#Cooperate with us and upgrade the facilities to help more person in need!
Chapter 3: Adventure Log #002 - The Brotherhood?
I successfully inoculated myself against the Scorched Plague, following the direction of what Dr. Hudson left behind. By no means would I consider myself a doctor or medical professional of any kind, hell… the Mr.Handys and their counterparts in the Vault handled all that for the most part, but her vision for prevention of the Plague was well documented and planned out. Shame she couldn’t see it through… Seems like most of the other 76ers followed the path too otherwise they’d likely be Scorch-ified by now.
I’ve also been working to solidify my homebase when I have the chance. If I’m going to find any success in staying alive out here it’s going to have to be with a strong foundation. Upgraded the generator, have workbenches for anything I need to make, even added some decorations and a pet salamander I scooped up in the river in Flatwoods. Named it Matilda because it likes to crawl on the book I placed in the terrarium as a sunbathing spot.
Next on the To-Do list was to check into this Brotherhood of Steel I had heard about. They actually made themselves easy enough to find by having a looped broadcast picked up on my Pip-Boy.
“This is Paladin Rahmani of the Brotherhood of Steel, broadcasting to the people of Appalachia.
We are en route to your region on a long-term mission. We will be taking the ATLAS Observatory as our base of operations. Consider this a warning for any persons occupying the facility. It will be ours. This matter is not subject to negotiation.
Know that we are coming in peace; we will provide aid and protection to the people of Appalachia.
Supplies for construction and repair are to be delivered to the ATLAS observatory in anticipation of our arrival.
Your cooperation guarantees our ability to secure a better future for Appalachia. Be part of that future, help us.
This has been Paladin Rahmani, First Expeditionary Force. The Brotherhood is returning, see you soon. Message repeats.”
Atlas was going to be a haul of a trip based on what I remembered of the area as a kid; so I packed what supplies were needed, checked my weapons and armor, and set out to make contact. Would the Brotherhood finally be an ally I could connect with and count on? Would they even potentially become a new home?
The trip was as pleasant as one might expect. It began rather quietly as a trek through Appalachia’s green hills towards Sutton and over the hill to Helvetia passing the old West Tek Industries building. The pre-war institution of science and technological feats, or so Ms. DeJean had mentioned in the Vault, sat quietly on top of the hill looking down upon Helvetia like a silent observer. While it didn’t make a sound, I couldn’t help but feel like the building… or something about it… was alive.
The silence of the trip met an abrupt end when I made it to Bolton Greens, at the intersection of 91 & 95. I thought I was traveling quietly but a group of Scorched got the drop on me giving me one hell of a firefight. Is it a firefight if you’re mostly swinging a hammer? Anyway, after about twenty minutes I was able to clear a half dozen of them or more before hastily leaving the area. Good news, it gets worse from here.
What’s worse? How about an enraged mutated bear outside of an abandoned motel as you’ve already been climbing up the cliffside? I did learn two things in this exchange that will make for helpful survival tools in the future. 1.) These mutated bears take a LOT of ammunition to take down, and that’s from .308 rounds that are meant for hunting and 2.) these bears cannot comprehend the idea of stairs allowing you to use the stairs as an impassable barrier. Bear dead, more climbing.
After a few more hours of climbing the Appalachian mountains through rocky cliffs, dense wooded areas, and the occasional stream or two Atlas came into view with its towering dome surveying all the land within its shadows. It was an impressive site and understandable why a group would set up their operations in the location of the old observatory.
At the base of the old observatory I found a stairwell that appeared to lead up to the entrance. Along the final stretch of my climb, as my feet were killing me and my legs grew weaker and weaker, I was… greeted, I guess by a Brotherhood soldier who thought the best first impression was waving a laser pistol in my face and telling me to move along. Charming group already…
Stopping at the top of the stairs I had no choice but to take a deep bend at the waist to stretch my legs. They were exhausted from the single day trip, but it was much safer than trying to camp overnight. Upon realigning to a straight position the sight was impressive. While I could have guessed they would have a militaristic operation, they were as organized as I had seen any group be since leaving Vault 76. Rotations of guards, supply management officers, a secured boundary and even someone welcoming visitors to the gates.
Guess that’s a good place to start.
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aidoctor2022 · 2 years
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crushedbyhyperbole · 5 years
Disco Ball Diva
A/N: For @buckyshelves Merry Christmas, I hope you enjoy this and have a great festive holiday
To @bucky-smiles​ for organising this secret Santa gift exchange, you’re awesome and so, so kind
Also... thank you to my friend Haz who beta read this for me.  You are always so supportive of my writing and I love you
Summary:  You’re inappropriate, sassy, have snazzy powers, and now you’re an Avenger-in-training.  Not everyone appreciates your blasé attitude, and when a surveillance mission goes south you’re thrown together with one hot brooding super soldier.  It doesn’t help that you can’t stop ogling his bum.
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Reader w/ powers
Word Count: 7k.  I actually feel bad that it’s so long.
Warnings:  Violence, gun violence, Bucky kills people, mentions of blood and injury, bad language (which is a given for me), some sexual tension (light) but mostly just reader is an asshat XD
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The Avengers compound is not like you imagined it.  Or maybe it is but you haven’t found any of the secret stuff yet.  Hidden jet hangers under the basketball court, labs in the basement, glass cases full of superhero suits.  Wait.  That’s the freakin’ X-Men.
Still, it’s nothing like you hoped.  The conference rooms are boring, obviously, because meetings are the epitome of dull. The communal lounge and kitchen are both boring; there’s no espresso machine that doubles as a drone, no fridge that transforms into sentry bot, there isn’t even a SodaStream.  Yawn! You don’t even need to see the fitness suite to know that it’s not a place you want to visit, and you’re not allowed below the ground floor yet.  Talk about not trusting the noob.
Your room is a vision of extreme lacklustre, but you only moved in yesterday, so, no redecorating just yet, save for the peace lily your brother gave you.
Congrats on your new job and home by the way, here’s a half-dead plant I had but couldn’t be bothered to look after.  Now it’s yours.  Enjoy!
Your super power is definitely not green thumbs, nurturing life, healing, or anything even a tiny bit supportive.  You can’t fly, don’t have super strength, speed, or a crazy-good aim.  There’s not a green rage-monster just below the surface waiting to erupt and smash things.  Well, if someone steals your cookies you might have to choke a bitch but hey, rainbows are cool, right?  Super distracting, like oh hey, what’s all this shiny shit flashing around?  Oh dayum, I totally didn’t see that badass super warrior coming to kick my ass.
You swallow hard.  The small conference room feels like an interrogation room despite the polished wood table and plush leather chairs.  Of four sets of eyes that are currently watching you, only one pair is encouraging.
Tony Stark.  The guy who recruited you.  Took you from a life of selling hotdogs on street corners in the City and apartment sharing with a crazy cat lady called Angie who you found on Craigslist.  You had nothing against crazy cat ladies, per se, but you would prefer it if the pissy smell was optional.  Angie had opted in, hence why you jumped at the chance to opt out.  Ugh.
“Rainbows?”  The scowly but buff brunette with the dreamy blue eyes and robotic arm, scoffs mockingly.  “You project rainbows?”
The equally buff blonde who you suspect might be Captain America (or maybe his stunt double) snickers, his head lowered to hide his amusement.  Does Captain America have a stunt double, for like, TV appearances and meetings with officials, and stuff?  You’ll ask later.  Right now, you’re annoyed.
“Oh, I’m sorry, fist-of-victory!”  You snap your fingers like the queen you are.  “Am I too snazzy for you?  Do my rainbows ruin the whole Neanderthal vibe you got going on there?”
Loud snorts and chuckles pull you back.  The redheaded vixen you know already as Black Widow is pinching her nose to stifle her laughter, and Tony is looking to the heavens in askance but emotional stability is not forthcoming.
“Wow.”  The brunette says flatly.
“Fist of victory.” Tony ponders, eyes twinkling.  “I like that.”  He levels an amused gaze at you, rolling his next words around in his mouth.  “Manchurian candidate is a little out-dated, wouldn’t you say, Barnes? Ready for an upgrade?”
Oh shit!  Your eyes get big.  The brunette is none other than the infamous Winter Soldier.  You should have known by the arm.  Show no weakness!  Your brain screams.
“What’s the official title for that skill, you have?” Steve Rogers has gotten his face to cooperate, now there’s no trace of a smirk.  “Light manipulation?”  
“Walking disco ball.” You put on the light show again, manipulating the effects so the lights are dancing across the, now stormy grey, eyes of one Sergeant Barnes.
“It’s definitely distracting.”  Natasha says objectively.  “Could be useful.”
“See!  That’s what I said!”  You punch the air, sending the lights into a frenzy.
“I have a theory.” Tony is playing his cards close to his chest still.  “That’s why y/n is here.  She’s agreed to work with us, and at the very least she can be a supportive member of the team.”
“Team, frickin’, playahhh!”  You holler, earning a concerned look from Rogers and a downright obnoxious groan from Barnes.  “What?  What you complaining at?  You fucking love me already!”
The truth was that you didn’t know how your ability worked.  You could feel it when you did your thang, like the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and the air in your hand felt stiff and substantial.
Better not talk about hands full of substantial stiff things around grandad Tony, he might kick the bucket.
You could manipulate the amount of reflections in your light show by making the air heavier, make them move, dance, even adjust the size of them a little.   Agreeing to work with The Avengers had been a no brainer; you get paid, get a place to stay that isn’t full of the stench of sadness and cat piss, and you get to find out more about your ability.  Win, win, win.
+++ A couple of weeks later +++
“You really expect me to take Rainbow Brite on this mission?”  Barnes has his arms crossed across his chest, refusal crinkling his brown and pursing his lips into a thin line.  The guy looks hot in tac gear.  One bicep straining against the material, the other is obviously free and oh-so-fucking-awesome.  Thighs tight under those black tac pants, thigh holster accenting the flex of muscle as he shifts his weight.  Wait-what!?
“Wait a fucking minute!”  You squawk.  “Rainbow Brite?  Oh, hell no!”  You march up to him, similarly decked out in black gear that makes you look like some tiny recruit in ill-fitting body armour instead of badass like him.
There’s a smirk on his perfect mouth now, dusky pink lips lop-sided with amusement, and the twinkle in his eyes is more than a little alluring.  What the fuck?
“Huh.”  You stop your tirade, blinking, baffled.  He’s playing with you.  Trying to get you pissed so you’ll refuse to go, or maybe he wants you to go so you’ll make a fool of yourself and Tony will see you’re not useful. Too many mind-games already, you don’t have the patience for this shit, so you go with an insult instead.  “If I’m Rainbow fucking Brite then that makes you Twink.  Dink!”
“Well, he does epitomise my sparkling personality.”  Sardonic, deadpan.  It’s classic brooding Barnes and you’re almost proud that he got an 80’s pop culture reference.  Almost.
“And they did rename him Mr fucking Glitters back in 2014.”  You pout, adopting his stance, arms crossed.
“Perfect!”  Tony pops m&ms into his mouth, turning away dismissively.  “Rainbow Brite and Mr Glitters it is.  Head to the carpool, there’s a vehicle waiting for you both.”
There was no getting away from this mission.  You’d grumbled, griped, whined, and begged Tony to send you with anyone but Broody Barnes but the Iron Man was true to his alter ego, he did not budge.
You are about to take a few pot shots at him in the insults department when Barnes’s voice comes over the earpiece you have already been fitted with.
“Earth to disco ball. Get in the damn car already.”
“It’s disco diva to you, giant cocksicle.”
He laughs at that and is still grinning when you slide into the passenger seat beside him.
“You’ve got some mouth on you, kid.”  Was that acceptance?  Admiration? Whatever it was it looked good on him.
“Yeah, you know you want my mouth.”  It sounded better in your head but now that it’s out it can’t be taken back.  Barnes looks a little frowny but at least he’s got nothing to say so you can quietly die in peace.
Can someone cringe so much they die?  You might find out.
The mission is surveillance.  Low-key observations of a facility out in Nova Scotia that makes products for iGoddess, a beauty company owned and run by Gabrielle Porter, the niece of one Alexander Pearce, crime syndicate king-pin and scumbag extraordinaire.
You know the company; you buy their stuff.  Well, you do now you can afford it and it’s not wasted under the scent of cat urine and bleach.  How can a company so devoted to making women feel special and empowered be mixed up with drugs, weapons and human trafficking?  Fucking bullshit, that’s what it is.
Bucky had ditched the car in the parking lot of a lake-side leisure and visitors centre about fifteen miles away, and with gaudy waterproof outerwear over your tac gear, you had begun the hike that would set you smack-bang in the middle of nowhere good.  Posing as hikers had been Tony’s brief but you’re cold and bored, and your body aches from being on the solid ground.
You’re both lay just behind the crest of a hill a little way away from your target building.  Bucky mutters his observations into his comms as you look through your own binoculars trying to see what he’s looking at.  He’s talking guard numbers and movements, the weapons they carry, security features and people entering or leaving the facility. It’s no use, you’re not cut out for this.  Surveillance is soul destroying.  You’d rather be interred in Tony’s kitchen, at least there’s coffee there.
Not even an hour in and you’re itching to get up and move around.  The hike had gotten your blood pumping but now you’re going stir-crazy, joints tingling with the need for motion.
Boring.  Boring.  But at least you can entertain yourself.  Where there’s light there’s beauty and you tease the air through your gloves, finding that your skin doesn’t need to be bare for you to create the effect.  Well whadd’ya know.
“There’s movement.” Bucky warns.  “Looks like some of the guards are exiting the compound.”
You snort, they’re probably bored too.
“A Jeep and a couple of motorbikes, moving quickly.”
“Sounds like they’re going home.”  You mumble, focused on the lights in your hand.
“They’re headed this way.” He curses.  “Grab your- What the HELL are you doing?”
Bucky tackles you to the ground from where you were on your knees almost at the hill’s crest.
“Asshole!”  You’re trying to get away from him but he pins you to the ground.
