#Construction Manpower Agency
ajeetsgroup · 2 years
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Construction & Infrastructure Recruitment
HBS as the best construction building recruitment/placement worker agencies|staffing laboure civil engineer to the Middle East, Far East, and Europe countries from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Kenya.
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BOYOCON - Construction World
BOYOCON “A Podium of Profit” by Simplifying Construction, Uniting India's Construction Industry."
Welcome to BOYOCON, it is a unique platform which states “business on your own” in construction industry, it facilitates to win i.e., “a podium of profit” for all those who join shall be profitable. India's premier online B2B marketplace catering to the construction industry. We are the country's fastest-growing platform, connecting professionals, businesses, and enterprises from all corners of India and shortly going global. Our mission is simple yet impactful: to make the construction process easy for everyone involved in the construction sector by choosing form our existing and ever-growing construction community of right & suitable people for every stage. Further we strive to connect the people under our 5 M’s: Master Constructor/ Manpower/Material/Money & Marketing.
At BOYOCON, we understand the diverse needs of individuals, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), and Large Enterprises in the construction domain. We strive to offer an inclusive platform that empowers every player, regardless of size, to flourish and succeed in their endeavors.
Our Vision:
We envision a construction ecosystem where all stakeholders can thrive. By facilitating seamless interactions and fostering collaborations, we aspire to be the driving force behind India's construction industry's transformation.
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Customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. We are dedicated to bridging the gap between buyers and sellers, streamlining processes, and simplifying the construction journey for all. Our unwavering commitment to delivering excellence drives us to provide innovative solutions that address every construction-related need.
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BOYOCON stands out as the go-to platform for all the construction professionals due to our "one-stop solution" approach. From the inception of an idea to the final completion of a project, we have a pool of right & suitable people at every stage to pick from. BOYOCON is your trusted companion throughout the construction process.
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Join BOYOCON today and experience the future of construction collaboration. Together, let's build a stronger, more connected India - one brick at a time.
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totcinc · 6 months
Manpower Services | TOTC Inc.
We are a manpower agency in the Philippines specializing in the provision of skilled workers like welders, masons, technicians, scaffolders, steel men, warehouse personnel, checkers, and dispatch coordinators!
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Address: 2nd Floor, Myers Building, corner Roberto S. Oca and Antonio C. Delgado St., Port Area, Manila, 1018 Philippines
Phone: (02) 8523-7070
Website: https://www.totc.com.ph/
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marketlegal · 6 months
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"Discover the unsung heroes of the road - skilled road construction workers who pave the way for seamless journeys. Learn about their tireless efforts in ensuring smooth traffic flow and how they play a vital role in transforming highways. Explore the challenges they face and the importance of their expertise in ensuring durable infrastructure. Get insights into the world of road construction workers and their unmatched dedication to building better roads for
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ajosoph · 7 months
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Romania Recruitment Agency
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rizva-s · 7 months
How Manpower Placement Agencies Bridge the Gap Between Employers and Job Seekers
In the ever-evolving world of employment, the role of manpower placement agencies has become increasingly crucial. These agencies serve as the connective tissue that bridges the gap between employers and job seekers, creating a win-win scenario for both parties. Let's explore how Manpower Placement agencies play a pivotal role in shaping the employment landscape.
The Diverse Challenges in Hiring
Employers face numerous challenges when searching for the perfect candidate to fill their job openings. These challenges include not only identifying individuals with the required skills and qualifications but also ensuring a cultural fit within the organization. Furthermore, the process of hiring can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, diverting valuable focus from core business operations.
On the flip side, job seekers encounter their own set of challenges. Navigating the job market, crafting compelling resumes, and making a lasting impression during interviews can be daunting tasks. Job seekers often struggle to find the right opportunities, leading to job dissatisfaction and career stagnation.
The Role of Manpower Placement Agencies
Manpower placement agencies, often known as staffing firms or recruitment agencies, act as intermediaries that simplify and streamline the hiring process. They are instrumental in bridging the divide between employers and job seekers in the following ways:
Expertise in Talent Identification: Manpower placement agencies specialize in understanding the unique needs of employers. They work closely with companies to comprehend their requirements and company culture. With this in-depth knowledge, they identify candidates who not only possess the necessary skills but also align with the organization's values and vision.
Extensive Talent Pool: These agencies maintain extensive networks of potential candidates, which enables them to swiftly connect employers with suitable candidates. This vast talent pool ensures that companies have access to a diverse range of candidates, including those who might not be actively seeking job opportunities.
Time and Resource Savings: Manpower placement agencies handle tasks such as candidate screening, interviewing, and reference checks, significantly reducing the time and resources employers need to invest in the hiring process. This allows companies to focus on their core business activities.
