#Considering how many multiples Wayne and Wanda have.
rosetyler42 · 2 years
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Been rather busy lately and haven't been up to posting, but I felt in the mood to share my new Drericka Shipchild OCs:
Meet the Van Dracula Twins, Children of the Night: Lucy and Simon!
Lucy (Short for Lucille) is the oldest of the two by 13 minutes and takes quite a bit after her mother: a Brave, outgoing, and mischievous adventurer who loves exploring and causing trouble but has a heart of gold despite her "Little Terror" rep AND natural theater kid energy. She's also the one of the two to gain fangs and vampire powers: even hypnosis, one Dennis never apparently inherited. The girl takes alot of pride in her family's gothic Horror legacy and considers herself the "ultimate goth girl." "I'm a Dracula AND a Van Helsing living in a castle full of monsters! Ya can't get more goth than that!" She's perhaps the brainier and more acrobatic of the two, cleverly finding ways both into and out of trouble. She also inherited her mother's talent for languages and combines vampire abilities with a natural talent for acrobatics and martial arts.
By contrast, Simon is more like his father: a big shy sensitive but loyal sea-loving cinnamon roll who may struggle a bit to fit in in a family of mostly monsters but push comes to shove will do anything for them. Despite being the more humany cinnamon roll twin, he still has an edge to him. The boy inherited the build of his large Van Helsing ancestors which while making him a bit different and "chubby" looking, he's impressively strong, fast, and durable for his size. He's also inherited his mom's love and skill with weaponry. Along with his father's more pragmatic nature, he's a formidable force to be reckoned with. As he likes to say, "I may be humany, but I can still be scary!"
Together, they're an impressive Pugsley and Wednesday style team!
I was sort of inspired by an RP friend making a girl Drericka OC that ended up being human - which I loved the idea of Drac having a humany lid after the events of HT - and ultimately stumbled into "Well if they becomes more human, why not go the Normal!Pubert route?" Another inspiration was @lovelylivelyv 's Jack Nephalem, which looking at him for a while also provided the idea since he's partly based on Pubert. for Lucy, we never really saw a FEMALE dhampir in the series and I liked the idea of going the other way from Dennis and Simon and making a more goth character. I also kinda took inspiration from him in Lucy's brave Troublemaker-with-a-heart-of gold personality. Along with making Simon more a cinnamon roll than his parents (Though Dennis and Mavis was also an inspiration.)
In a way, they're sort of inverses of their parents: Drac is a Slytherin with Hufflepuff traits, Ericka is a Slytherin with Gryffindor traits. Lucy is a Gryff with Slyth traits, while Simon is a Puff with Slyth traits. The idea being since the twins had a much better life than their parents, growing up in a loving family and world with less hate between humans and monsters, they haven't had to rely as much on their cunning or be pressured into following tradition as much. (Plus it's fun to make them different from their parents. Especially Lucy. Drac having to deal with a kid who's a bit more like Johnny than him is kinda funny. As is Ericka having a badass yet shy and sweet kid, it brings out her soft side.)
Visually, Simon is based on Pugsley and Normal!Pubert from Addams Family Values while Lucy is sort of a mix of Ericka, Drac, and Mavis. I named Lucy after the Dracula book character (the woman who Dracula attacks and turns into a vampire. Kind of in the same vein as Johnny being named after Johnathan Harker.) Simon on the other hand, is named both after Simon Van Helsing, an early iteration of Johnny as a vampire hunter that falls in love with Mavis (possibly an inspiration for Ericka down the line, knowing the HT team's penchant for re-using unused material later) and the monster hunter from Castlevania.
Bonus: The Twins' birthdate is Friday Oct 13, 2023. It was too perfect an opportunity to pass up. XD
@gothicthundra @drericka @neo-storm @chica-chuu @ebevkisk @thenerdynightprincess13 @animatedpixie @sine-qua-noon @erickadracula @ericka-van-helsing @erickaanddraculasblog @ericka4ever @thesecreatoroftrans @elenadracula @twinklecupcake @thenerdynightprincess13 @countessericka-blog @f-mhoteltransylvaniacomicseries @heartsong1994
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unbreakableprxmise · 6 years
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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Is it cliche to say Diana and happiness? Diana will love on Steve Trevor and Steve Rogers any day, though! And all the kickass women too.
