cubehubng · 5 years
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You can do anything you set your mind to do this week and beyond!!!!!Just reach out and find the strength to conquer both inner and external obstacles, and you will accomplish truly amazing things. #cubehub #accomplishments #conqueryourfears #conquest #conqueryourgoals #conqueryourdreams #conquertheunknown #conquerors #innerstrength
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I'm so mad at this game. I try so hard to win Immunity so we can finally get rid of some of Pat's idols or maybe even Pat if we're lucky but everyone seems to be following him like little lapdogs. Stevie is the only one who seems on board with it but he's not even gonna use his vote negator against Pat because he still wants to look loyal. Or at least he didn't before a fucking mess happen.
I talk to everyone the night of immunity trying to secure votes for Pat and Mike said he would and like I was trying to convince Punpun which should be the easiest right because Punpun is the one Pat is supposedly targeting but Punpun wouldn't budge and kept wanting to vote for Stevie. I seriously try so many arguments against Punpun and Punpun still wants Stevie. This definitely seems to be portraying too much overconfidence for someone who'll go home if they /don't/ flip.
Anyway I work all day which sucks and then I come home and Punpun tells me they have "probably Pat", Kylie, Mike and Pun all voting for Stevie. Pat is saying to Stevie that all he's heard is Pun so the vote is secure (which is sketch because we know he's heard Stevie from Pun). I'm feeling pretty hopeless because like we're wasting yet another round voting out Stevie and it's all showing what a mistake it was voting out the people who would be with us right now (i.e. Monty and Chris).
At the last second Kylie says she's changing her vote so me and Stevie feel secure because it's so last second that maybe Pat will feel secure enough to not play anything but like...before all this happens when I think it's hopeless I decide to call Pat out to Punpun by saying "Is Pat your f2 too"? I try removing it once we have Kylie but it's too late so right now, 40 minutes before tribal, i'm just going around trying to convince Pun and Pat that i'm voting Stevie (even though technically Pat hasn't told me to vote for Stevie I'm trying to show Pat I'm closest with him and wanna make sure I'm voting however he's voting.) Pat seems to not be suspicious but we'll just have to see huh! If Stevie leaves I'm so screwed. Pat's gonna take his goats to the end! At least all my friends will be in Jury. :) (It's why I always vote them off first, tbh)
This confessional was literally written over a span of 2 hours so I hope y'all enjoyed the ride as votes were figured out at the last possible second.
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Quick thoughts: - I didn't see the vote happen live because I was at a blink-182 show last night, but a huge breath of relief came over me when I saw Stevie negated Pun's vote and not mine. That was a curious move. Why negate their vote if the plan to vote out Pun was never serious? A wasted power if I've ever seen one.
- I'm super glad I didn't fully understand the Companion Idol until recently. It made it a lot easier to lie about it. And to fudge the understanding of what it does. Also glad I ended up not telling anyone about my intention of using it. Imagine if word had gotten out and they piled votes on Kylie? Yikes. That would have been a disaster.
- I think I played this round smartly. I threw Kylie's name out early as a 'okay we get Pun THEN Kylie' kind of thing. And I threw out Stevie to Pun. End result? I knew nobody would even be considering writing Kylie. I knew I was probably getting all the votes, but just to play it safe I made sure my Companion Idol play would go okay if it wasn't neutered by another power.
- When the chips are down, it's interesting to see how loyal a hungry dog really is. Not that I blame anyone for that vote. It was patently obvious. I'd have been disappointed in their gameplay if they'd voted any other way.
- Immediately post-vote, Stevie sent me a message telling me he was "getting wavering feelings" from me. I think he knows now that he was wrong and that I've always intended on bringing him to the end. I also don't think he's as dead in the water as he may think — he's had good connections with everyone.
- I need need need need need this next immunity. Then I can use my vote steal on someone who isn't getting voted out, have it persist through F4 where I can force a tie if need be, and be sitting pretty come F3. But if I don't win this round, it's adios amores. So... no pressure.