Job Market Insights: Recruitment agencies possess in-depth knowledge of the job market, industry trends, and salary benchmarks. This insight empowers employers to remain competitive in their hiring practices and compensation packages.
Confidential Searches: For organizations that require discretion in their hiring processes, manpower placement agencies can conduct confidential searches, maintaining privacy and professionalism throughout the process.
Flexibility in Staffing: These agencies offer flexibility to companies in need of temporary or project-based staff. They can swiftly scale up or down the workforce based on the client's requirements, ensuring optimal staffing levels.
A Win-Win for Job Seekers
Job seekers also benefit significantly from manpower placement agencies. These agencies help candidates identify job opportunities that match their skills and career aspirations. Additionally, they offer guidance on resume building, interview preparation, and career growth, enhancing job seekers' chances of securing the right position.
Manpower placement agencies have emerged as indispensable partners in the contemporary job market, adept at closing the gap between employers and job seekers. Their expertise, extensive networks, and commitment to finding the right fit create a harmonious environment where companies find the talent they seek, and job seekers discover the opportunities they desire.
As the job market continues to evolve, the role of these agencies will remain essential in ensuring a smooth and efficient hiring process for employers and an effective job search experience for candidates. By bridging the gap between employers and job seekers, manpower placement agencies contribute to the success of both individuals and organizations, ultimately shaping the future of employment.
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mariacallous · 2 months
Last December, Mahesh Odedara signed a contract to live and work for five years in a foreign country thousands of miles away from home and mired in a state of war. Odedara, a 30-year-old farmer from Porbandar, a city in western India, was aware of the risks of working on an Israeli farm. But Odedara’s contract promised him a steady, eight-hour workday, robust workers’ rights under Israeli law, and a 5,571 shekel ($1,500) monthly salary—many times more than what Odedara earned in Porbandar. It was too good to turn down.
Israeli farms are in dire need of agricultural workers like Odedara. Following Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, the Israeli government barred tens of thousands of Palestinian laborers, a critical component of Israel’s agricultural workforce, from entering the country. By early winter, farms were facing a “manpower crisis.” With no sign of government policy changing, farmers have since turned to importing thousands of foreign laborers from countries such as India, Malawi, and Sri Lanka to stay afloat.
At first, Odedara’s expectations were high. With his newfound salary, he would be able to send home hundreds of dollars each month to support his parents; the money could also go toward purchasing equipment for the family farm. One day, Odedara hoped, he might even be able to buy a home for himself in Porbandar.
But soon after arriving in Israel, Odedara realized that his employers had little intention of honoring his contract. In Ahituv, a farming community in northern Israel, Odedara worked grueling, 11- to 12-hour shifts picking produce; he was forced to work on weekends and was told he would be paid far below the legal hourly minimum wage. Then, at the end of the month, he was not paid at all—Odedara’s boss informed him that his wages had been sent, inexplicably, to his employment agency instead.
(When reached for comment, Odedara’s former employer denied that Odedara had ever worked for him; however, another migrant worker who independently mentioned working for the same employer corroborated Odedara’s claims about labor conditions and missing wages. The employment agency did not respond to a request for comment.)
Odedara’s housing, which farms provide for their workers, also bordered on the uninhabitable. In Khatsav, where Odedara worked for eight days, he slept in a makeshift room erected out of wooden planks and panes of sheet metal; his bathroom was a toilet in an outdoor shack with a dirt floor, and the shower had no hot water. In the first few months, Odedara lost nearly 25 pounds.
Odedara now “really regrets” coming to Israel, he said, even though he counts as one of the lucky ones: Odedara’s brother, Bharat, had already worked in Israel as a caregiver for four years and was eventually able to find him a job at a farm with far better labor conditions.
Yet Odedara’s experiences in Ahituv and Khatsav are far from unique. According to Bharat, abuse and illegal labor practices are widespread. “I used to meet all the new people coming in for agriculture. I was talking to them, and everyone has the same problem,” Bharat said. “They have to fight for their salary, for their rights, for their basic requirements. Nobody is helping them. They are helpless.”
Farming is fundamental to Israel’s national identity, yet the country’s agricultural sector has been reliant on non-Israeli labor for decades. In 1967, after Israel captured the West Bank and Gaza, the government decided to integrate the territories’ residents into the Israeli economy. Since then, “Palestinians have been integral to the Israeli labor force,” said Adriana Kemp, a sociologist at Tel Aviv University who studies Israeli labor. “You could not talk about whole sectors like agriculture or construction without talking about this large number of Palestinians.”
By the 1990s—following spates of violence from Palestinian militants—Israel began “talking about the possibility of opening the gate for overseas labor migrants,” Kemp said. “That’s when they started actually bringing [in workers] from different countries.” But even so, Palestinians stayed in large numbers; in 2021, tens of thousands of Palestinian laborers made up a quarter of Israel’s total agricultural workforce.
