#Corrupted garnet
lazy-obsidian · 4 months
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💛Corrupted Topaz and Aquamarine 💙
Topaz was based in the monster of the lighthouse ( a giant mouth ) mixed with other animals like a rhino, and aquamarine was a mix of a jellyfish and a octopus
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sharkphobicz · 3 days
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corrupted sapphire au in a nutshell
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novantinuum · 3 months
gnawing at the bars of my cage
can we please Stop telling SU blind reactors all the fandom drama and SU crit that came out of every episode so we can allow them to just enjoy the show like a normal person at their own leisure and make their Own opinions thank u
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orangephoenix6 · 1 year
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dariapencommissions · 2 months
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The Alliance
Fair warning: 1445 words: pretty long read!!
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Fluffy sat at the edge of the forest, just where the elevated patch of grass separated the sand, her fur glinting subtly in the orange evening sunlight and flowing softly in the lukewarm seabreeze. Any other time, she'd be basking; the beach was silent and empty this time around, which would give her time to unwind from today's tasks, taking time to watch as the sun slowly sank behind the ocean's horizon while listening to the waves before turning in for the night.
But this particular evening, she kept her eyes firmly on large beach ahead of her, tensed and stoic. Waiting.
"..Mama?" A small, tentative voice called out from behind her. "Mama, a-are you sure you don't want us up there with you?"
"Y-Yeah!" Tri-T took a step out from under the shade, her talons glinting in the fading light. "Maybe we should in case they-"
"No, you two." Fluffy spoke, her voice gentle but firm, as she didn't take her eyes off the beach. "Stay put. By having you all up here may give them an advantage if this is some sort of trap... Besides, Centi can attack from a distance."
There was an uneasy crackling noise as Centi rubbed her forelegs together anxiously. "Th-That may be true... b-but-!"
"Then I'll be fine. Just as long as Lil Quartz is safe." Fluffy stated gently.
"Mama..." Lil Quartz wanted to protest further, but cut himself off with a gasp as he caught sight of three figures in a distance.
"It's them," Came Tri-T's hushed voice, along with Lil Quartz's startled gasp. Fluffy heard the sound of floral rustling as Tri-T started to shuffle on her feet in anticipation. "Fluff, are you sure we-?"
"Stay put." Fluffy orders, squaring her shoulders and lifting her head to faintly glare the approaching gems, hoping her lengthened horns would warn them.
Once the Crystal Gems were a substantial length away from Fluffy, they stopped just in front of her. Garnet was in the middle, like usual, her hands laced in front of her, presumably to show she was unarmed. The other two gems flanked her; with Amethyst oddly smiley, looking eager for something as her hands were clasped together in front of her chest. Pearl had her arms crossed, looking off to the side with a bitter expression.
Garnet took a step forward and dipped her head briefly to the Feral Gem. "Good evening, Fluffy. Thank you for seeing us on such a short notice."
"Evening, Garnet..." Fluffy's gaze switched between the three gems, narrowing them in suspicion. "What is this about...?"
"I-" For a moment, Garnet showed the briefest flicker of uncertainty; taking the smallest of steps back and she adjusting her visor. "It isn't anything bad, I promise." She took a deep breath and looked Fluffy in her eyes. "In fact, this can be very beneficial for us all."
Fluffy tilted her head, her eyes squinted in curiosity. "Beneficial?"
"Yes," Garnet nodded briefly, dimly hearing Pearl's soft scoff as she shook her head. "It's not as easy as you think; poofing and bubbling fellow gems. We only did it to keep them from hurting other earthlings."
"I've heard." Fluffy remarked. Her voice was calm, but her tail tip was twitching indignantly. "What's your point?"
"Right." Garnet took off her visors, looking at Fluffy with three hopeful, almost pleading eyes. "Fluffy. We want to join forces with your pack."
Fluffy was dimly aware of the others behind her leaning forward from their spots in surprise as her own eyes widened slightly. "Is... that right?"
"Yes. We thought that poofing and bubbling Feral Gems were the only way to keep earthlings safe." Garnet explained. "But Lil Quartz showed us that we don't have to do that anymore. You and your pack have proven that there's hope to coexist with Ferals. By joining forces, Earth will he safer than ever."