- Game notwithstanding, I know when this is over I'll have made two very good friends in Chris and Liana, strengthened my friendship with Stevie, buried a hatchet with Regan and finally outlasted Monty in a game. No matter how this game ends, I'm a winner. That said...
- http://i.imgur.com/RbzGOuz.jpg Game on.
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First try on the puzzle: https://i.gyazo.com/ab354fcc050b0538d30ab95194ec586a.jpg
I can trim that down pretty considerably. I got caught around the edges, mixing up the middle bit with the end bit. Those areas look so similar, wtf?! I wish this puzzle didn't suck so much. Y'all are demonic demons from demonland.
Heh. Think I've managed to trim my time a bit. :) Gonna keep working on it a bit at home but I'm pretty damn psyched with this time. AND I've even had a productive day at work, so I don't feel bad about the chunks of time here and there I've been biting off.
(Completely unsurprisingly, nobody is trying to talk strategy with me. And they won't until I win immunity, I'm sure. It's like Liana is the only one who wants a jury vote, honestly. At least she's talked to me a bit since the vote. Stevie had the one longish message, then nothing. Radio silence from Kylie and Mike.)
I close my eyes and all I see is swoopy things and concentric circles and damn squigglies and loops and circles and I hate it and I hate you and I hate everything and if I don't win this I'm gonna go crazy because this puzzle is simultaneously not fun, aggressively monotonous and frustrating.
Liana, when you read this, you're welcome.
(Later AGAIN)
Right now, I appreciate the ever-loving hell out of Kylie. I sent Liana to exile so I'd have less competition in the upcoming immunity (which is TBD) but having two submissions out of four is a bit disheartening. Makes me wish I hadn't tried so hard. I could've gotten the first place spot after my second attempt.
Whatever. Good practice for future puzzles, I guess.
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Right now, I appreciate the ever-loving hell out of Kylie. I sent Liana to exile so I'd have less competition in the upcoming immunity (which is TBD) but having two submissions out of four is a bit disheartening. Makes me wish I hadn't tried so hard. I could've gotten the first place spot after my second attempt.
Whatever. Good practice for future puzzles, I guess.
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Damn, man. I was nervous about that extension to 2am. There was no way I was staying up that late given the long day I was already having. So that extra two hours COULD have been my undoing. But I'm glad I hunkered down, slammed out any extra words I could find, and called it a day.
I had a strategy had I lost – nobody knows that the vote steal persists through two rounds, so if I could've played it as "I just really wanna beat [X]. I'll throw the next IC and you can vote me out then," I might have had a chance. Especially if I'd played the loyalty/redemption card with Stevie. But I'm glad I didn't have to do that because it's far from a certainty.
This feels great. Safety. And with the vote steal, barring someone having a power nullifier or whatever, I can also force a tie at F4 if I don't win immunity, or dictate the boot if I do. Things are definitely looking my way.
So now the question is, who should we target? Selfishly, I'd like to see Liana go. She's been so much fun to talk with and a definite bright spot in this game. But she's also arguably the best challenge competitor left. Something I've been trying to do since before Monty left was slowly whittle away all the good competitors so I'd have less competition going forward. So maybe that's a good move.
On the other hand, I think my confessionals last round said this would be the ideal time to boot Kylie. And there's no denying that she's a threat, too. Is the jury going to vote for her? Hard to say. I know she has very strong bonds to Punpun, at the very least. Wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to suggest her social game has been solid. We had a chat last night that made me wish we'd spoken more during this game.
Stevie... nah. He's good at competitions, and he's shown that he won't take me to the finals (but who would?) With his string of excused comps though, even if he is traveling, I don't think that'd play with a jury. He came in gangbusters but faded down the stretch. Could get Mike's vote.
And Mike's drawing dead. But I haven't forgotten the numbers he put up in comps in the early game. With school starting back up, will he be able to go back to those? Hard to say.
So, Liana or Kylie. Kylie or Liana. If it does end up being one of these two, I think I'm going to steal Mike's vote. That ensures that I have it going into next round (since he's not really the target here.) And it'll be much easier to convince Stevie to change his vote next round than it will Mike. I think. I just wish Mike made more of an effort to talk, man. It's frustrating. Our conversations are like matches in the wind – they die out quickly, feel like a waste and ultimately leave me frustrated and without what I was looking for.