Then came Oct. 7. Claiming that agricultural workers from Gaza had provided intelligence to Hamas fighters, the Israeli government barred some 20,000 Palestinian agricultural laborers from reentering the country. (Israel’s internal security service has since partially disputed this finding.) Around the same time, some 7,800 Thai workers, previously the largest population of overseas workers in Israel due to a 2012 Israeli-Thai bilateral agreement, fled after at least 39 of them were killed in the Hamas attack.
Almost overnight, the agricultural sector lost over a third of its entire foreign workforce. In the early weeks of the war, even though Israeli volunteers stepped in to help struggling farmers, farms hemorrhaged profits. By November, to replenish the labor force, the Israeli government announced that it would allow up to 5,000 overseas workers into the country via a new immigration scheme.
When Orit Ronen heard about the scheme, her immediate thought was that it would lead to “one big balagan”—Hebrew for a “chaotic mess.” Ronen, who works at Kav LaOved, a Tel Aviv-based labor rights nonprofit, was acutely aware of how vulnerable the new arrivals would be, given existing exploitation. Ronen also knew that many farms lacked sufficient infrastructure to house workers, since the farms’ previous Palestinian laborers had simply commuted in from the West Bank or Gaza.
Ronen was right to worry. Since early December, when thousands of new laborers began arriving in Israel, Kav LaOved has received more than 300 requests for information and assistance from workers reporting a litany of abuse. The conditions Odedara and others have experienced are blatantly illegal under Israeli labor law. But ever since the Oct. 7 attack, labor law enforcement has been “less than before,” Ronen said. “And even before, it was low.”
The Population and Immigration Authority (PIBA), the Israeli government agency tasked with labor law enforcement, did not respond to requests for interview. “We have the call center for foreign workers, where they can explain exactly the problem, and they will be checked,” PIBA spokesperson Sabine Haddad wrote in an email.
Migrant workers also often hesitate to contact PIBA’s call center for fear of retaliation; employers “are telling [workers] that we will send you back to India if you will not work as we say,” Bharat said. Employers “can’t do that. I know that, but [the workers] don’t. They are new.” (Israeli law allows workers to stay in the country for 90 days to find a new employer if they have been fired.)
The threat of deportation is especially potent because most workers are effectively stranded in Israel for the duration of their five-year contracts, thanks to the outsized fees they paid before departing for Israel. In Odedara’s case, an agent in India asked him for $6,300 in an under-the-table payment, which he paid for with his family’s savings.
These fees are not a new phenomenon, but labor advocacy organizations scored a major victory in 2012, when Israel and Thailand established a bilateral agreement that eliminated predatory fees for Thai migrant workers. The post-Oct. 7 immigration scheme, which has no such provision, threatens to undo this progress. “The [workers] that come, especially from India, paid thousands of dollars” to brokers, Ronen said. “For them, that’s a very big deal, and that makes them very vulnerable.”
And then there is the war. Melbin Paul, a 29-year-old from the southern Indian state of Kerala, was assigned to work at a poultry farm close to the Israel-Lebanon border, which the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah has fired rockets across nearly every day since Oct. 7.
On the morning of March 4, Paul looked up from trimming an almond tree and saw a missile heading straight toward him and his fellow workers. “There was no time to run,” he said. The projectile, a Hezbollah anti-tank missile, made impact “in the blink of an eye.” Paul’s friend, 31-year-old Kerala native Pat Nibin Maxwell, was instantly killed. Paul, who had stood a few yards away from Maxwell, was left with dime-sized shrapnel wounds scoring the right side of his body.
“Even before the war, it was very common for agricultural workers that work near the Gaza Strip to be injured or killed,” said Michal Tadjer, a lawyer who runs a workers’ rights clinic at Tel Aviv University. Maxwell is one of at least a half-dozen agricultural workers who have been killed by rocket fire in the past decade.
Following the April 13 Iranian strikes on Israel, the Indian foreign ministry urged its citizens in Israel to register themselves at the Indian Embassy and “restrict their movements to the minimum.” The warning belies the reality that the new workers have far less understanding of the security situation than longtime Palestinian laborers or Thai migrants, who have been in Israel for decades.
Paul and his friends had never even been told that their farm was located in a closed military zone that Margaliot residents had evacuated in mid-October. “This is my first time in Israel,” Paul said. “I [didn’t] know where the firing and war” was.
Yet the scale of migrant worker exploitation could soon grow even worse. Fewer than 3,000 new agricultural workers have arrived since November; an additional 8,000 to 12,000 workers are needed to bring farms back to full labor capacity, according to Ronen. A separate deal is already in place to bring 10,000 Sri Lankan laborers to Israel over the coming months. More balagan is likely to follow.