As Fluffy listened, she was barely aware of Lil Quartz stepping forward, his ears perked as he listened to the fusion's explanation.
"Alright..." Though the proposal sounded tempting, she couldn't bring herself to trust these gems, given what they put her boy through last time. "And what will this alliance bring us this time around?"
Garnet straightened up. "If you join us, we will no longer poof and bubble Feral Gems. Instead we will bring them to you. Then you can teach them about us and how we keep earth and all of its inhabitants safe."
Fluffy looked back at her teammates, unsure of what to make of the proposal. It sounded tempting, but at the same time, hearing the over come from them sounded too good to be true.
Seeing their hesitancy, Garnet placed her visor back on. "Please consider this. The more of us there are, the safer our planet will be."
Fluffy stared at the fusion, her eyes narrowing. "Mmmm..."
"Garnet, this is hopeless." Pearl finally spoke, turning to give a faint glare at the gem Leader. "We're here now, we should just--"
"Okay so, hold on." Lil Quartz stepped forward on all fours, until he was standing in front of Fluffy, his brow furrowed in skepticism. "If we allow this... do you promise I stay with my mama in the forest?"
"Steven, please." Pearl turned to Lil Quartz, her voice taking on a pleading edge. "Give us another chance, you can't live like--"
Garnet set her hand on Pearl's shoulder, lightly pushing her. "Yes, of course. You can return to the Beach House whenever you want."
Lil Quartz's eyes flickered between the two gems, narrowing in skepticism at the Pearl's incredulous expression towards the fusion.
"...And you'll bring us more feral gems? Including all of the ones in your lava room?" Lil Quartz pressed, leaning forward.
"Yes. Every last one." Garnet nodded, ignoring the scoff of disbelief from Pearl, lightly nudging her behind her. "We'll lead you to the Feral Gems if necessary."
Lil Quartz hummed. "One last thing..." He fixed Garnet with a steely glare, his pink pointed ears folding back. "If I'm going to go through with this alliance, I want to do this on my own pace. No tests, no missions. No more talk of Rose Quartz." He pressed out the final words, focusing his attention on the Pearl who shrank back. "I want to be my own person, and discover things about myself at my own pace. I get it, I have her gem, but that doesn't mean I can live up to her name. I'm my own person. A half-human kid at that! I just... want you to respect that. Okay?"
Pearl wrung her hands, biting her lips. "I... never said you had to live upto her name." The Pearl said after a moment of hesitance. "I just... she would've--"
Garnet nudged Pearl again, giving a nod to him. "Yes. We'll respect your boundaries. And we'll respect your choices." She knelt down onto one knee, to match Lil Quartz's height. "Please believe us. We'll try our best to follow your rules."
Lil Quartz stared at the fusion for a lengthy amount of time before backing up and turning to face the Ferals behind him, gesturing them to huddle closer.
"Lil Q... do you think we can trust them?" Centi asked in a hushed voice. "After what they put you through..."
"Yeah! Especially that Pearl! I don't like the way she looked at us..." Tri-T hissed, one of her many eyes catching sight of the Pearl complaining to Garnet, who stood staring emotionless at the thin gem while Amethyst glared at her tiredly. "She's the one with the spear, right? Shouldn't we poof her first?"
"Think about this carefully, dewdrop." Fluffy cautioned, stealing a glance at the spying Crystal Gems behind her son.
"Guys, we gotta give them a chance. This offer is too good to pass up, and we can save all of those captive Gems I talked about!" Lil Quartz said, his own voice hushed, stealing a glance over his shoulder, then back to his team. "Besides, they're the ones closest to Rose. And they know things about the war. The Pearl especially! She might know things about Rose as well. We need to earn her trust if we're gonna know about who she was."
The three gems exchanged weary glances with each other. "Well... okay. But the first sign of mutiny, we're moving to attack."
Lil Quartz nods, turning to the fusion to deliver his final decision.
"Okay. We have an alliance."