“I’m the asshole?” He complains as he rolls off you, sliding down the hill on his ass, shoving his gear unceremoniously into his backpack. “Mission compromised.”
“What happened?” Tony’s disembodied voice doesn’t sound happy.
“We were spotted.”  At the bottom of the hill, Bucky starts picking a path through the rocks and small fissures hidden by the wild grass and heathers. A quick glance back tells him you’re not following; you’re caught.
“Uh, hi, guys.”  You chuckle nervously as one of the guards levels an assault rifle at you.  “Would you believe we’re winners of a free weekend iGoddess Spa?”
Bucky is livid.  If it had just been him, he could have taken them out and escaped, but, no.  Tony had to insist that he bring you, show you the ropes, look after you.  Babysit you.
He snorts.  You don’t need a minder you need to be put in a padded room where you can’t inflict any more of your weird bullshit on him. Fucking rainbows.  What kind of skill is that, other than one that gets you caught?
Eight hours ago you were both doing great.  There’d been some small-talk in the car, he’d opened up a little and you’d responded. Even on the hike over you’d been great, your filthy mouth was a source of much amusement for him, and you’d listened. His instructions were followed close enough to the letter, and he was happy.  Everything was good.
Now it’s all fallen to shit and he’s locked up in a heavy-duty restraint chair that brings back memories of dark places and dark times for him.  To his side, you’re slumped forward in a regular wooden chair, cable-ties binding your wrists and ankles to the wood, pulling at your skin, making your hands and feet turn blue.  How the hell are you both supposed to get out of this?
He’s watching the movements of your chest that tell him you’re still breathing.  The cut on your head has stopped bleeding but you’re drooling blood-tainted saliva down your grey rash-guard.  Both of you had been stripped down to your undergarments and checked for hidden weapons.  He was the first to be incapacitated as they’d used you as leverage, holding a gun to your head until he complied, stripped, and submitted to the chair. When they’d took away your gear you’d fought and Bucky had seen red; he’d strained against the chair until the butt of a gun to the head had put a stop to that.  When he came to you were out cold, beaten and bloody.  How hard had you fought?
Your feet and hands are turning purple now.  The weight of your body pulling the restraints against your skin is making the plastic ties dig deep, cutting off the circulation.
“Y/n?”  Bucky hisses, hoping the noise doesn’t prompt the guards to come back.  “Y/n! Wake up!”
The room you’re in looks like an interview room.  Two-way mirror, camera in the corner, reinforced door with heavy-duty locks that were strangely not engaged.  It’s grey and cold, and the only things in the room are the two chairs and you two. The device Bucky is locked into is bolted into the floor; a permanent feature, like they expected him or maybe Steve. He tests the chair again.  It creaks but doesn’t give.  He’d have to really put some brute strength into it to break out, and that would create too much noise.  He’d wait.
“Y/n!”  A little louder now, and you stir.
He keeps talking to you, just bullshit words, what he wants for dinner, what film he’s going to watch when he’s home safe.  Anything to help draw you back to consciousness.
“You wana watch a film with me, y/n?”  He thought for sure you’d tell him to go fuck himself.
You moan, head lolling as you come back to him.
“Hey!  Rainbow Brite!”
“Fuck you.”  It’s a whisper but he’ll take it.
“There she is.”  He allows himself a relieved smile.  “C’mon, sweetheart.  I need you to sit up for me.  Take the weight off those ties before there’s any permanent damage.”
It takes a few more moments before you can shuffle yourself properly into the chair, then you’re flexing your hands and feet to get the blood moving again.
“Oh-god-it-hurts-so-fucking-bad!”  You are practically wailing as the pins and needles sensation in your extremities reaches a peak.  The slightest movement now sends a cacophony of intense pain into your limbs.
“It’ll be over soon.” Bucky sooths.
“Why are you being nice to me after I got us caught?”  You eye him suspiciously, flapping your hands to rush the blood into your fingers.  Rip the band aid off.  “Is this some kind of prank?  Ohhhhhhh!  This is an initiation isn’t it?  Oh, I see. Where’s Iron Doosh?  Hey!  Tony!”
“Would you shut up?  This is real.  We’re really captured.”  Bucky hisses.
“Tony Stank, Skank, Spah-hank.”  You sing-song as you struggle against your restraints, examining your bound feet through spread knees.  “I hope this is one of the chairs from his good dining set.”  You stand, leaning forward and centring your weight above your bent knees.
“What are you doing?”
“Just need to…”  You shuffle over to the mirror.
“No, y/n, wait!” Bucky begs.  “Don’t break the glass.”  His frantic expression says the rest.  Your feet are bare and you’ll shred yourself to ribbons.
“What?  You’re crazy.  Why would I do that?”  You chuckle, amused that he’s so worried.  “There’s no one in there.”  You wink at him.  “They’d be in here by now if there were.”
You shuffle a bit more and grunt as you throw yourself backward to the ground.  The chair cracks but doesn’t break.
“Fuck!”  You struggle some more, grunting and groaning like a butch female tennis player in a grand slam.  One of the arms loosens and you fight against the wood until you get your left hand free, then you’re reaching into your hair for a bobby pin to jam into the clasp of the cable tie on your right arm.
Moments later, you’re free and rushing to Bucky who is fighting against his own restraints. There’s sweat beading on his bare chest and his hair is sticking to his forehead.  A quick swipe of your hand clears his brow and he stills, watching you as you search the chair for whatever mechanism has him trapped.
“There’s a big red lever at the back.”  You muse. “You think it’s an ejector seat?” A cheeky wink.  “If I sit in your lap we can both go for a ride.”  You don’t have time for giggling and flirtation, but you do it anyway.
“Y/n.”  Bucky chastises lightly.
“What?  This is every girl’s wet dream.  Every, damn, girl.”  You mumble as you grip the handle.  “And I can’t even enjoy it.”
“Just pull the damn thing already.  We don’t have time to mess around.”
“Pity.”  You tug the lever and a loud hiss fills the room, pressure releasing from the chair.
Bucky is on his feet and at the door before you make three steps.  He’s rubbing his right forearm where the metal clamps had bitten into his flesh, there’s blood there too, long ago dried.
“There’s movement out there.”  He has his ear to the door.  “I need a weapon, we need our gear, and we need a vehicle.”
“I need some chocolate and bottle of wine.”
“Are we not making a shopping list?”
Bucky rolls his eyes and grabs your wrist.  “C’mon.”
With the door cracked open, Bucky can see movement at the end of the corridor; there’s a security room which is promising for retrieving your gear, but not if you want to avoid being seen.
“Stay behind me.”  He pushes you towards his back.
You look down at his bum. “No problem.”  You sigh and then you’re moving, your hand on his bare back so you can feel where he’s moving next.
Bucky suddenly shoves you down into a squat, shushing you with a finger held against his lips.  The way he moves is like water, smooth and forceful, carrying the momentum of his body towards a lone guard who has paused at the corner by the security room.  How he hasn’t seen you is a miracle but the man doesn’t even hear Bucky until the his own knife is slipped from its sheath and into the his temple. There’s no sound, no gurgling, not even much blood.  Bucky lowers the body to the floor and cleans the knife on the pants of the dead man.
Looking at him now, you can see why people fear him.  His expression is cold, calculating, and focused.  It’s necessary, the distance he puts between himself and the act of killing.  Even when Bucky was him, there was always a distance; a gap between him and his orders.  Now the killing is his choice and he has to live with that, there’s no excuse of mind control now.  This is all him.
The security room has one guard inside who is overpowered moments after Bucky opens the door.
Fucking amateurs, you think.  Does that room not have cameras that cover the door and surrounding corridors?
Turns out that it does and the reason the guard hadn’t seen you was because he was sexting his girlfriend.
“Yeah.  Like sex role play and talking dirty over text.”  You snort.  “Jeez, you’re old.”
“What can I say? You’re broadening my horizons.” He winks then and it’s so out of place in this grim situation that you laugh nervously.  “Sounds fun.”
“Well don’t take tips from this guy.”  You wave his phone in the air loosely.  “He’s fucking terrible at it.”
“What’s bad about it?”
You’re not sure if he means to ask that, he’s busy trying to get outside communication through the phones which seem to be keycode protected and also checking through the security feeds to see if he can find your gear and a way out of this for you both; he’s clearly distracted.  At least he’s happy now that he has a pair of handguns and a pair of knives, no weapons for you because you haven’t completed your firearms training yet.  But let’s face it, who would arm you anyway?  You were a disaster waiting to happen.
“He’s a bit of a wham-bam-thankyou-ma’am kinda guy.”  You chuckle. Bucky is going to regret starting you off down this line of conversation.  “His poor woman has probably never experienced even mediocre sex with this schmuck if his sext skills are anything to go by.”
“Too eager to bury the bone?”  Bucky sounds distant, but he is listening to you as he checks drawers for weapons, keys and anything else that might be useful.  God knows your gear was nowhere to be found.
“Check it.”  You hop up on the desk near him and scroll through the laughable chat.  You feel slightly guilty reading this guy’s private shit but he’s dead so he isn’t going to care.  Reading from the chat, you do fake voices.  “So she’s like ‘hey baby, you free tonight?  I got something for you.’ Peach emoji, cat emoji.  And he’s like ‘you off your period? Can we bang?’  I mean, what the fuck dude?”
Bucky is smirking when you look at him.  “What did she say?”  He straps both thigh holsters to his almost naked body.  It’s comical how he’s gearing up from salvaged stuff wearing only a pair of skin-tight spandex shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. Once Bucky is packing (in more ways than one, now) you have to force your eyes elsewhere.
“’Yeah, baby! I missed you so bad.  Can’t wait to be in your arms again.’  She just wants lovin’ y’know?”  You spoke the line in a soft, breathy voice.  Fake, of course.
“And what did he say?” Bucky is checking the monitors one last time before he moves to the door.
“You like a bit of sexting? Huh, Barnes?”  You smirk, eying him mischievously.  “Living vicariously through the sexting chronicles of Captain Dick-Down over there?”
“Just looking to know what not to do if the opportunity for sexting ever arises.”  It’s light-hearted and completely unlike the grumpy Bucky you’re used to.  Maybe there was something in the air; sex pollen or something.  That’s totally a thing.  “C’mon.”  He says after a moment, eyes twinkling with mirth, soft lips pulling up to the side in a cute smile.  “Let’s get the hell out of here.”
It’s comedy gold, the pair of you running the halls of an apparently secret part of the factory, him in his tight little shorts and you in your panties and spandex t-shirt over a sports bra that makes your rack look like a uni-boob.  You awkwardly tug your rash-guard down over your ass whenever Bucky is behind you and you’re thankful you didn’t wear a thong though that would be better than skid marks.  God, you hoped you’d not shat yourself when they beat you.
You barely encounter anyone until you’re almost at the warehouse; Bucky is so stealthy that even with you hindering him, he only has to subdue one foreman and drag you into a cleaning supply closet once, to avoid a pair of patrolling guards.  Not that you’re complaining, being squashed up against an almost naked super soldier gave you endless thrills, even if he was all stiff and awkward about it.
Bucky stalls before the double doors that lead to the warehouse.  There’s a heavy plastic strip curtain over the exit too, it’s almost opaque with age and hinders your view of what is beyond the meshed safety-glass of the door’s small windows.
“They know we’re coming.” He whispers to you, mere inches away. “There’s a lot of them out there and I can’t keep you safe if you disobey orders.  So, please,” he begs, “please do as I tell you.”
He begs so sweetly, you think, blushing.  But you’re not one for passing an opportunity for inappropriate comments.
“I’ll be a good girl, Daddy.”  You bat your eyelashes, feigning innocent.  “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
“Really?”  Bucky doesn’t know whether to blush or be annoyed. You never seem to take anything seriously; it’s always a joke, or something you can twist to your amusement. He gets doubly serious.  “If you die, it’s on me.  You think I haven’t lost enough people over the course of my very long life?  You think I want to wash your blood off my skin later tonight?  Bury you alongside all the other people lost to some fight or other in the name of SHIELD or the Avengers?  I can’t save you if you don’t want to be saved.”
You watch him as he fervently tries to convey the dire nature of your situation, desperate to make you understand that he doesn’t want you to die here, he cares.  His eyes are piercing and your heart is a ricocheting bullet in your chest.  What if you don’t make it out ok?  What if this is it for you?  Both of you? Suddenly, you’re acutely aware that Bucky Barnes, Winter Soldier, Fist of HYDRA come Fist of Victory, has cleared himself a little spot in your fucked-up soul, and is there to stay. You don’t want him to get killed because of you, but there’s nothing you can do, you’re not trained for this, or at all really.
You nod once, not trusting your voice in that moment.  You could choke on your words or you could vomit all over yourself.  It’s a lottery, so you say nothing.
“Good girl.”  He gives your shoulders a reassuring squeeze. “Stay behind me.  Be quick, keep low, don’t hesitate, and for Christ’s sake no disco ball.”  There’s a small smile tempting the corners of his lips, like he’s saying he forgives you for getting you both into this mess.  “Ok, sweetheart, lets go.”
Out in the warehouse there’s a whole host of guards and workers, patrolling and overseeing shipments being loaded into lorries.  It look like it’s important, and probably why the majority of the facility is clear of security staff; the merchandise is being moved.
It’s a mad dash, crouching low as you ghost around the edge of the warehouse.  The huge rows of stacks are packed full of boxes and crates, further obscuring your movement around the area.  Bucky is silent, especially since he’s barefoot; he’s every bit the assassin he’s hyped to be, but you can’t take him seriously padding around almost naked with the top of his crack showing and his junk all jiggly in the front.
A radio crackles to life. Three personel down.  Prisoners have escaped.  Cameras last caught them headed your way.  
They must have found the bodies.
“They’re in here somewhere.” A man says, loud and authoritative. “Search the rows, shoot to kill. They’re not low-life mob goons, they’re Avengers and can’t be allowed to live.”
Well that settles that, you think, gone are the chances of mere bodily harm.  It’s death or death.