There will also be profound security consequences to shifting away from Palestinian labor. Before Oct. 7, the income of Palestinian laborers in Israel made up about 20 percent of the Palestinian Authority’s GDP. For months now, Israel’s internal security service has called for Palestinian workers from the West Bank to be let back into Israel, warning that increasingly dire economic conditions in the West Bank will lead to further destabilization and violence. But right-wing ministers in the Israeli government have refused to lift the ban, citing the need to move away from Palestinian labor at all costs.
For the workers, their salaries are far beyond the meager sums they could earn back home. For Odedara, there’s much left to do: His current job, while a significant improvement over his previous stints, still pays below what his contract stipulates, and then there is the matter of getting his missing wages back. Odedara is “going to find a solution,” Bharat said. “He wants to stay here but in a good condition—not like this.”
Regardless, the post-Oct. 7 wave of new arrivals will remain in Israel until 2029—meaning that, for at least the next five years, many Palestinian farm workers will not have a job to return to even if the ban on Palestinian labor is lifted.
The only certainty, it seems, is that Israel will have to continue to look beyond its own population for labor. “Israel has relied on noncitizen labor in agriculture for a long time, whether Palestinian or non-Palestinian,” Kemp said. “This structural dependence will not go away.”
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artsy-hobbitses · 11 months
Wait, what is the advertising and pr like on the autobot side of things.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the autobots did charity as well.
That, and they film their table top rpg events live and request donations to some organizations or the autobot cause.
Who even orchestrates the advertising and pr for the autobots? Is it blaster?
Less propaganda (they’re not in the business of conquering territories), more PSAs.
There is some degree of recruitment stuff going on of course, but it tends to have the flavour of signing up for Docs Without Borders or an international NGO—it’s less ‘elite’/militarised than ‘Con propaganda and more altruistic.
While they don’t have ‘territories’, they do have outposts constructed in areas free of Con and Functionist grip, and often train people there/offer backup to help ensure their borders remain free. The idea is to let them rebuild on their own terms for their own people on the foundation that freedom is the right of all.
You’ll find care packages with booklets for war refugees/cold constructs kind of like 101 on agencies that can help them, the rights they have, and where to go for aid and the type of aid they are are eligible for.
There’s also lots of posters combating Beastman and Manual Class stigma, and breaking down how ridiculous it is to adopt the same caste system a bunch of fucking coloniser space squids first used to divide them up into slaves.
Charity work and volunteerism is very much a thing they do as well, though to a slightly smaller scale than the Cons because their funds are sort of limited and they’re just generally a smaller team (their biggest benefactor is Mirage and potentially Tracks) with less manpower. So yes the Tabletop RPG thing and music jam sessions to help raise funds is something that happens quite often.
Something that sort of becomes unexpectedly popular here is actually OP reading (think of it like Henry Cavill reading the Witcher books) and discussing books with the audience after. Sometimes he’ll take book requests so there’s a pretty large online (and on radio for those with no Net access, if you can tap in to Blaster’s channel) book club for the book of the month (there will be people saying his voice reading to them is like a very cozy ASMR). This is also novel because a lot of Manual classes especially did not have access to books outside of their class specification, and in lacking resources to get these books to all of them physically, this is how OP chooses to break that barrier/share the joy and knowledge from them with a worldwide audience regardless of caste. It’s why his moniker as The Librarian sticks in an affectionate manner for a lot of people (sometimes Megs listens in too on particularly lonely nights, though you could never pry that out of him)
OP, Mirage, Jazz and Blaster usually oversee the public relations work they do as it’s mostly a combined effort that gets input from everyone.
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bwhitex · 4 months
After Declaring State of Emergency for an Invasion
In the wake of Texas declaring a state of emergency due to what is deemed an invasion at the border, Republicans must double down on a message of resolute action and sovereignty protection. This declaration is not a mere political maneuver but a recognition of the untenable situation at the borders, signaling a crisis that demands immediate and forceful response. A state of emergency allows for the mobilization of resources and powers that are otherwise dormant, underscoring the gravity of the situation. Republicans should insist on utilizing every tool available, including deploying the military if necessary, to secure the border and repel the crisis. This declaration should be accompanied by a demand for Congress to act, to provide the necessary support and legislation to address the root causes and effects of the emergency. It is imperative that Republicans frame this as a defense of the nation, not as an issue of partisanship, but as a fundamental responsibility of the government. The party must also prepare for the inevitable legal battles, standing ready to defend the actions taken under the state of emergency. The narrative must remain clear: this is about protecting the citizens, upholding the law, and ensuring the integrity of the nation's borders.