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Liana and Kylie are voting Mike. Mike and Stevie are voting Kylie. Both think I'm voting with them.
If it wouldn't lose me jury votes, it'd be hilarious to steal Stevie's vote and put it on Liana to make a 2-2-1 vote and force a revote between Liana and Mike. Then Stevie, Kylie and I would be voting (ergo, I'd have two votes on the revote and I could make the move to dump Liana.)
Actually... that might not be a terrible move anyway. I'm a lone wolf in this game anyway, right? And I strongly suspect Liana is with both Kylie and Stevie. So taking her out takes out a strong competitor with a great social game and sets me up a bit better for the F4 comp. Stevie gets back from his trip soon, but I think I can take him. And then, at F4, I call the shot if I win it. And if I don't, I'm not in a firemaking comp with Liana.
I'll need to think about this... but this is the kind of move I can't tell anyone about. If I tell...
KYLIE: she tells Liana, they vote for Stevie. MIKE: he tells Stevie, who tells Liana, who votes for Stevie (assuring him that it's just to nullify my extra vote.) STEVIE: Hah, right. "Hey dude, I'm stealing your vote. I don't trust you :) :) :)" Not likely. LIANA: lol. "Hey, I'm totally planning on fucking you over byeeeeee."
Right now, my game's mostly – scratch that, almost entirely – going to be seen as competition beasting. Sure, I can make the argument that I've been gunning for the stronger players to weaken the herd... but actions speak louder.
Yeah. I need to give this some serious thought. Would the hurt feelings overwhelm the 'good play' vibes? Not from Liana. She gets it's a game and I'd like to think my graciousness about the votes last round has earned me a bit of respect. Stevie? Kylie? Mike? I'd hope not. But I just don't know.
I also don't know if this is actually a thing I'm able to do. I'll have to wait until I hear if this is a legit possibility. But I'm liking it more and more by the minute.
You don't need BIG MOVEZ to win this game. But they help.
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So Pat won Immunity again so this game is gonna continue be a boring whoever-wins-immunity-will-win-the-game sorta thing. I'm glad Exile is no longer a thing so I actually have a chance of winning reward if there still is one? Pat's such a butt for sending me to Exile making it impossible for me to get any sort of advantage but apparently it wouldn't have helped anyway because I'm such a word search flop. I've stopped caring and am literally just following anyone I can because I feel like I've done nothing this whole game anyway so I have no argument if I do make FTC and it's too late to do anything now. I'm voting out Kylie this round because Stevie assured me he wouldn't take Mike to the end over me so we'll see what happens. Is it bad that I wanna go to Jury since all my faves are there and I'm so bored in the game?
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First of all, I was really close to getting out of this hell hole and y'all had to go and tie it. Second of all, ???? Everyone told me Mike and no one voted Mike which shouldn't be surprising at all but I'm shocked that suddenly Pat and Stevie see me as some sort of threat? I mean Pat doesn't, he said it was in his best interest to keep me until the end I guess, but he also said everyone was gunning for me super hard which is WILD what did I do to any of you; literally any of you could win if it ended up being me and one of you? I've only played this game twice and the first time I was like the 2nd or 3rd person voted out which means it's ridiculous that I even made it this far. So what are you even scared of?
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It worked! Everything is awesome and excellent and I love everyone. I needed to take Liana out to improve my own odds, so I don't feel bad about the move strategically. And I feel like she deserved to go down in such glorious fashion. Better than a straight vote.
More than that, this is an awesome résumé move. Time to make a run clear to F3. And I really hope this isn't a F2 because an F2 would be one more comp I'd need to win. Four comp wins in a row is a tall order. Although, I'm already halfway there.
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No one wants me here and I love it. I mean that genuinely and without sarcasm.
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Huh. Just locked down a F3 deal with Stevie and Kylie.
