#Coony answers
clumsyraccoon · 3 months
Sukuna in Lara's almost booty shorts.... Your brain, Coony!
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theraccoonslair · 2 months
I want more spicy kusakabe fics sm😭🧎‍♀️ a bit slow burn would be great if you dont mind writing bcus i dont mind reading a long long fic at all lol🙏 thank you
Hello Anon, I don't know if you've read the requests rule page, but as a reminder: I don't accept nsfw/spicy requests from anons, sorry!
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ronzombie · 2 months
F/O Asks (i'm answering for s/i coony and f/o alejandro)
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?  Oh goodness. Since my source is a shooter rpg, most of the fandom consists of queerphobes… So that means that a lot of them would argue that I’m only in the game for representation (they wouldn’t be wrong tbh). However, the rest of the fandom would probably love me because I’m more relatable to a wider audience.
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story? I think my story would be told in a comic like Ghost’s. I don’t think there would be a good way to insert my backstory into the game timeline, but there would definitely be hints. Some parts of my character would only be understood if you read the comics before playing. My backstory really ties into the betrayal, so I think most of that plot would have to be manipulated for my character to make sense.
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?  My gender. I really feel like fanon would misinterpret my gender expression. Sometimes I don’t wear binders, so I feel like the fandom would make me into being a femboy rather than anything else.
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you? As a mentally strong person who doesn’t need physical strength to survive. Although my S/I is stronger than I am, I still want my weaknesses to be portrayed generously. I feel like it’s important for people to be able to relate to characters physically and not only in theory.
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?  Female.
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?   Probably a mixture between Soap and Graves. I have Soap’s personality and Graves’ flamboyance.
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why. Angst, Angst, Angst. The fandom would use me as an excuse to project their trauma onto mine. I’m not against character projection but holy shit LEAVE MY CHARACTER ALONE <//3
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?  This is the hardest question ever omg. Our names do NOT go together at all. Maybe Almon for almas x ron?? I have no clue.
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?  We’re not a rarepair, but there are definitely more popular ships than us.
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?  … Soap and Rudy because we’re such good friends. :,)
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?  My S/I has a lot of trauma (totally not projected), so I think a common plot would be “i had a nightmare” or “i don’t wanna be alone right now.”
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?  Probably the bed-sharing trope.
🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?  Childhood friends because the fandom wants me to have someone to lean on in the worst times of my life (please and thank you)
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?  It would start slutshaming debates tbh. My S/I is Graves’ ex bf, so I think some of the fandom would bash me for switching up. If you ask me, I don’t deserve it tho because I was basically pressured into a relationship with the previous. My grandfather was all “You need to marry a nice military man” because he’s a retired military catholic.
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic?  Again, it’d be more slutshaming me than actually being problematic. I think our ship would be passionate rather than cute. I don’t mean nsft passionate, but more like Gomez and Morticia Addams type passionate.
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?  Me throwing my sobbing self onto him in the helicopter after the Las Almas Airport blew up with my grandfather inside.
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions?  I think a big misconception would be that he doesn’t care about me. He’s more stand-offish when we’re on duty because he doesn’t want to put me in danger. I think they would focus on the fact that he acts like I don’t mean much to him in front of the enemy, but they don’t know that it’s for my own safety.
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic? There would probably be a non-canon journal of mine in COD Zombies where it mentions a love interest, but not a name for him. Fans would go insane over having trans mlm representation in such a dudebro game. If I’m thinking about how things usually go in video games for queer characters, I would probably be killed off towards the end of my first game. It would show a different side to Alejandro that the media didn’t really get to see before. It’s almost like he went dark, and I could see him going rogue vigilante style.
og post
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lale-txt · 2 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! <33333 (if u wanna, no pressure!)
aww Coony hi!! ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
one of my first manga was Fruits Basket and to this day it is still one of my favorites! it has everything to me, the friendships and the romance, the deeply traumatic family bonds, the horrors… don’t get me started because i can and i will yap about it for 3h straight. the 2019 anime is one i find myself rewatching over and over again, it really was such a gift for the shoujo community.
i wanna challenge myself and learn a new language this year! not sure which one yet, though. Japanese would be the obvious choice, but i’m also interested in Farsi? or maybe something entirely different (gave up on Finnish though that was impossible to me lmao)
i also really wanna get my hands tattooed this year but my artist of choice has been on hiatus, so i’m just sitting here patiently twiddling my thumbs until she comes back.
