#Convo: Leanna
basiltonpitch · 1 year
for the fic title ask game, in honor of olivia rodrigo’s new single, which i just listened to a few minutes ago: “bleedin’ me dry (like a goddamn vampire)”
ok i want u to know that i ALSO hadn't actually listened to vampire yet bc i was too busy freaking out over leanna firestone's new ep all day BUT i did give the song a listen after u sent me this (and it is SO GOOD oh my god) but.....
ben s2 pov: obv post "...thrown a rager" and pre-reconciliation, still so angry and heartbroken. canon divergent in the way they don't actually reconcile in season 2, to amp up the angst. devi's apology + the convo between nalini and noor doesn't work out. aneesa has to transfer schools again. and somehow devi keeps fucking up even more. she tries to apologize to ben after aneesa transfers - says she tried, that she really fucking tried but ben....he cares about her, of course he does, but he can't do this anymore - this back and forth. so, he cuts her off completely (like he does in s4...whoops). now...this is still s2 devi, this is still pre-s3 benvi besties era, so there's not that year-plus of friendship between them anymore. and devi is just - devi is always around. and he hates it, not because he hates her but because he hates how he feels around her. he's just - he's exhausted. he blocks her number, blocks her on insta and twitter and wherever the fuck else, asks to have his class schedule changed because, well, being around her is bleeding him dry. it's preventing the wound from scarring shut. so...he removes her from his life, as much as he can.
and then dun dun dunnn paxton still shows up at the dance and the "she wanted to choose you" convo with eleanor still happens and that's where it ends :)
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
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maverickbowie · 4 years
Maverick was surprised with how roughly some of these kids could hit that small ball. He knew if he had actually tried, rather than standing ref on the sidelines, he would be just as bad if not worse than the ankle biters. A smile crossed his face as he saw one of the shyer kids go to score, only to miss the net entirely. The ball went soaring through the air, right at the back of a girl walking by with a few students of her own. It wasn’t until the ball was hitting the counselor in the back and she was crying out did he realize who she was. Quickly he ran over, directing the little kid over to Kai before Leanna could yell at him. “Sorry about that.” He tried to polite for the sake of the kids as he approached. “We’re still working on getting the ball in the net. You’re not hurt, right?” He bent down, picking the ball up.
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burkv-blog · 7 years
She’d booked a table in one of her favourite tearooms, even arranged for it to be set up in a private area.  It wasn’t an effort she went to for many.  Anastasia sat, compact mirror in hand, and reapplied her crimson lipstick while she waited for Leanna.  A bad sign.  When she spotted the other witch approaching, her smile was as sharp as a knife.  “I’m glad you could make it,”  she welcomed warmly, standing to greet the woman with a hug.  Leanna was her most amusing plaything, but this wasn’t the time for games.  Not when she was fielding a potential threat to her best friend.  “I’ve been desperate to talk to you.  I’m not sure who else I can turn to.”
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rai-knightshade-art · 5 years
Macdalton Fic Prompt
Just a Fix it fic idea I had; Or, what CBS SHOULD do with the golden opportunity they have on their hands here by blatantly building up Desi as the love interest. Essentially an au of the season 3 finale/season 4 premiere (since no way is this how the premiere is gonna go are you kidding??)
So, season finale. Everyone's gathered minus Jack, they just pulled off an op by the skin of their teeth (as usual) and they're all winding down. Convo gets started when suddenly someone (Bozer or Riley maybe) blatantly asks if Mac and Desi are dating (presumably some pseudo-flirting went on during the op to push this idea). However, instead of the expected either confirmation or "wow we didn't even think about that but we're seeing this in a new light and liking it" routes, the two outright deny it and look at the rest of the crew strangely as if it should be obvious that they're not dating. Explanations on assumptions are made, there's a laugh, and then finally the bomb drops: someone else asks why Mac isn't into Desi ("she seems like the perfect gal for you Mac! Smart, badass, in the same line of work... What's not to like?"), To which Mac nonchalantly replies "oh yeah, Desi's great, but I'm just not interested. Besides, I have a boyfriend anyways." Chaos at THAT little tid bit ensues ("man why didn't you tell me you'd found somebody new?!?! I woulda backed off immediately!" "How is that the issue you have when apparently MAC'S BEEN INTO DUDES THIS WHOLE TIME?!?!" "Nah Riley I been knew Mac's bi since our early teens, dude had a HUGE crush on Leonardo DiCaprio--" "bOZER YOU SAID YOUD NEVER MENTION THAT AGAIN!" "That was before you hid being in a relationship from me man, I'm allowed to embarrass you now." Etc etc) end episode (or maybe bigger cliffhanger cut scene since not knowing Mac's bf isn't necessarily huge)