He offered his hand to her, and Garnet gave a large, genuine smile, taking it into both of hers. "Thank you. We promise we'll work together."
Well, that’s the prologue.
Now prepare for scattered events!
Meaning, I won’t be following a straight plot; the events from the show will be scattered at random! Stay tuned!
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fritzmorningstar · 2 months
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Steven Universe: Dragonstone - The Sea and The Dragon (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1432205106-steven-universe-dragonstone-the-sea-and-the-dragon?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Fritz_Morningstar During the gem war the diamonds ordered the creation of a powerful gem to turn the tide of war, the Dragonstone, a gem that was used to destroy and rampage through anything in its way mindlessly and only to follow orders of its peers, but what if a certain Rose Quarts taught him to be his own gem (I DONT OWN ANY OF THE PICS I USE)
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taylor-gold · 4 months
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Grieving the living.
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susie-undertale · 1 year
Holy shit I forgot how terrifying the forced fusions are oh my god nightmare nightmare nightmare
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en8y · 9 months
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garnetigem + fusigarnetic + garneticruptem
[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has three gem shapes, all a very simple black outline, in the center. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: light red, bubblegum pink, and bright yellow. the second flag has these top three colors: bright indigo, warm pink, and very light blue. the third flag has these top three colors: dark teal, warm green, and light yellow-green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, medium red, dull red, and nearly-black red. END ID.]
garnetigem: a gender connected to being a garnet gem; this gender is connected to garnets, garnet aesthetics, gem aesthetics, and being a gem in the steven universe sense!
fusigarnetic: a gender connected to being a garnet fusion; this gender is connected to garnets, garnet aesthetics, fusion aesthetics, and being a fusion in the steven universe sense!
garneticruptem: a gender connected to being a garnet corrupted gem; this gender is connected to garnets, garnet aesthetics, corruption aesthetics, corrupted gem aesthetics, and being a corrupted gem in the steven universe sense!
@neopronouns @revenant-coining @radiomogai
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ask-corrupted-steven · 10 months
Question for Amethyst and Garnet how does it feel that your alliance with the feral gem pack?
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G: I’m just happy Steven- or Lil Quartz is safe.
A: Wish P would loosen up already! This pack rules!
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lazy-obsidian · 6 months
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Corrupted Sugilite
Hey everyone, it's been a while since i posted here, im more active in instagram, you can find me ther as Neto_draws
I am remaking old drawings, like corrupted gems, and i hope you like it!
This is a before (2020) and after (2023)
Im posting here to the followers that don't use instagram and because i miss tumblr sooo bad :')
Anyways, i hope someone see this, if this place still have someone :v
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gracefireheart · 2 months
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Once again, did some fanart of @lenny-link TF2 x SU AU, but tried making more fusions! :]
First one is Andalusite [Heavy + Medic] (who I've drawn before already), second one is Iolite [Cheavy + Medic], and the third one is Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier].
[Below the keep reading line, I'll show off the fourth fusion I drew as well, but ended up just-- disliking to hell and back o(-( Also, some notes and such about each fusion]
First off, here's the fourth fusion I did, which was Cat's Eye Tourmaline [Scout + Sniper]. (Side note: I picked out Tiger's Eye as Sniper's gem)
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After looking at Steven's fusions with other gems (since Scout's a half-human half-gem in this AU fusing with Sniper who's a full gem), I did notice that basically all of them (besides Obsidian) had some kind of oddity to them. Like Smokey Quartz has three arms instead of four or just two, Rainbow 2.0 is the first gem with male pronouns and has a tad bit strange legs, and Sunstone isn't as humanoid as the other (non-corrupted) gems and fusions.
So I wanted to show that off here, but uh, I just ended up giving up on it in the end o(-( Mostly 'cause I had no clue how I wanted to color them based on the Cat's Eye Tourmaline gem, but also 'cause the overall design ended up leaned a bit more towards Sniper's design than I intended it to do.
Anyways, onto the notes for the other fusions.
Andalusite [Heavy + Medic]:
The duo that imo would probably fuse the most out of the TF2 crew, whether for battle or to just relax together (like reading a book or whatever). So with that, Heavy and Medic would have had plenty of time to refine how their fusion would look like, and making sure both of them like how they look together.