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hellandcupcakes · 2 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! <33333 (if u wanna, no pressure!)
Coony beloved ♥️
1. There is a running joke at work - I am so unlucky everytime I do guided tour, it begins to rain even if it was sunny the rest of the day (to the point when the gardeners see me in the gardens with a groupe they'll put away their tools and get their umbrella)
2. I am also prone to car catastrophes... @bas-writes can testify 😂
3. I spoke very well german (I have the equivalent of the Abitur) but I regret not practicing enough now. I'd love to get back at it
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bas-writes · 3 months
Happy Sunday Bas! ✨ For the Truths & Dares, if you feel like it: 🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? and 🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Hi Coony, thanks for the ask ❤ I don't really know how to answer the reference one so I'll go with the stab stabby one only!
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
i think i write too vanilla at least so far to have very weird research history but for one oc story i studied like mad the surroundings of athens and by like mad i meant trying to reach the maps from the 80s
this fic eventually lead me to study greek language on uni...and in the end i didn't even start writing it 😂
writers truth & dare ask game
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honey-deku · 2 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! <33333 (if u wanna, no pressure!)
Coony! it's nice to hear from you! 💕
round 3!
1. i’m currently trying to learn Taiwanese Mandarin since i'll be seeing a friend of mine for Golden Week!
2. i'm always being mistaken for all other nationalities and ethnicities. most people tend to think i'm Arab, Iranian, or middle eastern in some way (from what i've been told, it's bc of my dark hair and facial features)
3. it's a flaw of mine that i need to get better at but im very impatient.
don't misunderstand me tho, i do have patience for certain things, especially if it's out of mine or someone's control but wasting time is just something i loathe doing
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
A-aah, I still have Lifea and Artist Anon’s personal asks (and 2 from Peridot), but I think I’ll take a break here...I’m sorry, I said I’d maybe queue them, but I didn’t get to answer them and it’s already night for me.And I’m out of energy. I’m sorry OTL
Once more, sorry to those that are here for the fandom stuff, because I didn’t reblog arts today. Sowwy! I was staying far behind the personal asks, so I really wanted to focus there.
And sorry to Lifea and Artist Anon for taking a big pause before answering to you both. I promise I’ll get on it soon!
Thank you once more to everyone who have dropped by. I’ve seen some names I hadn’t seen in a long while and it’s made me happy, and even those that I talk to often, it’s still such a joy to talk with you all <3
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7-dreamers · 6 years
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[180327] Twitter Update: 
[Jiu] Everyone be careful of dust these days! #Dreamcatcher #JiU left a self-Cooni 🗣️ Check the self-Cooni out on the Cooni app!  And leave many questions for the members to answer!
Trans: 7-Dreamers | Do not take without credit
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clumsyraccoon · 2 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! <33333 (if u wanna, no pressure!)
Asafghkldj sorry Bas it took me this long to answer! My brain always goes completely blank when asked to talk about myself 😂 but thank you so much for sending! ❤️
I can't smell. So yes, you can fart the stinkiest one near me and I would not even notice XD
Always had straight hair until second year of uni, when it randomly decided to become wavy/loosely coiled
I once had two little stick insects as pets (named The Long and The Lean).
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theraccoonslair · 1 month
Hello Coony ❤ I'm happy for your big step and I hope you'll have lots of fun with writing requests (and not only)!
For starters, could I request Higuruma and reader enjoying an aquarium date and watching a penguin feeding show? ngl penguins are my fav part of any aquarium (providing they have them in the first place lol)
Thank you for considering ❤
Hi Bas! ❤️ First of all, I'm deeply sorry it took me forever to answer your request! And thank you so much for your message and for officially being my first request on this blog! 😊 It was my first time writing Higuruma and I admit I'm a bit nervous eheh but I genuinely had fun writing this and hope I gave our favourite lawyer the justice he deserves! pun intended
Waves on distant shores
Characters: Higuruma Hiromi x gn!reader
Synopsis: Higuruma and you enjoy a well deserved date at the local aquarium, the penguin feeding show being the main attraction you look forward to.