Rapid-fire thoughts: - Stevie suggested it, and he has every reason to suggest it. He has no vote next round, has what probably boils down to a guaranteed vote with Mike on the jury, and doesn't get the blowback if I lose immunity. - Stevie did NOT suggest it to Kylie, which I found out just now from talking to her. Hmmmm. - Kylie's down, which means either we actually are solid, or she's going to do herself a disservice if I lose immunity. Her vote is essentially the swing between Mike going 3-1 or a fire-making challenge between me and Mike. So if we're not all three going to F3, I'll know she never intended on keeping her word. - I feel for Mike on some level, but he's almost been actively disengaged since merge. Or at least, that's how it's appeared from the outside. I also lied to him about last vote. (Well, I lied to everyone, really.) But it was all a means to an end to ensure that my BIG MOVE(tm) could go off as planned. Still can't help but feel kinda bad about the deception. -One immunity challenge to win (or a fire-making challenge as a safety net.) If I can't win one comp against Kylie, Stevie and Mike... or one fire-making against Mike... I don't deserve to be in F3. Full stop. Gut check time.
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It is.... 3:00pm, and I'm done with this challenge. If I pull this out, I'll be amazed.
The social part, I'm thinking, is a write off. I wasn't even on a tribe with five of these people. And the social aspect of my game definitely lagged a bit. So I'm thinking I'm getting 0 on that one. Maybe a 1. Certainly not 2 or 3.
The physical part, QWOP... I hate this game. Passionately. But I know a cheap way of getting to the 100m mark, and then it's all about the 'jump' at the end. I've gotten 0.4 over 100m. Hope that's enough.
The slide puzzle... well, these are my Achille's Heel along with mazes. But despite that, I think this is where I have my best shot. I lucked out yesterday and got a relatively easy starting configuration. I know the whole 'work from the top left to the bottom right' technique. I just suck at it unless the puzzle's laid out just right.
I know everyone else is going to be coming out guns blazing. I welcome it, really. Last thing I want is a cakewalk to F3. And I've given this comp all I've got, and I know for a fact I won't beat either my slider or QWOP scores before the deadline. If I win this, I'm golden. If I lose it... well, I'll be expecting it, anyway.
I kind of like this calm before the storm. Realistically, I think I'm going to a firemaking comp. But until then, it's nice that there's none of that nonsense jockeying for position. Stevie and I have been enjoying some non-game chat that really makes me appreciate him a ton.
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I'm so fucking proud of myself.
I finally did it.
After years of playing in Survivor ORGs, I've finally made it to FTC.
I worked my ass off in the second half of this game. The first half too, of course, but merge really forced my ass in gear, and I ended up being vulnerable exactly twice post-merge. The first time was the second merge vote, where Regan and Monty's power struggle took priority over taking out the comp threat. And the second time was the time I used the Companion Idol. Not fucking bad, eh?
Add to that a handful of reward wins, a couple of idol finds, a healthy smattering of trust and loyalty pre-beasting... Not too shabby, eh? Only two things can ruin my game now: a poor showing at FTC, and bitter jurors. I hope we won't see the latter. And I'll do everything in my power to make sure we don't see the former.
Urgh. I wouldn't even let myself consider the possibility of making a FTC argument or speech until now. And now, I can finally allow myself that luxury. Eyes on the prize. Game ain't over til it's over.
(Also, first place on social? Really? I'm amazed. Guess maybe I did know some of these guys better than I thought? Or did others blow it that badly?)
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Stevie's spent some of the day telling me how he's been to every tribal except for one, and he's been talking about how strong his game has been. Mike is saying if I get rid of Stevie, it's more or less a guaranteed victory.
He's... not wrong? But I'm also not convinced I can lose, if we're talking purely on the merits of our respective games. Stevie's survived while only being immune once... but a big reason why he's still around is because he went on holidays and wasn't a threat in challenges for a bit. That's how I decided who I needed to go, really. Since Matt's boot, I focused on taking out the threats.
Monty. Chris. Pun. Liana.