For their fusion weapon, I was thinking about them either having something like Garnet's upgraded gauntlets (the ones with spikes jutting out of it's knuckles), or letting the gauntlets have claws or something.
Iolite [Cheavy + Medic]:
I mostly did this one 'cause of one of the drawings in Lenny-Link's original piece, which made me thinking of Lapis and Jasper fusing into Malachite and all that, which lead me to this. I wanted the design to 1. Make it look chaotic due to the two people that are fused here, but also 2. Make it lean a tad more towards Cheavy's looks to make said guy think that he's the one mostly in control of the fusion, only to have Medic take over take over and do something to trap the fusion and/or get them the hell away from the TF2 crew. Something something angst idk lol
Decided to make Cheavy a [blue] Topaz. Since Heavy's a Topaz as well. I don't have any other reason than that :') Also, I placed his gem on the side of his right shoulder.
The eye goggles change color depending on who is in control. If the two weren't fighting for it, it would be one eye blue and one eye magenta. But since they are, whenever Cheavy's in control, the eyes are blue. And whenever Medic's in control, the eyes are magenta.
Ametrine [Demoman + Soldier]:
Originally, I was going to have them be a Morganite, but decided on Ametrine instead as it fit their color scheme more. Also originally, I was going to give them a knight helmet, but I wanted to draw their hair, so I instead gave them a bandana covering their possibly one eye. Possibly.
Assuming Soldier's helmet (with or without the horns) is Soldier's gem weapon like Jasper's helmet, I thought it would be neat if their fusion weapon [(horned) helmet + sword] would be something like a Morningstar, which they would be able to duel-wield without much trouble.
I've got other lil' ideas as well for this AU, like how Jeremy/Scout was the one that gave these gems their nicknames (Spy, Sniper, Engineer, etc.), how Medic grew a fascination for the organic lifeforms of Earth and how exactly they healed/was able to treat their wounds, and how- instead of Spy being all dead and gone Rose Quartz style when Jeremy was born- Spy is a lot weaker than he should be due Jeremy getting half of his gem. But uh-- I don't wanna go too overboard when this ain't even my AU :')
Either way, I'll probably go and relax a bit before drawing some regular TF2 stuff. But I might do some more fanart for this AU whenever I feel up for it. 'Cause genuinely, I love this AU sm <3
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Probably a dumb question, but is that first corrupted gem still in the kindergarten or did the Crystal Gems catch her?
This is a deep pull, but this was actually mentioned in Season 2!
When Garnet and Steven went to the Kindergarten for the first time.
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So yes, Garnet ended up catching her.
Though I imagine that it also involved a lot of Looney Toons hijinks with Ruby and Sapphire, just because that's more fun.
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desolatespring · 1 year
head empty, just thinking about trying to play a rigged drinking game with yan chrollo so he’ll get drunk and you can escape but it backfires completely
Mont la Salle
Ooh I love this idea! I’ve only written one other yandere work before so bear with me on this one 😭
CW: blood/light gore, mentions of alcohol, implied kidnapping, religious imagery, implied female reader, and Chrollo being Chrollo
You sit on the steps leading up to the altar, the torn carpet doing nothing to shield you from the cold and rotting wood beneath.
“I offered you a seat next to me.” Chrollo remarks when he sees you shiver once again. Leering over your shoulder you see him sprawled on the priests celebrant chair behind you. His legs extended outwards before him. He seems almost pleasantly surprised when you stand up and walk towards him, his posture straightening in response.
“I’ll make a deal with you.” Short, sweet, and to the point was the best way you’ve found to communicate with Chrollo. The less you said the less he had to pick apart and dissect. “If you can make yourself useful and pick a lock for me, I will sit with you.”
Chrollo tilts his head in thought, most likely trying to figure out if unlocking anything will offer you a means of escape. When he finds no way of it aiding you he stands up. “Lead the way.”
He follows you to the church’s ambry; two full bottles of garnet tinted sacramental wine sat collecting dust behind the locked door. Chrollo shakes his head with a curt laugh. “You bribe me so you can steal altar wine. Have I corrupted you, dear?”