Words: 1000⁓
Note: none
There’s almost complete silence surrounding you, the magic of the place being able to keep quiet even the most unruly children, who now looks in awe through the big plexiglass windows of the tanks, the only sounds they make excited gasps and revered whispers when the animals make themselves seen from time to time. Low lights, dark blue walls and the calm and peaceful swimming of the various marine creatures drag you into some sort of ethereal trance: the sounds around you are almost completely canceled, the vision blurred at the corners, and you feel like you’re almost in the depths of the sea along with the animals.
You proceed slowly, your eyes glued to the tanks’ windows, your heart making a leap of joy in your chest as soon as you spot a couple of dolphins playing, the slow paddling of a turtle, the hypnotic motion of a shark. Relaxed and at ease, you let yourself enjoy this little moment of peace, time carefully carved out from the frenzy lives both you and your boyfriend have. It was almost a herculean task, to be able to synchronize your agendas and find a suitable day for a long needed date, especially when you had also to look up for the aquarium’s activities schedule.
But here you finally are, with the intention to savor every minute of it.
So immersed in your wonder gazing, you don’t notice Higuruma slowly approaching you, after he lost himself in between all the tropical tanks, small and colorful fishes catching his eyes and making him lose the sight of you for a moment. His expression is softer than usual, work worries for once left behind and replaced by the joy and relaxation of spending a day off with you. Clothes matches his demeanor, black formal suit being discarded in favor of a pair of jeans and light brown sweater, and his walk towards you is relaxed, not wanting to startle you out of the fascination he knows you have for the place.
Reaching your side, he gently grabs your fingers and squeeze them lightly, his gesture entering in the realm of your senses without alarming you, but taking you back to reality step by step with every of his fingers making contact with your skin.
“Show starts in 20 minutes, shall we go?” he almost whispers, gentle voice the last step to bring you back completely to the present moment.
Nodding in response, you give a quick wave of your handin greeting to the seal that was playing with their pup just right in front of you, before following Higuruma down the underwater tunnel, heading towards the open area for the penguin feeding show.
You look up in awe, a manta ray lazily swimming over your head while you walk slowly, families almost swarming around you dragged by the enthusiasm of their children. You and Higuruma are not in a hurry, this day dedicated to just the two of you, and you both take your time admiring the view all around, the tunnel enhancing the feeling of being immersed underwater, surrounded by animals.
Higuruma's fingers brush against yours once again, this time catching them gently and bringing them to his lips, a quick and soft peck given to your knucles before they come back down and intertwine with yours.
Already seated, you look at the arena, some of the penguins already gathering around the keeper, their little curious heads trying to peek into the bucket in their hands. The animals are visibly excited, but well behaved, their little antics making you smile fondly.
When everyone around you has finally taken a seat and started to get quiet, the show begins, with the keeper starting to talk about the aquarium's colony and their habits.
"African penguins - Higuruma murmurs, leaning towards you to be heard above the microphoned voice of the keeper - also know as 'jackass penguins', for their peculiar donkey-like noise." And, as if to prove the man's words, one of the penguin starts to emit the unique call, making you both chuckle in unison.
“Wait, did you do research?”
Of course he did research: even if case files, testimonies, appeals, and useful quibbles are what mainly occupy his time, he always makes sure to reserve a bit of his day to you. Munching a sandwich over his laptop during lunch break or scrolling through his phone while having first coffee of the morning at his desk, he made sure to come prepared. Because to Higuruma, this wasn’t just him going with you to the aquarium, but sharing an experience about something you liked.
“Yes - he answers, matter-of-factly – and one of their continental colony is in South Africa: you can visit it and can see them up to a meter away.”
He shares that bit of information so casually, watching you react with pure glee at the thought of walking among the little creatures, as if he hasn’t already had a look at flight and hotels.
“African penguins are underwater predators – the keeper voice reclaims your attention back to the main attraction, where they are now carefully giving fishes to the penguins – and they feed mainly on fishes and marine invertebrates. During the week we feed them with different types, like this herrings here, so they can have a varying and balanced diet."
The penguins enthusiastically take their share of the food and you both enjoy looking at them, the show proceeding smoothly, the feeder's explanation never being boring or overly complicated on the biology side of things. Enjoying it 'till the very last minute, when all the animals are full and the keeper is coming out of the water, you let all the people get up and pass you on their way out, before you two do the same and be the last ones to leave.