I was stacking the deck to make the F4 FIC easier for me. Especially after everyone turned on me, it would've been easy to justify knocking out my former strongest ally because that was the biggest betrayal. But he wasn't a threat to me compared to Liana. Does he get votes because he was never the biggest threat?
And then this just now from Mike:
"i mean to what u gotta do but if u were in f3 with me and kylie lets be real, you'd win unanimously apsdkakd"
My entire game has been an uphill fight, more or less since I lost two allies (Matt and Regan) in the same round. Why would I want the finals to be a cakewalk? I like the way I played the game. I'm proud of it. Forget Stevie, Kylie and Mike — I'd defend this game against Earl Cole or J.T. Thomas if I could. My comp game has been on point. Socially, I spoke with everyone – some more than others, obviously – and I won both the 'which former castaway said this' comp and the social part of the F3. So I've been paying attention there. And as for strategy... I survived the pre-merge with no issues, and set myself up where I wouldn't be targeted in the early merge. And then, even when I was protected, it didn't stop me from being active, figuring out the flow of things, using idols strategically and taking out the competition systematically.
Sorry, Mike, but I hope you understand when you read this (if not sooner.) Barring a bitter jury, I am going to win this.
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Pat and Stevie (mostly Pat bc he controls Stevie's vote) promised me F3 with them but I guess we'll see. I only half trust them but also what do I have to lose, y'know? Well I mean, besides the entire game, but voting against Pat and simultaneously not necessarily with Mike would be a waste, I feel. Pat's vote will go farther anyway, so I could just as well side with him again and hope he's not lying. Fuck me up, buddos, here we go
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Well, shit. I don't wanna die! Um... um... literally nothing has happened since the last time I talked to you guys. I've eaten dinner and watched a bunch of Netflix. Which, I guess, is a good metaphor for this game. The eating is kinda like winning a reward comp, where the reward is food. And the Netflix is like...
Yeah I got nothing. This got derailed fast.
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I've got a good feeling about this. I don't think I can reasonably expect Mike or Punpun's votes — not that I ever could. But I'm hoping for Forrest, Matt, Chris, Liana and Monty. Hoping it ends up 5-1-1, with Pun going for Kylie and Mike going for Stevie. Neither Kylie nor Stevie deserve to be shut out. I also don't think I do, either, obviously. I find it interesting how we all got here through different game styles and strategies.
A few things I'm surprised the other two didn't emphasize: - Stevie has been to every tribal council except for one, but I didn't see him mention that at all? That's pretty impressive when you think about it. Bad blood is inevitable in circumstances like that. I was immune at all but three tribals — one pre-merge, one in the early post-merge, and one where I had my idol as a safety net. So I didn't piss off TOO many people (and the fact that Mike is pissed is pretty funny, considering.) Stevie didn't have that luxury, and I'd have expected him to lean on that more.
- Kylie didn't play up her social bonds, which were FANTASTIC. She's severely undersold herself here, IMO. If she wins, it'll be on the strength of her overall game rather than her FTC answers. They did very little to showcase why she's awesome... especially her opening statement.
Ultimately, I think I stand a pretty good chance here. The questions weren't exceptionally tricky on my end, and I think I addressed the strategic portion of my game pretty well. We'll just have to wait and see, I guess. However this turns out, it's been a blast.
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I got here by saying fuck me up, so for old time's sake as well as my literal feelings toward this: fuck me up
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coach-wade · 8 years
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when will i return from the war that is black forest
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Monty finally gets the death knell that was coming. A shame — I'm sure he'd have made a good ally going forward. But he's like Teflon. Nothing sticks to him. And I've seen enough people make that mistake and keep him around JUST long enough for him to pull out a win, or at very least a deep end-game run. Too bad. He's usually a pretty fun presence.
The advantage to getting him out, of course, resides in the fact that Liana is sticking around. She's arguably one of, if not the biggest threat remaining. (I may be competitive in that field.) But having her offers both a viable shield and, frankly, a fun strategizer. She knows what she's doing and she's one of the best conversationalists in this cast. And whereas Monty might have been a good ally, Liana has already proven herself to be one.