Physical Barriers
To staunchly defend national security, Republicans must insist on the expansion and fortification of physical barriers along the southern border. This unyielding bulwark would serve as a tangible deterrent to illegal crossings, a symbol of sovereign enforcement, and a foundation for comprehensive border security. Every mile of wall constructed is a statement of our resolve to uphold immigration laws. Enhanced barriers would also alleviate the pressures on border patrol agents, streamlining their patrol operations. The construction of such barriers must be coupled with advanced surveillance technology to ensure an impermeable defense. Physical barriers manifest a nation's commitment to demarcating its boundaries and controlling its points of entry. Republicans should champion this initiative as a cornerstone of domestic safety, rebuking any narrative that suggests walls are relics of a bygone era. The message is clear: robust borders are a prerequisite to a secure nation.
National Guard Deployment
The Republican clarion call must be for a robust deployment of the National Guard to the border, a move that signals unwavering commitment to law and order. This military presence is crucial in fortifying the border, providing a formidable force to support overwhelmed border agents. The Guard's presence is not merely symbolic; it is a functional augmentation of manpower and resources. National Guard units bring expertise, equipment, and surveillance capabilities that are vital for operational success. By deploying the Guard, Republicans assert that border security is of paramount importance, deserving of a military-grade response. This action would also send a clear deterrent message to would-be illegal entrants. The National Guard's involvement in border security operations should be lauded as a strategic use of state resources. Republicans should be unwavering in their stance that the safety of the nation's borders warrants the deployment of these troops.
State-Level Actions
Republicans should ardently advocate for state-level initiatives to safeguard borders, championing states' rights as a bulwark against federal overreach. States must assert their autonomy in the face of what they perceive as federal inaction or mismanagement of border security. By taking the helm, states can implement tailored strategies that address their unique border challenges. State-level enforcement can fill gaps left by federal policies, ensuring no lapse in security due to bureaucratic red tape. Republicans must encourage states to utilize their law enforcement agencies in a show of self-reliance and determination. Fiscal support for these state initiatives should be seen as a wise investment in national sovereignty. The Republican stance should be unwavering in its support for states taking proactive steps to defend their communities. States are not mere provinces of the federal government but sovereign entities with the inherent right to protect their citizens.
Legal Challenges
The Republican Party should pursue aggressive legal challenges against any federal actions that undermine effective border security. These challenges affirm the balance of power and underscore the necessity of upholding the rule of law. Litigation becomes a key battleground for states to resist federal encroachment and to maintain their authority on immigration enforcement. Republicans must frame these legal actions as a defense of constitutional order and state sovereignty. Courts are a pivotal arena for contesting policies that endanger public safety and national integrity. By initiating legal proceedings, Republicans demonstrate a commitment to both procedural justice and substantive border security outcomes. Aggressive legal challenges are also a means to galvanize public opinion and to hold officials accountable. The Republican narrative should be that legal recourse is not obstructionist but a fundamental aspect of their stewardship of the nation.
Policy Changes
Republicans must champion sweeping policy changes to strengthen immigration controls and enforce laws with unwavering vigor. Revising asylum procedures to close exploitable loopholes is essential for maintaining integrity within the immigration system. Rigorous enforcement of visa overstays and swift deportation of criminal aliens should be non-negotiable tenets of Republican policy. Employment verification systems like E-Verify should be mandated nationwide to disincentivize illegal immigration. Republicans should push for an end to sanctuary city policies that obstruct cooperation with federal immigration authorities. Policy changes should also aim at streamlining legal immigration to favor skills and merit, ensuring that newcomers contribute positively to society. Aid to foreign countries should be contingent upon their cooperation in stemming the flow of migrants. The Republican message must be clear: immigration policy must prioritize the safety and well-being of American citizens first and foremost.
Increased Border Patrol Funding
It’s vitals that Republican Party unify and demand there be unequivocal but substantial increase funding for the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). Enhanced funding is critical to ensure that CBP has the personnel, technology, and infrastructure necessary to secure our borders. Investing in CBP's capabilities is investing in the nation's security and should be portrayed as such. Border agents require the latest technology for surveillance, detection, and rapid response to incursions. The Republicans' vision is a border security apparatus that is modern, efficient, and impenetrable. Enhanced funding also allows for better care and processing of migrants, which aligns with humanitarian values while upholding the law. Republicans should assert that funding border security is a non-partisan issue of national interest. It's a clarion call to prioritize the safety and# Increased Border Patrol Funding:
Republicans should assertively advocate for a significant increase in funding for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to ensure our borders are not just monitored but sealed against illegal entry. Amplifying the CBP's budget is crucial for recruiting additional agents, enhancing their training, and ensuring they're equipped with cutting-edge technology. Adequate funding would also facilitate the construction of advanced infrastructure to bolster the physical barriers at the border. High-tech surveillance systems, such as drones and sensors, should be deployed extensively to create a virtual fortress that complements the physical walls. Republicans should frame the bolstering of CBP resources as a non-negotiable aspect of national defense. Enhanced funding for CBP is not merely an expenditure but an investment in the economic and social stability of the nation. By standing firm on this issue, Republicans can assert their position as the party of law, order, and national sovereignty.