All of it! Give me angst, give me fluff, give me smut. I write it all!
Well, Diana is old, guys. Obviously, she won’t be dating anyone under 18, but she probably wouldn’t go for someone over 60 either? 
Not really? Diana loves all the ships. The main thing is there needs to be chemistry there. There’s been multiple people I’ve interacted with that I thought would be platonic and we wound up shipping because our muses just meshed well together.
I tend to mark things with my nsfw tag once anyone is naked just to be on the safe wide. I really consider it nsfw once there’s some kind of sexual content actually happening, even if it’s not sex itself, but something like playing with a woman’s breasts, slipping a hand beneath someone’s pants, anything along those lines or beyond.
Oh god, there’s so many! I already said Steve and Steve. She also loves Natasha, Kara, Peggy, Sif, Ivy, Bruce (Banner, not Wayne), Kal/Clark, Bucky, Wanda... there’s a lot, guys. Basically, if you ship the thing, I probably already ship the thing too.
I mean, if you ask, I probably already ship it too, but, yeah, it would be nice to know that you ship it. If you ship the thing and I don’t and that’s not been mentioned ooc, then Diana will probably shove your character away and, if it continues to happen, you’ll wind up blocked. Thankfully that’s never happened. But, really, come to me if you ship the thing because I will happily yell about the ship at you and make them a tag and tag you in all the things.
Diana is so shippable, so it happens a lot. It’s not purposely what I try to do, but it just happens.
Ship obsessed, definitely!
Of course! There’s so many ships to be had, I’m not limiting myself.
Obviously Diana and Steve Trevor, but I do also enjoy Diana and Kal/Clark, I think they’re cute.
Basically just come scream at me that you ship the thing.
Tagged by: @scarlctguilt
tagging:  @rationalunreason, @aresdoc, @ebvenom, @seesgood, @dissolvedshadows
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thiscrimsonsoul · 5 years
Do you think that pietros death could be considered a "women in refrigerators" death. Basically his death was solely for Wanda's emotional pain and to an extent growth? Genuinely curious, because a friend and I were discussing that trope and how it could be done vice versa when that death popped into my mind. Thoughts and thank you!
{out of parikash} Hmm… I honestly don’t believe that’s the reason they killed Pietro off, but I will argue it in both ways because I have arguments for both, heh.
Okay so basically, this is about the idea that authors or moviemakers will sometimes build in throwaway supportive characters into a main character’s lives for the sole purpose of having them die horribly or provide some other sort of motivation for the character to then go in a desired direction. So think about… Batman for example. If Bruce Wayne’s parents hadn’t been murdered, he never would have had the motivation, drive, interest, desire, what have you for revenge and the truth. One could argue that he never would have become Batman at all, that it wasn’t some innate destiny of his, but rather it was fueled by the grief of losing his parents.
So… in the same vein… did MCU set Wanda up to be driven by grief and pain by killing off her parents, Pietro, Vision, etc. for the purpose of then seeing her through to the next arc of her character, whatever that might be? For the purpose of character development, if you will?
Argument Against This Concept
So… I don’t believe that they were actively trying to do this sort of thing with Wanda because at least her (adoptive) parents’ deaths and Vision’s were canon in the comics. Pietro lived well past when he died in the MCU, but even so, I think they were mostly sticking to comic canon for the others. Were they trying to force the issue with Wanda by adding another source of grief nd pain with Pietro? I don’t think so. And here’s why…
I think there are two major reasons why Pietro was killed off so early. One… is an IC issue and one is an OOC issue. The OOC reason I believe might actually be the reason, although I can’t find this actually confirmed anywhere. I think ATJ did not want to be in multiple Marvel movies. There are two reasons for this. One, he was reluctant to do any Marvel movies at all and had to actually be heavily convinced to play Pietro. It wasn’t anything about Pietro that he didn’t like, but rather it was that he didn’t want to get into a movie-making machine like MCU that makes movies with so many top- or high-billed actors. He was still up-and-coming at the time, and he felt like there were better ways to break out and showcase his talent than being lost in a sea of a hundred other people, heh. It wasn’t until he found out that EO was playing Wanda that he was finally on board, because he knew and respected her from Godzilla, and if she was giving MCU movies a serious look, then he felt like okay, maybe it won’t be such a bad thing. The other reason is that ATJ is very adamant about not being type-cast as any one character or type of character. He said in an interview that he looks to make each one of his roles very different from anything else he’s ever done. It’s the reason why he looks so different in each role with different style and color hair and outfits and such, different accents, different time periods, etc. It’s the reason why he can play a hero type character like Pietro in Ultron and then turn around and play a psychopathic killer like Ray Marcus in Nocturnal Animals. So ATJ may very well have said that he didn’t want Pietro to be a recurring character, I don’t know. I suspect it, but I have not seen or heard that confirmed anywhere.