You're both silent, the fascination and the excitement of the show still lingering in your chests, ready to be transformed in a fond memory and stored forever in your hearts. Higuruma turns towards you, your eyes still shining and your mouth curved in a content smile, and mirrors the smile on his own lips, you experiencing childlike wonder something so contagious that never cease to make his soul lighter and his day better.
"C'mon - he says, his fingers brushing yours once again before gently holding your hand - let's go to the gift shop."
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asheewrites · 7 years
Foxwrites 22
When I came into the library, there was a raccoon, sniffling through the books... and my daughter looking at some pictures. I walked over to make sure it was not some kind of anatomy-book. And was relieved to see that it was... 'only' an illustrated fairy tale book. Of course it was German and therefore no one should look too closely at it, but... well... it was better than correct guts. "Hey mommy! Coony brought me a book!," she pointed at it, "I like it!" Which was... one of the weirder things to hear from your daughter, but hey... at least the raccoon did not bring... horrifying things. 
I looked to the raccoon and how it... actually seemed to sort the books. Grabs them with his tiny raccoon-hands... drags them to the side... runs back (faster than I've ever seen the raccoon run before), looks at the next book and drags it off again. "You okay?," I raised my voice a little, to get his attention. He stopped dead in his tracks. His ears twitched. He started to clean his whiskers and face. And then rolled up on Matia's back. Apparently sleeping. I was... a little speechless. And stared. Then I asked Matia: "Does he... does he do that often?," my tone was almost as disbelieving as I guessed it should be. Matia turned and petted the rolled up fluff: "Sometimes, sure!" I frowned: "Uh... no I mean... does it... carry books around?" And my daughter looked up with those doe-eyes of hers and says: “Sometimes, sure," in an exasperated, kid-tone of voice that just wants to read her book that her raccoon picked especially for her. Apparently. That... was probably all I could do about that, wasn't it? With a frown... I settled down and looked at the book-stacks that had formed in the short two minutes that it had taken for me to come up. At least they didn't make much sense.
There was poetry and languages mixed up... and a biology book laid atop Nietzsche (again, that guy...) So... maybe the books smelled different. When I sniffed at them, they didn't smell different at all. But one book full of recipes laid there, all alone, so maybe there was something to the theory. I wouldn't know. I might have to keep more of an eye on the little bear. It's... just weird. Weird is alright. Right? ... what could I do about it, after all. I reached over and petted it's fur. It purred. And stretched a bit. Normal raccoon, flopping on it's side and down from Matia's back, wriggling it's legs in the air before it got back in a horizontal position (it took several tries). It earned some more pets with that action. Then it curled up against Matia and got auto-petted by her. That... that seemed to work just fine. It continued doing the raccoon-purr it did. Very well.
The books still needed sorting, so I applied myself to the task. Sooner or later, the dishes would be done and I would get company. And some help with this. Because there were enough doubles now already... and Mister Ruthven seems to have opened only two barrels in the early hours of the morning. He opened the third when he joined me, and really did get a slightly cold shoulder from Matia. Apparently, insulting bugs was a harder offence than expected. It's not like much happened, anyway. We sorted by genre and author, sometimes commenting on either of them in an annoyed or delighted fashion - there were more fairy tales than last time, I was glad for that, at the very least. At one point, Matia and a reluctant raccoon left to play outside and - by the sound of it - raid the cookie jar. It was all fine and well until Mr. Ruthven opened the fourth barrel and I stood up to get a generous helping and he... caught me when I stood up too fast. "Easy, lady Jibril, easy," he snuck behind me and held me around the waist, leaned back against him. The faint feeling went away. As it does. Almost immediately. I had just stumbled for a moment. When he didn't make any movement to release me again... I cleared my throat. When he still didn't move then, I sighed: "You... are aware it would be more effective to actually bring me back to the floor, yes?" "You want me to hold you on the floor?," and his tone was... was... not exactly innocent. "... you," there was no actually polite way to answer to that. Especially since I actually could have moved out of his arms by now, so I said: "No. No, I do not, but the fainting spell has worn off anyway. You can let go of me" "... can.... or should?," there was a nose in my hair. "Will," I frowned and removed the hands from my waist. And with a pout, he did let go. "As you wish," he said and went to go sort more books. The rest of sorting went without any kind of incident. It worried me a little that I wasn't that much against it. What a weird man.
