en8y · 19 minutes
btw by role systems i mean the systems themselves (prince, princess, royal, etc). im nowhere near done posting genders
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en8y · 32 minutes
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en8y · 1 hour
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull cool blue, golden yellow, and magenta. the second flag has these top three colors: cool green, pastel yellow, and light warm green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, bright red, dark green, and medium warm grey. END ID.]
rusthemaemuse: a gender connected to being a rust caste muse; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, muse aesthetics, artistic aesthetics, musical aesthetics, and being inspired!
rusthemaelord: a gender connected to being a rust caste lord; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, lord aesthetics, being in power or authority, and being gendervir!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai
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en8y · 3 hours
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark warm purple, bright orange, and medium warm purple. the second flag has these top three colors: dark maroon, warm dark grey, and desaturated dark green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, bright red, dark green, and medium warm grey. END ID.]
rusthemaewitch: a gender connected to being a rust caste witch; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, magic aesthetics, witch aesthetics, dark magic aesthetics, and occultarity!
knirusthemaec: a gender connected to being a rust caste knight; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, military aesthetics, knight aesthetics, and rankhood.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai
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en8y · 4 hours
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
[PT/Whumpeewitch/end PT]
A whumpeegender & witch system term related to being a whumpee and being a witch, a witch whumpee character in a whump media, and so on for gender reasons. Connection to whump, magic, and witch aesthetics,
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[ID/A rectangular flag of 9 uneven horizontal stripes. The stripes are four medium stripe, one big stripe, and four medium stripes in size. The colors go from top to bottom as dark purple, yellow, dark plum, faded lilacy purple, cream, violet, light purple, faded plum, and tomato red./end ID]
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[ID/A dark red line with gold lining and a repeating star and half moon pattern./end ID]
Etymology; whumpee + witch
Requested by none.
Witch system by @/8nby
Taglist; @obscurian @radiomogai
[ 📁 post link ]
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en8y · 4 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark blue, warm medium green, and teal. the second flag has these top three colors: forest green, medium purple, and white. the third flag has these top three colors: dull orange, warm light purple, and deep blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, bright red, dark green, and medium warm grey. END ID.]
rusthemaethief: a gender connected to being a rust caste thief, or a thieving rustblood; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, thief aesthetics, and thievery!
rusthemaeheir: a gender connected to being a rust caste heir; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, heir aesthetics, and being genderqueer!
rusthemaebard: a gender connected to being a rust caste bard; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, bard aesthetics, music and musical aesthetics, being silly or goofy, and MUSiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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en8y · 5 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull green, warm grey, and dull yellow-orange. the second flag has these top three colors: medium green, dark cool green, and deep purple. the third flag has these top three colors: bright purple, bright cool pink, and bright teal. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, bright red, dark green, and medium warm grey. END ID.]
rusthemaerogue: a gender connected to being a rust caste rogue; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, rogue aesthetics, chaoticness, and xenzh genders!
rusthemaesylph: a gender connected to being a rust caste sylph; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, sylph aesthetics, elemental, airy, or ethereal aesthetics, and nadelvinity!
rusthemaeseer: a gender connected to being a rust caste seer; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, fortune-telling or prophetic aesthetics, and oracrinity!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai
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en8y · 6 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: cool medium blue, light warm blue, and off-white. the second flag has these top three colors: medium deep blue, dark navy blue, and cool medium brown. the third flag has these top three colors: neon teal, medium cool blue, and warm deep purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, bright red, dark green, and medium warm grey. END ID.]
rusthemaemaid: a gender connected to being a rust caste maid; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, maid aesthetics, cleaning and organizing, femininity, and cleancore!
rusthemaepage: a gender connected to being a rust caste page; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, page aesthetics, training aesthetics, knighthood aesthetics, and knightcore!
rusthemaemage: a gender connected to being a rust caste mage; this gender is connected to the rust caste's societal role, rust caste aesthetics, mage aesthetics, magic and magical aesthetics, and MAGiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @honey-makes-mogai
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en8y · 7 hours
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the void aspect symbol in the center; a dark blue shape made of six curved lines, none of which are touching or connected. it is outlined in medium blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull cool blue, golden yellow, and magenta. the second flag has these top three colors: cool green, pastel yellow, and light warm green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium blue, off-white, medium blue, dull blue, deep blue, and dark blue. END ID.]
voidasimuse: a gender connected to being a muse of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, muse aesthetics, artistic aesthetics, musical aesthetics, and being inspired!
voidasilord: a gender connected to being a lord of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, lord aesthetics, being in power or authority, and being gendervir!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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en8y · 8 hours
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the void aspect symbol in the center; a dark blue shape made of six curved lines, none of which are touching or connected. it is outlined in medium blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark warm purple, bright orange, and medium warm purple. the second flag has these top three colors: dark maroon, warm dark grey, and desaturated dark green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium blue, off-white, medium blue, dull blue, deep blue, and dark blue. END ID.]
voidasiwitch: a gender connected to being a witch of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, magic aesthetics, witch aesthetics, dark magic aesthetics, and occultarity!