The IC reason is… Pietro is a freaking game-breaking character, haha, but unlike Wanda nad several others that MCU dumbed down (she could have mind-controlled or –numbed Thanos way better and longer than Mantis, so wtf… she could have killed him in Infinity War, and AGAIN in Endgame), there is no way to dumb down Pietro’s powers. He runs fast and is superhumanly strong. *shrugs* That’s it. You can’t really… change that or alter it or delete it or whatever because it’s already so simple. Now… think about it… Pietro would have screwed up umpteen number of things that the MCU had planned. He would’ve read the entire Sokovia Accords in minutes, read the clause about imprisonment at the Raft, and both twins probably would have left and gone off on their own at that point because BULLSHIT.
Even if the twins did stay through Civil War, there is no way they would’ve gotten hold of Pietro to put in the Raft but let’s say they did… once Steve busts them out, he would convince Wanda to leave them all behind, including Vision. Because nobody puts his sister in restraints in a cell and drugs her. Like that would have been the ultimate betrayal and he never ever would have put up with that. Vision… did nothing to stop her imprisonment and didn’t come rescue her with Steve, so… he would convince her to forget him. That… would have made Infinity War interesting… but let’s tackle that.
Let’s say everything does somehow remain the same, only with superfluous added Pietro, heh. Geez, it’s like we’re talking about adding a spice or something, lol. But okay, so… fast forward all the freaking way to the end with Thanos trying to get the stone from Vision. Eh-hem. What-all… is stopping Pietro… from just walking up and taking the damned gauntlet right off Thanos’ hand? Hmm? Somebody explain this to me, haha. Like… Thanos literally would not see him coming, Pitro would run right up, grab the gauntlet, and use his superhuman strength to yank that sucker right off. Thanos would not be trying to stop him, wouldn’t be clenching his hand or anything because he wouldn’t have time to react to it. Once Pietro had the gauntlet, he could run anywhere he wanted with that shit and all he has to do is play keep-away from Thanos until the other Avengers can manage to kill him and boom. No need for Endgame, haha.
BUT… let’s say Pietro does die in Ultron… but they decide to bring him back with Clint during the time test. Same problem! At the end of the movie, Pietro can just run up to Thanos’ purple ass, take the gauntlet, they can kill him, he can run Tony’s ass to whatever power source he needs to use this gauntlet and not freaking die, and there we go. I mean, admittedly this is not as clean a fix-it as the Infinity War one, but STILL. XD My point is that they probably killed Pietro off because his powers were too much of a plot-breaking, purple-raisin-punching issue for the future.
Argument For This Concept
HOWEVER… having said ALL of that up there… what if MCU is trying to fuel Wanda’s guilt, grief, pain, etc. to drive her toward an end? And end… we might see in WandaVision or Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? Here’s my theory for this…
Wanda becoming dangerous unhinged from reality, becoming delusional, and creating an alternate reality in which Vision is still alive and she has twins with him is canon in the comics. It was the result of Vision’s death having a huge effect on her psyche but also her mental instability reaching a breaking point. Why is Wanda so canonically mentally unstable? Chthon. So… Disney/MCU decided not to go the mutant way with Wanda and Pietro because Sony owned the rights to the whole mutant thing. In addition to scrapping that part of the twins’ genetics, they also inexplicably wrote out Wanda being influenced by the primordial god/archdemon Chthon at her birth, which infused her with his power, as he wanted to use her as a vessel which he planned to later return to and through which he intended to exert his power on earth.