You cross your arms over your chest and purse your lips. “Are you opening it or not?” Another tactic you’ve found useful when asking for something of Chrollo is to be blunt. He’s less likely to tease you when you’ve been forthcoming, and you suspect, he’s intrigued by your boldness. Not many people are willing to try and push their limits with him.
Chrollo presses his hand lightly against your temple as he plucks a bobby-pin from your hair. He straightens the pin and makes quick work of picking the lock. Once opened he grabs a bottle of wine and brings it back to the altar. His eyes skirt across the label and he seems satisfied with his findings. He fishes a small blade from his pocket, the sharpened piece of silver pops the cork out with ease.
Chrollo places his right hand on the small of your back and ushers you towards his chair. Sitting down with the now opened, aged bottle of wine in hand, Chrollo deftly pulls you onto his lap. Clearly taking full advantage of your agreed upon seating arrangement. You’re unable to hide your grimace when the hand on your back snakes around and finds its home on your waist.
“I hope you like pomegranate and plum, my love.” The wine sounds almost as sickeningly sweet as the pet name. As the bottle reaches Chrollo’s lips you can’t help but piece together some noteworthy information.
There’s enough wine here to get him at least a little buzzed no matter how high his tolerance is, there’s no other troupe members around, and you aren’t currently confined with any restraints. If you’re going to make a break for it this may be your only chance.
You’re so deep in thought it takes you a moment to notice him passing you the bottle. You look up and see the deep cherry red it’s staining his lips. If any other personality were attached to the man before you, you might’ve been tempted to lick it off. The porcelain skin, grey pouty eyes, and shaggy black hair were enough to pull you in when you’d first met.
Now you’re stuck forcing a smile before taking a few small sips. Only drink enough to feel confident in your plan.
As the first bottle slowly empties, the vast majority of it going to Chrollo, you feel his fingertips creep along the fishnets under your shorts, gently tugging and slipping under them when he pleases. He always gets so handsy after a few drinks. You will yourself not to push his hand away, as it’ll only reveal how little you’ve had to drink if you start resisting him now.
When the second bottle is opened you take a few more sips, slightly bigger this time. Being so close to him you realize you underestimated how much you’d need to drink to build any semblance of courage.
When Chrollo’s eyelids droop the slightest amount and the touches on your thigh become less coordinated, now fueled with more hunger than passion, you excuse yourself to the restroom. You’re painfully aware he’ll only allow himself to get so inebriated in front of you, never wanting to lose his self control. This is the closest to an opportunity you’ll ever receive.
You climb from off his lap, and begin heading for the narrow staircase that leads to the bathroom, making sure to give your most convincing stumble along the way. Once the door to the stairwell shuts behind you, you drop the act and move quickly to the bathroom while still keeping your footfalls and breathing as soft as possible.
Now inside you shut the door. Clicking both the dead bolt and knob lock into place. You immediately head for the window which is just above eye level. To your relief the glass has already been shattered presumably due to the weather or past vandals, leaving only the screen intact. Picking up the largest shard of glass you can find, you hastily cut a hole in the screen before grabbing onto the windowsill and hoisting yourself up.
The sharp glass stings as it cuts into your palms but you ignore the pain to the best of your ability, knowing you only have so much time to act. Your arms shake as you pull yourself up and through the window. Cool mossy pavement offers your burning hands enough relief for you to pull the rest of your body through, careful not to cut yourself any further.
Once you’ve crawled out you stand up on the concrete, pausing just long enough to retrieve the glass shard from earlier and give the briefest look around to ensure Chrollo isn’t already outside and waiting for you. Feeling as if the coast is clear you begin running at a full sprint towards the woods, thinking it’ll hide you the best. You occasionally stumble over your own two feet as they refuse to move as fast as you’d like.
As you break through the tree line the first tendrils of hope begin to seep into you. There’s no way he can see you with the branches shrouding your figure.
