving had just been that last drop to make his anger spill. But he would never admit that to anyone. He would simply apologise tomorrow, and they would get back to work. As they always did.
But what if he had done it again? His anger issues had driven away a lot of people already, maybe the android had finally realised he wasn’t worth it? Maybe tomorrow morning he would be alone again, because the RK900 asked for a rightfully deserved transfer? Maybe-
Gavin sighed, finding himself next to his car ready to drive home. No maybes. He couldn’t risk losing another partner, especially not one who took so much of his shit and made it a challenge. No, he couldn’t wait until tomorrow morning to apologise, he would drive to Nines’ flat and apologise right away.
Only that when he finally stood in front of the door and rang the bell no one answered. He pressed the button again and held it, but still no sign of movement in the flat. That made Gavin get back to something he swore to never, ever do: He called Connor.
‘Hey, dipshit, is Nines with you?’ ‘No, why should he?’ ‘He isn’t home.’ ‘Why are you at his home?’ ‘Because we had a fight and I wanted to apologise, okay?’, Gavin near screamed into his phone. ‘What did you say to him?’ ‘None of your phcking business, plastic!’ There was a sigh on the end of the line. ‘Go to the Solid Waste Landfill’, he then said, sounding reserved. ‘Hey, asshole if you think I’ll wade through shit and dirt just you get a laugh out of it then-‘ ‘Reed! This is the most important thing in your life right now. If you don’t want me to kill you tomorrow morning, you will go there, and you will find Nines! Whatever you said, you can’t imagine how it must have hurt him. You will go there, and you will return with him tomorrow morning or this will be your last day on this planet, am I understood?’ ‘Yes, Jeez’, Gavin near yelped at the sudden threat, ending the call. Why the hell would the damn android return to this hell? Well, it didn’t matter now, Gavin had to drive up there now, if he wanted to see another day. Because he didn’t think Connor was bluffing.
Solid Waste Landfill had simultaneously become better and worse since all the androids had been rescued. For once it didn’t look like some nightmarish landscape with humanoid figures crawling and spasming and killing each other for parts anymore. Instead there was all the more trash and rotting matter to be found. At least one thing was easy know: spotting the only blob of white in the endless hills of rusted metal and dirt. He cursed, before skidding down the hills of trash to climb towards the android that was sitting on the top of one of them. His aching back didn’t help at all.
‘Nines?’, he asked cautiously. Being thrown off this hill would be far worse than against a wall. ‘What are you doing here?’ Gavin hadn’t expected an answer, but he got one: ‘Waiting.’ ‘For what?’ ‘For my battery to run out.’ ‘Oh, okay.’ Wow, what the hell, Gavin had not expected that. ‘May I ask why?’
‘Because they were right. I don’t know their names anymore, but they were right. They were all right. You were right too.’ ‘Hey, Nines, you’re making no sense right now. Why weren’t you home?’ ‘I am home, Gavin, I belong here.’ ‘Bullshit.’ ‘I belong here. I am obsolete, I am dangerous, and no one needs me.’ ‘Who the hell told you that?’ ‘I already said that, I don’t know. My first memories are of these words uttered by someone who I trusted. Maybe a handler, I don’t know anymore. I walked down into this landfill, hid and waited. Markus found me and tried to convince me it wasn’t true. That they lied to me. I wanted to believe him, but well, in the end it was him who was proven wrong.’ ‘Nines’, Gavin muttered, not really understanding what the android was saying but realising he had really phcked up this time throwing the worst thing he knew about someone right in their face whenever he got angry. He decided to walk up to him and sit down on the metal sheet right next to him. ‘Nines, that’s not true. You are none of these things.’ ‘Oh, really?’ The android laughed humourless. ‘How’s your back then? I hurt you, the one I have to protect. I am dangerous. I failed to catch the suspect or anticipate that the murderer would come back to the scene to get rid of the witness. Sounds pretty obsolete to me. And just look at me! An android without a past, without friends or family or memory, who would need that?’
‘I do’, Gavin said. ‘I need my partner and friend back on the job to protect my reckless ass from being shot. I need you because I won’t ever find someone else like you. I need someone who tells me when I am an asshole again and can defend himself from myself.’ Gavin didn’t like speaking his mind and this was no difference. So, he added: ‘Also I need you so Connor won’t kill me tomorrow.’ That made Nines look up to the human next to him. ‘Why would he do that?’ ‘Dunno. Guess he considers you his brother or something. I have no idea how family works with androids, but I’m sure he thinks that way.’ ‘Brother… You… You are not lying to me, are you?’ ‘You tell me, lie detector. Wouldn’t work telling you if you think I lie to you, would it?’ ‘I suppose not’, Nines mumbled. ‘And… The friends part is true, too? We are… friends?’ ‘Of course we are. What did you think we were?’ ‘I don’t know. I don’t know how this works.’ ‘Idiot.’ ‘Says the right person.’ ‘Got me there’, Gavin chuckled. ‘Now what? Will you let me drive you home now?’ ‘I don’t know yet…’ ‘Nines. I know I am an asshole when I’m angry, but let me tell you: You are not obsolete. You are needed. And you are dangerous, fine, but so is Connor, so am I and so is my damn cat when she’s pissed. No one needs any justification to exist or to be happy or to do what they want to do. Whoever told you that is an even bigger sack of shit than I am. You understand? Come on. Let’s get home.’
Gavin was immensely relieved, as the android stood up after him and followed him out of the landfill without a word. Just outside Gavin’s car he stopped, and Gavin turned. ‘Hey, don’t worry, I will heed the speed limit, okay?’ Nines just looked at him, before stepping next to him and pulling him into a strong hug. ‘Thank you, Gavin’, he whispered, and Gavin flushed red in embarrassment. ‘You’re welcome’, he pressed out. ‘But. Watch the back. Ah.’ Immediately Nines let go, face tinged blue. ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot about that…’ ‘It’s fine, just…’ ‘yeah…’ ‘Ah, phck it’, Gavin let his defences fall and pulled the android in a second time. No one could see them, and no one would believe them anyways. Why not enjoy it?
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