Interagency Cooperation
The Republican platform must emphasize the paramount importance of interagency cooperation in securing the nation's borders. This cooperation is essential for sharing intelligence, streamlining operations, and formulating strategic responses to threats. Federal, state, and local agencies; including Homeland Security, CBP, ICE, and local law enforcement; must work in lockstep to enforce immigration laws effectively. Republicans should advocate for joint task forces and shared resources to maximize the impact of border security operations. Interagency collaboration should also extend to the international arena, working with neighboring countries to address cross-border crime and illegal immigration. Republicans should assert that only through a united front can the U.S. tackle the complex challenges of border security. This commitment to partnership is critical for a cohesive national defense and should be touted as a hallmark of Republican strategy.
International Diplomacy
Governor Kristi Noem (2024), stated herself that Biden administration's policies, particularly in regards to immigration and border security, is a radical departure from traditional American values and governance, labeling it as a socialist-communist agenda that has taken over the Democratic Party.
That was more than apparent, actually Democrats are behaving like international socialists specifically as evidenced by the “sanctuary city” policies The reported increase in illegal border crossings from the previous year to 2.4 million in the 2023 fiscal year is presented as a crisis by Noem and other Republican leaders.
There is The tension between the state of Texas and the federal government escalated into legal confrontations, especially after the Texas National Guard restricted access to certain areas, which was counteracted by federal legal action.
This is evidenced by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to allow the federal government to remove Texas-installed barriers was met with resistance from Texas and support from Noem and other Republican governors, indicating a broader political and ideological conflict.
Republicans must underscore the crucial role of international diplomacy in resolving the border crisis. Engaging with Mexico and Central American nations is key to addressing the root causes that propel migrants to journey northward. International agreements should be pursued to bolster the border security of neighboring nations, thereby reducing the pressure on the U.S. border. Republicans should support foreign aid that is conditional on the recipient countries taking measurable steps to curb illegal immigration. The party's stance should be that diplomacy is not appeasement but a strategic tool to achieve American security objectives. Initiatives like the Merida Initiative and the Alliance for Prosperity should be re-evaluated and reinvigorated as part of a comprehensive border security strategy. Republicans should assert that a secure America begins abroad and that proactive international engagement is essential for homeland security.
Immigration Reform
No, I’m not I talking about this subversive act Democrats are trying pass today. That actually capped how many illegals the president can legally have in the country before there can be any national emergency. Republicans should fervently advocate for comprehensive immigration reform as a pillar of national security. This reform should prioritize the establishment of a merit-based immigration system that values skills and economic contributions. Chain migration and visa lotteries should be replaced with policies that serve the national interest and the economy. Republicans must demand the enforcement of E-Verify for all employers to prevent the employment of undocumented workers. The party should also call for an end to sanctuary policies that impede federal immigration enforcement. Reform should include the expedited removal of criminal aliens and the reinforcement of penalties for illegal re-entry. Republicans should highlight that immigration reform is about upholding the rule of law and ensuring fairness for legal immigrants. The GOP's message should be that robust immigration reform is not only about control but about maintaining the fabric of American society.
In sum, Republicans should assertively articulate a doctrine of ironclad border security, emphasizing the non-negotiable necessity of physical barriers, the strategic deployment of the National Guard, and the empowerment of state-level actions. They should aggressively pursue legal challenges to any federal overreach and champion policy changes that reinforce the integrity of immigration laws. Substantial investment in border patrol funding and unwavering support for interagency cooperation are imperative. Republicans must also harness the power of international diplomacy to address the crisis at its source and insist on immigration reform that prioritizes America's economic and security interests. This comprehensive approach is the cornerstone of Republican doctrine, reflecting an unyielding commitment to national sovereignty, the rule of law, and the safety and prosperity of American citizens.
Pan, A. (2024, February 7). Kristi Noem: "Somebody's Running The White House. I Don't Believe It's Joe Biden". ZeroHedge. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/kristi-noem-somebodys-running-white-house-i-dont-believe-its-joe-biden
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pannaginip · 3 months
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Bukluran ng Manggagawang Pilipino on Twitter @BMP_PH:
Over a hundred employees of Dream Builders Pro Inc., the construction arm of real estate developer Filinvest have gone on strike!
Tama na, sobra na, welga na!
The workers are striking due to the unjust and sudden dismissal of union leaders and active members.
The workers have set up their strike camp at the company’s site warehouse at Manna East, Barangay Dalig in Teresa, Rizal.