You watch in awe as Bucky scales a nearby stack to stalk one of the patrolling guards.  When his opportunity arises he yanks the man up by the throat, snapping his neck in the process.  You can’t help but admire that metal arm, so sleek and powerful.  You groan, light and lusty, earning you a concerned look from the owner of said appendage.
Killing that guard has yielded an assault rifle, another knife and another handgun.  You’d think Bucky would be too smart to arm you but apparently he’s not.  Silently he points to his eye and then to the gun where he shows you how to turn off the safety, puts the gun in your hand and moves behind you to adjust your grip. He aims for you, pressing his chest against your back and you swear you can feel his junk against your ass.  Once he’s satisfied that you aren’t going to injure yourself, he’s gone from behind you, crouching low at the end of the row.
He grabs another guard and drags him backward.  The struggle is louder than he would have liked, and the man got out a partial shout before his throat was closed forever but Bucky is hopeful that he can thin the numbers down enough to make it possible to get you into a truck and away safely.
Bucky shoves the newest body under the nearest stack and beckons you to him.  You both move like a two-carriage train, he’s the engine and you’re the caboose following in his wake.  He only leaves you to commit murder but you feel lost when he’s gone, cold even.  There’s something alluring about the way he uses his body and your mind drifts to other carnal things.
A hand on your shoulder makes you jump.  There’s more of a commotion going on in the warehouse now, not just the sounds of men moving goods and silently searching for two prisoners.  There are massive amounts of footfall, boots hitting the concrete at speed; bringing in reinforcements from outside.
Bucky is about to whisper in your ear when the squeal of a megaphone pierces the air; he stills with his lips almost touching your skin before pulling back with a frown.
“Sergeant Barnes?” Bucky knows that voice, he’d heard it for years, worked with it, even obeyed it on occasion.  “Save the girl.  Turn yourself in.”
You shake your head, panicked, urgent.  Don’t leave me, your eyes are saying.
A noise nearby draws Bucky’s attention and he suddenly forces you to the ground under a stack where he slots himself immediately after; the security team are searching for you, stealthily stalking the rows.  It’s cramped and dusty, the bottom shelf above you so close you can barely breathe without your back brushing the metal supports.  How Bucky fits is beyond you, the man is a beefcake, all bulk and magnificently defined muscle.  Thinking of him naked is the only thing that keeps you from succumbing to claustrophobia. Something brushes your hand and you jolt, eyes snapping to meet his.  He grasps your hand properly and gives it a reassuring squeeze.  In your chest, something gives.  Maybe your permafrost heart is thawing, maybe you’re about to have a stroke, maybe you really like him.
When the coast is clear, Bucky pulls you free and you emerge into a different row, one with fewer boxes, one you’ll likely be spotted in.  You can just see the massive doorway of the warehouse, double sliding doors like a hangar, several half loaded trucks and maybe forty men with body armour and guns.  One guy in the middle is wearing a full-face helmet with a white skull etched across the features.
“Holy shit!  Is that Punisher?”  You hiss before Bucky can clamp his hand over your mouth, the warning look on his face is stern as he leans in to you.
“Crossbones.”  He corrects you, barely audible despite the proximity.  You still don’t know who that is but he’s totally not as cool as the Punisher, so it doesn’t matter.
His hand is still over your mouth but there’s no point in struggling, you couldn’t break free of him even if you tried, so you push your tongue out and squirm it against his palm, making him recoil in disgust.  Your chuckle is silent and his frown turns to the ghost of a wry smile before his attention is fully back on the man he calls Crossbones.
Bucky is taciturn at the best of times but he’s in full diagnostic mode now, assessing the situation. His eyes flicker around the warehouse from yet another new position.  It seems like he’s trying to get you closer to the trucks but you suspect that’s what Crossbones expects.  There are more men closer to the trucks too and Bucky has already had to kill another two in the latest relocation.  The missing men haven’t gone unnoticed and Crossbones is issuing orders, plugging the gaps so you can’t escape.
“I will find you Barnes.” Crossbone’s voice sounds wet through the megaphone, like he’s salivating with excitement at the prospect of getting his hands on you both again.  “If you turn yourself in, maybe I’ll let the girl live.”
Bucky’s eyes are downcast, like he’s actually considering it, but the moment passes and Bucky’s resolve hardens.  He drags you away towards the end of the row.
“The end of this row has a direct line of sight to the exit.  I need a distraction.  Can you do that for me?”  He whispers.
You nod, lips set in determination.  “One disco ball distraction coming right up.”
“On my mark.”
The fluorescent strip lights overhead create more than enough light for you to use.  With your right hand flat against Bucky’s left shoulder blade and your left manipulating the air to create a huge show of dancing lights, you move in tandem.  Bucky steps out of hiding, keeping you just behind him with his metal arm, he surges forward squeezing off four shots.  The way his arm snaps to aim so quickly is astounding, like he has a targeting chip implanted in his brain.  Who knows, maybe he does.  Four men fall and remain still.  Another three shots, then another two and he’s pulling you into another row at a crouching run to the opposite end as he discards the empty gun and pulls out another. He’s saving the assault rifle for Crossbones.
“Again.”  He instructs gruffly.  “Can you get their eyes?”
“It’s not an exact science this, you know?”  You huff and he seems to know that you’re saying you’ll try your best.  Of course you’d try, but you don’t know much about your power, even after the few months you’d been training with the team.  If it meant you both got out of this alive, you’d flash your tits at the enemy for Christ’s sake.
You emerge again, him with the gun in his metal hand this time, stepping out with you at his back. This time they are ready for you and they start firing before Bucky gets off his first shots.  He makes a dash for a fork-lift with a huge pallet of crates sat at floor level.  He shoots his rounds in threes until the 9-round magazine is done.  The gun is discarded as you both slide behind the cover of the pallets.  Machine guns rattle, pummelling the crates with round after round.  Bucky prays the crates don’t contain munitions.
“I make fourteen down. Twenty-two left.”  His breathing smooth where your is ragged.  You curse yourself for being so unfit that even a tiny bit of stress and exertion leaves you heaving air like a couch potato made to climb stairs.  “Crossbones is a problem.”
“What do we do now?”
Bucky has two handguns, four knives and an assault rifle, you have one gun and your rainbows.  This isn’t going to go well, you think.
“You’re going to hide over there and watch the rear.”  He points to your left.
You smirk.  Now isn’t’ the time for joking.
“I’m going to thin the crowd some more and, if I can, take Crossbones out.”  He looks determined but ridiculous in his underpants, dusted with dirt and debris from the floor that’s stuck to the slightest bit of moisture on his skin.  “This might not work.  Run to the left, hide in the stacks again, stay down and don’t expose yourself.”
You nod and he readies himself to break cover.  The shooting has stopped now and it sounds like the guards are changing positions again. His muscles clench, coiling ready to spring.
“Wait!”  You stop him with a hand on his arm, the metal is unnervingly cool.  Tension builds.  “I wanna fuck you until you pass out.”
“Ummmm.”  Bucky blinks, eyebrows raised in surprise but he’s smiling.  “You’re serious?”
“Yeah, well, no, but, uhhhh.”  You splutter, this hadn’t gone well at all.  “I couldn’t let you go without telling you, you know, what Captain Dick Down said to his girl.  You asked, for future reference, and all.”
“Oh.  Right.”  He frowns, turning away again.  “Move when I do.”  He orders stiffly, preparing to move.
Well, shit!
“Bucky, wait.”  Your voice is softer this time, tears prickling your eyes.  There’s a chance that neither of you will make it through this and it’s suddenly hit you that there’s something missing.
“What now?”  He grumbles, turning to find you closer than he expected.
You surge forward, cupping his jaw in your hands as you capture his lips in a kiss that’s both urgent and needy.  You don’t care if he doesn’t respond, you need to feel this before it’s too late. All this tension between you, the jibes and snarky banter, it’s unresolved and sexual in nature.  You want him, and if this is all you can have then so be it.  One stolen moment before it all slips through your fingers, and you both go to your graves.
You’re already pulling back when he snaps back to attention, quickly pulling you back for another kiss. His tongue delicately touches between the seal of your lips and you sigh with longing.
“You ready?”  You pull away but he’s still clearing his head, trying to focus again.
On your feet you’re running out, pumping your legs as fast as you can, heading to the wrong place. Machine guns stutter to life and Bucky is on your heels a second later, fear contorting his features as he scoops you up in his metal arm and returns fire almost blindly.  He’s shielding your body with his own and yips like a wounded pup when the bullets find him.
On your knees beneath the curved shield of his back you see the enemy are far closer than you thought. Everything in you yelled stop and you felt the pressure rise through your body and out, cascading off you like a roiling storm.
The bullets stop but the guns are still firing, muffled by the thickness of the air.  Despite the pain in his lower back and hip, he turns to see what’s happening.  Bullets sluggishly pushing through the air like flies in syrup, all but stopped and slightly redirected on a path that will take them away from a central focal point that is you.  You’re doing this, shielding you both as if by some miracle, your power not only refracting the light causing rainbows but acting like a forcefield.
“As much as I have to break up this little party, I really can’t have you killing my friends.”  The voice of Tony Stark is heard a second before the Iron Man himself and several of his Iron Legion appear and shoot each and every remaining guard with a taser disc, stunning them into unconsciousness.
Crossbones is a different matter and is somehow resistant to the zapping he just got.  He levels a grenade launcher at the stacks near where you and Bucky are crouched and fires.  No air shield will save you from all of that falling metal, but Bucky is still fast despite his wounds.  There’s blood running down his leg in rivulets as he pulls you to safety, and shields you instinctively with his body once more while the sound of explosions and grinding metal fill the air.
“I did not know I could do that.”  You praise yourself.
“I still got shot.”
“It’s just a flesh wound.” You snort.  “Walk it off.”
“You’re a real ray of sunshine, you know that?”
“I must be something special if you took one in the ass for me.”  You wink.  “I hope it heals puckered, then you’ll have two rusty bullet holes.”
“STARK!”  He shouts but pulls you closer to him.  “Evac for one.  She’s walking hom-owwww!”  You pinch the skin on the inside of his thigh viciously enough that he shoves you out of his embrace.
You both stay close on the Quinjet home.  Bucky had been confused as to how Stark had known to mount a rescue mission but when you produced Captain Dick Down’s phone from your uni-boob bra it all became apparent. All of the comms in the facility had been locked down but that was a personal device, one that probably wasn’t allowed to be carried.  Good old Captain Dick Down.
The facility had been put to a far worse use than drugs and weapons trafficking.  iGoddess was a front for human trafficking and also human experimentation.  The restraint chair they had strapped Bucky into had been used to restrain test subjects; Alexander Pearce was trying to replicate the super serum that made Steve and Bucky what they were.
“So, this was a win for us.” Steve said in the debrief.  “Our intel was lacking but it worked out in the end.”
“Says you who didn’t get shot in the ass cheek.”  Bucky grumbled, shifting cautiously on the Mr Glitters cushion you’d given him as a joke.
“I got to see some wonderful scenery,” you grin brilliantly, “so I’m not complaining.”
There had been no further discussion about the kiss you and Bucky had shared when you thought you might die in that place, but that’s ok.  Your daily thrills are made up of making him squirm, and since you two had become closer since your ordeal, you have had several of moments like those.  There’s plenty of time and you’re prepared to play the long game, starting with your newest idea.  You pull out your phone and casually write a text while Steve is rambling on about seized research and assets.
[I’m so turned on right now].
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Bonus add-on for this work:  Captain Dick Down - External link to AO3
Because apparently 7k words wasn’t enough and I just had to try my hand at a little text chat/social media piece.  It’s more of an embellishment.  Enjoy
And if you liked this story, why not try Good Ole Stuffing, a smutty follow on for the same reader/character.
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kcwcommentary · 5 years
VLD8x03 – “The Prisoner’s Dilemma”
8x03 – “The Prisoner’s Dilemma”
One thing this episode has going for it is that it’s not difficult to follow the plot. There are so many episodes this season (last episode being one of them) that are incredibly convoluted and confusing. This episode is not one of them.
One of my biggest criticisms about this episode is that it doesn’t feel necessary. Given how much the confusing plot of this season could have benefited from the confusing episodes slowing down and telling the story more clearly, having okay but unnecessary episodes like this one contribute to the season as a whole being confusing. My second main criticism results mostly because of the episode’s title. I don’t think this episode properly depicts a prisoner’s dilemma story, and I would never have compared this episode to the prisoner’s dilemma if the episode had not been named that. It makes me question whether the writer of this episode, assuming he named the episode, actually understands the prisoner’s dilemma. My third main criticism is that Keith presents information about the Ranveig’s superweapon creature that he wouldn’t know based on what we saw of this creature and Keith’s involvement with it in 5x05 “Bloodlines.”
A Galra base detects “six hostile ships,” the five Lions and the Atlas, and almost instantly open fire on them. The Atlas takes out the Galra ground cannons. I guess the Rebels’ ships were being stored on the Atlas because, despite the initial Galra statement that there were “six hostile ships,” the Rebels are here, and Matt and two others dive down to the base. They somehow are able to shut down the base’s power. So, the Galra switch to using some weapons satellites. The show lampshades by having Hunk say, “How did we miss those?” This is the kind of lampshading that I less of a problem with because it’s relatively minor. The show also gives two layers of explanation for how they could have missed them: Allura says the satellites are cloaked and Pidge says that they wormholed past them. Voltron forms to deal with the satellites. I do not know why Voltron needed to use its giant wings upgrade to destroy the satellites; it makes the use of the wings less important when they’re used for what comparatively is a mundane, unemotional task like this.
There’s a montage of Garrison personnel detaining Galra, tending to some wounds, now that the Voltron Coalition controls the base. In command of the base is Lahn, previously seen as a lieutenant of the base in 6x01 “Omega Shield” that the Paladins worked to protect from radiation when the base’s shielding system is damaged. In that episode, Lahn initially turned against his base commander because the base commander recognized Lotor as the Emperor and the base commander worked with Voltron to repair the shield. Lahn got over himself when Hunk yelled at him in that episode. So now, Hunk greets Lahn, but Lahn is back to disliking Voltron. He now identifies, not with the rank of Lieutenant, but as a warlord. This episode doesn’t avoid acknowledging Hunk’s past interaction with Lahn, but I don’t get why Lahn is anti-Voltron now. The way “Omega Shield” ended, Lahn seemed to appreciate Voltron.