Because Chthon is an evil, selfish, powerful, magical, and often chaotic force, Wanda gained her mental abilities to alter reality, read thoughts, and induce nightmares. Her telekinesis and other things are generally understood to be from her genetics as a mutant. So… in changing Wanda’s mutant status, Disney had to change her background and make her adoptive parents her actual parents to cut out her dad (Magneto) and her mom (who gave birth to the twins near Mount Wundagore, where Chthon’s home base was and where the High Evolutionary’s base was. In the comics, Wanda was affected by Chthon as birth and the twins were later experimented on by the High Evolutionary, but Disney omitted all of this and instead placed Strucker and Hydra in charge of the experiments. So it would seem that deleting their mutant heritage also caused Disney to remove Chthon, making Wanda’s tendency toward mental instability nonexistent. Or at least… not supernaturally caused.
Where am I going with this? Well… if they then intended all along to bring in the canon plot of Wanda creating this alternate reality so she could live happily ever after with Vision (as they seem to be doing with WandaVision), they needed some reason for her proverbial cheese to not just slip on her cracker but fall all the way off it, haha. The whole crux of that plot is that Wanda is so broken by the grief of losing Vision that she can’t stand to not have him around anymore, and thus she creates a reality in which she can be with him and have the family the always wanted. Well… MCU Wanda was never going to be that mentally fragile unless something else drove her to it. Just killing Vision alone wasn’t enough. So they set her up for a lot. Her parents die in this horrific event that traumatizes her. Then Pietro dies in an equally traumatic battle. Then Vision dies… at her hands… and then is brought back…and killed again in front of her. I could be wrong, but that would be enough to drive me off the deep end, heh. Not to mention Tony and Natasha being gone which I’m sure also had some effect on her, and Steve being… well… whatever the friggin’ frack they did with him in Endgame. So… one could make the argument that Disney needed to really hurt Wanda a lot, and very pointedly and repeatedly, in order to set up her mental breakdown in WandaVision. So in the absence of Chthon’s volatile and powerful influence on her mental stability, Disney decided to just break her down through tragedy, trauma, and loss… to bring her around to the same point she would have been at in the canon comic world.
*shrugs* Since WandaVision isn’t out yet, all we can do is speculate, but… given that the title of Doc Strange’s next movie is In the Multiverse of Madness… Haha, I mean… whose multiverse and madness are we talking about here? Wanda’s? Could be. ;)
Okay you know what? I kinda convinced myself, and now I think it’s both hahaha. I think that there were other reasons why they had to kill Pietro off specifically, but that he may still have been part of a setup for Wanda to come back around to her canon comic place in preparation for WandaVision and Multiverse of Madness. That’s my final answer, lol.
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tnaog-blog · 7 years
Network Update 8/31/17
Greetings from Superintendent Terry Bailey:
Dear Tennessee AG Ministry Network,
Hurricane Harvey and its devastating impact upon Texas has been on all our hearts and in our prayers this past week. Rescue efforts are continuing. Over 30,000 displaced people are in shelters. The countless hours by police, fire, ENT, medical personnel, National Guard, and many other volunteers has been nothing short of heroic. Rebuilding is going to be a very long term process. Our Assembly of God churches and ministers in Texas have also been greatly impacted by this catastrophic event. Now is the time to respond with compassion.
Let's network together to directly help Texas churches and ministers with rebuilding efforts. If your church could receive a TEXAS RELIEF offering, please send funds to the Tennessee AG Ministry Network and we will network our funds together, and coordinating with the South Texas District, we will directly help our churches and ministers as needed.
Pastor Craig McGee (Somerville Victory Life) is gathering relief items such as water, nonperishable foods, and hygiene items to take a tractor trailer to Houston on September 5th. Please contact Pastor Craig by September 3 and drop off donations at the church on September 4. Other ministry teams from Tennessee will be mobilized in the coming months, too.
As always, Convoy of Hope has once again been one the first responders on the scene. Your generous giving to Convoy of Hope makes a real difference.
Let's network together to help Texas!!!
Love and appreciate you much!