First episode of season 4, they're gathered together again, this time in the war room, presumably a few weeks after the previous episode. Everything seems normal, though there is some pointed ribbing at Mac; seems he still hasn't revealed who his secret bf is ("we're long distance, that's all I'm gonna say ok?"). Maybe there's a flashback to Mac in a phoenix corridor smiling happily while talking on the phone, presumably to the bf. I love yous are exchanged before hanging up. The voice on the other end can't be heard. At any rate, flashback concluded, Matty walks in with an uncharacteristic smile on her face. She reveals that today's mission will be including a special addition to the team. Camera is conspicuously away from the door and the windows are completely tinted as someone approaches. Matty describes their new operative when he decides to give a witty oneliner about being back at the door. Everyone jumps (except Matty and, curiously, Mac) and turns toward the door with a cry of "Jack!!!!" (Because of course it's fucking Jack what kinda girl do you take me for here?) Everyone immediately jumps up to greet him (except, again curiously, Mac, who sits with a growing but soft smile on his face; he's yet to even look at Jack). First is Riley, who barrels into him with a slightly emotional bear hug and a slug to the arm for not calling. Next is Desi, some light banter about idiot geniuses ensues, Jack hears about the volcano bit ("I've only been gone for a couple weeks y'all what the hell?!"). Bozer gets a fist bump and some best bro talk, Leanna and Matty get personal comments, and then... There's Mac. Mac has finally stood up at this point, partially hidden from view, and now stares at Jack with affection in his eyes. Jack stares right back. They exchange names softly as they slowly walk towards each other, as if pulled by one of Mac's electromagnets. ("Jack." "Mac. *Angus.*" "Wait, Angus?! Since when does Jack call him Angus?" *Cue first of several flashbacks to come, a short run down of times Jack has called Mac Angus, usually as a joke or out of frustration/seriousness. Culminates in a black screen and a very breathy cry of "Angus!" Or alternately ends with the afterglow cuddling and Mac saying "you can call me Angus... If you'd like"*) They embrace in a very close hug, the kind they didn't often do before Jack left. Riley in particular looks at them strangely, gears in her head turning, as Mac buries his face in Jack's neck. It's still just on the other side of plausibly platonic though since it's been months since they've seen each other. Slowly they part, and Jack slings an arm around Mac's shoulder and brings him in close. Everyone else looks at them weird, not used to this ultra touchy-feely behavior from the pair.
Thus we segue into part two, in which Mac and Jack ward off various questions about their closeness with answers that are technically correct and seem platonic, but are undercut with scenes from the day before Jack left, in which they fought, confessed to loving each other, kissed, and.... Well. Breathy words and moans abound. But also soft laughter and grins and also emotions and sadness and ignoring the inevitable for just one night. (Example: "Guys, clearly something fishy is going on here. (Riley)" "Yeah.... Jack knows who Mac's boyfriend is! (Bozer)" *Riley facepalms* *Jack looks offended* "Mac! Why didn't you tell me you had a boyfriend?? The nerve!" "I'm sorry, we were kinda busy before you left if you didn't notice!" (Supposedly meaning the mission) *Flashback to Mac being pushed against a wall in his apartment, being kissed within an inch of his life as he's lifted against the wall, and playing with Jack's shirt*)
This finally culminates in someone just exclaiming "No, guys, *Jack IS the boyfriend!*", Either Riley or possibly a returned Nikki who picked up on it immediately because she knows what Mac looks like when he's dating a team member and he's putting out all the same signs (though no one else is left from the og team who would know said signs except, obviously, Jack). If it's not Riley then Riley yells "I KNEW IT!!"
Anyways more chaos and discussion ensues cause half the crew can't wrap their head around this and the other half is like "how did you guys not pick up on the mutual pining I mean really", with at least one convo like this ensuing: "Wait, have you guys been dating this whole time?!?!?" "No! We had girlfriends, remember??" "Yeah man I ain't no cheat." "So, wait... When DID you guys get together?" *Sheepish shared look* "Well uh..." "Kinda.. sorta... The day before I shipped out?" "Wait, it took THAT LONG for you guys to get your heads out of your asses?!?!" "Well I'm sorry Mac here is a little slow on the uptake--" "Me?! Says the guy who's apparently been in love with me since the goddamn Sandbox!" "Hey man you weren't much better, falling in love when I followed you to LA." "So... You're both idiots." *Another shared look* *both* "Yes."
Should also mention those flashbacks went backwards, from Macdalton cuddling in the afterglow, to in-bed banter (with possible call backs to previous banter), to heavy making out in the hallway, and finally, to the fight that started it all ("Why do you care so much man?! I'll be back before you know it!" "Because I LOVE you Jack! I think I always have! And when you leave me behind it hurts cause I can't protect you the way you've protected me! And it hurts even more cause you don't feel the same!!" *Shocked silence* "What... Could possibly make you think I don't feel the same way?")
Ends with "So... Have you told James yet?" *Twin looks of terror*
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