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giraffeiisms · 7 years
36600RULES : answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.  pls repost. TAGGED BY : @paternall
NICKNAME :  Coonie / Coon / Unicoon STAR SIGN :  Cancer HEIGHT :  5′11? TIME RIGHT NOW :  2120 FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST :  fuck don’t make me pick one SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD :  Sanctuary  LAST MOVIE WATCHED :  The Lord Of the Rings Return of the King LAST TV SHOW WATCHED : Archer WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG :  October of 15? WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST :  shitty memes DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS : yeah but they are abandoned
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL:  giraffes? HOGWARTS HOUSE :  HUFFLEPUFF POKEMON TEAM : *dabs* Instinct FAVORITE COLOR :  Royal Blue and black AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP : lol like 3-6 LUCKY NUMBER :  47? HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH :  I’m ashamed to say that I sleep with like 10 DREAM JOB : Paramedic FOLLOWING : HAHAHAHAH way too many FOLLOWERS :  362!
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Tuesday 28th March
Hey ...
Been getting so paranoid about who is reading the contents of my dishevelled messy brain....some of it just doesn’t make sense, and I just did not realise how angry I have been or how cluttered my head really is.  I just need to get a huge jug of water and wash it out... wash the dam brain cells and organise them into perfect rows - and yell at them ! for being so out of control.
So last night I had the worst sleep.... my head hurt and I woke up with a sore throat, heavy chest and nasal cold.  I thought my first walk alone around Belvedere after so many years, well since childhood would have done it because sadly Belvedere is a mess now. ..Its dusty and the main road just clouds the once fresh neighbourhood turning it into a pollution central.  Not pleasant...
My head was banging thoughts non-stop. not very sensible or clever just rerunning my day through my head, what I wrote on facebook, what people liked the photo I posted (the one with coonie and co) Still believe it or not reeling from the onslaught of queries from Dunny about my plans....the audacity. I feel livid and irritated.  Weird flighty feelings about life....I mean give me a break! I just made the grand decision to quit life in my home for the past 16years ...Can I have a minute? so irritated about my weird extended family and how they just love drama.  How my mother loves drama...they just a soap opera! I am trying so hard to find peace...and doing good.  Yoga , spiritual Yoga and chanting has been so good for me.  I can face the day after that stillness, that calmness, that chanting..and doing those spiritual poses, my body just receiving pure love and light with each deep stretch.  I need Yoga.
I am quite agitated because the world is just a place I do not understand and I am just in the world and I cant get out of it.  I am here and I have to live it, through every weird and strange scenario, however out of touch for me and however unfair.  I just cant bare how people can treat you sometimes when they have no brains, no capacity to even make a judgement.  They just received a few sentences of what is happening in my life and then immediately it has been summarised to be nothing but negativity or belittling my position. 
So I cant stand that I have to write this much out because I am so aloof and happy, positive minded individual....this has all welled up within me because I had to wake up to it!  Why do I always feel like I am being caught out! Like all along they were waiting for an opportunity to prance.  I was playing cute hostess, making tea, cakes and giggles...and celebrating life and all its beauty....meanwhile they are enquiring about my plans and what I must do.  What the Fuck?! why are you soooo interested now?? I mean who the fuck are you??
Frankly your not my Dad and you really have been invisible or dead to me for almost 2 decades... you just remember me as a child and heard the odd story of what I am up to abroad.  But did you ever make a call? Any why you feel so significant now.. I was breaking bread and you just come along to be abrasive or superior? You just watch ....how amazing my already amazing life is going to be!  I am content, I just forgot how screwed up my family in Africa are, inquisitive and tactless.  
Well back to today, I had a nice bath and Yoga / meditated my ass off to get rid of those stale feelings still underlying, the anger, the misunderstanding of family interests (nosy bastards), Im pissed by it! I really am.  And my mum playing quiet listener not intervening to say how glad she is to have me back?! I mean for fucks sake! I left and you didnt  even know how I got to the airport you were so off your rocks on codeine.  And poor Keith was out drinking because he was so sad I was leaving and what chance did he really have in life my poor brother Keith, I miss you.