Media coverage and visitors to the picket is humbly requested. Your presence may help avert violence and harassment to the workers’ exercise of their Constitutional rights to strike and to self-organization.
2024 Mar. 17
ID under the cut
The attached photo reads:
Over a hundred employees of Dream Builders Pro Inc., the construction arm of real estate developer Filinvest, have gone on strike!
The legal basis of the strike is "union busting," triggered by the unjust and sudden dismissal of union leaders and active members. The employment practice at Filinvest/Dream Builders was previously "direct hiring." Now, it is resorting to subcontracting with a manpower agency, upon knowledge of the formation of a duly-registered union by its workers.
The workers have set up their strike camp at the company's site warehouse at Manna East, Barangay Dalig in Teresa, Rizal.
Media coverage is humbly requested. Your presence may help avert violence and harassment to the workers' exercise of their Constitutional rights to strike and to self-organization.
End ID.
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ajeetsgroup · 3 months
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Ajeets: Manpower Supply Company
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hbsmanpowerconsultancy · 10 months
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Contact us for best EPC Recruitment Services!!!
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hrinternationalindia · 10 months
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Our human resource outsourcing services have always impressed our corporate clients as well as our foreign delegates. Through all these years of our service, we have been extremely instrumental in the major sectors of Power Plant & Energy, Hospitality, Construction & Real Estates, IT/Software & Hardware, Telecom Department, FMCG, Textiles, Manufacturing Industries, Automobiles, Transport, Shipping, Trading, etc. We are also providing domestic recruitment assistance and working for various MNC projects. We have successfully placed ourselves in the category of the best Executive Search Consultants in New Delhi. 
Our Mission-
At H.R. International, our aim has always been to deliver all our reputed business clients with the best employment services and provide the Indian youths with a platform to enhance their professional career. Our Domestic / overseas Job Recruitment Agency in India has been initiated for the betterment of our country’s residents and provides them with suitable job opportunities which offer them a healthy livelihood, satisfaction and confidence. We endeavor to become the most trusted Overseas Manpower Consultancy in India where candidates can avail excellent customer service at affordable rates.
We offer superior priority to all our clients and confirm that all their employment needs are addressed with perfection and expertise. Hence, to bring about a smooth functioning in the employment process, our team of recruitment supervisors has been well-instructed to follow professional Human Resource Management practices and search out the best candidates for employment in the overseas companies.
Gulf manpower ‪consultancy‬ in delhi supports tailor-made international recruitment solutions enabling the clients to accurately attain their target in a specified frame of time and more Top Manpower Consultants in Mumbai
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newsnigeria · 11 months
Kogi pupils who built electric tricycle, SUV bag scholarships
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The management of the Korea-Nigeria Friendship Institute of Vocational and Advanced Technology, Lokoja, has offered full scholarships to three pupils who built a sport utility vehicle at an exhibition. The News Agency of Nigeria reports that the beneficiaries of the scholarships are pupils of St. Peter’s College, Idah, who recently wrote their Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations. The pupils — Samson Emeje, 29; Yusuf Ayuba, 20; and Tenimu Abubakar, 18 — had invented and exhibited an electrically-powered tricycle and SUV at the 2021 and 2022 STETSCOM Science Exhibition. Presenting the admission letters to the pupils on Wednesday, the Rector of the institute, Williams Charles, said that they had exhibited rare technical skills and deserved to be aided in advancing their talents in order to be useful to society. Charles said that the institute had been recognised globally for manpower training in advancing science and technology, thus contributing to the growth and development of the state. He said that the institute’s management was moved into action by the feat displayed by the pupils at the 2021 and 2022 STETSCOM Science Exhibition by inventing an electrically-powered tricycle and SUV. The rector praised the pupils for showing their innovative skills by using locally-sourced materials, stressing that people with creative minds were special humans for their abilities to put things on paper and translate them into reality. While commending Gov. Yahaya Bello for his unflinching commitment to the institute, he appealed for more support in order to meet the demands of the forthcoming resource inspection by the National Board for Technical Education. Charles called on politicians, corporate organisations and the government to beam their searchlights on young people with natural skills like the three pupils to afford them the opportunity to undertake the life transformation courses being offered by the institute. One of the beneficiaries, Emeje, who spoke on behalf of his colleagues, thanked the rector for the gesture, saying that studying at the institute was a dream come true. Emeje, who attributed the talent to God, said that he got the inspiration from his childhood and that he had often constructed such innovations with ease. He thanked the management of NKFI for the scholarships and for giving them the opportunity to realise their dreams. On his part, the Principal of the college, Mr Zakari Jonah, commended the institute for the scholarship, promising to create awareness among secondary school students to embrace the institute to further their academic pursuits. Jonah implored governments at all levels to go to the grassroots to identify talents and develop them through technical and vocational education in order to make them self-reliant. NAN Read the full article
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stevenodickens · 2 years
How to choose a right IT staffing agency for your organization?