Lahn says, “Sendak only attacked the Omega Shield after we pledged loyalty to Voltron.” Uh, no he didn’t. Sendak attacked because they pledged loyalty to Lotor, not because they pledged loyalty to Voltron. I can understand the three-year absence of Voltron could lead to Lahn becoming a warlord, but it feels regressive that he’d be so instantly antagonistic toward Voltron now. It’s like the development of “Omega Shield” is, while acknowledged in this episode, also kind of being ignored by this episode.
Shiro says that they’re there to ask him “to join the Voltron Coalition, to help provide stability to the universe.” Unless I’m misremembering, this is the first time (aside from working with Lotor) that the Voltron Coalition has actively solicited Galra membership in the Coalition. I like that idea a lot because it suggests and symbolizes a new stage of development in the Coalition. Who would have thought back at 3x01 “Changing of the Guard” when building the Voltron Coalition became a major element of the protagonists’ goals that they would eventually be trying to talk Galra into joining?
Lahn asks, “What’s the alternative?” and Shiro replies, “If you want peace, if you want to end this war, there can be no alternative.” Is this supposed to be where the episode’s title is relevant? Is this supposed to be the decision that Lahn, as the titular prisoner, is faced with making? The prisoner’s dilemma is a game theory thought experiment about cooperation, but it’s about two prisoners and whether they’ll cooperate with one another to remain silent, whether one will defect to turn on the other, or whether they both will defect out of thinking the other will defect. The prisoner’s dilemma says that while the most beneficial option is if both prisoners cooperate with each other and remain silent, because both will know the other is offered a benefit to defect and speak against the other, that each will most likely speak out against the other to blunt the effect of the other speaking out against them. So, Lahn is a prisoner here being offered a deal, and he’s debating whether he should take it or not, but who’s the other prisoner the existence of which creates the dilemma? It’s a very specific episode title, and the episode doesn’t really match that specificity.
Keith tries to say that despite “victory or death” being the Galra tradition, that things can be different. Lahn yells, “What do you know of the Galra?” Keith states his being part-Galra and being a Blade of Marmora. Lahn does not have a high opinion of the Blades, calling them “mutinous.” Lahn tried to commit mutiny against his base commander and against Emperor Lotor in “Omega Shield.” Lahn really is hypocritical, applying his traditionalism only when it’s convenient; his supposed preference for Galra tradition was something he rejected in his argument with his base commander, while his base commander cited Galra tradition as proving Lotor’s legitimacy. Of course, here, Lahn expresses racist negative opinions of anyone who’s only part-Galra.
The base receives an odd, repeating communication, which Lahn identifies as a distress beacon from a Galra sentry. Pidge has trouble processing the communication to learn the location it was sent from because apparently Team Voltron used EMPs during their attack, but their usage was never actually shown as part of the attack sequence earlier, so this narratively comes out of nowhere. She does eventually identify the communication source as a Galra cruiser. Lahn identifies the ship as one of several he sent on an assignment sometime prior.
The story feels a bit contrived in removing the Atlas from the upcoming action by having Shiro say it will take them hours still to process all the Galra. So, Voltron alone is going. Lahn reacts incredulously by saying, “Voltron is going to save the Galra?” They literally saved him in “Omega Shield,” so it makes no sense that he would think it absurd that Voltron would save Galra.
Keith takes Lahn with them. Lahn tells them that the ship was “out gathering munitions.” Allura’s reaction is odd, she asks him, “Were they buying them or stealing them?” They’re the Galra, why would she think they were stealing weapons from someone else? For that matter, why would she think they were buying them? The Galra produce their own weapons. Just because the Galra Empire is fractured does not mean that their production facilities have all ceased functioning. Her comment makes no sense. Lahn says, “If you must know, they were salvaging them from an abandoned Galra base.”
They arrive at the cruiser, the one is intact, the others that had been part of the same mission are mostly debris. Keith and Lahn teleport into the cruiser with Cosmo and open an airlock so the other Paladins can jetpack in. Artificial gravity is off. Keith assigns tasks to everyone, and Lahn grumps about being given orders. Hunk and Lance and Keith are looking for survivors in different parts of the ship, while Allura, Pidge, and Lahn are to examine the ship’s security logs to try to figure out what happened to the ship.
Given the problems this series has with its story across its seasons, this really is comparatively minor, but I noticed it and it personally gets to me, so I’m going to talk about it. Allura, Pidge, and Lahn are on the bridge, looking at records. Lahn uses jetpack-like thrusters in his boots to ascend to look out a high window. When he gets to what position he wants to be in, his boot thrusters turn off, and he stops ascending. But they’re in (very near) zero gravity right now. There is no counter force to stop his movement. His boot thrusters just turn off, there is no counter thrust to null his inertia. So, he should keep moving upward instead of becoming stationary. This is a show set in space, so I’m going to often pay attention to how accurate a show depicts physics. This show was inaccurate in this depiction. Again, I totally recognize this as comparatively minor. If my problems with this series was limited to stuff like this, then this show would have been amazing. But I can’t help that I do still notice errors like this.
Lahn says, “Everything I’ve spent years fighting for taken away in an instant!” What instant is he referencing? The Galra Empire didn’t fracture into a civil war “in an instant.” It happened over time. Allura tries to sympathize with Lahn by talking about how she lost her planet and her family; from her perspective, she did lose them in an instant because they were in a state of existence, then she was knocked unconscious, then when she regained consciousness they were gone and it was 10,000 years later. So, in an instant for her, yes, for him, no. Lahn ridiculously (as in I think the director’s decision to have him react this way is ridiculous) suddenly erupts in anger, “You’ve never had to earn power, it’s always been given to you.” Not true, of course; Allura has totally had to struggle to put together a force capable of pushing back against the Galra (not that I necessarily expect Lahn to know this). “You’re looking for something you once had,” uh, Lahn literally just a few seconds ago said he was too. “Security, peace, happiness. Those things have never been part of a Galra soldier’s life.” His rant suggests that he wants those things despite his seeming to also condemn those things. It’s spastic and weird. Allura says that there is a way other than through force to get something one can call one’s own. The show heavy-handedly has a shadow pass from over Lahn’s face as she says this to him.
Again, is this supposed to be the prisoner’s dilemma he’s supposedly in? But also again, the prisoner’s dilemma requires a second prisoner that he would have to be considering acting against. Is the Galra Empire as a whole supposed to somehow be the other prisoner? The concept of the prisoner’s dilemma is that it actually would be best for both prisoners if they cooperated with each other and neither of them accepted the offer from the people imprisoning them. If Lahn is one prisoner and the Galra Empire as a whole is serving as the other prisoner, then is the show actually trying to say that Lahn would be better off not accepting the Voltron Coalition’s offer? I really cannot think that the show is intending to say that, but since they, through the episode’s title, is applying the prisoner’s dilemma to this story they are effectively saying so, that is if the Galra Empire is supposed to be functioning as the other prisoner. Also, part of what makes it a dilemma for the two prisoners is that they think the other prisoner will turn against them out of self-interest, but the Galra Empire, if it’s supposed to function as the other prisoner, is not capable of accepting an offer identical to what is being offered to Lahn. The Empire cannot join with the Coalition against Lahn. So, that’s a huge part of the premise of the prisoner’s dilemma that just does not make it applicable to Lahn’s situation.
Pidge does her thing and determines from its shadow the shape of a creature that seems to have attacked a guard in a security video. Lance and Hunk then discover that creature draining energy from the ship’s energy crystal, the process of doing so causes the creature’s shape to alter. Somehow the creature hears the radio communications from Pidge and Allura coming through Hunk and Lance’s helmets. The audio is played as if their communication is being broadcast externally into the room, but it should only be in their helmet, so the creature hearing it feels contrived. Also, everyone having helmets on suggests that there is no air in the ship, so sound wouldn’t carry whatsoever, so the creature shouldn’t have been able to hear the communication. It seemingly attacks Lance and Hunk but is revealed to have only run past them.
The creature uses the ship’s still active security system to see Keith and Cosmo on a camera. A Galra sentry seemingly asks Keith, “Who are you?” Keith identifies himself, and the sentry seems to ask, “Where are the rest of the Galra,” and Keith states which planet they’re on. Then it’s revealed that it was the creature technologically manipulating the sentry to be able to ask its questions of Keith. It then attacks. The creature, like too many on this show, has an energy blast from its mouth.
Pidge says, “Keith and I were in communication just before we got disconnected.” That is such a tautology, and I have to imagine that writing it to be a tautology was unintentional.
The ship starts moving, heading toward the Galra base. Keith arrives on the bridge to join the rest of the Paladins and Lahn. Lahn confirms that this ship was sent to get supplies from Ranveig’s base, which we last saw in 5x05 “Bloodlines,” in which this creature was revealed as Ranveig’s rumored superweapon. Keith says that the creature was created “to destroy Galra and only Galra.” Keith continues, “Ranveig found the creature in the quantum abyss and experimented on it with Lotor’s quintessence. He trained it to take out his Galra enemies, but he couldn’t control it. The beast couldn’t differentiate between adversaries and allies.” There is nothing in “Bloodlines” about the creature being created to destroy only Galra, nothing about the creature being found in the quantum abyss, nothing about Ranveig being unable to control the creature. “Bloodlines” has Kolivan say, “We’re not sure of the weapon’s specs,” and that episode doesn’t even reveal that the weapon is a creature until the very end when Krolia uses it to kill the Galra commander who attacked the base. What Keith is saying now in this episode sounds like he’s supposed to have gotten this information from “Bloodlines,” but there’s nothing in “Bloodlines” to suggest he did. Keith isn’t even shown in “Bloodlines” to explicitly learn that the weapon was a creature. So, the new details about the creature in Keith’s exposition in this episode and his even having that information is a retcon.
I really don’t like the idea that the creature was created to only kill Galra. I think it would have been more interesting if the actions of the creature in this episode came from the creature trying to avenge itself against the Galra for the suffering that they subjected it to. It’s been shown in this episode to be able to manipulate computer systems, so it is clearly intelligent. It would have been nice to have seen the Paladins sympathizing with this abused, intelligent creature rather than blowing it up.
Keith claims fault for what’s happening now, but I don’t understand how he could feel fault for this. He did not release this creature, his mother did. Again, he never knew what the weapon was during that episode, and he had no idea that Krolia planned to release the weapon on the Galra as part of an escape plan. This is absolutely contrived in order to create justification for Lahn’s distrust of the Paladins. Lahn now says, “It’s what you’ve wanted from the beginning: something to get rid of the Galra for you.”
Keith wants to use the self-destruct of the ship to kill the creature. The creature shows up on the bridge and attacks. The group tries to make it through a door, but get separated, Keith and Lahn on the side with the creature, everyone else safely through. The creature tries to mouth-blast Lahn, and Keith knocks him aside and shields the blast. The creature comes again for Lahn, who screams, “Victory or death,” but Keith uses his bayard to create a large rifle cannon and shoots the creature. The creature touches a wall and melts the wall away, which is not an ability it has ever been shown to have. The spot in the wall that the creature is at when it melts through does not match with the spot it’s shown to have melted through after it’s done so. This spot afterward is in holographic display, yet the display keeps functioning; something is wrong with the animation there.
Keith asks Lahn, “Do you trust me yet?” and then blasts through the door to get out. The creature comes at them again, Keith blasts a hole in the side of the ship so that they can be blown out into space. The ship explodes. The Lions come for their respective Paladins.
Back at the base, Lahn gives a big speech to a bunch of Galra about how they’re needed to try to create stability, about how Voltron has twice helped him out.
I know that Axca came to Earth at the very end of last season, so it would make sense that she hooked up with Voltron and the Atlas after that. But it feels weird to have her just randomly standing in a group shot listening to Lahn. Also, it’s weird that she came seemingly unexpectedly to Keith’s father’s grave, but we haven’t gotten any conversation between them about her doing so.
Pidge later informs the group that information she gained from the Galra cruiser suggests there’s another mecha from Honerva, and Allura again suggests to Shiro that they need to adjust their mission to account for knowing Honerva is out there. Shiro’s obstinance does not match his character whatsoever. He says, “Thousands of innocent souls are waiting to be liberated from what remains of the Galra Empire, we can’t just change course.” Of everyone, Shiro in the past has seemed the most willing to modify the group’s plans to accommodate new information. But I guess that can be handwaved by saying that wasn’t the real Shiro but the clone. Keith suggests that the group split up, that Shiro and the Atlas continue doing what they’re doing, while Voltron goes and looks for information about Honerva. This is totally contrived to keep Atlas from being able to help Voltron.
Then Keith infamously says, “Voltron is stronger now, more than ever.” And it’s an absolute insult to those who’re offended by the show’s unceremoniously booting Shiro out of the position of Black Paladin so that Keith can have the spot and the resulting revised Paladin roster.
The episode ends at the pyramid on Oriande. Honerva creates a wormhole with the pyramid and one of her mechas goes through it.
So, unlike many episodes this season, this one is not a disaster. It’s not a great episode either. It’s just okay. I still think that titling it “The Prisoner’s Dilemma” creates a lot of problems since using that title invites analyzing the episode compared to the elements of the prisoner’s dilemma concept. This episode does not successfully represent that concept. I personally find it annoying that Lahn is back to disliking Voltron despite their previously having saved his life, his base, and all the Galra stationed on that base. I find it annoying that Keith has a lot of information that he’s never shown receiving about the creature. I find it annoying that the episode is separating Voltron and the Atlas because doing so totally feels contrived. These criticisms are small compared to the major criticisms I have about the much of the rest of the season, so that results in this episode not being bad, but again, just okay.
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vanessaforest · 3 years
Trying to get innovation and increasing the return on investment? Get top-level Salesforce implementation services for every type of business.