knivoidasic: a gender connected to being a knight of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, military aesthetics, knight aesthetics, and rankhood.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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en8y · 9 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the void aspect symbol in the center; a dark blue shape made of six curved lines, none of which are touching or connected. it is outlined in medium blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark blue, warm medium green, and teal. the second flag has these top three colors: forest green, medium purple, and white. the third flag has these top three colors: dull orange, warm light purple, and deep blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium blue, off-white, medium blue, dull blue, deep blue, and dark blue. END ID.]
voidasithief: a gender connected to being a thief of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, thief aesthetics, and thievery!
voidasiheir: a gender connected to being an heir of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, heir aesthetics, and being genderqueer!
voidasibard: a gender connected to being a bard of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, bard aesthetics, music and musical aesthetics, being silly or goofy, and MUSiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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en8y · 10 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the void aspect symbol in the center; a dark blue shape made of six curved lines, none of which are touching or connected. it is outlined in medium blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull green, warm grey, and dull yellow-orange. the second flag has these top three colors: medium green, dark cool green, and deep purple. the third flag has these top three colors: bright purple, bright cool pink, and bright teal. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium blue, off-white, medium blue, dull blue, deep blue, and dark blue. END ID.]
voidasirogue: a gender connected to being a rogue of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, rogue aesthetics, chaoticness, and xenzh genders!
voidasylph: a gender connected to being a sylph of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, sylph aesthetics, elemental, airy, or ethereal aesthetics, and nadelvinity!
voidaseer: a gender connected to being a seer of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, fortune-telling or prophetic aesthetics, and oracrinity!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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en8y · 11 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the void aspect symbol in the center; a dark blue shape made of six curved lines, none of which are touching or connected. it is outlined in medium blue. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: cool medium blue, light warm blue, and off-white. the second flag has these top three colors: medium deep blue, dark navy blue, and cool medium brown. the third flag has these top three colors: neon teal, medium cool blue, and warm deep purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: medium blue, off-white, medium blue, dull blue, deep blue, and dark blue. END ID.]
voidasimaid: a gender connected to being a maid of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, maid aesthetics, cleaning and organizing, femininity, and cleancore!
voidasipage: a gender connected to being a page of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, page aesthetics, training aesthetics, knighthood aesthetics, and knightcore!
voidasimage: a gender connected to being a mage of void; this gender is connected to the void aspect, void aspect aesthetics, mage aesthetics, magic and magical aesthetics, and MAGiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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en8y · 12 hours
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the time aspect symbol in the center; a bright red gear. it is outlined in dark red. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull cool blue, golden yellow, and magenta. the second flag has these top three colors: cool green, pastel yellow, and light warm green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, medium-dark red, medium red, and bright red. END ID.]
timeasimuse: a gender connected to being a muse of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, muse aesthetics, artistic aesthetics, musical aesthetics, and being inspired!
timeasilord: a gender connected to being a lord of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, lord aesthetics, being in power or authority, and being gendervir!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @plutobie
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en8y · 13 hours
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[IMAGE ID: two horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the time aspect symbol in the center; a bright red gear. it is outlined in dark red. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark warm purple, bright orange, and medium warm purple. the second flag has these top three colors: dark maroon, warm dark grey, and desaturated dark green. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, medium-dark red, medium red, and bright red. END ID.]
timeasiwitch: a gender connected to being a witch of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, magic aesthetics, witch aesthetics, dark magic aesthetics, and occultarity!
knightimeasic: a gender connected to being a knight of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, military aesthetics, knight aesthetics, and rankhood.
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @plutobie
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en8y · 14 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the time aspect symbol in the center; a bright red gear. it is outlined in dark red. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dark blue, warm medium green, and teal. the second flag has these top three colors: forest green, medium purple, and white. the third flag has these top three colors: dull orange, warm light purple, and deep blue-purple. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, medium-dark red, medium red, and bright red. END ID.]
timeasithief: a gender connected to being a thief of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, thief aesthetics, and thievery!
timeasiheir: a gender connected to being an heir of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, heir aesthetics, and being genderqueer!
timeasibard: a gender connected to being a bard of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, bard aesthetics, music and musical aesthetics, being silly or goofy, and MUSiN genders!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine
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en8y · 15 hours
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes; each flag has the time aspect symbol in the center; a bright red gear. it is outlined in dark red. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag has these top three colors: dull green, warm grey, and dull yellow-orange. the second flag has these top three colors: medium green, dark cool green, and deep purple. the third flag has these top three colors: bright purple, bright cool pink, and bright teal. each flag has these bottom six stripes: dark red, off-white, dark red, medium-dark red, medium red, and bright red. END ID.]
timeasirogue: a gender connected to being a rogue of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, rogue aesthetics, chaoticness, and xenzh genders!
timeasylph: a gender connected to being a sylph of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, sylph aesthetics, elemental, airy, or ethereal aesthetics, and nadelvinity!
timeaseer: a gender connected to being a seer of time; this gender is connected to the time aspect, time aspect aesthetics, fortune-telling or prophetic aesthetics, and oracrinity!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @plutobie
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