Perhaps I dont get it and I have travelled and evolved and done some amazing things, my mind is not so small anymore.  I dont think about okay bread, milk, suffering, struggle, who is who in the zoo, who is making it, who is failing, gossip gossip gossip.  I have evolved and I am so much richer for it.  I just want to be happy, work hard in job I love, eat delicious food, keep healthy, be in real love, have a beautiful family....and there will be NO FEAR. Just PEACE, HARMONY & ENJOYMENT.
So what I am looking for here is a little love, understanding, recognition, acknowledgement, love , love , love! real Love ... Not Love out of Fear.  Support, network, FAMILY.  I was alone so many years because I left with that lonesome heart and unfounded fierceness... I left like a cub... screeching my full roar but it was far from matured to the Lioness I have come to be.
I am writing all this shit out because I need to. I am not bitter, just angry and needed to be heard and needing to fix it in my head for myself.  Because my Yoga practise teaches me to work from the inside ...and I got a lot of work to do. I am so happy to have my third eye opening but man oh man it sure can piss you off! Because I wish I was surrounded with Mindfulness from childhood and Not Fear and Anxiety.
I see a whole lot of things, a whole lot of wrongdoing in others, I see their fears, their thoughts, their approach,  I see their auras. and most of the time its a huge let down because this world is a let down! 
Unc Dun n Coon n Warren... the important, critical, judgement pack did a spot visit on their way out today.  Unc dun alot nicer to me, again the question raised so you quit London? you sick of it? To which I answered in a beautiful noble fashion whilst hugging mum close to me.... basically I am no rush to work, or do anything for that matter.  I am resting, recouping, spending time with my mother and having a fucken great time!  Because WE CAN. so bugger off.. and mum was very pleased with my answer and the relatives all quiet, understanding and admiring (flashes of envy from Coonie for some reason)I didnt say it like this... but these were along the same lines... Basically I am chilling dudes and its a nice life....Butt out,  Go and tend to your family that is really not that perfect.
You know why I like writing like this because the answers that I am craving the relief, the ease....they show up in the end.  These guys are just hugely envious and cannot accept that we are a privileged family and we have had the best because my dear papa and then mama who worked on the jewels my dad left her to give us an amazing life.
And that feels amazing and we are proud! happy human beings.  John , Marlene and I, we have had a nice upbringing and we live in mansions... we still do..I am proud to recognise it and sometimes this polite manner does not go down well around here.  Because you have to reach these peoples level....we are loaded and we dont have to care! Get it. We are Royals.Spiritually and realistically - Mother though unfortunately just made it so hard for herself with a nasty addiction to Pharmaceuticals and a horrible horrible witch like behaviour to everyone especially my brothers, marlene and who ever she could find to hate.  But hey.... this life of mind... I am only coming to understand it.... connect the dots.  
But I just would like to end with this... I am not angry anymore, I feel Peaceful.  Writing although it is just a monologue of arguments and erratic thoughts in my head.  I need this because it is healing and I can feel better about others , about my situation and about life.  I am looking forward to beautiful times and I am so glad I took this step to be here in Africa. My home and my birthright and the life I Deserve!! so long London and all that struggling. I have all I need inside of me.... but all i need is LOVE .... MY Love, My Self Love. I never knew I was anything... it was all nothingness...
But now I see my own Heart and its beautiful.
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clumsyraccoon · 2 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog! <33333 (if u wanna, no pressure!)
Hi Alex, thank you for sending! ❤️
I have a jujube tree in my little garden
I used to collect W.I.T.C.H. comics in middle school, but then grew out of it and threw them all away. Now I'm eating my hands in remorse T_T
I have a labret piercing
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clumsyraccoon · 2 months
\o/ I now have at least two friends who are bone collectors. Another is a friend of my little brother's who also has a natural science degree. She talks a lot about proper cleaning and preservation, taking care about laws surrounding bones and collections, etc.
That's so cool though, if you ever feel like sharing pictures, I'd love to see what you have (you'll have to maybe label things for me though, I'm not knowledgeable myself)
Oooooh that's so cool Quin! Kudos to your little borther's friend eheh
And yesss you have to be careful cleaning away all the meat remains from the bones (I was almost kicked out by my ex-flatmates when I boiled some of my bones in the kitchen XD). Some says also to bleach them a little to make them all nice and white if I remember right? (But I must admit I did it in the least pro way, so I'm not sure XD)
At the moment my collection is still at my mom's place, but whenever I'll retreive it I'll glady share picture with you! \o/
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