Salesforce Implementation Services - Expand Your Possibilities with Ergonized
Salesforce is the most innovatory and complex cloud-based CRM platform in the digital industry. And this will not change currently, as it introduces several improvements a year. That's why you need skilled professionals that are familiar with the newest software.
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Whereas every organization has individual requirements and processes, the timing for implementing Salesforce differ. There are no several analogous Salesforce realizations. This may take up to 30 to 300 hours of work for a few weeks or months. You can get to know how fast to implement in your organization by requesting advice from Ergonized consultants.
Ergonized can reinvent the marketing approach to your users, build a better brand experience. Be it's B2B or B2C, our specialists use top intelligent marketing platforms and approaches to model the source of data, assess the effectiveness of any campaign, and customize each channel. Our services include retrieval of data from various sources, data cleansing for consistency, eliminating duplicate copies of repeating data, calibration of information entry, and import data into CRM.
We come in useful to the implementation:
Sales Cloud
To attract leads, terminate deals quickly, speed up sales, and make better personnel efficiency.
Service Cloud
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Financial Services Cloud
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Community Cloud
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Non-profit organizations (NPSP)
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After building a customized solution based on Salesforce in a development environment and checking it by QA professionals, it is migrated to the User Acceptance Testing environment. That’s where delegates of the client company will examine the effectiveness of the solution to guarantee that it functions as intended. At this stage, our team finds and settles bugs before launch so that the whole solution works accurately at the time of deployment.
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Through our deep understanding of marketing, finance, and insurance, we perform many successful implementations and solve problems comprise the various Salesforce clouds. With multifarious awareness and years of accumulated experience, we can handle various types of projects, from simple to complex, demanding any amount of modern technology.
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Together with Ergonized, you can boost the project and take a maximum from the Salesforce platform.
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bismillahlogistics · 3 years
Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan
Bismillah Logistics the best logistics company in Lahore is very keen on providing the most hassle-free services, by offering exemplary packing and moving facilities. We upgrade our services to accommodate the advancing customers’ needs. Additionally, our teams consistently improve the man and machine power to make your transition a stress-free experience. Bismillah Logistics moves your shipment in a Professional way Door-to-Door & Port-To-Port Regarding EXPRESS Freight Forwarding Shipping Relocation (Sea, Air, Land, and Truck) Intermodal & Multimodal Transportation Air & Sea Cargo Clearing forwarding Custom Brokerage warehousing Packing & Storage Supply Chain Import Export & Trading services, We Offer Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan. The Best Packers and Movers Shipping Line services provide you Containers/Carriers/Vessels.  For Trade Commercial/Household Consignment worldwide Rig Moving in Pakistan i-e Lahore, Karachi etc. Bismillah Logistics Company provides the services of geographical repositioning of raw material and finished inventories where required at the lowest possible cost. Our Air-freight department provides added flexibility to your supply chain. We are taking extra measures for your sensitive cargo or giving you supply chain visibility through our online tracking system and sending you our systematic pre-alert notifications. The logistics services of ours are designed with the aim to develop freight forwarding and ocean freight commercial space. We have put our relentless effort since the get-go, and especially since the last 5 years to produce a surprising development. Due to our efficient courier service, customs clearance, and warehousing, we have successfully established our head offices in Karachi, we also have our branch in Lahore and even China is our registered Rep.
Bismillah Logistics provides Transport Company Shipping Container Yard Trucking car Carrier LTL FTL Pakistan. Our dedicated team, along with our industry experts, share the objective of turning complex tasks into completed ones. Our focus is directed towards providing practical technology and efficient networks. Which makes us the best logistics company in Pakistan. The airfreight services provided by Bismillah Logistics allow you to easily send your cargo to even parts of the country/world that is inaccessible through sea freight and land. The correct packing of your household goods will ensure that they remain safe during transit. Whether you use Bismillah Logistics Company packing services or if you decide to pack on your own, it is important to plan and organize.  Plan to pack only items that you will use in your new home.  Don’t pack items that you are planning to get rid of – donate them to charity. Offering Ocean Freight for Import Export Consolidation, Terminal Handling Personal Effects Shipments. Our ocean freight services are the most reliable in the country, which is excellent for transporting heavy goods or goods in huge bulks. Depending on the size of your load, we can ship your cargo in both FCL and LCL.  Irrespective of the size of your container, we send your shipment from all Pakistani seaports to many other ports. Moreover, we also provide transport services to pick the packages from the factory and customs.  We make sure your cargo is delivered without a hitch to the doorstep. Also, our high-quality services come with surprisingly low rates. Since the client’s satisfaction is at the top tier of our priorities, we make sure your goods and items are reached to their accurate destination with utmost security. If you are unsure about the container and require more information on the process, feel free to contact our customer service representatives to discuss the intricacies of the process. Bismillah Logistics and Shipping is the best Air Freight Forwarding cargo handling household and commercial shipment. Our Airfreight services are designed to offer time-efficient, economic and reliable air freight services all across the world. Airfreight is considered among the most essential requirements for international and local networks of logistics. Over time, we have established good acquaintances with our partners in the industry and we have been offering surprisingly economical rates for the excellent services we provide. Supply chain & Logistics Services all over Pakistan International Shipping services Worldwide. We have a good understanding of strategies and logistics that go into efficient air freight. In order to ensure you have personalized services, we have established global networks and relationships with great logistic service providers and some of the top airlines. We make sure our customer is heard and their expectations are being met, as customer care holds paramount importance at Bismillah Logistics. Bismillah Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is one of the world's leading providers of forwarding and logistics services, specializing in ocean freight, air freight, land & railway shipments, and associated supply chain management solutions and closely cooperates with selected partners globally. We provide Cargo Services Airport to AirPort and Sea Port to Sea Port Door to Door for Parcel Cargo & Courier Consignment. We pair you up with an experienced and licensed clearing agent, who specifically takes care of the custom clearance aspects of your shipment. Our professionals are well-versed in the customs regulations in each country, so we can provide you with an optimal service. The Airfreight unit of Bismillah Logistics Company is dedicated to the transport of cargo through airlines. Air transport is a vital component of int’l ‘Supply Chain Management. It is difficult or nearly impossible to accomplish international trading (import/export processes) or international re-positioning of raw material / finished goods without professional logistics support. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packing services. Packing can be one of the biggest challenges while moving cargo.  Consider using D2D Logistics professional packing services.  Whether you select Bismillah Logistics Company packing services for your cargo or for the entire household, we can help you. Bismillah Logistics Company packing services offer you convenience and peace of mind.  Our packers are trained in packing methods to alleviate any damage during transit. Most professional packers are required while moving household items and we offer a full range of packing services from the complete packing of all items in your home, to partial packing services.  Or, you may want us to pack your fragile items like china, glassware, mirrors or we know how important it is to you that your goods arrive at your new home safely and without damage.
Courtesy: Best logistics company in Karachi
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The Man and Machine Power to make your Transition a stress free experience
The logistics services of ours are designed with the aim to develop freight forwarding and ocean freight commercial space. We have put our relentless effort since the get-go, and especially since the last 5 years to produce a surprising development. Due to our efficient courier service, customs clearance, and warehousing, we have successfully established our head offices in Karachi, we also have our branch in Lahore, the best logistics company in Lahore and even China is our registered Rep. Bismillah Logistics Company in Pakistan is very keen on providing the most hassle-free services, by offering exemplary packing and moving facilities. We upgrade our services to accommodate the advancing customers’ needs. Additionally, our teams consistently improve the man and machine power to make your transition a stress free experience. Bismillah Logistics Company provides the services of geographical re-positioning of raw material and finished inventories where required at the lowest possible cost. Our Air-freight department provides added flexibility to your supply chain. We are taking extra measures for your sensitive cargo or giving you supply chain visibility through our online tracking system and sending you our systematic pre-alert notifications.
Best logistics company in Karachi moves your shipment in the Professional way Door-to-Door & Port-To-Port Regarding EXPRESS Freight Forwarding Shipping Relocation (Sea, Air, Land, and Truck) Intermodal & Multimodal Transportation Air & Sea Cargo Clearing forwarding Custom Brokerage warehousing Packing & Storage Supply Chain Import Export & Trading services, We Offers Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan. The Best Packers and Movers Shipping Line services provides you Containers/Carriers/Vessels.  For Trade Commercial/Household Consignment worldwide Rig Moving in Pakistan i-e Lahore, Karachi etc. Bismillah logistics provides Transport Company Shipping Container Yard Trucking car Carrier LTL FTL Pakistan. Our dedicated team, along with our industry experts, share the objective of turning complex tasks into completed ones. Our focus is directed towards providing practical technology and efficient networks. Which makes us the best logistics company in Pakistan. The airfreight services provided by Bismillah Logistics allow you to easily send your cargo to even parts of the country/world that is inaccessible through sea freight and land. Offering Ocean Freight for Import Export Consolidation, Terminal Handling Personal Effects Shipments. Our ocean freight services are the most reliable in the country, which is excellent for transporting heavy goods or goods in huge bulks. Depending on the size of your load, we can ship your cargo in both FCL and LCL.  Irrespective of the size of your container, we send your shipment from all Pakistani seaports to many other ports. Moreover, we also provide transport services to pick the packages from the factory and customs.  We make sure your cargo is delivered without a hitch to the doorstep. Also, our high-quality services come with surprisingly low rates. Since the client’s satisfaction is at the top tier of our priorities, we make sure your goods and items are reached to its accurate destination with utmost security. If you are unsure about the container and require more information on the process, feel free to contact our customer service representatives to discuss the intricacies of the process. Bismillah Logistics and Shipping is the best Air Freight Forwarding cargo handling household and commercial shipment. Our Airfreight services are designed to offer time-efficient, economic and reliable air freight services all across the world. Airfreight is considered among the most essential requirements for international and local networks of logistics. Over time, we have established good acquaintances with our partners in industry and we have been offering surprisingly economical rates for the excellent services we provide. Supply chain & Logistics Services all over Pakistan International Shipping services Worldwide. We have a good understanding of strategies and logistics that go into efficient air freight. In order to ensure you have personalized services, we have established global networks and relationships with great logistic service providers and some of the top airlines. We make sure our customer is heard and their expectations are being met, as customer care holds paramount importance at Bismillah Logistics. Bismillah Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is one of the world's leading providers of forwarding and logistics services, specializing in ocean freight, air freight, land & railway shipments and associated supply chain management solutions and closely cooperates with selected partners globally. We provides Cargo Services Airport to Air Port and Sea Port to Sea Port Door to Door for Parcel Cargo & Courier Consignment. We pair you up with an experienced and licensed clearing agent, who specifically takes care of the custom clearance aspects of your shipment. Our professionals are well-versed in the customs regulations in each country, so we can provide you with an optimal service. Airfreight unit of Bismillah Logistics Company is dedicated to the transport of cargo through airline. Air transport is a vital component of int’l ‘Supply Chain Management’. It is difficult or nearly impossible to accomplish an international trading (import/export processes) or international re-positioning of raw material / finished goods without a professional logistics support. It involves integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling and packing services. Packing can be one of the biggest challenges while moving cargo.  Consider using D2D Logistics professional packing services.  Whether you select Bismillah Logistics Company packing services for your cargo or for entire household, we can help you. Bismillah Logistics Company packing services offer you convenience and peace of mind.  Our packers are trained in packing methods to alleviate any damage during transit. Mostly professional packers are required while moving household items and we offer a full range of packing services from the complete packing of all items in your home, to partial packing services.  Or, you may want us to pack your fragile items like china, glassware, mirrors or we know how important it is to you that your goods arrive at your new home safely and without damage.  The correct packing of your household goods will ensure that they remain safe during transit. Whether you use Bismillah Logistics Company packing services or if you decide to pack on your own, it is important to plan and organize.  Plan to pack only items that you will use in your new home.  Don’t pack items that you are planning to get rid of – donate them to charity.
Courtesy: Best logistics company in Karachi
0 notes
sundasch · 3 years
We provides Cargo Services Airport to Air Port and Sea Port to Sea Port Door to Door for Parcel Cargo & Courier Consignment.
Bismillah Logistics Company in Pakistan is very keen on providing the most hassle-free services, by offering exemplary packing and moving facilities. We upgrade our services to accommodate the advancing customers’ needs. Additionally, our teams consistently improve the man and machine power to make your transition a stress free experience. Bismillah Logistics moves your shipment in the Professional way Door-to-Door & Port-To-Port Regarding EXPRESS Freight Forwarding Shipping Relocation (Sea, Air, Land, and Truck) Intermodal & Multimodal Transportation Air & Sea Cargo Clearing forwarding Custom Brokerage warehousing Packing & Storage Supply Chain Import Export & Trading services, We Offers Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan. The Best Packers and Movers Shipping Line services provides you Containers/Carriers/Vessels. For Trade Commercial/Household Consignment worldwide Rig Moving in Pakistan i-e Lahore, Karachi etc.
Bismillah Logistics Company provides the services of geographical re-positioning of raw material and finished inventories where required at the lowest possible cost. Our Air-freight department provides added flexibility to your supply chain. We are taking extra measures for your sensitive cargo or giving you supply chain visibility through our online tracking system and sending you our systematic pre-alert notifications. The logistics services of ours are designed with the aim to develop freight forwarding and ocean freight commercial space. We have put our relentless effort since the get-go, and especially since the last 5 years to produce a surprising development. Due to our efficient courier service, customs clearance, and warehousing, we have successfully established our head offices in Karachi, we also have our branch in Lahore and even China is our registered Rep.
Bismillah logistics provides Transport Company Shipping Container Yard Trucking car Carrier LTL FTL Pakistan. Our dedicated team, along with our industry experts, share the objective of turning complex tasks into completed ones. Our focus is directed towards providing practical technology and efficient networks. Which makes us the best logistics company in Pakistan. The airfreight services provided by Bismillah Logistics allow you to easily send your cargo to even parts of the country/world that is inaccessible through sea freight and land. The correct packing of your household goods will ensure that they remain safe during transit. Whether you use Bismillah Logistics Company packing services or if you decide to pack on your own, it is important to plan and organize. Plan to pack only items that you will use in your new home. Don’t pack items that you are planning to get rid of – donate them to charity.