Terry G. Bailey
Church Planting // Rosenbalm
Church Planting // Morgan
CPCD Exponential Transformation Offering Sep 17
Tennessee Ministry Network Family:
On, Sunday, September 17th, we are asking you and your church to partner with us by giving in the Exponential Transformation Offering. We are expecting that God will move in your partnership with us to invest in the future of Tennessee Church Planting. By giving in the Exponential Transformation Offering, you are giving to a future that has not been written! I encourage you to follow the steps below for an effective Exponential Transformation Day.
Make sure September 17th is set aside for the partnership offering.
Download the attached graphic for your power points and bulletins.
Follow the included links and download our Church Planting testimony videos, to be used the week before and the week of the partnership offering
Use Pastor Randy Rosenbalm’s video on Sunday, September 10th and Pastor Steven Morgan’s video on Sunday, September 17th.
Thank you!
Bruce Headley Church Multiplication Director
A Letter from Ivy Scarborough
Within the last few days I was contacted yet again by a church in crisis due to the exposure of sexual misconduct within the church.  In this case, a youth minister was arrested for soliciting sex from a 14 year old girl. It was learned that this was not the first time. More than any other sin or illegal conduct, sexual misconduct is growing more prevalent within churches.  I am called upon more and more to advise or represent churches facing this issue. The damage done not only to the victim, but to relationships within the church and the reputation of the church can be massive. Prevention is my primary goal in working with my church clients.  This is why I designed the Prevention and Protection Program. Protecting the church is the secondary goal when the first cannot be achieved. That means working to mitigate the possible damage and minimizing the possibilities of legal complications. This subject is so grave and so complex that I cannot address it in this one email.  That is what the Prevention and Protection Program is intended to do.  But I can put before you key points to remember.
Carefully vet and investigate anyone you are considering hiring for a key role with the church, especially if they will have contact with minors. If you do not know a capable and competent investigator to do background checks we can provide contacts. This step is critical to prevention.  It can also lessen the dangers from lawsuits.
Never permit situations in which employees or volunteers are alone with minors. Always employ the “Two Adult Rule”.
If allegations of sexual abuse are made you must investigate this rapidly. If you learn of any possible basis to the allegations, immediately report what you have learned to the TN Dept. of Children’s Services OR your local law enforcement agency. It is always safer to report than to have regrets later.
Keep a written record of every step you take, including when you made the report and to whom.
Do not “circle the wagons” and become defensive when allegations are made against employees or volunteers. Do not project an image of unfairness either to the alleged victim or the alleged perpetrator.
If the situation becomes public and you are concerned about damage to the church’s reputation, begin immediate preparations to submit a media release if called for and devise a plan for how you intend to deal with questions and who will speak for the church. We also advise and can represent churches in dealing with the media.
In the case referred to above, the youth minister resigned and is facing prosecution. The church could be vulnerable to a lawsuit by the minor and her parents. The media picked up the story and the church’s reputation has been damaged.  But my first point to them when I was called was: “In every crisis and adversity there is opportunity IF we seek God’s wisdom in finding it and then act upon it.” Ivy Scarborough 731-784-4118 731-697-7326 CELL BOOK: www.IntoTheNightBook.com MINISTRY: www.DecisionPointAmerica.org LAW OFFICE: www.IvyScarborough.com
Intercessory Prayer
Please pray for Pastor Mike Vandergriff (New Tazewell) for complete healing.
Pray for Chi Alpha Ministries on our college campuses and Youth Alive groups to spring up in high schools across Tennessee as students are beginning a new school year.
Steve & Vada Allen, Bobby & Shirley Bowen, Gene & Heather Burgess, Virginia Chapman, Don Churchwell, Loni Dobbins, Lynn Drumwright, Gaylon & Mary Echols, Gary Ferrell, Pastor Noble Gammon, Winnie Grimes, Julie Headley, Bud & Sue Hudspeth, Pastor Jerry & Roxie Jochem, Kathy Kelly, Wanda Kramer, Frank & Sue Livesay, Joy Middlebrook, Pixie Moore, Janett Ogg, Wesley Payne, Pastor Joel & Linda Pledge, Gail Poore, Rob Ratze, Tony & Sheri Ray, Margaret Ridley, Mary Rose, Rebecca Sample, Wayne Simmons, Shirley Smith, Mike & Linda Tullos, Doak Turner, Larry & Carol Vine, Jimmy Williams, and Bobby Willeby.
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