Your right leg comes forward to jump over a fallen log and your hope vanishes just as quickly as it came. You gasp as your back hits the hard forest floor, leaves doing nothing to cushion your blow. By the time your lungs are ready to take in air again Chrollo’s already hoisting you off the ground and tossing you over his shoulder.
The speed at which everything unfolded leaves your neck stiff and your head reeling. It isn’t until you go to stab at him with the glass you realize you dropped it in your fall. With the last bit of fight you have left in you, you punch and thrash in Chrollo’s grasp, clawing at anything you fingers come in contact with.
Chrollo remains silent as he carries you effortlessly back towards the church despite all your frantic thrashing. By the time he gets you inside the cuts on your palms have reopened and your finger nails are chipped and bleeding from the strength you were using to scratch at him.
Chrollo less than gracefully pulls you off of his shoulder, gripping both your wrists in one of his hands, the other opening the door to the confessional booth before shutting himself in it with you. He places you on the bench, effectively holding you in place before leaning closer to you. “Now why don’t you start by telling me exactly what you had planned? And don’t forget to ask for my forgiveness.”
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the-stolen-century · 5 months
Raine and Eda's gem fusion (TOH / Steven Universe crossover)
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Their fusion dance is just the scene in Eda's Requiem where they play their instruments back-to-back, but then they glow and fuse - but continue playing, because now they have 4 arms, Raine's arms on top playing the violin and Eda's arms on the bottom playing the cittern.
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Their combined gem is sphene/titanite - base colour gold (eda) with green (raine) and red (both of them) sparkles. More designs and AU description under the cut:
Separate designs for them (Eda is big and shaped like Garnet because she's a fusion between Eda and the corrupted Owlbeast. Her harpy form is the harmonious fusion that happens after the Owlbeast's corruption is healed):
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Alt design for the fusion, with merged/faceted eyes instead of separate ones - I just love how perfectly Eda's pointy eyes fit under Raine's round ones!
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I imagine their combined personality might be like a rock star, because Eda's brashness and showmanship overpower Raine's stage fright, so they can finally be a star musician together. I love to think about how elated they would be after their first performance!
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Plot (?):
So titans can travel through space, just because they're so magical. Several hundred years ago a titan arrived on earth to hide from the Archivists, carrying with it a lot of refugees from its original planet. The titan died, exhausted by the stress of the trip, but the refugees whom he protected survived and started a new life. They are protected by shielding magic from curious humans. They are a little different from the witches and demons of the boiling isles - they're gem-based lifeforms who form visible bodies around their gems, and they have very long lifespans.
One summer, Luz the human (obsessed with gems and magic) accidentally goes through a portal that Eda has made, ends up on the island and decides to live there instead of summer camp.  She meets Eda, whose gem has become fused with the corrupted gem of the Owlbeast, so sometimes the Owlbeast takes control of their shared body.
Luz becomes best friends with King (King is basically Steven and doesn't know he's actually a titan/diamond), who didn't have any friends before her because nobody has seen his type of gem before so everyone thinks he's weird. (The gem society in Steven Universe is kind of obsessed with roles, ranks and hierarchies, so seeing an unknown gem is unsettling). She basically becomes Connie to King's Steven (non-romantic, lol).
Luz has some adventures learning about the island. She gets to know Willow, who is an "overcooked" jasper and insecure about it just like Amethyst, but v. powerful once Luz helps her overcome the insecurity. And Gus and Amity.
Meanwhile, on the titan’s home planet, Belos (not a human in this AU) has formed a deal with the Archivists to be allowed to rule the planet in a way that the Archivists approve of in exchange for trying to find the escaped titan. And now they have found earth somehow. Raine, who leads an underground rebellion against Belos, manages to be the one sent to earth. Unfortunately for them, Belos sends Hunter (Belos’s pearl - Hunter has big pearl energy, right?) along with them.
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Once they arrive on earth Raine keeps trying to secretly sabotage Hunter’s attempts to find the island so they can find it first themselves and warn everyone.Don't know how that goes, but eventually they find Eda - maybe even in the human world and not on the island? So they finally meet again after a long time. Back then she was too afraid to tell them she's a fusion but now she doesn't give a fuck, which leads to them rekindling their relationship!
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