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Anyone who has accomplished anything noteworthy didn't do it by themselves. And you shouldn't either! Your team is the support for your aspirations. Ensure that they are sturdy enough! Finding, attracting, hiring, and keeping bright workers who will not only perform at a high level but also fit in with your workplace naturally is one of the most important factors in corporate success.
Any hire, whether temporary or permanent, falls under this. Staff is in control of what has been successfully constructed and what has to be accomplished in the future, supported by the organization's values, objectives, and purpose. Because of this, it's critical to recruit, develop, and keep a talented and effective workforce. But sometimes speaking the truth is simpler than acting. Hiring procedures take time and don't always yield the expected outcomes. You wouldn't want to waste your time and money working with a staffing company that couldn't understand and fulfill you’re hiring needs, after all.
So how do you pick a right IT staffing agency for your organization?
Here are some helpful suggestions to take into account when choosing a staffing agency to help you with the decision-making process. But first, let's take a quick look at some of the advantages of working with a hiring firm.
What Benefits Can You Get from Working with Remote Staffing services?
A staggering 77% of millennial clients plan to increase their use of staffing firms over the next five years, according to a survey. So let's examine the rationale behind why businesses depend on staffing firms to streamline and expedite the recruiting process.
Cut down on hiring time
According to the most recent Manpower Group data, 69% of employers worldwide are having trouble finding talent with the ideal mix of soft, technical, and personal skills. This is a 15-year high.
Your company can overcome that difficulty with the aid of a reliable staffing partner. You can have access to a sizable database of pre-screened individuals by working with a reputable staffing agency. As a result, you gain the ability to quickly hire from a talent pool of competent candidates.
Save money
By turning to a staffing agency, you may cut the costs of hiring specialized people to locate, evaluate, and hire candidates. Working with staffing agencies also ensures additional cost savings by eliminating costs associated with recruiting permanent employees, such as health insurance, employer taxes, 401k retirement plans, and others.
Expert Direction
Should you search for contingent, contract-to-hire, or direct-hire talent? What qualifications do you need to look for in a specific position? How many more team members are needed to reach your workforce expansion objectives for the upcoming year?
Do not worry if you are unable to respond to these inquiries. You can develop a tailored hiring plan with the aid of a reliable staffing partner to handle your workforce difficulties.
Find a Remote Staffing service that specializes in your industry:
While some staffing companies specialize in particular areas, others cover the entire spectrum of businesses. if the one you're about to choose has a multispecialty industry concentration and is a general staffing company. In that instance, consider the strength of their staff, your industry, their clientele, and whether they have account managers with competence in your area.
Think about the staffing company's location:
Staffing assistance is required in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, or Chennai even though your head office may be in Bangalore. Do they have a location close to your branches in all of India to facilitate talent acquisition branch-, city-, and state-specific? Verify how many recruiters are on hand at the specified location. Verify their historical employee deployment rate.
Evaluate the staffing firm:
Investigate the staffing company's expertise in the industry, experience in the staffing field, specialties, brand reputation, staffing company policies, social media presences, client testimonials, and client list (occasionally due to competitors, the entire client list is not made publicly available; contact the agency & get the list or schedule a call by sending inquiry), and website.
 In general, a company that has been around for more than 15 years and has worked with reputable clients or your competitors is likely to provide high-quality service. A fast conversation regarding "Service so far, reliability, professionalism, efficiency, closure timeframes, quality of talent & other pertinent questions" should be had if you can connect with any current clients of the staffing agency.
Examine the hiring and selection procedure:
Check the number of people who are currently employed across various industries as a result of the staffing support that the recruitment agency has offered to other brands. Plan a meeting or phone contact to learn about and discuss their hiring practices. You might not find the suitable talent for your needs if the agency is still involved in placing advertising in the neighborhood newspaper or publishing job listings on job sites.
The recruitment agency is likely to give you effective outcomes in a cost-effective way & also in a shorter amount of time if it appropriately utilizes different talent search platforms, outdoor talent outreach techniques, social channels, and digital marketing.
Discover the retention rates by asking:
Consider finding the ideal candidate and releasing the offer letter as having completed 20% of the work. 35% of the DOJ is when the employee accepts and shows up for work. The retention of the same staff over the long term, or until the project or contract job is completed, makes up the remaining 45% and is crucial. Check the employee retention rates for your sector as well as the overall rate for all employees. One of the crucial factors in determining the caliber of the talent offered by the staffing agency is this.
Companies nowadays are aware that the more competent workers they acquire, the greater the return on their investment will be. You may get the talent your business needs for success by working with a staffing partner that is suited for you and who has your best interests in mind.
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