Offering Ocean Freight for Import Export Consolidation, Terminal Handling Personal Effects Shipments. Our ocean freight services are the most reliable in the country, which is excellent for transporting heavy goods or goods in huge bulks. Depending on the size of your load, we can ship your cargo in both FCL and LCL. Irrespective of the size of your container, we send your shipment from all Pakistani seaports to many other ports. Moreover, we also provide transport services to pick the packages from the factory and customs. We make sure your cargo is delivered without a hitch to the doorstep. Also, our high-quality services come with surprisingly low rates. Since the client’s satisfaction is at the top tier of our priorities, we make sure your goods and items are reached to its accurate destination with utmost security. If you are unsure about the container and require more information on the process, feel free to contact our customer service representatives to discuss the intricacies of the process.
Bismillah Logistics and Shipping is the best Air Freight Forwarding cargo handling household and commercial shipment. Our Airfreight services are designed to offer time-efficient, economic and reliable air freight services all across the world. Airfreight is considered among the most essential requirements for international and local networks of logistics. Over time, we have established good acquaintances with our partners in industry and we have been offering surprisingly economical rates for the excellent services we provide. Supply chain & Logistics Services all over Pakistan International Shipping services Worldwide. We have a good understanding of strategies and logistics that go into efficient air freight. In order to ensure you have personalized services, we have established global networks and relationships with great logistic service providers and some of the top airlines. We make sure our customer is heard and their expectations are being met, as customer care holds paramount importance at Bismillah Logistics. Bismillah Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is one of the world's leading providers of forwarding and logistics services, specializing in ocean freight, air freight, land & railway shipments and associated supply chain management solutions and closely cooperates with selected partners globally.
We provides Cargo Services Airport to Air Port and Sea Port to Sea Port Door to Door for Parcel Cargo & Courier Consignment. We pair you up with an experienced and licensed clearing agent, who specifically takes care of the custom clearance aspects of your shipment. Our professionals are well-versed in the customs regulations in each country, so we can provide you with an optimal service. Airfreight unit of Bismillah Logistics Company is dedicated to the transport of cargo through airline. Air transport is a vital component of int’l ‘Supply Chain Management’. It is difficult or nearly impossible to accomplish an international trading (import/export processes) or international re-positioning of raw material / finished goods without a professional logistics support. It involves integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling and packing services.
Packing can be one of the biggest challenges while moving cargo. Consider using D2D Logistics professional packing services. Whether you select Bismillah Logistics Company packing services for your cargo or for entire household, we can help you. Bismillah Logistics Company packing services offer you convenience and peace of mind. Our packers are trained in packing methods to alleviate any damage during transit. Mostly professional packers are required while moving household items and we offer a full range of packing services from the complete packing of all items in your home, to partial packing services. Or, you may want us to pack your fragile items like china, glassware, mirrors or we know how important it is to you that your goods arrive at your new home safely and without damage.
Courtesy: logistics company in Lahore.
0 notes
ledenews · 4 years
Martins Ferry Councilman Regis Impressed with EORH Operation
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At the time when Alecto closed East Ohio Regional Hospital in late September 2019, Martins Ferry Councilman Jack Regis believed there would be a quick transition to a new medical provider. That, however, did not happen. Instead, EORH was gutted of all operational equipment and supplies, and the broken machines were left behind by the former provider. Once Dayton-based Dr. John Johnson purchased the property from MPT LLC, Bernie Albertini was hired as chief operating officer and the transformation began in April 2020 despite the coronavirus pandemic. “I did get worried about whether or not the hospital would ever reopen because a lot of time had passed with no movement whatsoever,” Regis recalled. “At first, I thought there would be an 11th hour development that would keep it open, but that didn’t happen. Then I thought for sure someone would move in soon after the closure, but it just kept dragging and I did start thinking that Martins Ferry had lost its hospital for good. “I give a lot of credit to our former mayor (Bob Krajnyak) and our current mayor, John Davies. Once there was interest shown in the hospital, those two didn’t sit around and wait for it to come to them. That were very proactive and kept that conversation going so the city could know what we had to do to make it work,” he said. “And that’s what took place.” The councilman said many businesses in Martins Ferry has experienced a positive economic impact since the reopening took place six weeks ago. An Improved Economy Albertini addressed the infrastructure of the buildings immediately, and he assessed what equipment and supplies would be needed for EORH’s resurrection. The heating and cooling systems were antiquated and needed replaced, the interior had to be renovated for Dr. Johnson’s plans, state and federal standards had to be satisfied, and more than 350 employees were interviewed and hired. Then, during the first week of February East Ohio Regional Hospital reopened, and Regis has witnessed since several positive impacts take place in the city of Martins Ferry.    “The biggest impacts have been on the local businesses that we have here in Martins Ferry,” the councilman said. “The McDonald’s and the other restaurants downtown have seen a lot more people, and some of the other businesses haven seen it pick up since the hospital reopened. It’s been a big positive for Martins Ferry. Bernie Albertini has orchestrated the re-birth of East Ohio Regional Hospital. “It’s also been nice to the emergency room open again because accidents do happen and for a while there, that kind of care what either in Wheeling or down in Glen Dale,” he said. “I think that it’s given our residents that piece of mind again and that’s really important to our residents.” Especially when considering the 6.5-mile trip from Martins Ferry to Wheeling Hospital had been significantly extended because of the closure of the eastbound lanes of Interstate 70 in Ohio County. “The timing of the reopening was perfect because of the ongoing work that’s taking place right now on I-70. Trying to travel eastbound right now is a nightmare,” Regis explained. “It’s going to be a while until we see any daylight with that interstate because of how extensive the projects are so it’s a great thing that the residents of Martins Ferry don’t have to worry about that any longer. “But Mr. Albertini and Dr. Johnson are very community minded, and they did everything they could to get the hospital reopened as quickly as possible. When it comes to a hospital, there are a lot of regulations that have to be met, but they navigated that process very well,” he continued. “And I know they have more plan to help the community, and compared to what we had before, it’s refreshing.” An income tax agreement between the city and the hospital will help with the upgrading of HVAC systems at EORH. Growth and Quality Care The hospital’s reopening was accompanied by the resurrection of Martins Ferry’s EMS crews for transports, and Regis explained the development of those services has progressed smoothly thanks to the cooperation offered by Albertini. “We have been working out some bugs with our EMS crew for the transports but working with the people at the hospital has been great,” Regis said. “We have worked with Bernie (Albertini) in the past and he’s a terrific person to work with. We all have that common goal of making is work in a way that is best for the people in the city. “They have hired a lot of people to get it open, and there’s more that will come available over time,” he said. “I know Dr. (John) Johnson has a lot of plans for the hospital that are based on the needs right now, and I just think that’s great. You can see something new almost everyday and that’s made a lot of people in Martins Ferry very happy.” New flooring was installed in many areas inside the Martins Ferry hospital. Regis, Mayor John Davis, and the council members in Martins Ferry approved in July a tax credit program for EORH that will return 75 percent of all income taxes collected from the hospital’s employees for 10 years. The funds, according to Albertini, will directed toward the replacements of the facility’s HVAC systems, and several windows. One conversation, Regis explained, made the tax agreement worth ever dime in his mind. “I have heard nothing but positive reactions from the people of Martins Ferry,” Regis said. “In fact, I had a lady come to speak with me the other day and she told me that she had a terrific experience with a doctor at East Ohio, and she said that doctor had to be the kindest doctor she ever encountered in her life. She said the doctor explained everything about the tests and answered every one of her questions. “The doctor told her that he didn’t want to leave the hospital with any questions,” the councilman added. “She told me that she had never experienced a doctor’s appointment like that before, and that was so good to hear. What she described is what all of us want to experience when we’re at the hospital.” Read the full article
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orbemnews · 4 years
Johnson & Johnson’s Vaccine Offers Strong Protection but Fuels Concern About Variants Johnson & Johnson announced on Friday that its one-dose coronavirus vaccine provided strong protection against Covid-19, potentially offering the United States a third powerful tool in a desperate race against a worldwide rise in virus mutations. But the results came with a significant cautionary note: The vaccine’s efficacy rate dropped from 72 percent in the United States to 57 percent in South Africa, where a highly contagious variant is driving most cases. Studies suggest that this variant also blunts the effectiveness of Covid vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Novavax. The variant has spread to at least 31 countries, including the United States, where two cases were documented this week. Johnson & Johnson said that it planned to apply for emergency authorization of the vaccine from the Food and Drug Administration as soon as next week, putting it on track to receive clearance later in February. “This is the pandemic vaccine that can make a difference with a single dose,” said Dr. Paul Stoffels, the chief scientific officer of Johnson & Johnson. The company’s announcement comes as the Biden administration is pushing to immunize Americans faster even with a tight vaccine supply. White House officials have been counting on Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine to ease the shortfall. But the company may only have about seven million doses ready when the F.D.A. decides whether to authorize it, according to federal health officials familiar with its production, and about 30 million doses by early April. The variant from South Africa, known as B.1.351, could make things even worse for the vaccine push. Given the speed at which the variant swept through that country, it is conceivable that by April it could make up a large fraction of infections in the United States. That would undermine the effectiveness of available vaccines. The fact that four vaccines backed by the federal government seem to be less effective against the B.1.351 variant has unsettled federal officials and vaccine experts alike. Facing this uncertainty, many researchers said it was imperative to get as many people vaccinated as possible — quickly. Lowering the rate of infection could thwart the contagious variants while they are still rare, and prevent other viruses from gaining new mutations that could cause more trouble. “If ever there was reason to vaccinate as many people as expeditiously as we possibly can with the vaccine that we have right now, now is the time,” Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the government’s top infectious disease expert, said in an interview. “Because the less people that get infected, the less chance you’re going to give this particular mutant a chance to become dominant.” As the United States scrambles to get enough vaccines, the country is turning into something of an evolutionary experiment. The B.1.351 variant is one of several that have arrived in the country or originated here, all with the ability to spread faster than other variants. “The pandemic is a lot more complicated now than it was a couple months ago,” said Dr. Dan Barouch, a virologist at Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston. Vaughan Cooper, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Pittsburgh, said that all the new variants were likely evolving quietly for months before bursting on the scene. “I think we’re going to see many stories like this,” he said. Federal regulators are also still waiting on data from Johnson & Johnson’s new manufacturing facility in Baltimore that prove it can mass-produce the vaccine. The company is counting on that factory to help reach its contractual pledge to the federal government of 100 million doses by the end of June. If Johnson & Johnson can deliver vaccines quickly enough to the United States, it might be able to help drive down cases before variants make things worse. Since the vaccine requires only a single shot — unlike the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, which require two — that delivery would translate into full coverage for 100 million people. Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine has another advantage that might help speed up the rollout. It can stay viable in a refrigerator for three months, while the two authorized vaccines have to be kept frozen. That gives the company an edge not just in reaching more isolated parts of the United States, but in getting the vaccine to remote areas of the world that could otherwise seed more aggressive mutants. “If you talk about the potential impact on the developing world, I believe it’s much more relevant than here,” Dr. Fauci said. But vaccine makers also have to prepare for the B.1.351 variant or another one surging to dominance and demanding new vaccines. “You’ve got to be nimble enough to be able to adapt by upgrading our vaccines that match the dominant strain,” Dr. Fauci said. Exactly when to make that switch will be a difficult decision, because the viruses are spreading unpredictably, and manufacturing new doses will be a huge undertaking. “The implications of that are big. You would not take that choice lightly,” said John D. Grabenstein, an epidemiologist with the Immunization Action Coalition, a nonprofit organization that disseminates information about vaccines. “It’s not doomsday. It’s just that we are going to need a bigger boat.” Johnson & Johnson’s announcement came one day after Novavax said an early analysis of its 15,000-person trial in Britain had revealed that the two-dose vaccine had an efficacy rate of nearly 90 percent there. But in a small trial in South Africa, the efficacy rate dropped to just under 50 percent. Johnson & Johnson presented only a summary of findings of its clinical trial. The vaccine was 85 percent effective in preventing severe disease in all three regions where the trial was run: the United States, Latin America and South Africa. After 28 days, none of the vaccinated participants who developed Covid-19 had to be hospitalized. The company reported that the vaccine’s protective effect seems to increase with time. But without long-term data on immunity, scientists and regulators do not yet know whether the vaccine’s efficacy peaks at some point before dropping. Dr. Stoffels said the company was still waiting for more data on whether the vaccine can protect against asymptomatic infection. The company is preparing a lengthy briefing document it will submit to the F.D.A. in its application for authorization. The agency’s scientists will review the raw data from the trial and present their own analysis. Unlike the messenger RNA vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson uses an adenovirus, which normally causes the common cold. While adenovirus-based vaccines have been investigated for some three decades, they have yet to be licensed for use in the United States. Covid-19 Vaccines › Answers to Your Vaccine Questions Am I eligible for the Covid vaccine in my state? Currently more than 150 million people — almost half the population — are eligible to be vaccinated. But each state makes the final decision about who goes first. The nation’s 21 million health care workers and three million residents of long-term care facilities were the first to qualify. In mid-January, federal officials urged all states to open up eligibility to everyone 65 and older and to adults of any age with medical conditions that put them at high risk of becoming seriously ill or dying from Covid-19. Adults in the general population are at the back of the line. If federal and state health officials can clear up bottlenecks in vaccine distribution, everyone 16 and older will become eligible as early as this spring or early summer. The vaccine hasn’t been approved in children, although studies are underway. It may be months before a vaccine is available for anyone under the age of 16. Go to your state health website for up-to-date information on vaccination policies in your area Is the vaccine free? You should not have to pay anything out of pocket to get the vaccine, although you will be asked for insurance information. If you don’t have insurance, you should still be given the vaccine at no charge. Congress passed legislation this spring that bars insurers from applying any cost sharing, such as a co-payment or deductible. It layered on additional protections barring pharmacies, doctors and hospitals from billing patients, including those who are uninsured. Even so, health experts do worry that patients might stumble into loopholes that leave them vulnerable to surprise bills. This could happen to those who are charged a doctor visit fee along with their vaccine, or Americans who have certain types of health coverage that do not fall under the new rules. If you get your vaccine from a doctor’s office or urgent care clinic, talk to them about potential hidden charges. To be sure you won’t get a surprise bill, the best bet is to get your vaccine at a health department vaccination site or a local pharmacy once the shots become more widely available. Can I choose which vaccine I get? How long will the vaccine last? Will I need another one next year? That is to be determined. It’s possible that Covid-19 vaccinations will become an annual event, just like the flu shot. Or it may be that the benefits of the vaccine last longer than a year. We have to wait to see how durable the protection from the vaccines is. To determine this, researchers are going to be tracking vaccinated people to look for “breakthrough cases” — those people who get sick with Covid-19 despite vaccination. That is a sign of weakening protection and will give researchers clues about how long the vaccine lasts. They will also be monitoring levels of antibodies and T cells in the blood of vaccinated people to determine whether and when a booster shot might be needed. It’s conceivable that people may need boosters every few months, once a year or only every few years. It’s just a matter of waiting for the data. Will my employer require vaccinations? Where can I find out more? Johnson & Johnson’s Ebola vaccine became the first approved adenovirus-based vaccine for any disease when European regulators gave it the green light last July. Astra-Zeneca and the University of Oxford used a different adenovirus for their coronavirus vaccine, which is now authorized in Britain and other countries. Russian scientists created their Sputnik V vaccine from adenoviruses as well. Johnson & Johnson received $456 million from Operation Warp Speed to support its research. In July, the government agreed to purchase 100 million doses for $1 billion if it proved safe and effective. That same month, the company moved into clinical trials, which found that a single shot produced a strong immune response, consistent with experiments done on monkeys. Johnson & Johnson began the final “Phase 3” trial in September, again using a single dose. It recruited volunteers in the United States, South Africa and Latin America. Half of the volunteers received the vaccine, and half received a placebo. The company then had to wait. Only when enough people in the trial got Covid-19 would an independent board of advisers look at the results to see how many sick volunteers were vaccinated — a process known as unblinding. Late last year, surges of coronavirus infections accelerated the trial toward unblinding. In December, Johnson & Johnson decided it would not need to recruit 60,000 volunteers as it originally planned. It capped the trial at 45,000. Like other vaccine developers, Johnson & Johnson was required by the F.D.A. to also record information about adverse events experienced by the volunteers for the first few months after vaccination. Dr. Barouch, who led the team that designed the vaccine and tested it on animals last year, had to wait for months for the unblinding. “I’m thinking a lot about it,” he said in a Jan. 11 interview. “But, no, I don’t have champagne ready to go.” After he learned the results, Dr. Barouch said he was delighted. “I think this vaccine will have a public health benefit throughout the world,” he said. Johnson & Johnson is also moving forward with other trials of the vaccine to see how it can be improved. In December it began a trial with two doses. Dr. Fauci was optimistic that people who get a so-called prime boost may enjoy even more protection. “If they get a prime boost, it’s entirely conceivable that they can get up to 90-plus percent,” he said. In addition, Dr. Stoffels said that Johnson & Johnson was tailoring a version of its vaccine with a protein patterned after the B.1.351 variant. It could potentially deploy it in countries where that version of the virus was a threat. “Pretty much all vaccine developers now are having that conversation,” said Dr. Peter J. Hotez, a vaccine expert with the Baylor School of Medicine and the creator of a different coronavirus vaccine. Source link Orbem News #concern #fuels #Johnson #Johnsons #Offers #Protection #strong #Vaccine #Variants
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Document Translation Services for Dummies
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Explore the below list of world's finest gamers in translation domain and select a translation firm that best suits your needs: Straker Translations is a premier translation company that uses the most precise on-line translation services around the world because 1999. Owing to the changing dynamics of the translation sector, the company has just recently constructed a modern technology system that allows their licensed translators to deliver faster and much more precise translations to clients.