I do need to watch my back going forward, though. I have two idols and a string of immunity wins. I can see why I'd be a very tempting target, and the Companion Idol will only really keep me safe for one vote. The vote steal will need to be used strategically to have any effect. So it's not like these powers are SUPER great... but the term 'idol' automatically sparks worry in people.
We need to start thinning the herd this week, if possible. In my perfect world, we'd lose one of Bernel, Pun, Mike or Kylie (in order of preference.) I'd rather not lose ALL of them before the end game. Having Chris/Liana/Stevie/me in F4 seems like a death wish. But those three represent votes I can at least influence somewhat, in the right circumstances. I'm not mistaking influence for loyalty, though — they'll cannibalize me if they have the chance. And as long as they're not malicious about it, I'll hold no ill will. I'd do the exact same.
Here's hoping I get the chance to do so.
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Me after staying over Monty: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shsXn-ylzWo
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This comp will come down to how busy I am at work today. I played a lot last night and Neopets games are like riding a bike – you don't ever forget how to play them. I'm sitting pretty comfortably right now, but I really wish you could open a shop with your account at less than 24 hours. Y'all know I'm good at flash games, but if I could use the shops I'd just re-stock the main shops and kill it without even breaking a sweat.
Ah well. Praise the lord and pass the ultimate potato counter.
I'm winning this. I can't imagine not winning it. I've been playing since I woke up. I was doing dailies before I even said good morning to my folks. And I've been playing games and just submitting scores all day — thankfully (surprisingly?) it's been a pretty quiet day at the office.
I figured the best approach would be not to waste time on games I couldn't immediately get 1,000NP each on. Better to cover a wide base and get as many games as I can in than it is to waste time on one specific game and get no coinage out of it.
I also bought a lottery ticket last night on a whim, in the hopes that I might get a bit of a leg up. Instead, I just lost 600NP. Damn. And a spin of the Wheel of Excitement just got me my money back. And although Dice-A-Roo gave me a few items, I also lost ~25np before calling that quits. So since then, I've stuck with places where I can make money without spending any.
I'm kind of glad, in retrospect, that shops/trading post are locked down to accounts that are less than 24 hours. I hadn't thought of it, but shops could easily be used to funnel money from pre-existing accounts. The added failsafe of not having that option will ensure this really does come down to who wants it more.
And I do. I really do. But I'll punch the next fucking Hasee to jump across my screen. Like, damn dude. Where are these damn Hasees' parents? They should not be jumping on a teeter totter like that. They could seriously hurt themselves if they fall off. Or... eat strange donut fruit... that happens to be falling from the sky...
Wow. This site sends a horrible message to kids.
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I'm going to help blindside Chris tonight because thankfully stevie trusted me enough to tell me the plan. <3 best f2 honestly
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coach-wade · 8 years
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marcus-lehman · 8 years
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coach-wade · 8 years
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I get the feeling I’m going to regret getting nothing done at work today.
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marcus-lehman · 8 years
I sure as hell ain’t conquering these unknown colors. What’s green? What’s yellow? I’ll never know...
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If you have any questions, feel free to ask to gain an understanding of the edgic. Keep in mind that since I couldn’t find consistent color codes for rare edits such as MORM or UTRP, some of these may be made up or gained from other edgics. You can go to this link to help better understand these edits:
(Remember to keep in mind my color coding may not be 100% correct or used by this specific link)
For quick reference and a brief key, we have:
INV - Invisible
UTR - Under the Radar
MOR - Middle of the Road
CP - Complex Personality
OTT - Over the Top
- P (Positive), N (Negative), M (Medium) are added to some labels to indicate how you were perceived that episode. 
 - The number indicates how visible you were from 1-5
Seeing as this was a Tumblr Survivor game, we looked at how many confessionals you posted and how you came off in them, how people saw you in their own confessionals, how you interacted with players in your tribe chats, and how you impacted the events of the episode.
If any of the players have questions on why they received the edit they were given, just ask! Also, confessionals (once they are released) may offer up some more explanations. 
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