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enterinit · 4 years
New Xbox One Games for April 21 to 24
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New Xbox One Games for April 21 to 24.
Obey Me – April 21
Heaven and Hell are locked in an eternal conflict where the souls of mankind are at stake. Vanessa Held, a lowly Soul Huntress, and her Hellhound companion, Monty, could be the ones to tip the balance of the war with their own hands. Embark on a journey in city fraught with peril, slashing, kicking, and biting your way through hordes of foes, consuming their souls to unlock new combos, skills, and transformations.
Gato Roboto – April 21
Pounce inside of your cozy armored mech and set off on a dangerous trek through an alien underworld full of irritable creatures and treacherous obstacles in a valiant effort to save your stranded captain and his crashed spaceship. Tiptoe outside the friendly confines of your technological marvel and follow your feline instincts through tight tunnels and mysterious waterways to scavenge for new weapons and gear. Adventure awaits the most curious of cats in Gato Roboto!
Brutal Rage – April 22
BRUTAL RAGE is a scrolling beat’em up. Cross the city and beat all enemies on your way. Use your skills and weapons to realize epic combo ! When you’re ready use your rage to crush your enemies. Discover the story of cops wrongly accused for a crime they didn’t commit ! Embark on a brutal path of blood for retribution. Escape from the prison and prove your innocence. Find out who trapped you ! Features: 3 different game modes (Training, Story, Brutal Club)3 playable characters with their own fighting style6 episodes in more than 18 different locationsUse your rage to beat your enemies and bring justiceUse a variety of weapons including bats, knives and gunsAll game modes can be playable in local co-op
Guard Duty – April 22
Tondbert, loyal Guard to the Castle of Wrinklewood, is having a rough day. A little too much ale at the local pub, a lapse in judgement, and the next thing you know a hooded figure has slipped into the kingdom and kidnapped the princess. A thousand years later, in a small orbital station, Agent Starborn is a member of a resistance group embarking on a last-ditch effort to overthrow evil and take back the Earth. Discover how these two characters’ fates are intertwined and how they might save humanity in the process.
Help Will Come Tomorrow – April 22
Game focuses on the survival of the characters: meeting their needs, gathering resources, expanding the camp, exploring surroundings. In order to win player needs to learn the personality of the characters and work out relations between them, mitigating conflicts and taking care of the morale. Manage scarce resources and stay alive in frosty wilderness of Siberia before help arrives. Features: Immerse yourself in touching story set in 1917 pre - Bolschevik Imperial RussiaGuide 9 unique characters coming from different social origins and grouping in three society classesDiscover 10 intimate story-lines and past of all survivorsBuild facilities and upgrade survivor’s campManage dozens of scarce resources and try to stay alive in frosty Siberia until help arrives.Overcome class animosities between your party members, handle an innovative class relations building system.Face dynamically changing weather conditions and unforgiving Siberian wildlife affecting survivors life. https://youtu.be/G2Sp5JKuGd8
MotoGP 20 – April 23
With MotoGP™20, experience all the thrills of the more-complete-than-ever Managerial Career mode and decide whether to join a 2020 season team and race together with the official riders or join a totally brand new team. Discover more realistic physics, improved graphics, new 3D models of riders and face scans of official MotoGP™ team managers, plus new animations. Learn to manage gasoline and tire consumption. Customize your bike and your suit! Find the best combination of sponsor and livery, and choose colors and materials. Coordinate everything to win in style! Compete with legendary riders! New historic content and a new gaming mode await you to let you relive MotoGP™ history. Challenge your friends, create custom events and become the Race Director thanks to a brand new multiplayer experience supported by dedicated servers! https://youtu.be/pn6RntgChy8
Deliver Us The Moon – April 24
Deliver Us The Moon is a Sci-Fi thriller set in an apocalyptic near future, where Earth's natural resources are depleted. A lunar colony providing a vital supply of energy has gone silent. A lone astronaut is sent to the moon on a critical mission to save humanity from extinction. Will you save mankind or be forgotten in the dark abyss of Space? • Tackle real world issues • 1st and 3rd Person gameplay, including driving numerous vehicles • Vast, open moonscape to explore and discover • Claustrophobic, suspense driven action • Anti-gravity gameplay sequences • Clever, challenging puzzles • Haunting, orchestral soundtrack • Powered by Unreal® Engine 4 https://youtu.be/s4nv_9zwrxY
Archaica: The Path of Light – April 24
As the Light Bearer, your quest is to walk the legendary Path of Light and explore an ancient and beautiful world. The light is the key to open the secrets of this mysterious civilization. You have to understand how various devices work to manipulate the lasers and direct them into the right triggers: Tesseract: deflects the path of lightDivider: separates the laser in two beamsConverter: modifies the light colorTeleport: brings light into another TeleportSpherule: moves platforms to change the level’s layoutAnd many more to discover… You will often have to bend your logical thinking and perceptions to combine the powers of the artifacts and solve the unique challenge of every riddle. Features: Dive into the captivating aesthetic of a mysterious civilization. Every place has a singular design and encourages further exploration.Challenge your logical thinking to manipulate a lot of different devices, combine their use and solve riddles. Each level is based on a separate mind-bending idea.Discover an intriguing narrative. Unveil pieces of the story by finding hieroglyphs or by completing harder levels
Georifters – April 24
The ground is your weapon in the fast-paced battle arena of Georifters. Team up with or against your friends to punch portals, twist tunnels, flip lasers, and steal the ground from under each other using a unique arsenal of weapons and abilities in this ground busting adventure.
Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition – April 24
"LOSE YOUR MIND. EAT YOUR CREW. DIE. Take the helm of your steamship in a Victorian Gothic roleplaying game of discovery, loneliness and frequent death. Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea. Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lost Real-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergs Stray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanity Upgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo guns Hire unique officers, each with their own story Discover the treasures the zee has claimed Choose a ship’s mascot Trade or smuggle silk and souls Sunless Sea: Zubmariner Edition includes the base game and the extensive underwater expansion." Features: Find your father’s bones. Determine London’s destiny. Defy the gods of the deep sea.Build up your story across generations of zailors who braved the sea and lostReal-time combat against ships and Zee-beasts, spider-crewed dreadnoughts and sentient icebergsStray too far from civilization and your crew will grow fearful and eventually lose their sanityUpgrade your steamship with powerful engines, cannons and pneumatic torpedo gunsHire unique officers, each with their own storyDiscover the treasures the zee has claimedChoose a ship’s mascotTrade or smuggle silk and souls
War Theatre – April 24 – Xbox One X Enhanced
War has come to Kasalli. As endless conflict rages, seven warriors discover an ancient power that promises mastery over any battlefield. War Theatre expands classic turn-based strategy gameplay with RPG elements. Choose your hero and take to battle in single-player campaigns set in a continent ravaged by ceaseless war. Complete quests to earn perks and unlock deeper customization options to refine your strategy and dominate opponents. Directed by Luc Bernard
Quest Hunter – April 24
Quest Hunter is an isometric action-RPG where your choice drives the story. Find tons of treasures and secrets, solve puzzles, equip your character, level up your skills and finish off enemy bosses. Play on the couch, alone or with friends, or make it an online party for up to four players! Basic Features Story-driven RPG: influence the storyline, choosing the answers in the dialogues. Untangle the insidious plans of your enemies and bring them out into the open. Save the world from the eternal darkness!Cooperative mode: play the game online with your friends, or on couch on one screen (Up to 4 players). Fight against evil shoulder to shoulder or make a mass grave in the enemy’s lair!Random generated dungeons: try your luck, see if you can find the way out of the dungeon. Where could it be this time? Who’s waiting for you around the corner?Quests and puzzles: move, turn, light, switch over, dig up… In short, solve a variety of quests and puzzles. Search for treasure maps to become the richest man in the camp!Skills and super powers: upgrade the character attributes and explore new skills. Become an invincible killing machine and turn your enemies into dust!Weapons, armors and items: find, create and upgrade your weapon and armor. Cook potions or make bombs. Take a shovel and a straw hat or a sharp blade and a helmet – it’s up to you to decide!Monsters and bosses: mysterious beasts from the darkness – light the torch and they will scatter away. Insidious bandits – give them your money and you’ll stay alive. Cunning bosses – find your approach to them!Treasure and trophies: stuff your pockets with trophies of your defeated enemies. Find all stashes and hiding places. Dig up all the treasures of the Dark World! And remember: you are safe only by the light of the torch!
Quern – Undying Thoughts – April 24
Quern introduces reusable puzzle mechanics to the classic genre, making the player think about the game as a whole, and not just as a series of individual challenges. Quern – Undying Thoughts invites you on a journey to explore it and solve its challenges. Put your mind to the test with the increasingly complex puzzles and unravel the mysteries of the island. Follow the hints of the past as you delve deeper into the story to understand the importance of your presence. Read the full article
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bismillahlogistics · 3 years
Trading of Commercial/Household Consignment worldwide
Bismillah Logistics Company provides the services of geographical repositioning of raw material and finished inventories where required at the lowest possible cost. Our Air-freight department provides added flexibility to your supply chain. We are taking extra measures for your sensitive cargo or giving you supply chain visibility through our online tracking system and sending you our systematic pre-alert notifications.
Bismillah Logistics move your shipment in a Professional way Door-to-Door & Port-To-Port Regarding EXPRESS Freight Forwarding Shipping Relocation (Sea, Air, Land, and Truck) Intermodal & Multimodal Transportation Air & Sea Cargo Clearing forwarding Custom Brokerage warehousing Packing & Storage Supply Chain Import Export & Trading services, We Offer Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan.
The Best Packers and Movers Shipping Line services provide you Containers/Carriers/Vessels.  For Trade Commercial/Household Consignment worldwide Rig Moving in Pakistan i-e Lahore, Karachi, etc.
The logistics services of ours are designed with the aim to develop freight forwarding and ocean freight commercial space. We have put our relentless effort since the get-go, and especially since the last 5 years to produce a surprising development. Due to our efficient courier service, customs clearance, and warehousing, we have successfully established our head offices in Karachi, we also have our branch in Lahore and even China is our registered Rep.
Bismillah Logistics Company in Pakistan is very keen on providing the most hassle-free services, by offering exemplary packing and moving facilities. We upgrade our services to accommodate the advancing customers’ needs. Additionally, our teams consistently improve the man and machine power to make your transition a stress-free experience.
Bismillah Logistics provides Transport Company Shipping Container Yard Trucking car Carrier LTL FTL Pakistan. Our dedicated team, along with our industry experts, share the objective of turning complex tasks into completed ones. Our focus is directed towards providing practical technology and efficient networks. Which makes us the best logistics company in Pakistan. The airfreight services provided by Bismillah Logistics allow you to easily send your cargo to even parts of the country/world that are inaccessible through sea freight and land.
Offering Ocean Freight for Import Export Consolidation, Terminal Handling Personal Effects Shipments. Our ocean freight services are the most reliable in the country, which is excellent for transporting heavy goods or goods in huge bulks. Depending on the size of your load, we can ship your cargo in both FCL and LCL.  Irrespective of the size of your container, we send your shipment from all Pakistani seaports to many other ports. Moreover, we also provide transport services to pick the packages from the factory and customs.  We make sure your cargo is delivered without a hitch to the doorstep. Also, our high-quality services come with surprisingly low rates. Since the client’s satisfaction is at the top tier of our priorities, we make sure your goods and items are reached to its accurate destination with utmost security. If you are unsure about the container and require more information on the process, feel free to contact our customer service representatives to discuss the intricacies of the process.
Bismillah Logistics and Shipping is the best Air Freight Forwarding cargo handling household and commercial shipment. Our Airfreight services are designed to offer time-efficient, economic and reliable air freight services all across the world. Airfreight is considered among the most essential requirements for international and local networks of logistics. Over time, we have established good acquaintances with our partners in the industry and we have been offering surprisingly economical rates for the excellent services we provide.
Supply chain & Logistics Services all over Pakistan International Shipping services Worldwide. We have a good understanding of strategies and logistics that go into efficient air freight. In order to ensure you have personalized services, we have established global networks and relationships with great logistic service providers and some of the top airlines. We make sure our customer is heard and their expectations are being met, as customer care holds paramount importance at Bismillah Logistics. Bismillah Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is one of the world's leading providers of forwarding and logistics services, specializing in ocean freight, air freight, land & railway shipments, and associated supply chain management solutions and closely cooperate with selected partners globally.
We provide Cargo Services Airport to AirPort and Sea Port to Sea Port Door to Door for Parcel Cargo & Courier Consignment. We pair you up with an experienced and licensed clearing agent, who specifically takes care of the custom clearance aspects of your shipment. Our professionals are well-versed in the customs regulations in each country, so we can provide you with an optimal service. The Airfreight unit of Bismillah Logistics Company is dedicated to the transport of cargo through airlines. Air transport is a vital component of its it'sSupply Chain Management. It is difficult or nearly impossible to accomplish international trading (import/export processes) or international re-positioning of raw material / finished goods without professional logistics support. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packing services.
Packing can be one of the biggest challenges while moving cargo.  Consider using D2D Logistics professional packing services.  Whether you select Bismillah Logistics Company packing services for your cargo or for the entire household, we can help you. Bismillah Logistics Company packing services offer you convenience and peace of mind.  Our packers are trained in packing methods to alleviate any damage during transit. Most professional packers are required while moving household items and we offer a full range of packing services from the complete packing of all items in your home, to partial packing services.  Or, you may want us to pack your fragile items like china, glassware, mirrors or we know how important it is to you that your goods arrive at your new home safely and without damage.  The correct packing of your household goods will ensure that they remain safe during transit.
Whether you use Bismillah Logistics Company packing services or if you decide to pack on your own, it is important to plan and organize.  Plan to pack only items that you will use in your new home.  Don’t pack items that you are planning to get rid of – donate them to charity.
Courtesy: logistics company in Lahore
0 notes
Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan
Bismillah Logistics the best logistics company in Lahore is very keen on providing the most hassle-free services, by offering exemplary packing and moving facilities. We upgrade our services to accommodate the advancing customers’ needs. Additionally, our teams consistently improve the man and machine power to make your transition a stress-free experience. Bismillah Logistics moves your shipment in a Professional way Door-to-Door & Port-To-Port Regarding EXPRESS Freight Forwarding Shipping Relocation (Sea, Air, Land, and Truck) Intermodal & Multimodal Transportation Air & Sea Cargo Clearing forwarding Custom Brokerage warehousing Packing & Storage Supply Chain Import Export & Trading services, We Offer Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan. The Best Packers and Movers Shipping Line services provide you Containers/Carriers/Vessels.  For Trade Commercial/Household Consignment worldwide Rig Moving in Pakistan i-e Lahore, Karachi etc. Bismillah Logistics Company provides the services of geographical repositioning of raw material and finished inventories where required at the lowest possible cost. Our Air-freight department provides added flexibility to your supply chain. We are taking extra measures for your sensitive cargo or giving you supply chain visibility through our online tracking system and sending you our systematic pre-alert notifications. The logistics services of ours are designed with the aim to develop freight forwarding and ocean freight commercial space. We have put our relentless effort since the get-go, and especially since the last 5 years to produce a surprising development. Due to our efficient courier service, customs clearance, and warehousing, we have successfully established our head offices in Karachi, we also have our branch in Lahore and even China is our registered Rep.
Bismillah Logistics provides Transport Company Shipping Container Yard Trucking car Carrier LTL FTL Pakistan. Our dedicated team, along with our industry experts, share the objective of turning complex tasks into completed ones. Our focus is directed towards providing practical technology and efficient networks. Which makes us the best logistics company in Pakistan. The airfreight services provided by Bismillah Logistics allow you to easily send your cargo to even parts of the country/world that is inaccessible through sea freight and land. The correct packing of your household goods will ensure that they remain safe during transit. Whether you use Bismillah Logistics Company packing services or if you decide to pack on your own, it is important to plan and organize.  Plan to pack only items that you will use in your new home.  Don’t pack items that you are planning to get rid of – donate them to charity. Offering Ocean Freight for Import Export Consolidation, Terminal Handling Personal Effects Shipments. Our ocean freight services are the most reliable in the country, which is excellent for transporting heavy goods or goods in huge bulks. Depending on the size of your load, we can ship your cargo in both FCL and LCL.  Irrespective of the size of your container, we send your shipment from all Pakistani seaports to many other ports. Moreover, we also provide transport services to pick the packages from the factory and customs.  We make sure your cargo is delivered without a hitch to the doorstep. Also, our high-quality services come with surprisingly low rates. Since the client’s satisfaction is at the top tier of our priorities, we make sure your goods and items are reached to their accurate destination with utmost security. If you are unsure about the container and require more information on the process, feel free to contact our customer service representatives to discuss the intricacies of the process. Bismillah Logistics and Shipping is the best Air Freight Forwarding cargo handling household and commercial shipment. Our Airfreight services are designed to offer time-efficient, economic and reliable air freight services all across the world. Airfreight is considered among the most essential requirements for international and local networks of logistics. Over time, we have established good acquaintances with our partners in the industry and we have been offering surprisingly economical rates for the excellent services we provide. Supply chain & Logistics Services all over Pakistan International Shipping services Worldwide. We have a good understanding of strategies and logistics that go into efficient air freight. In order to ensure you have personalized services, we have established global networks and relationships with great logistic service providers and some of the top airlines. We make sure our customer is heard and their expectations are being met, as customer care holds paramount importance at Bismillah Logistics. Bismillah Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is one of the world's leading providers of forwarding and logistics services, specializing in ocean freight, air freight, land & railway shipments, and associated supply chain management solutions and closely cooperates with selected partners globally. We provide Cargo Services Airport to AirPort and Sea Port to Sea Port Door to Door for Parcel Cargo & Courier Consignment. We pair you up with an experienced and licensed clearing agent, who specifically takes care of the custom clearance aspects of your shipment. Our professionals are well-versed in the customs regulations in each country, so we can provide you with an optimal service. The Airfreight unit of Bismillah Logistics Company is dedicated to the transport of cargo through airlines. Air transport is a vital component of int’l ‘Supply Chain Management. It is difficult or nearly impossible to accomplish international trading (import/export processes) or international re-positioning of raw material / finished goods without professional logistics support. It involves the integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling, and packing services. Packing can be one of the biggest challenges while moving cargo.  Consider using D2D Logistics professional packing services.  Whether you select Bismillah Logistics Company packing services for your cargo or for the entire household, we can help you. Bismillah Logistics Company packing services offer you convenience and peace of mind.  Our packers are trained in packing methods to alleviate any damage during transit. Most professional packers are required while moving household items and we offer a full range of packing services from the complete packing of all items in your home, to partial packing services.  Or, you may want us to pack your fragile items like china, glassware, mirrors or we know how important it is to you that your goods arrive at your new home safely and without damage.
Courtesy: Best logistics company in Lahore
0 notes
sundasch · 3 years
Supply chain visibility through our online tracking system and sending you our systematic pre-alert notifications.
Bismillah Logistics Company provides the services of geographical re-positioning of raw material and finished inventories where required at the lowest possible cost. Our Air-freight department provides added flexibility to your supply chain. We are taking extra measures for your sensitive cargo or giving you supply chain visibility through our online tracking system and sending you our systematic pre-alert notifications.
Bismillah Logistics moves your shipment in the Professional way Door-to-Door & Port-To-Port Regarding EXPRESS Freight Forwarding Shipping Relocation (Sea, Air, Land, and Truck) Intermodal & Multimodal Transportation Air & Sea Cargo Clearing forwarding Custom Brokerage warehousing Packing & Storage Supply Chain Import Export & Trading services, We Offers Courier & Cargo Consolidation Shipment Moving Baggage Bounded Movement Pakistan.
The Best Packers and Movers Shipping Line services provides you Containers/Carriers/Vessels. For Trade Commercial/Household Consignment worldwide Rig Moving in Pakistan i-e Lahore, Karachi etc.
The logistics services of ours are designed with the aim to develop freight forwarding and ocean freight commercial space. We have put our relentless effort since the get-go, and especially since the last 5 years to produce a surprising development. Due to our efficient courier service, customs clearance, and warehousing, we have successfully established our head offices in Karachi, we also have our branch in Lahore and even China is our registered Rep.
Bismillah Logistics Company in Pakistan is very keen on providing the most hassle-free services, by offering exemplary packing and moving facilities. We upgrade our services to accommodate the advancing customers’ needs. Additionally, our teams consistently improve the man and machine power to make your transition a stress free experience.
Bismillah logistics provides Transport Company Shipping Container Yard Trucking car Carrier LTL FTL Pakistan. Our dedicated team, along with our industry experts, share the objective of turning complex tasks into completed ones. Our focus is directed towards providing practical technology and efficient networks. Which makes us the best logistics company in Pakistan. The airfreight services provided by Bismillah Logistics allow you to easily send your cargo to even parts of the country/world that is inaccessible through sea freight and land.
Offering Ocean Freight for Import Export Consolidation, Terminal Handling Personal Effects Shipments. Our ocean freight services are the most reliable in the country, which is excellent for transporting heavy goods or goods in huge bulks. Depending on the size of your load, we can ship your cargo in both FCL and LCL. Irrespective of the size of your container, we send your shipment from all Pakistani seaports to many other ports. Moreover, we also provide transport services to pick the packages from the factory and customs. We make sure your cargo is delivered without a hitch to the doorstep. Also, our high-quality services come with surprisingly low rates. Since the client’s satisfaction is at the top tier of our priorities, we make sure your goods and items are reached to its accurate destination with utmost security. If you are unsure about the container and require more information on the process, feel free to contact our customer service representatives to discuss the intricacies of the process.
Bismillah Logistics and Shipping is the best Air Freight Forwarding cargo handling household and commercial shipment. Our Airfreight services are designed to offer time-efficient, economic and reliable air freight services all across the world. Airfreight is considered among the most essential requirements for international and local networks of logistics. Over time, we have established good acquaintances with our partners in industry and we have been offering surprisingly economical rates for the excellent services we provide.
Supply chain & Logistics Services all over Pakistan International Shipping services Worldwide. We have a good understanding of strategies and logistics that go into efficient air freight. In order to ensure you have personalized services, we have established global networks and relationships with great logistic service providers and some of the top airlines. We make sure our customer is heard and their expectations are being met, as customer care holds paramount importance at Bismillah Logistics. Bismillah Logistics (Pvt) Ltd is one of the world's leading providers of forwarding and logistics services, specializing in ocean freight, air freight, land & railway shipments and associated supply chain management solutions and closely cooperates with selected partners globally.
We provides Cargo Services Airport to Air Port and Sea Port to Sea Port Door to Door for Parcel Cargo & Courier Consignment. We pair you up with an experienced and licensed clearing agent, who specifically takes care of the custom clearance aspects of your shipment. Our professionals are well-versed in the customs regulations in each country, so we can provide you with an optimal service. Airfreight unit of Bismillah Logistics Company is dedicated to the transport of cargo through airline. Air transport is a vital component of int’l ‘Supply Chain Management’. It is difficult or nearly impossible to accomplish an international trading (import/export processes) or international re-positioning of raw material / finished goods without a professional logistics support. It involves integration of information, transportation, inventory, warehousing, material handling and packing services.
Packing can be one of the biggest challenges while moving cargo. Consider using D2D Logistics professional packing services. Whether you select Bismillah Logistics Company packing services for your cargo or for entire household, we can help you. Bismillah Logistics Company packing services offer you convenience and peace of mind. Our packers are trained in packing methods to alleviate any damage during transit. Mostly professional packers are required while moving household items and we offer a full range of packing services from the complete packing of all items in your home, to partial packing services. Or, you may want us to pack your fragile items like china, glassware, mirrors or we know how important it is to you that your goods arrive at your new home safely and without damage. The correct packing of your household goods will ensure that they remain safe during transit.
Whether you use Bismillah Logistics Company packing services or if you decide to pack on your own, it is important to plan and organize. Plan to pack only items that you will use in your new home. Don’t pack items that you are planning to get rid of – donate them to charity.
Courtesy: logistics company in Lahore.
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